Black History Month 2018: Black Hitler


Fortunately, I don’t have to go into much detail about the history of Zimbabwe. A few years ago, someone was kind enough to make these great short animated videos:

It’s true that Zimbabwe has those amazing stone circles:


During the Middle Ages, this amazing stone structure was built in Great Zimbabwe. It is the most impressive structure that was ever built in precolonial sub-Saharan Africa. As you may have guessed, Great Zimbabwe was one of Africa’s many gold rush empires. The structure was built to protect nearby gold mines. The gold was taken from there where it was traded with Arabs in Zanzibar and the coast of Mozambique. The Portuguese heard about the ruins when they arrived in the 16th century. Presumably, the gold ran out but whatever the cause it failed and was abandoned on its own.


Nearly 400 years later, Cecil Rhodes set out to create Rhodesia as a part of his dream of an uninterrupted series of British colonies from Cairo to Cape Town.

Zimbabwe wasn’t a source of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The tribes who lived in the region didn’t have much interaction with Europeans until the late 19th century. Queen Victoria issued a charter for the British South African Company in 1889 and the British marched into the territory north of the Transvaal in South Africa and used the Maxim machine gun for the first time to put down the natives.


The British established colonial rule over the two main black tribes: the Shona, who were over 80% of the population, and who were concentrated in the east, and the Ndebele, who make up about 14% of the population, and who are concentrated in the west.

White settlers entered Southern Rhodesia and quickly built railroads, telegraph lines and mines. They founded Salisbury in the heart of Shona country. There were only about 275,000 Africans in Zimbabwe at the time. Millions had been captured and sold through the Arab slave trade. It was in this context that Whites established farms and Rhodesia became known as “The Breadbasket of Africa.”





In the span of roughly 75 years, the British built a peaceful and prosperous civilization in Southern Rhodesia. They introduced everything from electricity to automobiles to airports to paved roads to tractors to schools to hospitals to universities. Skyscrapers rose in Salisbury where there had previously only been spearchunkers living in mud huts.

The one thing that Southern Rhodesia lacked was racial equality which by the 1960s had become absolutely vital and non-negotiable in Britain’s race to decolonization:


It was one of the lowest moments in British history.

Faced with the prospect of black majority rule, the colony of Southern Rhodesia was pushed to the extreme of revolting against the British Empire and declared its independence on November 11, 1965. The Rhodesian Declaration of Independence came on Remembrance Day which is the day set aside in the British Empire since the First World War to remember the soldiers who had given their lives for Britain. Southern Rhodesia had the highest loss ratio of any dominion or colony in the Second World War. There were more Rhodesian aces than there were from any other group within the British Empire.


Prime Minister Ian Smith of Rhodesia had been an RAF fighter pilot who had served Britain with distinction in its hour of greatest need. “Good Old Smithy” had been shot down by German anti-aircraft fire over Italy and had spent five months as a partisan fighting the Nazis behind enemy lines.

By 1965, Britain had launched Ghana (1957), Somalia (1960), Nigeria (1960), Sierra Leone (1961), Kenya (1963), Malawi (1964), Zambia (1964) and The Gambia (1965) on the path to independence. Rhodesians falsely assumed they would be granted their independence in light of their 43 year track record of self government, their unimpeachable war record, and the thriving modern civilization they had built in Southern Africa. Why create another disaster like the Congo?

Rhodesia was the model colony of Africa. No other African colony came close to matching Rhodesia (South Africa was already an independent state) in terms of its development and potential. Sub-Saharan Africa was already littered with failed states to the north like the Democratic Republic of Congo which had driven out the Belgians and where 100,000 people had already died in the Congo Crisis.

In the aftermath of the Second World War, White Southerners in the United States were shocked to learn that the Jim Crow South was Nazi Germany, and that they were Nazis for opposing Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. Similarly, Southern Rhodesia found itself cast in the role of Nazi Germany for limiting black voting rights and opposing the Marxist terrorist Robert Mugabe.

The major obstacle to Rhodesian independence was the NIBMAR policy (No Independence Before Majority Rule) of Prime Minister Harold Wilson. In the eyes of Britain, it didn’t matter that by any reasonable standard Rhodesia was a successful colony and a strong ally in Southern Africa with a responsible civilized government populated by their own kith and kin. The new litmus test in the postwar world – a litmus test which Kaunda’s Zambia and Nkrumah’s Ghana passed – was universal manhood suffrage.

And so, Rhodesia unilaterally declared independence, determined to avoid the fate of “one man, one vote, one time” black majority rule. Led by Britain, the United Nations imposed mandatory economic sanctions on Rhodesia for the first time in its 21 year history to topple Ian Smith’s government. Like the Confederacy in the 19th century, no foreign government recognized Rhodesia and welcomed the republic into the world’s family of nations.

In spite of the sanctions and its status as an international pariah state, Rhodesia continued to thrive for most of its 14 year history. The economy experienced a small boom in the 1970s, the trade sanctions stimulated agriculture and manufacturing, and Rhodesia even continued to attract European immigrants. The absence of a few imported luxury goods from Europe was considered a price well worth paying for the continuation of White majority rule.

Everything changed when Mozambique won its independence from Portugal in 1975. South Africa no longer had the same incentive to support Rhodesia as a buffer state. The triumph of Marxist terrorists in Mozambique inspired ZANU and ZAPU to renew their guerrilla war against Rhodesia. The fall of Angola and Mozambique led the United States under Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to put further pressure on Rhodesia and South Africa to accept black majority rule.

Abandoned by Britain and deserted by South Africa and under pressure from the United States, which persuaded Ian Smith to release Robert Mugabe from prison, the ZANU-PF insurgency spread across the border from Botswana, Zambia, and Mozambique into Rhodesia. Large swathes of Rhodesia became “no-go areas” for Whites swarming with Marxist terrorists.

Ian Smith was forced to “play his last card” of reaching an ‘Internal Settlement’ with moderate blacks. In 1979, Bishop Abel Muzorewa became Prime Minister of renamed Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, and he negotiated the brief resumption of British colonial rule, which was followed by the long sought democratic elections involving the two major nationalist parties leading the insurgency, ZANU and ZAPU.

In such a way, Robert Mugabe became President of the Republic of Zimbabwe in 1980 after African-style democratic elections. Unlike Ian Smith’s Rhodesia, Mugabe’s Republic of Zimbabwe was internationally recognized by Britain and the United States and was showered with foreign aid.

Ian Smith’s books The Great Betrayal and Bitter Harvest: Zimbabwe and the Aftermath of its Independence can be found on Amazon.


Mugabe and the White African is a documentary and book that tells the story of Mike Campbell and family and their legal struggle to keep their Mount Carmel farm in Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe. It is a much watch film which tells the story of the White farmers of Zimbabwe under Black Hitler:


In Zimbabwe, Mugabe and the ZANU-PF invoked the ideals of the Left – liberal democracy, universal human rights, anti-racism, anti-imperialism – to delegitimize the Rhodesian government and seize power for themselves in 1980. After the seizure of power, Mugabe and his henchmen had no use for these concepts and began to use every means at their disposal to consolidate their power, destroy their opposition, and ethnically cleanse Whites from Zimbabwe.

Mugabe and the White African is about the hopeless struggle of a White farm family to apply the concepts of Western civilization such as fair play, property rights, and the rule of law in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe where the indigenous population has been encouraged by the West to reassert its own African culture in the context of a multiracial liberal democracy.


The story centers around the Christian religious faith that sustains the Campbells on their farm and their lawsuit against Zimbabwe before the Southern African Development Community Tribunal. Campbell and family ultimately won their lawsuit, but Mugabe simply ignored the ruling and seized Mount Carmel and burned them out of their homes. It illustrates the fate of civic nationalism in post-colonial Africa.

The SADC Tribunal itself was suspended two years later. Mike Campbell has since died from the brain trauma he suffered after being beaten during the invasion of his farm which has been unleashed on thousands of White farmers in Zimbabwe and South Africa.

After a decade of land seizures and the total collapse of law and order starting in 2000, only about 280 of the original 6,000 White farmers still remain in Zimbabwe. From a high of 296,000 White Rhodesians, the White population of Zimbabwe has sunk to less than 40,000 under the Mugabe regime.

In 1980, the White farmers owned nearly 40 percent of all agricultural land in Zimbabwe and two-thirds of the best land. They accounted for three-quarters of economic output in the agricultural sector and produced a multitude of crops using modern capital intensive agriculture. They grew 90 percent of corn, 90 percent of cotton, virtually all the tobacco and other export crops including wheat, coffee, tea and sugar. They were the backbone of the Rhodesian economy.

When Rhodesia was the Breadbasket of Africa, White farmers like Mike Campbell employed about one-third of wage earners in Zimbabwe – about 271,000 people. In Mugabe and the White African, there were hundreds of black wage earners living on the Campbell farm, many of whom were security guards charged with the task of defending the farm from Mugabe’s ZANU-PF mobs.

By 2000, the unemployment rate had surged to 50 percent. Only 1 out of 10 students could find a job after graduating from high school. Inflation had surged to 60 percent. Real wages fell by 22 percent in the 1990s leaving the population 10 percent poorer at the end of the decade. 70 percent of Zimbabweans were living in poverty. The public infrastructure was decaying, state corporations were bankrupt, crime had exploded. Harare had become a Third World city of potholes, garbage, busted pipelines, and broken street lights.

The government orchestrated land seizures of White commercial farms began in 2000 and escalated after Mugabe was reelected by fraud and intimidation in 2002. After a solid decade of redistributing land to black farmers, arable land across Zimbabwe lies fallow in waist-high Rhodes grass, with mud hut dwellers working tiny subsistence plots and selling their small surpluses on the side of the road. The Breadbasket of Africa which used to feed the entire region can no longer even feed itself.

The statistics tell the tale: since 2000 there has been a 70 percent decline in food production, a 45 percent decline in cotton, a 79 percent decline in corn, a 90 percent decline in wheat, a 66 percent decline in soybeans, a 50 percent decline in citrus, a 61 percent decline in fresh produce, a 59 percent decline in dairy products, a 69 percent decline in beef, a 92 percent decline in coffee, and an 50 percent decline in tobacco. Zimbabwe became the fastest shrinking economy in Africa.

Hyperinflation destroyed the Zimbabwe dollar in 2009. Zimbabwe progressed to 94 percent unemployment. Gold production has collapsed by 75 percent after an Empowerment Bill was passed requiring White or foreign owned businesses to hand over 51 percent of their business to Africans. The country was forced to suspend debt repayments to foreign creditors in 2004.

‘If the aim of the land reform was to evict whites and replace them with blacks, then it can be deemed a success,’ Mr. Theron of the Commercial Farmers Union said.

‘However, if the aim was that it should benefit the majority and not only a chosen few, then it has been a failure.’

The Niggerati of Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe were among the worst on the continent:







We’ve already seen how Theodoro Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea bought the Batmobile featured in Christian Bale’s The Dark Knight. Robert Mugabe Jr. bought the Michael Keaton version. Robert Mugabe singlehandedly destroyed Zimbabwe. He even labeled himself the “Black Hitler”:


The story of Zimbabwe ends in a White pill.

Robert Mugabe’s government fell last November in a coup. The White farmers who were ousted by Mugabe have been invited back Zimbabwe and greeted by throngs of cheering Africans.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Its telling that at the time Rhodesia became Zimbabwe, Margaret Thatchers ‘Conservative’ government was in power in Britain. It was a total betrayal of white Rhodesians to only recognize the country once it fell into black rule
    and became Zimbabwe, and then begin doling out foreign aid on top of that. If whites had remained in power-no bloody foreign aid would have been required. Why the hell didn’t they get this??? So even back then, your ‘Conservative’ governments weren’t that conservative.
    For all Britains virtue signaling, Mugabe never liked them-and blamed them for everything.
    White farmers returning to Zimbabwe is not a white pill. They should have left there years ago and never came back. Let the ungrateful nogs fend for themselves.

  2. It’s been nothing but global wars, third world dysfunction, capitalist exploitation and Zionist aggression since the USSA has been the #1 “superpower”. Death to the American Empire.

    • I think (((Queen Victoria))) was the tipping point. The (((bankers))) seemed to have changed strategy from centralized power to killing off whites and spinnng off colonies-all with (((central bankers))) in control.

      • Prove Victoria was Jewish!

        I’ve asked this before… I think it’s just Talmudic projection, and an antichristian anti-monarchy position, and nothing more… stupid demonocrazy advocates. Bubbas, all of ‘em.

  3. Why denigrate Hitler ? Mugabe was more of a Churchill or Stalin. Rhodesia was doomed anyway, too much British Anglo Saxon decadent homosexual culture to do anything but fold. Not that I’m saying Smith was a faggot, but the British culture is Gay and decadent and, as events have proven, is a death cult. Bloody bastards will barely exist by the 22d century.

  4. Our two roads to progress: Railroads and Cecil B. Rhodes …

    Cecil B. Rhodes was instrumental in the development of railroads in Southern Africa and in British Africa, generally. He also developed mining interests like the Kimberly diamond mines and the Johannesburg gold reef. His greatest, and unfulfilled plan, was the Cape to Cairo Railway.

    • I understand Kaiser Wilhelm established the colonies of German East and West Africa in order to prevent the British from building that railway and becoming too powerful on the Dark Continent.

      • @spahnranch1969

        I didn’t know about that. However, I’ve got books on the Kolonial Schütztruppen, especially the Southwest Afrika Field Force.

        I know they had cattle ranches in Südwest Afrika and fought against the Herero.

        I’ve got the Osprey Books on the Zulu and Boer Wars. And Barthorp’s books on the Zulu, Boer and Mahdist Wars.

  5. I recommend to Hunter and everybody else:

    Osprey Publishing.

    Osprey Men at Arms Series 411

    Warrior Peoples of East Africa 1840-1900

    By Chris Peers.

  6. I was in Rhodesia right towards the end. At the time I was a university student in America and decided to take a quarter off to head out to Africa, mainly from reading too many articles in Soldier of Fortune. Anyway, some observations:

    Things were largely peaceful in Rhodesia, at least in the cities. The bus from Beitbridge to Salisbury had an armed escort, but otherwise you felt a heck of a lot safer than you would have been in any American inner city. Goes without saying that utilities functioned, restaurants had efficient service, and rental car agencies could get you wheels, though knowing how to drive a stick helped.

    The Whites had a quiet control of the black majority. I think this was because the Whites were confident in their own rule, and the black Africans picked up on this in a land where powerful warriors are due respect. Most of the rank and file in the Rhodesian Army were black; obviously, if they really were “oppressed” the war would have been over in two weeks with a mutiny, as happened with the Force Publique in Congo 1960.

    There was a British colonial laidback veneer to the country which compared to the more rigid Afrikaner dominated South Africa. You saw nothing of caricatured “white supremacist” attitudes in Rhodesia; such attitudes were fantasies created by liberals back in the USA and Europe. . Broadly, Rhodesians saw themselves as running a responsible government, compared to the mayhem in black majority rule Africa.

    The Rhodesian military maintained the tactical ascendancy right up to the end. The dilemma was exterior: given the anti-colonial (really, anti-White) politics in Europe and increasingly the US, Rhodesia was isolated and forced to capitulate. This was the same pattern seen with the Portuguese African colonies, the French in Algeria, and ultimately South Africa. It is a pattern that continues through to this day.

    This is why winning the propaganda battle at home is the primary goal of the ongoing war in which White peoples are engaged. Once that battle is won, White military superiority will gain the ultimate victory.

      • So you believe all is not lost, then?

        Up until the 1980s, the Soviet Union appeared to be an unstoppable superpower, with a secure geopolitical base dominating the Eurasian landmass, a militant communist revolutionary apparatus operating from Angola to Nicaragua, and millions of useful idiots in the capitalist world. Yet by 1991 the Berlin Wall had fallen and today Soviet communism is no more.

        Things can turn on a dime.

        For a decade following the end of the American Civil War the South was under the boot of Reconstruction. Yet by the year 1900, White people were in control of not only the South but also the North and West. Even progressives like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were pushing White interests.

        In AD 476 the Western Roman Empire fell. Yet the Eastern Empire, under emperors like Justinian, created the new Byzantine realm which dominated the Balkans, south Italy and the Near East throughout the Dark Ages. In the West, leaders such as Charles Martel arose to defeat the heretofore victorious Muslim armies.

        A few hundred conquistadors under Cortez and Pizarro brought down the mighty Aztec and Inca Empires.

        In the 19th century, small European imperial armies conquered all of Africa – and often with the support of blacks who supported them once Whites showed some leadership. Ian Smith and a quarter million Whites could defend Rhodesia for 15 years against the full force of afro-marxist terrorism.

        Things are never lost until you choose to throw in the towel.

        Let’s look at how easy it would be to defeat the enemy if Whites chose to do so. What does the enemy consist of? A low IQ underclass which has wrecked every city they have occupied from Port au Prince to Detroit? A mob of snowflakes who break out into hysterical tears and parade around in garments resembling bodily orifices? A corrupt elite which is openly hostile to their own people?

        Consider the utter terror into which America’s hostile elites descended following Charlottesville. A thousand organized Whites with tiki torches caused Congress and corporate CEOs to fall over each other with “condemnations.” And even though there was a wave of de-platformings, the Alt Right is bouncing back. Also consider the rise of nationalist movements in Europe, which have struggled against state repression to form mass movements.

        To win, it’s a matter of applying the correct strategies: infowar, cyber ops, networking, street demonstrations. With the Internet, the Alt Right has the instrument. Think long term and keep passing out those Red Pills.


  7. Why didn’t Cecil Rhodes make Rhodesia go the sea? That way they could have made trading ports for their agricultural exports.

    World War I F******** up everything. America’s entry in to World War I was supposed fight to make the entire world SAFE FOR AMERICAN STYLE DEMOCRACY!

    That eventually led to the election and misrule of Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe!

    Our Conservative leaders like the Woodraw Wilson and the Bush family are so F******* with their ridiculous speeches announcing ZOG wars in places like Iraq and Serbia and Syria to fight for

    Freedom and Democracy!

    And then we have to stomach the patriotard folk/rock singers like Ted Nugent, Hank Williams Jr and Toby Keith churching out some God awful pro ZOG war song

    “Don’t Give us a reason Saddam cause we’re gonna kick your ass”

    “Just be an Amurikunnnnn soldier, don’t question anything just salute the flag and do your duchy as an Amurikunnnnnnn solider”.

    Then I have to receive fund raising mailers for “our wounded warriors” with pictures of maimed one legged Gulf War vets and see fat ass Neo Con Jews like William Kristol mouthing off that White working class Americans and rural Whites need to be replaced by happy, minimum wage 3rd world immigrant workers.

    Our country sucks.

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