The Vanguard

The third installment in this series. It is time to discuss the good.

In embryonic form, it exists.

I’m not talking about National Vanguard, Vanguard News Network, or any of the “vanguardist” groups described by Leonard Zeskind in Blood and Politics, but the real thing, the future brains and leadership of the White Nationalist movement. After years of skepticism, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. It took me almost a decade to cease to be the consummate outsider.

There is a whole different breed of racialist out there: intelligent, highly educated, clean cut, normal, decent and disillusioned, patriotic White people who are furious about their impending dispossession and intend to do something about it. They are not the type who join the existing fringe organizations like the NSM, KKK, Aryan Nations, or WCOTC. At the present moment, they don’t have a political outlet in which to channel their energies and frustations, but continue to observe the White Nationalist scene from a distance. Now this is the sort of group I have been waiting to join.

I’ve crossed paths with many of these talented people in cyberspace over the years. Only a handful know of each other. Still fewer have met in real life. A number of them regularly browse or comment on this website. I suspect there are thousands more out there who have yet to find us. It is a republic of minds waiting to be born. All this community requires is a site, a central location, to interact, gestate, and grow. Some money, encouragement, and standards couldn’t hurt either.

Honestly, it is a historic tragedy that something like this hasn’t emerged sooner. I can think of any number of brilliant writers (you know who you are) who have dropped out of the movement in disgust. They were never able to find an institutional home and grew weary of the whole scene with its trolls, dysgenic retards, and wannabe führers. As recently as May 2009, I was ready to fade away into cyber oblivion myself. If we have any hope of winning, this can’t be allowed to continue.

I’m going to do my part in drawing this crowd together. A daily blog certainly isn’t much, but it is something: it is a signal to others that “people like you” are out there. In my next post, I will proffer a few thoughts about the future of Occidental Dissent and the role I intend to play in creating this vanguard.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Euro:

    Forza Italia is now the largest party in Italy.

    Uhh. Could’ve been all those millions coursing through it. Football’s huge money in Europe. Berlusconi is the marriage of football, media and politics in one body.

    Re Linder:

    Linder is a grand example. VNN was going well some 3-4 years ago, then Linder got dumped in real life which had a clear, disastrous effect on his writings and general persona.

    The turning point for Alex Linder wasn’t anything personal, it was getting arrested and charged at the rally. That’s when he realized that this was serious, that the enemy plays for keeps.

    He’s also had some health issues which reduced his output,

    VNN plummeted down-hill with the change to blog format. The spintros drew most of the fresh readership; original articles kept some talent at the top. Going blog relegated contributors to the comments section, like everywhere else. I’m sure his romantic trouble was partly to blame, surely also his health trouble. Whatever it was, putting that moron “Socrates” in charge on the already defunct mainpage was a huge mistake, and effectively killed VNN as the site you visited for a dose of healthy, “snappy” anti-Semitism. Linder never listens and that’s why his site is dead.

  2. “Uhh. Could’ve been all those millions coursing through it. Football’s huge money in Europe. Berlusconi is the marriage of football, media and politics in one body.”

    True,but money doesn’t fully explain the phenomenon.In the wake of Tangentopoli the old political class,particularly the Christian Democrats, were decimated. The vacuum thus created was quickly filled by FI. Money was an effective tool,but tools don’t wield themselves.Nor do they set tasks for themselves.

  3. “Linder is a grand example. VNN was going well some 3-4 years ago, then Linder got dumped in real life which had a clear, disastrous effect on his writings and general persona.”

    Wait a second there, one’s personal life should not overly matter.

    After all, ton’s of men get ‘dumped’, rejected and all around neglected by the harpie’s these days (also known as AmeriKWAn ‘women’).

    Don’t worry though, payback is often a proverbial beeyotch –

    Bird’s Eye View: Regrets Of An Old Feminist Hag…

    […] I hate the world for teaching me those lessons. I remember complaining about how my husband never grew up. But as the tears streamed down my face, I came to the conclusion that I had never grown up. I never learned about compromise, trust, tolerance, niceness. I was a bitch, pure and simple. I know now that being a bitch is not about strength or independence. Being a bitch is about being repellent, unpleasant, unhappy, and lonely. Being a bitch is nothing more than being a spoiled princess who is too selfish or stupid to accept the joy in life.

    I had become a fat, unpleasant, middle-aged princess because I had refused to grow up. Sure, I had taken on grown-up responsibilities (marriage, career, house, motherhood) but at the core of my psyche was a 13-year-old girl who stamped her feet and whined when she didn’t get her way. Of course, I had stopped whining years ago but I simply replaced the whining with emotional manipulation and ornery bitchiness. No wonder I was still single and my two teenaged sons spent all their free time with their father. […]

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