Virginia Sons of Cuckfederate Veterans Denounce Alt-Right Charlottesville Rally

The Virginia Sons of Cuckfederate Veterans wants you to know they aren’t “racists”:

“Just as we state today, Commander Johnson stated then, that no such groups should operate under the good name of the Confederate Army.

It is the duty of the Sons of Confederate Veterans to emulate the high moral standards of those who fought and died to protect their home land. We represent Southern Heritage NOT White Supremacy. People of all races, religions, and colors fought to defend their Southern homes in the War for Southern Independence.

Those who show up with torches and making inflammatory statements are in no way connected with or indorsed by the SCV. These people only serve to play right into the hands of those who would label us all as racists. In the end, they may do more to bring down monuments than the actions of our enemies. …”

These people are a joke.

Don’t bother joining the Sons of Confederate Veterans. These Cuckfederates squander all of their time, energy and resources advancing their agenda of our enemies. They have been cuckolded like the mainline Protestant churches. They denounce “racism” and “white supremacy” while the enemies of the Robert E. Lee monument gather there with the same message.

It was our forefathers who built these monuments. Their generation had a strong ethnic identity and didn’t apologize for “racism” and “white supremacy” and bleat on like sheep about the importance of “diversity” and “tolerance.” They were real men with a sense of honor and wouldn’t have groveled and degraded themselves before their enemies in such a humiliating, cringeworthy fashion.

Virginia was a Jim Crow state when the Robert E. Lee monument was erected in 1924. All this nonsense about how the Old Dominion was a happy multicultural utopia “of all races, religions and colors” wasn’t even true in 1967 when the Supreme Court struck down Virginia’s anti-miscegenation law. It was the toughest anti-miscegenation law in the entire world at the time. Virginia’s entire congressional delegation in the House and Senate voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

There is a reason why the previous generation failed to preserve our Southern heritage. They didn’t have an identity. We can’t afford to perpetuate their mistakes any longer.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @James Owen and Billy Ray…

    Hey, y’all – have a gander at this brief snippet on the debate over Confederate monuments up yonder in Baltimore!

  2. @Billy Ray: The Third Reich was no fan of the KKK. In fact hooded Klansmen, along with cigar-chomping gangsters in pinstripe suits, were often used as caricatures in anti-American wartime propaganda art.

  3. ‘The Third Reich was no fan of the KKK. In fact hooded Klansmen, along with cigar-chomping gangsters in pinstripe suits, were often used as caricatures in anti-American wartime propaganda art.’

    I bet. The thought of citizens defying the central government must have sent shivers down their totalitarian spines.

    The Confederate culture is one of local White control, and the Constitution was built to try and subvert it.

    It’s doing a good job.


    @Billy Ray …

    I have always taken your SS/Stars & Bars avatar to mean the right of the Southron Man to pursue existence and well-being apart from the purview of the New England radical establishment and or The Jews – i.e. – The ‘Jew England Government’.

    What could possibly be more Southron than that?

    Local control for local Southern White Men.

    Screw the totalitarian and globalist of every type!

  4. spahnranch1969
    MAY 19, 2017 AT 12:16 PM
    @Billy Ray: The Third Reich was no fan of the KKK. In fact hooded Klansmen, along with cigar-chomping gangsters in pinstripe suits, were often used as caricatures in anti-American wartime propaganda art.

    This is true, however as I have explained many times my avatar is an extreme one because it gets everyone’s attention. That was the intent

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