Events: The Nationalist Front will be hosting two demonstrations in Middle Tennessee on Saturday, October 28th. We will hold the first demonstration in Shelbyville, TN in the morning. Then we will we pack up, eat lunch and travel to Murfreesboro, TN for our second demonstration in the afternoon. Finally, we will have various private social gatherings in the area in the evening where we will continue to socialize and everyone will have a chance to get to know each other better.
Date: Saturday, October 28th
Locations: Shelbyville, TN and Murfreesboro, TN.
The Shelbyville demonstration will take place at the intersection of U.S. Highway 231 and Lane Parkway. The Nationalist Front will be at the southwest corner while the opposition will be gathered at the northwest corner of this intersection. Please remember this.
The Murfreesboro demonstration will take place in the Public Square. “Counterprotesters will enter Public Square via South Church Street and South Maple Street only.” Presumably, they will be on the south side of the square and we will be on the north side. We’re waiting for clarification on this.
Times: Shelbyville, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and Murfreesboro, 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM.
Speakers: Mike Enoch, Matthew Heimbach, Dr. Michael Hill, Dillon Hopper, Sacco Vandal, Jeff Schoep, Anti-Communist Action.
Participating Organizations: League of the South, Traditionalist Worker’s Party, National Socialist Movement, Vanguard America, Anti-Communist Action, The Right Stuff.
Fliers: Please share these on Facebook, Twitter, GAB and other social media. We also ask you to create new ones like with UTR in C’ville.
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) October 12, 2017
Meetup Locations: The meetup location in Shelbyville will be announced at 9:30 AM by @occdissent on Twitter in order to deter Antifa disruption. We will shuttle from there as a group to the rally point of the White Lives Matter demonstration and back to the meetup point afterwards. We will follow the same procedure with our demonstration in Murfreesboro.
Description: The purpose of the White Lives Matter rallies will be to protest the ongoing problem of refugee resettlement in Middle Tennessee and to draw attention to the recent Emanuel Samson church shooting in Antioch and the way this explosive story has been buried by the national media. The tragic events in Antioch, which was retaliation for the Dylann Roof shooting in Charleston, illustrated that the national media only cares about pushing its false narrative of White racism and black victimhood.
We also want to express our anger at the Trump administration which recently took Sudan off the travel ban list the day of the Antioch church shooting. It also followed up by announcing an “America First Refugee Program” which means dumping 45,000 refugees a year in places like Middle Tennessee while not saying a word when a Sudanese refugee who failed to assimilate goes on a rampage. The Trump administration has also failed to build the border wall and is working with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to pass a new version of the DREAM Act amnesty. Finally, we want to discuss the state of our movement and how we will move forward from here.
Objectives: Draw national attention to the Emanuel Samson church shooting. Foster greater unity and cohesion within our own movement. Turn the page on Charlottesville.
Bring: We do not expect the White Lives Matter rallies in Shelbyville or Murfreesboro to become another Charlottesville. That’s not in our interest. It certainly isn’t in the interest of Shelbyville or Murfreesboro. We desire to hold two peaceful demonstrations. The Nationalist Front chose to hold this event in Middle Tennessee in order to AVOID any type of clash with violent Antifa protesters. We expect them to be restrained and separated as they were in Pikeville, KY.
Do Not Bring: Shelbyville and Murfreesboro have provided clarification of which items you are not allowed to bring to the #WhiteLivesMatter demonstrations. These include masks, firearms, knives or any type of weapon as well as flag poles, sticks and clubs. Read through the list carefully and be prepared to be searched at designated entry points.
Shelbyville has announced details on the #WhiteLivesMatter rally pic.twitter.com/MfM8eQrIoD
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) October 26, 2017
Flags: This is a unity event within our movement. Each Nationalist Front organization will bring its own flag. Some people will use the Confederate Battle Flag. You are free to bring an American Flag. We would like to keep the styles and arguments over flags to a minimum. We will enter and exit as a group and exclude any actors or plants from our permitted area. In light of the ban on flag poles, we don’t recommend you bring any additional flags.
Attire: Each organization within the Nationalist Front has its own dress code for events. League of the South will be wearing black LS polo shirts, khakis and black boots. Traditionalist Worker’s Party will be dressed in black. NSM will be dressed in black. Vanguard America will be wearing white polo shirts and khakis. Anti-Communist Action will likely be wearing white polos and khakis.
If you are unaligned with any of these organizations, we ask gentlemen to wear something similar like some combination of a white or black polo and khakis. Ladies are asked to dress modestly. It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. Come to the White Lives Matter rallies to make a good impression. Don’t come wearing shorts or flip flops or ragged jeans or anything of that nature.
Expectations: We want to host a HIGH ENERGY event. This will be an occasion to vent our anger and outrage and demonstrate we will not be closeted in our own country. Chants will include WHITE LIVES MATTER and BLOOD AND SOIL.
We are representing our movement in the public square and everyone who participates in these rallies will be expected to conduct themselves with that purpose in mind. Anyone who becomes disruptive or misbehaves will be asked by organizers to leave our permitted area.
Optics: We plan to show that we are a unified movement of diverse organizations who all agree that WHITE LIVES MATTER. In light of this, each organization will participate in these events as a cohesive unit under its own leader, and we will all stand shoulder to shoulder with our own optics, i.e., those with Confederate Battle Flags will be grouped together as will those with American flags.
Lodging: We encourage you to make hotel reservations in Murfreesboro or Nashville, TN. We won’t be staying long in Shelbyville. This is a Middle Tennessee event.
Private Event: We will be hosting a private lunch gathering for anyone attending the White Lives Matter rally in Shelbyville. It will be a time to relax, socialize and enjoy the companionship of likeminded people in our movement after two hours of pro-White activism. We will be keeping the location of the private event a secret until after the Shelbyville demonstration. In the evening, we will disperse to private parties and will likely continue to socialize and enjoy recreation in the Nashville Metro Area.
See you in Middle Tennessee. Hail victory!
Why did you scrub the banning of the swastika?
The people organizing these events are not National Socialists. I think I will have to put some kind of pro-NS event together up here in Yankeedom.
That’s really not true. The NSM is, well, the NSM. Trad Worker is explicitly NS. The League is not explicitly NS, but there is a significant cadre of longtime NS in their ranks. But as to putting an event together, sir that is a capital idea. When you do, please share the details here. I and some others can be persuaded to come north…
I agree. We ought to make no swastikas/Klan robes/American History X cosplay an enforceable rule. It’ll make it more difficult for you-know-who to send in one of their agents for a photo-op.
Please explain the methods and the protocols you have in mind to enforce these “enforceable rules”.
But…but muh’ first amendment and shieet
Edit: sorry, read that wrong. I disagree. Point stands.
I addressed the larger issue under flags and attire.
We’re going to have a meeting point. The people who come to the meeting point will be vetted for flags and attire or anything disruptive. Then we will shuttle into the rally point. If there are any actors and plants like in Gainesville, they won’t be allowed in our permitted area. If anyone tries to violate the rules once inside the permitted area, they will be ejected by the organizers.
Please don’t kill anyone
Hey Brad! I am a spy who’s “snuck” into “counter-protest”/antifa meet up and they have a plan to slash all the tires on the vehicles in Shelbyville and thus prevent the Murfreesboro rally, as well as intimidate you!
Please be sure you put good security around the cars at all times!
@El Chapo,
I’ll respond to that article this way- yes there are white lowlifes. We have enough perps that we’re stuck with. Why import more from the third world. Let white countries deal with white crims, black countries deal with black crims and Asian nations with Asian misfits. We’ve always had our own lowlife. We’ve never claimed otherwise.
And…the Right would want a 20 year stretch in the banger for offences like this. The Left would want three months home detention…
If you’re offended by what you read in the O/D articles, then don’t visit the sight. Be a grownup. Present your argument or go away.
Asking a shit-lib to act grown-up? That’s expecting a bit much, I’m afraid.
I’ll respond to your response this way-if the 5 assholes that killed this man weren’t white; it would be at the top of this “news” reel… Does the reciprocating argument sound familiar?
No one is asking the law to go easy on them.
Do one in Illinois fam. Will be watching from home! 🙂
I heard on the News where y’all came thru Somewhere near Nashville to Protest!
There was a commercial on a local News station talking about “Minorities in fear as white nationalists come marching in, who’s behind this? News 5 investigates” .. I couldn’t help but Laugh at how ridiculous it was that People feel threatened by free fuckin speech. Also the faggot ass Murfreesboro Mayor already cucked and put out some statement.. just by reading it I wanted to cringe due to the automatic white self hatred he is programmed with. Weak leadership in Gov’t is killing this nation
This morning on the radio they interviewed a Hispanic woman speaking in Spanish on NPR who’s in Shelbyville to promote the rights of immigrants and will lead a group of “undocumented” counter-protesters. The people who will be counter-protesting LoS and others today have TONS of non-white, immigrants who are going to be there. These non-whites are here to replace us and hate our guts and they have been open and honest about.
I’m advising not to do these pre announced legal demos. Instead do under 10 minute flash mobs. The system, powers that be are not being fair. Donald Trump was basically the only Republican elected official to even suggest that both sides might be at fault in the violence in Charlottesville VA. The lying press including most/all of Conservative press is doubling down that our side are evil racist NAZIS. This protest does have open National Socialist Movement participants – that’s not going to play in Middle Tennessee or pretty much anywhere.
I also got some bad vibes (I was at meeting in Tennessee this weekend) that older members of League of the South who were abused in Charlottesville TN are feeling some martyrdom feelings want to end an older life going out with a bang, thus if Antifa attacks us with bricks and bear mace or just clubs, mag lights, guns might be used in self defense, but as we saw in Charlottesville VA and then Gainsville FL the system and the lying press presents it as attempted murder. We don’t have decent legal representatives.
What ever you do: document everything with GOPro type video and then edit the tape after the effect to make our version look the best – same as Rodney King video editors did/do.
Why would you need to edit if you’re telling the truth?…
Why not edit? The Editor is just the guy who decided who lived and died at the Gladiatorial Games.
Jack Ryan, if you think someone in particular is dangerous, you need to kick them out of your group and don’t let them come. And if they show up anyway, you need to tell the police and let them handle it.
I saw a guy raise a gun and yell “DIE NIGGER” and then fire at people in Charlottesville. That’s hardly self defense.
Whoever that guy was I’d like to buy him a beer.
Jack: Discretion is the better part of valor. Don’t believe anything you hear, and only about half of what you see.
@Krafty: Let’s not make the perfect the enemy of the good (I just thought I would say that because it sounds philosophical).
I’m sure Jack gets my drift.
The League of the South WILL be armed, heavily so in fact. That was established long ago.
Tennessee is a southern state, not a state involved in National Socialism, which was common in some northern states in the 1930s.
There is almost no chance for National Socialism to find significant interest in it in the south, it’s just not southern. I know that some in the LS are fond of national socialism, they’re in a tiny minority.
The League is a Southern nationalist organization, it always has been.
We ally ourselves with others that have the same enemies we have, I’m good with that. Hopefully y’all that are interested in national socialism will understand that.
@Pat Hines Very well stated sir!
If it hadn’t been for one of the usher’s having a gun of some sort, the crazy African would have killed and wounded more people than he did. I’m sure the Pastor of the Church, was happy to see the Usher’s gun.
The LOS sounds like it is advocating Southern national socialism, no?
The state of Tennessee DOES have state preemption of local laws about firearms and weapons. Here it is:
Local regulation of firearms and ammunition preempted by state regulation — Actions against firearms or ammunition manufacturers, trade associations or dealers
TENN. CODE ANN. §39-17-1314 (2011)
39-17-1314. Local regulation of firearms and ammunition preempted by state regulation — Actions against firearms or ammunition manufacturers, trade associations or dealers
(a) No city, county, or urban-county government shall occupy any part of the field of regulation of the transfer, ownership, possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition or components of firearms or combinations thereof; provided, that the provisions of this section shall be prospective only and shall not affect the validity of any ordinance or resolution lawfully enacted before April 8, 1986.
(b) The general assembly declares that the lawful design, marketing, manufacture and sale of firearms and ammunition to the public are not unreasonably dangerous activities and do not constitute a nuisance per se.
(c) (1) The authority to bring suit and right to recover against any firearms or ammunition manufacturer, trade association or dealer by or on behalf of any state entity, county, municipality or metropolitan government for damages, abatement or injunctive relief resulting from or relating to the lawful design, manufacture, marketing or sale of firearms or ammunition to the public shall be reserved exclusively to the state.
(2) Nothing in this subsection (c) shall be construed to prohibit a county, municipality, or metropolitan government from bringing an action against a firearms or ammunition manufacturer or dealer for breach of contract or warranty as to firearms or ammunition purchased by such county, municipality, or metropolitan government.
(3) Nothing in this subsection (c) shall preclude an individual from bringing a cause of action for breach of a written contract, breach of an express warranty, or for injuries resulting from defects in the materials or workmanship in the manufacture of the firearm.
(d) The provisions of subsections (b) and (c) shall not apply in any litigation brought by an individual against a firearms or ammunition manufacturer, trade association or dealer.
Do any of you WN/SNs live in a community nicer than this?
Do any of you live in a community that can boast that less than 3% live below the poverty line?
Oh no! Not in Cook county!
Now… imagine if your grandfather’s hadn’t have burned down the prominent black communities of yester-year in their infancies…there’s an old saying; “What goes around, comes around”… Suck it up SNOWFLAKES!!!!
Well, if you do have a job Hunter/Brad, you’re gonna have to quit it if you want to screen all comments, if not your “followers will get fustrated because the can’t discuss your articles in real-time… they get fustrated… then they find somewhere else to vent their hate…….lol
NM. I figured a way around it. Stay tuned…
How do you vent YOUR hate, Pedro? By throwing AIDS-infected piss balloons at White female Trump supports? MARICON.
Na. I’ll just post links like this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwood,_Tulsa in the comments section. Obviously since is proves yalls theory wrong that all predominantly non-white municipalities are dysfunctional. Then when I ask; Do any of you WN/SNs live in a community nicer than this?
Do any of you live in a community that can boast that less than 3% live below the poverty line?
Hoe does this happen in Cook co., Illinois?
The admins of this site race to delete it….
Now… imagine if your grandfather’s hadn’t have burned down the prominent black communities of yester-year in their infancies…there’s an old saying; “What goes around, comes around”… Suck it up SNOWFLAKE!!!!
God speed and safety to all of you valiant folk! I will be praying for a successful day!
Obviously since is proves yalls theory wrong that all predominantly non-white municipalities are dysfunctional. Then when I ask; Do any of you WN/SNs live in a community nicer than this?
Do any of you live in a community that can boast that less than 3% live below the poverty line?
Hoe does this happen in Cook co., Illinois?
The admins of this site race to delete it….
Now… imagine if your grandfather’s hadn’t have burned down the prominent black communities of yester-year in their infancies…there’s an old saying; “What goes around, comes around”. Think about it…
God bless the Alt-Right.
Is anyone recording the annoying Yid across the street. He’s like a drunk Harvey Weinstein with a bullhorn.
Good job cancelling the second event.
Will have nicely wrongfooted the authorities.
Well played sir.
This event exposes Charlottesville city to bankruptcy.
Haven’t seen any footage of the rally. It seems to have gone off OK without a hitch.
But the real purpose of this TN rally will be in culling grifters and hangers on from the Alt Right. Much like Heilgate was needed to separate ourselves from Alt lite morons like Cernovich, so too was this rally needed to rid the Alt Right of optics cucks like James Allsup and Nick Fuentes who also worry incessantly about their brands just like the Alt Lite.
This event made the case for segregation quite nicely too. Segregation makes the cops job easy.
Good point.
The committee making the call on canceling Murfreesboro also showed good generalship!
Congrats Consuls!
You ignorant racist bastards didn’t even show up in Murfreesboro. Scared away by the overwhelming opposition presence that would have dwarfed you and shown you that you and your hateful ideals are not at all welcome here.
Didn’t Nat Turner have plenty of “hateful ideals”, like murdering people?
I’m sure the French Generals had the same paragraph prepped for the Germans in June 1940…right before they surrendered.
Next job is to get one of the cops in Charlottesville to rat out Signer and Bellamy. There’s gotta be one guy near retirement or just retired who can whistleblow.
Raise Money for a payoff.
The writing is on the wall for Signer and his pet monkey.
Only one problem…. yall are a bunch of peasants, and don’t have the funds to raise
The zeitgeist isn’t pro-Jewish…
If you’re lucky, you might know somebody in https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/View_Park%E2%80%93Windsor_Hills,_California that can give you a loan
El Chapo the Jew thinks it’s an insult to call someone a ‘peasant’. LOL!
If we had decent moderation on this site, we wouldn’t have to scroll through his demented ramblings, but alas…
Watching Nick Fuentes sperg out on Twitter right now is probably better than the rally was. Nick is as big of a fag as Cernovich and RamzPaul were last November after Heilgate. Mission Accomplished, Hunter, thanks for allowing us to dump Fuentes. Like Richard Spencer said last night on TRS, Nick Fuentes is like a Boomer who was cryogenically frozen at birth in 1950 and unfrozen in 1998.
Given that Fuentes is a mestizo, it’s understandable that he would feel animosity towards Aryan Americans. Can we call ICE and deport Nick Fuentes?
Muh Bad optics!
Great rally in Shellbyville. Still a little unclear about Murffreesboro except that it was aborted. Probably for good reason.
On another note, I googled and saw lots of local TV coverage that had the Occidental Dissent web page shown prominently on the TV screen. Good exposure in my view.
Best to all involved.
It’s great reading all the Antifa bitches. If Darius had Twitter he’d have bitched about Alexander refusing the flank. Or if the Romans at Cannae had moaned about Hannibal weakening the center.
You still deployed your minions wrong you communist filth. Wah wah wah.
Shelbyville needed more Harley Davidsons. Right? All those Stahlhelms and no motorbikes?wtf?
Spahnranch1969 in a pink pussy hat would have been the most fitting optic
Hey Brad (aka Hunter), why do you author all of your articles under an alias? You’re not afraid of getting sued/arrested for slander/libel/or flat-out lying are you?
You are the notorious Narco-terrorist from Mexico and I’m the fictional captain of the slave ship Balliol.
@El Chapo: Would you prefer I call you a taco-nigger or a cactus-coon?
How about something original? Oh wait, you might hurt your brain…
Still waiting on answer…
Of all the groups present, I found Matt’s TRW group to be the most opitical. They looked professional and had none of the baggage associated with the other groups who were just waving Nazi symbols around. I think that is the way to go.
I think a few groups are worth mentioning. I know Spencer is often attacked, but his group dresses very professionally and nothing the media says ever really sticks to him. TRW is another group I have grown respect for. I like their originalism and not trying to mimic past movements. I like their black-clad, but open identarian style.