Jordan who?
Until this evening, I had never heard of professor Jordan Peterson. Thanks to these idiots bringing international attention to his ideas, I have now though. There’s a lot of fascinating stuff here. According to Wikipedia, his research interests include self-deception, mythology, religion, narrative, neuroscience, personality, deception, creativity, intelligence, and motivation.
Note: Jordan Peterson has made some new fans tonight. I subscribed to his YouTube channel.
This is so depressing. I weep for the future. @jordanbpeterson at @McMasterU.
cc: @joerogan @SamHarrisOrg @RubinReport pic.twitter.com/s3lkEDnd8N
— Lalo Dagach (@LaloDagach) March 17, 2017
A godly man.
Can we all see where this is going? Race is but a facet of this.
Would you shout this down? What kind of person would do that?
Self vs Logos the next (and final?) battle.
Logos and Arta are practically synonymous, for those who have heard me use the second term preferentially.
Guys like Jordan are our best weapons. There are natural born genetical liberal, root cause to all problems. Modern science offers great help to smoke them out and how to deal with them.
Finish off liberals and jew and everybody else are powerless. Hungary and Poland are examples and best example is tiny poor Macedonia who successfully fights back both Soros and immigrants. No liberals, no boots on the ground and even almighty Soros is powerless.
As much as I understand American’s love for Dugin’s sloganeering, there are much better Russian intellectuals, who do not peddle Eurasionist crap, but are genuine nationalists, like Sergey Sergeev or Valeriy Solovey
Are there any links that you would recommend?
I could but they are mostly in Russian. Without knowing it your best bet is probably a book called Race and Racism in Russia by Nikolai Zakharov which gives some sort of synopsis of their thoughts English.
I don’t care for Dugin’s Eurasianism, either. However, I like the basic concept of Multipolarism. And some of his slogans and precepts that apply to Leftism. I also like the fact that the average Leftist stooge has never heard of him.
True enough, no argument here.
Mr Owen,
Don’t you—in honour of Dr Peterson—have something on the topic of Canadian liberalism?
Yes. Canada has, for a long time, been a country busy legislating itself out of existence. It’s only a matter of time before they declare their own existence illegal, because it offends the Chinese, Japanese and Injuns who are taking over their country.
About sums up.
Just seeking clarity between Liberalism and Leftists. Do you think there is a chance that Dugin could be referring to American Liberalism in the sense of Classical Liberalism (Kind of the American Libertarianism model)? If the quote said American “Leftists” I could readily agree, but knowing how we in America use the term “liberal” in a different way than the rest of the world, I need clarity. I don’t know enough about the rest of Dugin’s work to be able to infer his meaning.
I think he means it in the modern sense, wherein Liberalism is synonymous with Leftism.
Makes sense that they would protest him, he researches self deception and SJWs and their entire ideology is a deception, having someone studying their underlying nature is clearly a danger.
As soon as I saw the picture of this white academic, with the slope-headed Negro female, and the Xenos Pakistani male student, I knew he was doomed. (((They))) don’t belong in a White man’s institution- the university! Universities are for people with intellects! If nonwhites want to better themselves, let them go to colleges and universities in their own countries.
Here’s one of my favorite professors. You got to watch this it’s very short and very amusing. Phillipe Rushton
That was satisfying.
When is Trump going to defund universities that are enemies of free speech? He must be a fake president.
Feels like a war basically..
When they say are you racist. Then by their admission there’s a biology difference of evolution not only in skin color but in every aspect of organs.
Lord, it’s like watching a civilized man attempt to communicate with animals in the zoo. Why bother?
I first came across Jordan Peterson about a year ago, searching youtube for lectures on Jungian personality theory. I noticed other vids in which he spoke out in favor of free speech, so I began paying closer attention. We need many, many more academics who know the score regarding SJW delusions to speak out; for now, they’re still intimidated.