Someone has gotten President Trump on message:
President Trump: "I think Google has really taken advantage of a lot of people… Google and Twitter and Facebook, they're really treading on very, very troubled territory, and they have to be careful. Its not fair to large portions of the population" pic.twitter.com/H3hga1kZwu
— NBC Politics (@NBCPolitics) August 28, 2018
I see no reason to doubt that it is Alex Jones:
Yes, Alex Jones / Infowars Are Advising President Trump On Striking Back Against Internet Censorship pic.twitter.com/SD70wEXk5a
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) August 28, 2018
Now, the conservative and populist revolt against Big Tech has spread to inside Facebook itself:
“SAN FRANCISCO — The post went up quietly on Facebook’s internal message board last week. Titled “We Have a Problem With Political Diversity,” it quickly took off inside the social network.
“We are a political monoculture that’s intolerant of different views,” Brian Amerige, a senior Facebook engineer, wrote in the post, which was obtained by The New York Times. “We claim to welcome all perspectives, but are quick to attack — often in mobs — anyone who presents a view that appears to be in opposition to left-leaning ideology.”
Since the post went up, more than 100 Facebook employees have joined Mr. Amerige to form an online group called FB’ers for Political Diversity, according to two people who viewed the group’s page and who were not authorized to speak publicly. The aim of the initiative, according to Mr. Amerige’s memo, is to create a space for ideological diversity within the company. …”
Something is going to give here.
If Congress does nothing about this issue, the steady drumbeat of criticism will sour half the country on mainstream social media platforms. This will translate into a shrinking user base, declining engagement and the eventual balkanization of social media as conservatives flee to other platforms. Silicon Valley will have to choose between social justice ideology and profitability.
Note: Gab seems to be booming these days.
Expect that Facebook employee to receive the Damore treatment. With Stripe cutting off BitChute and MasterCard telling Patreon whose accounts to cancel I expect Gab to get a financial deplatforming soon.
It’s a trap!
Admiral Akbar
In the sense of fairness. I have never given gab a serious consideration. It just smells like they want to set a trap once they drive all dissenters to one place and then idk block everyones IP or something more sinister. I can’t fathom the deepest darkest thoughts of the jew but with jews you lose.
But this situation was allowed to happen by the right. It’s not that this suddenly happened, no, it’s in the works now for years and suddenly everyone starts complaining and whining. You know what? You’re all too late.
It is like USSR came down.
You know, there are actually very few true believers. Most people are just too weak or too afraid or too ignorant to confront cultural Marxism.
But once snowball starts rolling there is nothing to stop it. By various data, there are only 4-6% genetic white liberals in the population. Of course, they are very noisy and very active and very violent but not almighty so I see a dam breaking.
That’s why they won’t let this snowball start rolling. They don’t want the Berlin Thought Wall that they are building to come down. This will be nipped in the bud.
Balkanized social media is not a bad thing, since ultimately we want a balkanized North America with room for a free Dixie. But to get there we need more major platforms. Gab and VK are ok – I tried them – but I ultimately went back to FB and am just careful what I post publicly. For now that is the best option for me.
“Silicon Valley will have to choose between social justice ideology and profitability.”
Judeo-Communists only care about the “Revolution©,” cost what it may. Even if the cost is profits, jobs and whole corporations and sectors of the economy.
Judeo-Communists are nihilists out to liquidate Civilisation and Humanity, after all. Destruction is their only goal.
The fleeing is already in progress! Facebergs monthly page views are down massively, like a 50% drop.
I wonder how many people who stopped using it realized the anti-Logos** Jewish Conspiracy is real and Zuckerberg and Sandberg are a yuge part of it!
Even liberals like Jim Carrey have #DeleteFacebook
Here are the numbers to crunch:
**anti-Logos:. Look up E.Michael Jones!