Two Minute Hate

In the New York Times, Frank Rich (Jew) is foaming at the mouth with venom, and unleashes a two-minute-hate against the White race over the Sotomayor hearings. These “clueless ancien-régime conservatives” are “feebly clinging to their last levers of power.” They are “blissfully oblivious to the new America” and possessed by “unreconstructed obsessions.” We’re only hearing a “constant, whiny refrain of white victimization” from them. White Republicans are a “dying order” and Americans are finished with their “tired racial and culture wars.” Rich goes on to gleefully cite an upcoming book called The Death of Conservatism

As in the Maureen Dowd column of a few days ago, the egalitarian mask so often worn by the Left is dropped completely here. There are no hollow appeals to equality, fairness, justice, human rights and the like. It’s 2009 now. We’re beyond that kind of stuff. Instead, a naked struggle for power stands revealed, one in which the teams are defined by race and gender. At least with Dowd and Rich, you know where you stand. Their willingness to state their political views openly and honestly is a refreshing change of pace. Slogans aside, Barack Obama is undoubtedly of the same mind as these two, but his tenuous political position forces him to hide behind a facade of universalist rhetoric.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s interesting that he targeted Southerners for being the only ones who took issue with her comments about race and sex (against white males). Are non-Southerners neutered and just allow minorities to walk all over them?

    “Southern senators who relate every question to race, ethnicity and gender just assumed that their unreconstructed obsessions are America’s and that the country would find them riveting.”

  2. The Jew Rich–well aware of the contempt in which Southerners are held by many Americans, especially other Whites–identifies Southerners with obsessions of “race, ethnicity and gender” in order to dissuade other Whites from looking too closely at these issues. The implication being, that only Southerners are stupid and evil enough to dwell on them. It is like a code word, or a warning, to other Whites.

  3. The aftermath of La Soto’s confirmation will rapidly give the lie to her mainstream qualities — Latin Americans understand the overwhelming significance of her becoming a USSC justice, and the triumphal celebrations will be enormous.

    With any luck at all, the ethnicity-based celebrations will be so offensive as to persuade more of the diverse white American peoples into acceptance of, and participation in, defensive white political identity organizations.

  4. Prozium:”In the New York Times, Frank Rich (Jew) is foaming at the mouth with venom, and unleashes a two-minute-hate against the White race over the Sotomayor hearings.”

    In economics he undermines the states until the social enterprises which have become unprofitable are taken from the state and subjected to his financial control.

    In the political field he refuses the state the means for its self-preservation, destroys the foundations of all national self-maintenance and defense, destroys faith in the leadership, scoffs at its history and past, and drags everything that is truly great into the gutter.

    Culturally, he contaminates art, literature, the theater, makes a mockery of natural feeling, overthrows all concepts of beauty and sublimity, of the noble and the good, and instead drags men down into the sphere of his own base nature.

    Religion is ridiculed, ethics and morality represented as outmoded, until the last props of a nation in its struggle for existence in this world have fallen.

    Now begins the great last revolution. In gaining political power the Jew casts off the few cloaks that he still wears. The democratic people’s Jew becomes the blood-Jew and tyrant over peoples. In a few years he tries to exterminate the national intelligentsia and by robbing the peoples of their natural intellectual leadership makes them ripe for the slave’s lot of permanent subjugation.

    The most frightful example of this kind is offered by Russia, where he killed or starved about thirty million people with positively fanatical savagery, in part amid inhuman tortures, in order to give a gang of Jewish journalists and stock exchange bandits domination over a great people.

    The end is not only the end of the freedom of the peoples oppressed by the Jew, but also the end of this parasite upon the nations. After the death of his victim, the Jewish vampire sooner or later dies too.

  5. There are no hollow appeals to equality, fairness, justice, human rights and the like. It’s 2009 now. We’re beyond that kind of stuff. Instead, a naked struggle for power stands revealed, one in which the teams are defined by race and gender.

    Well stated, though the gender struggle is entirely subordinate to the racial. Like “sexual orientation”, “religion”, or “class”, “gender” is just another mask for the racial stuggle. A struggle which has, ever since jews were emancipated, taken as its template the whiny refrain of jewish victimization. One of the most significant ways in which Whites differ from non-Whites, and especially jews, is our general unwillingness to whine or play victim except when the non-White hypocrisy and animus is obvious. Even today most Whites are unaware of, unable to accept, or unwilling to oppose our dispossession and displacement. Would that all the lowlifes like Dowd, consciously aiding and abetting the end of her own kind, were as barren as she is.

  6. “Well stated, though the gender struggle is entirely subordinate to the racial.”

    We saw an example of that with the Obama campaign. All of a sudden non-white feminists, especially blacks, like Oprah, were advocating for Obama rather than Hillary.

  7. Here’s an idea. You broke into our country illegally, you ought to be deported for breaking the law and jumping the line.

  8. At the end of that clip from Twilight, Savage calls for a General Patton. Uh, Michael, you do realize what Patton had to say about the Jews, right?

  9. Dasein:”At the end of that clip from Twilight, Savage calls for a General Patton. Uh, Michael, you do realize what Patton had to say about the Jews, right?”

    Gen. Patton was assassinated: was likely murdered by organized Jewry and/or allies of organized Jewry – &–new-book-claims.html

  10. The gender struggle is to pry our women loose and “liberate” them for miscegenation and Negro-worship.

  11. Jewish scribblers (like Rich and Dowd) of the mainstream press are out in full force marginalizing any white male Republican who dared challenge wise Latrina Sotomayor. When white conservative high court nominees are trashed by Dems does this mean the Jewish/white liberal/non-white junta is “feebly clinging to their last levers of power”.

    I wonder how Rich, Dowd and other prominent media Jewbies would react to the nomination of a Palestinian, Sunni Muslim, or Nigerian to the Israeli Supreme Court? Probably with venomous rage. One standard for Aryan curs and another for God’s chosen rats.

  12. “I wonder how Rich […] would react to the nomination of a Palestinian, Sunni Muslim, or Nigerian to the Israeli Supreme Court? Probably with venomous rage.” ( — Mr. Dithers)

    He wouldn’t exactly dance a jig, let’s put it that way (no pun intended I’m sure).

  13. I would be sanguine about the prospects of American White Nationalism–like an immigration moratorium, actual enforcement of employment laws, and dismantlement of the affirmative action spoils system–if it weren’t for the success of Feminism in separating white women from men. Feminism was a masterstroke on the part of the Global Capitalist elite. Without it, Western countries like the U.S. and U.K. might have rejected immigration in time as a drain on their quality of life. The immigrant/non-white portion of the population would never have been sufficient to cancel out the white family vote–if it weren’t for the addition of over half the female population into the parasitic coalition of Liberal politics.

    The parasitic coalition of Liberal politics consists of corporate elites and their clients: ethnic minorities, the poor, and certain segments of the white female population, especially single women, single mothers, and divorcees. Democrat-voting, metrosexual ‘manginas’ are generally just along for the ride. Many are potentially pro-White. They just haven’t outgrown the tired Leftism of their college years, and don’t want politics to get in the way of their success with the ladies.)

    This disparate coalition of clients (plus a few useful idiots) is adroitly managed and maneuvered by the Global Capitalist elite as a battering ram against the white nation-state and its core–the white middle-class. Affirmative action, identity politics, and anti-White grievance mongering are simply cognitive weapons deployed by Capitalist elites in their looting of the white, middle-class nations of the West.

    When I read Frank Rich’s nakedly aggressive polemic against America’s founding stock and root-culture, I -almost- felt hope that the naive, majority-white readership of the NYT might finally start to get it: America is up for grabs. It’s not a country, a people, or a way of life. It’s just a prize to be divvied up by competing genders, ethnicities, classes, and special interests. White people need to figure it out: This is the age of “pinata politics.” Sharpen your elbows and get down in the mud. Join the scrounge-fest. Otherwise, go home empty-handed.

    Again, it’s hard not to be pessimistic over the divide-and-conquer-effect of Feminism. So many white women have defected to the pro-immigration, Multi-Cult camp since it gives them a cut of the spoils from the identity politics “grievance game.” By politically defecting from the white family/white middle-class, women are rewarded by the Global Capitalist elite. They are enabled to hog government and white-collar jobs, pursue rotating polyandry/serial monogamy through grotesquely slanted divorce laws, and enjoy the sexual cornucopia of a degenerate Kwa–all the while enjoying cover from a sympathetic and gyneocentric media.

  14. A few additional observations regarding feminism: Our liberal (in actuality “global capitalist”) elites have been engaged in a prolonged attack on “patriarchy” for decades. Globalist elites equate patriarchy with the white, middle-class nation-state and the nuclear family that comprises its fundamental unit. In a “patriarchal” society the masculine, tribal, and martial values that protect a people’s heritage–its territory and identity–are passed down primarily from father to son. Hence the liberal (global capitalist) elite’s -seemingly- bizarre drive toward matriarchal socialization. The idea is that a more female-dominated society will be more consumerist, spendthrift, self-indulgent, and disorganized.

    The preference of our elites for matriarchal socialization is typified by the media’s glorification of female single-parenthood. Female single-parenthood is promoted and encouraged by the structure of American divorce, custody, and child support laws. Additionally, the portrayal of the white father-figure as impotent and inept in advertising and TV reflects the desire of Madison Avenue to devalue and diminish masculine, “blood and soil” virtues like racial, ethnic, and national identity. (Not to mention discipline, restraint, and the accumulation of savings.)

    The offshoot of the matriarchal divorce culture is twofold. With regard to white male children, it lowers their self-esteem, sense of identity, and competitive drive, preparing them psychologically for the American “McJobs” economy of wage slavery and low-end service work. It probably also turns them into more passive and feminized consumers, instead of the disciplined and thrifty savers and planners their grandparents were. All of this supports the American virtual reality, consumption-economy. It also funnels wealth away from savings, which could otherwise be invested in raising families.

    With regard to white females, matriarchal single-parenthood usually instills feelings of abandonment, resentment, and low self-esteem associated with the absent or estranged father. Conflict and competition between mother and daughter (i.e. the “blame game” over the causes of divorce) magnify the likelihood of adolescent rebellion. All of this leads to sexual promiscuity and self-destructive behavior, like “mudsharking” as a means of getting back at ‘Daddy,’ or validating and fulfilling post-divorce, childhood feelings of abandonment and inferiority.

    Taken together, these trends allow the global capitalist elite to manufacture a client-coalition of white women, ethnic minorities, immigrants, and the welfare-dependent poor. This patronage-dependent and parasitic coalition is numerically able to nullify the will of the white middle-class at the ballot box. It is a Trojan Horse to the nation-state, perpetually holding it hostage to global capitalist interests, which manifest themselves in the form of socialism and wealth redistribution. (Said coalition also insures perpetually-open borders.)

  15. “With any luck at all, the ethnicity-based celebrations will be so offensive as to persuade more of the diverse white American peoples into acceptance of, and participation in, defensive white political identity organizations.”

    Some of this has already happened! Like when mestizos were out in force with Mexican flags rallying for Amnesty during the Shrub years!

    We are half-way there! Also another good sing is Jew-rags like the Jew York Times are dying off, their readership is in steep, steep decline. Why read this tripe when I can go onto a Blog. (which is of the same socio-political orientation: White Nationalism!)

    There are in fact some good trends out there, all is not lost yet, White Man!

  16. “There are no hollow appeals to equality, fairness, justice, human rights and the like. It’s 2009 now. We’re beyond that kind of stuff.”

    This is the type of crud that is so infuriating! They are all over Whites now, when just a few decades ago the Far-left types would have instead been rallying for Nazis to have the right to march in Skokie.

    Clearly there has been a bait and switch!

    The real home for people concerned with White Rights is the Authentic Right! Yes people who are concerned about the jailings of Ernst Zundel, David Irving, and the Heretical 2 just because they actually tried to use their supposed freedom of speech!!! I am sick and tired to death of seeing Right-wing types (some of whom I do in fact disagree with, since I am not a National Socialist) going to jail with nary a peep from ACLU Jew Leftie types.

    The only solution now is White Nationalism.

  17. Remember when those students ran up the Mexican flag at a California high school? It was one of the defining racial moments of the last decade.

  18. LOWER forms of life will take advantage to pull down and destroy HIGHER ones…it’s a form of cultural entropy.

    A disaster of cosmic proportions would have to happen for a true leader to re-emerge and reinstitute HIERARCHY of values in this Kali-Yuga.

    Thank you for the opportunity to post.

  19. “Remember when those students ran up the Mexican flag at a California high school? It was one of the defining racial moments of the last decade.”

    This time period-Spring of 2006-is when I woke up!

    I agree the Mexican flag incident is a historical event; and the illegal immigration debate was important in racial history.

  20. Moving on, we have the inspiring response of the police to the online publishing of one of the Mohammed cartoons by the British magazine, The Liberal. ,

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