It saddens me to see Teddy Roosevelt’s monument coming down.
This is exactly what we said would happen for decades in which we insisted on defending our Confederate monuments. It is why we went to Charlottesville. We wanted to stand up against these people.
“NEW YORK — After more than a year of talk, it’s official: The Theodore Roosevelt statue in front of the American Museum of Natural History is coming down.
The New York City Public Design Commission voted unanimously at a public meeting Monday to relocate the statue by long-term loan to a cultural institution dedicated to the life and legacy of the former president. (No institution has been designated yet, and discussions about its ultimate destination are ongoing.)
The vote follows years of protest and adverse public reaction over the statue as a symbol of colonialism, largely because of the Native American and African men who are depicted flanking Roosevelt on a horse. Those objections led the museum in June 2020 to propose removing the statue. …”
Mainstream conservatives like Rich Lowry assured us though that the War on the South WOULD NOT lead to a broader campaign against American heritage. Look at what happened to Christopher Columbus or Saint Louis IX or St. Junípero Serra. In Richmond, I believe everything was torn down in an orgy of woke iconoclasm except the Arthur Ashe monument. One day there will be nothing left in the public square but pitiful monuments of blacks like Harriet Tubman, George Floyd and MLK.

Roosevelt gave us Wilson so screw him. I wouldn’t be shocked if he was set up to kill the race for the Republicans.
You think Taft would have been better?
Protectionist? Probably. Hard to be worse than Wilson. He really has 10’s of millions of dead whites on his hands and our current enslavement/genocide. Lincoln is nothing in comparison.
Actually, I am more than a bit surprised that there is anything overt left in New York City that could be mistakenly conveyed as lauding or being celebratory of anything White European Blood has ever accomplisht in this land.
“One day there will be nothing left in the public square but pitiful monuments of blacks like Harriet Tubman, George Floyd and MLK.” With whores, drug sales, twerking couples, and graffiti. These cities are zoo’s.
Soon to be replaced by George Floyd, holocaust memorial or some other black criminal.
They already have a Holocaust memorial complete with shoes and cattle cars that were never used to transport prisoners. The chutzpah. They even sued Nederlands Spoorwagen over the 2nd class rail tickets issued to deportees. The Soviets, however, did actually use cattle cars to transport prisoners to the gulags where ironically many of the photos in the Holocaust archive came from. Starving prisoners etc.
I’m very aware of that. The German POW’s that were starved to death under Eisenhower were used as photo ops to push the holocaust myth. The true Holocaust was the ones committed against the Ukrainians (Holodomor) No movies, no 24/7 documentaries on the Hitler channel, etc.
Not with a bang, but a whimper…..
HW, I ride you pretty hard (when you let my comments through) but your comment is spot on….
“It is why we went to Charlottesville. We wanted to stand up against these people.”
As I have said, the first battle of Civil War II [C’ville War II] began on a hot night in Charlottesville, August 2017.
To the victor belong the spoils.
Go thou, and do likewise.
The statue is very cringeworthy, but as a symbol of Yankee insanity, it should remain.
I agree, Sir – up yonder is their country, not our business.
Let us tend to our own patch, down here.
It’s odd that none of these idiots have targeted the Sherman statue near Central Park. He literally did genocide the Indians.
Judging from that statue, Teddy was a ‘One Struggle’ true believer.
Fuck Teddy Roosevelt. He was one of the first to start attacking ethnocentrism in the name of being an unhyphenated American. He just wanted workers. Typical ruling class scum.
Don’t you understand how important it is to remove that statue? Once it’s gone there won’t be any more black street crime in NYC. Having to look at that offensive statue was a painful reminder to the coloreds of how subjugated and humiliated they were by white supremacy. They had no choice but to respond by shooting at the police and pushing white females off of subway platforms. Now at long last the racial healing can begin!
The idolized ROSENFELD (Roosevelt) was as bad as all the other the Presidents. Yes the idol must come down. The idols on Mount Rushmore too. The capitalist civil religion with its idolatry and human sacrifice will come to an end some day.
They are tearing down your civilization, dumb-ass. Do you think they are going to stop at things you don’t like?
Haaretz on “The secret Jewish history of Teddy Roosevelt”:
A strong supporter of the planned Zionist invasion of Palestine, as well as U.S. invasion of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines and other Spanish colonies and outposts around the world, justified as punishment for the Spanish expulsion of Sephardic Jews in 1492.
Like some other blood-stained, warmongering commanders-in-chief, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.