Imagine 2050

This website has been running a series of articles about White Nationalism. The writers there are dishonestly trying to link us to the Birther movement and the Republican noisemakers at town hall meetings who have been trying to derail Obamacare. In reality, we have nothing to do with the Zionist crackpots over at WorldNetDaily or the individualist wingnuts who constitute the GOP base.

A quick survey of this blog (and most others of its genre) will reveal that I have written nothing about health care reform. It is not really one of our issues. I’m not necessarily opposed to a “public option” or a national healthcare system. In a White Nationalist state, it would be a subject worth consideration and debate. In the contemporary United States, health care reform would most likely become another engine for transferring wealth from Whites to non-Whites.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Prozium:”the Republican noisemakers at town hall meetings”

    I’m quite sure many of the rabble-rousers at these town hall meetings are outright plants of the (Jew-dominated) health-insurance industry.

  2. “In the contemporary United States, health care reform would most likely become another engine for transferring wealth from Whites to non-Whites.”

    This is what I have been explaining to friends and family–and fortunately most seem to get it. A national health care scheme, under the current multiracial system, is just a tool to transfer funds from whites to non-whites.

  3. Prozium & Admiral – you are both fully correct that this attempt to ram through national healthcare in the contemporary Jew-wrecked U.S. is just another way to scam more money (debt, actually) out of White American taxpayers just so Shaniquaa Black, Maria Lopez, Chin Viet Li, and so on can have even more non-White babies at the expense of White American taxpayers.

    If we lived in an all-White (or nearly all-White) nation I would however fully get behind healthcare reform similar to the systems that exist in Europe except I would have them be supported by the individual states that citizens reside in rather than the federal government.

  4. In an all-White polity, I, too, would support a nationalised health system, for presumably it would benefit my family, friends, community–in short, people like me. I suppose this could be explained by racial altruism and EGI. But in a multiracial state like ours, with competing tribes and minimal levels of inter-group trust, any such scheme is to be opposed on its face.

  5. In the contemporary United States, health care reform would most likely become another engine for transferring wealth from Whites to non-Whites.

    Exactly why I vehemently oppose it.

  6. Health care is a value. It has to be produced.

    It does not simply spring into existence as a result of passing a law. That means that “government” cannot “provide” health care. The best government can do is take money from some people and give it to others. (At worst, it can tell doctors they have to work X hours a week at Y pay rate and make it illegal for them to quit and look for work elsewhere. You think I jest, but if the socialist program continues, that’s a logical destination for it.) Whenever people get “free” money like that, they’re less careful with how they spend it than if they earned it themselves. That results in a less effective system with poorer overall results than if people just paid for the care they wanted themselves with no government interference at all.

    The best argument against socialism of just about any sort is that it DOES NOT WORK. The family is communist. That’s it. The thinner the ties of blood, the less likely socialism is to work, and the vaguely distant cousins that make up a traditional nation are really not close enough to make it work.

  7. Yet National Socialism not only worked, but worked magnificently. Their welfare state, though, was not hampered by needy, useless freeloader non-whites.

    Rollory, if we didn’t have the dead weight of so many non-whites and jewish parasites our standard of living could be exponentially better than it is now. People have no conception of how much wealth we waste on the hostile invaders. A pure white polity could afford universal care without many difficulties.

  8. But in a multiracial state like ours, with competing tribes and minimal levels of inter-group trust………..(Admiral)

    This reminds me of why any socialist-type of thinking will and must ultimately fail in the United States. Tribal thinking and competition should be encouraged between blacks and latinos…I am in the habit of informing blacks that I knew (in prison, in the military) that latinos recently passed them in the census, are stealing their jobs, etc. Nonwhite groups should be set against each other whenever possible. Super-perceptive comment Admiral.

  9. “A pure white polity could afford universal care without many difficulties.”

    Define your terms. Universal care? What’s that? Band-aids available for anyone at no cost? Fixing broken bones at no cost? Major surgery and cutting-edge drugs that cost hundreds of millions to develop and haven’t even begun to recoup the investment yet for everybody who wants them at no cost? Tossing around terms like “universal care” without addressing this is purely and despicably dishonest.

    Health care is a VALUE. It has to be PRODUCED.

    Somebody has to work at making that value. If they work, they have to be motivated to actually do it and do a good job. There are two motivations that are shown effective: the benefit of close family members, and personal gain as measured by money. Somebody has to pay for producing that value, and the only way they will do it is if they think it’s worth it. If they don’t feel it’s worth their time, then it logically follows that we have one of two situations: a shortage, or slavery.

    I’m against slavery first and foremost on the principle that it weakens the enslavers.

    Second, I don’t care that you’re white, if you’re dumbass enough to get yourself hurt and then expect my taxes to pay to fix it, you can damn well go to hell, I will NOT be used in that manner. That’s what private payment teaches: personal responsibility, and acceptance of the consequences of one’s own actions. That’s what is needed more than anything else. Anybody who opposes that is no friend of whites or anybody else.

    All of the nationalized health care systems in Europe are parasiting on the private system in the US, where the vast majority of ALL medical advances get produced. The American taxpayer is funding improved medical care for everybody else. That, like a multitude of other things about this society, will not and can not continue. Once it stops, improvements in medical care stop too, and a regression isn’t unlikely. Theoretical claims about the wonders of all-white society don’t change basic human motivations, which HAVE to be taken into account.

  10. I don’t think you can say that WN has nothing to do with reactionary conservatism. A large proportion, maybe a majority of the people on Stormfront are birthers and are generally obsessed with Obama in a shallow, personality driven way. A majority of people there also believe that someone other than Islamic terrorists perpetrated 9/11. Overall, maybe a third of the active American posters on SF are Fox News/Limbaugh fans who also “hate niggers and mexicans.” Maybe another third of the posters there are nazi fetishists and Christian Identity types. Another third are people who more in tune with the views on the WN blogs.

  11. Define your terms. Universal care? What’s that? Band-aids available for anyone at no cost? Fixing broken bones at no cost? Major surgery and cutting-edge drugs that cost hundreds of millions to develop and haven’t even begun to recoup the investment yet for everybody who wants them at no cost? Tossing around terms like “universal care” without addressing this is purely and despicably dishonest.

    Settle down there, buddy. What I meant was something along the lines of “he who doesn’t work shall not eat.” Legitimate things like workers who are injured or cancer patients would be covered. There would have to be standards to reduce waste. But it would be redundant of me to say all of these things since I was clearly referencing NS Germany and how they worked their programs. “Despicably dishonest” – you are overwrought.

    Health care is a VALUE. It has to be PRODUCED.

    Yes I’m aware, Ludwig von Mises. And you want those who produce to be duly compensated and those who don’t to be denied. Fair enough.

    Somebody has to work at making that value. If they work, they have to be motivated to actually do it and do a good job. There are two motivations that are shown effective: the benefit of close family members, and personal gain as measured by money. Somebody has to pay for producing that value, and the only way they will do it is if they think it’s worth it. If they don’t feel it’s worth their time, then it logically follows that we have one of two situations: a shortage, or slavery.

    You will never find me defending socialist wealth-confiscation as it currently stands. And no, my system would not entail such things.

    And your excessive concern for material gain strikes me as spiritually Jewish. Not that people shouldn’t be compensated for innovation, but you make money sound like it’s the be-all-end-all. Many Aryans are driven to achieve because that’s just what they do. Was Michelangelo “in it for the money” or was it a labor of love?

    I’m against slavery first and foremost on the principle that it weakens the enslavers.
    Second, I don’t care that you’re white, if you’re dumbass enough to get yourself hurt and then expect my taxes to pay to fix it, you can damn well go to hell, I will NOT be used in that manner. That’s what private payment teaches: personal responsibility, and acceptance of the consequences of one’s own actions. That’s what is needed more than anything else. Anybody who opposes that is no friend of whites or anybody else.

    Sir, your manners are churlish. And this is a straw man argument since I never came close to advocating the above. You read all sorts of things into my post that just weren’t there.

    I don’t like parasites any more than you do. Capice?

    All of the nationalized health care systems in Europe are parasiting on the private system in the US, where the vast majority of ALL medical advances get produced. The American taxpayer is funding improved medical care for everybody else. That, like a multitude of other things about this society, will not and can not continue. Once it stops, improvements in medical care stop too, and a regression isn’t unlikely.

    I have no problem sharing medical advances freely with European blood brothers. Immigrants and non-whites unfortunately are the ones benefiting from this policy, so you’re right about this much.

    Theoretical claims about the wonders of all-white society don’t change basic human motivations, which HAVE to be taken into account.

    There is nothing “theoretical” about what NS Germany achieved. Nor is it “theoretical” that we could do the same with a racially homogeneous society.

  12. Over on “The Daily Beast” website, a columnist calls this the “Summer of Hate” –

    The article is a crock of shit of course, but the author at least includes a decent timeline of recent happenings in the USA related to race/ethnicity, including a few things I hadn’t heard about such as: “July – In Paris, Texas, a riot breaks out between the KKK, neo-Nazis, and the New Black Panthers.”

  13. Great find, WP. It’s interesting how many politicians have been targeted. A sign of things to come, no doubt.

  14. Forget Canadian and British health care, the Franco-German system works «

    “All effective universal health care today actually goes back to the Germany of the 1880s, although Germany never gets any credit for it (just as Napoleon never gets any credit for inventing military decorations, ribbons and medals, which now seem self-evident in all militaries, and people assume wrongly they were always around). The prime minister of Prussia and later the first chancellor of the German Reich, Prince Otto von Bismarck, invented universal health care partly out of compassion and partly out of fear that the German working class would otherwise vote against the conservatives and the leftist, marxist Social Democrat party would take over the Parliament, the “Reichstag.””


    “The French and German systems, were they adopted in our country, would also give much greater freedom to switch jobs. We Americans profess to be in love with our freedom, William Wallace-like, but economists estimate that between a quarter and half the US labor force is now “job-locked”. This means they may hate their boss, their work conditions, their co-workers, the commute, or the pay, or all five, but they stay put in their misery just to keep their health coverage going or to avoid triggering exclusion under their next employer based on a “pre-existing condition” they got while at the previous job.”

  15. KNL,

    You are right. Most of the NS ideas of social welfare came from Bismarckianism. After he was ousted Kaiser Bill couldn’t contain the SPD because he didn’t have the progressive view of statecraft that Bismarck did which allowed the Jew-Commie alliance to proliferate in the German realm.

  16. “You are right. Most of the NS ideas of social welfare came from Bismarckianism. After he was ousted Kaiser Bill couldn’t contain the SPD because he didn’t have the progressive view of statecraft that Bismarck did which allowed the Jew-Commie alliance to proliferate in the German realm.”

    Reichskanzler Bismarck was simply a genius, political and otherwise, par-excellance, Mark!!!

    As was so many other German STATESMAN throughout antiquity, rather than the scummy proles of today passing themselves off as ‘politicians’, whilst they feed at the jew trough of money, media and marxism to advance their “careers” rather than advancing the cause of the German Fatherland, or any other European Father/Motherland, for that matter!

    One of my favorite German/Prussian/European Leader-Statesman of all time — Fridericus Rex –

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