Capitalism and White Racial Decline

At The Occidental Quarterly, Michael O’Meara is saying a lot that I happen to agree with about America’s racial decline. It wasn’t a function of a small cabal of Jewish cultural Marxists associated with the Frankfurt School. The triumph of political correctness in the 1980s happened long after the Civil Rights Movement had realized its primary goals. The worship of “diversity” as a fundamental American value was unheard of before Judge Powell’s opinion in the Bakke case. Multiculturalism first emerged on the scene in the 1970s. Chalking up our racial demise to “diversity snobbery” is putting the cart before the horse.

Capitalism has always been one of the primary drivers of race replacement. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the internal logic of international markets (the profit motive) resulted in the dumping of hordes of negroes on America’s shores. The settlement of the West Indies was even more driven by these concerns. In the mid-nineteenth century, demand for cheap labor in the sparsely populated American West brought the first waves of Chinese immigrants to the United States. This experience was repeated with the Japanese in Hawaii (working on sugar plantations), Mexicans in the Southwest (who first came to work on the railroads), and the Great Migration of blacks to Northern cities (who came to work in wartime industries). The Immigration Act of 1924 specifically exempted Mexicans in order to appease Southwestern business interests.

The Germans, the Irish, the Italians, the Scandinavians, the Slavs, and the Jews all came in waves and settled throughout the American North. Most left their homelands for economic reasons. Many were attracted by the wages being offered by Northern industries at the time. Then as now, big business lobbied Congress for loose immigration laws. The indigenous Yankees soon dwindled to a minority throughout most of the Northeast. It was the push and pull of America’s capitalist economy that drove these demographic changes, not a vast Jewish conspiracy.

The fate of New England is now happening on a nationwide scale. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, and the Wall Street Journal are naturally the biggest boosters of open borders. The same fundamental forces are at work that have always been operative throughout American history. The only difference is that they are now met with less resistance than before.

Capitalism has eroded white racial consciousness in other insidious ways. During the Cold War, Americanism came to be identified with anti-communism. In order to score points for capitalism in the Third World, rightwing anti-communists like Dean Acheson adopted anti-racist rhetoric and began pushing for desegregation in the Jim Crow South. The most obvious example of this would be the Eisenhower administration’s response to the crisis in Little Rock with the Civil Rights Act of 1957. America’s elite ultimately cared more about the wealth and privilege they enjoyed under capitalism than the racial values inherited from their ancestors. And so, Truman and his postwar successors would go on to give their seal of legitimacy to Martin Luther King and his fellow radicals.

As the capitalist system evolved in the twentieth century, it became necessary to dispense with traditional values like thrift and prudence in order to sustain economic growth. The advertising industry began to take shape after the First World War. Americans were molded by its propaganda into thinking of themselves as consumers. An ethos of expressive individualism was encouraged that ultimately became severely corrosive of white ethnocentrism. It triumphed in the counterculture and eventually went on to dominate the cultural mainstream.

Suburbanization has allowed millions of Whites to avoid the costs of integration. Suburban living enables better off Whites to sing the praises of diversity while pushing it off on their poorer neighbors. White flight has acted for years as a release valve of racial tension. Why make a fuss about the status quo when you can simply pack up your bags and move off to another city or state?

As I said in a recent thread, the liberal democratic capitalist system is the meta cause of white racial decline. It chewed up Norman Rockwell’s America and spit out Barack Obama’s.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You’re saying nothing, Prozium. “Rationalized” and “justified” are not synonyms — but let’s grant that maybe you’re simply a poor typist and that “justified” is what you meant to write. My question is the same: What do you mean — “justified”?

    I’m not sure how my language could possibly be more clear, everyone else seems to have grasped my point, but let me try to break it down for you again: capitalism provided the “rationale” for the Jewish takeover of key American mass media outlets. It was “justified” under capitalism.

    In other words, there was no resistance to this; Jews snapping up newspapers left and right didn’t arouse much controversy. Their actions were perceived to have legitimacy by everyone. They were “playing by the rules” of the capitalist system.

    Putting aside that, to the typical white mind, running a successful business is a matter of “waltzing in” — I ask you again: Why do you think you’ve made a point by putting the word “free” in quotation marks when you write that Jews were “‘free’ to do so”? You’re saying nothing.

    It was precisely their “freedom” (that is, the rights and liberties that came with American citizenship) that allowed the Jews to become such a hegemonic force in our mass media. Under a different system (National Socialism, for example), this never would have happened.

    What exactly was the problem? Why exactly was there not the “slightest whiff” of resistance to this?

    The LDC system. The Jews were being good capitalists. Under capitalism, their actions were justified. Few Americans reject capitalism. This is why there was no resistance to the takeover.

    Because stupid whites accepted nonsensical news coverage and idiotic movies? That’s not a Jewish problem.

    Are you saying we don’t have a Jewish problem in our mass media? Is that your position?

    And why do you think you’re saying anything by glibly replying that, on the question of CENSORSHIP, no less, White Nationalists’ “opinions vary”?

    Hey, you’re the one who asked. Opinions do vary in the WN community.

    That sounds like a threat — like a white man reaching for a gun. Bottle of whiskey too far out of reach?

    Should the discursive means of production remain in the control of a handful of wealthy aliens? I don’t think so.

  2. That’s right: I’m saying we don’t have a Jewish problem in our mass media. That’s my position. If a politically-decisive portion of the white population is too stupid to reject nonsensical news coverage and idiotic movies — then “we” have a white problem.

  3. Thanks for clearing that up. Perhaps you should expand upon your initial comment above. I would be very interested in hearing how capitalism has nothing to with our immigration policy.

  4. John B: “If a politically-decisive portion of the white population is too stupid to reject nonsensical news coverage and idiotic movies — then “we” have a white problem.”

    Hey John – stop blaming the White masses of the USA for the Jewish disease known as the American media. You apparently haven’t figured out yet that the masses will gladly accept any kind of swill that is spoon-fed to them by the mass-media, mass-government, mass-education, etc. Again, the masses will wholeheartedly lap-up ANYTHING fed to them…but it’s not their fault that the garbage fed to them now happens to be Jewish filth of the lowest and most base kind.

    Start studying crowd psychology more and get a clue, dude. Crown psychology 101: “the masses (of whatever race, religion, etc) are totally malleable by the elites of a society – they will accept anything and everything that the elites tell them to accept”

  5. TYPO —> “Crown psychology 101” should obviously read “CrowD psychology 101”

  6. Prozium, do you believe revolution is necessary to reform capitalism or do you believe it can be reformed gradually?

    If you say gradual, then I understand why you may think as you do about Jews. But if think revolution is necessary, then Jews are a godsend.

  7. JohnB: “Because stupid whites accepted nonsensical news coverage and idiotic movies? That’s not a Jewish problem. … Why are so many whites stupid enough to accept news-media drivel?”

    This guy sounds like a Jewish troll.

    In normal/healthy societies, the native elites often act decently toward the native ‘prole’ masses because they both share a common ethnicity, history, religion and so forth. In those ‘ideal’ societies (such as the USA is decidedly not), the elites guide the dumb/unthinking mass human herd with a generally benevolent hand, even encouraging them to rise up toward higher ideals and goals and thus enriching the native country overall.

    What makes the situation in the USA at present extremely disturbing is that the mass-media (the entire country, actually) has been largely hijacked by a bunch of parasitic nation-wrecking Jews who manipulate the stupid masses with their controlled talmudvision (TV) as well as the sewage flowing from Jewish Hollywood. As hostile elites, the Jews do not at all act benevolently toward the native Whites – in fact, they despise them and want them to be as degraded and stupid as possible, lapping up everything pushed on to them by the Jewish mass-media elites.

    In nations that have been corrupted by alien, hostile, and rotten elements such as the USA has been decayed from within by cancerous organized Jewry with help from their sickening talmudvision (TV), the situation is even worse because the already clueless, unthinking, and malleable White masses are being even more deliberately ‘moronized’ so that they can be more degraded and exploited by hostile Jewish elites.

  8. There are aspects of the Third Reich which I admire. The removal of Jews from all positions of influence in German culture (the mass media, the universities, the government, etc.) is a policy I would replicate here.

  9. Inceman: “But if think revolution is necessary, then Jews are a godsend.”

    Yeah, “Jews are a godsend” if you want the most intelligent and capable Whites to naively team up with revolutionary Jews to remake society only to be eventually betrayed by those very same Jews who will inevitably turn on them and round them up, imprison them, execute them, and/or starve them by the tens of millions as ‘counter-revolutionaries’ just as happened in the first few decades of the JEW-SSR.

    Fuck off with your pathetic philosemitism, Iceman – it won’t fly here.

  10. Prozium: “The removal of Jews from all positions of influence in German culture (the mass media, the universities, the government, etc.) is a policy I would replicate here.”

    Hell yes. Without a doubt that should be one of the first goals of a pro-White government should it ever come to power in the USA – include in that list banking and official monetary policy as well as the legal system, medicine, international trade, retail, and so on. A tiny (2-3% of the population) as well as hostile ethnically Jewish elite has NO RIGHT to dominate key sectors such as those in White countries.

    If you look at the most corrupt and worm-eaten sectors of American society (as well as German society before the NSDAP came to power), it is obviously those sectors where Jews predominate that are in the most advanced stages of decay and decline (medicine, academia, the legal system, banking, the mass-media, etc…TONS of Jewish doctors, professors, lawyers, bankers, journalists: does that sound familiar?) – forget what the Jewish sociologists say…CORRELATION DOES IMPLY CAUSATION.

    The best solution would be total physical/geographic separation of Jews from non-Jews. In the USA this would be completely workable (because the USA is so huge) by giving Jews a semi-autonomous region of the USA as their own – I’d say that giving Jews the bottom half of NY state, along with revoking their citizenship in White America and requiring them to live in their own designated Jewish territory, would solve nearly all Jewish-related problems in the USA. In their own semi-autonomous region of the USA, ‘Jew York’ as it were, they could import all of the non-White immigrants they want and engage in Jewish-style plutocratic capitalism/feminism/multiracialism/Boasianism/Marxism/Freudianism/etc till the cows come home. In forcing Jews to live in ‘Jew York’ they also couldn’t accuse White America of trying to ‘ghettoize’ them since the bottom half of NY state is huge and could easily accommodate tens of millions of them – also, they would of course be free to immigrate away from such a territory whenever they wanted, though we would be careful to offer stern warnings regarding the insidious danger of Jewry to any country willing to allow Jews to come live among them.

  11. WP, what is your IQ?

    I ask because you stupidly misread my post, which clearly states that subversive capitalism produces antagonism necessary for revolution, not necessarily that Jews would lead revolution.

    What is your best iq score?

  12. Prozium, you are too intelligent for the constituency you claim to represent.

    You should really move to better ideologies.

  13. And who are the people that, according to mounds of available evidence, are most responsible for subversive forms of plutocratic capitalism that results in revolutionary antagonism? Do I need I spell it out for your half-Jew brain, Iceman? J-E-W-S.

    And my IQ is without a doubt higher than yours Adhominemman. You ought to stop resorting to dirty-Jew tricks like insulting a person’s intelligence, especially when that person is obviously more intelligent than you as I clearly am.

  14. And my IQ is without a doubt higher than yours Adhominemman.

    Perhaps if square them both.

    A negative squared becomes a positive.

  15. Capitalism has always been one of the primary drivers of race replacement.

    Yep. But capitalism is like any other grasping force; it will control unless controlled. Hence the War-on-all-but-Capitalism-cum-panmixia.

  16. Capitalism per se has nothing to do with immigration, loss of racial consciousness, or lack of thrift.

    I think understanding motive has a lot to do with fighting crime, do you agree?

    Any white man who preaches against “capitalism” — not a good term for it — is preaching the impoverishment of his kinfolk.

    Capitalism works as a word for what we have now. I tend to agree that it isn’t a good word for a future “it” though, because when a white man thinks of Capitalism he’s thinking freedom of markets and economies.

    And trust me, admitting bad things out loud about Capitalism goes against my breeding. But you’ve got to admit that Homo Economicus will sell you his wife, his daughter, his ass, and the rope to hang him with.

  17. You know Iceman, you have a few good ideas now and then (excepting your sickening Jewish/Marxist beliefs), and being an idealistic White with lots of kindness still left within my soul (even toward Jewish/part-Jewish vermin such as yourself) I’ve long thought that we ought to allow people who are 1/4 Jewish or less to remain in the all-White/pro-White societies we are going to build in the future…keeping a few ‘useful Jews’ around as it were just as the White monarchs of yore sometimes liked to do.

    However, the inclusion of part-Jews such as yourself in our all-White societies will be dependent on a few unbreakable conditions. First off, you all are going to have to publicly renounce your Jewishness as well as everything and anything having to do with Jewishness/Jews/Judaism in general – this will be done very loudly and as fanatically as possible in front of as many people as we can gather…it will be taped and thus permanently preserved, and any deviation from this renouncement of your Jewishness will result in expulsion and/or death. Next, you’ll be forced to undergo a mandatory and irreversible sterilization procedure (permanent vasectomy for part-Jewish males; permanent tubal-ligation for part-Jewish females) because we don’t want your filthy and degenerate Jewish genes slowly creeping back in our White gene pool or societies. Finally, you partial Jews will have to submit to being branded with a large ‘J’ or swastika on your right hand (take your pick) – this will be done without anesthesia. However, we’ll allow you to get drunk on very strong German beer beforehand if you want – the drunkenness will help to ease the pain. The ‘J’ or swastika brand will be used to easily identify partial Jews in case you all start causing trouble in our White nations again, thus making it much easier to round you all up and imprison and/or execute you if needed.

    So are you down with the plan, Iceman? You want to be included in our all-White society? Good deal! So go ahead and start preparing the statement renouncing your Jewishness (remember, it MUST be very loud and fanatical) and get ready to scream it in front of thousands of raging White anti-Semites. After that’s done I’ll call the clinic and make an appointment for your permanent sterilization, and I’ll also start heating up the branding iron until it’s bright orange and ready to sear your skin – you’ll also need to decide if you want a big ‘J’ or a swastika permanently burned in to your right hand, don’t forget about that. Decisions, decisions.

  18. Michael O’Meara mentions “the vulgar anti-Semitism often found in white nationalist ranks — the sort that thinks everything wrong with white society is attributable solely to the omnipotent Jews.”

    A million times more common and more worrysome in my opinion is the opposite position: ignoring Jewish anti-white activism because it would be vulgar (and sometimes dangerous) to notice the problem. In fact, most people have no idea the problem exists, and those in the know would rather downplay its importance. But the problem won’t go away if we ignore it.

    Prozium: ” Capitalism has always been one of the primary drivers of race replacement. ”

    More precisely, some employers have always been immigration enthusiasts, in order to lower wages and increase their gains. But we know that what benefits some capital owners does not necessarily benefit the whole capitalist system. I am sure it is in the best interest of “Western capitalism” to stop the race replacement. I have read that capital investors are now fleeing California. News articles say this is because of too costly regulations, but I think it has a lot to do with the heavy taxes on businesses, made necessary by the immigration disaster.

    I found this in an VDare article by Peter Brimelow: “while immigration does not benefit native-born Americans in the aggregate, it does cause a significant redistribution of wealth among Americans—shifting as much as two percent of GDP from labor to capital, basically by beating down wages.”

    I’m not sure what it means. I think the 2% gain for capital owners is only in the short term. It doesn’t mean that Americans would not be wealthier had there been no immigration after WWII (wealthier or not, people would be better off anyway). In the future, every one is bound to become poorer as the West progressively becomes the third-world. A better solution would have been to reach a deal between capital owners and unqualified workers: workers would have accepted lower wages in exchange for an end to the race-replacement policy. If some capital owners have bribed politicians into carrying out the race-replacement policy, organized labor should have bribed other politicians in order to shut down the borders, with help from the businesses who pay too much in taxes and do not need cheap, unqualified labor.

  19. Armor: “Michael O’Meara mentions “the vulgar anti-Semitism often found in white nationalist ranks — the sort that thinks everything wrong with white society is attributable solely to the omnipotent Jews.” … A million times more common and more worrysome in my opinion is the opposite position: ignoring Jewish anti-white activism because it would be vulgar (and sometimes dangerous) to notice the problem. In fact, most people have no idea the problem exists, and those in the know would rather downplay its importance. But the problem won’t go away if we ignore it.”

    I agree. Anti-Jewish measures must be planned and carried out in the most rational possible ways. Pogroms, violence, and other highly irrational and emotionalized anti-Jewish acts will only serve to garner more sympathy for ‘poor persecuted’ Jewry in the eyes of the thick-headed/short-sighted masses, especially among idiotic liberal White women and men.

    Even then, as you wrote, “vulgar anti-Semitism” is still far preferable to no anti-Semitism whatsoever.

    Jews are our foremost socio-racial enemies and must be opposed by all means and at all costs if Whites are to have a viable future on Earth. If Jewry win, Whites lose. That’s all there is to it.

  20. At 58, White Preservationist writes, re me:

    “This guy sounds likes a Jewish troll.”

    Some white men you just can’t fool.

    Anyway, Prozium — this is my last post on this entry. The burden is on you to demonstrate a connection betweeen capitalism and immigration. To put it another way, it is your burden to disprove the following:

    “All non-white immigration could be stopped and, in fact, reversed, without any change to capitalism.”

    When you get a moment, try to do something that, I recognize, the average white man doesn’t find natural: Stop talking and reflect on something that has been said to you. Your correspondent White Preservationist is not your friend. He’s your enemy. In the manner of most white men, he thinks it completely acceptable that the masses — AMONG WHOM YOUR CHILDREN LIVE — are stupid.

    Do you ever hear a Jew talking that way? Do you ever hear a Jew saying, “Well, so-and-so’s a moron, but, you know, he’s a good fighter pilot, like that character in ‘Top Gun.’ I hope he’ll marry and impregnate my daughter.”

    No, you never hear a Jew talking that way — because Jews are in touch with something that most white persons regard as (a) a vexation, or (b) optionally of interest: reality — where there is no substitute for intellect.

    You’re losing — and your problem is not the Jews. It’s your own habits of mind. Avoiding them is not difficult.

  21. Jews being some of the biggest liars in human history

    Not that I want to discourage qualifiers, far from it, but in this case you could do without the “some of” part. It doesn’t take hostility towards Jews to see that, either.

  22. You know Iceman, you have a few good ideas now and then (excepting your sickening Jewish/Marxist beliefs),

    I’m not Marxist. I’m Marx-literate and third positionist and ally with some Marxist individuals against liberals.

    and being an idealistic White with lots of kindness still left within my soul (even toward Jewish/part-Jewish vermin such as yourself) I’ve long thought that we ought to allow people who are 1/4 Jewish or less to remain in the all-White/pro-White societies we are going to build in the future…keeping a few ‘useful Jews’ around as it were just as the White monarchs of yore sometimes liked to do.

    However, the inclusion of part-Jews such as yourself in our all-White societies will be dependent on a few unbreakable conditions. First off, you all are going to have to publicly renounce your Jewishness as well as everything and anything having to do with Jewishness/Jews/Judaism in general – this will be done very loudly and as fanatically as possible in front of as many people as we can gather…it will be taped and thus permanently preserved, and any deviation from this renouncement of your Jewishness will result in expulsion and/or death. Next, you’ll be forced to undergo a mandatory and irreversible sterilization procedure (permanent vasectomy for part-Jewish males; permanent tubal-ligation for part-Jewish females) because we don’t want your filthy and degenerate Jewish genes slowly creeping back in our White gene pool or societies. Finally, you partial Jews will have to submit to being branded with a large ‘J’ or swastika on your right hand (take your pick) – this will be done without anesthesia. However, we’ll allow you to get drunk on very strong German beer beforehand if you want – the drunkenness will help to ease the pain. The ‘J’ or swastika brand will be used to easily identify partial Jews in case you all start causing trouble in our White nations again, thus making it much easier to round you all up and imprison and/or execute you if needed.

    So are you down with the plan, Iceman? You want to be included in our all-White society? Good deal! So go ahead and start preparing the statement renouncing your Jewishness (remember, it MUST be very loud and fanatical) and get ready to scream it in front of thousands of raging White anti-Semites. After that’s done I’ll call the clinic and make an appointment for your permanent sterilization, and I’ll also start heating up the branding iron until it’s bright orange and ready to sear your skin – you’ll also need to decide if you want a big ‘J’ or a swastika permanently burned in to your right hand, don’t forget about that. Decisions, decisions.
    I think you are misinterpreting my motives for posting here. I am posting here to interact with Prozium and respond to his ideals, but I do not consider myself to be a white nationalist or a want to be white nationalist. I consider myself a race realist. I would never “renounce” Jewishness for whiteness because it is a false dillema to begin with. There are european nationalities and Jewish people vary to the extent of European or Russian blood they have, but even Middle Eastern blood can be Caucasoid. I renounce religion for ethnic nationalism and btw I do not think all Jews should unite. There are different types of Jews, some being assimilated and some not.

    I don’t consider Russian Jews to be “pure” Jews they are diluted with Eastern Euro blood to begin with btw. But then nationalism doesn’t have to be based on racial purity.

  23. 22Fred Scrooby
    Good. The jew’s name is David Gelbaum.
    The opening article (above) is so bad it doesn’t even qualify as trash. Execrable claptrap.

  24. JohnB: “Your correspondent White Preservationist is not your friend. He’s your enemy. In the manner of most white men, he thinks it completely acceptable that the masses — AMONG WHOM YOUR CHILDREN LIVE — are stupid.”

    I never said that average, ordinary, everyday people are stupid…I said that, in general, the masses in general are stupid and easily manipulated – this applies equally to the masses of ALL races and ethnicities, and in all countries worldwide. Luckily the internet age is changing this, albeit slowly – see the success of websites like Wikipedia, which the faceless masses built from scratch and has now become a decent resource. Same with the blogosphere. Nevertheless, the superiority of Whites is again proven by our inborn individualism as well as our natural aversion to all things ‘mass’ – in order to develop properly, we also need much more physical/geographic space than all other ethnic/racial groups and are very averse to the crowded urban conditions that other groups (Asiatics, Jews, Arabs, etc) can better tolerate. If you are White, also notice how uneasy many Whites feel in large mass-crowds or groups – that is because it is strongly against White instincts to feel comfortable in mass gatherings where the strongly individualistic White consciousness becomes submerged. However, it has been proven that when Whites DO happen to let our individualism slip a bit and start to collaborate and work more closely together (this often occurs when we find themselves under threat), we become virtually un-stoppable and can be opposed by no group: not even Jews, or Asiatics, or other highly collectivist-oriented groups can compete with Whites who work together closely…they can only beat Whites when we are our standard atomized, hyper-individualistic, and anti-collectivist selves. Jews, Asiatics, and other collectivists strongly encourage this hyper-individualism within Whites because they instinctively realize that if Whites were to start working together more as Whites and for Whites we would easily beat all other racial/ethnic competition.

    If you take a bunch of people and put then in a stadium for a political rally, sports event, etc., they will on the whole behave stupidly and irrationally; like a herd of cattle they will all follow the crowd because of the collective pressures present (try it sometime: start ‘the wave,’ or start clapping or chanting and notice as people in the mass-crowd just start following along). However, if you take an individual, a family, or small group out of that dumb mass crowd they then begin to assert their individuality again and start acting like normal sentient beings – again, this only happens when they are taken away from the dumb mass, which served to interrupt their consciousness and rational thought processes. That was my point in rallying against the stupid masses…I never claimed that some random local White, Mr. Steve Normal down the street, was a moron – odds are actually that he is a hard-working, law-abiding, and reasonably intelligent man who provides well for his wife and children and keeps a good home. So stop putting words in to my mouth and playing your pathetic Talmudic word games, JohnB.

    And NO, I don’t think it’s acceptable that so many Whites are becoming dumbed down nowadays – that is my reason for rallying against the Jew-infested American mass-media, academia, and so on that has worked assiduously to DELIBERATELY bring this pox of stupidity down upon this White masses even more than is to be expected under normal conditions; as I stated above: “the already clueless, unthinking, and malleable [White] masses are being deliberately ‘moronized’ [by Jewish mass-media elites] so that they can become even more degraded and thus easier exploited by the hostile Jewish elites [of America].”

  25. John,

    That’s easy enough to do. The loudest cheerleaders for open borders are the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, and the Wall Street Journal. How many millions of dollars has the business community spent lobbying for “comprehensive immigration reform”?

    The capitalist economic system has always produced vested interests which have lobbied the government for looser immigration laws. This has been going on since colonial times. Any scholar of American immigration law will tell you that much.

  26. I’ve always believed that racialists in America were too easy on capitalism. When I started doing research about the history of race in America, I found that capitalists have been trying to increase the number of non-whites in America since the beginning.


    Immigration Issues
    Throughout our history, the dreams and hard work of immigrants have been a driving force behind America’s success as a strong, prosperous nation. We need the continued contributions of these immigrants to grow and remain competitive.

    For the 111th Congress, the Chamber will:

    Continue to push for comprehensive immigration reform that: increases security; has an earned pathway to legalization for undocumented workers already contributing to our economy, provided that they are law-abiding and prepared to embrace the obligations and values of our society; creates a carefully monitored guest or essential worker program to fill the growing gaps in America’s workforce recognizing that, in some cases, permanent immigrants will be needed to fill these gaps; and refrains from unduly burdening employers with worker verification systems that are underfunded or unworkable.

    Urge Congress and the administration to address delays, backlogs, and disruptions in our immigration and border management systems that impede the movement of legitimate cargo and travelers across U.S. borders.

    Ensure the continuity and expansion of H-1B, L-1, and EB visas for professionals and highly valued workers.

    Lobby for reform to enable seasonal and small businesses to continue to use the H-2B temporary visa.

  28. ” capitalists have been trying to increase the number of non-whites in America since the beginning. “

    I think a minority of capital owners stand to earn a lot by importing foreign workers. It makes them eager to bribe politicians. At the same time, most capital owners only stand to lose a moderate amount of money on account of the crazy immigration policy. It makes them less likely to defy leftist intimidation, and less likely to set up a lobby against race-replacement.

  29. At 58, White Preservationist writes this:

    “In normal/healthy societies, the native elites … guide the dumb/unthinking mass human herd…. the already clueless, unthinking, and malleable White masses….”

    At 77, he writes this:

    “I never said that average, ordinary, everyday people are stupid … I said that, in general, the masses in general are stupid and easily manipulated.”

    After that bizarre locution, he advises me to “stop putting words in to [his] mouth and playing [my] pathetic Talmudic word games.”

    He continues, advising me to “notice how uneasy many Whites feel in large mass-crowds or groups — that is because it is strongly against White instincts to feel comfortable in mass gatherings where the strongly individualistic White consciousness becomes submerged.”

    Oh, yeah. That’s something I’ve really noticed about my fellow whites: They just hate being in mass gatherings where their strongly individualistic White consciousness becomes submerged. That’s why, for instance, every time a gang of sub-literates wins the World Series, the police officers in its city all take the day off. Why bother going to work when there’s no reason to anticipate damage to persons or property in celebration of such a momentous event?

    Prozium — all you’ve attempted to prove so far is that certain persons or groups, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, share your view that immigration is connected to capitalism. I didn’t ask you who agrees with you — and I’m not going to waste my time reading eleven pages of mainstream tripe by somebody named Eric P. Kaufmann.

    Obviously, I’ve gone back on my statement that my post at 71 would be my last one at this entry.

  30. The issue of Capitalists supporting immigration is nothing new. Their lust for cheap labour was also responsible for the importation of large amounts of racial aliens (“Guest Workers”) in Germany/Austria in the 1960s and 1970s.

    In the UK the reason that the Conservative Government there in the 1950s never stopped commonwealth immigration was because in doing so that would also stop immigration from Southern Ireland and many sections of the UK economy were heavily dependent on Irish workers, the Construction Industry as well as the NHS, and others. They couldn’t just close the door to coloured immigration while continuing to allow white (irish) immigration, this discriminatory kind of policy just wasn’t going to fly in that day in age; they would have caused a split in the ‘Commonwealth’ and a host of other foreign relations for them. This, of course, wouldn’t have been a problem if Southern Ireland had remained apart of the United Kingdom and has not become independent (i.e. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland).

    You can also see similar factors at work in the non-Western countries like Japan. Business interests over are lobbying for more immigration, they say Japan needs to become 10% foreign in order to stay “competitive” because Japan is a “graying” (aging) society.

  31. The Saudis, Kuwaitis and the Israelis do it (import cheap labor) as well. However, there are severe restrictions, imposed by contract.

    “Chinese workers at a company in Israel have been forced to agree not to have sex with or marry Israelis as a condition of getting a job.

    According to a contact they are required to sign, male workers may not have any contact with Israeli women – including prostitutes…”

  32. “I’ve always believed that racialists in America were too easy on capitalism. When I started doing research about the history of race in America, I found that capitalists have been trying to increase the number of non-whites in America since the beginning.”

    The ‘easiness’ on Capitalism is most likely a residual policy from the Cold War. Many Racialists were American Patriots and viewed Capitalism as a Good versus the Godless Communism of the Soviet Union.

    However since the end of the Cold War this has slowly started to change. Many Racialists have moved away from supporting Capitalism and instead have supported some kind of Populism. Willis Carto called his Party ‘The Populist Party’ and David Duke ran on their ticket.

    Patrick Buchanan has described himself as a ‘Conservative Populist’

    The liberal critic Chip Bertlet doesn’t even refer to us as White Nationalists or Racialists but utilized the term ‘Right Wing Populist’ in some of his books.

    So this is clearly changing in the post Cold War period.

  33. I stick to my position that the problem is the Jews, period. Without Jewish domination of our institutions, there would be enough racialist sentiment to keep the economic factors balanced, just as there was in the early 20th century, and just as there still is in non-white societies today.

    You can keep making this “but what about the system that let Jews take control in the first place!!!” point, and although it has some validity it’s fundamentally not very important now. Obviously the Jews need to be removed from power and systems need to be put in place to prevent them from retaking control. But given those things, racial survival is consistent with a wide variety of political, social, and economic systems. We might dispute whether one system is better than another but too much emphasis on this is a distraction from the core issue of taking back positions of authority from the Jews. Obviously we have to do that before we can do anything else.

  34. Reader, is a true blue fanatic. One will never confuse him with facts. He’ll stick to his Jewish mantra no matter what evidence one produces.

  35. “He’ll stick to his Jewish mantra no matter what evidence one produces”

    The fact that there are anti-semites of other Races points to the fact that there is something bad going on with Jews.

    Black Nation of Islam anti-semites, Arab Muslim anti-semites… In Japan the Protocols of Zion were recently reprinted… yes Japan, a place with almost no Jews. The Japanese recognize that the Jews are up to something bad still!!

    “In this edition, published in Tokyo in 2004, Ota Ryu writes that Jews dominate Western nations and that Japan must guard against a Jewish takeover. ”

    All these people of various back-grounds can not all be wrong!!

  36. I’ve been awake for a few years now, but right from the get-go I couldn’t buy into it’s all the Jews fault. It just didn’t make sense to me.

    I must confess at that time, all which is being discussed here I was completely ignorant. I was just a chap who wanted to know what the heck was going on, immigration and the rest.

    As I absorbed more and more of the emerging debate, I slowly came to the conclusion (which I had loosely held in the first place) that the forces of race replacement were an alliance of all of these factions, namely Jews, capitalists, Liberals, Wasps, (even Islam nowadays) who, can be either or any of these factions.

    But there is a constant thread – Capitalism

    It’s a sort of alliance of pick’n mix of people who are pressing for the same goal but for different reasons.

    Needless to say, over time, they have fooled millions of useful idiots into hitching their wagon to Obama’s ‘Yes we can’ star.

    I’m sure Prozium could explain it better.

  37. John Bonaccorsi: “Your correspondent White Preservationist is not your friend. He’s your enemy.”

    Those that support our people in attaining the necessary conditions to secure our existence are our friends. Those that engage in self-serving apologetics in the service of our enemies, are our enemies.

    “The burden is on you to demonstrate a connection betweeen capitalism and immigration. To put it another way, it is your burden to disprove the following:

    “All non-white immigration could be stopped and, in fact, reversed, without any change to capitalism.””

    Capitalists would no longer be allowed to employ illegal aliens and recent non-White “citizens” who would be henceforth stripped of their “citizenship”, upon pain of strict legal penalties. The pool of available labor would be much more restricted than is currently the case. Employers would be free, nay encouraged by tax incentives, to employ and nurture the skills of their co-ethnics. All that is a change to capitalism as currently incarnated, it is necessary to achieve the reversal of non-White immigration. There you have it.

    “In the manner of most white men, he thinks it completely acceptable that the masses — AMONG WHOM YOUR CHILDREN LIVE — are stupid.

    Do you ever hear a Jew talking that way? Do you ever hear a Jew saying, “Well, so-and-so’s a moron, but, you know, he’s a good fighter pilot, like that character in ‘Top Gun.’ I hope he’ll marry and impregnate my daughter.””

    You are intentionally conflating intelligence and suggestibility. Is that not a black mark on your credibility, oh master of diction?

    “No, you never hear a Jew talking that way — because Jews are in touch with something that most white persons regard as (a) a vexation, or (b) optionally of interest: reality — where there is no substitute for intellect.”

    Jews are vastly outnumbered in America by Whites in terms of those with IQ above 130, which is the threshold IQ for high success, yet Jews are vastly disproportionately represented in academia, media, finance, politics and law. Why? Self-evidently, because of their greater ethnic cohesion the result of their greater ethnocentrism. In light of that, the burden is on you to prove Jewish “success” is not due more to their ethnic cohesion rather than their “merit”.

    “You’re losing — and your problem is not the Jews. It’s your own habits of mind. Avoiding them is not difficult.”

    Gotcha, ignore unchecked profit motive, ignore Jews, ignore the problem of White deracination/lack of ethnic cohesion/hyper-individualism. In short, just carry on as you were, i.e., lay down and die. LOL! Your habits of mind are on clear display.

  38. Mr. Bonaccorsi,

    You are too clever by half, and therefore in the end not clever at all. You will not even exhort to us the paleocon “citizenism” of Sailer/Taylor. You have neglected to mention, if not realize, that the longer the clock ticks, the less viable “moderate” solutions will become, and the more likely “radical” solutions to our people’s eclipse will be to realization. You did know that, right?

  39. Prozium — I admit it. I was wrong about everything. Listen to the likes of Captainchaos. (That’s what you want, right? To listen to someone with an “edgy” UserName — like that of a Hollywood-promoted rock star.) Just keep thinking the way you are.

  40. Captainchaos —

    I’ll make this simple for you. Slowly … take your hand away from your weapon … and go back and read what you yourself wrote:

    “Jews are vastly outnumbered in America by Whites in terms of those with IQ above 130, which is the threshold IQ for high success, yet Jews are vastly disproportionately represented in academia, media, finance, politics and law. Why? Self-evidently, because of their greater ethnic cohesion the result of their greater ethnocentrism.”

    Which suggests what? C’mon — you can do it. It suggests that “IQ” is not a measurement of — what? That’s right: intelligence. It suggests that “ethnic cohesion” might just be a term you favor to avoid using what word? That’s right: intelligence.

    You and your ilk apparently think it reasonable to cry — as white men have been crying for centuries — that “the Jews have been nation-wreckers for thousands of years.” Fine. That reflects poorly on whom?

  41. John, dude, my man, listen up. Gottfried and Auster are pursuing a pardonable, and sane strategy on behalf of their people, and Western Civilization, which I don’t doubt they wish to preserve. They try to rein in the obnoxious actors amongst their co-ethnics, speak sense to the rest of the Jewish community, and defend the White ethnic core without which Western Civilization will not stand. Why? Because without Whitey the Jews are toast, yup, I’m afraid it’s all too true. You see, no one else is tender minded and tender hearted enough to put up with all your shit. Certainly not the Chinese, who, once Whitey has been sufficiently marginalized, mongrelized, will inherit the earth. Ya dig? It ain’t rocket science.

    saving Whitey = saving your own asses

    P.S. That’s goddamn right, Whitey didn’t build the Mount Everest compared to a mole hill that is Western Civilization by being a pack of dumbasses. Right on.

    P.P.S. Some Whites also have high verbal IQ, not just Jews.

  42. “Which suggests what? C’mon — you can do it.”

    Mmm-kay, got my thinking cap on, hope I don’t blow a fuse.

    “It suggests that “IQ” is not a measurement of — what? That’s right: intelligence.”

    If you mean not a direct measure, you are correct. If you mean it is not highly correlated with real world “success”, then you are wrong.

    “It suggests that “ethnic cohesion” might just be a term you favor to avoid using what word? That’s right: intelligence.”

    It is absurd on its face, even leaving IQ aside, to posit that Jews are THAT much more intelligent than Whites, given the intellectual achievements of Whites historically as contrasted with Jews. Unless you dispense with the idea of differentials in intelligence altogether and chalk it up to Jews just trying harder.

    “You and your ilk apparently think it reasonable to cry — as white men have been crying for centuries — that “the Jews have been nation-wreckers for thousands of years.” Fine. That reflects poorly on whom?”

    Verily, the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. LOL! Fair enough, I never want to here another word about Auntie Semite again.

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