Congress Finally Reaches Stimulus Agreement: Every American Will Receive A Coupon For $5 Off At Applebee’s https://t.co/0mUO1RWr0P
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) December 21, 2020
The stimulus bill is so ridiculously large that no one can physically carry it.
— Pomp ? (@APompliano) December 21, 2020
There is zero chance that any of the people voting on it have actually read it. pic.twitter.com/9YH5vuSjsT
You forgot the $500 million to Israel. https://t.co/je96MhEQge
— Keith Woods ?? (@KeithWoodsYT) December 21, 2020
The stimulus proposes giving $700,000,000 to Sudan. No, really. pic.twitter.com/JVPTqXtonS
— Tim Tierney (@Timmy_Tierney) December 21, 2020
Oh and $33 mil to the communists in Venezuela. pic.twitter.com/LfC1IcYXWI
— Marina Medvin ?? (@MarinaMedvin) December 21, 2020
The new COVID relief bill contains $500,000,000 for Israel. pic.twitter.com/oWJlLm1MzC
— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) December 21, 2020
The legislative package also contains $2 billion for Air Force missile procurement and related expenses. pic.twitter.com/zxeBcNLcB5
— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) December 21, 2020
$4 billion for Navy weapons procurement. pic.twitter.com/luzf8EPMwm
— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) December 21, 2020
$2 billion for Space Force! pic.twitter.com/SBcSCKSIh4
— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) December 21, 2020
Lots of presents for the anti-borders side in the spending bill, reportedly, including an extension of the Liberian amnesty for another year (not “enough” applicants) and only 34,000 beds funded for ICE, to help restore catch and release.
— Jessica Vaughan (@JessicaV_CIS) December 21, 2020
If this is the best the ridiculous “deficit hawks” can do with control of the Senate, why should they remain in control of it? $600 for Americans and another $500 million for Israel?
Note: Unless I am mistaken, this is on top of the United States-Israel Security Authorization Act which was passed last week in the 2021 NDAA.
AS I said on another thread, the 500,000,000 is added to the monies they’re already are getting. It’s in the fine print. Charlie Cuck conveniently left Israel of the list of countries getting stimulus money.
I too saw that the terrorists occupying Palestine are indeed receiving 500 million dollars of American taxpayer money.
I wonder how senators Paul and Johnson feel about sending “free money” to beef up the arsenal of zionism? Forget that. We know America can never give enough blood and treasure for Israel.
Ivan Turdenev’s fellow Tribesmen making out like bandits per usual.
Abraham’s Dollar
The Conservative and Libertarian Republicans voted for billions for Israel but against $600 for Americans.
You can always vote against Republicans.
The $700 million to Sudan can be added to the $500 million given to Israel as the pound of flesh the Israel lobby demanded and got from the American taxpayer.
What a ridiculous slap in the face. $600. And the R’s whine about it, though every non-white in the nation and many outside of it have been getting thousands a year since the 1960s.
We need to be rid of these parasites. Imagine the world we could live in, not funding these jews and jungle people.
International pork barrel under the guise of “emergency relief”. Our corrupt, traitorous overlords couldn’t have been handed a better “crisis” than Covid-19. Enjoy your crumbs, suckers.