Cornpone Nazism

James Howard Kunstler’s paranoia about ordinary White folks is segueing over into his writing again. In the latest example, he trembles at the thought that a growing number of unemployed and disentitled Whites might turn against “the Jews” and “brown-skinned people” over the financial swindles of Goldman Sachs. Last week, he peered into the soul of Sarah Palin and discerned that she represented “Naziism US style.” Dire warnings about the cornpone Nazis of the future have been a staple of Kunstler’s writing for over a year now.

In this dark scenario, the dispossessed White middle class of the United States turns against the Obama administration and elects a rightwing fundamentalist who promises to restore the happy motoring way of life in the wake of a Peak Oil economic collapse. Underneath the surface of consumerism, Kunstler detects a growing barbarization of American life, which is best symbolized by the expressivist non-conformists who disfigure their bodies with tattoos and piercings. According to this Mad Max line of reasoning, strip White Americans of their suburban homes, SUVs, air conditioners and TV dinners and they will lash out like drug addicts desperate for their next fix.

There is a congruence with White Nationalist thinking here. Racialists have long suspected that materialism is to blame for White political apathy. Whites have insulated themselves from America’s racial degeneration in a number of ways: through the suburban living arrangement which minimizes their interaction with “diversity,” through gated communities and expensive home security systems that deter non-White crime, through harsh drug laws which funnel young blacks into the penal system, through racial preferences and other types of extortion which pacify the non-White underclass at a price.

It is too easy for the White middle class to live the quiet life in suburbia and forget about the type of country they are leaving behind to their descendants. As individualists, they are not inclined to think much about the future or the world beyond their own immediate circle of family and friends. Embracing White racial consciousness comes at too high a social price under the prevailing cultural norms. There are no selfish incentives to do so. This is the fundamental reason why White Nationalists have spent decades dreaming of a general social and economic collapse. A revival of White racial consciousness would seem to require extreme conditions like a peak in world petroleum production.

Ultimately, I think James Howard Kunstler’s fear and loathing of Whites has little to do with Peak Oil. It is a common Jewish trait to see Nazism always lurking beyond the corner: in conservative Christians, in segregationists in places like Mississippi, in rank and file GOP voters. This inspires the seemingly endless waves of Jewish cultural critique and political action that generate anti-Semitism in places where it didn’t exist before. If “cornpone Nazism” ever becomes a political reality in the United States, it will hatch first in the Jewish imagination.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Underneath the surface of consumerism, Kunstler detects a growing barbarization of American life, which is best symbolized by the expressivist non-conformists who disfigure their bodies with tattoos and piercings. ”

    What of the role played by Jewish Cinema in this trend??

    Perhaps the endless streams of World War 2 flicks praising ‘the good war’ has perhaps de-senzitized the populace to violence perhaps?!?!?

    What of the neo-con patriodarism that has hailed violence against Arabs?!?!?

    A Jew need only look in the mirror to find the source of Barbarism in our contemporary time!

    ” Racialists have long suspected that materialism is to blame for White political apathy.”

    Yes we have become victims of our own success!

    For a deeper understanding of this dilemma one may read ‘Man and Technics’ by Spengler.

    “This is the fundamental reason why White Nationalists have spent decades dreaming of a general social and economic collapse.”

    Assuredly a valid point, but one must also remember that there are genuine warnings about the effects of diversity, the end-game being Balkanization. One could read ‘Camp of the Saints’ by Raispail or ‘Civil War 2’ by Chittum as warnings of the coming Colored Plague!

  2. “It is a common Jewish trait to see Nazism always lurking beyond the corner: in conservative Christians, in segregationists in places like Mississippi, in rank and file GOP voters.”

    Is Kunstler Jewish? How do you know? It wouldn’t surprise me, having read so much of his hatred against White people over the last two years.

  3. Kunstler seems to have had a very typical Jewish upbringing…

    “Kunstler was born in New York City to Jewish parents,[1] who divorced when he was eight.[2] His father was a middleman in the diamond trade.[1] Kunstler spent most of his childhood with his mother and stepfather, a publicist for Broadway shows.[1] ”

    You don’t get much more Jewish than that: wouldn’t be surprised to find a few Hollywood Producers and ‘Civil Rights activists’ in that family tree…

  4. Its always amazing how otherwise very aware and perceptive jews like Kunstler can instantly go frothy whenever jewish interests are at stake. He’s devoted an entire podcast to how handicapped-accessable building codes were cooked up by well-meaning but deluded liberals and when the Long Emergence hits, they will go the way of the dodo since they are wasteful and no one will be around to enforce them. Yet, he doesn’t see (or refuses to discuss) that racial equality laws and programs will also die very quickly with the collapse of central government.

    yours in Christ,

  5. Kunstler is keen on denouncing the unnatural socioeconomic setting of the happy motoring era, and how it is not good for people to be as thoroughly alienated from their surroundings as is the case for so many contemporary Americans. However, a general collapse of our materialistic way of life might also end the unnatural arrangements that make the multiracial world possible, no doubt an unhappy consequence of collapse from Kunstler’s perspective.

    As is the case with many people, Kunstler’s dilemma is that our world is not made of Lego blocks. We cannot simply deconstruct and replace the elements of our world that we don’t like while leaving everything else untouched. More specifically, Kunstler shouldn’t anticipate the collapse of the happy motoring era without also taking into consideration a likely retraction of the cultural changes that were made possible by that same era.

  6. Prozium, am I mistaken or didn’t you once admire Kunstler? Didn’t you excerpt parts of his latest novel, World Made By Hand (which, incidentally, was pure crap).

    In any case, this was an insightful post. I was stunned by Kunstler’s latest column. I don’t remember any previous ranting against White culture before. (I only occasionally read him.) That explains a lot about his work and gives me one fewer site to look in on each week.

  7. Great post Prozium.

    “In the latest example, he trembles at the thought that a growing number of unemployed and disentitled Whites might turn against “the Jews” and “brown-skinned people” over the financial swindles of Goldman Sachs.”

    This is actually not just your typical Jew paranoia, but increasingly reality. Organized Jewry knows this is the case, as many Jews are good at discerning the ‘public mood’ and many are adept in crowd psychology (Bernays, etc; and think of the TONS of Jewish marketers or ‘marketing psychologists’ that live in the USA). It is also undeniable that ethnic Jews have played a vastly disproportionate role in wrecking the economy of the USA and selling this country out to various Asiatics, especially in the past decade.

    History has demonstrated many times that when too many young and middle-aged men become marginalized, unemployed, forgotten, powerless, ‘left behind,’ and so on, they do tend to gravitate toward various revolutionary and ‘nativist’ ideologies – race/ethnicity doesn’t matter so much here in general, as masses of young men of any and all races/ethnicities are very volatile if they aren’t allowed their proper places in society (see the modern Arab world, for example).

    A similarly explosive situation is currently happening in the USA, obviously – many working and middle-class White males are becoming more and more ‘radicalized’ due to the bad economy and the anti-White situation that prevails in the Jew-infested mass-media, academia, the court/legal system(s), and so on. Many are also increasingly resentful that the Jew-wrecked system is beginning to favor often incompetent females or immigrants for jobs, promotions, education, etc instead of themselves, which is only adding further fuel to the flames. The USA, which was settled, planned, and built mostly by White males, is slowly being stolen from us White males, and this will surely have dire repercussions in due time as us native White males aren’t going to remain the punching bags of society for much longer.

    I actually see the deteriorating socioeconomic situation in the USA as a prime recruiting opportunity for the pro-White movement. The rapidly increasing number of dispossessed and intentionally marginalized White males in the USA are now looking and will continue to look to fill the vacuum left by the utter failure of the aracial, pussyfooting Republicrats – thus let us White nationalists be there to recruit them to our cause in the coming years of struggle.

  8. Rusty:“Is Kunstler Jewish?”

    As Harsh Henry stated, yes Kunstler is a Jew and as HH wrote his father was a middleman in the diamond trade; I remember reading one time that he was actually arrested at one point for trying to smuggle diamonds in to the USA.

    New York City, diamond trade, leftist critique of ‘prole’ Whites and White nations whilst hypocritically and unconditionally supporting the unabashed apartheid state of Israel at the same time (Kunstler is an admitted Zionist)…that’s about as Jewish as one can get, folks.

  9. Prozium:“Racialists have long suspected that materialism is to blame for White political apathy.”

    Speaking of White racialism as it relates to materialism, has anyone ever read Kerry Bolton’s book on this topic entitled THINKERS OF THE RIGHT: CHALLENGING MATERIALISM? –

    Bolton also writes for TOQOnline, and the preface of that book was recently posted there; read it sometime @

  10. Paranoia is also a condition of the guilty, of criminals who must always be alert to avoid being caught. Out, out damn spot!

  11. Prozium – I fully agree with your assessment that far too many Whites have become snug, weakened, and ‘soft’ because they’ve become too surrounded by the creature comforts of their all-White suburbs. While many American Whites remain safe and sound in their suburbs, near-feral non-Whites continue to run rampant across many other portions of the country causing mayhem and social/economic decline and degradation via their inferior capabilities at civilization-building. Jews keep on manipulating our White economies and mass-media from their urban skyscrapers or from behind locked doors (the FED) in Washington DC and elsewhere. Greedy businesspeople (many are Jews…and Whites, too) keep importing hordes of semi-Asiatic Hispanics to work various manual labor jobs that “Whites just won’t do” (not for Jewed SLAVE WAGES we won’t…damn straight!), and those semi-Asiatic Hispanic inferiors breed and breed and breed and thus begin to fill up many portions of the USA, which will in due time of course wreck those portions of the USA just as those semi-Asiatics have already done down there in Latin America. Other full-blooded Asiatics look greedily upon White territories in the Western USA/Canada as potential living-space for the surplus population of a disgustingly overcrowded Asia, and far too many Asiatics are immigrating to Western North America (it isn’t often spoken about by White racialists nowadays, but we must work to prevent the Western USA/Canada from becoming an Asiatic ‘beachhead’ AT ALL COSTS).

    Things are going to have to change – instead of continuing on the fruitless path of ‘White flight’ and avoiding these problems merely by removing ourselves geographically (and then only barely) from the immediate source of the many problems which plague our nation (most of which are related to the burgeoning population of non-Whites), we’ve got to start courageously confronting the ethnic/racial problems in our midst that are clearly causing the slow decline of this nation. All honest and right-thinking White men MUST realize before it’s too late that White nationalism is the only solution to the multitude of ethnoracial, socioeconomic, and political problems which threaten to cause the slow downfall of Whites in North America. If the White masses continue to reject White nationalism as they currently do, all that our intelligent and courageous White ancestors worked, fought, and died for in settling and building up this vast North American continent for the White race will have come to naught as it’s turned in to another Brazil-esque hellhole ruled over by totalitarian/plutocratic hostile Jewish elites…I’m not prepared to accept that sickening scenario, and so we Whites must stand and fight or else we better be prepared to endure the long, slow, and painful death of our race on this continent.

    In the future, once the pro-White movement begins to succeed (as it inevitably will as Whites become increasingly fewer in number, aged, and economically marginalized) we should do all that we can to re-ignite the natural White ‘pioneering spirit’ – this pioneering spirit still exists within us but is now merely latent after decades of comfortably safe suburban living. That strong White pioneering urge took Northern European-derived Whites from the confines of a rather overcrowded Europe to the far shores and deep interiors of North America, South America, Australia/NZ, Africa, and so on. There are still HUGE portions of White North America that are almost totally wild and unexplored, and the pro-White movement should take full advantage of those still wild, natural, and unspoiled spaces. Take the Canadian province of British Columbia, for instance. That province is MASSIVE, yet there aren’t even 5 million people living there at last count (which is less than the entire population of the comparatively tiny U.S. state of Massachusetts, for instance). Thus we could have many Whites go on exploratory expeditions, camping missions, hunting trips, and so on there in order to build up their toughness and pioneering spirit again, far away from the softening/weakening effects of White suburbia. We could even set up a network of pro-White towns and villages in those vast and empty spaces if we need to. The same applies to many of the Upper-Midwestern U.S. states like Idaho/Wyoming/Montana/etc, plus the rather thinly populated Pacific Northwest, along with other states like Alaska, etc.

    We definitely need more Whites to begin confronting the grittier side of life again so that they can again become inoculated against the passivity, weakness, and ‘softness’ that all-White suburbia so often causes among the Whites who live there. We need to work to remove the White masses from their cushy suburban dens where they imbibe hour after hour of Jew-infested ‘talmudvision’ (TV), thus brainwashing them with hyperconsumerist attitudes and preventing them from becoming racially-conscious Whites who are proud of their dynamic ethnic/racial heritage. Once normal suburban Whites again begin to re-confront the grittier and more difficult side of life that they have tried to remove themselves from, the rise in White racial consciousness will inevitably follow…of that fact we can be assured. Thus I somewhat welcome the Jew-caused mini-depression and immigration invasion we are currently living through, as hopefully it’ll cause many more Whites to WAKE UP to the glaringly obvious ethnoracial chaos that threatens to eventually overwhelm the White race here in North America.

  12. Relatedly, I’ll also add that the White flight to suburbia in the post-WWII era has served to ‘sissify’ far too many White American men. Suburbia is in many ways dominated by White females, and it’s increasingly matriarchal (it didn’t used to be like that…this is a rather recent development). Nearly all well-adjusted females of course crave the safety, stability, comfort, and routine of places like suburbia, and many White American suburban females just want to protect their nice and naive White children from being in contact with too many moronic, crime-prone, and semi-feral non-Whites and their gutter/anti-cultural mores.

    However, the safety, stability, and routine of White suburbia has served to stifle the strong White spirit of far too many White males – this applies ALL over the White world: in the USA/Canada, Australia/NZ, much of Europe, parts of Latin America, etc. As such we’ll have to find ways to remove everyday Whites (especially White males) from their fanatasyland suburban ‘utopias’ if we are to ever begin making real sociopolitical progress along pro-White lines. While many American Whites continue to ‘hide away’ in their all-White suburban enclaves, the country as a whole is declining all around them because of the increasing hordes of non-Whites running rampant across the land and sowing the seeds of eventual White dispossession in North America and elsewhere. This is also occurring in many other White nations around the world, and it clearly must change.

    That’s why in addition to being a pro-White activist/White nationalist, I’m also a ‘masculinist’ (fighter for male rights) and a bitter opponent of modern Jew-dominated ‘feminism’ (see: If the White nationalist movement is to start gaining any traction in the future, we’re going to have to begin strongly reasserting White male dominance/leadership over the gossipy gaggle of safety and security-obsessed White suburban females who are highly PC and thus dislike being ‘mean’ or ‘unfair.’ It goes without saying that many of these modern suburban White American females have been brainwashed by subversive Jew feminists, cultural Marxists, and ‘egalitarian’ leftists while they were in college or via the Jew-infested American ‘talmudvision’ (TV)…thus we must also work to remove them and protect them from those toxic environments/practices and inculcate within them higher, better, and more ethnocentric pro-White values and beliefs.

  13. Prozium, when you say you “follow” Kunstler, what does that mean? His comments about whites and the right have exposed him for what he is, and that’s not a traditionalist or a friend of white nationalism. Moreover, his attacks have crossed a line. He may fancy himself an agrarian, and that fools some traditionalists, but he filters his beliefs through a radical leftwing, multicultural, anti-white, Jewish worldview (albeit, on the fringe). What am I missing here?

  14. In this dark scenario, the dispossessed White middle class of the United States turns against the Obama administration and elects a rightwing fundamentalist

    Anything that uses the word “elect” is a false flag in my opinion. Elect means the same regime is still in power.

  15. “I actually see the deteriorating socioeconomic situation in the USA as a prime recruiting opportunity for the pro-White movement.”

    Yes and Michael O’meara has correctly pointed this out! Great minds think alike indeed!

    “A half dozen years ago, “Yggdrasill,” one of the pioneers of American white-nationalist thought, argued that the United States would likely go the way of the former Soviet Union if its system of financial rewards and punishments should ever cease to benefit the white majority. For though US elites have not the slightest interest in the welfare and security of the white majority, the majority was willing to be bought off as longs as the elites provided the material benefits to ensure its allegiance. Today, we are entering an era when that ability to deliver the goods may be rapidly diminishing.

    For this reason, I believe catastrophe alone will cause white Americans to abandon their allegiance to the existing system and to see the elites controlling it as their real enemies. Such a transfer of loyalties away from the state is thus likely to entail less a racial awakening than an understanding how to live in a hostile reality, once the virtual realities that are at the heart of the American System have collapsed. Nevertheless, at that point when whites abandon the status quo, the possibility of an emerging white national movement will quicken.”

  16. ” If the White masses continue to reject White nationalism as they currently do, all that our intelligent and courageous White ancestors worked, fought, and died for in settling and building up this vast North American continent for the White race will have come to naught as it’s turned in to another Brazil-esque hellhole ruled over by totalitarian/plutocratic hostile Jewish elites…”

    Another reason to not just turn over the Jew-nited States is that its weaponry (nukes) may be utilized a THIRD time in a another World War with Sacred Europa.

    I have a hunch that Organized Jewry is just itching to start a war with Iran and have it spread to a large conflict with the Shanghai Cooperative Organization (which contains Mother Russia as a member)

  17. The hard fact you have to face is that most “whites” are not “apathetic” but openly and knowingly on the side of the establishment.

  18. As a “realist” I realize that most people of every race, sex, religion and nationality are scum.

    That’s different from white nationalism. Race realism is not white nationalism.

  19. I don’t bother with the race realist arguments anymore. Who doesn’t know that blacks are less intelligent and more likely to be violent criminals?

  20. That’s true but the idea of political correctness has much broader implications than just denying black vs white differences.

    I’m a sex realist, a nationalist realist (people do divide into nationalities it is normal), a “free market” realist (a strong state is indeed needed), a human nature realist, a “democracy can’t work” realist, etc. too. I expand realism beyond just race and therefore have other things to talk about that are just as “shocking” and “cruel” to mainstream society. I think it is better to know how “screwed up” the world is than to deny it and had several awakenings in my life that caused me to become very cynical and probably “anti-social” from the viewpoint of “normal” people. I just do not believe in mainstream society or its political correctness. Most of it is a facade.

    MS loves to feed itself bullshit. There is plenty to debunk.


    I think we’re in the ridicule stage, for sure. One thing that I’m predicting is that there will be a vigorous and futile defense of suburbia and all its entitlements, no matter what reality is telling us to do. And this will translate into a lot of political mischief. You can quote me: Americans will vote for cornpone Nazis before they will give up their entitlements to a McHouse and a McCar.

  22. “As a “realist” I realize that most people of every race, sex, religion and nationality are scum.”

    Except of course the ‘………….’

  23. Without giving my endorsement to MacDonadite theory, most individual Jews are as prone to being scum as individual non-Jews. I’ve never denied that.

  24. See you are so obsessed with including antisemitism into your ideology that you assume that all who are not antisemites do not apply their philosophy to Jews or “soften up.”

    You assume all who reject antisemitism are full of “unprincipled exceptions.” But that’s far from the truth.

  25. The vast majority of Whites have never heard of White Nationalism. In the South, there is no organization on the ground trying to bring racially conscious Whites into the movement. WN only exists in the back alleys of cyberspace.

  26. Prozium:“The vast majority of Whites have never heard of White Nationalism. In the South, there is no organization on the ground trying to bring racially conscious Whites into the movement. WN only exists in the back alleys of cyberspace.”

    It’s true that most American Whites have never heard of WNism, but that can change – as you’ve stated in a couple comments recently, many White Southerners (indeed, many Whites all around America) are implicitly pro-White racialists…all we have to do is make it more acceptable (even ‘cool’) for them to become explicitly and publicly pro-White. Not pro-White in a ‘hateful’ or ‘crazy’ way, just in a ‘normal’ and ‘natural’ way. As I wrote in a recent forum post (, the internet allows us to reach many millions of new White eyes and as such allows us to make the case that our views are indeed correct. Right now we intellectuals of the pro-White movement are in the process of refining our views and figuring out various strategies to try and eventually ‘mainstream’ the pro-White movement – the actual on-the-ground organizing will only come after we have refined our views to politically palpable levels that are generally acceptable/mainstream enough for the fickle White masses to stomach. We’ve clearly still got lots of work to do, because many WNists still can’t even agree if Italians are fully White or not. However, sites such as this one, The Occidental Quarterly, Majority Rights, and a few other ‘high-brow’ pro-White sites are emerging as the leading lights of pro-White thought that will help to shape and refine the movement that will inevitably arise in due time as Whites become increasingly dispossessed in the coming decades assuming the American ethnoracial situation remains as screwed up as it currently is.

    I’m surprised that there hasn’t been more pro-White political activity here in The South in recent years, as we Southerners have of course had our fair share of political ‘rabble-rousers’ throughout American history, especially in terms of racial/ethnic-related issues. With all of the Hispanics that have been pouring in to Dixie in the last decade or two to snatch up all of the agricultural jobs from what those Hispanics say are “lazy Blacks,” not to mention all of the Yankee ‘neo-carpetbaggers’ that have moved here to The South recently too, I’m surprised their hasn’t been more open pro-Southern/pro-White ferment. I think that the American South is one of the last bastions or holdouts of true ‘American values’ in the once-great U.S. of A – thus The South remains particularly fertile ground for a sociopolitical revival of American populism amongst American Whites (the 2008 national election map shows this rather clearly: The declining WASPs of the American Northeast no longer have the capacity to lead or revive the nation, as unchecked Jewish hegemony reigns near-supreme up there. California and some other Western states are now lost to Hispanics and loony leftist Whites, and the ‘loony left’ factor is much the same in Pacific Northwest; Florida is mostly Hispanic-wrecked, and getting worse still; the overwhelmingly White Midwest (lower and upper) will likely team up with The South if a movement truly emerged that could move millions of working/middle-class American Whites to positive pro-White sociopolitical and economic action…thus in my eyes it seems that it is up to us Southerners to do what we can to salvage White civilization here in the USA as no other region remains even halfway capable enough to do it. Plus, we ‘Rebs got to do what we can to at least partially avenge our unfortunate defeat in the “War of Northern Aggression.” We Southerners aren’t about to just lay down and accept the suicidal orders of a monopolist clique of internationalist anti-White plutocrats who are based ‘up there’ in Yankee-Judea. Hell ‘naww — we Sons and Daughters of Dixie will fight again for our freedoms if we have to.

    As luck would have it, I’m in the process of formulating and organizing a tentative platform for a pro-White American political party I eventually hope to start in about another 2-3 years or so; I call it ‘The American Freedom Party’ – see: – Prozium and others: please feel free to submit ideas at that website as to ideas and information that you think I should include in the platform for it to best succeed amongst American Whites. I’d actually like to collaborate with other pro-White activists/White nationalists in the preparation and writing of that political platform if at all possible.

    The American Freedom Party will be populist and genuinely focused on the concerns of the average White American working-class/middle-class worker and working-family, and thus it will be anti-elitist, anti-New-York-banker, anti-Masonic, anti-plutocratic, etc; it’ll be anti-federalist/anti-centralization, and as such localist/regionalist and focused primarily on state-rights; echoing the previous point, it’ll be anti-globalism and pro-protectionism, especially in relation to economics; it’ll be anti-corporate/anti-internationalist and pro-local small/medium-sized business; it’ll be ‘nativist’ and very strongly opposed to further non-White immigration to the USA; it will also be very pro-environment/pro-conservation (seeking to recruit some of the American ‘Greens’ who are White), as well as semi-agrarian/anti-urban (espousing that we should at least partially return to the deep agrarian roots of the USA); it’ll espouse a ‘third-way’ economic viewpoint, incorporating the best of both capitalism and socialism (realizing that socialism can only succeed among ethnically/racially homogeneous populations); it’ll be pro-White-male-patriarchy and anti-feminist; it’ll be a Judeoskeptical party, plus anti-Hispanic too (it will not be overly anti-Black though, but rather it’ll seek to assist and educate Blacks in becoming more economically self-sufficient and even help to repatriate as many Blacks back to Africa as possible); it’ll be isolationist and pacifist (avoiding unnecessary foreign wars/entanglements just as the Founding Fathers warned) but also pro-national defense, pro-local/state militia, pro-gun, etc; it’ll be pro-elderly/retiree and work to protect their rights, an issue which will become VERY important in the next 10-20 years as the hordes of Baby Boomers retire; it’ll be VERY pro-free speech, pro-freedom of religion, pro-freedom of the press (we’ll seek the dissolution of the biased and non-free Jew-dominated mainstream media/press), and very pro all of the other basic American rights as spelled out in the Bill of Rights..among other issues.

  27. I should also add that The American Freedom Party, though it will of course lean strongly ‘conservative’ due it being a pro-White/racialist party, will also incorporate some socialistic/social democratic elements as long as they can work to support the overall White majority of the USA.

    I know you are big in to political science Prozium, so if you feel up the the challenge of helping me come up with a workable political platform as well as formulate various sociopolitical strategies for a new pro-White American political party that I hope will be set for launch in about 2-3 years, come on over to when you have some extra time and leave suggestions, comments, criticisms, etc.

  28. As a good example of how the internet is great for sharing ideas, over on Jobling’s site (in the recent post he wrote on laying the groundwork for the ‘meainstreaming’ of the pro-White movement: a commenter there named ‘Brit realist’ had some great ideas that included distinctly splitting the pro-White movement in to various factions, i.e. the mainstream political faction (for local, state, and national politics), the educational faction (in terms of genetics, racial/ethnic cultural differences, IQ, non-White immigration, the Jewish Question, etc), and the radical activist ‘Pro-White Front’ faction.

    I think the PWM will need two separate organisations a political party and educational/protest organisation. Trying to get into local government whilst also trying to educate the population about racial differences in brain sizes using just a political party is a sure fire way to get nowhere fast.

    Taking a modern example of the environmental movement, it has an extremist protest organisation called Greenpeace, which is less concerned about popularity, but more about raising awareness about issues they care about. Simultaneously the Green Party contests elections and engages with the people on issues they care about it and try to show how a green alternative will improve their lives.

    In the pro-white movement we would have an extremist protest organisation called say the ‘Pro-White-Front’ in which the activists try to raise awareness of things close to the PWM heart but which are unpopular positions that no political party should touch.

    The other organisation would be a political party called say the ‘American Party’ which would focus on popular grievances like illegal immigration, affirmative action, crime, globalisation etc. – By Brit Realist on 7/27/09 at 3:35 am –

  29. WP you have a blog? I will check it out.

    When it comes to organizations for Whites I would point out that the Council of Conservative Citizens would ‘count’ in my opinion. Sure it is highly reactionary and from the ‘White Councils’ days but hey better then nothing.

    Haley Barbour got burned for going to one of their events (to court voters) and Ann Coulter has received criticism for defending them in one of her lame books recently so there is some history there as well.

  30. I should also say that as much as I often bash the ‘burbs as they currently exist in their hyperdependent form, some Baby Boomers are finally beginning to wise-up to brighter ideas regarding the better use of suburban land, notably this new concept known as “agriburbia” which involves re-incorporating agriculture back in to the living space of people, more of a local village-type arrangement rather than an almost totally dependent bedroom commuter-community that so many suburbs have morphed in to.

    Me and some of my neighbors in my immediate local area have been doing some of this stuff for a few years now (shared gardenspace/orchards, shared ponds for fish, even communally raising chickens, etc), but finally some mainstream ‘planners’ are catching on. A quote:

    “The answer, he and his wife decided, lay in the burbs. “I’m one of the few planners who believe in suburbs,” he says. “Not the way they are, but the way the are going to be. They are going to be the most lush, most human-supportive places to live. If they are optimized, they would be as close to paradise as they could be.”

    By “optimized,” he means putting all those pointless suburban stretches of grass — both communal areas and individual yards — to work as farm plots. They figure such subdivisions could produce as much as half of their inhabitants’ necessary food calories, as well as drastically shrink the area’s food-production carbon footprint. Not only that, but Agriburbia sites would maintain about 50 percent of the former farmland that would otherwise be displaced by the development, as well as preserve farming jobs, since somebody has to show all those suburbanites how to grow veggies.

    Now the only trick is getting one built. The TSR Group had preliminary approval for Platte River Village, a 618-acre, 994-dwelling Agriburbia project in the town of Milliken, but when the real-estate bubble popped, their financing fell through. Now they’re working to resuscitate the project while also planning a 120-acre version in North Carolina, not to mention smaller-scale variations in Douglas and Boulder counties. To help pay for it all, they’ll be relying on innovative financial structures like metropolitan districts that will fund agricultural infrastructure like orchards.” –

    As stated in that quote, they’re trying to build a 120 acre agriburban community a few dozen miles from where I live in NC; check it out @

    NC is actually a great place for agriburban villages/neighborhoods like these because we have a long growing season here (except in some of the western mountainous regions where it is a lot cooler than the rest of the state), but unlike the very Deep South our climate is generally quite temperate and thus we (luckily!) don’t get too brutally hot during the Summer months here.

  31. Jews seem to almost have an out of body experience anytime a white gentile like Sarah Palin acts in a manner that (in the Jewish mind) smacks of Nazism. An intelligent, lucid and seemingly rational Jew like Kunstler becomes paranoid and irrational when he perceives someone to espouse ideas anathema to Jewish interests and it’s reflected in his rant on “cornpone Nazism”.

    Sarah Palin is no Nazi and has publicly professed her love for Israel on several occasions. She even has a small Israeli flag in the governor’s office and is a darling of neo-con high priest William Kristol. So what does little Jimmy see that he doesn’t like?

    Any socially conservative gentile, however pro-Jewish, who Jews consider a wild card and who might be able to harm their group interests is considered a Nazi. This proves that Jews are wary and distrustful of even the most philo-semitic gentiles, so imposing a gag order on discussing Jews or allowing a debate within the narrowest framework possible won’t score us brownie point or their undying devotion.

    Philo-semitism is a loser. GW and others are simply too block headed or disingenuous to take notice.

  32. Iceman,

    I’m a sex realist, a nationalist realist (people do divide into nationalities it is normal), a “free market” realist (a strong state is indeed needed), a human nature realist, a “democracy can’t work” realist, etc. too.

    “Nationalist” has a political connotation. It’s more accurate to say people are “groupists.” You’re correct that this is normal and, as a realist, you should also accept that it’s normal for people to attempt overcome group differences. WN’s claim (implicit, at least) is that it’s better to give in to some differences, most notably racial differences, rather than attempt to overcome them, even if they can be overcome (or reasonably thought to be able to be overcome — which it is reasonable to think, irrespective of angry WN denials).


    Americans will vote for cornpone Nazis before they will give up their entitlements to a McHouse and a McCar.

    Is there anything you don’t hate, Prozium? What do people do in your ideal WNny world, sit around admiring each other’s whiteness all day? People want nice houses and nice cars? Empty materialists leading empty McLives!


    all we have to do is make it more acceptable (even ‘cool’) for them to become explicitly and publicly pro-White. Not pro-White in a ‘hateful’ or ‘crazy’ way, just in a ‘normal’ and ‘natural’ way.

    The best reason to do so is that it bypasses people’s greatest resistance, which is the idea that they have to hate others in order to be pro-white. The only reason half-way pro-whites (like conservatives or race-realists) have to think they’re your moral better is that they don’t hate (all) non-whites. The impression they have of you is that you demand they join in you hating (all) non-whites. It’s really not any more complicated than that. If you can demonstrate that your position involves a hell of a lot more than merely hating people I think you’ll find advocacy much easier, even if it requires you to first reflect on your own views a bit. It’s like the Germans skirting around the Maginot Line — it took a bit of work initially, but it paid off handsomely. Anti-hatred is what most people are set on so you just skip around it and demonstrate how your position doesn’t require hating anyone.

  33. ” WN’s claim (implicit, at least) is that it’s better to give in to some differences, most notably racial differences, rather than attempt to overcome them, even if they can be overcome (or reasonably thought to be able to be overcome — which it is reasonable to think, irrespective of angry WN denials).”

    Laugh out loud! Oh boy where to begin… Silver you seriously want us to over-come HUMAN NATURE!?!?!? The last time that was tried (Communism) resulted in the deaths of around 100 Million!

    Estimated number of victims

    The introduction, by editor Stéphane Courtois, asserts that “…Communist regimes…turned mass crime into a full-blown system of government”. He cites a death toll which totals 94 million, not counting the “excess deaths” (decrease of the population due to lower than the expected birth rate). The breakdown of the number of deaths given by Courtois is as follows:
    65 million in the People’s Republic of China
    20 million in the Soviet Union[3]
    2 million in Cambodia
    2 million in North Korea
    1.7 million in Africa
    1.5 million in Afghanistan
    1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
    1 million in Vietnam[4]
    150,000 in Latin America
    10,000 deaths “resulting from actions of the international communist movement and communist parties not in power.”(p. 4)
    Courtois claims that Communist regimes are responsible for a greater number of deaths than any other political ideal or movement, including Nazism. The statistics of victims includes executions, intentional destruction of population by starvation, and deaths resulting from deportations, physical confinement, or through forced labor.
    [edit]Soviet repressions

    Repressions committed in the Soviet Union under the regimes of Lenin and Stalin described in the book include:
    the executions of tens of thousands of hostages and prisoners, and the murder of hundreds of thousands of rebellious workers and peasants from 1918 to 1922 (See also: Red Terror)
    the Russian famine of 1921, which caused the death of 5 million people
    the extermination and deportation of the Don Cossacks in 1920
    the murder of tens of thousands in concentration camps in the period between 1918 and 1930
    the Great Purge which killed almost 690,000 people
    the deportation of 2 million so-called “kulaks” from 1930 to 1932
    the deaths of 4 million Ukrainians (Holodomor) and 2 million others during the famine of 1932 and 1933
    the deportations of Poles, Ukrainians, Moldavians and people from the Baltic Republics from 1939 to 1941 and from 1944 to 1945
    the deportation of the Volga Germans in 1941
    the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1943
    the deportation of the Chechens in 1944
    the deportation of the Ingush in 1944.(p. 9-10) (See also: Population transfer in the Soviet Union)

  34. Is there anything you don’t hate, Prozium? What do people do in your ideal WNny world, sit around admiring each other’s whiteness all day? People want nice houses and nice cars? Empty materialists leading empty McLives!

    In all fairness, I can’t bash Kunstler when he gets on a roll about suburbanites. I usually find myself laughing along.

  35. “Prozium

    I don’t bother with the race realist arguments anymore. Who doesn’t know that blacks are less intelligent and more likely to be violent criminals?”

    WNs know this but your average white person doesn’t know that science and statistics affirm this as fact.

    The first thing they say when you tell them this is a reflexive defense, “well there are whites who are criminals and stupid too.” Most people have difficulty with statistics, along with the shame and guilt they feel for even thinking about non-whites in a bad way.

  36. In the vein of “cornpone Nazism,” over on the HBD Books website this here ‘corn-fed Suthronur’ just wrote what I think is a decent, non-inflammatory comment on why Whites should always remain extremely skeptical of Jewish influence; I had to tone my comment down because Hoste seems a bit censorious (is he Jewish/part-Jewish?)…it remains to be seen if he’ll allow the following comment [with some minor revisions made here] to remain there:

    I am by no means a genocidal anti-Semite, but in my opinion Nietzsche’s sugary philo-Semitism was entirely incorrect. This is being proven more and more every day it seems in those White nations which are very philo-Semitic, places like the USA and the UK where Jews obviously dominate many key sectors. Both of those nations, having acquiesced too much to Jewish demands and Jewish ‘control,’ have seen their nations and empires decline quite a bit since the Jews have become fully ‘entrenched’ there.

    Despite Nietzsche (and many others in the 19th Century) often pegging Jews as so-called “destroyers,” Nietzsche still had lots of reverence for Jews (perhaps because his father was a Christian pastor who thus viewed Jews as “God’s Chosen People” – Nietzsche surely soaked up some of those ideas early on from his dad and/or his mom). Nietzsche’s semi-ignorance of the ‘Jewish Question’ is perhaps due to the fact that he died in the year 1900, long before the full extent of the very often negative influence of Jews in White-Western societies had become truly known – as we now know, Jews reached the height of their power and influence in the mid-to-late 20th Century (read Slezkine’s book THE JEWISH CENTURY), with communism in the USSR as well as their hypercapitalistic success in the USA (which is of course still apparent today). Nietzsche’s main gripe with the Jews was of course mostly theological (not so much social, economic, or political), especially the key role they played in bringing the Christian religion in to Europe, which he (correctly) saw as a pitiful and pathetic religion that exalted weakness, fatalism, and sickness instead of strength, willpower, and healthiness.

    Despite all of the laudatory praise which Nietzsche had for the Jews, their very often subversive influence in various sociopolitical and socioeconomic movements during the 20th Century in many White-Western nations has obviously been overwhelmingly deleterious. For instance, the mass-media(s) in some White-Western countries have been dominated by Jews for some time now, and look at the sickening cesspools those Jewish-owned/ran mass-medias have degenerated in to (especially in the USA and the UK).

    Socially and politically ‘organized Jewry’ has also been a prime force in opening the floodgates of many White countries to masses of non-White immigrants, and they are still some of the foremost champions of multiracialism/multiculturalism in many White nations. The heavy Jewish influence in academia in many White nations (esp. the USA and UK) has also proved to be mostly negative, as they incessantly push their far-leftist/Marxist politics and views, feminism, anti-Westernism/anti-Whiteism, and general race-denialism/social constructionism on the naive student population. Also note at the over-representation of Jews in key sectors like medicine, law, economics/banking/insurance, and so on in some White nations like the USA/UK and notice how those sectors have declined in a major way ever since Jews came to dominate them in recent decades.

    As stated above, I am not at all a murderous anti-Semite, but after putting the various puzzle pieces together and beginning to understand the negative role that Jews have so often played in many White nations (esp. the USA and UK), I am increasingly ‘Judeoskeptical’ to say the least.” –

  37. Harsh_Henry14W @ #35:”WP you have a blog? I will check it out.”

    Yeah HH, it’s just one of my (too) many blogs (none of them are currently very active, though). It only has one post so far, and I don’t expect to be very active at all on it because I’d rather write and comment here on Prozium’s website and ‘ride his coat-tails’ for a while, to be frank. On that blog I just put up the Table of Contents for a book entitled WHITE SURVIVAL that I want to write and hopefully get published within the next 2-3 years or so (maybe sooner) – I already have a good 50+ pages of material for that book written, including many previous posts or ideas I’ve written as blog comments here or on other pro-White websites. Mostly though that blog is just a reference list or web-directory of various pro-White/pro-Western, White nationalist, racialist, ‘race-realist,’ HBD, and a few Judeoskeptical weblinks that I use in order to more easily navigate the pro-White internet in general.

    I think that we ought to try and build up the forum here as Prozium has recently suggested, because blog postings and their comments are just too hard to follow on a day-to-day basis – however, deep and sustained discussion is indeed possible in forums such as the one Prozium has just set up here. Blog posts and their comments are just too often flash-in-the-pan, day-to-day, and superficially journalistic in my opinion, and thus excellent comments and discussions are often lost after a week or two once a bunch of new blog posts have been put up and swamped previous good discussions. Blogs are great for saving/aggregating daily news-stories and current events for future reference/research, but in terms of serious and sustained discussion they aren’t much worth a damn — that’s where forums come in.

  38. Hothead_Henry,

    Laugh out loud! Oh boy where to begin… Silver you seriously want us to over-come HUMAN NATURE!?!?!? The last time that was tried (Communism) resulted in the deaths of around 100 Million!

    Calm down. I said some differences should be yielded to, like racial differences. (WTF don’t you get about this, dude? I want separation and I want everyone else — regardless of who they are — to want it too.)

    But the fact is it is human nature to want to overcome them. And it’s reasonable to think — to think it, ie you’re not insane if you think it (as WNs would have it) — they can be overcome. Why? Because some people are capable of demoting racial considerations. And because they’re capable of it they think everyone else should be too. But they ignore that it tends to require quite some effort (like constant self-affirmation in the wake of a “racial incident”) and that interracial interaction, whatever delights it occasionally offers, is never really as satisfying as intraracial interaction. But the biggest reason for anti-racism is that the only alternative they can imagine (one constantly reinforced by “Blood and Honor” types) is a hatefest and an orgy of violence and massacre.

  39. Silver I believe in pan-nationalism. That means all hardcore nationalists should fight along side each other but not under the same flag.

  40. Prozium,

    In all fairness, I can’t bash Kunstler when he gets on a roll about suburbanites. I usually find myself laughing along.

    It’s revealing that you neglected to answer. I think it’s a product of your despair. For you guys (“EWNs”) it’s not just race that is wrong, it’s everything. For me, society is racially wrongheaded and culture is in the toilet but the underlying structure is sound and things could be made right with surprisingly little effort or psychological readjustment. I’d describe this view as “Charles Murray + racialism” — racialism in the sense that the life goods Murray identifies are best appreciated within a racial (or at least a very strong cultural) context.


    Silver I believe in pan-nationalism. That means all hardcore nationalists should fight along side each other but not under the same flag.

    Yes, you’ve explained that before. Nationalism thrives on grievance so I think it’s naive to believe nationalists won’t soon go for each others throats, if they can even begin to cooperate at all.

  41. “Calm down. I said some differences should be yielded to, like racial differences.”

    Having a hard time following you here, do you mean more like ‘sub-racial’ differences betwixt the infamous Nords, Alpinids, and Meds or something else.

    “But the biggest reason for anti-racism is that the only alternative they can imagine (one constantly reinforced by “Blood and Honor” types) is a hatefest and an orgy of violence and massacre.”

    Yes anti-racists are pretty dumb.

    They can travel into the nearest Inner-City to experience an orgy of violence. Don’t believe me…. just ask Lily Burk!!! (,0,123041.story )

    In the future when things deteriorate enough to post-Yugoslav depths one will have to choose which violence they want… WHITE DEVIL RISE!

  42. Nationalism thrives on grievance so I think it’s naive to believe nationalists won’t soon go for each others throats, if they can even begin to cooperate at all.

    Internationalists go at each other’s throat too.

    Stalin vs Trotsky.

    Bush vs. Obama.

    We can end violence by being progressive, not by being more internationalistic.

  43. “We can end violence by being progressive, not by being more internationalistic.” -on 30 Jul 2009 at 1:31 pm, 50 Iceman
    * * * * *

    True Patriots Must Prefer Christian Honesty And Simple Concrete Reality
    (Apollonian, 30 Jul 09)

    “Ending violence”?–is that like ending sin?–or humanity? Note Judeo-conspirators (see for expo/ref. on CFR-Bilderberg conspiracy) presently want to reduce world population to around a billion or so. And leave it to typically moronic Jews to pose utterly idiotic and unreal ideal-goal. And what’s “progressive”?–tolerating Talmudic murderers like Jews?

    Real “progress” is rather eliminating Jew murderers (a redundancy) and psychopaths–along w. all their gentile suck-alongs, like queers, “Judeo-Christians,” and bolsheviki. Question is how to go about this Jew-expulsion. Answer is to re-discover most successful kind of anti-semitism ever known–the real Christianity.

    Thus Humanity must simply achieve another Jew-expulsion in this latest affliction of Jew parasite disease-of-opportunity which always strikes in CYCLIC fashion, according to “Decline of the West,” by Oswald Spengler, Jew parasite disease taking advantage of cyclically over-populated gentiles suffering typical HUBRIS of “success” and “prosperity” fm enlightenment era.

    And like any treatment for such a plague of Jew monsters (another redundancy) leading their gentile accomplices, wise physicians must treat the entire general condition of the cultural hubris consisting of Pharisaism-moralism (Pelagian hereticalism) and subjectivist belief in perfectly “free” human will.

    Thus Max Keiser (see says Americans need a hypnotist to “cure” them of the Judeo-conspiratorial COUNTERFEITING scam, the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)–see, and for expo/ref.–which so many poor, deluded folk still imagine is a legitimate organization and not simply the crass criminal enterprise it really is.

    CONCLUSION: But I say the surest technique is to just SNAP-OUT of this mental fog so many people have allowed themselves to fall into by means of fascination with ABSTRACTIONS, like “capitalism,” “inflation,” etc., and facing up to CONCRETE reality, which even children can understand, this simple CRIMINAL counterfeiting conspiracy presently run by Jew masterminds commanding and directing their gentile henchmen. Leave it to Jews for encouraging people upon idiotic, abstract “will-o’-the-wisps” (“being progressive”). Thanks “Iceman” for providing perfect counter-point, reductio. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

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