We’ve been saying for decades that the future of White America can be seen in post-apartheid South Africa. Until recently, this warning had fallen on deaf ears among mainstream conservatives who comforted themselves with the Constitution and MLK quotes and who scolded and marginalized us for our skepticism. The future was going to work out fine and we were “racists” for doubting it.
“(CNN) – Racism remains this nation’s Achilles’ heel. If we do not face it and fix it, we will continue to suffer. The news in the past few weeks, from the police shooting of Daunte Wright to the debate about voter suppression, underscores once again that we have a long way to go to fulfill America’s promise of justice and equal opportunity for every American. To get closer to fulfilling that aspiration, we first need a consensus about the history of racism in the US and the effect it still has today.
We — and by “we,” I’m referring primarily to White Americans — have spent generations burying our heads in the sand when it comes to how we talk about race and learn about our complex history. This has gotten harder to deny or even ignore. The disproportionate effect of the pandemic on people of color, the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and so many other Black Americans — along with the involvement of White supremacists in the January 6 insurrection — have sparked a necessary, nationwide discussion on race.
Unfortunately, policy changes have been few and fleeting. The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act is stalled in Congress, state-level voter suppression legislation has exploded, and despite efforts to address it, there are deepening racial gaps across employment and health outcomes due to Covid-19. Even after the events of the past year, public opinion research shows still wide gaps in attitudes and perceptions on race and whether systemic racism is a major problem. …
We must look beyond individual incidents and examine the systems and institutions that operate at the detriment of Black Americans and other minorities. This truth-seeking process has proven to be helpful elsewhere — a number of academic studies have found that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa was instrumental in facilitating a political and social transition after apartheid. In the past three decades, at least 40 countries have created truth commissions of their own.
In the South African Commission, televised hearings played a prominent role in the process. Live broadcasts and interactive online exhibits that complement a truth and reconciliation commission can also help the public better understand and digest its findings. …”
My fellow White people …
The “crazy people” on the “far right” believed in a future dystopia.
Yeah, well, now actually they are saying that the United States becoming more like South Africa *is* the plan and that antiracism as colorblindness is passé. We need a “Truth and Racial Healing Commission” like in South Africa in the 1990s. We need to judge people on the basis of race now. The only way we can heal is by confronting systematic racism which was embraced by the political establishment last summer.
Note: Louisiana desperately needs another Huey Long to take out the trash. The scum down in New Orleans has forgotten who used to rule the state. It has been too long.
It’s all part of the plan. The US will become like S. Africa, only worse. The same tribe is behind the destruction as they were in S. Africa.
If not for media over-amplification, this would not be an issue.
Give black victims the same attention WHITE victims recieve, none.
They control the media, they set the agenda.
Joe Slovo. We cannot co-exist with these people. Separate or die.
The major difference between the USA and South Africa is that the USA is only 13-15% black, and the population isn’t growing. We won’t ever be in a situation where we are completely outnumbered by subsaharan Africans. From that perspective the USA is even more pathetic because Whites destroyed their own country over a small and mostly irrelevant minority.
Ever is a big word. You seen all the half-breeds roaming around?
@Dart That figure of 15% has to be off. Go to any large or mid-size city, and they are jam packed with them. The mayors are black. The city councils are black. The police chiefs are black. The school boards are black. They have been having kids like crazy since the 1960s. They have to be at least 30% of the population. They’ve been telling us they are a small percentage for decades now.
This is 100% accurate. If you add in the Afro-Latinos etc. it becomes obvious negroes and mixed race Americans easily constitute 25%+ of the population.
They’re 25% of the white population now vs 10 in the 50s.
They’ve kept a steady percentage while whites have declined in the face of mass immigration.
@Pilot – Your observations mirror my own. I think 30% is even low, considering all the mixed.
The only problem with this, is that South Africa blacks are the biggest population there. Here in the states, the are small minority. The backlash from unwokw america is likely to huge. All the other minorities arent going to be big on this idea either . I love it though, it will bring many more our way. They just can’t help themselves.
The H1B…L1 B Visa Program is a hate crime against Native Born White Americans.
The 1965 Immigration Reform Act was a hate crime against Native Born White Americans….
The Democratic Party is a hate crime against Native Born White Americans….
Black Lives Matter is a hate crime against Native Born White Americans…
The Antifa are a hate crime against Native Born White Americans….
Who fucking ordered this?
The Republican Party is a hate crime against Native Born White Americans…
Remember when at the beginning of the Obama administration Eric Holder gave this extremely, unbelievably patronizing and insulting speech about how Americans were “cowards” too afraid to have a “real conversation about race?”
I thought – America should have a conversation about race. Why are African-Amerians so over-the-top racist, why do they murder so many people, why do they commit so much crime and why do they do so poorly in school?
I think Eric Holder is the coward, he’s too afraid to discuss that.
You want a critique of white people? I’ll give you one. Why are white “liberals” and “progressives” so arrogant to believe that they are qualified to “fix” all the people of the world as if there is a “Nice White Liberal” deep inside the sould of every colored person from Timbuktu to Taiwan just waiting for a Progressive Ally to bring out via “education?”
Have any of these White Progressives ever thought that maybe black people don’t believe in your “2,000 different genders” and Chinese people don’t care about the suffering of Jews in World War II?
I know, it’s crazy. If there is a culture of “white supremacy” I’m pretty sure it’s in the Social Justice academic culture and pretty much nowhere else.
Low-down race-baiter hustling for white-guilt, anti-White votes.
How about making every Yankee and Scalawag such as Landrieu confess to all the war crimes, devastation, etc against civilians that was committed during the South’s Second War for Independence 1861-1865?
An editorial printed in the Philadelphia Inquirer cheered on Sherman’s plan to wage war against defenseless noncombatants, rejoicing at “the fate of that accursed hotbed of treason.” General Sherman himself regarded secessionists as traitors and wrote that the state “deserves all that seems in store for her.”
In a letter to Major R.M. Sawyer dated January 31,1864, the general declared his belief that the war was the result of a “false political doctrine,” namely, “that any and every people have a right to self-government.” In the same letter (published in The Rebellion Record in 1865), Sherman contended that the Federal government could rightfully take the property, and even the life, of anyone who did not submit to its authority, and he complained that it was the “political nonsense of slave rights, State rights, freedom of conscience, freedom of press, and other such trash” that had “deluded the Southern people into war.”
In January 1865, Sherman’s forces gathered at Beaufort, South Carolina, and during that month a few of his brigades moved a little farther inland. By the first of February, the main advance was underway. Divided into two wings, one under the command of General Oliver 0. Howard, the army began to cut a wide path of destruction across South Carolina from the coast to the North Carolina border, burning farms, plantations and towns (including the capital city of Columbia); demolishing railroad lines; destroying or confiscating crops and livestock; and plundering and abusing civilians, reducing them to hopelessness and destitution. One of Shermans aides, Captain George W. Pepper, recorded his memories of the march through South Carolina in his memoir, published in 1866:
[H]ouses were burned as they were found. Whenever a view could be had from high ground, black columns of smoke were seen rising here and there within a circuit of twenty or thirty miles.
Solid built chimneys were the only relics of plantation houses after the fearful blast had swept by. The destruction of houses, barns, mills, &c., was almost universal. Families who remained at home, occasionally kept the roof over their heads.
Sherman’s armies met with little in the way of military opposition from the relatively small number of Confederate forces in the state, who were compelled to withdraw and burn bridges behind them as a force of more than sixty thousand Union troops relentlessly moved inland.
In 1865, Major George W. Nichols, an aide-de-camp to General Sherman, published a book about the campaign in Georgia and South Carolina, revealing his contempt for the people of South Carolina, whom he dehumanized as “the scum, the lower dregs of civilization. They are not Americans; they are merely South Carolinians.” Nichols thought that the thievery committed against civilians (usually women and old men) by his soldiers was amusing. After describing how the soldiers would search out valuables that had been hidden away by civilians, he added, “These searches made one of the pleasant excitements of our march.”
The soldiers sent out as foragers, usually in advance of the main army, were some of the worst offenders in terms of pillaging and other wrongdoing. These men were called “bummers.” In his book Merchant of Terror; author John B. Walters described them as “brigands and desperadoes” who operated virtually free of any military discipline or restraint.
Of Sherman’s accomplishments in South Carolina, Major Nichols went on proudly:
History will in vain be searched for a parallel to the scathing and destructive effect of the invasion of the Carolinas. Aside from the destruction of military things, there were destructions overwhelming, overleaping the present generation… agriculture, commerce, cannot be revived in our day. Day by day our legions of armed men surged over the land, over a region forty miles wide, burning everything we could not take away. On every side, the head, center and rear of our columns might be traced by columns of smoke by day and the glare of flames by night. The burning hand of war pressed on these people, blasting, withering.
Another Federal officer, Major James A. Connolly, wrote home to his wife that halfway through the march in South Carolina, he was “perfectly sickened by the frightful devastation our army was spreading on every hand.” He described the army’s actions as “absolutely terrible” and reported how most houses were first plundered and then burned, and women, children and old men were turned out into the “mud and rain.” He told his wife that he knew the campaign against South Carolina would be a terrible one before it began, but he had no idea “how frightful the reality would be.”
John J. Hight, a chaplain of the Fifty-eighth Indiana Infantry Regiment, wrote in his diary, “Sometimes the world seemed on fire. We were almost stifled by smoke and flames.” On March 7,1865, Sherman’s second in command, General O.O. Howard, wrote to another officer that “General Blair reports that every house on his line of march today was pillaged, trunks broken open, jewelry, silver &c, taken.”
Historian Joseph T. Glatthaar, author of an award-winning book on Sherman’s campaign in Georgia and the Carolinas, stated that the Federal army burned the capital city of Columbia (just as it had also torched a number of towns on its way to it) and that most of Sherman’s soldiers admitted that they would do it. The Columbia correspondent for the New York Herald newspaper reported in an article submitted on June 21, 1865, “There can be but little doubt that the destruction of Columbia was the work of our army.”
In his travels with Sherman’s army, reporter David P Conyngham had seen much destruction in Georgia, but when he gave his general impression of the operations in South Carolina, he stressed how much worse was than Georgia:
We marched, on the whole, four hundred and fifty miles, our wings extending some thirty-five or forty miles. This would give an area of over fifteen thousand square miles which we operated over, all the time supporting men and animals on the country. Indeed, the loss we inflicted on the enemy is incalculable, and all at a trifling sacrifice of life…
As for the wholesale burning, pillage, devastation, committed in South Carolina, magnify all I have said of Georgia fifty fold, and then throw in an occasional murder, “just to bring an old, hard-fisted cuss to his senses,” and you have a pretty good idea of the whole thing.
— Stokes, Karen. South Carolina Civilians in Sherman’s Path, Introduction, pp 9-14,17.
If memory serves Landrieu was the mayor of New Orleans who illegally ordered the removal of a Confederate monument in order to improve the city’s image and promote racial healing. What a cowardly scumbag.
I was there in 2017
Landrieu’s father was known to white New Orleanians as “Moon the Coon”.
May the niggers that Nawlins scum loves so much one day hang him by his heels & roast that jewshit-filled head over coals.