First, a special message from Yang 2020:
"?????????" #YangGang pic.twitter.com/7ETlE1N6nQ
— Yang Gang ? (@YangGangUS) April 7, 2019
Guys, just look at this MIGA shit show:
To every member of the @RJC, thank you for your incredible support and your outstanding commitment to our Country, to our safety, and to electing MORE REPUBLICANS. Over the next 19 months, I know that the @RJC will help lead our party to another HISTORIC VICTORY! #TrumpAtRJC pic.twitter.com/P1brsp3PxF
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 6, 2019
Nothing about the poison of anti-White hatred?
“Republicans believe that we must never ignore the vile poison of anti-Semitism.” –@realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/EkkNTVQAzP
— GOP (@GOP) April 7, 2019
It never hurts to suck up to the boss, Charlie.
Trump is the most pro-Israel President in US history
Moved embassy to Jerusalem ?
Recognized Golan Heights ?
Defunded the PA ?
Cancelled the evil Iran deal ?
Applied sanctions on Iran ?
Israel has never had a better friend than President Trump
God bless him and Israel
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 7, 2019
The Boss:
Mega GOP donor Sheldon Adelson in the front row during ?@realDonaldTrump? speech ?@RJC? pic.twitter.com/I2F1DE8eBL
— Jeff scheid (@JeffScheid) April 6, 2019
lol pic.twitter.com/ygk965BpTZ
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 6, 2019
Have you ever seen a better image of what is wrong with the GOP?
Sheldon Adelson, who is so old now and ate up by cancer that he can’t even walk, staggers in stage left surrounded by other Jewish donors wearing Blompf 2020 yarmulkes. He receives a standing ovation from the crowd for buying all the policies from the 2016 and 2018 elections.
Sheldon Adelson gets an ovation as he arrives at the Republican Jewish Coalition event in Las Vegas pic.twitter.com/VxjegzirAj
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 6, 2019
Ilhan Omar is telling the truth about AIPAC!
On the same day that one of his fans was charged with plotting to murder her, President Trump gratuitously attacks Ilhan Omar pic.twitter.com/rPbC7BYNnu
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 6, 2019
Golden Boy Jared… just wow, everything he touches turns to gold like peace in the Middle East or Blompf’s base after his comments about raising legal immigration:
Trump says that if Jared Kushner can't bring "peace to the Middle East," then "nobody can" pic.twitter.com/cIraQoyfSP
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 6, 2019
BING … and just like that, the MIGA agenda took another step forward. Amazing, isn’t it, how much harder it is to do anything whatever your own supporters wanted?
Trump admits that his decision to recognize the Golan Heights as a part of Israel was completely impulsive and even surprised the US ambassador pic.twitter.com/DHwvNiJxW9
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 6, 2019
HURR DURR … AOC is a scary socialist!
Trump refers to @AOC as "a wonderful young bartender, 29 years old." pic.twitter.com/KL1mtvljtY
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 6, 2019
SPOILER: Jewish donors like Sheldon Adelson gave the RNC a bunch of money. Is it “hate” or righteous indignation to notice CORRUPTION?
This is why it was necessary to recognize Israel’s control over the Golan Heights, give them $38 billion dollars in foreign aid, give the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Adelson’s wife, declare “fighting anti-Semitism” a US national security interest, condemn “anti-Semitism” like 20 times so far this year alone, tear up the Iran nuclear deal, cut off aid to the Palestinians, push the anti-BDS bill through the Senate, turn a blind eye to Israel declaring itself a Jewish ethnostate, condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar for making a fair point about the overwhelming, suffocating influence of AIPAC over our foreign policy, etc.
I could go on, and on, and on … BUT MIGA isn’t what we voted for in 2016. We’re so mad about this and fed up with Blompf that we have defected to the Democrats. At least to Andrew Yang until we see who wins the Democratic nomination. We shall see what happens.
Is it “hateful” to point this out? No, I would say the situation with Jewish power, wealth and influence has finally spun UTTERLY OUT OF CONTROL UNDER BLOMPF. The whole world sees and agrees that Blompf is utterly under the thumb of Netanyahu and Sheldon Adelson now.
We will all breathe a sigh of relief when Adelson and his fellow donors finally croak and the world can move on into the future from the dead weight of the 20th century.
Note: To absolutely no one’s surprise, Netanyahu wants to gobble up the West Bank now and no one can talk about it because of these stupid, obsolete 20th century taboos.
1932: FDR
2020: Yang
The president of MIGA speaks:
great memes, but
a Prez Genghiz Yang would kowtow
to Zion same as all the others.
STOP VOTING. Every time you vote,
you validate the (((system))) that is destroying us.
Trump has to go to bow and scrape and to get instructions from his puppet-masters.
I just hope he doesn’t start another war for them before his term ends.
Jewish donor money is magic. It is is why you can give land away that doesn’t belong to you, and it’s why you can’t build a wall on land that belongs to you.
“Guys, Trump is totally a cuck for kissing up to Jews!
Now please join me in begging a gook to hand me a welfare check.
Cause that’s totally not cucked at all.”
Chinaman bad
Blompf good
Orange Man share our identity
Orange Man share our values
Sympathy for the working class and young people is bad
EARN THAT MONEY fighting in Iraq
Boomers get free and excessive health care and also free money from Social Security that is funded pay as you go by taxpayers as far as I can tell. Not welfare though right?
AntiDem: Why not get a monthly welfare check from Uncle Shmuli like the coloreds do? Us white folks have been paying into the system since we started working without deriving any benefits from it. Besides, providing a guaranteed basic income for all working age adults is probably going to become inevitable anyway.
Great post, Hunter. Have you seen this photo of Representative Billy Long? He literally wore a MIGA hat. LOL, it’s not photoshopped.
While this is going on I see news footage of 4 American helicopter crew men killed by soldiers in Niger. What the Hell is the United States doing in Niger anyway? Is Trump even in control of his presidency or is it like the old Star Trek episode Patterns of Force whereby a decrepit Fuhrer is propped on a planet that has adopted National Socialism as a governing entity but it is all an illusion because the real powers that be merely uses the Fuhrer for a prop and rule in spite of him and do what they want.
I like the way you ended your commentary, HW. Hopefully when Adelson and his ilk finally croak and are burning in the fires of Gehenna the malevolent power of Zionism dies with them.
I’m wondering if Trump’s jew masters will permit him to make a few token gestures in order to please his diminished base of MAGA supporters in time for the 2020 election? e.g., building a few miles of the promised Wall, deporting a few thousand wetbacks, prosecuting a few low-level Deep State officials, etc. None of those token gestures would have any effect on me, however. I’m through with that bum.