Bernie Sanders went on the Senate floor this afternoon and took another shot at passing a clean bill with nothing but the $1,200 stimulus checks:
I am on the floor urging the Senate to provide $1,200 direct payments to all working-class Americans and $500 to their kids.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) December 18, 2020
Millions are out of work, hungry, and can’t pay rent. The American people need their government to step up and pass this relief. https://t.co/R5JetEqP3q
Sen. Ron Johnson blocked it again on behalf of the True Cons caucus:
Ron Johnson is back to oppose $1,200 checks — this time, he’s objecting to Bernie Sanders
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) December 18, 2020
Now @SenSanders asked for unanimous consent to take up the bill to allocate $1,200 for every adult.
— Jonathan Tasini (@jonathantasini) December 18, 2020
OBJECTION: the assh-le @RonJohnsonWI stands in the way of every American getting money #VoteHimOut #stimulus
.@SenSanders asks unanimous consent to pass a bill providing $1,200 direct payments to individuals, $2,400 for couples and $500 for children. @SenRonJohnson objecting
— Jennifer Shutt (@JenniferShutt) December 18, 2020
Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) just asked unanimous consent to approve plan to provide $1,200 direct checks. Is blocked by Sen Ron Johnson (R-WI)
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 18, 2020
.@SenSanders asked unanimous consent that the Senate take up and pass S.5063, legislation to provide $1200 direct payments. Sen. Johnson (R-WI) objected.
— Senate D Floor Watch (@DSenFloor) December 18, 2020
Last week, “deficit hawk” Sen. Ron Johnson voted in favor of 2021 NDAA which had a $741 billion dollar price tag.
I’ve noticed with these ‘deficit hawks’, that they tend to get upset if the little guy in the U.s gets something, I wonder if he’s against the tax payers paying to keep troops on the Korean border for another seventy years, or the money that’s given to the war mongers in Israel, or the Muslim theocracies wanting to live in the 15th century.
Republicans just gave away the tech industry to foreigners and yet white middle and working class people get the shaft once more!
Too bad whatever or whoever is supposedly hacking the federal government’s computer systems didn’t drain all the financial holdings of every swamp creature and lobbyists in D.C. and Northern Virginia. What a missed opportunity to come out smelling like Robin Hood.
“For long time notice biped slander. All time biped call bad biped ‘hawk.’ Not necessary! Call bad biped ‘bad piped,’ no ‘hawk.’ … Escuse, (burp) still not swallow garter snake yet.”
In all seriousness, any human described by the media as a hawk is a sociopathic traitorous piece of shit. Real hawks, as in the birds, have a lot of material for a class action suit. If that suit fails, well…watch the skies, ya dopes.
Well, it looks like the idea of UBI is beginning to appeal to at least one former (((Goldman Sachs))) CFO, as a safety valve to the plebe revolting against the oligarchs
“How U.S. Government Paid Off Its Super-Rich in Order to Pass Its Coronavirus-Relief Laws”: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/12/18/how-us-government-paid-off-super-rich-order-pass-coronavirus-relief-laws/
“She said, Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the masters’ table.” Matthew 15:27
I really respect Senator Johnson.
That said, I do not agree with him, or President Trump, that corporations have been allowed to run rampant (just one aspect of the scandemick plan) whilst small businesses are closed down.
I agree with Tulsi Gabbard that corporate profits ought be rerouted to small businesses that are just barely hanging on.
This measure ought to have been taken 8-9 months ago, before tens of thousands of small business were destroyed.
As a Dixiecrat, I continue to note that I have no party.
We need a Huey Long or George Wallace, not just in word, but, in deed.
Re: Ivan T. You are a terrible commenter. You can’t even write an English sentence. Here is what you wrote:
“That said, I do not agree with him, or President Trump, that corporations have been allowed to run rampant (just one aspect of the scandemick plan) whilst small businesses are closed down.”
That sentence, which you presumably wrote, states that you DON’T agree with the true statement that “corporations…whilst…down.” Nice touch with the stupid fake “whilst,” like you’re in the Georgian Parliament with Burke. Corporations have been running rampant, and small businesses have been closed down, you dumb @#$%!