Capitalism and White Racial Decline

At The Occidental Quarterly, Michael O’Meara is saying a lot that I happen to agree with about America’s racial decline. It wasn’t a function of a small cabal of Jewish cultural Marxists associated with the Frankfurt School. The triumph of political correctness in the 1980s happened long after the Civil Rights Movement had realized its primary goals. The worship of “diversity” as a fundamental American value was unheard of before Judge Powell’s opinion in the Bakke case. Multiculturalism first emerged on the scene in the 1970s. Chalking up our racial demise to “diversity snobbery” is putting the cart before the horse.

Capitalism has always been one of the primary drivers of race replacement. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the internal logic of international markets (the profit motive) resulted in the dumping of hordes of negroes on America’s shores. The settlement of the West Indies was even more driven by these concerns. In the mid-nineteenth century, demand for cheap labor in the sparsely populated American West brought the first waves of Chinese immigrants to the United States. This experience was repeated with the Japanese in Hawaii (working on sugar plantations), Mexicans in the Southwest (who first came to work on the railroads), and the Great Migration of blacks to Northern cities (who came to work in wartime industries). The Immigration Act of 1924 specifically exempted Mexicans in order to appease Southwestern business interests.

The Germans, the Irish, the Italians, the Scandinavians, the Slavs, and the Jews all came in waves and settled throughout the American North. Most left their homelands for economic reasons. Many were attracted by the wages being offered by Northern industries at the time. Then as now, big business lobbied Congress for loose immigration laws. The indigenous Yankees soon dwindled to a minority throughout most of the Northeast. It was the push and pull of America’s capitalist economy that drove these demographic changes, not a vast Jewish conspiracy.

The fate of New England is now happening on a nationwide scale. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, and the Wall Street Journal are naturally the biggest boosters of open borders. The same fundamental forces are at work that have always been operative throughout American history. The only difference is that they are now met with less resistance than before.

Capitalism has eroded white racial consciousness in other insidious ways. During the Cold War, Americanism came to be identified with anti-communism. In order to score points for capitalism in the Third World, rightwing anti-communists like Dean Acheson adopted anti-racist rhetoric and began pushing for desegregation in the Jim Crow South. The most obvious example of this would be the Eisenhower administration’s response to the crisis in Little Rock with the Civil Rights Act of 1957. America’s elite ultimately cared more about the wealth and privilege they enjoyed under capitalism than the racial values inherited from their ancestors. And so, Truman and his postwar successors would go on to give their seal of legitimacy to Martin Luther King and his fellow radicals.

As the capitalist system evolved in the twentieth century, it became necessary to dispense with traditional values like thrift and prudence in order to sustain economic growth. The advertising industry began to take shape after the First World War. Americans were molded by its propaganda into thinking of themselves as consumers. An ethos of expressive individualism was encouraged that ultimately became severely corrosive of white ethnocentrism. It triumphed in the counterculture and eventually went on to dominate the cultural mainstream.

Suburbanization has allowed millions of Whites to avoid the costs of integration. Suburban living enables better off Whites to sing the praises of diversity while pushing it off on their poorer neighbors. White flight has acted for years as a release valve of racial tension. Why make a fuss about the status quo when you can simply pack up your bags and move off to another city or state?

As I said in a recent thread, the liberal democratic capitalist system is the meta cause of white racial decline. It chewed up Norman Rockwell’s America and spit out Barack Obama’s.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. John Bonaccorsi,

    I’m sorry but what point are you trying to get across to us? Is it that we should trade criticism of our own democratic capitalist systems in exchange for a masochistic exercise in wailing about the stupidity of the White masses?

  2. white men have been crying for centuries — that “the Jews have been nation-wreckers for thousands of years.” Fine. That reflects poorly on whom?”

    On the Jews, if it’s true. And it looks like it is, if their behavior over the past century-and-a-half is anything to go by.

  3. John wants to tighten the knots on the double bind that is White honor and White magnanimity which allegedly requires us to shut our mouths at all times to life’s unpleasant foibles, and to never lift a finger against those who do us wrong because they are the weak and we are the strong. But what good is a people’s strength if it cannot secure their existence? And what in honor demands submission to injustice? Yet, according to John, if we are bested by Jews, we are not the strong(er). And if we are not the strong(er), why are we the ones obliged by magnanimity to never criticize Jews? Is it that Jews are not indeed the strong(er)? Is it that Jews are, yet not bound to magnanimity? So Jews are our intellectual superiors but moral inferiors? Whom would John prefer as his house guest, Hannibal Lecter or Barney Fife?

    Pssst, John. You lose this round.

  4. There is a lot of truth in John’s point that Whites, in particular our women, are endlessly gullible. In my mind, this is only further evidence against a free society.

  5. Notuswind —

    I’m saying that criticism of “democracy” is pointless. If whites are so stupid that they’ll destroy their own lives if they’re permitted to vote — then why are you trying to preserve them?

  6. Captainchaos —

    I have to apologize — to myself. In my eagerness to insult you, I failed to notice that your remark that I quoted was meaningless. Again — you wrote:

    “Jews are vastly outnumbered in America by Whites in terms of those with IQ above 130, which is the threshold IQ for high success, yet Jews are vastly disproportionately represented in academia, media, finance, politics and law.”

    As I look at that sentence now, I can make no sense of it at all — but let’s just look at the first clause. What do the raw numbers matter? It’s possible that, given the proportion of Jews with IQ above 130, we’d have to conclude that Jews are actually under-represented in the fields you list; and, in fact, I recall that someone somewhere made an argument something like that.

    But let’s put that aside: Let’s say that Jews are “overrepresented” in the fields you list. Does it strike you as wise — not to mention dignified — to whine about that in the manner of a woman? That’s what white Jew-haters have been doing for quite some time — without effecting positive change in the condition of their people. (I’m going to classify Hitler’s getting Germany bombed to pieces as a negative change.)

    Avoid habits of mind that conduce to your failure.

  7. Why does the multiculturalism equation need to have only a single term like Jewish activism, capitalism or democracy?

    One cannot deny history. Jewish activism played a key role in the evolution of US immigration laws and continues to advance Jewish interests today. Look, for example, at the impact that AIPAC has on US policy in the middle east!

    I certainly agree that capitalism, democracy and the news & entertainment media have also contributed to the decline of the west. However, as Jewish elites are key players in most of these sectors, it is clear that their interests form a principal component of the equation.

  8. “It’s possible that, given the proportion of Jews with IQ above 130, we’d have to conclude that Jews are actually under-represented in the fields you list; and, in fact, I recall that someone somewhere made an argument something like that.”

    Kevin MacDonald wrote: “For example, even correcting for IQ, Jews are massively overrepresented at Ivy League universities compared to Whites. In 1998, Jews represented around 25–33% of Harvard undergraduates compared to around 25% non-Jewish Whites. In 2000 the Jewish population was around 3% of the non-Hispanic White population. On the basis of IQ, the ratio of non-Jewish Whites to Jews should be around 7 to 1 (IQ >130) or 4.5 to 1 (IQ > 145). Instead, the ratio was at most 1 to 1. But even this may underestimate the gap because it’s hard to believe that all Harvard students have at least an IQ of 130.”

    “Does it strike you as wise — not to mention dignified — to whine about that in the manner of a woman?”

    I addressed that self-serving “logic” in comment 105. If we stand up for ourselves, as men would, against Jews who use their influence to harm us, we are not men, but “woman.” If we seek to neutralize the threats arrayed against us, as is our right, you threaten us with destruction as Germany was destroyed. Just what kind of suckers do you take us for?

    I’m half German, btw.

  9. John Bonaccorsi,

    You wrote the following:

    “I’m saying that criticism of “democracy” is pointless. If whites are so stupid that they’ll destroy their own lives if they’re permitted to vote — then why are you trying to preserve them?”

    The problem with this angle of criticism is that it’s a human universal. The masses have always been (and will always be) stupid, indolent, and easily manipulable; that’s why propaganda works. Moreover, this sad state of affairs holds true for the generic type of all racial groups.

    In my estimation there can be only two reactions to this fact. Either we accept the common man for who he is and work from there to create the best civilization possible, or we abandon ourselves to misanthropy. Given those options I prefer the former, although I suppose that a pretty good case could be made for the latter as well.

  10. White gentile capitalists certainly have much to answer for, but they do what they do out of a lust for profits and not a bone deep hatred of their own race. Jews, on the other hand, are motivated by fear and loathing of white gentiles in addition to a lust for money. Whites have always had fools, dreamers and amoral mountebanks in our midst, and Jews have recognized and exploited this by ensuring that these types of men (and women) attain positions of leadership. Bill Clinton is a prime example.

    I believe that without Jewish activism and influence the watershed 1965 immigration reform act would not have passed into law. There may not even have been a so called “civil rights” struggle in the South. Jews have organized, directed and funded many anti-white social movements and any black uprising probably would have quickly lost impetus without Jewish brains, Jewish money, favorable press (courtesy of Jewish media barons) and Jewish political connections in high places. This reminds of a scene in the movie “The Chamber” where Sam Cayhall (played by Gene Hackman) tells his attorney grandson (played by Chris O’Donnell) that the Klan was defeating the niggers “but then the Jews with their money got the FBI involved and they beat us.” It’s amazing the kernals of truth you can find in Hollywood movies when you’re not expecting it.

    While we still might have a race problem in America it would be minor and manageable compared to the all out race war we find ourselves in today. Without Jewish monopoly ownership of the press and the airwaves white racialists and nationalists wouldn’t be marginalized to the degree we are today. Then again there wouldn’t be that many of us if with only a minor race problem, but we wouldn’t be contending with a police state such as the Jews have helped erect over the carcass of old America.

    I doubt we’d be standing at the precipice like we are today in 2009 and our future in America would be secure at least through the 21st century. As it stand today we are predicted to become a minority in 2042 although I believe it could happen by 2025 in some regions of the country.

    It’s a little ironic that Prozium is making a case that Tom Metzger has made concerning the culpability the non-Jewish white moneyed elites. That’s not in dispute, but I believe the white middle and working class would prevail much like they did in defeating the campaign for coolie labor in the 19th century if not for Jewish influence.

  11. As I follow up to my first post I am of the opinion that several key elements are in play working against white interests and not just capitalism. They are, in no particular order of importance:
    1)The universalism and racelessness of mainline Christian churches.
    2) Capitalism and its inexorable striving to erase national boundaries.
    3) Liberal democracy with its cornerstone of universal human equality and last but not least Jewish activism.

    And before the Southern boys pat themselves on the back don’t forget that your ancestors are the people that brought huge numbers of blacks slaves to our shores in the first place. The plantation owners were practicing a form of race replacement long before it became vogue in the latter half of the 20th century. Michael Hoffman of Revisionist History wrote that many white laborers in Southern border states formed anti-confederacy guerrilla bands since their ability to find work was compromised by the importation of black slaves into the South.

    Abe Lincoln, for all his faults, desired to resettle blacks outside of the U.S. Stephen Douglas was also dead set against negro equality in any form or fashion and I invite you to study the Lincoln-Douglas debates if you have doubts. Both foresaw and envisioned conflict between the races by allowing several million blacks to remain on our soil. So, while the North had its cosmopolitan circles (mainly in the NE) they weren’t just a bunch of kumbaya airheads itching to integrate socially and sexually with negroes while Southern whites were somehow a bulwark of white racial integrity.

    If the South won the war they would have continued importing African slaves and possibly expanded the practice by introducing the African gene pool into bordering, anti-slave states. A Confederate victory may have consigned the South to a future similar to Haiti or Portugal. So, as bad as the Civil War was it may have had the effect of preserving the white gene pool in the South and some of the plains states.

  12. Mr. Dithers: “And before the Southern boys pat themselves on the back don’t forget that your ancestors are the people that brought huge numbers of blacks slaves to our shores in the first place.”

    Wrong. Please stop perpetuating historical inaccuracies. Southern Northern Euro Whites were not the people primarily responsible for bringing African slaves to the USA – the blame for that lies overwhelmingly with international Jewish slave-traders. Read the following comment as well as others in the thread on the key role that Jews played in the trans-Atlantic African slave trade –

  13. After proofreading the following sentence in the previous comment – “Southern Northern Euro Whites were not the people primarily responsible for bringing African slaves to the USA…” – I realized that it would be better stated as: “Southern Whites of Northern Euro descent were not the people primarily responsible for bringing African slaves to the USA…”

  14. White Preservationist,
    That fact that many slave ship owners were Jews is not in dispute, but
    the American South represented a huge market for African slaves, so I fail to see how Southern plantation owners aren’t culpable to some degree.

    Plantation owners could have employed white laborers but chose to use African slaves.

  15. Captainchaos —

    C’mon — in alluding to Germany’s fate in World War II, I didn’t threaten you with destruction. I attempted — helpfully — to point out what happened the last time a “White Nationalist” gained political power. Let’s just say things didn’t go according to plan.

    Triumph is not a matter of standing up for yourself; it’s a matter of your self. It’s a matter, in other words, of your habits — of what you avoid.

  16. ” Then again there wouldn’t be that many of us if with only a minor race problem, but we wouldn’t be contending with a police state such as the Jews have helped erect over the carcass of old America.”

    Actually there would probably be alot of ‘Racial Scientists’ probably and Eugenics (tangentially related to Racialism) would be mainstream, in my mind things would be alot like the 1920s (full of Racialists like Coon, Stoddard, and Grant) but with alot more sci-fi technology. National Socialist Germany was like this, and had almost zero people of other Races with in their borders, but yet was Highly Racialist (the only people they had to contend with was Jews) Also the whole Nord/ Alpine/ Med area would have more salience as an area of further study, instead of just focusing on mere Racial Survival in the face of a ‘Brown Drown’ demographic swamping like one is doing today.

  17. ” If whites are so stupid that they’ll destroy their own lives if they’re permitted to vote — then why are you trying to preserve them?”

    Egalitarianism is false (Universal voting rights), Hierarchy is real.

    It is the role of The Elite in a Society to protect the masses (Of whom they are ‘Above’ in a Guenonian/ Evolan Spiritual sense)

    In the decadent Modern World, a HOSTILE Elite, of an entirely different Race: The Jews, has been erected to rule over a planned dissolution of the White Masses.

    This is an entirely unnatural situation.

    Those of us who realize this are attempting to stop this Jewish Hostile Elite. It is not the fault of the White Masses that this situation has occurred, they have been both betrayed by White Elites and attacked by Hostile Elite Jews.

    Don’t blame the victim, blame the attacker.

  18. “White gentile capitalists certainly have much to answer for, but they do what they do out of a lust for profits and not a bone deep hatred of their own race.”

    Are you so sure about their alleged lack of hatred for the White underclass? Is it not possible that our top elites (i.e. Bush family, Kennedy’s, Bill Gates, etc.) detest our poor and Middle Class?

    I agree, many of the Jewish elites hate us. But the quoted statement seems a bit naive.

  19. JohnB: “Triumph is not a matter of standing up for yourself; it’s a matter of your self. It’s a matter, in other words, of your habits — of what you avoid.”

    Typical Jew liar…constantly encouraging Whites to be hyper-individualistic because as long as we remain isolated/atomized individuals we continue to pose little threat to the international Judeoplutocratic race-replacement regime.

    My fellow pro-White activists, please note: the Jewish nation-wreckers fear White collectivism/cooperationism more than anything else, mainly because White collectivism/cooperationism tends inevitably toward anti-Jewish policies as it progresses and succeeds.

    JohnB and his rotten clique of international Judeoplutocratic liars are right to be worried, because White collectivism/cooperationism will rise again in response to the increasing dispossession of Whites happening worldwide, and next time we won’t be as reckless as National Socialist Germany was during their time. The Jews already sense that various forms of anti-Jewish White collectivism are going to rise again in the future, and that they can do nothing to stop it except start wars, foment ethnic/racial tensions, and cause economic unrest/collapse in order to distract people – in fact, I’m sure that in the future conflicts/revolutions which will be fought to liberate Whites and institute the White collectivist governments that Whites worldwide desire, Jews will be the first to deploy potentially world-destroying atomic weaponry against Whites in an attempt to thwart their noble pro-White/anti-Jewish goals.

  20. Hello there!

    Very nice to see you operating this blog… it’s an excellent way to maintain “a free discourse” as you used to say. It’s a pity your previous experiments with internet discourse devolved into “LOL you farted.” How unpleasant that was…

    Anyway! The corporate lobby and the Left both demand open borders and ‘diversity.’ Pundits such as Ron Paul and Glenn Beck emerge, decrying the size of government and its destruction of good ol’ America. Newsflash: It wasn’t government intervention that destroyed Oakland and Detroit. The government didn’t kidnap millions of Mexicans and relocate them within our borders.

    Yet, some racially conscious whites still think that “If only we returned to the laissez-faire of our founding fathers, we could solve our problems!”

  21. White Preservationist that was a very good post and one should point out that the Atomic weapons were created by Jews! Einsteins theories led to the first Atomic bombs and a Jew named Sam Cohen was behind the creation of the most sinister of these weapons: The Neutron Bomb.

    More proof that Jews DO NOT create, they are only capable of either parasitically sucking off a host or out-right DESTRUCTION!

    Luckily Mother Russia has some of these weapons too and I am of the opinion that Mother Russia in the end is really our last hope (good lord how the World has changed since when I was younger during the Cold War!!)

    Is Russia the Key to White Survival? By Dr. David Duke:

  22. Rodong Sinmun Censures Theory of “Multiracial Society”
    Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) — A strange farce to hamstring the essential characters of the Korean nation and seek for “multiracial society” is now being held in south Korea. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today runs a signed commentary, which censures the farce as an unpardonable bid to negate the homogeneity of the nation, make south Korea multiracial and Americanize it. To deny the peculiarity and advantages of the homogeneous nation now that dominationism and colonialism are posing a threat to the destiny of weak nations is a treacherous act of weakening the spirit of the nation, the commentary says, and goes on: The south Korean pro-American traitorous forces advocating the theory of “multiracial society” are riffraffs who have not an iota of national soul, to say nothing of the elementary understanding of the view on the nation and social and historic development.
    If the homogeneity of the nation is not kept, the nation and the destiny of individuals cannot be defended from the U.S. dominationist moves and the attempt of the Japanese reactionaries for invasion of Korea, which is revealed in their claim to Tok Islet, cannot be checked.
    The theory of “multiracial society” is a poison and anti-reunification logic aimed to emasculate the basic idea in the era of independent reunification. The anti-national logic is advocated in south Korea, contrary to the aspiration of the fellow countrymen. This is ascribable to the criminal attempt of the pro-American elements including the Grand National Party to make the north and the south different in lineages, block the June 15 era of reunification and seek the permanent division of the nation and the manipulation of the U.S. behind the scene.
    The commentary calls upon the people from all walks of life in south Korea to decisively reject the anti-national moves of the sycophantic traitorous forces to tarnish the lineage of the Korean nation and obliterate it, bereft of the Juche character and national character.

  23. Hmm … 123. I’d say I myself am beginning to sense the presence of a troll — but it’s so hard to distinguish one from a white fool.

    Anyway, guys: Good luck with the internet revolution. Good luck “standing up for yourselves” (110) — from behind your UserNames. The Thirty or Forty Dollars a month you’re paying for internet service — that’s going to whom?

  24. Re 128. Notuswind —

    At 111, you wrote this:

    “The masses have always been (and will always be) stupid, indolent, and easily manipulable….”

    Neither you nor I know what the masses will “always be.” What are you going to avoid to wright a world in which your descendants will not be among fools?

  25. “I’m saying that criticism of “democracy” is pointless. If whites are so stupid that they’ll destroy their own lives if they’re permitted to vote — then why are you trying to preserve them?”

    To suggest that whites are voting to destroy themselves is depraved. Since when do votes even matter?

    Criticism of “democracy” is pointless, yes, but that is because authentic democracy does not exist. Votes are irrelevant, and most issues that effect the private lives of whites never even come to a vote. The will of the White Americans has been successfully thwarted.

    The idea that “democracy” and “voting” somehow automatically reflects the will of the majority or whites in general is a lie, and a very cunning one.

  26. John Bonaccorsi,

    For the purposes of any discussion that you and I might have, the masses will always be clueless and ignorant. This is what history teaches and I don’t know of any rational reason to believe otherwise. And while you are free to argue the converse, I don’t think that it can be done successfully.

    If I had to guess, I would say that your mistake lies in a willingness to judge a human civilization by the average intelligence of its members. In my opinion human civilization should be judged by its accomplishments and character, not by the gullibility of its lower classes.

  27. Kunthjol: “White Preservationist that was a very good post and one should point out that the Atomic weapons were created by Jews! Einsteins theories led to the first Atomic bombs and a Jew named Sam Cohen was behind the creation of the most sinister of these weapons: The Neutron Bomb. More proof that Jews DO NOT create, they are only capable of either parasitically sucking off a host or out-right DESTRUCTION!”

    I’ve often thought about how the Jewish invention of atomic weaponry reveals their inner nihilism and hatred of all life as well as the Earth in general. I wrote the following a little while back on this topic:

    Who invented atomic weapons, those incomparably destructive weapons which could be used to wipe out virtually the entire urban population of the whole world in only a few minutes? Answer: JEWS INVENTED ATOMIC WEAPONS.

    The Jewish invention of atomic weapons reveals the hatred of Earth and humanity (along with ALL life) which is inherent/inborn within the Jewish mind, heart, and soul…only the Jews could have invented such terribly destructive weapons which now have the potential to wipe out virtually all life (human, animal, etc) on Earth.

    So next time the Jews are bragging about how much they’ve ‘contributed’ to human civilization, just remind them that they invented atomic weapons (which have the potential to completely destroy human civilization) and that ought to shut them up.

  28. In the same vein, I’ll also add that the Jewish invention of potentially world/human destroying atomic weaponry entirely negates ALL of the other more positive contributions which Jews have made to human civilization.

  29. Re 132. Notuswind —

    I’m not judging civilization at all. I’m considering what will conduce to the existence of beautiful, intelligent, graceful, prosperous whites.

    Re 130. Lena —

    Your trite and meaningless remarks are those of a white person who erroneously thinks himself or herself “unfooled.” Not an obscure type.

  30. “I’m considering what will conduce to the existence of beautiful, intelligent, graceful, prosperous whites.”

    And what in your considered opinion will accomplish that?

  31. Re 136. Captainchaos —

    You have asked a question I can not answer. Avoid faulty wording — and consider putting your question again, in, say, this form:

    “What will conduce to that?”

  32. Larry’s ass-kissing interlocutor isn’t the brightest bulb:

    “Harry Horse replies:

    Exactly. Thank you for taking the time to put into words what I was unable to articulate.”

    Larry’s entire raison d’etre is to minimize the role of Jewry in our dispossession – as to make it for all intents and purposes extinct and White Nationalism safe for the Larrys of this world. If you don’t follow Larry’s brand of nationalism, you’re a National Socialist. And we all know what that means for Larry. There’s no middle ground. It’s like saying that social democracy inevitably leads to the Gulag system. No, Larry, it doesn’t. Nobody wants to harm you, we only ask to be left alone. Just as you, Larry, obviously don’t enjoy the experience of living in a multicultural/multiracial cesspit with Negroes, Hispanics, Arabs et al. We’d like to go one step further and live without Jews in our midst.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  33. You utilize logomachy as an obfuscatory tactic. That really is the only card you have to play. That and, “Don’t criticize Jews, or you will be destroyed.” Oh, I’m sorry, “What conduces to White survival is not criticizing Jews. Yup, that’s all you need to do.” LOL! Shithead.

  34. What is it that will conduce to the survival of Israel, for its survival cannot be certainly accomplished? What will lead to the avoidance of pogroms against and expulsions of Jews in future, for these cannot be avoided with certainty?

  35. If you had a mind, Captainchaos, you would realize that, in this entry, I have done more to incur the wrath of Jews than you will ever do.

  36. Steveintheswamps,
    I’ll stand by my statement. Most white gentile elites are indifferent to the interests of the white middle and working class and are simply more loyal to other elites, irrespective of race, than to less prosperous members of their own race. Christopher Lasch analyzed this trend in his book “Revolt of the Elites”. Kevin MacDonald has documented the hatred and hostility Jewish elites have toward whites. There is a difference.

    An example might be Ted Turner who is a bit of a left wing lunatic, not pro-white (not not really anti-white) yet he produced a movie about the civil war that was very fair and objective in its treatment of the South. When Jews produce movies about the South it always contains some of the most outlandish stereotypes of white Southerners as uneducated, inarticulate, tobacco chewing Neanderthals with crooked yellow teeth. Turner, as a white gentile, is capable of an objective appraisal of that chapter of our history whereas Jews twist, distort and propagandize. For this reason the Jews nudged him out of Time Warner-AOL merger since they couldn’t risk a white gentile mucking up the virulently anti-white motion picture industry.

    Mel Gibson is no friend of white nationalism, but with the exception of the Lethal Weapon series you can’t detect any overtly anti-white bias in any of the movies he’s produced. Even in LW white S. Africans were portrayed as the bad guys but not as irredeemably evil. The bias was very mild in contrast to what Jews pump out.

    There’s exceptions to every rule, of course, but white gentile capitalists and Jewish elites certainly aren’t of one mind.

  37. I agree with much of your comment #143. However, I think the hatred from Jewish elites is a little exaggerated. Many Jews in purely commercial pursuits-like many gentiles in the same field- seem to be more interested in profits than in a cultural agenda. The most dangerous Jews are probably involved in cultural matters and social policy.

    You are correct with Ted Turner and even Mel Gibson. However, there are White Gentile elites even more powerful. I guess where I split with you, is that I personally believe several Gentile elites despise the lower classes. I think it’s actually plausible that some would like to bring Latin America-with a very poor Brown underclass and tiny elite of Whites- to America. The income disparity and even relative personal wealth are much greater for the elites in Latin America. And I think elites like George W. Bush, Ted Kennedy, and Bill Gates hate the White common classes.

    But I will agree that there are other White Gentile elites who are indifferent and even potential allies.

  38. Mr. Dithers makes a good point. I believe that if you took Jews out of the equation, the white elites would naturally become less hostile to white interests than they are now. Jews are the commissars of the anti-white system. They are the ones who are keeping the train on the track.

    Capitalist support for immigration is motivated by greed and a desire to conform to Jewish created social expectations. Jewish support for immigration is motivated by hatred of whites and perceived Jewish interests.

  39. One of the biggest myths about Jews among some pro-whites is that there is some “Jewish elite” with radically different values and beliefs than the majority of American Jews. That idea is false. Hostility towards the host population is present in most Jews and is an integral part of Jewish culture. Jews are much more homogeneous culturally and politically than whites are. Jewish elites in media, finance, law, politics and academia have the same values and beliefs as Jews as a whole and these values and beliefs spring from the deep well of Jewish history.

  40. ” Hostility towards the host population is present in most Jews and is an integral part of Jewish culture. Jews are much more homogeneous culturally and politically than whites are.”

    Certainly True and I believe it is The Great Joe Sobran who uses the phrase ‘hive mind’ to describe this Jewish Nature.

    Myself I think of them like the Borg from Star Trek, they want to ‘Assimilate’ (miscegenate) everything into their ‘collective’ and then be in charge of a large under-class of ‘tan everyman’ untermensch.

  41. Kunthjol: “Myself I think of them like the Borg from Star Trek, they want to ‘Assimilate’ (miscegenate) everything into their ‘collective’ and then be in charge of a large under-class of ‘tan everyman’ untermensch.”

    I don’t know anything at all about Star Trek, but yes that is exactly what Jewry wants to do, if even if they aren’t completely conscious of it. They want to turn the USA, Canada, Europe/Russia, South Africa, White Latin America, and other White territories in to ethnically/racially chaotic places like India or Brazil where the hyperethnocentric and ethnically-cohesive Jewish elites rule over the stupid and degenerate racially/ethnically mixed masses with a totalitarian iron fist.

    Why do they want to do this? First and foremost, they want power and money, of course – Jews are obsessed with both money and power, and Jews in general are ultragreedy control-freaks who always think that ‘the Jews know best’ or ‘Jews are the greatest/smartest/richest and thus deserve to rule over the stupid goyim.’ Also, Whites are the foremost racial/ethnic competitors of Jews in a Darwinian sense, and thus they seek to subvert our gene pool in an attempt to genetically undermine us so that they can more easily rule the Earth in conjunction with their fellow Asiatics (never forget: JEWS ARE NOT WHITE – THEY ARE ASIATICS). Also, if Jewry succeeds the racially-mixed masses of untermenschen will be naturally stupid and degenerate and disorganized (too much race-mixing causes that) as as a result they’ll be less apt to oppose Jewish control, preferring instead to just ‘herdthink’ and follow the Jewish lead however screwed-up and destructive it may be.

    Again, I don’t think this attempt at subverting the White gene-pool is totally conscious for most Jews – it’s largely an unconscious evolutionary strategy that they hope will eventually help their Jewish ethnic group triumph over our competing White ethnic/racial group in the ongoing world scramble for resources, territory, power/influence, money, and so on.

    I’m not a Hitler fanatic, but a few lines from MEIN KAMPF that deals with the possible victory of Jewry over Whites has always haunted me; they read:

    “The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance of nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity the premise of its existence and its culture. As a foundation of the universe, this doctrine would bring about the end of any order intellectually conceivable to man. And as, in this greatest of all recognizable organisms, the result of an application of such a law could only be chaos, on earth it could only be destruction for the inhabitants of this planet.

    If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did millions of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.

    Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands.

    Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”

  42. Steveintheswamps,
    No, I do not believe Jewish elites hatred of white gentiles is exaggerated. Jews support free trade because it destroys the prosperous gentile economies which means fewer marriages and fewer gentile babies. White gentile elites support free trade because it enriches them beyond belief and they’ve bought into the faith based argument that jobs lost as a result of free trade policies are replaced by something better (they’re not). White gentile elites aren’t so much filled with hatred as they are divorced from reality.

    In 2004 white gentile, and Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean said he wished to be the candidate for “the guys driving pick up trucks and flying confederate flags”. This was an overt appeal to white men of the South. Naturally he was upbraided by Jewish owned media outlets. The point being that there’s more than a few white gentile elites that identify and sympathize with our needs and concerns, but the fear of media backlash generally
    prevents them from speaking honestly and publicly siding with us.

    And ATBOTL is correct in pointing out that rank and file, or non-elite Jews are as bigoted as their better off kinsman. A common misconception is that non-elite Jews are similar in their world outlook as the residents of Dubuque, Iowa or any small town in flyover country. Nothing could be further from the truth, but sadly there’s still many naive people who fall for this line.

  43. Comment #151, Mr. Dither’s:

    At least in relative terms, Howard Dean is hardly an elite. He is not very well in the upper class, at least compared to big corporate boys. I don’t have much technical evidence, but I wouldn’t be surprised if several Gentile elites would like to have the U.S. turn into Latin America.

    I am willing to admit that many Jewish elites hate us. And maybe a significant number of even common Jews hate us. However, I think the idea that virtually every common Jew hates us is nothing more than an article of faith and ancedotal at best.

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