Race and Intelligence, Continued

Mark H. has the usual litany of complaints about studying links between race and intelligence: such studies will confirm prejudice, it’s all really biased, it will fuel “racism” and “sexism,” it is “despicable racist nonsense,” such views are “disgusting,” yada yada yada, you get the picture. All of this raises the question: from whose point of view?

In sum, he is unable to reconcile such information with his liberal/humanist moral/political ideological framework (much like Greg Laden and PC Myers), and proceeds to make a case for ignorance over knowledge to assuage his discomfort; “bias” and “prejudice” being what we call other people’s racial beliefs.

How “scientific.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t agree that it’s all really biased or that it’s despicable racist nonsense. All the rest is pretty much true. What’s the point of studying such things. Blacks and Hispanics don’t want to hear about it, and they will never accept the findings.

    I have shopped these ideas around to Whites, and most of them don’t care either. Most Whites aren’t that smart, and they don’t care about IQ. They figure theirs is not that high anyway, and they don’t like smart people. Once you start talking IQ, they get defensive and figure you think yours must be higher than theirs. The whole idea that race IQ stuff is going to take US White culture by storm and transform it is a WN delusion.

  2. Jewish-inspired urban planners want to pack everyone in to huge megacities and the megasuburbs surrounding them, making America in to a big cattle ranch with the non-Jews as cattle Jews as the cattle dealers:

    “But that was then; the economy is different now. It no longer revolves around simply making and moving things. Instead, it depends on generating and transporting ideas. The places that thrive today are those with the highest velocity of ideas, the highest density of talented and creative people, the highest rate of metabolism. Velocity and density are not words that many people use when describing the suburbs. The economy is driven by key urban areas; a different geography is required.”

    American Jews want everyone to become rootless cosmopolitan renters like they are:

    “Its great mega-regions will rise farther upward and extend farther outward. It will feature a lower rate of homeownership, and a more mobile population of renters. In short, it will be a more concentrated geography, one that allows more people to mix more freely and interact more efficiently in a discrete number of dense, innovative mega-regions and creative cities.”


    Meanwhile, the rest of America is just left to rot I suppose as we all cram like sardines in to apartments in mega-cities or live in ultra-dense suburbs which stretch for 100 miles or more.

  3. – Knowledge.

    – I don’t care about what most whites believe.

    – Some of us are highly interested in race and would like to know more about the matter.

  4. Enjoy your blog immensely, Prozium!

    Thought you might be interested in the comment I left over on Mark H’s blog — it has to do with what I believe is the motivation behind the PC view of “all men are created equal”:

    There will always be some in society that are in power and others that are “looked down upon” (and kept down). That is part of the nature of being human. We are all in competition with each other so there is no getting around it. Any and all knowledge gained from scientific research will be used as a weapon in this competition if and when it can be (along with any other tools available).

    But the absence of knowledge can also be (is also) used as a weapon.

    Consider this race and IQ debate. In denying that there are any innate differences in the average IQs of different human populations, one rules out the possibility that some groups just might need more help in this world than others. Denialism in this case keeps the costs, as well as any potential competitors, down.

    As an example, my husband went to a grade school and a high school in a society (not the U.S.) where innate differences between individuals is simply not recognized. All children are believed to have the same innate abilities and qualities and so there are no honors classes for clever students and no remedial classes for not-so-clever students. Needless to say, most of the clever students have done well later in life, despite the lack of a stimulating school environment, while the not-so-clever students have not done very well. And, as my husband always says, it was very apparent from early on who was not going to do very well, but they got no extra help from society at large. Because there are no innate differences between individuals, see? Those people that have failed must have just not worked hard enough….

    This is an obvious (although probably not conscious) strategy by those in power in that society: deny any differences between individuals in terms of intelligence and you don’t have to invest any extra in trying to educate those in the low IQ range. Why would they want to do that anyway? Those in power would be spending extra money on people not related to them; in other words, their competitors (or their children’s potential competitors). (Not my position in these matters, btw. Just describing the strategy here.)

    This pretend-there-are-no-innate-differences-between-anybody (again, largely unconscious) strategy is writ large in the world today. It is being used by those that run society (higher IQ, politically correct people) in situations of between-group competition to great effect. It does nothing to benefit those groups with lower average IQs. It only helps to keep them “in their place”.

  5. According to the rootless cosmopolitan Jew urban planners we are all to become permanent economic nomads within very dense chains of mega cities:

    “And we need to realize that our geography is going to look a little bit different; it’s going to be a little bit more concentrated. And—I hate to say this—there will be winners and losers. And the point isn’t to always breathe life back into the losers. … I also think this emphasis on home ownership that we have in the United States today is counterproductive. One of the drivers of our growth has been our cities, but so has our incredible mobility of labor—40 million Americans moving residences each and every year. That has ground to a halt, according to the Pew Center. We now have the lowest level of mobility since they began tracking it.”


    Meanwhile, as the mega-cities and/or urban corridors like Boston-NYC-DC expand indefinitely more and more people lose their connection to nature and the land, and they lose all sense of place; they become virtual slaves to Jewish managers who naturally hold all of the elite positions in these urban environments; and perhaps most tragically, vast swathes of beautiful and bountiful America become virtually empty as they are abandoned by the people flocking to these soulless mega-cities for the jobs which Jewish managers plan to offer them.

  6. Very interesting comments.

    Lindsay: “What’s the point of studying such things?”

    It is good to have hard data to combat academic race-denial (quite a problem, you know). In fact, that is one of many reasons. That it is conducted in a peer-reviewed environment by psychometric professionals helps the data’s credibility.

    “Most Whites aren’t that smart, and they don’t care about IQ.”

    If the White mean IQ is 100 that puts us about 15 points above the world average, at least. Variance in White IQ is also fairly high, which accounts for high incidence of genius in our populations.

    “They figure theirs is not that high anyway, and they don’t like smart people.”

    Is probably a by-product of general American anti-intellectualism.

    “Once you start talking IQ, they get defensive and figure you think yours must be higher than theirs.”

    So approach it more subtly.

    Appreciate Nature: “Jewish-inspired urban planners want to pack everyone in to huge megacities and the megasuburbs surrounding them, making America in to a big cattle ranch with the non-Jews as cattle Jews as the cattle dealers”

    Yes, and the whole Marxist “New Urbanist” movement is enough to make one retch. The worst are these young “hip progressives” who buy the con hook line and sinker.

    “American Jews want everyone to become rootless cosmopolitan renters like they are”

    That’s why any good White should despise libertines. We have our own history and high culture. Why should we adopt the Jew’s ways?

    Prozium: “Some of us are highly interested in race and would like to know more about the matter.”

    Yeah, we want to do real anthropology rather than rely on Boasian nonsense. Good work on this blog.

    Zoe: Your comments are very perceptive just above.


  7. Lindsay,

    What’s the point of studying such things.

    It helps destroy the argument for diversity. It helps bolster the case for WN/racialism/racial separatism/eugenics/any sort of race- based social policy.

    Blacks and Hispanics don’t want to hear about it, and they will never accept the findings.

    Angry/envious/resentful Maoists don’t want to hear that their view of economics is some highfalutin’ horseshit but it behooves economists to point it out anyway.

    I have shopped these ideas around to Whites, and most of them don’t care either. Most Whites aren’t that smart, and they don’t care about IQ. They figure theirs is not that high anyway, and they don’t like smart people. Once you start talking IQ, they get defensive and figure you think yours must be higher than theirs. The whole idea that race IQ stuff is going to take US White culture by storm and transform it is a WN delusion.

    The case will be clinched by explaining how their own lives will see improvement as a result of accepting such views. This happens to be true for blacks also: they’ll escape being gangbangered by moronic hispanics who openly despise them.

  8. The urban eastern seaboard is not growing much. Most the growth in America is happening in the sunbelt and mountain west. The Fastest growing states are like NV, AZ, ID, FL and such.

  9. ATBOTL, the skyrocketing growth of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Idaho has been due to whites fleeing California’s Mexican hordes brought in by Bush.

  10. From a 1908 article in “The Atlantic”:

    “The physical causes for this animosity reside largely in the Jewish type. Though the various separate characteristics which repel the “Aryan” from the Jew can easily be pointed out in other races (Aryan included), a cumulative burden of idiosyncrasies weighs on our unfortunate people. It goes without saying that the Jewish type is not uniform, nor do we wish to concede that the caricaturist is always true to nature, but it must be acknowledged that the typical Jewish figure is not pleasing to the eye. The great masters in painting and sculpture have almost always modified or falsified the Jewish type in deference to aesthetic demands. This unfavorable physical impression is heightened by certain mannerisms, such as exaggerated gestures, by the peculiar voice inflection which grates on the ear, and by the distortion of the English language of which so many of our “prominent” Jews are guilty. Although these physical attributes are shared by other Oriental and also by the Latin races, they reach a climax in the Jewish type, which in its culmination is unsympathetic to the Anglo-Saxon, the Oriental, or the Latin people. It is not agreeable to touch on this phase of our inquiry; but the importance of physical repulsion can hardly be overestimated.” – http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/190804/jewish-social-disability/2

    “”You cannot do the Jews and the community at large a greater service than by excluding the undesirable members of their race.”

  11. As long as Whites are blamed for Black failure we must point out that low average IQ is the true culprit, not White ‘racism’ and academic evidence is a sine qua non for the defence against this popular calumny.

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