“Democrats and some Republicans had been seeking ironclad assurances from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) of a vote on immigration policy in the coming weeks in exchange for ending the shutdown.
McConnell said Sunday that he will open debate on immigration if Democrats help Republicans pass the Feb. 8 measure. On Monday morning, Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said they wanted a firmer, more detailed commitment on behalf of a bipartisan group of senators. …”
As I said here last night, the plan is to reopen the government until February 8th and move to hold a vote on the Gang of 6 amnesty if a DACA deal isn’t struck by that date.
I knew McConnell would come through for the chamber of commerce.
Just in time to save the Democratic Party from alienating the white working class further.
Well done Mitch.
The GOP is no longer the party of losing on principle… it’s the party of losing on purpose.
It has always been.
Words and phrases the whites should always fear:- ‘amnesty’, ‘human rights’, ‘diversity’, ‘free trade’, ‘anti-racist’, ‘gun control’, ‘equality’……almost always only benefits minorities, never the whites. Whenever you hear these words or phrases, its never ever to help us.
Watch this all happen after the elections in the Dec 2018 lame duck.
We’re screwed.
Jack, where am I wrong on this?