About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The Confederacy really was racist” LOL

    No movement whose separatism is premised on supremacism will ever work. Middle/working class whites sense that as a threat to them.

    There is no reason to cling to the past to such an extent. Whites have the right to self-determination and a nation of our own.

    ‘Racism’ is just code for classism, which is why working whites don’t like it.


  2. I don’t think the foundation of the South was based on slavery or white supremacy.

    Most scots-irish didn’t own slaves, and most didn’t economically benefit from the institution of slavery.

    Read Jim Webb’s book, Born Fighting.

  3. Excerpt from 12/30/1860 letter by Vice President Alexander Stephens to Abe Lincoln

    “Washington, Jefferson, and other Presidents are generally admitted to have been anti-slavery in sentiment. But in those days anti-slavery did not enter as an element into party organizations.”

    “We at the South do think African slavery, as it exists with us, both morally and politically right. This opinion is founded upon the inferiority of the black race. You, however, and perhaps a majority of the North, think it wrong. Admit the difference of opinion.”

    The thing you must take away when you read this is that the Southern Confederacy was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the Republic that began in 1776 and the Constitutional one that began in 1789. The Southern Confederacy was founded upon the Science in the light of hereditary research and Darwin’s Origin of Species that had proven the entire proposition nation of the United States in this idea that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL a fallacy completely against nature.

    When Lincoln spoke at Gettysburg and said our Forefathers brought forth a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that All Men Are Created Equal, Lincoln was basically right. In 1776, Free Negroes were considered quasi-citizens in 10 of the 13 Colonies or possibly eleven because Georgia’s free negro clause was unclear. This quasi-citizenship at the local level, while not equality was tolerated by the Founding Fathers, in fact no effort was made at the Constitutional Convention to tell states to racially restrict citizenship, this was a glaring oversight. As time wore on, most of the original states restricted the right to Whites Only, except for New York and New England. Citizenship was completely a local issue and the Feds could choose whether to recognize it or not, This was even noted during the Dred Scott Case that Free Negro voters in the late 1700’s were a noticeable source of voters for the Federalist Party in certain areas, particularly the city of Baltimore.

    The understanding of the concept of citizenship at the founding of the present United States in 1789 was a faulty one drawn from English Common Law, where you had Lords, Merchants Freemen and Serfs. The Southern Confederacy’s understanding of citizenship was couched not within English Common Law but in Racial Science, something unknown in 1789. This was quite revolutionary at the time. Thus all White denziens in a Confederate State were citizens and all nonwhites were not, simple cut and dried and no state could naturalize anyone. Stephens understanding of the inferiority of the Black Race wasn’t something stressed during the Enlightenment, it was de facto accepted meaning it was believed but it wasn’t hard and fast law. At the time, 1700s some felt Negroes were just White men with dark skin. It took science to prove this wrong.

    The Confederacy was something completely different than the nation Washington, Jefferson and Madison founded. The CSA was a modern scientifically-based nation. Of course it apropriated some of the old USA Imagery for nostalgia’s sake, but it was in many ways a victory of science. The Union was itself a continuation of an OLD OUTDATED IDEA, that in the light of science everyone knew to be wrong. Unfortunately when the Union Won, we were left with that outdated 1787 Constitution and its concepts of Liberty which were WRONG in 1861 and are WRONG in 2017. I find it sad the idiot Constitutionalists, defending a document that in the light of science isnt worth toilet paper

  4. As much as I hate to admit it I agree with the North that slavery was an abomination and as destructive of free Men as it was of the slaves. The problem is that the North then elevated the Negro beyond his station to rule us. I think it likely if Abraham Lincoln had not been assassinated he would have found a way to send them back to Africa or to confine them to their own State. I hate that they want us to bear the burden of the Groids that they do not wish to do themselves nor do they wish to face up to the fact that they can’t be integrated like normal Whites.

  5. @Sam J.,

    In what way was slavery an abomination? How did it destroy Southerners as free men? Stephens and others argued that it elevated even the lowest Southerner and united us as a people and race here. The poorest Southerner knew that he was racially above the Negro and was united with the planter on a racial basis. It gave the planter a vested interest in the well-being of the common Southerner. Without him the system could not have survived. He was 100% more free than are “free men” today – who are slaves without masters. The older system was one which worked and was the basis of numerous great civilizations. Our novelty was simply applying it to a markedly less developed race which was physically suited to cultivating the crops we could grow. The only problem with the system was the Union with non-slave States.

  6. The CSA was indeed racist, which is to their everlasting credit. UNFORTUNATELY, Southern society was a lot more class-conscious than it was race-conscious, though.

  7. Something about doing the same thing over and over and over…

    …and expecting the same result.

    Someone on here called me criminal and crazy for pointing out that Trump’s movement had little to nothing to do with the Alt Right, and didn’t identify with it.

    Crazy indeed.

  8. Well, it’s late and I once again Freuded out. But maybe it’s not a different result the League expects, but the same one.

    I’ve come to wonder if the jews have either infiltrated or controlled every pro-white movement, or simply poisoned the minds of whites beyond redemption.

    The notion that slavery didn’t divide labor seems puerile to me. The notion that the majority of whites, who didn’t own slaves, would somehow be manipulated into thinking that being told they benefitted from slavery seems nefarious.

  9. @Snowhitey ===> I dunno about that. It could be a southern colloquialism but, I will stick with Scotch-Irish. Scots-Irish is too precise, well, maybe not for New Englanders? Btw, “dunno” probably originates in Scotland.

  10. “No movement whose separatism is premised on supremacism will ever work. Middle/working class whites sense that as a threat to them.”

    Um, no they don’t. What they perceive as the threat is the slave labor or the slave WAGE labor of poor Colored people being pumped into the country by an alliance of a foreign ruling class wanting to dispose of it’s excess population, Jewish middlemen looking to “diversify” White nations and make a quick buck and plutocratic Yankee capitalists looking for cheap, submissive labor.

    “‘Racism’ is just code for classism, which is why working whites don’t like it.”

    No it’s not. Slavery and diversity is. Racism is a defense against classism directed at middle and working class Whites by Colored supremacists, Jewish multiculturalists and cosmopolitan White plutocrats.

  11. “I don’t think the foundation of the South was based on slavery or white supremacy.”

    You’re right about the slavery but dead wrong about the supremacy. The ENTIRE United States of America was based on White supremacy. EVERY SINGLE country/empire on earth is based on the concept of racial/ethnic supremacy. And EVERY SINGLE country/empire is undermined by racial diversity, racial/ethnic equality and slavery.

    “Most scots-irish didn’t own slaves, and most didn’t economically benefit from the institution of slavery.”

    And there you have it. A perfect example of why slavery and NOT White supremacy is the problem.

  12. “How did [slavery] destroy Southerners as free men? Stephens and others argued that it elevated even the lowest Southerner and united us as a people and race here. The poorest Southerner knew that he was racially above the Negro and was united with the planter on a racial basis. It gave the planter a vested interest in the well-being of the common Southerner.”

    That, no doubt, is why white labor from Europe chose to emigrate to the South, not the North.

  13. “…The poorest Southerner knew that he was racially above the Negro and was united with the planter on a racial basis…”

    So I guess you’re trying to defend mass immigration from the third world as many of these people aren’t up to our standards. That’s ok as long as we can feel “superior”. Sounds exactly like a SJW to me. I don’t need to feel “superior” to anyone else. I’m perfectly happy to be around regular people I don’t need to assuage my feeling of well being by having peons around me. That’s a very Jew way of thinking. I want a country with higher wages. I want a country where you’re not murdered by diversity in the streets. Fuck superiority, it doesn’t pay the bills.

  14. The best solution is strength in being white and our racial identity. As long as we whites are respected then let others be. The moment we are attacked we stick together and fight back. Only through strength will we survive.

    • I really do think the only thing these trust fund baby antifa bitches will understand is a good ole fashioned ass kicking. Liberalism isn’t politics to them. It’s a communist religion.

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