Jared Taylor: Friend or Foe?

Guy White is nursing the delusion that Jared Taylor is “more philo-Semitic” than he is; this after his last bloodthirsty fantasy thread about gunning down Nazis. He offers as proof of this theory the fact that AR welcomes Jews into its ranks and censors anti-Semitic comments.

A year ago, no one had ever heard of this loser, but somehow he feels that he has the authority to make sweeping pronouncements about the nature of pro-White movement in America. Guy White is naive enough to believe that he knows Jared Taylor better than his own friends and associates. In all likelihood, he has never even been to an AR conference.

This is one of the rare occasions when I find myself in agreement with Ian Jobling. Having worked with Taylor for years, Jobling knows him better than most men, and his view on the subject is a matter of public record. Jobling famously broke with Taylor over his failure to condemn anti-Semitism.

In response to David Duke at the now infamous AR conference, Jobling notes that Taylor called him a “man of strong views”; he took no position on their truth of falsity. Instead, Taylor reiterated his well known stance that AR “takes no explicit position on Jewish position.” He also criticized the disruptive behavior of Duke and Hart. Later, he spurned Jobling and the philo-Semites who wrote him a letter demanding that anti-Semites be excluded from future AR conferences.

Jared Taylor is a long time friend of Mark Weber of IHR and Don Black of Stormfront. As Jobling and Raymond note, he has invited well known anti-Semites to speak at the AR conferences (where anti-Semites are always prominent in the audience). In response to inquiries about the Holocaust, Taylor has expressed his lack of interest in the subject. Tellingly, Taylor has never spoken out against anti-Semitism. He also criticized Israel in a series of articles for The Last Ditch.

Guy White gleefully notes (without much forethought) that Taylor says white ethnomasochism has a life of its own, that Jewish influence isn’t exclusively the cause, and that Whites have repeatedly shown themselves (without Jewish assistance) to be capable of egalitarian excesses. In other words, his position on the Single Jewish Cause is virtually identical to the one taken by this website.

Jared Taylor’s stance on the Jewish Question is a stratagem. AR’s mission is to revive white racial consciousness. It has a definite logic to it: if you don’t care about your race, why would you care about the Jews who are trashing it? 

The Jewish Question is a distraction from Taylor’s primary goal, the restoration of white racial consciousness, and so he naturally prefers to avoid discussing the issue. Besides, as Taylor himself has noted, there are any number of other websites (such as this one) that address the matter. There is no shortage of anti-Semitism in the AR community.

Jared Taylor isn’t our enemy. Unlike Ian Jobling, Lawrence Auster, or Guy White, he has never once attacked us. Perhaps the anti-anti-Semite race realists are so desperate, isolated, and few in number that they feel compelled to imagine their situation were otherwise.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “… after his last bloodthirsty fantasy thread about gunning down Nazis. ”

    Me thinks we got ourselves here a bonafide “Hate Criminal”! 😉

    Your a little bitch, “Guy”.

  2. “Jared Taylor’s stance on the Jewish Question is a stratagem. AR’s mission is to revive white racial consciousness. It has a definite logic to it: if you don’t care about your race, why would you care about the Jews who are trashing it?”

    Bingo. The first order of the day is to revive a sense of ourselves as a people worth saving. With that accomplished, all things are possible. Without it, nothing is. Once we get that ball rolling, those who oppose us will stand out clearly enough. The dynamics of group conflict will kick in and provide great clarity.

  3. Nice to see you take a more rational approach, Prozium. Rather than lunatics like Alex Linder and the VNN crowd that mimic the militant behavior of Jews.

    I was banned from AR’s Yahoo group a while back for asking questions they didn’t like. I think it was Jobling that banned me. AR is better without him.

    It’s a shame Mr. Taylor isn’t as active as he once was.

  4. Like Jared Taylor who is married to an ethnic Jew, Guy White recently admitted that his best friend is a Jew; perhaps GW’s admission at least partially explains his soft stance on the Jewish Problem:

    “I believe that most Jews aren’t impervious to reason and logic. SPLC types are, but I have Jewish friends (horrors, including my best friend! Yes, that explains why I am so “blind” and “dim”!) and when I explain to them how siding with blacks means siding against whites, they get it.” – http://guywhite.wordpress.com/2009/07/21/jews-criticizing-kevin-macdonald/#comment-12901

    Thus it’s quite evident that both Guy White and Jared Taylor are letting their personal relations with individual Jews interfere with a rational, common-sense stance on the Jewish Problem, that problem of course being that throughout history (especially since the fall of the Roman Empire) ethnic Jews have very much tended to cause many problems in a lot of White nations.

    I have no problems with Whites befriending Jews, though I do not at all support Whites breeding with them and/or marrying them.

  5. ”Guy White gleefully notes (without much forethought) that Taylor says white ethnomasochism has a life of its own, that Jewish influence isn’t exclusively the cause, […]” ( — from the log entry)

    We’ve gone over this before but it’s come up again, so I’ll go over it again: No one thinks Jewish influence is exclusively the cause. Everybody agrees that no major historical process of any epoch, past or present, has had literally one single cause, but all have had several causes, some more important than others.

    The people who get ridiculed as “Single Jewish Causers” see the Jews not as “The Single Cause” but as one of, let’s say, the top three or four causes of what’s going on, or one of the top half-dozen, or whatever – something like that. They see the Jews as one cause among several, an important enough cause to draw a lot of attention to.

    Since no one believes literally in “A Single Jewish Cause,” those who ridicule “A Single Jewish Cause” appear to be saying Jews aren’t an important cause at all.

    Is it their intention to come across that way?

    They seem to be saying, in other words, “Stop harping on the Jews. It’s not them.” But shouldn’t all of the top three or four, or the top half-dozen, or whatever, causes be harped on til the problem is closer to a solution?

    If some who harp on the Jews, such as I, don’t harp on the other causes as much (“If there are six top causes, why don’t we ever hear you harp on the other five??”), it may partly be because they know more, understand more, think more about the Jewish cause so have more to say about it. Some individuals do harp more on the Federal Reserve Bank as a cause, because they think more about that. Some harp more on the managerialism cause because they think more about that. And so on. Those last two don’t think the Federal Reserve Bank or managerialism is “The Single Cause.”

  6. Prozium:

    As an race realist that was on the fence on the Jewish Question, you have made me a convert. Your erudite refutations of GW’s posts have been nothing short of an eye opening education that I greatly appreciate.

    I might add in this one you simply knocked it out of the park.

  7. Guy white is wrong about the council of conservative citizens but right about Amren.

    The fact that Taylor tolerates anti-semites means he’s trying to avoid conflict.

  8. We don’t care if you think we are in small numbers.

    In the hypothetical situation that we are small in numbers (in reality most American are philosemitic), it wouldn’t cause us to switch over to your position when we find out you are bigger in numbers.

    Antisemitism is still idiotic.

  9. “… (in reality most American are philosemitic) …”

    Gee, wonder why that would be???

    “As Sunic points out, in both Europe and America, White attitudes towards Jews have come to be defined in modern times by mendacity and intellectual servility. Faced with a political, academic, and media establishment — the current masters of discourse — configured around a colossal concentration of Jewish power, Whites have not only trained themselves to avoid Jewish wrath by keeping any critical opinions about Jews to themselves, but they have also learnt to curry Jewish favor by flaunting their admiration for Jewish superiority and achievement, by piously demonstrating their conformity to Semitically-correct cognitive structures, and by loudly championing Jewish causes — even when these run directly counter to White interests. […]

    *You gotta get a little more creative with your schtick, & your Zionism, Iceman. 😉

  10. Iceman:”Antisemitism is still idiotic.”

    So it’s idiotic to try and prevent the USA and other Jew-infested White nations from becoming totalitarian Jewish plutocracies similar to the USSR or Weimar Germany which are utterly dominated and run by a ‘rootless cosmopolitan’ Jewish elite that is almost totally detached from the working and middle-class White masses and who those elite plutocratic Jews despise as nothing but near-slaves to use and abuse in their neverending greedy pursuit of money and power?

    Is it idiotic to prevent Jews from continuing to push for the constant mass-immigration of non-Whites in to White countries which will eventually turn those White nations in to non-White nations in due time if it is allowed to continue?

    Is it idiotic to oppose the Jews who continue to dominate the mainstream-mass-media in the USA and other White countries wherein they routinely brainwash and indoctrinate everyday White citizens with their anti-cultural Jewish sewage, pro-race-mixing ideas, and endless Jewish advertising/consumerism on a minute-by-minute basis?

    Is it idiotic to keep allowing Jewish academics and Jewish feminists all over the White world to keep filling the heads of naive White college students (especially White female college students) with all kinds of anti-cultural, far-leftist, anti-White, and especially anti-White male ideas?

    Is it idiotic to oppose all of the murderous and mayhem-loving criminal Jews who run the White female prostitution slave-trade, or to fight against all of the Jews who are financial white-collar criminals that have wrecked and exploited so many White economies, or bring down the Jews who are in charge of many aspects of the international pharmaceutical, alcohol, and illegal drug-trade(s) that continue to destroy many individual White lives as well as White communities?

    I could continue to go on and on about Jewish wrongdoings in White nations but everyone who has done the hard research and is aware of the undisputable facts realizes that some kind of sick and twisted ‘Jewish Mafia’ (international Jewish crime-network) exists in many White countries. I’d just as well refer to myself as ‘anti-criminal’ as I would ‘anti-Jewish,’ as they’re basically synonymous phrases in my opinion.

    Iceman: you are partially Jewish and thus it seems to many that you are just trying to protect your own ass as well as defend the sickening behavior of your Jewish/part-Jewish co-ethnics in trying to convince people that “antisemitism is idiotic.”

    No honest person can deny that a large number of Jews (not all of them, but a lot of them) must be brought to justice for their many egregiously criminal wrongdoings. If all of these criminal Jews (who in my opinion are the ‘termites of nations’) aren’t eventually brought to justice, let us all go ahead and wave a long goodbye White-Western civilization as it continues its present Jew-wrought decline. Myself and other pro-White activists are not prepared to just give up and allow the Jews absolute dictatorial free-reign over us and our White nations (because that would clearly be suicidal for ALL White-Western peoples and culture), and thus we will remain “anti-Semites” until the international Jewish crime network is finally brought to justice as they clearly deserve.

  11. “if you don’t care about your race, why would you care about the Jews who are trashing it?”

    There is some logic to that argument. But most white people do care about their race, at least a little. What happens is that, because of the media, members of the majority are made to think that they are a minority, and they suppress their natural instincts out of conformism. If we help them realize that most whites disapprove of race-replacement, and that anti-white activism is spear-headed by Jews who are partly driven by racial animus, the white majority will become more confident and will trust its own instincts.

  12. “But most white people do care about their race, at least a little. ”

    Proof please. I don’t see any of that where I live… (deep South!)

    I see white’s wholehearted endorsement of the Grievance society hoisted upon us by TPTB, a direct conflict with a superior culture. Any animosity comes from rural, and frankly stupid/unenlightened nonthinkers with base racial motivations. Allowing these folks to have their say is not in our interests. They’ll be happy at the opportunity to “shoot niggers,” but short of a complete USA meltdown, will not win any converts.

    No, unfortunately, the majority white underclass is still concerned with tatoos, piercings, and for the women, obtaining coalburner status, complete with niglets embarassingly raised by their white parents. Racial conscientiousness isn’t on the radar, except as a vile undertone of gratuitous rebellion – far from unique, and almost trite.

    For the record, nobody is more sorry than me.

  13. ” Jared Taylor isn’t our enemy. Unlike Ian Jobling, Lawrence Auster, or Guy White, he has never once attacked us”

    Yes this is something that is important to remember! I don’t agree with Taylors ‘Jew, what Jew?’ approach, but he doesn’t go out of his way to attack other White Nationalists.

    Also anyone who is posting on Amren is going to EVENTUALLY come across information about the Jewish Question, through links or what-not or the very mild critique of (liberal) Jewry that is allowed there.

    When it comes to this ‘Single Jewish Cause’ Strawman though, I just recently came across this Dr. Pierce (pbuh) broadcast that was posted at VNN:

    “After the Civil War we had even more hate-crazed egalitarians
    attempting to punish Whites — mostly White Southerners — for being better than Blacks. Some, like John Brown, justified their murderous egalitarianism on Christian grounds, but after the Civil War and the shameful policies directed against Southerners during the Reconstruction period, there was no large-scale, systematic effort by Whites, Christian or otherwise, to mongrelize and degrade America. We still had an abundance of crazies and haters around, but without an organizing force behind them they were a potential rather than an actual danger.

    Such an organizing force appeared after the Jews had fastened their grip on America’s mass media of news and entertainment and brought the lemmings under their influence. In fact, it really wasn’t until after the Second World War that the Jews pulled out all the stops and made the destruction of White America their primary goal, enlisting our own worst elements for assistance in that purpose.”


  14. Jared Taylor is a long time friend of Mark Weber of IHR

    This fact makes me highly suspicious of Jared Taylor, since Weber is obviously some kind of infiltrator.

  15. ” This fact makes me highly suspicious of Jared Taylor, since Weber is obviously some kind of infiltrator.”

    Oh gawd not this Carto vs. Weber stuff again…

    Get over it and just go ahead and read ‘The Barnes Review’ instead already!

    PS I happen to be more of a ‘Carto dude’ myself but don’t see the need (to borrow an image from Jewry) to go around in sack-cloth and ashes!

  16. Armor: “There is some logic to that argument. But most white people do care about their race, at least a little. What happens is that, because of the media, members of the majority are made to think that they are a minority, and they suppress their natural instincts out of conformism. If we help them realize that most whites disapprove of race-replacement, and that anti-white activism is spear-headed by Jews who are partly driven by racial animus, the white majority will become more confident and will trust its own instincts.”

    Well put. My own take is that, as white nationalism grows beyond the hardest of the hardcore, there are going to be a multiplicity of approaches. It’s inevitable. I don’t have a problem with an organization that pushes for white racial consciousness while ignoring the jewish question, provided that they don’t attack those people who actually deal with the issue. Again, a multiplicity of approaches for white nationalism is inevitable, there is no avoiding it (just as there has been, and still is, a wide range of Leftist organizations). The only question is whether there will be synergy or not.

    In my own small way, I try to practice what I preach. I don’t normally discuss the Jewish question in my posts – it’s just not my primary focus. That’s not to say that I’m unaware of the problem or think it is unimportant – that’s not the case at all. It’s just to say that I’m more focused on building white racial consciousness and an intellectual foundation for our survival. Some folks would say that is not necessary. To each his own, but I disagree. However, I do regularly mention guys like Linder, which I suppose you could say is a plug, though not necessarily an endorsement. It should be needless to say, but I’ll say it anyway, that I don’t agree with everything Linder says. He’s definitely worth listening to (unless he digresses on subjects like art or the space program lol – worst…positions…ever), and when he remains within his bailiwick he’s like a house on fire. Anyway, that’s synergy (at least on my part), on however humble a scale. Ironically, I don’t think Linder understands/accepts how this process is inevitably going to work- but he’s still good at what he does, when he produces.

    If people want more on the Jewish question, they need to know where to get it (Mcdonald, Linder, whatever). But there are also going to be people out there who don’t focus on the Jewish question, and that is perfectly reasonable, not to mention inevitable. As the ideas spread out form the hardcore, the more moderate organizations will definitely have a bigger audience share. Again, inevitable. At the end of the day, we need to be as successful as the Left has been at creating synergy – and steadily moving the discourse in our direction – the creation of the coming white nation. In the end, that’s all that matters.

  17. It’s impossible to be sincerely pro-white in America and not recognize that Jews have been leading the charge against white interests.

    On another note, does anyone have proof that Jared Taylor’s wife is ethnically Jewish or is this just an internet rumor?

  18. Taylor’s wife is not jewish. Internet rumors die hard. Taylor deserves all of our support.

    ATBOTL – you are correct; being a white nationalist means understanding the jewish problem. What they have done to destroy America is amazing.

    If only whites could do what Blacks have done… amazing article that I recommend you all read. 97 percent of Black people still support Obama in his recent approval ratings, compared to only 41 percent of whites.


  19. Well put. My own take is that, as white nationalism grows beyond the hardest of the hardcore, there are going to be a multiplicity of approaches. It’s inevitable.

    It’s not just inevitable, it’s highly desirable.

  20. Taylor is taking the right diplomatic approach. It’s working. Amren’s main objective, as I always understood it, is to raise white race consciousness, not to get into side disputes over the JQ.

    The fact that Goy White, Auster, and Jobling are trying to exile WNs who are critical of Jews makes me suspicious that there are other, more personal, motives involved. In GW’s case, for example, his bff is a Jew. Auster’s motive speaks for itself. With Jobling, any ideas?

    I’m not terribly interested in focusing on the JQ, myself, but I sympathise with those who are. But, it really is tedious to read constant condemnations, that can make the writer appear unhinged. I would much rather put the spotlight on the Jewish role as one tactic among many. It took me years to overcome the taboo against criticising Jews that was drilled into me by school, university, and working in the financial world. So, I understand, I think, how overdoing it about Jews could affect potential converts to White advocacy.

  21. “Taylor reiterated his well known stance that AR ‘takes no explicit position on Jewish position.'”

    You cannot “not have” a position on the jewish question; “not having” a position on something as important is taking a position.

    If Taylor were really “neutral” on the subject, he and his staff wouldn’t censor posts on the AR website that mention jews directly without using euphemisms like “liberals” or “social engineers.” He wouldn’t put disclaimers in front of reviews of Kevin MacDonald’s books. He wouldn’t publish articles praising Churchill for his hatred of the Nazis. He wouldn’t refuse an ad for a docuemnatry like The Line in the Sand. He wouldn’t claim that whatever problems jews may have caused in the past is all water under the bridge and that we should let bygones be bygones, when all you have to do is pick any Hollywood production at random to see that’s not the case.

    If there are so many anti-semites in Taylor’s audience, then he should show them some respect and not try to censor them on his website or in his publication. But he won’t do that because, as Alex Linder says, Taylor probably is in the employ of jews; that’s why he doesn’t mention the jewish domination of the mass media anywhere in Paved With Good Intentions, even though he spends a couple of pages discussing the media’s deliberate distortion of the Rodney King incident. Who does Taylor blame for such distortions in the media? He blames whites, of course.

    AmRen is kosher racism, basically. Let’s blame blacks, let’s blame whites, but let’s leave the jew behind the curtain alone.

  22. “…Guy White recently admitted that his best friend is a Jew…”

    When Guy White first launched his blog (or re-launched it) last year, I remember that jew Nicholas Stix hovering around there.

  23. “Since no one believes literally in ‘A Single Jewish Cause,’ those who ridicule ‘A Single Jewish Cause’ appear to be saying Jews aren’t an important cause at all.”

    Exactly. Like I said, you simply cannot be neutral on this subject. Being “neutral” usually means that you’re siding with the jews.

  24. “Some individuals do harp more on the Federal Reserve Bank as a cause, because they think more about that.”

    The Fed isn’t altogether seperate from the jewish question.

  25. Paul: “Say, John, how do you feel about that guy who’s selling crack-cocaine to schoolkids in our neighborhood?”

    John: “Oh, I don’t know. I guess I’m neutral on the subject. I mean, I think it’s really the fault of the parents for not having raised their kids better. It’s not like the dealer is forcing the kids to take the stuff or anything. Besides, I think there are more serious problems we need to deal with in this neighborhood, like the potholes, the break-ins, and the prostitutes that have started hanging around as of late. I think it’s better if we just don’t talk about that dealer too much.”

  26. “As the ideas spread out form the hardcore, the more moderate organizations will definitely have a bigger audience share. Again, inevitable. At the end of the day, we need to be as successful as the Left has been at creating synergy – and steadily moving the discourse in our direction – the creation of the coming white nation. In the end, that’s all that matters.”

    The problem with this is it rather typically ignores the grip the jews and their fellow travellers have on our mass media and academia.

    Leftism didn’t become dominant just through some natural, organic process that we can reproduce if we would only put the hours into it; it got a huge amount of help from the MSM.

    Look at the obstacles men like Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Charles Lindbergh, and Joe McCarthy had to go up against; and that was 50+ years ago! Things haven’t gotten better since.

  27. Igor Alexander,

    Yor analogy on post #27 is simply the best I ever heard regarding the relationship between the Khazars and the American Majority!!

    Pure gold!

  28. “if you don’t care about your race, why would you care about the Jews who are trashing it? ”

    I would like to point out at least two hypothetical cases of persons with no love for the white race who would still be concerned with the Jews:

    1) A white person who is dedicated to some other-worldly salvation (e.g. Christianity) but who believes the Jews are inherently evil (e.g. on grounds of Gospel passages ‘ye are of your father the devil and your father’s work ye shall do…’)

    2) A non-white person with a strong sense of fair play who feels Jews do not deal honestly with non-Jews. E.g. a scrupulous Chinese Confucian.

  29. Igor Alexander,

    Yor analogy on post #27 is simply the best I ever heard regarding the relationship between the Khazars and the American Majority!!

    Pure gold!

    Igor and Kulak,

    That post was so good, I e-mailed it to at least 50 people, and asked them to do THE SAME.

    I also think I am going to print and frame it. 🙂

  30. It has a definite logic to it: if you don’t care about your race, why would you care about the Jews who are trashing it?

    It has a logic, but you’ve missed it. The logic is that philo-Semitism is a pillar of the western zeitgeist and direct frontal assault isn’t always the best way to attack it.

    My point? Pointing out the Jews trashing it is a great way to get Euros to care about their race. No one works so hard to destroy something of no value. The racial zeitgeist rests on a false sense of security wherein whites are convinced that healthy racial thinking is “paranoia.” Show them somebody really is out to get them and they’ll get over the stupidity PDQ.

    Pointing out existential threats works. It certainly did in my case (though I was inoculated against philo-Semitism from an early age).

    I suppose this could be considered quibbling, but I think it’s worth pointing out that the “logic” here is the logic of the insane man (typical white person, analogous to a man who thinks he’s Napoleon), not actual sound logic.

    I do think Amren’s strategy is sound, but it isn’t a prescription for Euro ethnic nationalism across the board. Me, I want the straight dope. That’s my personality type. I want to taste my liquor going down, and I think this is probably the case for most intelligent, honest white men with balls.

  31. ATBOTL: “On another note, does anyone have proof that Jared Taylor’s wife is ethnically Jewish or is this just an internet rumor?”

    Jared Taylor’s wife’s name is Evelyn Rich. The surname “Rich” is a common Jewish surname: Marc Rich, Adrienne Rich, Frank Rich, etc. The Jewish surname “Rich” is an Anglicization of the common Jewish surname “Reich.”

    Also notice how there are no known photos of Taylor’s wife available to the general public. If there were photos of her available, it’s likely that her physiognomy would reveal her obvious ethnic Ashkenazi origins.

    The onus is thus on the people who say that Taylor’s wife is not Jewish to prove that she isn’t because all signs point to her being an ethnic Jew (either wholly or partly). Even if only Rich’s father (from who her Jewish surname comes) was an ethnic Jew/part-Jew, that still means that she is still partially an ethnic Jew and as such the pro-White community must be vigilant regarding her motives as the wife of a Jared Taylor, who is of course one of the foremost pro-White activists in the USA.

    • What are the odds — Alex Jones and Jared Taylor married to Jews and are well known for fighting against the what the Jews are doing but refusing to name the Jew. I mean seriously, what are the odds that these two men just happen to married to Jews? SHILLS.

  32. “Even if only Rich’s father (from who her Jewish surname comes) was an ethnic Jew/part-Jew, that still means that she is still partially an ethnic Jew and as such the pro-White community must be vigilant regarding her motives as the wife of a Jared Taylor, who is of course one of the foremost pro-White activists in the USA.”

    WP – Wasn’t she also purportedly a Leftist activist before meeting Jared? And an ‘anti-racist’ one at that?

    Additionally, some have even alleged that Taylor worked for the CIA in Asia at one time.

    • You have to wonder, with all of the available women out there, why Taylor would choose to hook up with her….

  33. “Leftism didn’t become dominant just through some natural, organic process that we can reproduce if we would only put the hours into it; it got a huge amount of help from the MSM.”

    Agreed. My point isn’t that we can replicate what the Left did and win by simply mimicing their tactics. We can’t. They have the major societal institutions on lockdown, and are not going to let us peacefully retake these institutions. We’re not going to sneak up on them. They can see us coming from a mile away.

    We have to spread our ideas as far as possible with the resources available to us – the internet, grassroots organizations, and just simple word of mouth. Once we get a critical mass and the circumstances are right, all sorts of possibilities open up. We aren’t there yet.

    That’s just the reality as I see it. However, none of that changes what I said earlier: as our ideas grow beyond the hardest of the hardcore, you’re going to see a multiplicity of approaches. Some of these are going to be more moderate than others. Some are going to be narrowly focused, others will have a broader approach. And so forth. It’s simply inevitable, and we might as well get used to it. The only question then becomes whether we can achieve a decent level of synergy and all more or less move in the same direction and feed off of one another (like the Left does), or if we just degenerate into fruitless squabbles. In other words, we can’t replicate the Left’s road to sucess, because resources were available to them that won’t be to us. However, that does not mean that we can learn nothing from them.

  34. I think it is true that several different methods must be used to wake people up and reverse the immigration policy. Taylor can choose whatever method suits him. He has done a lot of work for his countrymen and for the West. So, it is silly and counterproductive to start inquiring into his private life. It will only make it harder for him to pursue his work. In fact, I think messages that inquire into his private life should be deleted.

  35. My point? Pointing out the Jews trashing it is a great way to get Euros to care about their race.

    Definitely. If people view multiculturalism as whites generously deciding to welcome non-whites and share what they have with them, they’re more inclined to support it. But if they view the same situation as having been swindled out of everything they’ve got by highly ethnocentric Jews who aren’t doing the same, they won’t feel so good about it.

  36. Armor:“In fact, I think messages that inquire into his private life should be deleted.”

    In my opinion, if you are not for absolute free speech (i.e., you’re pro-censorship) you are a foe of the White West.

    Time to straighten out and clean-up your pro-White/pro-Western armor there, Armor.

  37. Thanks to the aggressive CENSORSHIP of my comments at AMREN I am
    giving Jared Taylor a measure of equality. He don’t value my opinions,
    I no longer value AMREN’s opinions. My expenses are more
    modest, but can you afford to lose your readerbase permanently one by
    one? How about those books? When nobody no longer recommends them.

    Welcome to my HOSTS FILE http://www.wnd.com http://www.nationalreview.com http://www.amren.com
    Welcome to my ADBLOCKER

    Funny thing, eh, AdBlockers constantly need updated filters. Once enough
    users find a website URL offensive or unworthy, back-propagation-polling
    the user’s AdBlocker setting filter lists results in it making its way
    into the mainstream AdBlock filters and then EVERYONE auto-adblocks
    those websites.
    Good day, and goodbye, Jew Jared Taylor.
    9 comments blocked in a few hours there.

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