Here is @tedlieu (who proudly reminds everyone that he’s a former prosecutor) repeating this falsehood during the impeachment trial of Trump. If he had any capacity for embarrassment or regret as a public official, you’d think this would qualify https://t.co/PfQGFhSeiV
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) April 19, 2021
“They killed a cop!” was repeated ad nauseum to drive home the narrative that everyone had to be extra fearful of the Jan 6 “insurrection” and accept all extreme retaliatory actions in its wake. Add that to the neverending stack of discredited falsehoods https://t.co/IGt9jt7k3v
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) April 19, 2021
This confirms that no one was killed in the “insurrection,” in the sense of being violently targeted / aggressed upon by the mob. Imagine if that had been the narrative from the outset. Oh well
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) April 19, 2021
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 19, 2021
This is what they do everyday. Please internalize what dishonest propagandists they are. They have zero capacity for critical thought and absolutely no integrity. The only care about serving DNC interests. Just look for yourself: pic.twitter.com/Mnqfdv3Clk
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 19, 2021
The corporate media lies to you constantly because they only care about pleasing the political ideology and flattering the preconceptions of their audience. Subtsack & similar platforms allow truth to be aired, which is why they hate it.https://t.co/msYDRXoBJ9
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 19, 2021
Just look at this short excerpt of how we drowned in a totally false story for a full month — one that was crucial to the narrative because only Sicknick could be said to have been killed by deliberate violence by pro-Trump protesters. Watch: pic.twitter.com/nrmifW6Ifq
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) February 17, 2021
Look at how often the media in unison spreads completely false stories like this in the most emotional and manipulative way possible.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 19, 2021
This was the other story that just fell apart 48 hours ago. Maybe at some point it's time to start asking why it keeps happening? pic.twitter.com/8ynRUv0jXQ
So…any updates on the suspects who were involved in Officer Sicknick’s death? We gonna just, kinda, let that one go…or?
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) February 3, 2021
It was my professional obligation to read Glenn’s insurrection coddling thread and holy crap it’s as much bullshit as you would have imagined. He’s full on Sicknick Truther. Sad. https://t.co/S46FWwiBBr
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) February 17, 2021
What else are “journalists” going to get caught lying about?
“Capitol Police officer Brian D. Sicknick suffered two strokes and died of natural causes a day after he confronted rioters at the Jan. 6 insurrection, the District’s chief medical examiner has ruled.
The ruling, released Monday, likely will make it difficult for prosecutors to pursue homicide charges in the officer’s death. Two men are accused of assaulting Sicknick by spraying a powerful chemical irritant at him during the siege.
In an interview with The Washington Post, Francisco J. Diaz, the medical examiner, said the autopsy found no evidence the 42-year-old officer suffered an allergic reaction to chemical irritants, which Diaz said would have caused Sicknick’s throat to quickly seize. Diaz also said there was no evidence of internal or external injuries. …”
“WASHINGTON – U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died from strokes a day after the Jan. 6 insurrection, the D.C. medical examiner ruled Monday.
The chief medical examiner, Francisco Diaz, ruled the death from natural causes rather than a homicide committed by another person. Diaz found that Sicknick, 42, died from “acute brainstem and cerebellar infarcts due to acute basilar artery thrombosis.”
I was told that Brian Sicknick was beaten to death by the insurrectionists!
Are you saying that the real “journalists” used their own platforms and social media platforms to spread fake news and misinformation? Are you saying that Donald Trump was impeached over this Big Lie?
Yes, “finally”, as if it was based on investigation and not propaganda. Notice that the death of American citizen, Ashli Babbitt, due to strictly un-natural causes has been conveniently sent down the memory hole operated by our Jewish overlords. There can be no Nationalist / populist resurrection of our culture until we specifically name and react to the culprit of our destruction.
The correction is virtually meaningless.
They used the lie to achieve their goals, that’s what counts.
It’s a spent cartrige, the bullet hit its target.
Think of Greenwald whatever you want, the fact remains that his mettle far exceeds the vast majority of those whose blood, and or lifestyle choices, many would purport to be infinitely superior.
Just like Floyd died of a drug overdose. It doesn’t matter what you die of, it matters if you can use that death to incite anti_White hatred.
Everyone knows that the American media lies constantly. I doubt that even 10% of people truly believe that the media is honest. There are just those who believe the media’s lies are “noble lies” because they agree with the media agenda, and those who don’t.
Officer Sicknick was a relatively young man, only two years older than HW. But it seems there are many incidents where cops and firemen die suddenly from heart attacks and strokes while still in their 30s and 40s. The physical and mental stress of those occupations can exact a serious toll on one’s health.
lol – “physical and mental stress” – I know a lot of cops and firefighters personally and there is not a bunch of more carefree jagoffs than those 2 groups – they spend half their time figuring out how to maximize their OT and pension(aka: screwing the taxpayers) and the other half deciding which boat/ATV/RV/SUV to buy.
Yeah, the group you’ve described comprise the majority of cops and firemen. But those toll booth jobs on the NJ Turnpike have to be the biggest taxpayer rip off of all. They can easily get 100k a year with overtime. Shockingly, most of the employees are blags.
“Think of Greenwald whatever you want, the fact remains that his mettle far exceeds the vast majority of those whose blood, and or lifestyle choices, many would purport to be infinitely superior.”
He’s an honest jewfag. And Ngo is an honest slopefag. Good for them. This doesn’t change the fact that they are anomalies that come from enemy tribes. And yes: their “lifestyle choices” are demonstrably inferior.
That’s a cot you get from the side effects of the jab. When did he get vaccinated?