Cyber Racism

At Mississippi Learning, MSU sociologist Matthew Hughey is impressed by an interview with Jesse Daniels about her new book, Cyber Racism. As a pioneer of web based racialism, I was naturally intrigued and wasted thirty minutes of my time listening to a podcast about this dreck. The first eight minutes of the broadcast were devoted to discussing a completely unrelated topic, “normalizing heterosexuality,” which was an indicator of where the conversation was heading.

Honestly, an interview with a random Stormfronter would have been more insightful. Throughout the discussion, Daniels consistently used the archaic term “white supremacist” to describe the new racialist websites. She totally ignored the sea change in racialism of the last twenty years as the movement has shifted gears from defending Jim Crow to advocating the creation of a White ethnostate. The vertical hierarchy of races has been replaced by a new horizontal paradigm of racial differences informed by psychometrics and genetics. Few White racialists now believe that Whites are superior to non-Whites in every respect. We don’t want to live amongst or lord over “people of color.”

I wasn’t impressed by her account of “cloaked websites” either. Martin Luther, which was the only example mentioned, only receives a fraction of the traffic Stormfront gets. The vast majority of racialist sites are upfront about their agenda: White Nationalism, HBD, Jewish Question, Christian Identity, Race Realism, Traditional Conservatism, etc. Unless you’re a moron, it is impossible to miss the subject matter. I’ve been following the White Nationalist scene for eight years now and haven’t met anyone who found their way into the movement through a “cloaked website.” To my knowledge, it is not a real phenomena.

Amongst her other risible claims, Jesse Daniels argues that our assertions of white victimhood are largely without merit. We’re simply imagining that White racial consciousness is taboo in America culture. There isn’t a racial double standard to multiculturalism: in the name of “diversity,” non-Whites are encouraged to embrace, cultivate, and celebrate their racial identites, Whites are only allowed a racial guilt complex. I suppose she is also going to tell us that “whiteness” is evaluated positively in the sociological literature; that it is not a piñata to be bashed in scathing critiques.

I’m hoping there is more to this in the book. I have always enjoyed reading into the anti-racist academic literature about race. If I turn up anything more of substance at Racism Review, I will post further commentary.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Talk about projection, the left is the one who utilizes “cloaking,” disguising radical anti-white programs as some sort of morally righteous justice. Deception is their bread and butter.

    Looking at her picture, I’m a bit suspicious of her heritage. She is a lesbian feminist though, so now we know why she’s mentally ill.

    “In my spare time, I’m writing a memoir about growing up white in 1970s Texas, becoming an anti-racist lesbian, and living in New York City.”

  2. “Looking at her picture, I’m a bit suspicious of her heritage.” ( — Mark)

    She certainly does not look white. I would say she isn’t. Looks Mexican with bleached-platinum hair.

  3. Looks Mexican with bleached-platinum hair.

    Good call. Definitely appears to have some Amerindian admixture.

  4. Gentilshommes,

    We don’t want to live amongst or lord over “people of color.”

    Hence we will, as I have explained and despite our “wants,” (continue to) live amongst and be lorded over by “people of color”.

    Dominate or be dominated. No alternative.


  5. I have always enjoyed reading into the anti-racist academic literature about race. If I turn up anything more of substance at Racism Review, I will post further commentary.

    Then you might enjoy racewire dot org. It’s not academic anti-racist literature per se but it’s informed by that literature. Notable is the sophisticated relish with which the writers attack the racial angle in every issue.

  6. “We’re simply imagining that White racial consciousness is taboo in America culture.”

    Dennis Mangan, whom I read occasionally (, had a comment on this point yesterday while discussing black author Rich Benjamin’s “Searching for Whitopia”:

    “Here we get to the paradox of non-white racial solidarity. Most non-whites hold, as Benjamin does, that whites must not be allowed to get away, that any racial solidarity among them or any physical self-displacement to be among their own be considered racist. But why? One would think that with all the allegations of racism which non-whites constantly accuse whites of, that they’d be happy to see whites going their own way. Of course they’re not, and we know the reasons very well: without whites to run the show and to mooch from, they’d be in more trouble than they already are. Therefore whites must be accused of racism when they demonstrate any racial solidarity.”

  7. If the long quote in Rick’s comment #6 were part of a college course, that course in the college course catalogue would be called “What’s Going On 101.” In other words, it’s among THE MOST BASIC aspects of what’s going on — like putting two plus two at the start of your math book. Good quote but as basic as they come.

  8. “Here we get to the paradox of jewish racial solidarity. Most jews hold, as Cohen does, that Whites must not be allowed to get away, that any racial solidarity among them or any physical self-displacement to be among their own be considered anti-semitism. But why? One would think that with all the allegations of anti-semitism which jews constantly accuse Whites of, that they’d be happy to see Whites going their own way. Of course they’re not, and we know the reasons very well: without Whites to do the heavy lifting and exploit, they’d be in more trouble than they already are. Therefore Whites must be accused of anti-semitism when they demonstrate any racial solidarity.”

    It’s not a paradox. It’s parasitism.

  9. To the remark…

    “We’re simply imagining that White racial consciousness is taboo in America culture.”

    …I would respond with a challenge from Sam Dickson:

    [Go to a town hall, walk up to the microphone and say…] “Congressman, I am concerned about the tide of non-white immigration, and the low white birthrate in this country and around world. I’m concerned that our race might become extinct.”

    Try asking that in a public forum then tell me that it’s all in my head.

  10. These dysgenic people don’t have an ideology or even a worldview. They’re disgusting, dirty, tattooed, filthy low I.Q. trash. Like they have anything in common with Dr. Goebbels, Dr. Rosenberg, Speer, Goering, Himmler, Heydrich, etc., etc., etc.

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