About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I submitting the following comment to the linked post at Inverted World:

    The idea that philo-Semitism is indispensable to White Nationalism is absurd on its face. Because: intrinsic to the claim that we need to gain a “Jewish blessing” for our nationalism to be viable – both morally and practically – implies that:

    a) White Nationalism is not inherently morally legitimate, on its own terms.

    b) That unless we gain Jewish favor our movement is doomed practically because it must be recognized that Jewish power has the ability to deny us our goals, unless we gain Jewish favor, in which case the Jews are our enemies because they will not deign to legitimate the inherent moral validity of White Nationalism.

    c) If the Jews are as mercenary, and utilize their decisive power in such a mercenary fashion with regards to the interests of Whites, then, it is certainly not prudent to placate such an enemy today for they would almost certainly turn on us again tomorrow.

    Jobling, why not post my comment and refute each of my contentions in turn?

  2. Most of the “race-realist” types believe that the reason we’re in this situation is because whites have just come to the wrong conclusions, and have to be explained why diversity is not good, and why non-white immigration is bad etc. That this is all just a mis-understanding, and not the result of a hostile Jewish elite pushing ideologies that it knows are false against the groups it dislikes. The “white liberals” or white elite believe as they do for status reasons or in some quasi-religious manner. Theirs is not a result of logical thought. Neither will be effected by RR arguments.

    Even if it was a situation that the race realists imagine, they don’t have a platform to spread their ideas in the first place, they’re still seen as a softer re-incarnation of big H.

  3. Ian Jobling continues to believe that a “mature pro-white movement” should be slavishly devoted to promoting Jewish interests.

    Only someone heavy on the ‘Stuck-up Syndrome’ could pretend he said anything of the sort.

    Jobling, why not post my comment and refute each of my contentions in turn?

    Just guessing, but maybe because they so torture the language it’d take a Lit PhD like Jobling weeks to recover from the gruesome sight.

  4. silver: “Just guessing, but maybe because they so torture the language it’d take a Lit PhD like Jobling weeks to recover from the gruesome sight.”

    Just for you silver, nothing but the worst for you.

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