We have arrived in an unexpected place.
The Trump era which lasted from June 2015 until April 2017 is over. After almost two years, it feels good to be back in the streets, rebuilding our network and moving forward. In the last month, I have been at events in Auburn, AL, Pikeville, KY and New Orleans, LA, which is a new record for me.
We’re having popular front rallies now where everyone comes to square off with antifas in street confrontations. These rallies include the Alt-Right, Southern Nationalists and White Nationalists. They are being livestreamed to thousands of people with Periscope and Facebook Live.
It’s amazing how this just sort of happened. I think it is a symptom of disillusionment with “mainstream” politics. We’re shifting from the internet to the real world and from politics to culture. The energy that was harnessed by the Trump campaign is finding a new outlet in the streets.
What do you think? Where is this going?
Note: I understand there are more of these events on the horizon.
That statue was probably put up by a couple wealthy (((Germans))) or whatnot in the town to commemorate their people defeating the Missouri State Guard. Some of them mustve come to Texas after the war to exploit the local population. Like I said from what I read the Yankees who usually came to the South, including Texas following the war and the Immigrants were usually an urban phenomenon. If you look in a book that lists churches from say 1890 or something, you’ll find them. Southern men stayed in the countryside.
The Georgia Guidestones in Elberton, Georgia I hear are a nice place to picnic drink beer, go necking, and pee. That’s what the local boys do to them. Use those Union monuments for moments in which you have to go speak to Mother nature
@Bob Sykes…
‘You need to form an alliance with northern Whites, otherwise you are lost.’
We had such an alliance. It was called the Union®. However, the Northern people wanted to be the superior party in what was supposed to be contract between equals. They still do. They simply have different interests from those of the Southern people. Which are incongruous.
@ Junius Daniel
“It’s part of what will be a decade long battle to reawaken the Southern White Race, and the resulting reaffirmation that we cannot expect non-Southerners and those in Washington to protect our sovereignty, that we must endlessly assert it ourselves.”
This has been an ongoing problem for Northerners who are aligned with Southerners. I saw it with The League of the South. There are many Yankee-born folks who will defend the South more than many Southrons will themselves. I know you are probably referring to the Establishment scags but please define it properly. Many in the North feel exactly the same way you do. We’re just been under their thumb longer.
Correction: The Jews wanted to be the superior party in what was supposed to be a contract between two equals.
The American Revolution was a doomed revolt by the aryan middle class against the Judeo-Roman-Masonic oligarchy.
The Civil War was more a bickerfest between elements of the latter.
The Jews won.
How on earth people on here could have watched Trump fake out the Southerners with his ‘anti-banker’ blah blah BS and still posit ‘Yankees’ as their foe is beyond me.
James Owen’s governor has recently pushed through a law in Texas criminalizing BDS boycotts. He came out with some obscene classic Texas Zionist declaration of unending servitude to Israel.
Yet it’s the ‘Northerners’ who are tyrannizing the South.
@James Owen…
@Bob Sykes…
‘You need to form an alliance with northern Whites, otherwise you are lost.’
‘We had such an alliance. It was called the Union®. However, the Northern people wanted to be the superior party in what was supposed to be contract between equals. They still do. They simply have different interests from those of the Southern people. Which are incongruous.’
I totally agree, Mr. Owen.
30-1 odds Mr. Sykes is a Yankee.
Because I cannot tell you how many times they tell the Southern Man, in umpteen zillion ways, that, ‘without us, you guys, down there, will never make it.’
You know, Mr. Owen : sometimes I think they need to be reminded one of the numerous things we do well, without their help – and that is shoot…
‘@ Junius Daniel
“It’s part of what will be a decade long battle to reawaken the Southern White Race, and the resulting reaffirmation that we cannot expect non-Southerners and those in Washington to protect our sovereignty, that we must endlessly assert it ourselves.”
This has been an ongoing problem for Northerners who are aligned with Southerners. I saw it with The League of the South. There are many Yankee-born folks who will defend the South more than many Southrons will themselves. I know you are probably referring to the Establishment scags but please define it properly. Many in the North feel exactly the same way you do. We’re just been under their thumb longer.
You are right, Snow, that there are some really good and fierce Yankees. I’ve said this, myself, hundreds of times; and you are right, as well, that they are a lot of very very slack Southerners.
That said, we, collectively, of The South, cannot leave our matters for other peoples to decide. We must handle them ourselves, AND, if we receive some help from some of y’all we will do our best to reciprocate.
In North Carolina three state senators introducet a bill striking down the illegality of contemplating secession, a bill which Washington D.C. forcet us, to adopt, and which was passt by our Negro and Republican Scalawag White legislature in 1866.
Of those three senators, two are Yankee transplants!
So, when I speak against Yankee culture, please bear in mind that it is NOT directed at you, Jack Ryan, Miss Denise, Joe Putnam, Father John, et al, but, at the culture in general.
James Owen’s governor has recently pushed through a law in Texas criminalizing BDS boycotts. He came out with some obscene classic Texas Zionist declaration of unending servitude to Israel.’
That may be, Onceler, but Governor Abbot and Lt. Governor Patrick have been at the very forefront of resurgent States’s Rights’ issues, and in bold denunciations of The Empire in Washington D.C.
@James Owen…
That’s a great idea, but, where are these so-called Union monuments that we ought remove?
There are several in Georgia and various other states. For instance, there’s one to Union General Lyon, in Denison, Tx, for some reason. He never got any closer to Texas than Missouri. Every few years, kids deface it. It’s in a civilian cemetery outside of town.
I see. I’m sorry to hear that.
‘Authentic nationalists need to recognize that ‘race’ is the way jews have manipulated us into self-loathing and supplication. ‘
With all due respect : where have you been?
We’ve figured that out, and not recently, either.
“What do you think? Where is this going?”
With all due respect, Junius, I think you’re still not getting it.
I’ve said many times we need all the pro Whites we can get. Yankees, Nazis, 1488, hell I’ll even take the bronies if they’re pro White. It also seems to me, like Hunter, the left understands nothing but violence and power. Therefore we need to give them some so they’ll pay attention.
I think Anonymous Coward is right in that a lot of them are “r” selected (rabbit breeding lifestyle) and they will go with the herd. When the herd is getting it’s ass kicked prominently they will go with the pro White herd so as not to get their ass kicked. This of course doesn’t account for all of them but it might be enough to turn the tide. This is in a big way the the Jews and the ruling classes have been able to keep power. Most people don;t want trouble nor will they use focused political violence. The Jews will do this at the drop of a hat. I don’t think it’s any exaggeration that they have no trouble killing off those that stand in their way. Same with some of the other ruling classes. They will shiv you in a heart beat.
What to think? Where is this going?
I think our numbers are on the rise and activism is becoming popular because people tasted blood during the 2016 presidential election. TRUMP’s failings aside, tends of thousands of WHITES assembled, combined their efforts and won the Presidency. Demoralized WHITES tasted victory and it tasted good and they’re not giving up on it. They want more. Victory is addictive. People realized that (1) there are still enough of us to win and (2) the clock is ticking and time is not on our side. This has created a sense of urgency.
In California you’re seeing Cucks get out there and physically challenge ANTIFA, even though the 1st Amendment has been nullified here along with all the Immigration laws. WHITES officially are second class citizens in California and many are growing restive under MUD occupation and domination.
It’s not natural for WHITES to be ruled by MUDS. It’s only occurred because WHITES have been demoralized by decades of indoctrination and robbed of their sense of any moral high ground. Take back the moral high ground and WHITES will fight. They’re fighting now. They’re not WN’s….yet. But they’re fighting. You have to start somewhere and this is a good start.
Yes, you’re quite right. Things are moving up. Don’t be dismayed by a certain overriding pessimism that is frequently displayed on sites like these.
Theatrical pessimism, mellifluous paranoia, vitriolick unct, and a flair for the apocalyptick are part and parcel of blogs, Left, Right, and Alt-Right.
Take it with more than a few grains of salt.
‘It’s not natural for WHITES to be ruled by MUDS. It’s only occurred because WHITES have been demoralized by decades of indoctrination and robbed of their sense of any moral high ground’
I agree with all of that, though ,there are some components which you seem not to be considering …
#1. The General White population is become rather decadent and drug-ridden
#2. The general White Populace become overwhelmingly bourgeois – this being that they have a hard time envisioning a fight for anything else other than the unholy trinity of me, myself, and I.
#3. Many folks are frightened to do much. This is not a hundred years ago when folks had a very righteous and intolerant attitude towards balderdash.
Today folks worry what might happen to them if they stand up.
#4. The Sin of Complacency has long been in reign – THOUGH, there are, as you clearly state, many signs that this is on the wane.
#5. Technological advancement has rendered people a lot softer than they uset to be.
Still, I agree with you in what you said – we certainly have cause to be optimistick, though, we didn’t get to this spot solely by misinformation, but, by a collusion of causes – some intended and some not.
@Sam J.
‘It also seems to me, like Hunter, the left understands nothing but violence and power. ‘
No, this is not the best tact, for this will only bring publick loathing upon us and stop our rise.
Egging The left on to be violent, whilst restraining ourselves, a la Ghandi, will only accelerate our cause.
Let’s use the foolish and sinful ways of our enemies to magnify our rise, instead of competing with them in ill-advised gestures that turn off many who now contemplate joining us.
Sometimes allowing yourself to be persecuted is really dumb – other times it is just the ticket.
Poo Poo Marx – report to the Oven, Hymie. Now.
@ Don
Recently I went into a DSW (shoe store) in a section of NJ that isn’t KUSHNERVILLE aka Essex County but not far west enough to be fairly ‘safe’ (nowhere in NJ is truly safe for anglos but whatever…). Anyway, it’s an area that has been more recently taken over by the ‘muds,’ with a fading memory of significant anglo presence.
The little 20 yr old wiseass latina behind the counter started with me out of nowhere, from behind a veil of about three layers of false eyelashes no less.
I tried to remain calm and neutral and she kept at me. I immediately realized the fight is on, and demanded a manager come up to the counter to wait on me, to whom I was 100% courteous.
This is what whites have to do. Don’t take it. I was prepared to point out exactly why this bitch was taking up an attitude with me (she literally talked on the phone while I waited at the counter, then got bitchy at me for looking at my phone for round #1) to the manager. She saw that we made a stand but now are getting played. I literally think she was laughing at me directly stemming from this, based on the content of the exchange.
Whites need to state exactly what the situation is. Make our voices heard, go to another store or hotel, etc., threaten to call or tell management, tell other whites.
I voted for Trump more to show solidarity with other whites than because I believed in him. Remember the outbreaks of uppity whiteys during the period after the election and inauguration.
It is outrageous to me that those purporting to ‘lead’ whites are turning to scapegoating white women for the jews’ evil, and to scapegoating the failing middle class that turned the election. That would be the Alt Right.
We need a New South that won’t fall into jew traps of ‘left’ or ‘right.’
I read this entire thread just to arrive @ Denise’ remark. It was worth it. Still grinning.
But…but Jews are people too ya know. Not all Jews are like that. Six million were annihilated in WW11. Wheres your sympathies and respects? To die in an oven…..sounds a tad painful!
Only kidding! I feel your frustration.
@Haxo: One post from Madam is worth Six Million posts from everyone else.
Most simpleminded comments with no useable content are made by simpleminded people, of low intelligence, low knowledge and information, and low implies control. Whiggers, actually. Usually mentally unstable.
@juniusdaniel1828 et al:
“Nowadays, Texas talks of a new constitutional convention, South Carolina passes nullification of any further gun control laws, Oklahoma asserts the ten commandments in publick places, Miss’ippi reasserts the right to freedom of association – via ‘religious freedom laws’ – and North Carolina begins the process of refuting transgenderism and reversing ‘gay-marriage’, as if there could ever be such a thing.
We are beginning the process of digging out; a path which will not be at fruition before I am dead, and you are very very old – if you are alive then, even.
Still, we will march on.”
I was at Alt-Right where some Asian female was suggesting that WNs forfeit the SW to Asians and Mestizos so that the rest of the country could have their own territory. (She didn’t volunteer to take any Negroes off our hands). I told her in a very rather of fact manner that there would be no partition, ever, and advised her that she and her ilk had the choice of getting out NOW with any riches acquired OR take her chances and continue to ride the tiger, betting that the wheels would not come off, forcing her to get out with only her skin intact in advance of a howling mob with torches and pitchforks. She did not like that very much.
Such a suggested partition will never be allowed to happen, because every American in the Continental USA need all its coastlines, its bases and its strategic ports too much to allow them to be made vulnerable to invasion by a breakup. Unless something cataclysmic happens, I don’t see the country formally breaking apart as long as there are any sentient, intelligent people with any modicum of common sense in any part of the country.
In my opinion, all those foreigners, licking their chops at the idea that the United States is going to separate into several different countries (that they can flood and break off) are in for a rude awakening. I can see the demographical map falling out much the way some envision it, but I honestly don’t believe that a single American in any territory is going to stand by idly and let foreigners walk away with any chunk of American territory, especially the Southerners who, despite losing TWBTS, have fiercely and faithfully fought for the USA like convicted American patriots in every war since then. I know you talk secession, but when the chips are down, you’ll be there; that’s just the way you roll. Scoff you may, but I’ve been corresponding with many of you on this board and this is the take I walk away with.
I don’t ever see a de jure secession happening, not formally, as a matter of practicality, i.e. keeping predatory Asians from taking over our West Coast or Mexico retaking the Southwest. Even with a White Nationalist order, I think there would be a United States, but with Texas’ idea of a constitutional convention resurrecting the Articles of Confederacy with a much weakened central government negotiating treaties, international trade agreements and intrastate commerce and travel with reciprocal carry laws, but not much more than that.
So we would see something along the lines of what the county was originally meant to be with a small federal military being dependent on the state national guards of each state for a full-out war. Each governor would be the acting presidents and commanders-in-chief of their state. The POTUS could not arbitrarily start a police action; he’d have to get permission from the Congress and each member’s vote would have to be supported by their governor.
Each member of Congress would be paid and have their medical benefits and retirement benefits funded by the state they are representing rather than being paid by the federal treasury. The state governments would pay far fewer taxes to maintain Washington, but they would get to keep more of their own money and wouldn’t have to worry about receiving any unfunded mandates from SCOTUS. They’d decide who could be citizens of their states. They’d have their own court systems, immigration laws and enforcement to honor their sovereignty.
The fall out of this could and would be that there will be an international scandal when most states opt to be White only. I believe some others in the Southwest would be more of a mix of Asian, and Mestizo with those Whites with mixed race children opting to live there where they would best be tolerated. The big question is which area would voluntarily take Blacks? They really don’t have the numbers to justify more than one state but which state would that be? I think that a separate state would have to be carved out for them where their demographics are the highest with maybe some territory ceded to this state from each of the surrounding areas.
I am happy for true activism, which acts on right ideals. But when I watch the present confrontations on videos, I see far too many vulgar, low-class “White nationalists,” who seem to be nothing more than thugs and controlled opposition.
I do not believe that all this just happened. The FBI and CIA have for years been infiltrating Patriot and nationalist groups of all types. While I believe we should fight for our ideals, I am more and more of the opinion that the present confrontations are driven on both sides by the same evil Powers That Be, in order to incite a race war and finally get their martial law in America.
Keep your powder dry, men. You may need it to defend your families–from the government.
> Believes the Yellow fever crowd wants azns for their nurturing, mothering, “family traditional values”.
Poupon Marx, you win a free helicopter ride, report immediately to the nearest RWDS.
> Intelligent, sensible people.
> Murican “nationalism”.
> Majority non-white Union.
@TheLulzWarrio, you name is a joke on you..You and this woman, clytemnestra57, are sincere but very naive, not that thoughtful, reactive, and ejaculating in your yammering prescriptions for the strategic future. Clytemnestra57 and I have engaged in debate-her rambling, shuffling, confounded, and repetitive style is a signature. She churns out words, a lot of topic sentences, but the detail and elucidation is wanting. This indicated not only a serious lack of depth and contemplation, but reliance on emotive words, cliches, and appear to the ethereal.
What is missing in some White Nationalists is experience in the world beyond the visible horizon, ignorance of other cultures, a lack of knowledge base that comes from personal study, travel, observation and commiseration with minds equal to or superior to your own. I claim no superiority, but do on the basis of effort and intrepid searching for knowledge.
clytemnestra57 is a person who obviously comes from a background of literature or some other abstract educational discipline. Much like a former correspondent of mine, that bag of tools is very limited to unlocking the secrets, occult and hidden realities and actualities of the World. Couple it with an ethnocentric base (French, English, Nordic) and you have the ingredients for a cognitive and base of discussion akin to bland, repetitive Northern cuisine, a meat and potatoes, boiled New England dinner of deadening 3 chord strumming.
Whites could very likely break off into a separate, autocephalous governing unit. The Cantons of Switzerland are a good example of an interim position. The problem with responding to Low Info types is that I have to repeat myself to answer such low levels of knowledge, cognition, and aptitude.
I strive to present practical, doable, empirical, existing, and concrete proposals which are detailed and references. For those, very likely yourself, who cannot comprehend or are too lazy, you would better preserve your esteem if you waited until you had something of value to add.
Only maritime engineers have the ability to see the world as it really is.
@spahnranch1969. Your avatar is the ranch where Charles Manson and his young murderers stayed in-between mutilated murders. You are probably a mentally and spiritually very sick and in need of help. Or you could destroy yourself.
My point in revealing my background is that I HAVE SEEN the world, where many have not seen beyond their region or county line. Open what mind you have to facts and evidence, if that is possible.
Funny how one never sees Buonocoursi and Poupon Marx together in the same room – sort of like Bruce Wayne and Batman.
@ Paleo-Aryan
It’s not martial law they want per se, it’s Murphy’s Law.
As in, Tim Murphy and the 21st Century Cures Act. It’s the ‘cure’ for the ‘problem of whiteness,’ and of freedom in general.