I’ve had nearly 20 years to think about the subject.
Yesterday, I explained in a nutshell why violent accelerationism as a strategy doesn’t work. There have been dozens of mass shootings over the past two decades. No one ever stands and applauds and wants to be associated with mass shooters. The James Fields, Jr. car wreck was similarly used to great effect to demonize and marginalize the Alt-Right. Every time a rightwing mass shooting happens the atmosphere on the Left is like opening a Christmas present because it is used to push the narrative. The narrative is the 21st century battlefield where these cultural battles are won and lost.
The only people who celebrate mass shootings are anti-social edge posters. The edge posters know that their target audience doesn’t want to be associated with mass shooters for moral reasons. It polarizes everyone even within the movement against them. This is because people on the Right are defined by their attitude toward authority, order and traditional moral values. There is no more anti-social act than murder. It strikes at the core of the social order which is the reason why people on the Right instinctively react against it. The mass shooters are breaking the law, challenging the authority of the state and violating the core of our traditional moral code. In doing so, they are trying to sacrifice themselves as martyrs for a group of people who cannot see them that way. They are throwing away their own lives.
The fact that violent accelerationism is immoral and ineffective as a strategy, however, doesn’t mean that mainstreaming is a better strategy. The violent accelerationists aren’t completely unsuccessful. We can say that Dylann Roof, Brenton Tarrant and Patrick Cruisis were successful in deepening our national polarization which was undoubtedly one of their goals. They were successful in creating a major anti-White backlash and radicalizing the Left and their extremism does push some number of people out of their comfort zone in mainstream conservatism like in New Zealand where the government came to take their guns away. It is the part of the morbid fantasy where they start the Rahowa or a guerrilla war against the government and then they triumph and kill all the Jews and are lauded as heroes that they always get wrong. No, they always end up dead or in prison, but their actions are impactful.
The problem with mainstreaming is different. There is nothing morally wrong with mainstreaming as a strategy, but it is ineffective and it isn’t nearly as impactful. The South has maxed out on voting for Republicans as a political strategy. Republicans will never have more power in the South than they do now and in the future can only look forward to steadily losing their grip on power due to millions of transplants and changing demographics. Virginia and Maryland have already become Blue States. In the near term, this is the future of Texas, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. Once Texas becomes a Blue State, the nation as a whole will turn Blue and our politics will rapidly destabilize. The vanguardists aren’t wrong when they say the end is near. There is a lot of ruin in a nation and things will change rapidly as the Baby Boomers start dying off in the 2020s and millions of non-White Millennial voters come of age and start voting. It’s true that we are headed toward some type of looming national crisis.
The most devastating critique of mainstreaming is that it is jumping on board a sinking ship. For the past 40 years, the mainstreamers have been unable to take “no” for an answer. Look at us … we’re not anti-social losers like those people, we’re clean cut and respectable, we’re normal, we have good optics, we believe It Is Okay To Be White. We’re good enough to be accepted inside the conservative country club. They go to CPAC only to be removed by security. They push conservative talking points only to be destroyed and blacklisted when their platforms are banned. They are hired by conservative institutions and lead double lives, police their associations and keep their heads down only to be purged when they are “exposed” by some woke leftwing journo when they make one mistake. They volunteer to be cheap labor for mainstream conservatism, but have negligible impact once they are inside those corrupt institutions because no one in power actually cares about preserving our culture. Indeed, the current sea of MAGA grifters shows that it is liability to have principles in mainstream conservatism, and it is an advantage to your career to be a weakling, a racial minority or a sexual deviant. MILO was able for some time to gain traction at Breitbart precisely because he was a flamboyant homosexual.

Even if the mainstreamers succeeded in “infiltrating” the racket that is mainstream conservatism, it would all be for naught. The Republican Party has dominated America since the Reagan era. Mainstream conservatism has been ascendant in the South since the 1980s. The track record of mainstream conservatism on social issues has been one of unmitigated failure: feminism, divorce, abortion, sodomy, gay marriage, miscegenation, transgenderism, women’s restrooms, political correctness, multiculturalism, fighting “identity politics,” the growth of atheism and agnosticism, mass immigration and the collapse of the border, Southern heritage, the family, racial and ethnic identity, free speech and freedom of assembly. The only bright spot in this dismal record is gun rights and mainstream conservatism is ready to surrender on that issue as well. The most recent polls show that after 50 years of mainstream conservatism that most young people are unpatriotic, don’t believe in God and can’t be bothered to reproduce. Steve King is on the verge of being drummed out of Congress for meekly defending Western civilization and even introducing the Diamond and Silk Act couldn’t save him.
This statement released yesterday by Neil Patel who is the publisher of The Daily Caller should be the coup de grace to mainstreaming as a Dissident Right strategy:
“Our reporting has literally been crucial to helping put four members of the alt-right in prison and sent two more on the run, at great personal risk to our reporters on the ground. And as a minority-owned and minority-run news company with a diverse staff — including African-American, Jewish, Asian and other minority employees — any allegation that our company was used by so-called alt-right or white supremacist types is infuriating. We view every person as an individual, not through a racial prism — as both the left and the so-called alt-right does. We have denounced these alt-right people in the past and are happy to do so again. We share nothing with them and they aren’t welcome at our company. If Jonah Bennett was truly working with them while employed with us, we knew nothing about it and would have fired him for it immediately. You also raise running op-eds by people you allege are alt-right as if that implies some sort of endorsement. We run thousands of op-eds, each with a disclaimer making clear that we do not endorse the views espoused. As you know, that is how op-eds work in the news business. We have run op-eds from socialists and anarchists and by your logic, you could find us complicit with either. We understand that Splinter has a very strong left-wing agenda and therefore will probably try to spin this as some sort of Daily Caller acceptance of the alt-right. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
The Daily Caller took credit for putting four of our men in prison for fighting back after getting jumped by DeAndre Harris in Charlottesville. It boasted about being a “minority-owned” and “minority-operated” publication. Then it went on to say that while it has run op-eds by socialists and anarchists anyone who is suspected of having pro-White sympathies would be fired immediately.

It is doubtful that the significance of this statement will register with mainstreamers: it is not the Left that has culturally and politically marginalized them in America. It is not the Left which preserves these hidebound taboos. It is the “mainstream” Right which preserves this consensus. While it has lost every single battle of the culture war for a generation and young Americans can’t be bothered now to believe in God, America or even in having children, it has succeeded in keeping the mainstream Right kosher for its Jewish donors and free and “racism” and “anti-Semitism.” The price of admission is abandoning all of your beliefs and going along with this disastrous status quo. There is no reason to believe that mainstreamers are getting any better at “infiltrating” mainstream conservatism or making any progress toward their goal of acceptance. There is every reason to believe that mainstream conservatism is gayer and more singularly focused on the interests of Jews than it was just a few years ago. The worst thing that can be said about mainstreamers is that they are wasting their talents by holding their tongues and guilty of taking conservatism seriously when there is no longer any plausible reason to do so.
If (a) violent accelerationism and (b) mainstreaming doesn’t work as a political strategy, then what will work? What is the alternative? My honest view is that the time for this debate is over. I believe that the 2020s and 2030s will be so destabilizing that in the future we will just be reacting to events. The Republican Party will cease to be viable at the national level due to changing racial demographics and the demographic transition as the Boomers start dying off. Mainstream conservatism will crumble which will open up a void on the Right. We’re likely headed into a period of global economic turbulence due to the rise of China and the automation of millions of middle class and working class jobs.
It seems like a long time in your life but everything up until this point has been like the previews before a movie. Many of you will not live to see the main event. We’re about to go through a truly awful stretch of our history as we reckon with the foolish choices that were made by the previous two generations as their long term consequences play out and no one knows what is going to emerge from it. The only people who make any sense at this point are doomsday preppers.
“The Republican Party will cease to be viable at the national level due to changing racial demographics and the demographic transition as the Boomers start dying off. Mainstream conservatism will crumble which will open up a void on the Right”
To paraphrase Parrott
The Republican party may be out of power for a while, but won’t it just re-brand and rebuild as a Marco Rubio style party?
Won’t the Republicans AND the Democrats move “left” to keep a roughly 50/50 situation, with the Republicans arguing that the Democrats are the real transphobes? With the Democrats arguing for literal open borders and the Republicans arguing for slight controls that are functionally quite similar to open borders, etc.
Isn’t it necessary to actually build a nationalist opposition, rather than just assuming history will destroy the GOP for us?
I’m sure it will be rebrand.
It will try to move Left as the base moves in the opposite direction. That’s how we got Blompf who rode the wave. In the long run, stability depends people being willing go accept the “mainstream”
I agree with Hunter on this one, I don’t think a rebranding will even save the GOP from going the way of the Whigs.
They can rebrand all they want, but they’re offering absolutely nothing to their dwindling base and nothing to the Dems. Texas will be out of play soon and take that as a sign of the impending collapse of America.
I’ve always had a feeling (something in the back of the back of my head) that said things will all start to crystallize around the year 2030 give or take a few.
I don’t know what will happen, I don’t know if it can be pushed back a decade or two, and I honestly don’t know if we’ll survive the likely 2 or 3 decades of chaos that will occur.
All I know is it’s going to be a crazy bumpy ride, so get ready and do some pushups and switch to vaping so you’re not stuck on an oxygen tank or fatty scooter.
Yeah, same here.
Around 2001, I looked at the trends. I saw that the tipping point would be in the 2020s or 2030s because of White shitlibs. It will happen well before White minority status.
White minority status according to jew.gov #’s – Anglin has the countdown clock @ DS – is 2044.
which is an (((anesthetic lie))). In real #’s, counting Jews, Muslims, and all Spics as non-Whites,
Whites will be a minority no later than 2030.
Marcus – it’s really great to see a comment from you. I hope you and yours are doing well. Sweetie – when events are accelerating – they ACCELERATE. (((The Eye of Sauron))) is upon US. Ragnarok is not going to wait ’til 2030. It’s already begun. If those Red Flag Disarm Whitey laws go into effect – White Genocide USA starts in earnest.
Have you seen this?:
The Nuevo Americano would be genocider did this with tax payer munny.
Your words have inspired me, Marcus. My plan is to hike through the Hollywood hills, Topanga Canyon and Death Valley, where I intend to rebuild Barker Ranch.
Haven’t you heard? Vaping is bad for you…plus, you look like an idiot.
My biggest beef vs paleocons and their mainstreaming strategy is that every institution, every publication, every website, everything they build is for one purpose and that is to send voters to the GOP every 4 years. For this they get kicked out of CPAC and get zero policy concessions from the GOP. I don’t respect it and it’s demoralizing as a strategy.
At this point all we have to do is sit home on election day and wait for the inevitable day that the GOP is wiped out due to the demographics they helped create. Whatever happens after that we do not know but it will be better than 40 years of this fake conservatism that exists to make money off Southern grievances on race and social/moral issues.
Mainstreamers are like leftists, they never learn. That is the plight of the wignat.
Good analysis.
“The only people who make any sense at this point are doomsday preppers.”
Even those preppers will be sunk, given a hostile anti-White gov that hunts them, think pol pot.
Perhaps, the smartest are the expats who find a powerful White country.
What Powerful White Country?
Without exception, all the powerful majority White countries of the West have the anti-White bug even worse than does the US. Take a look at the situation in the UK for example, were the populace are terrified of saying anything even marginally right of center or pro-White under pain of legal prosecution.
That leaves the White countries of Eastern Europe. I guess that means that we’d best start taking online Russian courses. At least for those of us who are young enough to make relocation a reasonable choice….
Ya gavaroo nemnoga parusski. Patamoochta Rassee bydet strana boodeshee.
Sorry. No cyrillic keyboard. So I wrote how it sounds in English not the correct spelling of course.
What I believe I said is——————–“I speak some Russian. Because Russia is the country of the future.”
Spaseeba Christina! Russia is not “there” yet, though it is a bit less dominated by the jew.
Seems to me that Mr. Wallace is taking up the theme laid down on the latest “Rebel Yell” podcast.
Brian Douglas Frakes,
You are welcome.
“What Powerful White Country?”
Yeah, that’s dilemma.
Even Russia is a distant 2nd rate power, compared to the US.
For the mostly maligned boomers, once they retire, who will move the drilling rigs in 10days, maintain the grid , etc. lgbqrst poc ?
One thing we can certainly be doing now is building friendships and networking as much as possible. This strategy has no downsides at all.
That’s what we are doing
> This strategy has no downsides at all.
Well, the down side is that one has to learn to recognize and exclude the criminals and loonies. (an NCIC background check can help with the former and a probationary period with careful and informed observation before trust is granted and any sensitive information is shared can aid with the latter) Then there is the problem of infiltrators and agent-provocateurs by both governmental and non-governmental actors. That’s a more insidious issue that takes careful vetting to weed out.
Have you considered putting a scrollable sidebar on your webpage, where folks could post urls, youtube links, short comments (<256 char or so) ?
There used to be one.
Not sure what happened to it. I will add it back
One could also say Christianity has failed us since this is the religion majority whites have held during all of these losses. Perhaps it’s time to try something different. Like a Native European Faith not a Semitic one. Also organizing and making real life connections is the best thing you can do right now. 14
lol no chance. I plan on dying a Christian.
I also don’t trust the likes of Varg and Styx as leaders of anything.
Turn the other cheek. Look where it got us.
Like most institutions, American Christianity was subverted by military psyops during the cold war.
Here’s a good joke; what colors do jews and leftists hate the most? Answer: red, white and blue.
The press is the enemy, as is the government, the churches and half of our fellow whites.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
When the dindus attack the Patels….
I agree with almost everything you say, Hunter, as always. I simply think we are a little further along. If someone like Elizabeth Warren wins the presidential election in 2020 the Left, which has already shaken off any pretence of moderation, will awaken a backlash among Southern Whites that could pave the way toward a serious secessionist movement. Accelerationism of a peaceful variety needs to be our strategy. Trump has created a sense of complacency among our people. President Warren would destroy that notion very quickly. Like Yancey, it’s time to sabatage the Republican Party in 2020 and prepare for the aftermath.
Good article Hunter. Here are some thoughts.
1. Mainstreaming has two senses. One is changing or hiding our views to appeal to normies. Obviously that is self-defeating. The other is to not compromise on our ideas, but to be pragmatic in using as many different techniques of persuasion as possible to reach our people.
2. There’s nothing wrong with being clean cut.
3. There’s nothing wrong with going to CPAC and networking.
4. There’s nothing wrong with going to CPAC and getting kicked out. That’s very educational as well.
5. There’s nothing wrong with infiltrating political parties, think tanks, and conservative publications. Obviously, it is not the only strategy, but it would be nice to have people in such positions.
6. There’s nothing wrong with some people running for political office. As long as they don’t think that i the only strategy.
7. Dressing well and avoiding cringy, fringe behavior is not about appealing to our enemies for acceptance. It is about appealing to the 60 million normie white people who voted for Trump and who are the natural constituency of white identity politics.
8. I can agree with the main thrust of your argument above, but I still disagree with you on American Nationalism and the optics war.
My thoughts:
1. Mainstreaming has two senses. One is changing or hiding our views to appeal to normies. Obviously that is self-defeating. The other is to not compromise on our ideas, but to be pragmatic in using as many different techniques of persuasion as possible to reach our people.
I’m not objecting to mainstreaming in the second sense. I could obviously use coarser or more esoteric language, for example, on this website. I choose not to do so both as a Deep South cultural preference and because it would be an unnecessary obstacle to communication.
2. There’s nothing wrong with being clean cut.
I see being healthy and clean cut and presenting well as justifiable for its own sake. It is like brushing your teeth. You should do it to maintain proper hygiene, not for political reasons.
3. There’s nothing wrong with going to CPAC and networking.
Granted, but it is obviously getting harder to get in the building and it will be harder than ever in the future as a result of the “white supremacy” moral panic.
4. There’s nothing wrong with going to CPAC and getting kicked out. That’s very educational as well.
In some cases, this is true, but in others some people have an unquenchable thirst for attention and social validation. Many will learn a lesson while others will not do so. Of course, there is nothing that anyone can do to dissuade this latter group.
5. There’s nothing wrong with infiltrating political parties, think tanks, and conservative publications. Obviously, it is not the only strategy, but it would be nice to have people in such positions.
I agree there is nothing wrong with it per se.
I don’t know of anyone though who doesn’t regret it due to the low pay, the lack of real influence, job security, the lack of opportunities for advancement and the psychological toll it takes. Pretty much anyone would be better off moving to, say, Denver and becoming an engineer and starting a family. The Beltway seems to have a negative effect on everyone who lives there.
6. There’s nothing wrong with some people running for political office. As long as they don’t think that i the only strategy.
Lots of people run for office to raise their profile, attract new followers or to sell books and there is nothing wrong with that. Augustus Invictus is running for president in 2020.
7. Dressing well and avoiding cringy, fringe behavior is not about appealing to our enemies for acceptance. It is about appealing to the 60 million normie white people who voted for Trump and who are the natural constituency of white identity politics.
See 1.) and 2.)
The presentation isn’t a substitute for the message. If we want to appeal to normal White people who voted for Trump, then we need to have a compelling message and vision to be able to offer them something that isn’t satisfied by conventional, mainstream conservative politics. We have to be different from Blompf, but yes, not a bizarre way.
8. I can agree with the main thrust of your argument above, but I still disagree with you on American Nationalism and the optics war.
See the post about “Combating Hate.”
I said that there are disaffected people who share our values who live all over the world. Obviously, it is unreasonable to expect these people to become Southern Nationalists. The only identity available to them is an American identity or White identity. So I encouraged them to develop that identity in the way that I have been doing with Southern identity.
As for the optics war, I see it as a moot issue because no one is doing street activism anymore so there is nothing to continue arguing about. I suppose AIM and Patriot Front are still doing it, but that isn’t my focus here on this website.
“The only people who celebrate mass shootings are anti-social edge posters.”
There were tons of normal people celebrating Tarrant. Boomercons and MAGApedes all across the internet normiesphere were fedposting at a volume that would put siege-posters to shame. It’s all about who is on the receiving end.
In 1979, I became a Southern Nationalist. I didn’t know it at the time, but that’s what it was.
What I figured out at an early age was that Leftism in America is rooted in the North, especially New England. I also figured out that Conservatism was rooted in the North, too, and was worthless. It is nothing like the Conservatism of the South. It seeks to conserve a culture and civilisation that aren’t mine, or that of the South and the West.
Therefore, I automatically rejected it. I also rejected Leftism. It never struck a chord with me. All the adults, including my teachers, ridiculed Leftism. The little bit of Liberalism that they were required to teach us in school was glossed over by us, and heaped with scorn and contempt by our teachers.
I ignore characters like French, Limbaugh, Anne Colter and the like.
What do you think about Kinky Friedman?
I believe the 2020s are going to be bad, but the 2030s will see a white political awakening and power.
Our Weimar problems will need Weimar solutions.
Germans weren’t a minority in their own country at that point.