It is another one of these guys.
This time it happened in Halle in eastern Germany:
Protect Halle white nationalists who claim that Jews are the cause of all the problems in the world. He filmed and released live on Twitch. #Halle #hallesaale #News https://t.co/JZBUv1o3N6 pic.twitter.com/x7EvZ9DuFE
— ofpolitics (@ofpolitics1) October 9, 2019
The moment the attacker tries to break into the synagogue by shooting at the entrance door with his shotgun! After realising that he wouldn’t be able to break through he sweared/railed and left the scene. After this moment he headed towards the turkish restaurant.#Halle pic.twitter.com/uZWTIhXUvB
— MiddleEastResearch (@research_east) October 9, 2019
BREAKING: Video shows gunman opening fire in Halle in eastern Germany; multiple fatalities pic.twitter.com/sCieREunN8
— BNO News (@BNONews) October 9, 2019
Two people have died in a shooting near a synagogue in the eastern German city of Halle.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 9, 2019
Police, who are urging locals to stay inside, say one person has been arrested.
Read more here: https://t.co/p2JgvgZN5u pic.twitter.com/6Ex4JzTiB0
It looks like a Brenton Tarrant copycat attack.
In this case, the shooter livestreamed the attack on Twitch which is a video service used by gamers. I’m not going to share the footage here, but it is mirrored on the internet:
Horrible attack, I’ve pictures that seemed to show the shooter wearing what looked like a GoPro, possibly a Brenton Tarrant copycat.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
Attacks on places of worship are disgusting, period. https://t.co/cgTTgdqsJK
I’ve just seen the GoPro footage and can confirm the guy is a Neo-Nazi. I won’t post it here. He says in English “no one expects the internet SS.” #synagogue shooting. https://t.co/Tmud10Hvp2
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
He tries to break into the Synagogue through what looks like the back entrance but it’s locked. Also looks like he had a lot of ammo and possibly what appear to be pipe bombs.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
After trying to blow up the gate of the Synagogue with a pipe bomb, a woman walks by him. He shoots her in the back as she walks past.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
After failing to get in through a main door, he then uses a shotgun (possibly homemade) to try and blast open another door.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
After throwing a few things over the wall (possibly small explosives) he gets back in his Volkswagen and drives off two seconds down the road.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
He then states “sorry guys” and says he will try to kill some “muds” before he dies and calls himself a “loser.”
He goes into a kebab shop, as a German man hides behind a fridge full of coca-cola. After his gun jams (this happens a lot throughout) he shoots the man.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
he mentions “the luty is shit.” The gun he’s using appears to be a fully auto submachine gun handmade. Her eis an example of one:https://t.co/F0QyyMHFLc
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
Around 22 mins into the footage (its 35 mins in total) he sees a police car and starts shooting his homemade shotgun. This is the widely seen footage on German media.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
Police shoot back at him, but he just gets in the car and drives off.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
“that was my action, I’m a complete loser.”
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
He then throws away the camera, confirmed to be a cell phone and the footage keeps going for another few minuted as cars drive by.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
The footage doesn’t appear to have been uploaded after the fact, so it must have been streamed.
I’ll just also add he never uses his real name, but rather calls himself “anon” in the video.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
To conclude for all of you political partisans our there: He does not mention any political parties in the footage or any political figures from Germany or overseas.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) October 9, 2019
He doesn’t even mention Tarrant, though it’s clear he’s inspired by him.
I’ve already said everything that I have to say about these people after Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Poway, Christchurch, etc. As a White Nationalist strategy, violent accelerationism is an empirical failure. The result of this is going to be pretty much the same as it was in New Zealand which banned semiautomatic weapons and admitted more refugees.
BREAKING: 35-mins of head-mounted camera footage of #Halle #Germany shooting was posted on video game site, showing first-person footage of his ammo and the shooting similar to that of NZ attack. Shooter says in English prior to shooting: The “root of all problems are the Jews.” pic.twitter.com/d1QZyAqBD4
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 9, 2019
The disturbing video shows attacker first espousing far-right talking points, then driving to synagogue. He grows frustrated when he cannot enter & shoots random woman in street. Appearing to improvise, enters business & kills another before fleeing (others appear to evade him). pic.twitter.com/SJwo696qoL
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 9, 2019
Attacker identifies as “Anon,” meaning “anonymous user”—a nod to chan boards & other sites. Based on this vid, he appears to have worked alone. His car was loaded w seemingly homemade weapons along w laptop and camera, suggesting a disturbing degree of planning behind his attack.
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 9, 2019
As horrific as the attack was, several variables (his seeming panic, locked door at synagogue, poor function of weapons) stopped it from resulting in something far deadlier, especially considering how many were presumably in the synagogue for Yom Kippur & his abundant weapons. pic.twitter.com/ePRpNcbZ6a
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 9, 2019
The similarity between this video and New Zealand attacker’s underscores that these are not isolated attacks by people merely holding similar beliefs. Today’s attack is another installment from a global terrorist network, linked together via online safe havens much like ISIS. pic.twitter.com/CqVa5sO24p
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 9, 2019
No one is going to sympathize with the shooter.
It is already Christmas morning for the familiar cast of Eurocrat globalists:
I am shocked by the brutal attacks in #Halle – on this day, Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year in Judaism. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims. On this day we stand in solidarity with the #Jewish community. pic.twitter.com/nle2TKKv9p
— Jean-Claude Juncker (@JunckerEU) October 9, 2019
My thoughts are with the victims of the shooting in #Halle. Let’s stop the hate. Let’s fight anti-semitism. Let’s build an open and tolerant Europe.
— Guy Verhofstadt (@guyverhofstadt) October 9, 2019
This is a shocking and disgraceful attack during Yom Kippur, one of the holiest days of the year in the Jewish calendar.
— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) October 9, 2019
My thoughts are with the injured and those mourning, and with Jewish communities in Halle and across the world.https://t.co/04VuYmrCKa
Shocked and saddened by the tragic events in #Halle, Germany, the members of the European Parliament stood for a minute of silence today. We send our deepest condolences to the families of the victims and hope that the police will be able to catch the suspects quickly. pic.twitter.com/OZIjZx6MSp
— David Sassoli (@EP_President) October 9, 2019
Justin Trudeau chimes in fresh off his blackface scandal:
Today’s senseless attack in Germany near a synagogue on Yom Kippur is a despicable and unacceptable act of hatred. Canadians are grieving with Jewish communities in Halle and around the world, and sending our deepest condolences to the victims and their families.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) October 9, 2019
Rinse and repeat.
We’ve seen this half a dozen times. What exactly was accomplished here? Who was the random woman who was killed by the shooter? Was she even Jewish?

This doesn’t amount to a few hours in chimpcongo, yet it will receive international play for weeks and be used for future legislation. While our “urban” areas are combat zones.
Today is the holy day of atonement on the kyke calendar, Yom Kippur. The holiest day on the kyke calendar. Ask yourself when TF are the Jews going to atone for the killing of Gods only son? It has only been 2,000 years. Was the cold blooded murder of the innocent Christ a sin? Why the reluctance to atone for the murder of the innocent one? Seriously you have to laugh at these clowns.
Rita Katz – lol – that’s all I need to know that it’s a False Flag
THANK you! You got to this one first. This is a 6 gorrilion % False Flag.! Oy vey Rita dahlink – couldn’t you have spared a few shekels for different video footage? Kikes are SO cheap!
The minute the liberal establishment notices rising white consciousness is weakening their grip on power, the anti-terrorism budget switches from Islam to “White Nationalism”. Then by a strange coincidence, there is a big uptick in global terrorist attacks, to be conveniently blamed on their favorite enemy.
Our high IQ enemies know that violence doesn’t win hearts and minds. So I believe their strategy from now into the forseable future will be to keep faking these attacks, then play poor victim so they can con naive whites into giving up their right to free speech, and their right to self defence.
A couple of Muslims are suspected—don’t forget Muslims have been in Germany since the 1950’s. So they could have German names and even look somewhat German.
The shotgun would have damaged something. It’s like it was firing blanks when he was shooting the door. This seems staged.
Talk about poor planning, doors locked damn shoot well i’ll guess i’ll just shoot this innocent woman an screw up my plans for good lol what a idiot
Attacking ordinary jews won’t accomplish a damn thing these stupid slow minded fools! If you want to really put in a dent attack globalist millionaires and politicians who implement zogs plan attacking a synagogue is low effort smol brain logic imo just completely stupid
Wouldn’t it be just awful, if the woman shot on the sidewalk was Barbara Spectre?
The (((msm))) and zogbots will consider this anadda shoah.
I don’t think it’s fair or accurate to simply refer to these mass shooters as “acceleratrionists.”
Accelerationism simply means believing whites will wake up faster if they come under more rapid increases in pressure. There is strong evidence that this is the correct view of things. Many people in the movement who advocate for strict non violence are accelerationsts. Prefering Obama to win over McCain, as many white nationalists like David Duke did, was an accelerationist tactic. Wanting Trump to lose in 2020 on the basis that it will hasten a real nationalist leader emerging is one too.
An example of an anti-accelerationist position would be wanting the GOP to do well in elections with the aim of blocking the radical left’s most aggressive plans. That’s a perfectly respectable position to have as well.
Linking insane terrorists to good people in the movement with strategic disagreements is the kind of rhetoric people in leadership positions need to move away from.
Laura Croft won’t save us, ATBOTL.
The USA/Israel have been using ATBOTL’s disruption strategy in Iran for decades, and proved it to be an utter failure. They’ve murdered scientists, planted computer viruses, and bombs to sabotage their power and nuclear infrastructure, as well as employed economic sanctions and yet the Mullahs are still firmly in control. Why? Because the Mullahs own the truth in Iran, just like the liberals own the truth in the USA. If you can’t decapitate the entire leadership of a country and replace it with your own, all your incel rages will increase is the anti-terrorism budget against you.
Our society was subverted using words. It will be subverted back using words.
böhse onkelz was blaring in the background.
a “mass attack” with a single shot homemade shotgun??
FALSE FLAG. They didn’t want any real damage done, just enough for the headline.
What a GREAT GIFT this MORON gave to the global jewish agenda…..
The best thing to do, for Whites of good standing, when they come across such MORONS who behave and act like white trash, is to inform the FBI.
We need to weed out, low IQ morons like him from our cause and our goals !!
That agent of zog that you snitch to will be taking a close look at you and how you came to be in the confidence of a terrorist.
What a dumbass. You think the FBI want to help you? Snitches like you will get the federal fucking you deserve.
“We need to weed out, low IQ morons like him from our cause and our goals !!”
Project much, “ekosthen”?
Look all these “patriots” that SUPPORT a psyop operation against American Nationalists…..
I’m talking about YOU – Spahnranch1969
and YOU – Matty
and YOU – November
I wonder who do you guys WORK for ?????????????