O’Meara and Myths

Michael O’Meara has great article on secession at The Occidental Quarterly. I see that many regulars here have already found it. This is one of the few occasions in recent weeks where I find nothing to argue with in a piece. There is no quibbling around the edges of the race debate. Instead, O’Meara tackles the central issues head on, and gets right to the point.

White Nationalists are animated by two powerful myths: the myth of White regeneration, and the myth of the White Republic. Objectively, the plight of racialists in the United States has never been worse, but it is precisely in such perilous times that the formative core of great social movements are sown. Dry recitation of facts and figures has never moved the masses. Myths powerful enough to capture the imagination of millions change the course of history. They have the virtue of being immune to rational criticism.

Prerational human instincts are the taproot of White Nationalism: tribalism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, kin selection, altruism. These instincts (which give rise to emotions) are then filtered through the lens of American history (racial conflict between Whites and non-Whites) and combined with the myths mentioned above to reach the final product. The rational arguments that racialists make to justify separatism are secondary considerations. Shorn of their prerational foundations, say, a healthy love of kin, they rarely lead to the desired mythic conclusion.

Myths should not be evaluated on the basis of their truth or falsehood. Instead, they should be analyzed on whether or not they are adaptive. They are works of art, not logical propositions. Does the myth in question lead to the survival and propagation of our group in future generations? If a myth suits us, why savage it with criticism?

More time should be spent articulating the myths of White Nationalism in film and literature. In the early twentieth century, D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation singlehandedly inspired a renaissance of the Ku Klux Klan. At its peak in the mid-1920s, the Second Klan had swollen to 5 million members, about 15% of the nation’s eligible population. It dominated entire states. More recently, William Pierce’s The Turner Diaries inspired a wave of underground White Nationalism in the 1980’s.

This generation has no shortage of material to work with. Unfortunately, no one seems to making 2042, the movie. Why is that?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hear Hear! Fantastic post! For too long the WN movement has been under the delusion that rambling about genetics and screaming about non-white violence is going to awaken our people, they won’t! People’s ideals and beliefs (especially white’s) are shaped by thier emotions and imagination, not thier reason and intelligence. I’m 25 and I can tell you without any doubt that the liberals and anti-racists of my generation have NOT had thier worldviews shaped by politicians, pundits, and scientists; but by mucisians, writers, and entertainers. Culture shapes politics, not the other way around. At this time when the cracks of anti-racism and the culture born in the 60’s are growing into canyons WN needs artists. We need musicians, actors, filmmakers, poets, novelists, dancers, and poets. I’m busying away my free time working on being a poet and storyteller for our people and many more need to as well. Before we can hope for our own Civil Right’s Movement we need our own Harlem Rennaisance. Remember it’s not genetics, politics, and parties; it’s CULTURE CULTURE CULTURE!!!

  2. The “White Republic” is a dead end. In the first place I just do not see how to get there – sociopolitically speaking – from here. It requires a large and motivated population or racially active whites who reject out of hand all the multicultidiversity stuff, which of necessity requires rejecting the premise of all human beings being equal, which means rejecting one of the founding myths of the USA. That sort of development takes time and drastic events. I don’t see it being possible within a century at least.

    Secondly, we HAD the “White Republic” already. As wisely-designed a republic as was ever created was set up by the founders of this country. We have already proven we could not keep it. What reason is there to think a do-over would work any better?

    Third, there’s the likes of Mike Vanderboegh (“Sipsey Street Irregulars”) and the “Three Percenters”, who may or may not be entirely figments of a few militia loudmouths’ imaginations (I have seen no evidence that they are more than that). Basically they’re gun-rights and militia people and determinedly opposed to the left and strict Constitutionalists. However they are also determined anti-racists. Any republican insurrection against the existing imperium is going to find itself ripped apart internally over the pro-white vs race-blind argument.

    I expect a descent into chaos followed by a monarchical turn; that would fit the historical patterns.

    I totally agree with Craig’s post though. There’s very little being done in this regard, and what is done (frex, Saga’s songs) are just not very good. What’s needed in terms of songs are catchy tunes people can hum to themselves without really thinking about it. Modern music isn’t very good at that, and what pro-white stuff I’ve heard has been worse.

  3. I disagree with Rollory, the “White Republic” is not a dead end. Quite the contrary, it is the answer to our problems. O’Meara put it nicely when wrote that the image of the White Republic says everything, explains everything, promises everything. If there was ever a myth worth striving towards for pro-Whites in North America this is it.

    Yes, it is true that America started out as a White Republic only to devolve into the anti-White empire of today; however, reestablishing a White Republic in North America doesn’t mean that we have to repeat the same mistakes that the American founders made. The White Republic of the future could have an ideological foundation composed of tradition, hierarchy, and identity; the notion that “all men are created equal” would not have a place in this White Republic. The liberal mistakes that were made in America’s founding don’t have to be repeated.

    Lastly, who can say what is possible and what is not. I certainly don’t believe that the U.S. (as a political entity) will survive the coming decades, consequently, I expect that future events will deal decisive blows to the very liberal myth that hold us back in reaching our fellow Whites. And when these windows of opportunity come we need to have a ready-made alternative vision for what Western society should be, a litany of facts about differential crime rates and average IQ statistics won’t cut it.

  4. Finally!
    Finally voices are starting to be raised that are speaking of matters as they are and not as one would wish them.
    Finally we are realizing that we are in a revolutionary situation.
    Finally we are realizing that guns, sacrifice and fighting are what is needed.
    This is a very heartening development. Our people are waking up and a vanguard will lead them.

  5. Thank you, Prozium. I have never left. I have just been silent, thinking about what to do next. The essay leads me to believe that I must get in contact with O’Meara. And you.

    I think the time for writing, by itself, is rapidly coming to a close.

    It’s time for that Vanguard to actually form.

  6. We get to the White Republic by building a parallel system to the existing one that is as independent of the latter as can be had.

  7. Matamoros: “Finally!
    Finally voices are starting to be raised that are speaking of matters as they are and not as one would wish them.
    Finally we are realizing that we are in a revolutionary situation”

    Absolutely. We have long been engaging in our critique of the anti-white status quo, but we have been silent or muddle headed about where to go from here. That, or we have squabbled incessantly amongst ourselves, never agreeing on a future direction, never having a unifying myth.

    I like the focus that O’Meara places on the power of myth. He nails it. No doubt much squabbling remains, but I am beginning to sense the formation of our myth, our sense of purpose, our direction. It is still in its nascent, fledgling form, but I believe that this is the myth which will ultimately dominate our discourse: the White Republic! Nothing else will do.

  8. WN needs artists. We need musicians, actors, filmmakers, poets, novelists, dancers, and poets. (—Craig)

    I think the artists are ready. What is missing is a few nationalist TV stations to give them work and to broadcast their artistic creation. It would have been done already if big obstacles did not lay in the way. For example, authorizations are needed from the FCC, artists who support the white cause may no longer find work in the main stream media, advertizers will shun the white nationalist media, and so on.

    I’m busying away my free time working on being a poet and storyteller for our people

    I’m sure many people like you have written great things but have no way to reach the public. Meanwhile, big companies are able to turn a profit even out of a low quality book or record. For example, radio stations broadcast a lot of rap music which is mostly rubbish. But most of the music created in the West is almost never heard in the main stream media, and it cannot develop an audience.

  9. ” Myths powerful enough to capture the imagination of millions change the course of history.”

    This certainly seems to be the case.

    I myself am fascinated by such Far Right Mythologists as Alfred Rosenberg (‘The Myth of the Twentieth Century’) and Baron Julius Evola (‘Revolt Against the Modern World’). These guys set down a Mythical basis for the political programs that were to follow.

    O’meara seems to be heading in the direction of creating a Mythos for us for now!!! FORWARD!

  10. ” I’m 25 and I can tell you without any doubt that the liberals and anti-racists of my generation have NOT had thier worldviews shaped by politicians, pundits, and scientists; but by mucisians, writers, and entertainers. Culture shapes politics, not the other way around.”

    Yes this certainly seems to be True and also the French New Right seems to have come to the same conclusion.

    The dominant Pop Culture is most assuredly liberal and Anti-racist, but there are still some sub-cultural elements out there today that reject these things.

    Myself I like to listen to Morrisseys ‘National Front Disco’, Danzigs ‘White Devil Rise;, Slayers cover of ‘Guilty of Being White’, I spend time watching ‘Starship Troopers’ (Bugs = ??) and ‘Pump Up the Volume’ (White dude rejects his liberal parents and school) so there are still some elements out there if one looks for them, sort of as a life-preserver.

  11. Slayer covers old Minor Threat tunes?!?

    Seriously, this is what is needed: we must first envision our future, win people over to our vision, a romantic nationalism, worthy of our people, one that will shine like a beacon compared to the vapid goods currently on offer.

    Question is: How to start?

  12. “The White Republic”

    A Great Task lies before us!

    “Question is: How to start?”

    The French New Right started with the notion that before the question of Power could be posed, a Radical Critique of Contemporary Society needed to be under-taken. A Critique of the ‘Culture of Critique’ if you will. A deconstruction of Leftist deconstruction.

    That is one suggestion.

    “I’m sure many people like you have written great things but have no way to reach the public.”

    Thanks to the internet that is changing. The Jewish Media is going to have competition now!

  13. The internet is NOT a basis for a society. It’s great and all and good at communicating facts the media doesn’t want known but societies are built by people living together, interacting with their neighbors, the shopkeepers, the handyman, the car mechanic – everyday life. The internet doesn’t replace that. It doesn’t substitute for it at all. The closest you get are message board communities which may seem like they create solid friendships but lemme tell you I’ve been watching and working with online communities for 15 years now and they evaporate painfully easily. There’s very little glue holding them together. If an individual leaves, the community mostly doesn’t notice, or care. That’s not the sort of thing that can build a real-world community and society – it’s a meeting of minds and a fun place to run mouths and that’s about it. You don’t (by and large) meet your wife or raise your kids online, or get to know people you’d be willing to trust with a gun at your back. Only real life does that.

    What I am getting at is that until there is a real world group of people living and working and thriving together, until there is some sort of mechanism reinforcing their living together and striving together, the community does not, in fact, exist. That is the basic requirement. Until it is met – and there’s all sorts of pressures in the current society opposing it – it’s very difficult for this to be anything but talk.

  14. “The internet is NOT a basis for a society.”

    I fully agree, but it is a good way to spread INFORMATION about Race Realism and White Nationalism!

    You are right that an actual community is required! Good post.

  15. More myths–less clinical analysis, or dry recitation of facts and figures. They only go so far. I would prefer more personal stories and anecdotes. I know MR excoriated several months ago “vanity posts,” trying to cut down the number of personal-oriented entries. I can understand it. But I enjoy them. I find them enlightening and inspiring.

    I started a blog two years ago devoted to classic men’s tyle (clothing, shoes, grooming, etc.) and culture, interspersed with quotes from French New Right and revolutionary conservative thinkers. Among them were included writers such as the notorious French author Michel Houellebecq. Do you know Houellebecq? If not, I recommend him. He has written a number of books critical of the consumerist, multicultural West. He was recently put on trial for criticising Islam. His books are frequently pornographic. In his first book ‘Whatever,’ published in the mid-1990s, he ridiculed the cubicle-existence of white worker drones, negroes, and the sexual marketplace. In the late 1990s after a few years of arid post-graduate research and journalistic drudge, I found his books a breath of fresh air. For Amazon.com I reviewed his book ‘Elementary Particles’ on December 14, 2000:

    “When I read the shrill reviews from the uptight liberals at the New York Times, I knew this book had to be good. I was right. The Elementary Particles is the story of two half-brothers in post-1960s France. When their hippy mother runs off to a New Age community in California, the two boys are sent to live with different sets of grandparents. The boys grow up in a world infected by the ideas of the 1960s revolution. The highest values are American ones: radical individualism, sexual liberation, and self-expression. The bonds holding people together have been eroded as France is mercilessly (and tragically) Americanized. Every facet of life has been reduced to crude, radical competition. The law of the jungle prevails. The two brothers react to this sad new world in interesting ways. Bruno — a teacher, failed writer, and chronic masturbator — embarks on a life of endless searching for love but becomes obsessed with pornography, sex clubs, cyber sex, and nudist holiday camps; he molests one of his female students. Michel, a scientist, withdraws from the world, unable to love; he devotes all his time to biology and genetics research. Their superficially different reactions bely the fact that they suffer from the same modern disease which manifests itself in an inability to love, self-absorption, and an absence of meaningful social interactions. There is no larger community in this world; just a bunch of atomized human beings — elementary particles — that occasionally bump into one another for sex. They are adrift in a decadent West unaware of its own rapid decline. Bruno and Michel ultimately choose similar ways to deal with their sad fate. This book is a timely indictment of the social, sexual, economic, and technological upheavals in the West since the 1960s. This may help explain why Houellebecq has been so viciously denounced by the liberal and conservative establishment, not only in France but also in America. Speaking truth to power makes enemies. As a much-needed critique of a global society dominated by liberal, consumerist American values this is a very important work. But as a deconstruction of that society it is only the beginning. It is also entertaining and hilarious, if at times needlessly graphic. I recommend it.”

    In the spirit of Houellebecq and others like him, I propose here the creation of a new website dedicated to literature, poetry, art, song, and video from the perspective of WNs–or, the forgotten men of the West. Maybe it could be called the 2043 Review, the Western Spectator, the Western Review, whatever.

    Is there any interest?

  16. I’m all for it Admiral! Final somebody else gets it, I’ve been saying pretyy mucht he same thing at the different meet-ups and conferences I go to!

  17. ” In the spirit of Houellebecq and others like him, I propose here the creation of a new website dedicated to literature, poetry, art, song, and video from the perspective of WNs–or, the forgotten men of the West.”

    Certainly! Be sure to share the link when you get started! A blog of reviews would be good.

  18. From the Admiral: “I propose here the creation of a new website dedicated to literature, poetry, art, song, and video from the perspective of WNs–or, the forgotten men of the West. Maybe it could be called the 2043 Review, the Western Spectator, the Western Review, whatever.”

    Please send such items to The Occidental Quarterly Online: http://www.toqonline.com/

    Greg Johnson
    Editor, TOQ

  19. As Mr Johnson insinuated above, there is no reason to start a new pro-Western/pro-White website or cultural magazine when “The Occidental Quarterly” is already in existence to accept such material. However, it’ll have to be good to be accepted by them — if it is only ‘so-so’ they won’t publish it and thus the pro-White community would need a ‘second tier’ type of website or publication for the literature, music, essays, and so on that won’t make the cut at TOQ.

    TOQ has been publishing tons of great material for years now; from them I learned about the racialist views of one of my favorite 20th Century writers, DH Lawrence. The same applies to the Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun, among many others that they have thankfully brought to wider attention.

    They ought to start running more stuff by Ezra Pound, Joseph Conrad, TS Eliot, WB Yeats, the Vanderbilt Agrarians, and many others…all of them held strongly pro-Western (and thus pro-White) views, though that legacy has unfortunately been drowned out by the Judaized culture that became hegemonic in many White-Western nations during the post-WWII era.

    If TOQ is looking for some good material to run, I recommend republishing some of the wartime speeches of the brilliant American poet Ezra Pound; they can be found at http://www.yamaguchy.netfirms.com/7897401/pound_ezra/radioPound.html

    New pro-Western/pro-White art, music, literature, drama, film, and so on is of course all well and good, but a potential White-Western artist living in contemporary times must first become familiar with their own cultural and artistic predecessors before they can even begin to have pretensions toward contributing alongside them.

  20. White Nationalism is too focused on symptoms. Multiracial society as a design concept for civilization is The Race Issue. This is the nearest cause of all the innumerable grievances between the races from the White Nationalist perspective. It is also the cause of the many conflicts between the non-white races.

  21. .
    The battle has always been twofold: Race and Class!

    Survival depends upon more than racial awareness, loyalty and dedication.

    Every respectable class of White Aryan must be included; and ultimately class thinking itself must evolve into the simplicity of ‘us’ against ‘them’.

    There is no equality except in unity!


  22. 26Bob

    ”There is no equality except in unity!”


    There is Equality without Unity. Unity is merely a consequence of Equality. There is no Unity expect in EQUALITY. EQUALITY is the focus. Equality ensures Unity. You cant have Unity without first having Equality. Equality comes first Unity is a consequence of Equality not the other way round. To be United you must first be Equal. To Be Equal you dont need to be United you can just be Equal. So if its Unity you want you need to first be Equal if its equality you want there is no need for Unity.

    No guesses whoose philosophy your going to attempt steal and apply in your so called purpose.

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