
In my absence, Vanishing American has written a long post about divisiveness within the pro-White movement, which was undoubtedly inspired by the previous thread here. The general thrust of her argument is that we should have more patience for those who are on our side (in particular, Christians) but disagree with us on some particular. I see nothing to argue with there. It was not my intention to spark a debate about Christianity, but that was the result of my brief comment on demonic possession.

As to divisiveness on our side, I have been around long enough to resign myself to its existence. Fractiousness of this sort is typical of emerging political movements. It is undesirable, but unavoidable. There is nothing that I or anyone else can do about it. Most of these divisions were sown in the distant past. Even if we chose not to comment on them, they would still exist. Here are a few that come to mind:

– Europeans vs. Americans

– Canadians vs. Americans

– Yankees vs. Southerners

– Nords vs. Meds

– Race Realists vs. White Nationalists

– National Socialists vs. White Nationalists

– White Supremacists vs. White Nationalists

– Paleocons vs. White Nationalists

– Christians vs. Pagans

– Christians vs. Atheists

– Creationists vs. Darwinists

– Mainstreamers vs. Vanguardists

– Radicals vs. Moderates

– Socialists vs. Capitalists

– Single Jewish Causers vs. Multiple Causers

What is the definition of “our side?” Where is the line to be drawn? I’m willing to work with anyone (except criminals, fantasists and defectives) who is 1.) pro-White, 2.) advocates the ethnostate solution, and 3.) supports Jewish exclusion. This disqualifies Auster, Jobling, G.W., Robert Lindsay and the rest of the philo-Semite race realists. It excludes the paleos on the conservative fringe. My definition includes Meds like silver; Brits like GuessedWorker; Christians like Fred Scrooby, notuswind, danielj and Rusty Mason.

In my view, subrace, nationality, region and religion are not dealbreakers. I link to Christian websites like Spirit Water Blood and Cambria Will Not Yield. I support their work. In contrast, I stopped linking to the humanist Richard Dawkins, although I agree with him on evolution. If White Nationalism is to succeed in North America, some accomodation with Christianity is inevitable. I have in mind the arrangement between the Southern Baptist Convention and the Jim Crow South. That would suit me just fine.

What say you?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Can’t we all just get along” (LOL)

    Now, on a serious note, I think the real problem is not Our diffrences as White, Western people, since We indeed have great and rich ‘diversity’ among Us, and I mean this sincerely, as a compliment.

    The real ‘problem’ if you will, is how some White’s so arrogantly insist their particular tribe, sub-culture, or ideology is so much better than the rest of Us, that instead of just having legitimate pride and healthy self-respect for their sub-group, they have to go on the offensive and gratuitously denigrate and disrespect other White tribes and faiths. This is totally uncouth and often uncalled for, and is behaviour unbecoming of a White man (or woman, sorry VA :)), since no man is God, and a major factor in what makes Whites so special and, dare I say beautiful, is the decency and humility of the tribes of people that make up the ‘West’, versus the nonwhite ‘rest’. This is a virtue, Our altruism, that We must NEVER LOSE, most especially NOT the least for EACHOTHER!

    Look, whether you want to look at this from a Christian or a ‘Pagan’ perspective, or a ‘Nord’ or a ‘Med’ perspective, let’s keep the ‘eyes on the prize’, and realize that all We have is eachother in this world that is becoming more and more like a ‘Camp of the Saints’ for the global White racial community.

  2. Excellent post Prozium, and good reply above by Kulaks Never Learn too.

    Even though I have a lot of personal antipathy toward the Jewish/Semitic religion of Judeo-Christianity, I am fully open toward working with any and all people professing that religion if they are pro-White, just as you stated above Prozium: “I’m willing to work with anyone (except criminals, fantasists and defectives) who is 1.) pro-White, 2.) advocates the ethnostate solution, and 3.) supports Jewish exclusion.”

    We pro-White activists/White nationalists need to put many of our various social, religious, political, and economic differences aside and work together for the permanent survival, preservation, and advancement of the White race. Though I personally like to discuss and debate various religious/theological issues because I am interested in that field of knowledge, I don’t want religious divisiveness to distract us away from the main issue which is, of course, the revival of White nationalism that all of us seek no matter our specific religion, socioeconomic/sociopoliticial views, and/or specific White ethnicity. We all need to realize that race/ethnicity trumps every other issue because it is primal and biological and is thus literally in our blood, whilst issues like religion, politics, economics, etc are merely “social constructs” – we are all ‘White racialists’ and that fact should be obvious, but for far too many that isn’t always the case.

    I am a “pan-White nationalist,” and thus I’m more than willing to compromise and/or look past all kinds of personal/social differences as long as we are all working together in a pro-White sense.

  3. White nationalism is a political movement, which means that it consists of diverse people pursuing a common practical goal: the creation of a white ethnostate. It is important that white nationalists agree on the same goal. But beyond their common whiteness, they need not share a common identity to pursue the white ethnostate. Nor do they need to have the same reasons for pursuing that goal.

    Insisting on a common identity and a common set of philosophical foundations is fine if one wants to create a religious or philosophical cult or sect. But a sect by itself is seldom able to create political change. Even the Bolsheviks and Jacobins sought allies. And if a sect seeks to find allies and build coalitions, then it can do so only by setting aside the sectarian principle that a homogeneous identity or ideology is absolutely necessary to produce political change.

    For my purposes, I will collaborate with anyone who is race- and Jew-wise. I do not make the pursuit of an ethnostate a litmus issue, although I hope that individuals will come around to this way of thinking.

  4. Several more fault lines within white nationalism are:

    1. moral universalists vs. moral tribalists/particularists

    2. anti-abortionists vs. pro-abortionists (I am not pro-“choice” but pro-abortion: for some it should be forbidden; for others it should be mandatory; but choice should not be a factor)

    3. anti-feminists vs. pro-feminists or the indifferent

    4. anti-gays vs. pro-gays or the indifferent

    5. anti-drug vs. pro-drug or the indifferent

    A lot of these issues boil down to the fact that many who come to racial nationalism bring baggage from the conservative movement and seek to make racial nationalism a kind of conservative package deal, whereas others seek to create a racial nationalist “big tent” that de-emphasizes these other issues. I lean towards the big tent approach. My goal is a society in which all these contentious issues will still exist, but they will be debated by whites alone.

  5. “1.) pro-White, 2.) advocates the ethnostate solution, and 3.) supports Jewish exclusion.”

    First two presuppose the last, in the sense that Jewish mischief would be nullified. However, if you mean to say that every single Jew regardless of his or her merit, beliefs, etc would be excluded that is discrimination based on subrace and contradicts your later statement.

    “In my view, subrace, nationality, region and religion are not dealbreakers.”

    Jews are Caucasoid.

  6. The most important unifying characteristic white preservationists should share amongst each other is their common cause for white preservation. And as we all know, we are at war.

    Quote: War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. UnQuote
    —John Stuart Mill

  7. “We all need to realize that race/ethnicity trumps every other issue because it is primal and biological and is thus literally in our blood, whilst issues like religion, politics, economics, etc are merely ‘social constructs.'”

    A Christian believes that Christ shed His blood for us. You know this, but I want you to understand. Christians believe that this is the first, most important bond, that trumps here, now, forevermore, and death. A Christian puts God first, family second, and everything else third. You are a part of my family (extended, snickers). Can you reconcile with this, or collaborate with like-minded brothers? That’s the whole enchilada.

    Nonbelievers think it is goofy or foolhardy (I wasn’t born this way)… and are easily repelled by how prickly we seem. When you mock us, you mock our God. This will spark a conflict because (1) our God won’t be mocked. (2) We find it contradictory that you would mock the God of your own father’s, simultaneously championing our shared heritage.(3) (most) Christians became believers by following their conscience – a conscience that was the kindling of fire that told us we don’t treat our brothers that way, that we might owe something of what we are to that brother’s father. This implies faith – whatever or wherever, and a touch of humility/grace. Your gentlemanly fathers had this, the savage and culture-destroying liberal are entirely bereft of this treasured refinement. Most of us see it on the wane, and a society absent of this repulses us.

    Can you break bread with us? I promise you what burns in your blood burns just as hotly in mine!

  8. Jews may technically be Caucasians. They certainly claim to be white when it suits them, e.g., in the old South Africa.

    But the fact remains that Jews define themselves as a distinct people from whites. Beyond that, they define whites as their greatest enemies, and they are actively working to destroy our race wherever it exists on the planet. That is all that should matter from a white nationalist point of view.

    Embracing Jews because they are “Caucasian” is just being blinded by an abstraction.

    The same goes for embracing all the brown Caucasians of the Middle East and South Asia.

    Europeans or whites are a much smaller group than Caucasians, and unlike the other Caucasian subgroups, we are in danger of extinction.

  9. The vast majority of Christians hold the beliefs they do because they were born and raised in a sect in some given locale. If these people were born in Pakistan, they would all be Muslims.

  10. Jews define themselves as a distinct people from whites. Beyond that, they define whites as their greatest enemies, and they are actively working to destroy our race wherever it exists on the planet. ( — Greg Johnson)

    True. I only wish it weren’t. Euros have to grasp that and stand up to it or they’re going to disappear and five hundred years later Jewish children will be taught by their Jewish elders how their tribe, the Jews, pulled it off: got rid of the Euro race.

  11. Lind and van Creveld talk about “Fourth Generation Warfare.” What they leave out is we’re in the middle of Fourth Generation Warfare right now. It’s called race-replacement-by-forced-population-transfer. The Jews say Hitler wanted to get rid of them by means of gas chambers. (The “gas chambers” are of course a Jewish myth.) What they don’t say is they ARE getting rid of us right now — not “they want to,” they are — by means of race-replacement immigration coupled with race-replacement social policy. That’s warfare: what qualifies as warfare more than genocide by forced race-replacement? Nothing qualifies more.

  12. “Jews are Caucasoid.”

    Most are. Askenazis — 90% of the Jews alive today — are descendants of the Khazar tribe. They’re a Turkic people that converted to Judaism in the 8’th to early 9’th century. They are NOT SEMITIC! Furthermore, I’ve never seen any definitive proof the Khazar’s are not white.

  13. – Single Jewish Causers vs. Multiple Causers

    A more realistic opposition would be something like :
    – Jewish Cause downplayers vs. Jewish Cause overstaters

    No one will blame the “downplayers” for saying that the anti-white crusade has more than one cause. The reason for the disagreement is that most people think that dwelling too much on the JQ is embarrassing and rude to the Jews. But even if they hope the JQ doesn’t play a crucial role in the undoing of the West, they should still join their ruder fellow-nationalists in protesting the Jewish overrepresentation in the media and in top institutions. Could a “multiple causer” please explain why he thinks we should tolerate the huge discrimination against non-Jews? Our overall analysis may differ, but we should all agree to denounce Jewish discrimination against us.

  14. Pas d’ennemis a droit, pas d’amis a gauche! It works for our enemies; maybe we should give it a try. Far, far to many rightists loudly and self-righteously condemn anyone to their right. I’m not sure if they think this buys them legitimacy, or if they’re just so brainwashed that it makes them feel virtuous.

  15. Embracing Jews because they are “Caucasian” is just being blinded by an abstraction.

    True. This is why we don’t worry about the Russians. They have their “own thing” going on. Brothers yes, but they aren’t a real concern of mine.

    The Jews might be White, and some of them I might fancy as brothers, but they have their own thing.

  16. I’m wondering if it is possible to expand this further to open up a uniform ethnostate movement for any groups that seek it, or at least a non-aggression agreement between all parties.
    White Nationalism depletes much time and energy attacking outgroups who pursue their own ethnostates, which are goals in parallel, not in conflict. Could this time and energy instead go toward White ethnostate interests?
    Shouldn’t effort orient itself more around the positive goal of what we White Western Europeans wish to create rather than only around what we wish to remove, resulting in mostly negativity?

  17. I have no problem working with active Christians, especially Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox. In fact, I expect to do so. I just don’t want to be overwhelmed by Bible-Belt Protestant peasant theology. But the question is, do these people have a problem working with WNs?

  18. Take a tip from the Jews, they don’t try to destroy Christianity or conservatism head on, they co-op them, they corrupt from within. But, like any good business practice, those who get there first are usually far more successful. We’re playing catchup here.

  19. We are at war.

    When at war, we will…we must…cooperate for the common good. As things descend into the inevitable chaos – the white nationalist movement will unify, as it must. Many of these issues that are so-called ‘divisive’ are so named because we have been feeling our way to a consensus. There are several historical examples of this amongst revolutionary movments – I’d even venture to say amongst ALL revolutionary movements. I’m sure you guys can generate several examples.

    More importantly, white nationalism has a Hegelian feel to it…it is inevitable, a part of the “world-spirit” that strives for greater, higher organization. For the good of man – our type of man. We’ll fight, and there will be blood spilled; and one more chapter in the long history of our kind – its struggle upward – will be realized.

  20. Why have a pointless fight? This battle was already fought in the 1920’s Germany. It’s called National Socialism. The table is set – all you have to do is sit down and enjoy the meal.

  21. Pas d’ennemis a droit

    Maybe not. But certainly plenty of buffoons — as evidenced by assertiveness of one-right-way-to-do-WN on a thread dedicated to decrying such thinking.

    Anyway, a more effective way to conceptualize differences is to understand that at present the ship is sailing due anti-white, destination: oblivion. Your task — no easy one — is to turn the ship around and set it sailing due pro-white. But what is the final destination? If we conceive of a theoretical but unreachable ultimate of 100% movie-star good-looking, NASA-brained, ultra-nordics, the ship could call into port at any point sooner, be it race-realism, be it (loony) Pan-“Aryan” Frontism, be it The White Republic etc, and divisiveness largely resulting from disputes between those who want to sail farther up the coast and those who don’t.

    More importantly, white nationalism has a Hegelian feel to it…it is inevitable, a part of the “world-spirit” that strives for greater, higher organization.

    I have that sense too. It’ll be similar, I think, to the way anti-racism exploded on the scene in the 60s after it had been gestating underground for decades. Conservatives were shell-shocked by it and the feeble responses they scrambled to offer had no hope of matching the intellectually well-drilled left, let alone match the moral vigor the left could muster. “But, but, but…” “But nothing! Out of the way, caveman!”

    My definition includes Meds like silver

    My only objective here is to keep you to the logical straight and narrow. I share a sense of inevitablism about racialism so my main concern is to contain its negative impact (I like to believe this can be accomplished).

    A lot of these issues boil down to the fact that many who come to racial nationalism bring baggage from the conservative movement and seek to make racial nationalism a kind of conservative package deal, whereas others seek to create a racial nationalist “big tent” that de-emphasizes these other issues. I lean towards the big tent approach. My goal is a society in which all these contentious issues will still exist, but they will be debated by whites alone.

    That sounds reasonable but isn’t the question on most people’s lips “Well, what do I have to do? What does it mean to be “pro-white”? Race by itself doesn’t seem like it’s enough. It’s the working class that feels the brunt of diversity, so some sort of populism seems to best fit the bill. That still leaves the door pretty wide open for disagreement on political visions.

  22. ” Far, far to many rightists loudly and self-righteously condemn anyone to their right.”

    Yes this is really quite annoying. Myself I would qualify as a Far Rightist (White Nationalist) but there are some extremists who are even further on the fringes… Skinheads in boots and braces, Uniformed Neo-nazis, Survivalists in Compounds surrounded by ammunition and food-stuffs, Christian Identity Adherents with half-beards (Lindstedt), Exteme Black Metalists (in face paint!)… however I do not criticize them.

    One day, after the decline has steepened, my survival may very well hinge on being around these guys.


  23. ” It’s called National Socialism.”

    If one recalls correctly National Socialists urged other Rightists to join them based on the notion that only by combining into ‘one single entity’ could Marxism be defeated…. is this what you are suggesting Nordmacht???

  24. Check out the following video for a great example of the anti-consumerist, anti-immigrant, anti-liberal/anti-Obama, anti-Chinese, and general economic anger that is rising fast amongst many everyday ‘prole’ Americans – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaV2rNXtlXs&feature=channel_page

    Disregard the first 30 seconds of the video about buying silver and such, but the rest of the video is pretty great. He has some heavy metal music on in the background while he rants against ‘The [Judaized] System’ and smashes cheap/crappy Chinese-manufactured imports. The Confederate battle flag found on the back of his shirt adds a nice touch to it all as well. The South Shall Rise Again! “Old times there are not forgotten…” 😉

    The pro-White/White nationalist movement should be actively seeking out and recruiting White Americans such as the man featured in that video. If we can gain the support of enough ‘Joe Six-Packs’ like that we can begin to build a viable grassroots movement.

    We are headed for rather turbulent times indeed. What we have been experiencing in about the last 2 years or so in terms of widespread economic ennui and anxiety is merely a prelude as to what is coming to the increasingly ‘diverse’ U.S. of A.

  25. #23 Niroy ~ Well said, could not agree more. I think the endless squabbling, if it’s not the work of professional dissenters, is counter-productive. We need to put aside these differences. For example, I’m what you could probably call a “Brooks Brothers White Nationalist” (;)), but have no problem working with skinheads and neo-nazis.

  26. @Niroy

    Yes, absolutely. Us squabbling amongst each other is exactly what the enemy wants us to do. As a result of this constant infighting, this ‘movement’ (as an abstraction) has been spinning its wheels in the mud for the past 50 years. Now, I do understand that most ‘rightists’ (and I dislike that term) are possibly too pig headed to realize how stupid they are in creating all this division. We’d need a great, captivating, iron-willed leader to combine us…

  27. I think we need to agree on a few core issues such as who qualifies as one of us and support for exclusionary policies towards Jews. After all why else was Israel formed? Jews always complain of unfair treatment or “poisecution” in the diaspora yet still insist on living among gentiles. Israel is an ethnostate for Jews so they should be given a one way ticket back to the holy land.

    I believe anyone with 100% European ancestry should qualify as white and hence for citizenship in the ethnostates. Prospective ethnostatists should be screened for political orientation to avoid admitting people like Lindsay and Guy Wrong. The welcome mat should be pulled for all philo-semitic harpies.

    We need to coalesce not by nationality but as people with common blood and a shared genetic and cultural heritage that transcends national boundaries. That’s probably easier said than done.

    The form of government adopted by a given ethnostate would be another hot topic of debate. The current constitutional model may not be desirable or satisfactory if the new nation borders territory peopled by hostile non-whites that would mandate a standing army to protect citizens.

  28. Your definition is more expansive than that of Wilmot Robertson of The Dispossessed Majority fame, since he excludes Meds or Latins from the American majority concept. If you’re going to include Meds, why not Ashkenazi Jews? I note that McCulloch also accepts Ashkenazis, but excludes Meds.

  29. Are these people White, Fade?

    Are the Portuguese mulattos?

    Do Italians have black ancestry?

    Are the Greeks “still” Indo-European? Were they ever?

    Is sickle cell an indicator of black ancestry?

    We need to know on what grounds you’d exclude Jews but not Meds. If race is all that matters.

  30. Greg Johnson above put it nicely, Braun:

    But the fact remains that Jews define themselves as a distinct people from whites. Beyond that, they define whites as their greatest enemies, and they are actively working to destroy our race wherever it exists on the planet. That is all that should matter from a white nationalist point of view.

  31. 34texan

    ”Greg Johnson above put it nicely, Braun:

    But the fact remains that Jews define themselves as a distinct people from whites. Beyond that, they define whites as their greatest enemies, and they are actively working to destroy our race wherever it exists on the planet. That is all that should matter from a white nationalist point of view.”

    The truth is you have destroyed your race and you are scapegoating every non-white to save face!!!

  32. “The truth is you have destroyed your race and you are scapegoating every non-white to save face!!!”

    OK so the Jews spending all that money and putting in all that effort to destroy it have been wasting their money and effort. I see. They thought they had to do it in order to get it done, but it was happening by itself anyway, so they could have spared themselves the effort and the expenditure of billions they could’ve sent to Israel and had the exact same outcome: white race destroyed. Wow, if only they’d known.

  33. I wrote:
    ”The truth is you have destroyed your race and you are scapegoating every non-white to save face!!!”

    You babbled:
    ”OK so the Jews spending all that money and putting in all that effort to destroy it have been wasting their money and effort. I see. They thought they had to do it in order to get it done, but it was happening by itself anyway, so they could have spared themselves the effort and the expenditure of billions they could’ve sent to Israel and had the exact same outcome: white race destroyed. Wow, if only they’d known.”

    Proving my point!

  34. What’s the AJC’s, the ADL’s, the ACLU’s, and the $PLC’s budget come to, all four total? Whatever it comes to, 90% of it goes into finding, developing, and implementing ways to destroy Euro-race society and genocide the Euro race itself. How much have the Jews contributed to those four Jewish outfits over, let’s say, the past forty years? A few billion, total? Isn’t the ADL alone something like 300 million a year or am I way off? And that’s just those four — multiply them by how many, ten? twenty? fifty? What do you get? OK so all that money was spent needlessly, the white collapse was going to happen anyway? Wow, someone sure took the Jews to the cleaners on that one! Taking the Jews to the cleaners is a pretty good trick if you can pull it off — they’re usually hard to trick into parting unnecessarily with their hard-earned money. Somebody sure has made a killing off the gullible Jews here.

  35. Not to mention Jewish lives wasted unnecessarily being activists — just think of the more productive ways all those Jews could have spent their lives than devoting themselves to something that didn’t need their help because it was going to happen anyway. What a waste.

  36. I think there will always be the danger that Christians will put religion over race, even if they claim to be pro-white. I’ve encountered a lot of people who have a rational understanding of the importance of race, but can’t embrace pro-white policies because of Christian beliefs.

    I think in the long term, a healthy white society would need to move to replace Christianity with something that puts our people and our history first.

    I also agree that we need less baggage from conservatism in our movement. We need to keep the focus on the big issues.

  37. feminizedwesternmale:
    “A Christian puts God first, family second, and everything else third.”

    “Can you break bread with us? I promise you what burns in your blood burns just as hotly in mine!”

    These two statements contradict each other.

    If I could believe that you believed the second more than the first, then I would have no problem. As it is, the way I read your priorities, you are essentially promising me that you will betray me for the benefit of a non-white Christian if and when the choice presents itself – God trumps family. Which, in point of fact, is exactly what most Christian denominations actually do today, over and over.

    Why should I trust you?

    I’m not asking this as a challenge or an attack. This point is central to my understanding of the basic weakness in modern Christianity.

    “This will spark a conflict because (1) our God won’t be mocked.”

    Yes, the Muslims are pretty prickly about that sort of thing too.

    See, that right there was entirely unnecessary, on my part and yours. I am perfectly aware that that Islam is an order of magnitude more strict about mockery. I also will take a statement such as yours as defying me to do something I consider to be well within my rights. Normally I wouldn’t because it’s not polite and there’s no particular reason to – but if you try to tell me I _can’t_, I will, and be damned to you if you try to stop me.

  38. Braun,

    We need to know on what grounds you’d exclude Jews but not Meds. If race is all that matters.

    I read it as “work with” not necessarily “live with.” It’s hard to believe too many established S. Europeans in America could be enthused by what they’re seeing, but many probably see the rather obvious resemblance between themselves and “whiter” Latin Americans and ignore the cultural gulf. Such people aren’t ‘natural’ allies but there’s something there to work with as opposed to nothing.


    They thought they had to do it in order to get it done, but it was happening by itself anyway, so they could have spared themselves the effort and the expenditure of billions they could’ve sent to Israel and had the exact same outcome: white race destroyed.

    Even accepting your premises (which I don’t), you’re still wrong. Ever heard of an insurance policy?

  39. What an exciting thread. The best I have seen so far. Congratulations all! I call it the best because reading the thread was inspiring and made me want to participate, in spite of the many differences of opinion. There were so many good posts, and so many I would like to comment on, that I had to accept the fact that I haven’t got all day, and so, must choose one, and take it from there. So, here’s the one quote, among many excellent ones, that I thought was worth singling out for reasons I hope to make clear later.

    “Conservatives were shell-shocked by it and the feeble responses they scrambled to offer had no hope of matching the intellectually well-drilled left, let alone match the moral vigor the left could muster. “But, but, but…” “But nothing! Out of the way, caveman!””
    I was very excited and pleased to see an effort made, by Prozium, and later in this thread by Greg Johnson, to list some of our differences. But I have to say I was amused (in the past it would have been “depressed”, but I just don’t get depressed much these days, or stay that way for long) that there was no such division listed such as

    Romanticism – Enlightenment

    I think that some of the comments I have been reading lately and articles, essays, are moving in what I would term a Romanticist position, but, without even a working knowledge of what Romanticism is, that just isn’t possible. And yet, I am convinced, now more than ever, that this is indeed the direction we should be moving, in part, exactly because it is the one “tent” that properly subsumes us all.

    My position is that of European Romanticism. Or, if you will, simply – Romanticism. I see the U.S.A. as a geographical extension of European thought, and Not as two distinct cultures with nothing in common. From this point of view it is much easier to locate the source of our Spiritual Crisis, which made us vulnerable to attack by subversion from a Hostile Elite.

  40. Oh, excuse me. The quote I used above comes from “Silver – comment 23”

    to continue…

    I will commit myself to a more detailed explanation of Romanticism in the near future, one that I intend to share with anyone who is interested. In the meantime I will say this, Romanticism is not a cult, or a sect, or anything other than a movement in Cultural History that was in essence a response to the Failure of the Enlightenment. And it is a movement filled with many powers of example who left plenty in the way of documents and artifacts.
    The Enlightenment promoted a culture of simplification. This culture of simplification turned into a culture of over-simplification as Europe moved westward through the Americas, particularly North America, or, the heart of the matter, the U.S.A and embraced the Frontier values of Simplification – Reduction – Violence.
    And these values of the Culture of Over-simplification were Idealized and Universalized. The result?
    It rendered us helpless before the problems created by our successes, which in the States was almost entirely limited to our Technological advances, as well as Material and Economic. Problems ranging from the Industrial to the Social. Problems relating to everything from City life centered around the automobile to what was known even by the 60’s and refered to by Liberal commentators at the time as our “Negro problem.” The “Negro problem” has led not only to a “Mexican problem” but to a very real threat to our Survial problem!
    In short, the “success” of the Enlightenment led to helplessness in the face of problems created by technological and economic success, and, eventually, defenseless against attack from without and within.

    Certainly one source, or central cause, of our current dilema lies in the foolish, and culturally stagnant, locking of horns between the monadic Right and Left. In short, the cultural phenomenon that has plagued the West for over 200 years, the phenomenon known as Polarization. Polarization is probably the number one symptom of the disease of Enlightenment cultural values.
    That it still exists today is obvious.

    In one blog two years ago I tried to discuss some of these ideas and was both misrepresented and dismissed as someone of the Liberal-Left.
    The blog’s dismissal was justified on the usual grounds, ie; the person they disagrees with is simply not worthy. Which, of course, is something all of us here, in spite of our differences, have to deal with every day.
    How Old Testament can you get? It is the presumptuous arrogance that many of you here would automatically associate with Jewish behavior, and not without reason. But I mention it to show you just how universal presumptuous arrogance and a genuine animosity of anyone who doesn’t agree with us is!

    But I wasn’t fooled for one second. In the first place I don’t need this blog’s approval as a thinker or a man.
    Secondly, their “contempt” was really resentment that attempted, unsuccessfully, to conceal a very real fear. The fear of what will happen to someone, ie; the intellectual, psychological, and emotional, in short; the spiritual consequences, of one who has to accept the rather disturbing fact that their world view can not properly identify, let alone solve, the many problems it is confronted with.
    As Morse Peckham said, in so many words, anyone who is defending a belief in which they are emotionally involved will become more emotinal and passionate in its defense as their opponent shows with increasing clarity that the belief in question is, in fact, untenable. That Conservatism is untenable is obvious. It is literally impotent in face of the unrelenting onslaught of the Left, which, for the record, I loathe!
    But, again, I was neither offended or impressed with the behavior of this blog. Because what I was trying to talk about was Reality and that doesn’t go away – ever. And now we are back to Silver’s excellent quote which shows that, in a Polarzed World the Right has proven itself to be absolutely powerless against the aggressive demands of the Left. But, make no mistake about it, the Left, despite it’s current “successes” is going to experience a smiliar fate. Many, quite understandably, tremble at the thought of how, as I like to call it, The Leviathan will respond when it reaches its dead end and begins to hit bottom, taking us all with them.

    It is obvious that the statement “The White Race is the Cancer of Mankind” is a projection from a member of a Tribe who truly represent that disease while psychotically trying to pass themselves off as the cure.

    The only viable, spiritually healthy, and intellectually respectable, answer to this sickness, and our Races surrender to it, that I can see is, European Romanticism, or, simply, Romanticism. And I say “only” because it respectfully, and rather convincingly, subsumes, without in any way dismissing, all other Explanatory systems held by anyone in general, but members of our Race in particular. And that, in the end, and given the many acts of aggression directed against us from the West’s Hostile Elite, is all that matters.

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