Editor’s Note: We’re not done here. I will soon be adding three more points on the environment, positive vibes in our movement and humanity and whiteness not being inherently opposed. We also need a discourse that blends a message of peace, populism, progress and prosperity.
I’ve been working on this ever since the debacle at Michigan State:
“Ok, I’ve seen enough.
This is a send off post. I’m tired of this subject consuming my time and distracting me. Whether it is the lack of a sturdy ideological framework, the lack of cohesion, the total lack of solidarity, the optics spiraling, the hatred of women, the disrespect and whining about our elders, the unseemly snobbery, the inability to handle the slightest setback, the unwillingness to make sacrifices, the absence of traits like loyalty, the Trump personality cult, the dominance of aesthetics over morality, the intersection with weird internet subcultures which have nothing to do with nationalism (are traps gay?) or everything being a nihilistic joke, ironic bantz, troll or retarded meme, I’m sorry but this is going nowhere.
I’m going to tune out, clear my head, get back to work here and move on. See you around for Alt-Right 2.0 or whatever the hell comes after this incarnation of it. …”
I joked on James Edwards show last night that when our thinking and discourse is purified and polished up a bit from the last upgrade it will come out sounding French.
White Nationalism 1.0
1.) Race – The first point is that race exists within the human species. This isn’t “racism” which is rooted in a spirit of malevolence. It is simply an acknowledgment of reality.
2.) Jewish Power – Jews have enormous power and influence within our society. It has become the elephant in the room in the age of Donald Trump and MIGA. This antiquated taboo simply can no longer be maintained when Jewish donors are buying our foreign policy.
3.) White Identity – It Is Okay To Be White. There is nothing wrong with White identity. It is healthy and normal to have a positive sense of identity. This shouldn’t be repressed.
4.) Humor – The Alt-Right took the first three points from White Nationalism 1.0 and made it funny and sold it to a broader audience. This was one of its greatest accomplishments. When the Alt-Right ceased to be funny and became overly serious, it lost a key to its success.
5.) Memes and Optics – The Alt-Right’s memes and optics game has improved tremendously in March as the wider community has finally begun to move on from Donald Trump. I’d like to see more of this visual art. The people who are creating it are very talented.
6.) Infiltrating Politics – In the Trump era, this took the form of trying to infiltrate mainstream conservatism, the debate over “Americana” and backing the MAGA movement. Clearly, this strategy hit a wall though around the time of CPAC 2019. Hold that thought.
7.) Identitarianism – Identitarianism was the backbone philosophy of the Alt-Right and expressed itself in identity politics groups like the NPI, Patriot Front and Identity Evropa. Unfortunately, I think this has lead us to a dead end in trying to align ourselves with the “White People’s Party.” I think we all now realize these people are extremely old and will never change their ways. Identity is good. Identity politics, however, has misled us.
National Populism or Radical Centrism (3.0)
8.) Health and Fitness – I think the Rise Above Movement was on to something here and tacking on an emphasis on physical fitness and rejecting drug abuse would be widely accepted as an improvement in the platform by almost everyone. I recently sounded delirious to some of my readers because I have incorporated fasting into my diet for health and mental clarity reasons. I do this to develop spiritually and to cut through mental cobwebs to write more incisively.
9.) Post-Americanism – White Nationalism 1.0 and the Alt-Right made peace with the idea that America was dead and was never coming back in the 1990s. The Trump era was an aberration. Donald Trump sold us on a nostalgic vision that he could take us back to the White America of the 1950s or even the Ronald Reagan era of the 1980s. Unfortunately, he has only made matters worse.
We need to accept the fact that we are living in the 21st century. This means getting beyond nostalgia for a variety of dead regimes whether it is restoring the Confederacy or the Third Reich or 1950s America. It is impossible to resurrect the dead. We can only learn from history and apply its insights to the present and the future. That’s why we need to move beyond identity politics (which is being exploited by conservatism) and instead organize to become America’s largest tribe.
Even if we are no longer dominant, White people are still the largest tribe in America. It is going to be in the interest of everyone that a big space be made in the “mainstream” for White identity and White interest group politics. The two parties should be competing over our support. We shouldn’t simply automatically vote Republican because the Boomers have done so.
I’m going to stay White, Southern and Christian. I am going to be a wild card though in elections. I could really swing either way given how worthless the Republican Party has become.
10.) Cultural Message – The Alt-Right never had a clear cultural message. The message should have been that political correctness is a terrible operating system for our society. It is a cultural virus that divides and inflames the body politic. It pits groups against each other. It is wholly a negative, diabolical force in our society and the True Faith is propped up by disciplinary institutions like the SPLC and ADL, SJWs in academia, Antifa at the street level and Journofa in the media with their heretics list.
We should think of ourselves as reformers like, say, Martin Luther or John Calvin or Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuit Order. The problem is political correctness and our message is that we should get rid of it. We can replace it with the finest wines of Western civilization: the virtue ethics of Aristotle and classical Antiquity, the Christian faith which was once the bedrock of our common culture and the values of the Enlightenment such as free speech, tolerance and reason. We should contrast our moderation with the bigotry and fanaticism of the zealots who oppose our message of reform.
These people have mistaken politics for ethics. A common morality reconciles people of different points of view. It is positive as opposed to negative. It stimulates love instead of hatred. I think smart people are beginning to recognize that political correctness has poisoned our discourse. It has made countless issues toxic and nearly impossible for Americans to talk about anymore.
I shouldn’t have to tell you that Pittsburgh and New Zealand is what happens under our current absurd moral system. Catholicism was a better moral system even when it abused indulgences. Protestantism was a better moral system because it eliminated the middle man between the individual and God. Political correctness, however, simply damns the “sinner” to Purgatory in this world until he self detonates in a mass shooting because he sees no other way out of it.
11.) Centrism – The Alt-Right was never the “Far Right.” It was “Far Right” in the sense that nationalists and populists are in the MIDDLE OF THE ELECTORATE. Generally speaking, we are socially conservative, economically populist voters. We are radicalized moderates.
Why have we been radicalized? There is no place for White identity in the middle of the electorate. There is no place for a discussion of such obvious White interests as ending the opioid and suicide epidemic in White America which is a modern day plague. Obesity is another modern day plague. Divorce and the collapse of the family is a plague. Nihilism is one of the biggest modern day plagues. We’re in the center and seeing the social fabric ripped from both ends by anarchists and conservatives.
12.) Economics – The Alt-Right never had an economic platform. Andrew Yang has come along with a slew of interesting proposals: Medicare for All, a Legion of Builders and Destroyers (Infrastructure), Universal Basic Income, Student Loan Forgiveness, overthrowing the oligarchy that controls our politics by giving ordinary people the money to match their financial clout and influence.
Yang is offering what is essentially a 21st century version of the New Deal for Millennials and Zoomers. He calls it “humane capitalism” and contrasts it with free-market capitalism and socialism. It is why the meme makers are so excited about his candidacy. Even if Yang fails to win the Democratic nomination, we should scoop up a lot of his ideas and make them our own. The “Humanity First” message is also a winner because it defuses the tribalism and hostility of other groups.
13.) Vision of the Future – Yang is offering an extremely potent vision of social and economic reform. He proposes putting a financial floor of $1,000 a month of basic income under the feet of the White working class and White middle class in America. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how much stress this would relieve in their lives and how much it would improve their well-being.
The $1,000 a month to abolish wage slavery is also just a start. As history moves forward and robotics and artificial intelligence displace human workers, the wealth created by scientific and technological progress could be redistributed through a social dividend. The “floor” would then grow higher and higher from one generation to the next and it would enable people to pursue higher order goods like, say, living in a culturally and ethnically homogeneous tribal community.
As Universal Basic Income cranks up over time, people will naturally retribalize, kind of just chill and the social fabric will begin to heal as future generations focus more on cultural pursuits than on providing for their basic economic needs. It is a happy vision of world peace and progress. Yang is one of the few people who realizes that having more money and redistributing it more broadly will solve most social problems and reconcile countless previously “irreconcilable” -isms.
14.) Accelerationism – The easiest way to topple Conservatism, Inc. would be to leave the Republican Party and join the Democratic Party. We can have a greater disruptive impact by going into the other political party, pulling it back toward the center of the electorate and by cancelling out the votes of all the bigots and fanatics in that party who are our enemies.
Conceivably, White people could become just another tribe in the Democratic coalition reconciled with the other tribes. It would be the largest tribe. We would be easier for the Democrats to absorb than the Republicans because they are already used to dealing with a wide range of interest and identity groups and treating White people the same as everyone else would detoxify “racism” and give them the electoral majorities that are needed to accomplish major legislative goals.
When the “racists” were in the Democratic Party, FDR was president and the Democrats got all kind of things done. When the “racists” left to join the Republican Party in the 1960s, the only thing it accomplished was resurrecting conservatism for a generation. Thus, it would be better to just have the “racists” inside the fold and reduce the GOP back to the minority party it used to be. The Civil Rights Movement gave conservatism a new lease on life after Herbert Hoover.
15.) Non-violence – Self explanatory.
Note: Everything else can be built upon this platform like immigration reform and lingering concerns about gun rights which can be sorted out after depolarizing our politics. The single most important thing that has to change though is that our politics can no longer be polarized between crazy SJW fundamentalists on the Left and angry conservative Boomers on the Right.
Tribalism is the natural way forward in a racially and culturally diverse nation. The Recucks worship at the CivNat altar, though, so to preach for European rights is heresy. But the Demonrats hate us too. Hunter must reckon that as the left loves power above all else, they’ll eventually make room for us at the table if we come over to their side. Currently, they only have room for the ironically named “Good Whites” that will denounce their own kind. They’ve shown a willingness to change their rationale at the drop of a hat, but that just makes them all the more untrustworthy. Is the hope that we’ll be able to use power as it would use us?
I think we should make peace with the other tribes in the Democratic Party so that Jexodus can begin and we can have a second party for the first time in our lifetimes
The deranged left in Portland, Seattle and now places like Spokane are beyond reach. The good news is they are pretty useless for anything other than voting. I think most of them don’t even vote. This concept of a white ethnostate is starting on the false premise that whites can actually unite behind a common identity. At least 20% of the white population and probably more will have to be abandoned for such a project to work.
Except literally every single dissident right winger will gladly dump an ever far far larger percentage for anything resembling ethnostates to be allowed to exist. And we’re going to have to dump more than that no matter what, how the hell have you not come to terms with this by now.
When I think about the current situation, it’s easy to get deflated and feel like there is no way forward…sooner or later the non-white majority will vote to turn us into South Africa.
However…our ancestors faced much worse, and triumphed. We can do the same. But as you said, we need to get back to the moral bedrock – Jesus Christ and the Bible – on which we can build our community, and improve our relationship & dealings with other races, giving us clear sight as to righteous words and deeds.
Turn off the TV and get into the Word. Also, research our history and ancestors, rediscover our American/Anglo/Irish folk music (bluegrass, etc. and traditional groups like Show of Hands, classical music like Ralph Vaughan Williams), poetry and literature. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Beowulf, Chaucer…
We must be BUILDERS. Build families, friendships, churches, communities.
Nationalists think of non-Whites as one entity, when each of the groups that makes them up, think of themselves as individual. Blacks resent Asians for their wealth. Mexicans hate Blacks and purge them violently from their neighborhoods. In the Middle East Muslims still throw gays off buildings, beat their wives, and stone them for adultery, And the Feminsts hate all men. And the trannies? WTF?
The only thing holding the fragile left wing coalition together is their common hatred of Whites. What do you think would become of this coalition, if we made it illegal to hate Whites?
Whites will be the biggest minority in American history, and will be stable once they realize they are a threatened minority. White Minority is when the rubber hits the road.
…our ancestors weren’t sackless cowards morally opposed to violence either.
“When the “racists” were in the Democratic Party, FDR was president and the Democrats got all kind of things done”
Such as destroying Western Civilization
This Russia Insider link has very important timeline/bullet points about the history of jewish exploitation of blacks and jewish attempts to cloak that history, at one point shining light on Leo Frank’s murder of Mary Phagan and framing of two black men:
The end of the article also gives people a place to order Nation of Islam books about the subject.
This seems like an excellent start for creating a new vision.
The first pillar of a renewed Founding Stock America, is to merely agree – ORION.
Our Race IS Our Nation.
You can believe ANYTHING ELSE you want to (even though I would say, you are wrong! -LOL) but if we are going to adopt a real Tribalist attitude (and the entire Bible is a manual on how to think this way- it’s only been illegally, and immorally usurped by the False Israelites- the Talmudics) then ORION has to be the first step. You defuse the J-crowd, by adopting the older, Christian concensus that Talmudic Judaism is a FALSE, USURPACIOUS, ‘OTHER’ in our midst- both religiously, culturally, ethnically, etc.
The Church is God’s ‘ISRAEL’ [ Gal. 6:16] and it is OUR TRIBE, ALONE, that has His favor, as long as we ACT like REAL Americans- not the globohomo trash the Deep State has seduced us into being….
All else follows from that. Just sayin’…
This is the most lucid thing you’ve written in weeks. Excellent!
A chief is a leader of his people, but he does not have “absolute ownership rights” over you because WE ARE NOT SLAVES …. such a leader/chief does not make slaves of his people for personal gain such as a King (messianic or otherwise who claims absolute ownership right of you and all property !!!
Their “biblical” definition of lord/ kýrios – properly, a person exercising absolute ownership rights; lord (Lord). (https://biblehub.com/greek/2962.htm)
NO MAN HAS absolute ownership right OVER ME, lest you be his slave … and ownership of all property (ESPECIALLY LAND and capital goods of production,) (oligarchical communism, trial run successful former USSR and ongoing in China) will now become oligarchical corporate communism with “propositional” Corporate states contra organic nation’s to maintain “legal” framework for their ongoing thieving scheme of wealth and property transfers to themselves, ie. Usury!!!)
WHOM IS YOUR ‘LORD’? a foreign alien man? a foreign alien people’s ‘messianic” man-king contra 1 Samuel 8:7 ? any man who would be King contra 1 Samuel 8:7, or the Spirit (John 4:24) who is truly the ‘Lord” –> And the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty; 2 Cor 3:17 ? See especially Numbers 23:19 !! —>
:God is not human, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.
CM Reed- WE are ALL slaves – of sin. And yes. GOD DOES OWN US ALL- like the cattle on a thousand hills. And ALL AUTHORITY is derivative…from God- even a godless ruler does God’s will against an apostate humanity. And God’s favored form of rule IS a Monarchy, so don’t quote I Samuel, as if the Presbyterian error is biblical. It’s not.
So don’t tell lies, or blaspheme, or protestant scripture twist. You are wrong, because you are full of pride, and pretend you aren’t owned. There is a reason we are in the mess we are in, and Russia is NOT.
Get that straightened out in your head, and I might consider you sane.
The jewish messiah was a son of man! God the Spirit is NO SON OF MAN !!!
WHOM IS YOUR ‘LORD’? a foreign alien jew? a foreign alien people’s ‘messianic” man-king contra 1 Samuel 8:7 ? any man who would be King contra 1 Samuel 8:7, or the Spirit (John 4:24) who is truly the ‘Lord” —>> And the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty; 2 Cor 3:17. See especially Numbers 23:19 !! —>
:God is not human, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. (Numbers 23:19) …
…THE Jewish “MESSIAH” was a “SON OF MAN”!!!
The true Temple of the Spirit is not in Jerusalem, it is here 1 Cor 3:16, 1 Cor 6:19, Psalm 82:6, John 10:34-39 … indeed the Spirit is in all men and all men are in the Spirit… for we are all son’s (children) of the Most High (PS 82:6) but no son of man is God the Spirit (John 4:24)! … for God is not human, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind” ~ Numbers 23:19
“We should think of ourselves as reformers like, say, Martin Luther or John Calvin or Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuit Order.”
All freemasonic and other secret society liars! HW now I know where your loyalty stands and it’s not with truth.
My loyalty is to the European people, Jesus Christ and Dixie! Also, free masonry didn’t exist in Luther’s time. It only really got started around a century later in Scotland.
Freemasonry came right out of the Knights Templars in France. It’s the political arm of the jesuits.
I agree our European heritage is important, but is this the right way to go foward? There has to be a way to go foward because everthing else has failed. We are a minority without a voice and to speak out for our people we are automatically labeled ‘White supremacist.’ Trump has certainly turned his back on us and it’s amazing other White people don’t see the deception.
There is a book from 1390 referencing Freemasonry.
Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses to the church door in 1517.
Ofc, neither of the guys mentioned were Freemasons, so the point is moot on dates.
Did Brad really call the Jesuits reformers?
I didn’t even read the article he’s been so off the map lately what’s the point.
That’s definitely out of the ‘galaxy,’ though.
At this point, I am officially signing off of OD. I know I’ve said that once before but this is beyond.
Brad, please try to get a hold of yourself. I don’t see outright manic depression here but I do see some degree of street level insanity going on.
The Council of Trent did reform the Catholic Church.
All right. See you later. When you are done being mad for no reason whatsoever, I will still be here and you will be free to share your opinion.
It seems like you are not taking the J.Q seriously
The GOP is the 1srael party
The Democrats are the Diaspora party
WN 3.0 should not be based on a fad that people got into to help kids on the internet get over Trump
It should involve building a real world nationalist movement, like NRM, independent from both parties, so that in future elections we don’t have to cope with our powerlessness by rooting for a random Asian technocrat polling at 1%.
If we had built a real life nationalist movement, we could at least be polling at 1% and getting people excited about our ideas.
I don’t really see Southern Nationalists ever actually “getting it” with regards to the JQ. There’s too much love of Jews on sticks that the fascists and National-Socialists don’t have. There is a party that does this, but it’s currently fairly small primarily because NOBODY WANTS TO DO ANYTHING except blog and podcast about shit.
I highly recommend joining the American Nazi Party.
PS: It’s the bible worship that’s killing the South, with all that insistence on venerating dead Jews.
until Christianity is dumbed there will be no Sola Sanguis, for the true sodalities of Spirit is thru the blood, (i.e. genetics, nature, not “wordism”)
Per Samuel’s warning, King-Lordship by man contra the Kingship of the Spirit (1 Samuel 8:7, John 4:24, 2 Cor 3:17, and especially Numbers 23:19.–>God the Spirit (john 4:24 is NOT A SON OF MAN, NOR A HUMAN!! ) … is communism (i.e. the man-king has absolute ownership of you and all property, take a very close look at the definition of “lord”: https://biblehub.com/str/greek/2962.htm !!) , wake up Dixie, please!!
“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” Luke 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light. Mark 4:22
read the truth of history and irrefutable archeology concerning “messianism”: creatingchrist.com https://postflaviana.org/
also some other truths: https://isthatinthebible.wordpress.com/2014/07/09/the-twelve-or-so-tribes-of-israel/
correction: dumbed should be dumping of “messianism”
and a good read regarding Sola Sanguis: http://volkish.org/2019/02/10/sola-sanguis-a-volkish-credo-of-blood/
K-rist is the Spirit,… dump “messianic” and it’s claim to global monarchy, (i.e. globalism) it is false…
seeSamuel’s warning: he told them the desire for a king was an act of disobedience and that they would pay dearly if they established a monarchy. The history told in the Hebrew book, Kings, bears out Samuel’s warning. see 1 Samuel 8:7
the true temple of the Spirit (i.e God, John 4:24) is not in Jerusalem, .. it is here 1 Cor 6:19, 1 Cor 3:16 …
Final comment:
A chief is a leader of his people, (not a king, as kingship is a claim on absolute onwership right over YOU and ALL property) but a true leader does not have “absolute ownership rights” over you because WE ARE NOT SLAVES …. such a leader/chief does not make slaves of his people for personal gain such as a King (messianic or otherwise who claims absolute ownership right of you and all property !!!
Their “biblical” definition of lord/ kýrios – properly, a person exercising absolute ownership rights; lord (Lord). (https://biblehub.com/greek/2962.htm)
NO MAN HAS absolute ownership right OVER ME, lest you be his slave … and ownership of all property (ESPECIALLY LAND and capital goods of production,) (oligarchical communism, trial run successful former USSR and ongoing in China) will now become oligarchical corporate communism with “propositional” Corporate states contra organic nation’s to maintain “legal” framework for their ongoing thieving scheme of wealth and property transfers to themselves, ie. Usury!!!)
WHOM IS YOUR ‘LORD’? a foreign alien jew? a foreign alien people’s ‘messianic” man-king contra 1 Samuel 8:7 ? any man who would be Kingcontra 1 Samuel 8:7, or the Spirit (John 4:24) who is truly the ‘Lord” … And the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty; 2 Cor 3:17 ? See especially Numbers 23:19 !! —>
:God is not human, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Lets retry this final comment:
A chief is a leader of his people, but he does not have “absolute ownership rights” over you because WE ARE NOT SLAVES …. such a leader/chief does not make slaves of his people for personal gain such as a King (i.e. messianic or otherwise claims absolute ownership right of you and all property) !!!
Their “biblical” definition of lord/ kýrios – properly, a person exercising absolute ownership rights; lord (Lord). (https://biblehub.com/greek/2962.htm)
NO MAN HAS absolute ownership right OVER ME, lest you be his slave … and ownership of all property (ESPECIALLY LAND and capital goods of production,) (oligarchical communism, trial run successful former USSR and ongoing in China) will now become oligarchical corporate communism with “propositional” Corporate states contra organic nation’s to maintain “legal” framework for their ongoing thieving scheme of wealth and property transfers to themselves, ie. Usury!!!)
WHOM IS YOUR ‘LORD’? a foreign alien? a foreign alien people’s ‘messianic” man-king contra 1 Samuel 8:7 ? any man who would be Kingcontra 1 Samuel 8:7, or the Spirit (John 4:24) who is truly the ‘Lord” … And the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty; 2 Cor 3:17 ? See especially Numbers 23:19 !! —>
:God is not human, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.
If y’all upset HW too much he’ll take six months off and do something crazy, like spend more time with his family or work on writing his book. Then we’ll have to put up with Yack Ryans. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?
No one should be mad.
If people disagree, they should just argue in the comments. I’m open to being criticized and proven wrong. We need to have rational debates again, not dogma. Question everything including whatever I am saying this week.
Indeed, question Sola scriptura!!! : The Sacred and the Profane, Inverted : https://postflaviana.org/exodus-aten-bomb/
Hunter, you are overthinking this
Yang is quite open about the fact that he is scared of Whites revolting and he wants to pay us $1,000 a month so that we will accept our dispossession quietly.
The result of all that Alt-Right stuff over the last few years is scared Asian technocrats offering Whites tribute in an attempt to pacify them.
That’s an interesting development. It may be that Whites should accept the tribute that is being offered to them. That’s debatable.
But if they DO accept, it doesn’t mean that we should abandon our own goals and come up with some new $1,000 based belief system where we prioritize social harmony. Our goals haven’t changed.
From a game theory perspective, what we should do, if we accept the tribute, is invest part of it in becoming more politically organized, more of a political force to be reckoned with, so that we can credibly demand more and more tribute. Political organization is, after all, a proxy for other, less civilized forms of organization.
Then keep re-investing the tribute in political mobilization and organization until you get to a point where you can credibly demand political sovereignty and they will think about giving it to you.
Post-Yang Pro-Whites should be thinking about ways for pro-whites to become even more of an intolerant minority, even more politically mobilized, even more of a force that politicians want to placate, even more capable of credibly demanding concessions.
This is politics so simple a caveman could do it and that’s what minorities who are successful in this system do. Even stacking the deck against us cant change this fundamental dynamic of politics.
Until Whitey dump’s the Sola Scritura non-sense for Sola Sanguis (ORION) and continue to be fractured…
Sola Scritpura is a clever psy-op by our enemies who practice extreme tribalism, to created the extreme individualism we see of Whitey, i.e. “I’m getting a free gib to heaven via immoral vicarious redemption granted to me the JQ “messianic” “man-god” global monarch so why the heck do I care about other white people, i ain’t giving my money to organize whitey cause Im going to heaven anyway and rather spend that money on booze and prostitutes, and porn sold to me by the “Messianic’s” …
It is a mythic inversion of mythic Valhalla that can only be earned by protecting one’s kith and kin, blood and soil …
“There shall be no usurers in the market. If any should come, it will be the duty of the maidens to make it known through the whole land, in order that such people may not be chosen for any office, because they are hard-hearted. For the sake of money they would betray everybody—the people, the mother, their nearest relations, and even their own selves.” http://www.sacred-texts.com/atl/olb/olb08.htm
Under the Yang UBI, I think the point is Whitey could be more free to do as he pleases. Those not wanting to live with preferred POC wouldn’t be held down by wage slavery, and condemned to live only where WalmartAmazonMcDonalds wants us to live. We usually end up in overpriced apartments, anyway. The American system for some time hasn’t been the land of 160 acres for any man who wants it, with a precious-metal backed currency and almost unlimited personal freedom and responsibility. Wilson, FDR, and LBJ transformed us into one nation under gibsmedat. The best we can do under such a centrally-controlled situation is to carve out our own alternatives, limited to those willing to participate and become part of a protective coalition, imho.
The only thing whitey will do with a thousand free dollars is spend it on cars, beer, and sportsball games, and maybe more guns which he will stash away in the basement.
Most will go along to get along. In my jaded experience, people will sacrifice others for the tiniest immediate advantage, too. It’s those that are willing to go their own way, and do something to make it happen, that will make a positive difference in the future. Look at the discussions taking place here on OD. We’re definitely a minority, but we care enough about our society and each other to hash out ideas that might actually lead to something better. We’re the kind of people that are always in the minority. I’m not hoping to convert the masses; I’m just wanting to save the remnant.
One last post to contimplate and i’ll go to the back benches…
“The insidious programming of the Matrix suppresses racial identity and seeks to pasteurize all peoples into a raceless, rootless mass of homogenous humatons (ie. the “borg of corprate heaven”https://www.nobeliefs.com/heaven.htm ). The reality of divine oneness is falsely invoked to legitimize this dehumanization, with the cant that if All are One we should live together in peace and brotherhood forever. The truth is that there is no contradiction between the oneness of Supernal Spirit, which underlies all creation, and the infinite variety of separate forms and beings which it spawns. In fact if all went back to unity, it would be the end of the cosmos.
Spiritual enlightenment awakens an individual to the love of God for all beings, called Caritas. We have also awakened to the reality of racial identity; from this arises another kind of love, the deep primordial philos that binds together a family, clan, or tribe. Again there is no contradiction: enlightened white individuals have philial feelings exclusively for their racial kindred, and this does not diminish their Caritas for all humanity. Awareness of the overarching unity gives us the wisdom to draw the line of separation exactly where it’s needed. Dharma requires strong boundaries on every front, and legitimate conflicts of interest between peoples must sometimes be dealt with by means of war. Only this fusion of blood and Spirit can redeem us from the debacle of World War II and regenerate the race in a New Aeon.” ~ JRex https://arieskindred.wordpress.com/2015/03/27/dharma-5-white-spirit/
Brilliant post and summation by Hunter Wallace of exactly where we find ourselves at this moment. A major turning point for me was when I realized, as Mr. Wallace succinctly writes above, that Trump is only making things WORSE for us.
I first felt that stab of betrayal when Orange Man signed the declaration condemning the alt-Right — signed a document created by sanctimonious swine that basically declared people like me have no place in this country that my own forefathers farmed and toiled upon for over a century and a half.
This country is my — our — inheritance !!
And Trump is aiding & abetting the brown hordes over-running it, while he has his head buried up Israel’s ass.
By the way, H.Wallace you are a natural fit with The Political Cesspool gang — any chance you could get your own weekly segment, like Jack Ryan??
Pipe dreams. Whites have no political voice in America. Democrats seek to push Whites out of their party as numerous headlines have exclaimed over the past year. GOP is ZOGGED and hunts Whites like they did to Steve King and they are now doing with jew Rosen’s DOJ. This future you speak of is never going to happen. Debt will never be forgiven and wealth generated by automation will never be distributed to the proles because the name of the game is control. If you are broke, they control you, if you are on welfare they control you. They want us silenced so no one sympathizes when people inevitably strike back for being silenced.
The future is more Hunger Games, and less Jetsons dude. The government will never care about the masses, ESPECIALLY Whites, who they are not going to, all the sudden, just stop trying to exterminate. No. They are going to accelerate our genocide. This is exactly what Trump is doing now. Dog whistle to everyone, get their hopes up, appease them, all the while FLOODING us with mexicans, muslims, and targeting us with anti-White legislation, and going straight for our only defense with ERPO legislation like they are voting on TOMORROW, and you have never once written about.
The brown democrat that wins next will be worse, it’s time to understand the evil we are facing Brad, because we will NEVER get any relief.
ok, off the back bench for one last one …
I hope you realize that to ask for an earthly King (globalist messianic monarchy/oligarchy) contra Samuel’s warning and contra 1 Samuel 8:7 is to ask for communism and be a slave!!
Why is this the case? Kingship/Lordship is a claim of absolute ownership rights over you (i.e. slavery) and all property (i.e communism) which is the very definition of totalitarian communism. Their “biblical” definition of lord/ kýrios – properly, a person exercising absolute ownership rights; lord (Lord). (https://biblehub.com/greek/2962.htm)
This is made clear by the Spirit (God the Spirit, John 4:24) thru Samuel as well: “And the Sprit who is Lord (2 Cor 3:17: “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”) told Samuel: “Hear what the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me (the Spirit!) as their king.
When they approached Samuel the Prophet, he told them the desire for a king was an act of disobedience and that they would pay dearly if they established a monarchy. The history told in the Hebrew book, Kings, bears out Samuel’s warning.
This totalitarianism can also occur under an oligarchy (see “In Egypt, Everyone Except Pharaoh was a Slave” and “ Authoritarianism in the Biblical Exodus” below) and Russian-USSR and Chinese history.
NO MAN HAS absolute ownership right OVER ME or YOU, lest you be his slave (ONLY THE SPIRIT (God the Spirit, John 4:24) HAS OWNERSHIP OVER ME, THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE) and ownership of all property (ESPECIALLY LAND and capital goods of production) (oligarchical communism, trial run successful former USSR and ongoing in China) will now become oligarchical corporate communism with “propositional” Corporate states contra organic nation’s to maintain “legal” framework for their ongoing thieving scheme of wealth and property transfers to themselves, ie. Usury!!!)
WHOM IS YOUR ‘LORD’? a foreign alien jew? a foreign alien people’s ‘messianic” man-king contra 1 Samuel 8:7 ? any man who would be Kingcontra 1 Samuel 8:7, or the Spirit (John 4:24) who is truly the ‘Lord” … And the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty; 2 Cor 3:17 ? See especially Numbers 23:19 !! —>
:God is not human, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. THE JEWISH MESSIAH ARE A “SON OF MAN”!!!
In Egypt, Everyone Except Pharaoh was a Slave
In Secrets of the Exodus (2002) by Messod and Roger Sabbah (who are both Jewish rabbi’s) then continue with a discourse about the contextual meaning of the word slave; as in that everyone, from the vizier on down could be considered a slave. So this must be taken into account when the Bible refers to the Hebrews being slaves in Egypt.
Except… Rashi’s comment on Genesis 18 states that the Midrash has it that the Tribe of Levi “had never been Pharaoh’s slave.” This may reflect that the priesthood was attempting to establish an independent power base; and indeed, later Egyptian history showed a decline of Pharaoh’s power, and a rise of a priestly oligarchy.
Just as our previous textual analysis of the relationship between subservient Judah and exalted Joseph (Ephraim) puts the Jewish construct in a different light, consistent with our False Dialectic Model and SSM (Shepherd Sheepdog Model), the Sabbah brothers have delivered a detailed account that dovetails very, very well with ours.” https://postflaviana.org/exodus-aten-bomb/
Authoritarianism in the Biblical Exodus
Biblical Moses famously goes to Pharaoh with the demand to “set my people free”. But in fact the narrative has little to do with “freedom”, at least not in a modern sense. Perhaps the emphasis should be on Moses’ characterization that the Israelites were “MY” people, that is, owned by Moses.
Most tellingly, the tribes of Israel were not a self-governing federation. On the contrary, they were ruled over by the Levites, who were Moses and Aaron’s relatives. And, under Moses, Aaron and the Levites, the Israelites were subject to a bewildering 613 laws covering every aspect of behavior. https://postflaviana.org/exodus-aten-bomb/
A chief is a leader of his people, but he does not have “absolute ownership rights” over you because WE ARE NOT SLAVES …. such a leader/chief does not make slaves of his people for personal gain such as a King who claims he is Lord (messianic or otherwise claims absolute ownership right of you and all property) !!!
Their “biblical” definition of lord/ kýrios – properly, a person exercising absolute ownership rights; lord (Lord). (https://biblehub.com/greek/2962.htm)
NO MAN HAS absolute ownership right OVER ME, lest you be his slave (ONLY THE SPIRIT (God the Spirit, John 4:24) HAS OWNERSHIP OVER ME, THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE…) and ownership of all property (ESPECIALLY LAND and capital goods of production,) (oligarchical communism, trial run successful former USSR and ongoing in China) will now become oligarchical corporate communism with “propositional” Corporate states contra organic nation’s to maintain “legal” framework for their ongoing thieving scheme of wealth and property transfers to themselves, ie. Usury!!!)
WHOM IS YOUR ‘LORD’? a foreign alien jew? a foreign alien people’s ‘messianic” man-king contra 1 Samuel 8:7 ? any man who would be King contra 1 Samuel 8:7, or the Spirit (John 4:24) who is truly the ‘Lord” … And the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty; 2 Cor 3:17 ? See especially Numbers 23:19 !! —>
:God is not human, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. (Numbers 23:19) …
…THE “MESSIAH” was a “SON OF MAN”!!!
Are you communists? … clearly “messianic” christianity is a call for communism and slavery!!
The Temple. Do tiu knkw where is the Temple of God the Spirit (John 4:24)?
The true Temple of the Spirit is not in Jerusalem, it is here: 1 Cor 6:19, 1 Cor 3;16, Psalm 82:6, John 10:34-39 etc… indeed the Spirit is in all men and all men are in the Spirit… for we are all son’s (children) of the Most High (PS 82:6) BUT NO MAN is God the Spirit (John 4:24)! … for God is not human, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind” ~ Numbers 23:19
The jewish messiah was a “son of man” and a son of Spirit (John 4:24), But being a son of Spirit DOES NOT MAKE YOU GOD THE SPIRIT (John 4:24, numbers 23:19 1 Samuel 8:7 etc…one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:6