The Ivanka Doctrine

Rex Tillerson described the Ivanka Doctrine in Italy this morning:

“The U.S. will stand up against anyone who commits crimes against humanity, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Monday, less than a week after Washington launched missile strikes in response to an alleged Syrian chemical attack.

“We rededicate ourselves to holding to account any and all who commit crimes against the innocents anywhere in the world,” Tillerson told reporters while commemorating a German Nazi massacre committed in Italy in 1944. …”

As Haley and Tillerson have been saying, there’s “a new sheriff in town.” We have a “responsibility to protect” innocents “anywhere in the world.” We will hold all the evil doers to account. Gulp.

In foreign capitals, Ivanka’s emotions are being discussed as a determining factor in American foreign policy. What does international law or sovereignty matter compare to feels?

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So when are we invading Saudi Arabia? They hang gays, chop heads and hands off for almost any old thing!

    There’s so many human rights violations all over the planet, we’ll be “America F*** Yeah!” for centuries.

  2. I’m starting to think the real candidate was in plain sight, all along. Kushner.

  3. When are they invading South Africa? The racist fuzzies are committing crimes against humanity by killing whites, and targeting them for the colour of their skin.

  4. Kushner works on Ivanka regarding everything Israel where there is some resistance. He fills her mind morning, noon, and night. She only thinks about her Jewish children and what decisions will affect them.

    “Therefore, the Jew knows that his first task, upon arriving in a gentile community, is to subvert and take over its government, and to paralyse the people with subtle injections
    of poison, so that they become helpless and unable to defend themselves. Thus, the Jew begins agitation to set up a “progressive” government, also known as a “popular front”, a
    “democratic” government, a “people’s” government, a “liberal” government, and all of these are synonyms for the Jewish government, which will protect the presence of the parasite
    and guard it against the anger of the exploited gentiles.”
    (c) 1968 The Biological Jew, Eustace Mullins, Page 40

  5. As much as Ivanka and Kushner are against our interests and Trump’s campaign stance, it would be foolish to believe these stories that are intended to make Trump seem like a senile old fool. Whatever influence the Kushners have on Trump, they are convenient targets to distract us from the unelected, unaccountable mafia that really controls the government and dictates policy.

  6. ‘The U.S. will stand up against anyone who commits crimes against humanity, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’

    Then, I reckon y’all ought start taking a stand against y’allselves and start bombing Pennsylvania Avenue…

  7. @JohnBonaccorsi…

    ‘I’m starting to think the real candidate was in plain sight, all along. Kushner.’

    He was, John – Jeb Bush with a blintz…

  8. It seems that Ivanka is President Trump’s psychick wife.

    And, that so, he won’t be the first king to pull strings to please his queen.

    This kind of stuff has been going on a very long time.

  9. Oops. I didn’t mean to end that comment. Has Ivanka met with any Right-To-Life people? A proChoice person wringing hands about killing babies? In a GOP administration.

    Lou Dobbs went after Kushner and Ivanka by name last night. People with little real world experience shouldn’t be advising a president.

  10. @James Owen
    Speaking of talk radio/TV – My count so far is Michael Savage, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Lou Dobbs not on board with a Syria adventure. Ann Coulter, too. I’ve heard Savage, Jones and Dobbs go right at Ivanka and Kushner.

    Yes, a lot of them are “performing” but they have a feel for what their audience is thinking.

  11. G7 rejects new sanctions in Russia and Syria, says inquiry is needed; translation: everyone knows it was a false flag.

    Trump is an evil liar who’s evil will not be limited to this issue.

    He disavowed us; we’ve disavowed him.

  12. Seems this thing against Syria may have been planned for a while, it looks to me more as if the Neocons finally got something on Trump and blackmailed him into doing this, such a sudden about face knowing full well mid east war is going to derail his plans to put middle America back to work. No money for an infrastructure bill, or tax cuts, or even time to fight any domestic policy battles. On the other hand maybe it’s true that the Syrians really did use gas.

  13. Unfortunately, President Trump seems to be following his Jewish convert daughter’s universalist Jewish ethics that has Jews butt into the business of people unlike them to try to improve the world according to Jewish lights.

    At first glance, such universalist ethics sound good and righteous. However, as they play out in the real world they inevitably lead to the genocide (via miscegenation) of distinct peoples and especially Whites while still allowing Jews to remain a distinct people largely due to the orthodox Jewish law that one can only be a Jew by being born of a Jewish mother.

    In other words, Jews remain a people by genetics, but they try to deny genetic integrity to others and especially to Whites. Of course, Jews will often point to the infrequent convert such as Trump’s daughter or to a few Black Jews from Africa to say that Jews are of all races. In reality, the gene flow from these few non-Jew Jews is minimal and is easily washed out in a few generations.

    Frankly, President Trump’s specific words justifying his attack on Syria sounded as though they came directly from the Talmud and one has to wonder if he is converting to Judaism.

  14. @ JPS “Rand was a weak candidate and he would be under the same influences.”

    Ron Paul was also viewed as weak yet he continued to be the only Congressman that consistently voted based on the Constitution. But, like Trump, Ron and Rand Paul would have had their traitor within in the form of Jesse Benton. Seriously, Rand Paul would have received face to face death threats. Jury still out so not sure if they needed to do that with Trump.

  15. “In other words, Jews remain a people by genetics, but they try to deny genetic integrity to others and especially to Whites.”

    Stop this nonsense. Their gene pool is about as pure as yellow snow. Jared’s branch of the Kushner Klan Tree just got injected with a healthy dose of Shabez Goi.

  16. Wow, this is really happening. The Jewish first daughter’s “feels” are determining military action that could escalate in to another Iraq or a confrontation with Russia. I will be posting this on my Google Profile.
    America is fading away. White Nationalists need to be preparing to survive the inevitable collapse, and rebuild in a way to preserve our people.

  17. “What did Spicer SAY?”

    He blurted out that the goal is to destabilize Syria, then he tried to correct himself. No surprise there.

  18. Unless there is a plan unfolding that we are not privy to and what we are witnessing can be taken at face value it has nothing at all to do with Ivanka.

    The neocons who engineered the destabilization of Iraq and Libya have Syria in their gun sights and Iran would be next for the greater good of Israel.

    Any nations in the way be damned.

    This has been in the works long before Trump came along.

    Ivanka’s concern over gassed baby pictures provides a convenient excuse for intervention.

    Wikileaks revealed an e-mail of Hillary Clinton’s in which said the goal was to take down Iran after regime change in Syria for the security of Israel.

    I can’t recall the exact phrasing, will try to find it.

  19. Why are the israel Firsters and the neo-Cons (often the same people) applauding the attack on Syria? Simple. Israel wants to have Syria partitioned so they can boot the Palestinians there where they can try to establish a new Palestine. Then, Israel can expand into the present Palestine.

    This is also why these same Israel Firsters, et al, keep trying to get the U.S. into a war with Russia–Russia is keeping Syria from falling.

  20. PS “JBI,” of course, applies to Ivanka only if Trump and family are not cryptos. That idea, of crypto-Judaism across generations, is odd–to me, at least. If an individual were masking his or her Judaism, I wouldn’t be surprised; and in fact, I wouldn’t really be surprised by crypto-Judiasm across generations in situations in which, say, Judaism were proscribed. That the Judaism of a family, across generations, in a wide-open society, so to speak, such as the United States, would never, in any sort of public way, be mentioned by them is, well, not impossible, I guess–but it would be a remarkable act of will.

  21. I want to introduce OD readers to some New York, New Jersey filthy rich Jewish American culture, language and stop.

    Trump’s daughter has now married or just moved in to this elite, filthy rich – New York, New Jersey Jewish world.

    Trump’s daughter is what is called a “JAP” a Jewish American Princess.

    These Japs infiltrate the North East and also Florida societies where rich Jewish people hang out.

    The JAPS are spoiled rich brats.

    Here’s a JAP joke:

    Q: “What’s a JAP’s favorite Wine”?
    A: “Daddy I want to go to Florida”

  22. “Seems this thing against Syria may have been planned for a while, it looks to me more as if the Neocons finally got something on Trump and blackmailed him into doing this”

    I respond:

    I don’t think it’s blackmail, more like Trump’s daughter wanting to get back in good graces with New York/New Jersey Jewish society.

    Donald Trump used to host Saturday Night Live – he got tired of being always abused by Saturday Night Live. Trump just figured this one US Missile attack would stop the New York/Hollywood media for hating on him for being a puppet of Vladimir Putin – starting a major war with Russia sort of counters the line that Trump is a buddy, buddy with Putin.

    This really, really, sucks.

  23. Afterthought writes:

    “How many people will have to die because Rand Paul marketed himself as a Detroit Republican?”

    I respond:

    Rand Paul wasn’t going to win anything in US Presidential campaigns anyway. Libertarian, Constitutionalist, economic conservatives never, ever win anything in US Presidential campaigns.

    This cult keeps trotting out every 4 years, trying to repackage …


    American voters have rejected Libertarian, economic Conservative Presidential candidates for over 100 years – they always have, they always will.

    Read George Lincoln Rockwell’s observations in ~ 1966 after the Goldwater debacle .

    Trying to sell poor and working class White Americans Libertarianism, economic conservatism is like trying to sell Ice Cubes to Eskimos

    Meanwhile this week the hideous Andrew Cuomo Lib Leftist Democrats are offering New York State voters free, absolutely free College tuition to anyone and everyone and this will supposedly transform every ghetto hood rat, every “undocumented” , Syrian and Somalian war refugee into a Mark Zuckerberg $ millionaire!

    Imagine that – free college tuition and maybe a $70,000 a year government job and the only opposition is some Rand Paul Libertarian who wants to end all government programs and let the “free market” maybe supply some $1 an hour handyman jobs.

  24. Imagine that – free college tuition and maybe a $70,000 a year government job and the only opposition is some Rand Paul Libertarian who wants to end all government programs and let the “free market” maybe supply some $1 an hour handyman jobs.

    No matter what the credentials after someone’s name, a slave is still a slave, forever.

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