After The Virtue Signal: White People Have Cooled Toward Black Lives Matter

The wind of reaction is blowing at gale force now.

I’ve been saying for months now that the George Floyd riots changed White racial attitudes and have boomeranged. Donald Trump was taken out by COVID but the pandemic is over now.

Mother Jones:

“In an opinion piece published by the New York Times, two political scientists, Jennifer Chudy of Wellesley College and Hakeem Jefferson of Stanford University, measured voters’ attitudes on key racial justice issues over the course of 2020. They specifically wanted to know, as they put it: “Did George Floyd’s death catalyze support for Black Lives Matter? If so, for how long and for whom?”

The answers, in a nutshell, are: yes, briefly, and for white Americans and Republicans. The fleeting support for Black Lives Matter among the latter groups didn’t merely fade in time. It fell to new lows. White Americans actually became less supportive of Black Lives Matter than they were before Floyd’s death. This trend, the researchers note, “seems unlikely to reverse anytime soon.”

Democrats ran with systematic racism and wokeness and never looked back.

New York Times:

“The moment was called “a racial reckoning.” Multiracial crowds of protesters took to the streets to call for racial justice. Books about racism soared to the top of best-seller lists. And surveys suggested that white Americans, many of whom had long opposed efforts to advance the goals of racial equality, were having a change of heart.

This time felt different. If previous instances of violence against Black people were quickly forgotten, the sense among many Americans was that George Floyd’s death would usher in a durable shift in attitudes regarding race and justice.

A year later, we needn’t engage in mere speculation. Time and data allow us to examine the stability of Americans’ racial attitudes. One key question: Did George Floyd’s death catalyze support for Black Lives Matter? If so, for how long and for whom? …

Here and elsewhere scholars have considered the parallels between the summer of 2020 and the tumultuous summers of the 1960s. The 1960s represented a watershed moment for race, in part because of the important shifts in American public opinion. But the lasting legacy of the era is found in its landmark legislation — the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968 — rather than the changing of hearts and minds.

Some have wondered whether support for B.L.M., especially among white people, is genuine or merely virtue-signaling. As the volatility of the polling suggests, there is reason to be skeptical. This conversation, however, misrepresents racism as a social problem rooted in individual values rather than as a system forcefully sustained by our institutions. In our opinion, a more fruitful conversation would consider how to transform support for B.L.M., wherever and how tenuous it exists, into more enduring political change. Whether or not this effort will involve substantial numbers of white Americans remains to be seen. …”

We have progressive activists to thank for this.

The spike in support for Black Lives Matter was overwhelmed by “Defund the Police” and six months of riots which kept Trump competitive in the 2020 election and which led to Republicans expanding their majority in the House and making gains in state legislatures in a crucial redistricting year.

Note: Now that woke progressivism has taken over the Democratic Party, it is spilling out into literally every aspect of public policy and creating all kinds of divisive problems for the Democrats on issues like crime and immigration and now foreign policy.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Look at the comments (before they are deleted/closed) on any Youtube video of a local newscast about negro criminality. I would be surprised if wokeism/BLM has 20-30% support which is still too high.

  2. I didn’t know BLM officially represented all 40 million American blaxx? How come they don’t have a mailing address tho?

    • “Hispanic” is poorly defined. In the past, the word referred to the people of Spanish descent. Now it is used for every mongrel that comes from “Latin” America.

      • True. It would be interesting to see how Hispanic support for BLM breaks down racially. Unfortunately, self-reporting is not always accurate because a lot of mestizos will LARP as Spaniards.

  3. As long as things like this are used as an argument “This conversation, however, misrepresents racism as a social problem rooted in individual values rather than as a system forcefully sustained by our institutions.” This is just another way of saying, white people are racist. Sorry, ain’t paying attention, nor are a great many whites, as long as this claptrap is the starting point for the debate. Never are blacks ever responsible for themselves. They are never, ever, expected to grow up and take responsibility for themselves.

    • @mark – Excellent point!! The Narrative the so-called “conversation” starts from is always, ALWAYS set up for White people to be completely to blame.

  4. ‘Whites have cooled towards Black Lives Matter?’

    That’s an understatement, for in Northeastern North Carolina, or Southeastern Virginia, the term ‘BLM’ is a dartboard in practically every White Man’s mind.

    Not that we think Black Lives do not matter, but, the organization?

    No, it does not matter, nor does it have any value, whatsoever, other than to roil up race-relations (already not good) to no end, other than to raise money for it’s founders from Professional White Liberals or Jewish Oligarchs.

  5. “the term ‘BLM’ is a dartboard in practically every White Man’s mind” They can throw darts at things in our minds? Off this planet I go!

  6. “In our opinion, a more fruitful conversation would consider how to transform support for B.L.M., wherever and how tenuous it exists, into more enduring political change. Whether or not this effort will involve substantial numbers of white Americans remains to be seen. …”

    “FUCK what the crackers think! Just get the feds to ram it down their throats like they did in the ’60s!”

  7. LOL at the NYT: the crowds “taking to the streets” weren’t “multi racial”, it was (upper) middle class white college grads + wine moms and assorted token blacks.

    Also, I doubt the Latino support. They hate blacks and hunted them in LA or Chicago when they attempted to loot.

    • I also burst into laughter when I read that crap.
      Take any photo of any protest and it is always rich college wimps holding signs.Blacks only show up when it is time to loot stores.

  8. BLM, like AntiFa, is another Judeo-Yankee false flag operation, led by Jewish Kommissars and political officers, and made up of spoiled, rich White brats and other ostensibly White misfits, with a few token Blacks to maintain the illusion.

    Black Lives Matter. As long as they’re politically useful, and stay in niggertown, away from the Jews and their wealthy, ostensibly White stooges.

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