2020 Aftermath

Topics include:

  • The 2020 election is probably already over because something like 50 to 60 million people have early voted
  • The Hunter Biden sex scandal doesn’t shock in the Trump era. What is on Don Jr.’s laptop?
  • Joe Biden will probably win decisively on election night
  • The limits of rightwing populism as a political strategy
  • Trump’s 2020 campaign implemented the 2012 GOP autopsy and has relentlessly pandered to blacks and Hispanics which is a reversal from the 2016 campaign that won him the presidency
  • Donald Trump is an incompetent narcissist, not a fascist, but Trump Derangement Syndrome might end up summoning the real thing. The Alt-Right and QAnon were harmless
  • The Left’s use of violent tactics against Trump and supporters is legitimizing political violence on the Right. Will the True Cons lose control over their angry base without Trump?
  • Is the Patriot movement going to come roaring back after Trump? Will blackpilled Patriots get violent like Timothy McVeigh in the 1990s?

Listen to “2020 Aftermath” on Spreaker.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, I watched a couple of documentaries recently about Northern Ireland. Amazing how quickly the violence escalated once the first shots were fired. Normal people from decent families and close-knit communities turned into cold-blooded killers virtually overnight. The IRA were a tiny, barely relevant fringe group until 1969; once sh*t kicked off, they had more recruits than they could handle. Ditto the loyalist paramilitaries like the UVF. Society became polarized very quickly. I hope and pray that doesn’t happen here.

    • I’ve stated before that it isn’t Trump the left and the Jews ought to fear. It’s the next guy that arises out of the ashes of service in Iraq. Death’s Head walks among us and he’s in his 30s.

    • You know what kicked off the troubles? A bunch of art students blowing up Nelson’s Pillar in Dublin.

      • Gee, Cap’n. Kinda like toppling statues of White Heroes, ain’t it?
        Of course, we could merely arrest all Antifa, and hang them, as both traitors and societal malcontents, after all of the video footage we have… Hmmm. I wonder (((WHY))) it’s not being done?
        Guess Trump’s waiting to ‘do unto them’ AFTER the Election….
        Oh, if only…

  2. I listened to about 12 minutes of it. It’s been a year since I’ve been able to listen to an entire Richard ‘the clown’ Spencer podcast. He’s quite insufferable and isn’t as witty as he used to be, he tends to drag on about irrelevant bullshit.

    I will try to listen to more of the podcast later, but for now all I have been hearing is a lot of shielding of Biden. I think you guys miss the point of the scandal, it isn’t so much about Hunter Biden’s degeneracy, it’s about showing how much of a corrupt piece of shit Joe Biden is.

    Why you guys would want to shield a corrupt piece of shit is beyond me. To spite Trump? Trump makes you so angry that you are willing to defend Joe Biden by basically calling this a non-scandal?

    What is really concerning about the scandal is that it shows that Biden is compromised by the Chinese and they have him by the balls. Besides all the chaos Biden will unleash if elected president, it’s quite concerning to have a potential president who is basically going to do the bidding of China.

    Honestly, listening to this so far gives off the vibe that I’m listening to a gang of fashy hipsters and I’m not supposed to be ‘cool’ enough to get it cause I voted.

    Like I’ve said before, voting for Trump is no longer about supporting Trump. It’s about preventing section 8 in every neighborhood, open borders, mass amnesty, open season the first and second amendment, and open season on White people.

    But of course, it’s not cool to be logical. I guess I got to quit my job, sit in my basement, buy MRE’s, wait for society to collapse, listen to Richard Spencer podcasts, and shit-post about Trump supporters to be cool enough for the fashy hipsterism…

    I’ll try to listen to the rest of this soon, as insufferable as it is.

    • My thoughts exactly. I wrote off Richard Spencer for good when he announced he’s “ridin’ with biden.” Biden is senile and corrupt, and a vote for him is a vote for chaos, anti-White hatred, and widespread leftist terrorism.

      It’s unfathomable to me why there’s a single person in America still thinking of voting for Biden. I guess some White people are so self-loathing now, they actually want to die?

    • Re: “Biden is compromised by the Chinese and they have him by the balls. Besides all the chaos Biden will unleash if elected president, it’s quite concerning to have a potential president who is basically going to do the bidding of China”:

      Don’t watch or listen to that lying shill Tucker Carlson, who did an interview segment on his show about how Biden is secretly working for the Communist Party of China! See: https://caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/biden-will-not-be-soft-on-china-hell

      “This would be the same Tucker Carlson who has been pushing ridiculous conspiracy theories about Democratic Party officials being secret Chinese intelligence agents and Covid-19 being a lab-made virus deliberately released by China, and just generally whipping up anti-China hysteria in his viewers at every possible opportunity. This would also be the same Tucker Carlson who tried to join the CIA after college. The same Fox News that reliably propagandizes its right-wing audience into alignment with imperialist agendas (…) (W)e are being played. A narrative is being aggressively rammed down our throats about China in exactly the same way it was being aggressively rammed down our throats about Russia four years ago; two unabsorbed nations the US government has long had plans to attack and undermine (…) If Biden is elected you will with absolute certainty see his administration rolling out hostile cold war escalations against China, regardless of accusations by Tucker Carlson et al. about secret loyalties to Beijing. All signs indicate that Americans are being prepped by the US intelligence cartel and its stenographers in the mass media for an increasingly hostile relationship with China, regardless of who wins the election. A new report by Newsweek warns that 600 community groups in the United States are covertly working to foment US unrest under the direct guidance of the Communist Party of China. Newsweek sources its report in an analysis by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, which is a think tank explicitly designed to manufacture anti-China sentiment that is funded by the US State Department and numerous arms manufacturers. These are the nice friendly people who we’re meant to believe just want to tell us the truth about what’s going on for our own good. We’re being bombarded with more and more such psyops by increasingly forceful narrative managers alongside statements from US intelligence agencies warning us that both Russia and China are working to interfere in the US election. There’s a virtual press conference scheduled a few hours from this writing by the DOJ and FBI reportedly on a “China-related national security matter” as well, and it’s hard to imagine that will go in any other direction than all the other narrative-shaping we’re being subjected to.”

    • “Like I’ve said before, voting for Trump is no longer about supporting Trump. It’s about preventing section 8 in every neighborhood, open borders, mass amnesty, open season the first and second amendment, and open season on White people.”

      My thoughts exactly.

  3. So I managed to listen to the entire podcast, it was more interesting than I thought it would be.

    The most interesting point brought up is the prediction that Trump will lose because the based populist Midwesterners are appalled by Trump’s goofiness, obnoxious behavior, and pandering to minorities.

    What I don’t get about that argument is does that mean these populist “moderate populists” in the Midwest are voting for Biden as a protest vote against Trump?

    You could be right about it being a protest vote, but my hunch is that these so-called based “moderate populists” in the Midwest are voting for Biden because they are basically cucks and either don’t understand or don’t care that Biden is a trojan horse for Marxists.

    Although you could be right that these “moderate populists” are basically voting for Biden as a protest vote against Trump. But then again, if these people are supposed to be ‘based’, voting for Biden makes no sense.

    There is a lack of clarity here. You said these moderate populists in the Midwest are like you, Hunter, yet they are going to vote for Biden either as a protest vote against Trump or because they are cucks who don’t care about what Biden represents. But you are not voting for Biden.

  4. Great dialogue. The most insightful comment that you made was that most organized right-wing violence will come from crazy trump supporters. The Patriot movement, or Christian Constitutionalist and anti-government libertarian camps, will use violence when they feel that their participation in the political system has no practical effect. European ethnonationalists in North America do not share their worldview which is universalist, civic nationalist, democratic, and egalitarian. Take Richard Spencer and Ralph Reed for instance. These two ideologues share next to nothing with each other in terms of common goals. The Christian Constitutionalists will immediately condemn white ethnonationalists as Darwinian antichristian racists who hate God and God’s chosen people. We truly do not have a dog in this fight because if the rabid Christian Zionists ever truly became hegemonic they might round up antisemitic nationalist atheists who believe in evolution and execute them for being enemies of God. Christian Constitutionalists want their message to be universal and appeal to black and hispanics to prove that their Christianity is global and genuine. I for one will sit out this upcoming patriot vs. woke revolutionary fight and perhaps leave the country if this civil conflict gets hot. However, I do not think a civil war will occur because most all the elites support the woke revolution and less than a handful support the patriot movement in earnest. The elite patriot supporters will probably high tail it to tel aviv when or if things get hot. The patriot movement will be like past peasant uprisings and will fail for lack of elite sponsorship. I don’t want to die for the patriots’ vision of the future and will not fight for their goals which are antithetical to my own except for anti-sexual perversion.

    • “We truly do not have a dog in this fight because if the rabid Christian Zionists ever truly became hegemonic they might round up antisemitic nationalist atheists who believe in evolution and execute them for being enemies of God.”

      American Christian Zionists do not have the stomach for such actions. I don’t believe the reverse is true, either.

    • “Christian Constitutionalists want their message to be universal and appeal to black and hispanics to prove that their Christianity is global and genuine.”

      And, according to the One True Church, it’s neither. Only Adam was made in the image and likeness of God (His ‘IKON’ if you will) so non-Adamics NEVER can be that ‘IKON.’ And only HE is going to be saved, by God’s grace, and His ‘working out his salvation with fear and trembling’- even if it means acknowledging his Divine Election, and being martyred for it.

      Because Christianity clearly is ONLY for the Hebrew (not the ‘Jew’- that’s a bad English mis-translation) and the Hellene (or caucasoid European). [Rom. 1:16] What was Belloc’s tautology? “Europe is the Fath; the Faith, Europe.” Ah, yes. All post-Carey missiology is SATANIC, if it denies this truth.

      Christianity, like the OT church/religion it fulfilled, is NOT universalist, nor is it global. Because neither exist, in God’s UNI-verse! God the Father has only ONE divine Son, and that Son took only ONE DNA, ONE ETHNOS upon him, as the ‘Last Adam.’ He only came to save ‘His People’ [Matt. 1:21] the Adamic Humanity of this plane, Earth. And, well, the other…’global.’ Certain closed minds don’t want to talk about that, because it might scare their ‘widdle egos.’


      (I include these article for one reason- because while every G-D liberal is willing to ‘absolve’ every slut, fag, Jew and other POS on the planet for their sexual/personal/ideological perversity, this one man has been vilified for his sins on multiple counts, by BOTH those lying liberals AS WELL as the accommodationist ‘Xtians,’ It’s as if they cannot stand the ONE Truth he ‘discovered,’ and therefore, they (all of the unregenerate) will CRUCIFY anyone who dares challenge THEIR own perversities- whether sexual or cosmological! Therefore, (by implication) both those ‘Xtians’ (who aren’t of Christ) and Liberals (who aren’t Human) denounce this one mind’s conclusions, because better to believe a lie, than give up your [sic] Truth. This merely shows that those who ‘call themselves Christians,’ often AREN’T. So ‘tolerant’ and ‘diverse’ yup – Hypocrites! Look to the facts, not the foibles, for once.

      So, AW…. I agree with you. I have no truck with either the CZ’s or the supposed CC’s. Neither group are either Christian, nor correct. As you said, “I for one will sit out this upcoming patriot vs. woke revolutionary fight and perhaps leave the country if this civil conflict gets hot.” I only hope we can…sit it out, that is.

  5. I think Trump will win.

    The Crowd-Size-O-Meter is a pretty good indicator.

    Doesn’t mean he’ll do anything useful, but he’s still likely to win, IMO.

  6. I don’t agree with your prediction

    MAGA already supports gays, trannies, interracial marriage, anti-racism, censorship and mass immigration, they just want them to dress up in American flag t-shirts.

    At this point, MAGA no longer has any real grievances against the system to be mad about. Most of the polarization is artificial and surrounds trivial / symbolic issues, like not wanting to wear masks. Or donor centric issues.

    Similarly, MAGA and the left do have a common culture, that culture is mainstream degenerate liberal culture. You and Richard may not share that culture, but MAGA does.

    The American right and the American left actually have a lot in common, the 2020 American right is now further left than Obama was in 2008 (except on donor centric economics). The eternal polarization between them is somewhat artificial; the left and right serve as meat shields for behind the scenes factions of elites that are arguing over a completely different set of policies.

    This means there isn’t really anything of substance for the liberal right and liberal left to fight over, nor is there anything for the American liberal right to stand up for or unify around in opposition to liberalism.

    Biden Harris should be able to engineer a return to normalcy, if they can bring themselves to arrest a few Antifa / BLM types when they step out of line.

    • “Biden Harris should be able to engineer a return to normalcy, if they can bring themselves to arrest a few Antifa / BLM types when they step out of line.” If you believe that your more than stupid.

  7. McVeigh was a patsy used to frame white nationalists. watch “a noble lie.” the ATF did the OKC bombing.

  8. Hey Hunter,
    I am more of a reader than a listener, but I listened to the whole podcast this afternoon. I think the most interesting part was the last 25 minutes, talking about the cause of the WBTS and the possible future scenarios. It is true that the American colonies in 1776 and Dixie in 1861 generally had their *elite* citizens backing their separatist actions. Patriots in 2020 America do not have that, and if they are foolish enough to revolt, it is doomed to fail.
    People do need an authority figure, an aristocracy of some sort. Raised in late 20th century egalitarianism, ii took me a while to grasp that truth.

  9. The election of Trump set back the patriot movement I think. It got complacent because it thought that Trump was one of them. He isn’t.

    Look at the destruction and mayhem that ensued during his presidency. He left his base out to dry.

    A Biden, rather the inevitable Harris presidency, may be the wake up call that’s needed.

    I was recently on Breitbart and they are in serious denial over there. I tried to point out the seismic demographic shift that’s on the horizon, but they keep beating the cuckservative drum.

    I’m not sure if these folks will wake up, even when things get very bad for whites and Christian whites in particular.

    This whole America thing has been a house of cards since inception. The departure from organizing a nation based on kin and faith was replaced with an idea. Human reason replaced faith and obedience to God.

    Without God as the foundation, this was destined to fail. Yes we became prosperous and yes we had virtue, but the well of virtue has run out. Why? Because when you divorce Christ from Christian virtue, the well will run dry.

    And so here we are. Rotted to the core with only a remnant of Christian believers left.

    We are in the End Times, I now have no doubt about that.

  10. “2020 Aftermath”

    As one who has been lucky enough to witness the reunification of the Germanic Fatherland I am hopeful that Trump is re-elected and helps Korea to become one happy nation!

    A dream I have is Trump bringing the USS Pueblo home. That would be great indeed!

  11. That was a great discussion. It is more energizing to be on the outside looking in which is why on some level antifa want four more years of Trump. If Trump gets wrecked in this election there really may be some lashing out by the grug right after seeing BLM violence for months. If the potential is there, then a Trump loss provides all the necessary ingredients for violence which they will probably see as revenge for the last six months. People that follow the more intellectual “alt-right” are actually way less likely to engage in violence than your average “patriotic Trump voter”, so it is kind of hard to know exactly what these people will be thinking if Trump loses.

  12. Biden’s Law. Def. The longer a politician continues in their career the probability that they will compare their opponent to Adolf Hitler approaches 1. At that point the career normally terminates.

  13. Will blackpilled Patriots get violent like Timothy McVeigh in the 1990s? Tim McVeigh was doing an OPERATION with the German BND agent Andreas Strassmeir. OKC was full of documents that found the Clinton’s culpable of whitewater. It was a deep state false flag attack, to blame the political opposition of the Clinton’s and blow up the documents that could of got them impeached. Multiple internal bombs, John Doe No. 2. being Andy Strassmeir, and the SPLC run fake nationalist cult at Elohim City. This was not a natural event as a reaction by Patriots, it was a false flag to demonize Patriots and remove evidence. There is a possibility Timmy is even still alive. A whistleblower black ops person already came out saying he refused to do OKC, because he thought it was a set up and he wouldn’t kill that many of his fellow citizens. Why is it so hard to acknowledge events proven to be false flags as not what the MSM says they are. And Spencer is a dirty rat, he hired a homosexual boy-lover for his NPI, then complains that Trump is open to gays, his hail gate cost nationalists dearly and now he’s promoting people voting for Democrats, WHAT THE FUCK? It’s one thing to say, no I don’t like Trump because of X,Y,Z. You can do that, but you CANNOT declare support for paraphillic degenerates with the Democrats.

  14. Hunter, you said that the hypothetical “Civil War 2” wouldn’t be “fought like the last one”.

    Could you explain what you think the fighting would look like?

    • Do you remember when the Trump supporters in pickup trucks invaded Portland? Imagine something like that but with actual mobile gun battles. It reminded me of some of the wars I have read about in recent decades in Africa and Asia.

      • In other words, a Mad Max scenario, minus svelte babes and men in leather… Ugh.
        And not even a good soundtrack.

  15. The Blackpillers have laid out their best arguments ad nauseum. They hope Trump loses so attention and funds from White grievance flows back to them.

    The argument is that if Biden wins then the Left will relax a bit and chill out and White Nationalists will be able to operate under the radar more at ease like during the Obama era.


    During the Obama era is when this all started ramping up with BLM and the true face of the biased liberal media being revealed. Whites were being killed and beaten frequently long before Trump was elected in revenge for Trayvon Martin, Brown, Gray, etc. Jews in Hollywood like Tarantino were making Django to pour gasoline on the fire. The anti-white violence was all covered up by the media just like it is now.

    To think that this escalating curve of Leftist power attainment will level off if Biden wins is absurd. Many arguments have been laid out anti-Trump and pro-Trump. Both sides have merit and both sides have delusion.

    The reality is: those who want funds need to form a new populist consensus building Political Party, a respectable non-freakish Lawyers Guild or a mature Civil Rights organization.

    Until then, people will do what people will do.

  16. Mark Brey wrote Antifa Handbook. Greg Johnson wrote the White Nationalist Manifesto.

    Who is the testosteroned but sleepy and uninitiated grug going to follow off of id instinct?

    Stop presenting lispy non-working class wimps as our leaders.

    Stop claiming that writing books about dating advice is equivalent to working in construction.

    Stop hating on and doxxing rivals in your own sphere.

    Dumb-assery like that will leave you where you’re at.


  17. Look at the aftermath of the Bolivian 2020 presidential election: Despite a landslide victory for the socialist candidate of M.A.S. (the “Movement Toward Socialism” Party) the CIA-connected right-wing coup regime that overthrew the previous popularly-elected socialist president, Evo Morales, is not accepting the results. Bolivian “patriots,” heavily armed right-wing militias, are on the streets, and the regular military and police may intervene again if the newly elected president does not bow immediately to the U.S. and native plutocrats. The world’s largest lithium reserves are at stake, and Bolivia must not be allowed to join the ranks of independent or semi-independent nations like Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua.

  18. In the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, and the Biden-Harris ticket wins, should reparations for chattel slavery be passed by congress and signed by Biden or Harris, it would only be fair for the vaunted “founding stock” of descendants of slave holders to be on ‘the hook’ for the bill.

    Us Northerner White Gentiles “visitors” who are not non-WASPs or southern jews and never owned nor profited from slavery in the United States shouldn’t be held responsible for the activities that occurred south of the Mason-Dixion Line.

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