About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Robert Lindsay, thanks for posting the link. I vaguely recall looking through that when it was first up. I don’t recall why I criticised it, and I didn’t see comments by me in the thread there, so it must have been elsewhere that I said something.

    I don’t have time just at the moment to read through it, but I will later.

    I consider it obvious and not even remotely falsifiable that True West-Central African Negroes and True Europeans are different species, not just different races.

  2. Western Ashkeanzi Jews may not have bred with Europeans much. A little bit, but not that much.

    But Russian Jews definately have bred with Eastern Europeans.

    Sephardic Jews are a mediterranean population. If they are (indigenous) Arabs they are Mediterraneans and if they are Spainards they are also Mediterraneans.

  3. Lindsay and I have one trait in common. We are both “racial sociopaths” who don’t care about offending anybody and draw our categories based on genetics.

    I don’t care if it offends people to say that Greeks (and therefore West Europeans) are linked to Arabs. They are.

    I don’t care if it offends Russian Jews to tell them that they are impure. They are.

    I don’t care if it offends Nazis to tell them that Slavs have more indo-aryan blood than Germans. They do.

    And I agree about basques.

    That is the differences between race realism and white nationalism.

  4. It’s your imprecision and dubious reasoning people take issue with, Iceman.

    I don’t care if it offends people to say that Greeks (and therefore West Europeans) are linked to Arabs. They are.

    What does “linked to” mean? And what connection does that establish to “Western Europeans” (such as…?)?

    I don’t care if it offends Nazis to tell them that Slavs have more indo-aryan blood than Germans. They do.

    What the heck is “Indo-Aryan” blood and do you seriously think any German racialist (“nazi”) could possibly give a shit anyway?

    I don’t see eye to eye with Rienzi on very much at all, but it’s rather obvious he’s got a better grip on race than you.

  5. This would be obvious to anyone who posts on anthropology forums (real ones, not JWH’s website), but I’ll explain it anyways. This proves that geography doesn’t lie. Indeed, Slavs are closer to indo-aryans in DNA than Germans are.


    Two Y-chromosome lineages, HG 9 and HG 3, show frequency clines that may reflect population movements in southwestern Asia (fig. 1A and B).

    In other words, HG 3 is an indo-aryan haplotype.


    “The distribution of HG 3 chromosomes is also strongly clinal, but with a very different axis and more on a regional scale…. It reaches its highest frequencies in central-eastern Europe, comprising approximately half of the chromosomes in the Russian, Polish, and Slovakian samples; frequencies in the southeast and southwest are low. This distribution resembles the third principal component of variation of classical gene frequencies, which has been interpreted by some geneticists (Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994) as marking the movement, from north of the Caspian Sea, of the Kurgan people, dated to ~7,000 YBP.”

    HG3 Frequencies in European, Central Asian and Mediterranean groups:

    East Anglians….9%
    North Africans…0%

    from same website

    The thing is, these are not dissident sources. You can find plenty of respected studies that would support my position. I agree with some of the other stuff written by RR too, but I didn’t post it because it was irrelevant to the topic.

  6. “I consider it obvious and not even remotely falsifiable that True West-Central African Negroes and True Europeans are different species, not just different races.”

    Fred, you might want to look up the definition of “falsifiable”. It might surprise you to learn that you scuppered your own fucking boat.

    OK, there are some pretty long screeds above. I’m going to sound like a coward here and say I’m too bored to continue. But here’s the thing – there are some blatantly obvious fallacies above, such as the idea that “monoracialism” is superior to a larger gene pool. First, the dude shows no inclination to prove that, and second, it’s actually completely untrue – a larger gene pool reduces chances of disease destroying a population, for instance.
    Here’s something new for ya: To assert something does not make it factual.

    Now, it’s been nice talking to you. I’ve discovered what it is you believe, and I have to say, it all sounds like a pile of shit. I have to say, I didn’t expect too much, and you’ve not disappointed.

    And as for Jefferson… come off it.

    You know what’s ironic? I’m probably the most “Aryan” looking person here. My hair is white blonde and runs down to my collarbone. I’ve worked out three times a week for fifteen years, and I listen to Viking metal. Why is it that I’m the only one here with the cojones and sense to see through this shit? Why are you all such ooze? Why don’t you want to leave the fucking swamp and take a look around?

    Well done with your 30 push ups, Prozium. You might want to try something called “progression”, though….

  7. Birmingham isn’t a charming little hamlet, fuckwad. It’s the second biggest city in the UK. And I lived with a Jamaican guy; most Afro-Caribbeans get annoyed if you call them “African”…

  8. Yeah, Fred, I think it was back when you and I were fighting it out a lot.

    I don’t agree with some stuff posted here. Jews have clearly bred in quite a bit with Europeans. A lot of them seem to be actually converts of some sort or another. They are close to Arabs on some charts, yes. But if you compare them to Arabs as a whole, not so much. Mostly they are close to Turks, Armenians, Kurds. And that is where the Caucasian/Asian cline starts.

    Jews, Turks, Armenians, Kurds (Anatolians) are sort of hard to toss into Asians or Caucasians. But none are real far from mainstream Euros. They’re kind of a Euro subrace. Yugoslavs, Russians, Caucasus, Basques, Greeks and Sardinians seem farther away from main Euros than Anatolians (they’re really outside the main group). Greeks are the Euro subrace that links Euros to Arabs – the only one.

    But Arabs are not really a Euro race – they are outside that. If you don’t like Jews and want to say they are a Euro subrace hostile to most Euros, that would make more sense. Iranians are actually really close to Euros. You can almost call them a Euro subrace. I would not mess around with one little blood group for categorization. Better to look at autosomal DNA or MtDNA in toto. Cavalli-Sforza is the gold standard.

    Bottom line is I don’t think that WN’s should base being White or being Euro on genes. Geography, phenotype, culture might make more sense.

    Mexicans are more inclined to crime than Whites! Oh yeah!

  9. Fred, I don’t want to get into the whether or not some races are subspecies or species thing (yuck). Thing, Africans are dramatically, incredibly different from the entirety of the rest of the human race. They are an “outlier” compared to the rest of humanity. I’ll just leave it at that. We can clearly breed with them no problem, but…Aborigines and Papuans are also outrageously different from everyone else.

    Ethiopian types are very different from the rest of Blacks, they are sort of transitional between Blacks and Caucasians (I mean they are part way in between). If you divide humanity into racial quadrants, NE Asian, Caucasian, SE Asian/Australoid, Africans, you have Berbers that are barely into Macro-Africans. But they are vastly away from the rest of Africans (kind of General African). I’m going to be Black-friendly here and just say Black folks are really different!

  10. Silver, have you ever seen a dialect chain? That’s what races really are, at base. So you have mainstream Euros, then a Greek outlier, then Arabs. Euros and Arabs are clearly separate subraces, and probably Greeks too. But Greeks and linked to both and serve to connect the two of them as a linking point. So, are Euros close to Arabs or vice versa? No, but Greeks are, and serve to link them. Set theory also is a good visualizer.

  11. You say “Asians” and “Cacuasians” as if the two terms are mutually exclusive.

    Afghans / indigenous Indians (not racially mixed modern Indians) and Arabs are indeed Caucasians, event though they are Asians.

  12. The explanation of the variation within Europe is the fact that there are dual origins – Indo-Aryans from the East and Mediterraneans from the South.

    Further southwest = more mediterranean
    Further Northeast = more indo-aryan

    If you had a line measuring the genetic variation of Caucasoids, it would go in this order.

    North Africans / Arabs – > Europeans <- Indo-Aryans

    The two extremes of the Caucasoid race exist within Asia, and Europeans are mixes between those two extremes in varying proportions on a northwest/southeast axis.

  13. Also Europeans have lighter pigmentation due solely to natural and sexual selection caused by exiting the desert. Nords couldn’t survive in the desert.

    But founding populations of Europe indeed were South Asians and Mediterraneans (ie, similar to Arabs).

  14. “I’m going to be Black-friendly here and just say Black folks are really different!” ( — Robert Lindsay)

    It’s not black-unfriendly to opine that they’re a different species, any more than it’s white-unfriendly to say they’re a different species. Yet both views are the case: Negroes are a different species from Euros and Euros are a different species from Negroes. Neither should take those facts as something negative. Is it negative for polar bears and grizzly bears to be different species? African elephants and Indian elephants? Coyotes and wolves? Neither is it in the case of True Euros and West-Central African True Negroes.

  15. Asians = Mongoloids. Those Afghans and East Indians are really on the border of Caucasians and Mongoloids, though I put them in Caucasians. Caucasians and North Mongoloids are pretty close for major races.

  16. Yes, a lot of Afghans definitely look like White people. They want to be White too. I had an Afghan doctor and I told him that Afghans were White and he about jumped out of his chair. “Yes! We are Aryans! We are the original White people!” he said.

    Too bad WN’s don’t want to let these guys into the party.

  17. Ice,

    Indeed, Slavs are closer to indo-aryans in DNA than Germans are.

    What exactly is an “Indo-Aryan”? Got a pic of one for me?

    More importantly, and this is where it gets hilarious, I can’t help but picture some German gently nudging and leading you towards the door, smiling and nodding his head at your explications, “Yes, yes, you are the “real” Aryans. Good-bye now.”

    Point is: who cares about any of this “Indo-Aryan” trivia? And why would some German be “offended” by it?


    OK, there are some pretty long screeds above. I’m going to sound like a coward here and say I’m too bored to continue. But here’s the thing – there are some blatantly obvious fallacies above, such as the idea that “monoracialism” is superior to a larger gene pool. First, the dude shows no inclination to prove that, and second, it’s actually completely untrue – a larger gene pool reduces chances of disease destroying a population, for instance.
    Here’s something new for ya: To assert something does not make it factual.

    I’d be quite happy to put forward my case for monoracialism. It’s certainly not at all difficult. But you said yourself you’re too bored to continue. I don’t think you’re too bored at all. I think you’ve come here, steam gushing from your ears in outrage at what you’re reading, and tried to simply shut everybody up. Well, that might help you sleep a little easier, but it doesn’t make the problems go away. I submit your purported “libertarianism” is no more than an immature and irresponsible refusal to face reality, racial reality.

    Birmingham isn’t a charming little hamlet, fuckwad. It’s the second biggest city in the UK.

    Er, you don’t say. I guess that one went whooshing right over your head.

    And I lived with a Jamaican guy

    I want to know if you lived they live, or near them, where you see them all over the place and are forced to interact with them every day. Living with one is meaningless if you lived well away from the rest of them.

    ; most Afro-Caribbeans get annoyed if you call them “African”…

    I’m addressing you here, not them. They’re black Africans; it makes no difference to me where any in particular are from.

    Now, it’s been nice talking to you. I’ve discovered what it is you believe, and I have to say, it all sounds like a pile of shit. I have to say, I didn’t expect too much, and you’ve not disappointed.

    Fundamentally, we can divide people into those who consciously believe race matters (as opposed to simply acting as though they believed it, which describes probably most of the latter group) and those who insist that it doesn’t (marital and residential practices almost indistinguishable from the first group’s notwithstanding).

    There are great differences of opinion (and differences of intensity of opinion) among those who believe race matters. It’s incredibly boneheaded to lump us all together. There are some slimy, vile types with whom I’d have nothing to do. Yet it’s almost impossible to discuss race anywhere without encountering them.

  18. Lindsay,

    Silver, have you ever seen a dialect chain? That’s what races really are, at base. So you have mainstream Euros, then a Greek outlier, then Arabs. Euros and Arabs are clearly separate subraces, and probably Greeks too. But Greeks and linked to both and serve to connect the two of them as a linking point. So, are Euros close to Arabs or vice versa? No, but Greeks are, and serve to link them. Set theory also is a good visualizer.

    I was taking Iceman to task for his imprecision, remember, as well as his dubious claims. So I want to know what “linked to” means before I decide whether it’s anything a Greek might be “offended” by.

    Seems to me all he meant was that overlap exists. Of course, he meant to say Levantines, which is a little more racially precise than the incredibly racially vague “Arabs.” This isn’t dubiuos; it’s just inane. Overlap exists between Germans and Sicilians, but why describe this as “linked to” or add “and from there to Scotland”?

    PS – don’t go getting too chummy with me, Lindsay. Remember, my motto is, “First, we kill all the commies.” 🙂

  19. I had an Afghan doctor and I told him that Afghans were White and he about jumped out of his chair. “Yes! We are Aryans! We are the original White people!” he said.

    “Afghan” means “White Man” in Pashto doesn’t it?

    Too bad WN’s don’t want to let these guys [Afghans] into the party.

    Coming on the heals of:

    Bottom line is I don’t think that WN’s should base being White or being Euro on genes. Geography, phenotype, culture might make more sense.

    Afghan muslims are some of the most execrable muslims on earth (a set execrable enough on its own).

    What do you care about WN for anyway, commie? You can’t even bring yourself to admit a permanent moratorium on immigration is a good idea. (Yeah, yeah, we know, we know. “White people” you’ve mentioned it to have blanched or stormed out of the room. Clearly it’s a no go.)

    You really should endeavour to take your meds more regularly, Linds. You can be quite lucid when you’re brain is functioning normally.

  20. I’m trying to offer you guys some helpful advice on how to achieve your goals. Why? I dunno.

    I know you fascists want to kill us. We advocate killing you too, you know. At least I do. My motto is, “You can make alliances with anyone, but no alliances with fascists. You don’t ally with fascists. You kill fascists.” Anyway, we have guns and bombs and all kinds of deadly weapons, and we actually use them around the world to attack, wound and kill lots of lots of people, unlike you guys these days. So we have lots of experience killing people, and I’m not worried about you all taking power and killing us.

    It’s like this. Euros in general are not close to Arabs and vice versa. But Greeks are close to Euros, and Greeks are also close to Arabs. So Greeks are like the link that links Euros to Arabs. Similarly, Euros are not close to South Asians. But Iranians are close to South Asians, and they are also close to Euros. Iranians serve to link Euros to South Asians. Caucasians are actually pretty closely related, except the Kalash. There’s way more distance with NE Asians, SE Asians, Africans, Aborigines, Papuans, Oceanians. The real outliers in Caucasians are East Indians, Berbers and Arabs, especially Bedouins.

    What meds?

    Silver, Germans are not Aryans. That’s just some crap your hero the H-man made up. The real Aryans are people like my doctor, the Afghan. Tajiks, Punjabis, Iranians, etc etc.

  21. “I know you fascists want to kill us. We advocate killing you too, you know. At least I do. My motto is, ‘You can make alliances with anyone, but no alliances with fascists. You don’t ally with fascists. You kill fascists.’ “ ( — R. Lindsay)

    If I’m a fascist, fascism must simply be the normal way to be, since I’m normal and totally apolitical. As a matter of fact, “fascism” as used by the so-called “left” designates normalness. The “left” want to kill everyone who’s normal.

    I don’t want to kill anybody on political grounds. I do want criminal politicians arrested and tried on capital charges though, starting with George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld,

  22. The capital charges of course for those three would be genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, starting aggressive wars, and high treason.

  23. Lindsay,

    What meds?

    The meds you need to prevent you restating in thirteen sentences what I managed to say in one: overlap exists. You do it constantly. Every time you reappear on a WN board we have to read your autobiography about how you one day woke up “proud to be white”; and then your recitals about how towns turning some percent hispanic effectively ruins them, how every white you talk to is aghast at the idea of anything WN and so on. Over and over again. Grow up or something, eh?

    Silver, Germans are not Aryans. That’s just some crap your hero the H-man made up. The real Aryans are people like my doctor, the Afghan. Tajiks, Punjabis, Iranians, etc etc.

    The point is who gives a fuck what label you want to stick on them. Whatever “Germans” racially are is what they are; and what they are is obviously distinctly different to what Punjabbers are. Iceman, the “racial sociopath” (must be his jewish genes at work;) ), said he doesn’t care if Germans are offended by the fact (that he obviously loves to wave around) that easterners have more “indo-aryan” blood than Germans. My question was obviously what on earth is there to be offended by?

    Lastly, dude, I’m much more of a liberal (classical lib/libertarian) than I am a fascist. But “fascism” is obviously miles more intelligent than communism. I like your motto, alliances with everyone except with commies. Bullets only for commies.

    You’re wrong that it’s only you doing the fighting and killing. There are plenty of right-wing militias in Colombia (heroes to a man), and Brazil still maintains a subterranean Death Squad mentality. These people are my heroes, not the H-man.

    That segues into my interest in race. There is altogether far too much genetic offal being produced, most of it on account of the emotional commitment commies (and people they’ve duped) like you have to absurd, thoroughly non-scientific, notions of equality. Demographics is destiny. It’s plainly insane to ignore it or downplay or to pretend that no action must be taken to shape it, that it’s some uncontrollable force of nature. That’s point one.

    Point two is just the observation that people prefer people like themselves, the more like themselves the better. While a dash of racial diversity can sometimes be interesting or delightful (usually superficially), anything more is fatal, and racial separatism becomes necessary simply in order for future generations to be able to enjoy the same benefits of homogeneity. That’s because they’re always some fruitcakes in your group who will mate with genetic entities far removed from their own, like two cousins of mine have (a Malay and a negro), ruining it, in the long run, for everyone else. Racial separatism restricts their choice of mate. At bottom it’s just prudent planning for the future. And it’s guaranteed to work, completely unlike the loony schemes your boys come up with. Wouldn’t you like to put your name to something that works for once?

  24. “Jews, Turks, Armenians, Kurds (Anatolians) are sort of hard to toss into Asians or Caucasians. But none are real far from mainstream Euros. They’re kind of a Euro subrace. Yugoslavs, Russians, Caucasus, Basques, Greeks and Sardinians seem farther away from main Euros than Anatolians (they’re really outside the main group). Greeks are the Euro subrace that links Euros to Arabs – the only one.”

    This is just total nonsense with no basis in reality.

  25. Hmm, well, I’d spare Fred, because for some reason I like him.

    You support the paras in Colombia and the rightwing paras in Brazil. Those are more or less fascists, as we see it. So you support fascists.

    You make a very interesting case for racial separation, but most people don’t really want it. Sure people like to live around their own kind, to some extent. But you don’t get it. Blacks prefer to live in mostly White towns. Any sane Hispanic does too. Here in CA, Blacks, Hispanics and Asians don’t mind living with Whites at all. The cities where they are happiest of all are pretty thoroughly mixed.

    These people are not idiots and they don’t hate Whites. I get the impression that a lot of these Hispanic and Black women around here want to grab a White guy. And in towns like mine, it’s so mixed that after a while, everyone starts mixing. Especially once they start getting some money, Hispanics and Whites start mixing bigtime. Hispanic-White mixing has been going on for a good 100 years here in CA to the point where it’s a major racial event.

    The real problem from your POV is not that people prefer their own all that much (deep down inside they don’t care that much) but that once things get real mixed, Whites readily start mating out. It’s not the odd man either, it becomes quite common. Part of the reason is that the White man is seen as a good catch by non-White women. He treats them better and marrying White is moving up in the world. White guys will grab an Hispanic or Asian because they don’t care, or they’re exotic, or they’re traditional and submissive.

    So from your POV, racially mixed places are deadly because Whites are simply going to start mating out. If you want to prevent this, you should encourage Whites to live with Whites, but most of them don’t give a damn enough to do that.

    The real quandary here is you won’t get majority support for separatism. Hispanics and Blacks are not idiots, they know the more Whites around, the better. Most of them don’t want separatism. Just about all non-Whites will oppose separatism as some evil White plot.

    And no way will you get most Whites to go along with separatism. You might have a while back, but as things get more and more mixed, more and more Whites start breeding out, and once they do that, they are pretty much lost to you guys. It’s not that separatism is a bad idea; that’s not the point. The point is no way will you ever get enough support for it for it to fly.

    I don’t really know what advice to give you. Your best bet would be to try to encourage racially minded Whites to move to a particular part of the US where they could be with their own kind and form a good solid majority. And push for workable stuff like throwing out the illegals. Realistically, the US is a lost cause for any racially minded White. Maybe they should move to Europe or something.

  26. “they’re always some fruitcakes in your group who will mate with genetic entities” ( — Bah, aka Silver)

    “Genetic entities.” I like that. I’m going to start using that alongside “mystery meat.” Just for a little variety in my terminology.

  27. Speculatively and jokingly, Lindsay, if we did “Caucasian nationalism,” the most unbiased way to do it would be to find the purest ideal Caucasoid, and include everyone who is within a certain amount of standard deviations from the mean based on the best autosomal DNA testing possible. IE if Portuguese and Basque show up as only marginally white and Jews, Iranains and Lebanese show up as white, then too bad. Certainly Basques are as far outside the mean in terms of standard deviation as Arabs. “Europeaness” shouldn’t matter, as that’s an artificial geographic barrier. The deviation between Greeks and Russians is certainly bigger than the deviation between Near easterners and Greeks. Going purely by DNA, it may be more logical to put Greeks with Arabs. haha.

  28. Lindsay,

    Being proud of being White tends to arouse to impulse to preserve the White race. Get a clue.

    P.S. I’m glad to see you didn’t actually kill Prozium, that would have been poor form; especially for a bleeding heart like you.


    Florid insults and hyperbole, you are back in form. They don’t make wogs like you anymore, the mold has been broken. Keep it up.


    Something tells me you and Dienekes would get along swimmingly.

  29. I don’t necessary disagree with that. They do. But that doesn’t make everyone else “Non-white” or make the theories of Madison Grant correct.

  30. Chaos, this is what you don’t understand. All over the world, most people are proud of their race or ethnicity. But nowadays, many of them will gladly miscegenate out, pollute their racial line, produce half-breeds and commit race suicide. At the same time, they are quite proud of their racial / ethnic heritage. Pride in heritage doesn’t have much of anything to do with wanting to preserve the race.

  31. Lindsay: “But nowadays, many of them will gladly miscegenate out, pollute their racial line, produce half-breeds and commit race suicide.”

    What do the numbers say?

    According to the 2000 Census 90.5% of non-Hispanic White women cohabitate with non-Hispanic White men. And 93.2% of non-Hispanic White men cohabitate with non-Hispanic White women.


    Ever heard of Rushton’s genetic similarity theory?


    The propensity to miscegenate is most likely genetically based. The few race traitors there are, are being removed from our gene-pool. Which portends a higher level of ethnocentrism from Whites in the future.

  32. “The few race traitors there are, are being removed from our gene-pool. Which portends a higher level of ethnocentrism from Whites in the future.” ( — CC)

    Not to mention a higher level of taste in the opposite sex.

  33. Just at Stoddard predicted would happen in the 1920s (especially in regards to the USSR), in America we are in the midst of a revolt against Whites by the easily-led and easily deceived mixed-race masses which is, in effect, a revolt against civilization itself – http://books.google.com/books?vid=OCLC01027004&id=sG8AAAAAMAAJ&pg=PP7

    But of course the overlords of this new anti-civilization, this triumph of the mixed underman over the ‘evil White oppressors’ will be the Jews, who will obviously remain un-mixed and manage and profit from the teeming and uncivilized mixed masses; they will eventually lord over this anti-civilization cruelly and barbarically, living in their houses like kings up in the mountains while chaos and violence reigns below in the mixed valleys.

  34. I also want to say that maybe a reason White solidarity is so difficult to come by in America is that very many American Whites are themselves quite mixed, a mixture between all kinds of different White European ethnic groups like the English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, German, Italian, French, Dutch, Scandinavian, Slavic, and on and on and on.

    Of course White Americans are still genetically European, but they are MIXED Whites – this massive blending of American Whites likely contributes massively to a lack of White solidarity because, as has been noted by many, ethnically mixed populations (even if they are within the same RACE like American Whites) are less likely to be cohesive as a whole.

  35. Over on INCOGMAN’s blog a commenter named ‘White in LA’ sums up the situation which the Jews are trying to realize in America:

    “Dubtrice, their goal is to turn the US into a third world country. It’s the only way the NWO would work. Let the unimaginative and generally passive Asians handle the technical infrastructure, the browns handle manual labor, and the jews can live the life they feel they deserve, like in Brazil. Lording it over all, traveling in helicopters, living in protected areas far from the animals. With no white people around, they’ll feel they’re in paradise. This isn’t all a joke. Take a look at how the jews live in Brazil, their model for the US. They travel between hi-rise buildings in private helicopters to avoid the stinking, sub-human masses and so on.” – http://incogman.wordpress.com/2009/02/13/the-stimulus-bill-give-illegals-job-access/#comment-8035

  36. “I also want to say that maybe a reason White solidarity is so difficult to come by in America is that very many American Whites are themselves quite mixed, a mixture between all kinds of different White European ethnic groups like the English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, German, Italian, French, Dutch, Scandinavian, Slavic, and on and on and on.”

    Let’s also remember that Whites always come under attack by the media and “progressives” whenever we group together to voice the least racial concern. Immediately Whites get called Supremacists, Nativists, Xenophobes, Neo Nazis, etc etc.

    They simple cannot let Whites have any racial solidarity. It scares the bejeesus out of them.

  37. The Jews may have beaten whites, but who knows what would happen in the event of an Asian/”Eurasian” power grab in a generation or two. Racial-Orientals will reach 35 million in the USA by 2040*, and mixed-race “Eurasians” will be at least 5 million by the same time*, and mostly young. Together this Asian/Eurasian bloc will be over 10% of the national population, and will have a lot of economic power.

    White-Asian miscegenation is odious in various ways, but maybe it is understandable in this context (to complement the cliche “Asian women are submissive”,etc). Whites sense that they are finished as a global power player, and want their descendants to be “on a winning team”; evolutionary biology and all that.

    (* – http://www.census.gov/population/www/projections/summarytables.html).

    It’s sort of amazing to think this is only a single generation away… Serious Yellow-Peril-ism on the North American continent seems to have taken a 150-year break. (1850s-1880s; 2030s-?).

  38. Captain Chaos, two of my cousins have married Jews, and we are not Jewish. My brother has married a Vietnamese and produced an Amerasian kid. One of my nephews has married a very light-skinned Black woman. I think the kid was born brain-damaged and died, but there will be more on the way. In my apartment complex, there is a White-Mexican couple with a little part-Mexican kid.

    You need to come out to California. Sure, Whites mostly marry Whites. But understand that the Mexicans have been here for 100 years and they have been slowly marrying into the Whites the whole time. So you can’t just look at one generation. Those low figures extend over multiple generations and start to add up. The number of part-Mexicans here in the US – 1/2 Mexican, 1/4 Mexican, etc. is quite large and you run into them all the time. For the most part, they look pretty White. A 1/2 Mexican is probably about 15% Indian, and a 1/4 Mexican is probably about 7% Indian. I grew up with assimilated Mexican-Americans and the number of them who were marrying into Whites was very large. There is a lot less Black-White mixing going on, but in every White town now, you do see these mulattos, products of White and Hispanic women and Black men. The Black men have all left their White wives, and all these mulattos are being raised by single Moms.

    Keep in mind that up to 50% of US Asian females are marrying out, almost all to Whites.

    I can see why you guys hate Panmixia, because as things get more and more mixed, Whites (and other races) just start breeding out. I don’t know why, they just do. The only way to stop it is probably some sort of separation. Exhortations to breed White probably are not going to cut it.

  39. It isn’t guaranteed that all Mexicans are mestizos. Some have Mediterranean Spaniard blood, though they still pose a threat when it comes to crime rates.

  40. You rely too heavily on the anecdotal, Lindsay. The numbers from the census simply don’t support the contention that we are on the verge of a race-mixing explosion such that , say, fifty percent of Whites are going to start miscegenating.

    I believe the United States will balkanize, we are already beginning to see it. History suggests that it will.

  41. Iceman, over 95% of Mexicans are mestizo. And it’s a good thing that we’re starting to interracially mate with all races, we are a rainbow nation and we need to be tolerant and diverse.

  42. Almost all Mexicans have Mediterranean Spaniard blood. California is not an anecdote. It’s real. And after 100 years, the # of Whites marrying out, in particular with varying types of Mestizos, is very high. Keep in mind that although Mexicans are proud of their ethnicity like everyone, they are perfectly willing to miscegenate with Whites, as it is not seen as race suicide.

    There is no Mexican race. Mexicans are genetic mystery casserole, and most of them have at least some White in them, and the ones in California have traditionally been about 70% White on average. So a Mexican marrying White is not committing race suicide in any way, shape or form. Hence they are more than willing to do so. After 100 years here, the number of Californians with some Mexican ancestry (including many “Whites”) is quite high.

    Once a state gets as mixed as California is, everyone is just going to start mixing like crazy. There’s no denying it. The only way to keep Whites from miscegenating out is probably separation.

  43. It varies by the individual. I agree. There is no Mexican race. And certainly no “Hispanic race.” Compare Castro to Chavez.

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