Angry White Men

Maureen Dowd has yet another column at the New York Times celebrating Joe Wilson’s slapdown in the House and browbeating White Southern Republicans as racists. In doing so, she seizes upon the banal elements in the tea party protests to make her point. The left progressive blogs are full of the same anti-White invective.

This type of rhetoric can only benefit us by drawing a narrower line around the political mainstream. Obama is turning out to be a far more polarizing figure than I previously thought he would be. Seeing the amount of controversy generated by healthcare reform, I’m not even sure he will take on a cause as unpopular as ‘comprehensive immigration reform’.

In other news, three recent examples of TNB have been stirring the already simmering racial pot:

1.) The Serena Williams meltdown at the U.S. Open.

2.) Kanye West’s rude behavior to Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards.

3.) The hush surrounding a savage black-on-white beating on a school bus.

About Hunter Wallace 12400 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. To me Maureen Dowd is a poster child for the uselessness of high intelligence in women. She’s obviously very smart, but being a woman, she’s bored by the sort of topics to which intelligence can be usefully applied. She’s spent all her professional life around politics, but, like most women, she’s much more interested in gossip and famous people’s personalities than in politics. WHY was she interviewing Cuomo and Powell? So that she could comment on their wives, eye color, fashion sense, haircuts? You don’t need to be smart to do that.
    She has an interesting writing style, but it was probably always going to be wasted on mindless gossip. High intelligence in women is like men’s nipples that way – form without purpose.

  2. A Belleville police spokesman now says an incident where a white student was beaten by teen black assailants on a bus “may not be racially motivated.”

    “It was premature on my part,” said Belleville Police Capt. Don Sax. “It was my personal and emotional comment after only seeing the video briefly. After having reviewed the video, it doesn’t strike me nearly as racially motivated,” Sax said.

    The about-face came this morning as the story made national headlines, although Sax said it was purely his review of the video that changed his mind.
    ( — from the article at the link in the entry)

    Right I bet the call Capt. Sax got from the ADL threatening his job had nothing to do with “changing his mind.” It was purely viewing the video a second time, after his emotions had settled down, that did it.

    For certain.

  3. If someone wants to experience banality, just watch the mainstream media, seriously. Listen to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck or Opie and Anthony (they especially are extremely obnoxious and boring, reminds me of VNN’s style of broadcasting.)

    Yes, every now and then you will get a glimmer of intelligence and reason from Rush and Glenn, but they are just reacting to anti-white hatred, they still think all the races are equal and themselves fight against racialism.

    Rush, Glenn and conservatives in general are pretty much like the average white person. They don’t want trouble, they want to be fair, they pretend we’re all equal because it feels good to believe in it. They’re like the person that feels compelled to get inbetween two people fighting and say hey let’s all be friends. They will never be a force for positive change.

  4. @Mark: You’re right and wrong. Rush, et al, are being a force for positive change in that they are addressing this subject at all, raising public awareness. That’s lifting the lid on the pot a bit, providing some resistance. But they’ll never go further, as you say, and will, in fact, resist a furthering when it occurs. But let’s not oppose them at this point. They’re playing a role, and they have a nice audience.

  5. Rick, I think you missed the point.

    They do expose anti-white hatred, but that is not change in a positive direction. They want to maintain our current multiracial state, which is not good enough.

    You could just as well say that Obama and non-whites are indirectly a force for positive change. Their extremism is pushing us towards extremism. In that way I think ironically Obama being elected is better than if McCain had been.

    Is being a Judas goat good enough for our people? I don’t think so.

  6. Rush, et al, are being a force for positive change in that they are addressing this subject at all, raising public awareness.

    For younger listeners that’s probably true. They will realise that no matter how much they bend over backwards for non-whites and promote equality there will never be reciprocity from non-whites.

    However, the vast majority of Rush listeners are older people (virtually all male I’m guessing) who’ll never figure it out. They are too set in their ways to embrace racial ideas that were unthinkable for most of their lives.

  7. “However, the vast majority of Rush listeners are older people (virtually all male I’m guessing) who’ll never figure it out. They are too set in their ways to embrace racial ideas that were unthinkable for most of their lives.”

    Actually for older people racial ideals were the norm for them. It’s the younger generation that has no clue. More of the younger generation voted for Obama.

  8. Mark: I would agree actually, as do many others, that Obama’s election was preferable to the election of McCain (a true Judas). Now we know how far we’ve gone and what it means to keep going forward. He’s exposed the “post-racial” myth/BS blindly embraced by so many whites and used by blacks, jews, hispanics, etc., to destroy America in the name of improving it.

    FYI, Judas was a loyal disciple until he wasn’t. He played his part, and it wasn’t incidental to Christianity. Anyway, I think you misjudge the role of people like Rush/Beck/etc. (none of whom I like or listen to). They have their uses. At this point in the movement we need numbers not purity. Things move in stages.

  9. All the Becks, Limbaughs, Hannity’s and their wannabees have cheerled and lied about the nature and status of the Iraq War for the past six years. A war fought disproportionately by White blood for Ashkenazi Jewish interests. That’s not a force for good.

  10. To me Maureen Dowd is a poster child for the uselessness of high intelligence in women. She’s obviously very smart,

    That’s funny. I always experienced her as a typical vapid, feminist shrew – not to mention a spinster hag. If she possesses “high intelligence” it certainly has eluded me reading countless of her columns over the years.

  11. “Anyway, I think you misjudge the role of people like Rush/Beck/etc. (none of whom I like or listen to)”

    I think you’ve created a bit of a straw man here.

    Perhaps you’ve spent a lot of time on VNN forum. I don’t advocate vehemently attacking every person as my enemy that doesn’t agree with me 100% like Linder does. It’s anti-social, immature and counterproductive.

    I think co-opting them is a better strategy. That’s the strategy Jews and the Left have used and it’s worked well for them. They already call republicans racists anyway.

    However, that doesn’t mean they’re above criticism.

  12. That’s funny. I always experienced her as a typical vapid, feminist shrew – not to mention a spinster hag. If she possesses “high intelligence” it certainly has eluded me reading countless of her columns over the years.

    Agreed. Maureen Dowd’s few TV appearance on Chris Matthews’ show a few years ago were embarrassing – for her. She was always the panelist who said the least and provided awkward moments of silence.

    Actually for older people racial ideals were the norm for them. It’s the younger generation that has no clue. More of the younger generation voted for Obama.

    Older people bought into the idea that race doesn’t matter. They are the ones who spent the last 40 years voting for politicians who led the way to Obama. Other than SWPLers young Obama voters will learn.

  13. Older people are heavily invested in the current system through government and company pensions, health care, and investment plans that shore up their fixed income. They want stability not the kind of radical change that people at this site want.

  14. They want stability not the kind of radical change that people at this site want.

    Indeed. They are reacting against the radical change that has become more overt and accelerated in the Obama era.

    Presented with a choice between radical changes that dispossess and displace them, and radical changes to prevent that, I think most will chose the latter.

  15. The following article taps in to all the current stereotypes, and the following is just on the first page: the American Whites who marched in DC last weekend were…”angry,” “mobs,” “something ugly,” “out of control,” “weird,” “wingnuts,” “deranged,” “useful idiots,” “descending on Washington,” “paranoid,” etc etc.

    Republicans are now benefiting from the tens of thousands of angry white people who descended on Washington over the weekend—but they’ve tapped into something ugly that they can’t control, says John Avlon. –

    Also, all of the racial tumult, ethno-racial ferment, and incessant accusations of “racism” that is just beginning to pervade the American political discourse is being constantly stirred up by the Jewish-dominated mass-media just as I predicted last year on this blog and elsewhere; also, like I said, the mass-media Jews are doing all that they can to stir-up racial animosity between Blacks and Whites first and foremost since that specific tension helps to take the heat off of Jewry, with Jews using Blacks as a kind of ‘shield’ to fend off criticism and scrutiny. As long as Whites and Blacks are at each others throats, or Blacks and Hispanics, Whites and Hispanics, Hispanics and Asians, etc…no one is naming, criticizing, and going after organized Jewry.

  16. Matra:”Older people are heavily invested in the current system through government and company pensions, health care, and investment plans that shore up their fixed income. They want stability not the kind of radical change that people at this site want.”

    I deeply respect my White elders because they are my blood-kin, and I will always make sure that they are adequately taken care of in their advanced age, but we younger White Americans aren’t going to stop trying to restore racial sanity to the USA just so some spoiled old folks can keep their SS checks coming in, continue taking vacations in the tropics 3 times a year, eating like fat pigs daily, watching endless hours of zombiefying talmudvision (TV) weekly, and so on.

    America’s White elders must live with the consequences of their past mistakes as America’s non-White chickens are currently coming home to roost. Don’t blame us young White Americans for merely seeking to fix the mistakes of previous generations of White Americans who consistently avoided America’s ever-festering racial problems instead of confronting and trying to solve them. In short, many elderly American Whites have racially betrayed younger American Whites and thus WE are going to be the ones who have to clean up the mess they have left to us.

    The fact is that very many of America’s current elders or those now nearing retirement actually worked against restoring America’s racial sanity back when they had the chance a few decades ago — the Americans born between about 1920-1960 are the ones that allowed integration and the Civil Rights Act to happen; they traitorously allowed the 1965 immigration act to pass; they allowed the 1960s/70s counterculture and associated cultural rot to take root; they advocated near-unlimited free-trade and the dismantling the USA’s manufacturing base; they allowed organized Jewry to become completely entrenched in the economy/mass-media/academia/etc…did they stand and fight back against it all? Some did, but obviously not enough — nope, instead they just ran away endlessly (‘White flight’) by retreating in to the safety of lily-white suburbia instead of confronting America’s racial problems head-on as they should have. They also ran off by the millions like sheep to fight the “Good War” against the ‘Nazi krauts’ in Europe or some Commie jungle ‘gooks’ in Asia, yet while those now-elderly Whites were off fighting foreign wars the Blacks, Jews, various Asiatics, Hispanics, etc were staging an invasion of their own right here in White America.

  17. I agree with Tanstaafl, but let’s not kid ourselves here: this process is only beginning and will probably take decades to fully play itself out. When one is racially aware, one sees these issues more clearly and the moment of decision seems at hand. However, for the vast majority of White people in the U.S., only a portion is even now beginning to suspect that something is afoot.

    The bus beating story, for example, will have almost no impact. It’s no different than literally hundreds of similar stories that I’ve seen over the past 30 years. It will wake up one or two people here and there, but for most it’s background noise.

    Our people need to *feel* the boot in the face before they’ll be ready to take the leap. I pray to God that we have a leader at that time with the skill to lead them across that chasm once they do leap.

  18. “On another note, Hoste from HBD Books advocates miscegenation. Replying to me with “Oh, be humans for once.” I consider it sexual deviancy, like homosexuality and bestiality.”

    A bit strong of a criticism there, Mark.

    I read the article and didn’t get the impression that Hoste was necessarily pro or con on the matter; he was just commenting on the situation at hand.

    The ‘be humans for once’ response was I think him saying that we should not be so zealous in our condemnation of other people’s lives, however we may disagree with them. (And I do disagree with miscegenation myself, BTW).

  19. “Older people bought into the idea that race doesn’t matter. They are the ones who spent the last 40 years voting for politicians who led the way to Obama.”

    One has to remember who these older folks are… they are the 1960s Boomers! It has been forty years since that time and these are the folks retiring right now.

    The World War 2 Generation was still pretty racialist, however they have already pretty much passed on.

  20. Strong criticism? You haven’t seen strong criticism.

    You didn’t get the impression he condones miscegenation? Do like your nick and get real.

    “Chris Brand let me know that he is married to a Taiwanese woman 25 years his junior.”

    “Brand wrote to me “Glad to see you encouraging ‘Old Devil’ Whites back into action!””

    “Best of luck to him and Shiou.”

    “Oh, be humans for once.”

    He has other posts along the same lines, one where he called Ethiopian girls cute.

    If that doesn’t disgust you then you’re in the wrong movement.

    HBDers are frauds.

  21. Racial animosities are becoming more blatant. TNB events that are hushed-up by the government media, coupled with the publicly-expressed attitudes of fearless anti-White bigots such as that Dowd whore, are serving to wake people up.

    Every time a clueless leftist like Carter accuses Whites of racism, White anger increases.

    The more White folks observe people like Obama, Van Jones, Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich, et al, express their racist contempt for Whites, the more Whites will feel that it’s okay for them to express their racial feelings too. And act upon them.

    All of this is going according to plan. Tomorrow belongs to us.

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