
I haven’t seen any evidence that your “product” has fared any better in the “marketplace” than the racialist standard fare at Stormfront, Majority Rights, VNN, etc. In this way, you remind me a lot of Ian Jobling: he is also certain that he has a superior marketing strategy (race realism + neoconservatism), but the lack of mainstream attention he desperately yearns for suggests otherwise. Both of you are driven by the false assumption (one that I admit to briefly entertaining years ago) that the isolation that has been imposed on racialists is due to internal dysfunctions instead of external interest and force.

In other news, Leonard Zeskind (how’s that for an Anglo name?) has a new book out about the history of White Nationalism in America. I just ordered it off Amazon and plan on sharing my thoughts after I finish reading it.

Update: Leonard here is a walking stereotype of the radical, messianic Ashkenazi Jew, the most prominent figure in the White Nationalist imagination, who sets out to demonize and persecute even the slightest whiff of white racial consciousness and identity.

If Valkyrie, Defiance, and Inglourious Basterds were not enough, get ready for Sean Penn to play a Nazi-hunting rockstar in This Must Be The Place.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ATBOTL,

    But doesn’t that go against what Prozium was saying earlier — that downplaying the Jewish question will not improve the marketability of nationalism/racialism? If what you are saying is correct, then Ian Jobling’s strategy seems to be working in Europe. I don’t think it is a good strategy in the long run, for it is impossible to reverse race replacement without identifying the underlying root cause thereof, namely Jewish political activities. Are you suggesting that the Jobling strategy might actually work?

    [double post – correcting errors in previous entry]

  2. “Talking about Jews doesn’t win elections. Remember, nationalists in Europe are actually involved in politics. Nationalists in America only talk about politics.”

    Then let us happy few continue to steadfastly carry that burden forward until that fine day when our enemies cease to cause us harm.

  3. I’m suggesting that European nationalists generally know more about the Jewish issue than they let on in their public statements. In Europe, nationalist politicians often have a background of taking more radical positions than those they currently espouse. Contrast that to the “race realist” and “anti-jihad movement” people, who are generally coming from a background of mainstream conservatism.

    I think in Europe you have to differentiate people who have been involved in nationalist politics and the internet based “anti-jihad movement.” The later is made of up of people who are genuinely philo-semitic, neo-conservative influenced and in most cases new to thinking about issues of identity and immigration. I believe these people can be brought around to our point of view with some effort.

  4. “I’m suggesting that European nationalists generally know more about the Jewish issue than they let on in their public statements.”

    So….you think it’s a good idea to downplay the Jewish question for marketability purposes as long as privately we hold the correct views on the matter? You seem to be suggesting that this strategy is working in Europe.

  5. The main reason the United States is living in a forced race-replacement régime:

    (As I’ve said already, I view the second most important reason as women’s suffrage.)

    “But Europe is under a forced race-replacement régime without all those Jews, so that can’t be right.”

    Europe gets it from watching and imitating us. They’re very influenced by the U.S. Also Britain and France do have tons of their own Jews in élite positions who push things in that direction from inside the country.

    The rest of Europe follow the U.S.’s lead (and succumb to behind-the-scenes soft and hard coercion coming from the State Department and other government agencies and bureaucracies, trade missions, internation legal conventions, etc.) and, to a lesser extent, France’s and Britain’s leads.

  6. Just so there’s no confusion, I have no formal training in anthropology. Like Iceman’s hero Dienekes, I merely have a longstanding amateur interest in the subject.

    Iceman: you’re confused as fuck. You’re one of about three people I know of who take “Racial Reality” seriously today. And why don’t you go ask Dienekes if he agrees with you that Coon’s 1939 book is the only legitimate source in “anthropology”.

    Also: “Shmilver” reeks of kooblie.

  7. re:barb

    “I know, I know, I am just one woman, and all generalizations have exceptions. Perhaps I am merely an exception to the rule. BUT, I cannot read other women’s minds, and so I can only come to conclusions of truth about women’s viewpoints from my own thoughts and the women I get the chance to talk to — most of whom see race as us/them, too, at least the older, non-Cultural-Marxism-brainwashed women.”

    Actually, a very good sign is that women are less likely to miscegenate than men…women overwhelmingly prefer to be breed solely with men of their own racial/ethnic background:

    When I look at modern America, the most egregious race-mixers (aside from a few trashy White women who mix with Black men here and there) are actually White men who are breeding in rather large numbers with Hispanic or Asian women, especially on the West coast and in the very urbanized Northeast.

    “Much of the feminist movement was led by, agitated for pushed by Jewish women. Is it not at least possible that the inability to see the us/them reality of race among so many women in leadership positions is due to the Jewishness, rather than the femaleness?”

    Very true, and excellent point…much of 20th/21st century feminism is indeed a Jewish-led movement through and through – most of the main/leading 20th/21st century feminists are or were Jewish women, and American academia is infested with radical White/Western/male hating Jewish women (who are often lesbians) pushing the toxic Jewish feminist viewpoint on impressionable young White minds:

    It is important though to separate this modern, radically leftist, and White/Western/male hating Jewish feminism from the very different women’s rights and women’s suffrage movement which first arose in the USA and the UK during the 19th/20th centuries through the efforts of White (mostly Anglo-Saxon descended) women and even some White men; for instance, note the publication of the book THE SUBJECTION OF WOMEN by the very Anglo John Stuart Mill in 1869. Even earlier, the British women’s rights advocate Mary Wollstonecraft wrote the book A VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WOMAN in the unheard of year of 1792! And back in the 1500s the German thinker Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa was writing about women’s rights. There were of course many others. My point is that yet again Whites were light years ahead of other racial/ethnic groups in pushing for the education, progression, and advancement of White women.

    This demonstrates that women’s rights – in a sane, rational, and gradualist form…NOT in the radically leftist immediatist Jewish form – were actually pushed for earliest by Anglo-Saxons and other Whites in The West…and then Ashkenazi Jews eventually came along and hijacked the women’s rights movement, radicalized it, and renamed it ‘feminism,’ thus corrupting even more Western ideas or Western movements just as they have done with many other things that have become too Jew-infested.

    Whites as a group of course treat women better than any other race on earth…there isn’t even a comparison with the others – Black, Arab, and Asian men generally treat their women like worthless garbage compared to White men. Anyhow, I think that Jewish feminism is actually a reaction by Jewish women against the natural misogyny of traditional Jewish culture which is of course Semitic in origin and thus extremely patriarchal (we all know how badly the Semitics view and treat women in general). Up until a few decades ago Jewish women were in fact some of the most oppressed White women in Europe, the USA, and elsewhere – they were forced to marry VERY early (often arranged marriages), forced to have as many kids as possible as early as possible, allowed very minimal or even no education, etc. Also look to the Torah/Old Testament along with the Talmud to learn a bit about the extremely harsh and negative way in which Jews view women in general.

  8. That’s not what I recall. Who had the blog and the free rein to make up rebuttal free facts about whom?

    LOL, and how long ago was that? He showed you to be a liar and that seems to have gotten under your skin.

    I don’t give a shit about Rienzi either — just his bogus ideas.

    What ideas would those be?

  9. Cap,

    Silver, I simply will not respond to a discourse “off the record” that is colored by childish invective, and from jump street at that.

    It’s true I used some colorful language. But I remind you, it was you who commenced addressing me irreverently, and your “colorful language” was fully intended to wound, whereas mine was much more in the spirit of banter. You’re not under any obligation to communicate with me at all, and if that is your desire I will respect your wish. But please don’t invent sanctimonious justifications for it.


    Rienzi “exposed” nothing more than my inchoate thoughts near the time I intellectually assented to the importance of race. That he insisted on recalling earlier, superseded statements of mine is proof of his underhandedness. If he wishes to disagree with me he knows where to find me. Unlike him I don’t shy away from debate or attack others without giving them the opportunity to defend themselves.


    The Rosenberg study, which clearly establishes that, has the final word.

    It establishes no such thing and hardly has any say, much less final word.

  10. Silver, you referred to me as a “cockrider” and a “faggot”, that is insulting. But if you did not intend any affront, I’ll accept that. Water under the bridge then.

  11. Also: “Shmilver” reeks of kooblie.

    This matters as much as your opinion and your blog. But thanks again for more of invaluable contributions.

  12. JWH is a genetics guy who blogged at a while then left and had his own blog, WesternBiopolitics, a while, then ended that. He’s not involved in anything public at the moment.

  13. Captain Chaos,

    Apology accepted.


    Genius? Genetics experts are ten a penny. Political thinker? Genes matter therefore Iron Guard? Western Biopolitics? The problem with Sarah Palin was — get this — her jawline. Todd Palin? Godsend: Rienzi/JWH, tired of taking shit for being Italian, got the chance to wave around his lab reports and be “better” than someone whiter looking.

    Captain Chaos,

    Just kidding, I know you weren’t apologizing. Water under the bridge then.

    (But you have to admit Captain Cockrider rolls off the tongue. That’s why I asked how old you are. You sound young (“Captain Chaos”) so I thought it wasn’t completely inappropriate. If you’re older, well, sorry.)

    Again, I think my ideas are superior to what racialists have put forth, but you don’t need to agree with anything I say. You can hate the living crap out of me ’till the cows come home. Such is life. But your revolution isn’t starting tomorrow so why not use the opportunity to better acquaint yourself with the (most reluctant) “enemy”?


    JWH wrote a couple of articles for American Renaissance, and a couple for The Occidental Quarterly.

  14. Prozium, what do you think about the argument that the argument that someone else raised above, to the effect that a Jobling-like strategy is actually working right now in Europe, and we should therefore adopt a similar strategy in America?

  15. Silver,

    If a man attempts to press my buttons it is my first impulse to slap his hand away and press back. And then perhaps shake hands afterward. I don’t take myself, or certainly you for that matter, so seriously that I haven’t gotten a good chuckle out of almost everything you have written. JWH should have responded in like fashion, and with good humor, and I, and you, might have more respect for him as a man at this point. He’s got good ideas, but, unfortunately, he’s a little bit prissy, and a little bit pissy. Where as you are a pisser. Keep pissing, it’s at least entertaining, and sometimes enlightening; just not in my face, and any other who wants to take it like a punk, that is on them. I mean seriously, Wintermute and Rienzi won’t write for Majority Rights because that zone of enabled mayhem ‘hurts their feelings’? LOL! That is just weak.

  16. koob-lie,

    If you’re trying to say you, personally, are irrelevant, I couldn’t agree more. If you’re saying it’s irrelevant to the present thread that you have a history of posting comments 95% of which boil down to “I’m a hypersensitive wog”, I’d say that’s for anyone contemplating wasting time engaging you to decide.

  17. 1.) It is not really working in Europe either. The BNP is a marginal political party with zero real power.

    2.) The U.S. has far more Jews than Western Europe and they are more influential here than elsewhere.

  18. “The BNP is a marginal political party with zero real power.”

    You obviously haven’t been following the latest news from Europe. The BNP is currently the fastest growing political party in Britain and expected to win a stunning 40 percent of the votes in the upcoming European elections on June 4th, according to a recent opinion poll. * It last averaged around 15-20 percent of the vote in local elections, beating the Labour Party and the Conservative Party in several cities. It currently has almost as many card-carrying members as the Liberal Democrats, the third largest party in Britain.

    Then there’s the popular Party for Freedom of Geert Wilders, the Vlaams Belang, Austria’s Freedom Party, and other rapidly growing far-right nationalist groups in Europe. All have one thing in common: they are cynically scape-goating innocent Moslems to gain votes, whilst downplaying the Jewish Question, if not being openly pro-Israel. I don’t like it either, but the Jobling strategy is working in practice.

    Just compare the gains that have been made by anti-Jewish nationalists and racialists in the last 60 years with the gains made by pro-Jewish or Jew-neutral nationalists and racialists in Europe within the last 5 years. The difference is staggering.

    [* My source for said opinion poll: “Small parties such as the BNP are on the rise. In 1998 they took 7% of the vote in local elections; last year that figure had risen to 15%. Recent opinion polls suggest they will receive about 40% of votes in the European elections next month. Old tribal loyalties are melting away to be replaced by new, more disturbing ones.” ]

  19. Nordick/Ass,

    Does a “wog” really need to explain English to a Nordick from the Isle? I think it is rather clear that your sleuthing, opinions of such as well as a multitude of other things, as well as your self-proclaimed amateurish anthropology racial blog are what is irrelevant.

    Which segues perfectly into your gut-busting assessment of me; namely “95%” of my comments can be categorized as the “hypersensitive wog” variety. You see, this wog brain is a bit puzzled why a “superior Nordick”, (may I simply use “dick” for short) would 1) care to sniff out my worthless posts as you seem obsessed to do on a regular basis. 2) Analyze them enough to churn out the “95%” worthless versus worthy ratio. And 3) constantly be up my ass whenever I do comment, as if you have nothing better to do than look for me and acting like a closet fag in heat. Let’s just say, keep your distance to your superior self and I’ll get along just fine without you.

    Now, I know you have this new found “tea-bagging” buddy of yours named Silver pretending to be Serb/Greek, however not all of us buy it. Especially when a nobody like him says shit about JWH. I would hope that at least a challenge of the Paki’s lies about JWH does not constitute “hypersensitive wog behaviour” in your eyes? Is that “OK” with you? I surely would hope so as I do go about my entire life making sure your opinion of me or my thoughts is a positive one. With that said, get back to your important amateurish blogging about unsubstantiated and at times, easily debunked minutia. Thanks a bunch!

    Captain Chaos,

    WM and JWH did not leave due to hurt feelings.

  20. I don’t recall the BNP having any representatives in Parliament. Has this changed? If so, I haven’t heard about it.

    Vlaams Belang had another name before it was banned. It is locked out of power by the other political parties in Belgium. The FN in France is less influential than it was a few years ago. The same is true of the Freedom Party in Austria. Wilders “Party for Freedom” is “rightwing” by Dutch standards, which is to say, not at all.

  21. “I don’t recall the BNP having any representatives in Parliament. Has this changed? If so, I haven’t heard about it. ”

    Based on recent trends, we can convidently say that things will change very quickly in the BNP’s favour. The level of BNP support is unprecendented. If elections were held today, the BNP would have several representatives in Parliament. The average level of support in local elections across the country is very impressive for such a party, and the opinion polls suggest that they will be a major force in the coming European elections.

    It is true that all the other parties in Belgium combine their efforts to block the Vlaams Belang from holding executive power, but the gains which have been made by that party are nevertheless very impressive. It is currently the most popular political party among the Dutch-speaking Flemish people. I don’t think this would be possible if it preached the politics of David Duke or VNN.

    Geert Wilders may be “right-wing” only by Dutch standards, but one must always adapt oneself to the political conditions of one’s country — something which American nationalists and racialists seem incapable of doing. Mr Wilders wants to halt all further immigration into the Netherlands, abolish hate speech laws, and pull the Netherlands out of the EU. That’s good enough for me.

    The FN in France is losing support due to incompetence and various internal personality clashes, not due to their political views.

    In Austria there are two major far-right parties. If you combine the votes for both parties, they enjoy more support right now in Austria than Hitler did in Germany in 1933. It is indeed unfortunate that radical right vote is split into two parties.

    But the overall trend in Europe suggests that the strategy adopted by Jobling is capable of yielding fruitful political gain. I am NOT suggesting it is morally acceptable and worth pursuing. It’s bad in the long term, for it means surrendering to the Jew, and ignoring the underlying root cause of our racial problems. What I AM saying is that I can see why people may adopt such a strategy. Fortunately in America, people like Jobling only create websites — they aren’t out convassing, leafletting, organising political parties, and so on. That’s the only essential difference between Jobling/Auster/etc, on the one hand, and European nationalists on the other.

  22. Cap,

    I don’t take myself, or certainly you for that matter, so seriously that I haven’t gotten a good chuckle out of almost everything you have written.

    Glad to hear it.

    JWH should have responded in like fashion, and with good humor, and I, and you, might have more respect for him as a man at this point. He’s got good ideas, but, unfortunately, he’s a little bit prissy, and a little bit pissy.

    His prissiness is the ineluctable outcome of the racial ideology he has adopted. If race matters only for itself, by itself, rather than for what it does for how we live and how our descendants will live, then it’s possible to construe his racial constitution negatively — so negatively as to evict him for it (which is an assessment he never fails to make of others).


    You’re a walking, talking advertisement for the “dumb wog” stereotype.

    Rienzi’s great contribution — really, his only contribution — to racialism is his insistence on genetic testing. Testing has its uses, but I suspect the main reason you’ve latched onto it is to lay your claim to whiteness, in effect: “I’m white man, I’m white! Don’t trust your lying eyes! Underneath I’m really white!” Could you possibly be so stupid as to believe such claims would go unchallenged? You’re only setting yourself up for a fall playing that game. This stuff is important, but there has to be another way to go about it.

    What annoys me personally about people like you is that in all likelihood you spent the bulk of your life resenting the “cakers,” and now that you’ve “discovered” that you were really one of them all along, so to speak, you’re on the warpath, claiming to find unbearable the suggestion that you’re not. Even if you’re a particularly “nordish” sort of an eye-tie — and they certainly exist — the viciousness with which you turn on people with whom you previously are certain to have had little to no problem — your more southerly compatriots and similar kinds — is disheartening and more likely, in my estimate, to incur anger and inspire reprisal than garner support.

    Lastly, Rienzi isn’t some god that I’m barred from “saying shit” about him. If you have a problem with a position I take you’re more than welcome to come to my blog and dispute it. If you believe I’m lying then by all means present the evidence to substantiate it; if you haven’t any, shut the fuck the up.

  23. All have one thing in common: they are cynically scape-goating innocent Moslems to gain votes,

    Sweet, innocent little muzzies who despise Europeans and will breed them out of existence as effectively as a nigger. God forbid they should be scapegoated.

    I don’t like it either, but the Jobling strategy is working in practice.

    Yeah, because he invented it.

  24. Oh enough with that incessant babbling and that penny ante, arm chair psycho-fuck-ology you’re pushing there, silver. You know nothing about me so you can STFU with pretending as if you do. I hate very few people, especially my people, which includes all of Europe. Just because I do not believe you nor am willing to tolerate Nordick’s childish bullshit, does not even mean I hate either of you two. Though I am convinced you certainly are no Southern European if European at all.

    You’ll do well to just answer my questions and avoid your flowery ruminations.

  25. Kublai,

    You know nothing about me so you can STFU with pretending as if you do.

    Now you know how it feels.

    Though I am convinced you certainly are no Southern European if European at all.

    See above.

    You’ll do well to just answer my questions and avoid your flowery ruminations.

    How can I do that when you haven’t even asked them?

  26. All of the infighting on display here is petty and ridiculous. Whites are being race replaced in the USA, Europe, Australia, and elsewhere at an unprecedented rate. Meanwhile some of you won’t stop your stupid childish spats and feuding and stay focused on the most important issue – which is of course SAVING THE WHITE RACE FROM THE NEAR-EXTINCTION IN THE COMING DECADES AND CENTURIES.

    We have much more important things to worry and care about besides who is a “wog” or a “Paki” or whatever (many Pakis actually have quite a bit of White blood from ancient Whites that invaded and lived there thousands pf years ago) – for Christ’s sake, move on guys.

  27. “WHITE SURVIVAL”, the problem is that the Jew-enablers that have infiltrated our movement, from the BNP to the Vlaams Belang, are the single greatest obstacle to building a genuine pro-white nationalist movement. They are scum. They deserve every bit of the opprobrium they receive.

  28. I don’t think Coon is “the only legitimate source.”

    Stop listen to phora retards.

    The BNP isn’t taking a jobling stance though. They may be similar on Jews but the BNP will bash Poles, Slavs, etc. It defends British Jews as honorary Brits. And the BNP is a political party and Jobling a writer who wants mainstream attention. From a “strategic view” I think the BNP knows what it is doing.

  29. The central element of their strategy is the same: go soft on Jews, abandon Holocaust revisionism and National Socialist ideology, and thereby presumably you will disassociate yourself from the “evils” of Nazism and gain votes. The difference between the BNP and Jobling is that he only creates websites — he is not out convassing, leafletting, organising political parties, and so on.

  30. Prozium,

    If the recent news means anything, evidently the BNP are poised to do very well in the upcoming elections. As of right now, they even hope to win so much as a handful of seats in the European parliament, which makes them eligible for further funding.

    An objective analysis could only conclude that the continent is moving in a more nationalist direction. Provided these trends hold I would expect liberalism to be out of Europe by 2050. Unfortunately, our situation in North America is rather different.

  31. Prozium,

    “I quit following the European nationalist parties long ago as they progressively watered themselves down into conservatism.”

    However much of a joke the various nationalist movements have been in the past, something is happening in the continent right now.

  32. “I’m suggesting that European nationalists generally know more about the Jewish issue than they let on in their public statements.”

    The older nationalists do; the young believers are usually very vehement in repulsing “anti-Semitic” ideas. They became so adept at dodging the censors, they’ve come to believe in their own watered-down nationalism. No hope for them. But they have cool weekend camps where one can watch hot blond chicks in traditional clothing & pigtails on the sly.

  33. The BNP is doing what it has to do to succeed legally.

    The hardcore tacit though is to declare the regime illegitimate as the Bolsheviks did to the Russian provisional Government regime.

  34. Until Jobling really takes apart Prof. Macdonalds work it is safe to say that Macdonalds work stands and the Jews are a REAL problem.

    Part of the probem is folks who go into the old-style ‘Protocols of Zion’ conspiracy theories, when in todays World there is no need to utilize that as there is hard-core Evolutionary Psychological PROOF that Jewry is up to no good.

    Also some on the Far Left are barreling into the neo-cons and Zionism. Zionist is almost as dirty a word on a University Campus today as ‘Nazi’! There must be a Pincher movement for the Far Left/ Far Right to take down Jewish Power. Perhaps in the form of Anti-Globalism!?!?!? (Alot of Leftists are Anti-Globalists seeing that it destroys Brown Native Cultures)

  35. The Finnish media is controlled. Here’s the story:

    The Vlaams Blok was declared illegal as soon as it got too popular. Le Pen
    had just been denied the presidency of his party to which he was entitled to by his seniority. So expect interventions from the Left leaning “progressive” elites in the form of changes of law wherever needed to accommodate the furtherance of the globalist agenda.
    One thing I don’t see much comment on in the racialist blogisphere
    is the tampering with case law and constitutional law by Talmudists.
    Law is an arcane world unto itself, but something is going on in the universities now where symposia on Talmudic law are being introduced by Jews for the benefit of Gentile law students and faculty. No doubt this indoctrination is going on in Europe as well. The emphasis on individual rights in favor of what is determined to be best for the community is the direction new “communitarian” laws are going in.

  36. Silver, barely an ally (he is so slightly on our side, the touch of a feather would push him back over the line into the arms of the Daily Kos and the Huffington Post where his heart lies), continues to demonstrate (see link) that for him the gravest conceivable moral offense, the most heinous crime imaginable in the history of the universe, is for a white person to privately think negative thoughts about mystery meat (“I don’t like the flatness and width of that Negro’s nose”). Not subsumed under summum malum are when mystery meat privately thinks negative thoughts about other mystery meat or about whites, or when a white privately thinks negative thoughts about other whites, only when a white privately has a negative thought about mystery meat. That white person doesn’t have to actually do anything to that mystery meat, or even contemplate doing anything, he just needs to privately think so much as a single unflattering thought (“I don’t like that mestizo’s monkey-like behavior”). The idea that there are whites out there harboring unflattering thoughts about mystery meat drives Silver simply insane with rage. If a white person dares to do any such thing, dares to think any such thought about mystery meat, all deals are off according to Silver, and whites deserve the cruellest most punishing fate.

    OK, Silver’s just barely on our side. How much help he’ll end up being, though, given this ingrained wackjob attitude of his, is very much open to question.

    Besides, I fully expect Silver to revert back to extreme radical fringe leftism the way Arianna Huffington did.

  37. That of course is also Robert Lindsay’s main motivating force (horror of whites privately thinking unflattering thoughts about mystery meat; refusal to countenance it), so in that, Silver and Lindsay are identical and must feel they completely understand one another in so far as that goes. Christopher Hitchens has the same category of fundamental motivation I suspect, but in his case its origin didn’t center on race but on class: upper-class white snobs privately thinking derisive thoughts about white proles, whence it generalized to include race. Lindsay’s version of it also involves horror directed against white snobs who look down on white proles and snicker at them behind their backs. The main perception to get, here, is this is Silvers’, Lindsay’s, and I suspect Hitchens’s main motivating drive: white-hot hatred of the whites who privately don’t think much of mystery meat and of the white upper-class snobs who privately don’t think much of white proles. In other words it wasn’t learning some economic theory in college class that got Hitchens and Lindsay converting to communism, it was THIS: white-hot race-snob and class-snob hatred and loathning.

  38. “white-hot race-snob and class-snob hatred and loathning.” ( — my comment just above)

    That’s a bit clearer like this: “white-hot hatred and loathing of race snobs and class snobs.”

  39. OK, Silver’s just barely on our side. How much help he’ll end up being, though, given this ingrained wackjob attitude of his, is very much open to question.

    I know he’s not on my side. See how to be HAPPY, dammit, where I made what I initially considered an offhand, barely significant point about recognizing alien, jewish thoughts. This prompted a venomous, wackjob comment from Anonymous (later claimed by silver) which begins:

    I wonder if an antisemite/anti-jew/jew-realist/whatever can ever really recover. In your case, Tan, you’ve become a shell of a man. You’ll dispute it, but I dare say it’d be almost impossible for a casual reader of this site to see anything but a man now delirious with jew-hatred, certainly soaking in it. Because of course by this stage jews have become guilty of no more than breathing — and they’re only breathing that way, instead of this way because, you guessed it, they’re jews.

    Rusty Mason, Colin Laney, and Bill Tillman all recognized the unmistakably jewish/anti-anti-semitic nature of his ad hominem before silver returned to take credit for it and share some more self-righteousness-is-for-me-but-not-for-thee pontifications.

    As far as I’m concerned, anyone who judges what I write, especially that flippant little piece, in the distorted way silver does is not only not on my side, they’re clearly on the other side.

  40. Fred,

    that for him the gravest conceivable moral offense, the most heinous crime imaginable in the history of the universe, is for a white person to privately think negative thoughts about mystery meat

    Sigh. Okay, deep breath.

    Fred, you can think the negativist of negative thoughts in the world if you want. All of you can. I couldn’t care less. But most people don’t think so negatively of others. And if you want to get them to care enough about race to throw their support behind a racial solution insisting that they hate (“privately think negative thoughts” about) other people is perhaps the dumbest thing you can do. For the love of God man, haven’t you ever attempted to make the case to people in person? Isn’t the subtext of their every rebuttal, their every evasion, something like “you’re really asking me to hate other people, aren’t you”? (A suspicion which will only be confirmed by an inability — widely held, I believe — to provide reasons beyond hatred/dislike for wishing to separate.) This would probably be so even if your every effort wasn’t hampered by incessant anti-hate campaigning but the fact is it is so hampered. Given that fact, people really believe they’ve achieved something when they overcome their hesitancy about others. Really, it’s only natural that they would: there’s always a small subset of every group that is truly likable (where you don’t have to fake liking them, you actually do like them) and people who encounter such types get carried away and imagine that if only hate could be vanquished things could always be this way. Thus for you to wade in brandishing epithets, or making them, or the thoughts that lead to them, the centerpiece of your political position, because, hey, me mighty White Man is du-u-u-u-u-mb.

    That white person doesn’t have to actually do anything to that mystery meat, or even contemplate doing anything, he just needs to privately think so much as a single unflattering thought (“I don’t like that mestizo’s monkey-like behavior”).

    Scroob, a subcon or a gook doesn’t even have to act like a monkey for me to think negatively about him; he just has to exist in shared living space. Now it’s not his subconness or his gookness per se that gets to me, it’s just the reality that the chances I’ll ever form a meaningful, satisfying relationship with one of these people (especially when there are alternatives) is infinitesimal (let alone with a group of them). As a matter of fact, I — and I’d venture to guess upwards of 80% of my friends — long felt similarly (though not nearly as intensely) about “anglos” (the feeling being mitigated by considerable cultural familiarity and the fact of it being their country). Accustomed to being surrounded by people I didn’t really like or feel much connection to it took me a long time to realize that these feelings exist in degrees of severity: I might feel somewhat uncomfortable around anglos but it’s nothing compared to the discomfort I feel around subcons, gooks and niggers. Bizarrely (to me), however, it seems those of us who feel this way — or who believe that such feelings fully justify our politics — are something of a rarity.

    so in that, Silver and Lindsay are identical and must feel they completely understand one another in so far as that goes.

    Oh, I understand him. Commies despise making people feel low. He obviously believes whites are superior else he wouldn’t throw a fit about whites wishing to separate, or be able to call it “supremacism.”

    The truth is supremacy or superiority is really neither here nor there. Life is better around people more similar to oneself regardless of where one’s group fits into any hierarchy. I don’t doubt for a second that niggers prefer being around other niggers even though I’m sure that, if pressed (or promised, say, $10MM for telling the truth), they’d concede that whites are in a “technical” sense better (or that they can understand why whites would think of themselves as better) — much as I can when it comes to northern whites. But even though superiority/inferiority is neither here nor there, people don’t like being thought of as inferior. Even though they demonstrate preference of their own kind day in, day out, thus implicitly conceding that they’d be better off around their own, they’ll resist the conception of a state of affairs which would result in them being around their own if they believe such a state of affairs is premised on their inferiority.

    Do you seriously dispute any of this? If not, just what is your beef?

    PS: Besides, I fully expect Silver to revert back to extreme radical fringe leftism the way Arianna Huffington did.

    Enough with this nonsense, Fred. I’ve made my dislike of you quite plain, but I haven’t embellished it with falsehoods. I’ve never been a “radical fringe leftist” so I certainly won’t be “reverting” any time soon.

  41. Tan,

    As far as I’m concerned, anyone who judges what I write, especially that flippant little piece, in the distorted way silver does is not only not on my side, they’re clearly on the other side.

    It wasn’t as distorted as you think. The fact is the line of thought the author of the book in question established is perfectly plausible and entirely within the mainstream of popular self-improvement literature. You, however, seemed to be completely unable to imagine how anyone could write such drivel. But then, ah, enlightenment hit you: the author’s name was Karen Somethinjewishstein. Oh, makes perfect sense now. In any case, if you consider my disagreement with you on this point evidence that I’m “clearly on the other side,” well, that says it all really.

    Listen Tan. I can understand what the realization of the sheer magnitude of jew-bullshit can do to a person: suddenly so much that made so little sense now makes so much sense. Jews know this and they tremble — “fated to be hated,” as they see it. But there’s a vast gulf between being jew-aware and a psychological anti-semite for whom the jews’ every action stems solely from the fact of their “racial” jewishness. I suppose you’ll interpret even this rather innocuous observation as being part of a “very old game” too. There’s really no winning with you people. If you’d just admit yours is a politics of “white makes right” we’d save each other a great deal of time. Jared Taylor has been wise beyond wise to steer well clear of this fruitless fray.

  42. Does Silver say that? Schmilver (Kubilai?) did so on this thread, and I think it was in reference to n/a.

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