Capitalism and White Racial Decline

At The Occidental Quarterly, Michael O’Meara is saying a lot that I happen to agree with about America’s racial decline. It wasn’t a function of a small cabal of Jewish cultural Marxists associated with the Frankfurt School. The triumph of political correctness in the 1980s happened long after the Civil Rights Movement had realized its primary goals. The worship of “diversity” as a fundamental American value was unheard of before Judge Powell’s opinion in the Bakke case. Multiculturalism first emerged on the scene in the 1970s. Chalking up our racial demise to “diversity snobbery” is putting the cart before the horse.

Capitalism has always been one of the primary drivers of race replacement. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the internal logic of international markets (the profit motive) resulted in the dumping of hordes of negroes on America’s shores. The settlement of the West Indies was even more driven by these concerns. In the mid-nineteenth century, demand for cheap labor in the sparsely populated American West brought the first waves of Chinese immigrants to the United States. This experience was repeated with the Japanese in Hawaii (working on sugar plantations), Mexicans in the Southwest (who first came to work on the railroads), and the Great Migration of blacks to Northern cities (who came to work in wartime industries). The Immigration Act of 1924 specifically exempted Mexicans in order to appease Southwestern business interests.

The Germans, the Irish, the Italians, the Scandinavians, the Slavs, and the Jews all came in waves and settled throughout the American North. Most left their homelands for economic reasons. Many were attracted by the wages being offered by Northern industries at the time. Then as now, big business lobbied Congress for loose immigration laws. The indigenous Yankees soon dwindled to a minority throughout most of the Northeast. It was the push and pull of America’s capitalist economy that drove these demographic changes, not a vast Jewish conspiracy.

The fate of New England is now happening on a nationwide scale. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, and the Wall Street Journal are naturally the biggest boosters of open borders. The same fundamental forces are at work that have always been operative throughout American history. The only difference is that they are now met with less resistance than before.

Capitalism has eroded white racial consciousness in other insidious ways. During the Cold War, Americanism came to be identified with anti-communism. In order to score points for capitalism in the Third World, rightwing anti-communists like Dean Acheson adopted anti-racist rhetoric and began pushing for desegregation in the Jim Crow South. The most obvious example of this would be the Eisenhower administration’s response to the crisis in Little Rock with the Civil Rights Act of 1957. America’s elite ultimately cared more about the wealth and privilege they enjoyed under capitalism than the racial values inherited from their ancestors. And so, Truman and his postwar successors would go on to give their seal of legitimacy to Martin Luther King and his fellow radicals.

As the capitalist system evolved in the twentieth century, it became necessary to dispense with traditional values like thrift and prudence in order to sustain economic growth. The advertising industry began to take shape after the First World War. Americans were molded by its propaganda into thinking of themselves as consumers. An ethos of expressive individualism was encouraged that ultimately became severely corrosive of white ethnocentrism. It triumphed in the counterculture and eventually went on to dominate the cultural mainstream.

Suburbanization has allowed millions of Whites to avoid the costs of integration. Suburban living enables better off Whites to sing the praises of diversity while pushing it off on their poorer neighbors. White flight has acted for years as a release valve of racial tension. Why make a fuss about the status quo when you can simply pack up your bags and move off to another city or state?

As I said in a recent thread, the liberal democratic capitalist system is the meta cause of white racial decline. It chewed up Norman Rockwell’s America and spit out Barack Obama’s.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In European Christian Civilization, jews were considered cheats. This was because they had no regard for Christian commercial dealings or the law. For years this struggle continued between the two world views, and so it goes on.

    The Christian spirit that dominated economic activities historically is exactly the opposite of the grotesque ‘liberalized’ Judeo/Christian sprit that dominates economic and political activity today. And the former is closer to racial/cultural nationalism. THIS is what totally broke down in the eighteenth century It was the victory of money over blood, and it is that world the jew stormed. Christian Europeans for many years worked in a closed “protectionist ” sort of economic systems, and there is plenty of historical evidence to support this.

    The Judeo/Christian American economic system that we see today, dominated by jewish influence that has Chinese and Indian workers who earn a dollar a day or less set up as competition to American white collar and blue collar workers, in the Christian world would have been considered totally abhorrent, and frankly this sort of anti-nationalism is abhorrent. For a government authority to support this type of commercial dealing in traditional Europe and for the longest period of time in Germany, this type of thing was actually outlawed – not the law. In most cases prices were fixed. Freedom of industry, enterprise to achieve personal private capital as an ends and reason for living was just not in the organic soul of Christian Europe as it is for the modern preachers and protectors of exploitation and slavery that are anti-nationalists.

    Two sprits are at war. It really is nothing new. And, in fact it is white racialism that is closer to the Christian world view then that of the warped anti-protectionist Judeo/Christian. Jews and anti-nationalistic, anti-racist, anti-protectionist, are out of harmony with nature. They are totally out of touch with actual problems and the causes and have no grasp of reality whatsoever.

  2. Prozium, let’s say you were to build 2 very crude models. One to explain how we got into the current mess (specifically, post-1965 demographic decline- though there are certainly other ways to assess the mess). The second to explain what prevents us from getting out of it. What variables would you include, and how would you weight those?

    One thing that O’Meara doesn’t discuss is the decline of Darwinism. I think this is much more important the Frankfurt School, whose importance, however, I think O’Meara underestimates. Marcuse was the best known, but probably not the most influential (at least in terms of what got post-1965 race-replacement going). The important ones got to work pathologizing White ethnocentrism right after the war.

  3. Prozium,

    Phenomenal commentary. The perspective on our situation that you and O’Meara share strikes me as being more accurate than anything else that I’ve read.

  4. Dasein,

    How can you possibly think that Darwinism is in decline? The proportion of Westerners who believe in some form of Darwinian evolution is at an all time high.

  5. Lena,

    Was it a Judeo-Christian-American economic system that brought Negros to North America in the 1600s? Somehow I doubt it.

  6. Capitalism has always been one of the primary drivers of race replacement.

    My position exactly.

    This post may warrant a cross-blogging response.

  7. “How can you possibly think that Darwinism is in decline? The proportion of Westerners who believe in some form of Darwinian evolution is at an all time high.”

    Maybe a decline in thinking that evolution applies to humans recently. That is whether there are significant differences in racial means of intelligence, creativity, diligence, etc. Many liberals think there are only differences between individuals’ intelligence and not between groups. Statistics don’t support this view, nor would evolution. Hence, the faith in Darwin ends when it collides with other beliefs.

  8. Capitalism per se has nothing to do with immigration, loss of racial consciousness, or lack of thrift. Confine yourself to discussion of the problems: immigration, loss of racial consciousness, and lack of thrift. Any white man who preaches against “capitalism” — not a good term for it — is preaching the impoverishment of his kinfolk. They’ll be left with no money and their “sacred honor” — which, come to think of it, is what they have now, as they’re perishing.

  9. notuswind-

    “Judeo-Christianity” is jewish and the system of jewish economics, from the Talmud to you, entered England under Cromwell, from the Netherlands, and slowly overtime became the economic system America adopted.

    Here is a review of a good book on the subject:

  10. Whether the discussion concerns authentic “capitalism” in the utopian sense is irrelevant to the post. What is important is the priority placed on the acquisition of external goods over the development of internal goods. External goods are obviously a precondition for the pursuit of the good life, but unrestrained acquisition of money results in the transgression of traditional principles, which privilege internal goods. Hence, if the acquisition of external goods is regarded as the purpose of an individual’s existence (as it is for liberals), then institutions that facilitate the development of internal goods such as the family and the homogeneous political community are neglected.

  11. Lena,

    So is it your position that a “Jewish” system of economics brought Negros to North America in 1619 via the influence of a 20 year old Oliver Cromwell?

  12. It was an example. The slave trade was largely jewish and the economic system that made slave trading okay was jewish.

    “Some historians, notably Edmund Morgan, have suggested that indentured servitude provided a model for slavery in 17th-century Virginia. In theory, indentured servants sold their labor voluntarily for a period of years (typically four to seven), after which they would be freed with “freedom dues” of cash, clothing, tools, and/or land. In practice, indentured servitude could be like slavery and was often a violent system; some Englishmen and Englishwomen (felons and those who were kidnapped) were compelled to become indentured servants, and in the early 17th century, many indentured servants did not live long enough to be freed. The principal significance of indentured servitude, Morgan argues, is that it accustomed 17th century Virginia planters to use physical violence (including beating and rape) to compel workers to work. This set a precedent for the violence of African chattel slavery, which the British colonies first adopted on a large scale in the 1660s and 1670s.”

    1660’s, 1670’s

    “Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.

    “This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750’s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760’s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760’s and early 1770’s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.”

    The first shipment into Virginia of Negroes was in 1619.

    “A Dutch slave trader exchanged his cargo of Africans for food in 1619. ”

    Dutch, Netherlands.

    From the same site:
    New Amsterdam- The Dutch, who had entered the slave trade in 1621 with the formation of the Dutch West Indies Co., import blacks to serve on Hudson Valley farms. According to Dutch law, the children of manumitted (freed) slaves are bound to slavery.”

    “Following the lead of Massachusetts and Connecticut, Virginia legalized slavery in 1661. In 1672 the king of England chartered the Royal African Company to bring the shiploads of slaves into trading centers like Jamestown, Hampton, and Yorktown.”

    And where did Charles the Second come from?

  13. There can be no such thing as state authority as an end in itself, for, if there were, every tyranny in this world would be unassailable and sacred.

    If, by the instrument of governmental power, a nationality [race/ethnicity] is led toward its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people — it is his duty.

    And the question-when is this the case? — is decided not by theoretical dissertations, but by force and — results.

    Since, as a matter of course, all governmental power claims the duty of preserving state authority — regardless how vicious it is, betraying the interests of a people a thousandfold — the national instinct of self-preservation, in overthrowing such a power and achieving freedom or independence, will have to employ the same weapons by means of which the enemy tries to maintain his power. Consequently, the struggle will be carried on with ‘legal’ means as long as the power to be overthrown employs such means; but it will not shun illegal means if the oppressor uses them.

    In general it should not be forgotten that the highest aim of human existence is not the preservation of a state, let alone a government, but the preservation of the species. [race]

    And if the species [race] itself is in danger of being oppressed or utterly eliminated, the question of legality is reduced to a subordinate role. Then, even if the methods of the ruling power are alleged to be legal a thousand times over, nonetheless the oppressed people’s instinct of self-preservation remains the loftiest justification of their struggle with every weapon.

    Only through recognition of this principle have wars of liberation against internal and external enslavement of nations on this earth come down to us in such majestic historical examples.

    Human law cancels out state law.

    And if a people is defeated in its struggle for human rights, this merely means that it has been found too light in the scale of destiny for the happiness of survival on this earth. For when a people is not willing or able to fight for its existence- Providence in its eternal justice has decreed that people’s end.

    The world is not for cowardly peoples.

  14. Prozium: “It was the push and pull of America’s capitalist economy that drove these demographic changes, not a vast Jewish conspiracy.”

    I don’t believe in the ‘One Jewish Cause’ theory or various Jewish conspiracies either, but they certainly played a major role in White America’s decline. For the past 75-100 years, everywhere you look in America they have been chipping away at every native White institution or White cultural norm that they could – in the USA we can thank Jewry for plutocratic international/cosmopolitan rootless capitalism and its associated hyperconsumerism/advertising (Bernays, etc), the widespread acceptance of multiracialism/miscegenation and the ‘Civil Rights’ movement, radical White-male-hating feminism, the sewage emanating from America’s Jew-controlled mass-media, biased/corrupted far-leftist academia and many sectors of the legal system which is also now Jew-controlled, and so on.

    Again, the Jews aren’t the ONLY cause for White dispossession, but they are a major part – they have been chipping away at the foundations of White America for decades until eventually the edifice collapsed, resulting in the near total socio-cultural, economic, and of course racial ruin we are now confronted by. In Eastern Europe they went radical and engaged in a ‘total revolution’ to capture power and build the USSR, but here in the USA they have taken the gradualist/Fabian approach which seems to have been more effective in terms of slowly seizing power and holding on to it – at least the anti-Jewish anti-Communists in Eastern Europe knew exactly who they were opposing…here in the USA they have managed to infiltrate nearly every camp or political party or school of thought and then bend it to their needs – and thus it is extremely difficult to oppose them.

    History has proven time and time again that Jews are like termites which slowly undermine and decimate any and all ‘structures’ (cultures, civilizations, etc) that they are able to infest. Thus it is the duty of every person who cares about a brighter future to vigorously oppose them.

  15. Great post. This neatly summarizes why I’ve abandoned the Jewish angle almost completely in my thinking. Alain de Benoist has written extensively why capitalism destroys everything that conservatives claim to cherish. He was one the first writers to open my eyes to the historic agitation of industrialists for immigrants. Village idiots like Linder haven’t reached that point in their analysis yet. Either he’s willfully lying or just ignorant when he dismisses capitalism as a source of our demise, and instead blames the Jew. The unique answer to all that ails us for this vulgar primitive. You can’t blame the Jews for everything.

  16. Proze, you’ve got the talent to write for one of the major news outlets. Seriously! What are you waiting for? Apply now! F**k, I know talent when I see it.

  17. notuswind: “So is it your position that a “Jewish” system of economics brought Negros to North America…”

    Are you really unaware that Jews dominated the trans-Atlantic African slave trade? If so, you need to do more research.

    The first/oldest synagogues in the Western hemisphere were all founded on various Caribbean islands – many of these still stand today. Jews here played the main/leading role in importing African slaves to work on their sugar or molasses plantations (Jews also controlled the international sugar/molasses trade) as well as other major monocropping operations – those agricultural goods would head back to European markets, with the slave-trading Jews and plantation owners using free African slave labor (the labor Jewry likes best: FREE LABOR) and thus the Jews pocketing nearly all the profits. Many of the Caribbean islands had Jewish populations (evidenced by their very old synagogues and some still surviving records) that used African slave labor – eventually the market for those goods collapsed and the Jews moved on to greener pastures, leaving all of the Blacks there behind to breed and slowly take over the islands (note Jewish historical pattern of nation-wrecking). Similarly, the first synagogue in South America was founded in Recife, Brazil – which also “just happened to be” the major slave port in all of South America (especially Brazil, which of course nowadays has a huge Black population). Thus even early on we see Jews promoting radical forms of multiracialism, just as they are still doing today.

    Do the research and seek to understand the relationship international Jewry had with both England and Holland after they had been expelled from Spain and Portugal (in 1492 and 1497). After the Spanish/Portuguese expulsions many of them went to England and Holland as well as the New World where they then engaged in the “Triangle Trade,” moving slaves between Africa and the New World with England/Holland as the top edge or intermediary of the triangular trade that provided the ships, supplies, etc. Many Sephardic Jews lived in North Africa back in the day, and they coordinated the African slave trade with their fellow Jews there as well as in both Holland/England and in the New World – in fact, most of the Jews involved in the slave trade were likely Sephardic rather than the Ashkenazi we are more familiar with, though some Ashkenazi Jews were certainly involved too.

    The first synagogue in what would eventually become the USA was founded in Newport, RI – Newport also “just happened to be” a major slaving port during its heyday; look in to the life of Jewish international shipping merchant Aaron Lopez of Newport who himself owned over two dozen ships…many of which transported African slaves to the USA. Jews in Charleston, SC also played a huge role in the trans-Atlantic African slave trade. In the first few decades of the 1800s, more Jews lived in Charleston and SC than any other American state, and many Jews in South Carolina owned huge plantations that used African slave labor (just as they did on some Caribbean islands). A similar situation existed in Savannah, GA – the Jews there also imported many African slaves. Same with New Orleans, LA. As we now know, the untold thousands of Africans that they brought to the USA back then have now bred to produce tens of millions of them through centuries of natural increase.

    To make matters worse, Jewish propagandists in the American media (as well as other national medias, too) have tried to blame all of this on ‘mean ol White men,’ particularly ones who are, according to their biased media propaganda, very English or Germanic looking, with blond or light hair, blue eyes, grizzled red beards, tropical sun beaten faces, tallish/skinny, etc…according to the sickening anti-White propaganda found in Jew-produced films or TV shows, Whites are solely responsible for the African slave trade and Jews had nothing to do with it. However, this is all a bunch of lies of course, Jews being some of the biggest liars in human history – international Jewish merchants were the ones primarily responsible for bringing hordes African slaves to the New World, not Northern Europeans.

    Do the research and ye shall find…here’s a quick link that I found if you are looking for more info –

  18. Related to the topic of this post, rampant capitalism – Prozium…you ought to read the info found in the above-mentioned link – – in order to learn a bit about the early history of capitalism as practiced by international Jewry, an international capitalistic system that was certainly detrimental to Whites because it led to the flooding of the newly White lands of the New World with hordes of cheap African labor.

  19. Most of the world is effectively capitalist these days… yet we only see race replacement in white countries. Explain this please, before continuing with this “it’s all capitalism’s fault” line of reasoning.

    While it’s true that the forces of economics often oppose racial interests, in the past there was usually enough racialist sentiment to keep things at least under control. The 1924 immigration restriction act is a good example. It wasn’t until the rise of the Jews to power that we see the disaster that we have today.

    Jews, not capitalism, destroyed racialism among Europeans. Period. End of story.

  20. So all the glaring efforts of organized Jewry to push things in the same direction in which capitalism is pushing things are unnecessary and the Jews could have saved their money because capitalism promised to do the job without their help. It’s funny because Jews have never been known to spend fortunes of their hard-earned money for nothing (fortunes are what they’ve spent installing and protecting race-replacement since 1880). That Jewish guy Weintraub I think his name was didn’t have to pay Carl Pope a hundred million dollars to make sure the Sierra Club never breathed a word against the replacement of U.S. whites with Mexicans — he could’ve sat back, let capitalism take care of it, and donated his money to Israel instead. All those organizations and individuals Kevin MacDonald documents who for decades pushed for open borders were wasting their time: capitalism was going to get the 1965 Hart-Celler immigration bill passed without their help, so it turns out they could’ve spent their time helping their kids with their algebra homework, teaching their sons how to lay down a bunt, and driving their daughters to figure-skating practice. You had an entire decades-long Jewish movement which sprang up, went through fortunes in Jewish money, and worked its fingers to the bone, all for naught — like going outside during a thunder storm and torrential downpour to water your lawn. Same applies to all these Jews and Jewish organizations fiercely protecting race-replacement right now: you’re wasting your time, guys – the capitalist system will see to it, you can go do something useful now.

  21. “While it’s true that the forces of economics often oppose racial interests, in the past there was usually enough racialist sentiment to keep things at least under control. The 1924 immigration restriction act is a good example.” ( — Reader)

    This is precisely the point. It’s not that mistakes weren’t made. It’s that after they were made, balance was always sooner or later restored. But no more, since the advent of Jewish hegemony in the ’60s.

    The log entry makes the same point when it says,

    “The same fundamental forces are at work that have always been operative throughout American history. The only difference is that they are now met with less resistance than before.”

    Ahhhh, they’re met with less resistance now. All right, why?

    I’ll give you three guesses.

  22. Dear Prozium,
    Your, as alway well-written essay, has provoked some thoughtful responses. We all have benefitted.

  23. Everyone agrees unbridled capitalism is destructive of race and nation. So is unbridled Christianity. So is unbridled women’s suffrage. Unbridled lots of things are destructive of lots of things. Who took the bridle off? Who took it off capitalism? The Russian Oligarchs were all Jewish. Would Russian Oligarchs who were all Russian race and Russian-Orthodox religious background have been on average more mindful of Russia’s and Russians’ welfare than the hundred-percent Jewish bunch who ran things there for a while? I consider it likely. Is capitalism forcing open borders on Israel? Why not? Maybe because its (capitalism’s) bridle gets quietly slipped back on in that case, precisely so it won’t harm Jews or the Jewish state the way it’s capable of harming peoples and states in its unbridled form? Why isn’t its bridle slipped back on in the U.S.’s case? Could the fact that most U.S. billionaires are Jewish have anything to do with that? If among a typical group of, say, twenty Jewish billionaires, big CEOs, Wall Streeters, bankers, or what-have-you, not one cares about the American people or the America nation, and if, among a typical group of the same but Eurochristians instead of Jews, one out of twenty cares about the American people and the American nation, maybe that difference, maybe that one out of twenty which you’ll never get when the 20 are all Jews but you will, on average when they’re Euros, is all it takes to save a people and a nation?

  24. “Proze, you’ve got the talent to write for one of the major news outlets. Seriously! What are you waiting for? Apply now! F**k, I know talent when I see it.”

    I would note that the major news outlets would have Prozium handed over to the Mossad firing squads posthaste. We can’t afford to lose you, Prozium – don’t throw your life away like that!

    But your post is sheer genius. Let us hope the blog medium will provide an adequate field for your web-journalism, or that your words manage to reach your audience by some new medium as yet unforeseen.

  25. “Jews, not capitalism, destroyed racialism among Europeans. ”

    The gunslinger, not the gun, is responsible for homicide. The gun was nonetheless the tool employed.

  26. **Lena, notuswind, Roland, White Preservationist et al, you ALL MUST read this book! —

    “Oliver Cromwell, having been FINANCED by Manasseh Ben Israel and Moses Carvajal, allows Jews to return to England, though order of banishment never rescinded by Parliament.

    “AMSTERDAM JEWS financed the rebellion against King James II. The chief of these — Solomon Medina — follows William of Orange to England.

    “The Bank of “England” set up and the National Debt instituted, securing for the Jew moneylenders a FIRST CHARGE ON THE TAXES of England for interest on their loans. The right to print money transferred FROM THE CROWN to this “Bank of England”.

    “Economic and political union FORCED UPON Scotland against the vote of every county and borough; the national debt foisted upon Scotland, and the royal mint in Edinburgh suppressed.”

    ~ by Captain A.H.M. Ramsay


  27. White Preservationist said –

    “To make matters worse, Jewish propagandists in the American media (as well as other national medias, too) have tried to blame all of this on ‘mean ol White men,’ particularly ones who are, according to their biased media propaganda, very English or Germanic looking, with blond or light hair, blue eyes, grizzled red beards, tropical sun beaten faces, tallish/skinny, etc…according to the sickening anti-White propaganda found in Jew-produced films or TV shows, Whites are solely responsible for the African slave trade and Jews had nothing to do with it. However, this is all a bunch of lies of course, Jews being some of the biggest liars in human history – international Jewish merchants were the ones primarily responsible for bringing hordes African slaves to the New World, not Northern Europeans.”

    How true!!!

    WP, you and the others may find these links of great interest –

  28. The president and founder of the American Federation of Labor, in 1886, was the British Jew Samuel Gompers. Initially, under his tutelage the internationalist leaders in affiliated unions, most foreign born, “believed that the rights of emigration and immigration were natural rights…”

    Solidarity or Survival?American Labor and European Immigrants, 1830-1924
    Book by A. T. Lane;

    “When working-class opponents of restriction thought about immigration in the context of natural rights and human brotherhood, they revealed an intense idealism and a strong conviction that their arguments would have a powerful appeal. They firmly believed that the rights of emigration and immigration were natural rights, and a succession of labor spokesmen reiterated their commitment to this idea. “It was,” wrote O’Neill McDarragh, “an infringement of the natural rights of man ‘to proscribe his liberty to move to any part of the world which seems to him best’.”

    In contrast to Gompers et al, Henry Cabot Lodge, a Boston Brahman, spoke in defense of the American worker and the founding American race.

    “It is found, in the first place, that the illiteracy test will bear most heavily upon the Italians, Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Greeks, and Asiatics, and very lightly, or not at all, upon English-speaking emigrants, or Germans, Scandinavians, and French. In other words, the races most affected by the illiteracy test are those whose emigration to this country has begun within the last twenty years and swelled rapidly to enormous proportions, races with which the English-speaking people have never hitherto assimilated, and who are most alien to the great body of the people of the United States.

    There is no one thing which does so much to bring about a reduction of wages and to injure the American wage earner
    as the unlimited introduction of cheap foreign labor through unrestricted immigration. Statistics show that the change in the race character of our immigration has been accompanied by a
    corresponding decline in its quality. The number of skilled mechanics and of the persons trained to some occupation or pursuit has fallen off, while the number of those without occupation or training, that is, who are totally unskilled, has risen in our recent immigration to enormous proportions. This low, unskilled labor is the most deadly enemy of the American wage earner, and
    does more than anything else toward lowering his wages and forcing down his standard of living.

    This momentous fact is the one which confronts us to-day, and if continued, it carries with it future consequences far deeper than any other event of our times. It involves, in a word, nothing less than the possibility of a great and perilous change in the very fabric of our race.”

    It’s abundantly clear that official Jews like Gompers, Schiff, Wise and Untermeyer in addition to a coterie of others worked relentlessly to keep the doors open to mass immigration. Gompers did relent by the time of his death. It is also clear the American “elites” were well aware of the negative impact of mass Southern and Eastern European immigration upon the wages, quality of living and the racial fabric of the founding American people. Without the efforts of organised Jewry, “elites” like Lodge and his compatriots in the Immigration Restriction League would have closed the doors to mass immigration fifteen to twenty years earlier.

  29. notuswind: “How can you possibly think that Darwinism is in decline? The proportion of Westerners who believe in some form of Darwinian evolution is at an all time high.”

    I’m talking about the triumph of the anti-Darwinists (like Boas) early-middle of the last century. Without that, there would have been no intellectual basis for things like Brown. MacDonald talks about this in The Culture of Critique. Has anyone properly refuted this work? We’ve got Lieberman questioning whether Jews are hyper-ethnocentric and whether MacDonald has properly quoted Schatz. MacDonald’s interpretation of Schatz was largely confirmed by Slezkine. The question of ‘hyper-ethnocentrism’ for Jews as a group has little or no bearing on the thesis of CoC. The triumph of Boasian anthropology and the pathologization of White ethnocentrism are the two most destructive things that happened in the 20th century. Marcuse is a sideshow, he’s only of interest in explaining the total outbreak of degeneracy. The real damage was done by those who came before him. Yes, their projects served the interests of capitalists looking for cheap labour. The key points though are those made by Reader and Desmond. Natural immune responses were disabled.

    Prozium, I agree with those here who’ve been praising your work. You should consider writing something for Vdare or Amren, which would draw even more people to your blog.

  30. “Do the research and seek to understand the relationship international Jewry had with both England and Holland after they had been expelled from Spain and Portugal (in 1492 and 1497). ”

    Also do not forget that a marranos Jew named JOHN CALVIN (real name: Jon Cohen) laid the foundations for Capitalism/ Usury!! The Jewish roots of this malaise date back centuries!

    Also Prozium mentions that ‘White Flight’ has allowed alot of the White Capitalists to flew that they have created.. but how much longer can that go on?? Especially after Comrade Obama grants Amnesty??? It can’t go on forever and eventually there will be no where else for some to flee the Race Replacement Regime, that is when the message of White Nationalism will need to be relayed!

  31. Most of the world is effectively capitalist these days… yet we only see race replacement in white countries. Explain this please, before continuing with this “it’s all capitalism’s fault” line of reasoning.

    This isn’t true. Israel has a lot of guest workers. The same is true of a number of the wealthier Arab countries such as Bahrain.

    While it’s true that the forces of economics often oppose racial interests, in the past there was usually enough racialist sentiment to keep things at least under control.

    The vast majority of European immigrants bypassed the South and settled in the American North and West. It’s true that the South remained highly racialist into the 1970s and 1980s. We’ve already discussed the long term decline of racialism in the North.

    The 1924 immigration restriction act is a good example. It wasn’t until the rise of the Jews to power that we see the disaster that we have today.

    I specifically mentioned in the blog entry how the 1924 Immigration Act didn’t apply to Hispanics and how it was amended to appease local business interests.

    Jews, not capitalism, destroyed racialism among Europeans. Period. End of story.

    1.) It was demand for cheap labor that brought the Jews to America in the first place.
    2.) The Jews accumulated enormous wealth by being good capitalists. It was capitalism that rationalized their near takeover of the news and entertainment media.
    3.) It was liberalism that rationalized extending to the Jews all the rights and liberties of other citizens.
    4.) Democracy has allowed the Jews to participate in our political process.

  32. FS, does your Jewish family know about your views regarding them? How about your sisters who are married to Jews? How about your parents? Or are you just this obsessive-compulsive anti-Semite on anonymous blogs? You’re the biggest weirdo in cyberspace.

  33. This isn’t true. Israel has a lot of guest workers. The same is true of a number of the wealthier Arab countries such as Bahrain.

    *Guest* workers is the key word here. They aren’t citizens, don’t get to vote, don’t get to stay permanently, and (in Israel) all sign contracts agreeing not to have sex with Jews.

    Since guest workers is all you could come up with, you’re basically admitting that you can’t find any examples of non-white countries giving in to race replacement. Your theory is done for.

  34. None of those Arab countries, including Bahrain, let any of those non-Muslim guest workers from the Philippines, India and Pakistan become citizens. They are just permanent guest workers. They mostly breed with their own, too. As a matter of fact, it is rather difficult to become a citizen of many Arab countries. In Syria, you almost have to be born of Syrian parents. The difference between us and them is we let out “guest workers” become citizens. Very important distinction.

  35. We’re also good liberals and democrats. Many of these states have adopted capitalism without the liberal democracy that usually comes as a package deal.

  36. These guest workers are probably mostly single men whose families are in their home country. They haven’t come to breed.

  37. “Reader” above is right, FB wrong.

    “Or are you just this obsessive-compulsive anti-Semite on anonymous blogs?” ( — FB)

    “Anti-Semite” is a term, like “racist,” which has no meaning beyond its use as a code word for signaling your politics by the way you throw it around.

    I don’t want to get in fights with you, FB — I have nothing against you. You happen to be wrong in discounting the Jewish factor to the extent you now do. Nothing personal, you’re just wrong. So is Proze, to the extent he does it. So are GW, CvH, A Finn, Ian Jobling, Lawrence Auster, James Kalb, Prof. Gottfried, Taki, and any others, to the extent they do it. Prof. MacDonald is right. Alex Linder, notwithstanding his extremely direct and somewhat abrasive style of delivery, is essentially correct, unfortunately. I wish it were otherwise.

    Now let’s keep this disagreement friendly, shall we?

    I’m not obsessive-compulsive, whether an obsessive-compulsive anti-Semite or in any other way.

  38. FB insists on seeing me as Jewish, and he can’t digest that.

    I’m not Jewish. I’m Catholic. Just like Sarkozy (or, less than he is, actually).

  39. Uh-oh — I see a white man is trying to be a thinker again. Prozium writes this:

    “It was capitalism that rationalized [the Jews’] near takeover of the news and entertainment media.”

    What do you mean — “rationalized”? Jews founded or bought newspapers and movie studios — as anyone else might have. If “White Nationalists” gain political power, will my few white descendants suffer government control of the founding and operating of communication enterprises? From White Nationalist websites, I often get that impression.

    White Nationalists will wisely direct their attention to the real question: Why are so many whites stupid enough to accept news-media drivel? (I’m not an expert on the subject — but my guess would be this: Most white women prefer to mate with white men whose conspicuous characteristics are alcoholism, hatred of intellect, and an eagerness to attack anyone who tucks his shirt in. Somehow, there’s never a short supply.)

    Concentrate on the problem — not the symptom.

  40. What do you mean — “rationalized”?


    Jews founded or bought newspapers and movie studios — as anyone else might have.

    That’s exactly my point. They were “free” to do so. There wasn’t the slightest whiff of resistance to this – it was all rationalized/justified under capitalism. The Jews waltzed in and took over.

    If “White Nationalists” gain political power, will my few white descendants suffer government control of the founding and operating of communication enterprises? From White Nationalist websites, I often get that impression.

    Opinions vary.

  41. We ought to start targeting the people who comment on all these new right-wingish and racially-aware blogs like Roissy – many of the people who frequent blogs like that are ripe for White racialist thought and only need to be nudged a bit in to our camp; note the following comment by commenter ASDF:

    “Countries can become liberal and not fall apart as long as they keep their core populations who are usually high IQ, productive, and ethnically homogeneous. This is why things like universal health care works(ed) in those countries. Nobody minds chipping in for health care, because they know that the guy across the country is chipping in too, and you get a sense of being on the same team when 95% of the population is ethnically and culturally similar, so you have an affinity for those who needed help.

    Problems arise when these liberal countries decide it would be fun to import millions of third worlders instead of reproducing on their own. Canada is the worst of the bunch in this regard. We have the highest per capita immigration rate on earth. The government promotes this supposedly because ordinary Canadians are not reproducing in sufficient numbers. The NDP actually wants to double our immigration rate, to 2% of our population per year.

    So we have all the problems that Roissy mentioned and then some: Women moving to the big city and not reproducing, voting for BIG government to subsidize their lifestyle, and large scale population replacement. This goes largely unnoticed, as the immigrants mainly stick to 3 big cities, and our remaining social capital and institutions are quite strong and can keep things going for a while. Plus, we are a polite society, and what manners won’t keep quiet, new laws criminalising “hate speech” will.

    This is, of course, unsustainable. The government is working night and day to destroy our national identity and replace us with foreigners. Canadians, for their part, have simply rolled over, but it can’t last forever.”

  42. If Jews expose the holes of capitalism, that is all the reason to support them. If they produce the antagonisms necessary to remove outdated 1776 American capitalism, then they should be supported.

    Even without Jews, the system is flawed. If Jews help to expose those flaws, than that is good.

  43. Re Prozium’s comment 47:

    You’re saying nothing, Prozium. “Rationalized” and “justified” are not synonyms — but let’s grant that maybe you’re simply a poor typist and that “justified” is what you meant to write. My question is the same: What do you mean — “justified”?

    You seem to think you have answered my original question simply by restating your original remark — in this form:

    “That’s exactly my point. They were ‘free’ to do so. There wasn’t the slightest whiff of resistance to this – it was all rationalized/justified under capitalism. The Jews waltzed in and took over.”

    Putting aside that, to the typical white mind, running a successful business is a matter of “waltzing in” — I ask you again: Why do you think you’ve made a point by putting the word “free” in quotation marks when you write that Jews were “‘free’ to do so”? You’re saying nothing.

    What exactly was the problem? Why exactly was there not the “slightest whiff” of resistance to this? Because stupid whites accepted nonsensical news coverage and idiotic movies? That’s not a Jewish problem.

    And why do you think you’re saying anything by glibly replying that, on the question of CENSORSHIP, no less, White Nationalists’ “opinions vary”? That sounds like a threat — like a white man reaching for a gun. Bottle of whiskey too far out of reach?

  44. Jews have already helped remove ‘outdated’ economic systems. It didn’t work out too well for the natives.

    This isn’t a problem specific to capitalism. You would have this problem in any economic system where interested parties are able to influence immigration policy to their benefit. The key issue is that the immune response of native Whites has been disabled.

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