The Vanguard

The third installment in this series. It is time to discuss the good.

In embryonic form, it exists.

I’m not talking about National Vanguard, Vanguard News Network, or any of the “vanguardist” groups described by Leonard Zeskind in Blood and Politics, but the real thing, the future brains and leadership of the White Nationalist movement. After years of skepticism, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. It took me almost a decade to cease to be the consummate outsider.

There is a whole different breed of racialist out there: intelligent, highly educated, clean cut, normal, decent and disillusioned, patriotic White people who are furious about their impending dispossession and intend to do something about it. They are not the type who join the existing fringe organizations like the NSM, KKK, Aryan Nations, or WCOTC. At the present moment, they don’t have a political outlet in which to channel their energies and frustations, but continue to observe the White Nationalist scene from a distance. Now this is the sort of group I have been waiting to join.

I’ve crossed paths with many of these talented people in cyberspace over the years. Only a handful know of each other. Still fewer have met in real life. A number of them regularly browse or comment on this website. I suspect there are thousands more out there who have yet to find us. It is a republic of minds waiting to be born. All this community requires is a site, a central location, to interact, gestate, and grow. Some money, encouragement, and standards couldn’t hurt either.

Honestly, it is a historic tragedy that something like this hasn’t emerged sooner. I can think of any number of brilliant writers (you know who you are) who have dropped out of the movement in disgust. They were never able to find an institutional home and grew weary of the whole scene with its trolls, dysgenic retards, and wannabe führers. As recently as May 2009, I was ready to fade away into cyber oblivion myself. If we have any hope of winning, this can’t be allowed to continue.

I’m going to do my part in drawing this crowd together. A daily blog certainly isn’t much, but it is something: it is a signal to others that “people like you” are out there. In my next post, I will proffer a few thoughts about the future of Occidental Dissent and the role I intend to play in creating this vanguard.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Wait…the sort of group you’ve been waiting to join is people who fancy themselves to be too fancy to join the movement? Your grand vision is to herd all of the gifted loners on the web into some sort of movement?

    1 gifted leader + 10 tards > 12 gifted loners

    Delivering very sharp blog posts is a contribution, but that’s pretty much the only thing that gifted loners are good for.

    Oh, and for somebody who’s appears to now be all about cooperation, coalition building, and keeping the eyes on the prize, I counted you badmouthing no fewer than SIX movements in a single blog post. You’re a great writer, but your arrogance and disregard for people who’ve been actually fighting the fight that you merely talk about is pathetic.

  2. How classy of you to call WCOTC, once the largest racialist movement in the United States, a fringe group.

  3. I don’t want to join a fringe group chock full of kooks and dysgenic types that has been thoroughly penetrated by government informants. I yearn for the companionship of likeminded souls: intelligent, highly educated, normal, decent people who share my racial values, especially those around my age, who want to do more than just talk about race and Jews on the internet.

    Let’s face it: the sort of people we need are never going to join the likes of the NSM, KKK, WCOTC, or Aryan Nations. That’s just a fact. These groups discredit themselves with their ridiculous aesthetics and the ease which they have been subverted by government agents. To his credit, Linder has done a lot recently to clean up VNN, but I sense how frustrated he is with the antics of fantasist pseudonymous tards. I was an outspoken critic of the “fantasists” several years ago and would like to take credit for popularizing the term.

    As for National Vanguard, I know little about the organization aside from the fact it was led by Kevin Alfred Strom, who had a weird obsession with underage girls and went to prison for child pornography. There is an mp3 circulating where Strom admitted that all the charges against him were essentially true. The National Alliance has completely degenerated into a farce of what it was under William Pierce. I have no doubt that if Pierce were alive today, he would disassociate himself completely from Gliebe’s organization.

    A vanguard is a political or intellectual elite. This isn’t an accurate description of the likes of Steve B or 88mmFlak. You know it when you see it. My goal is to draw in those people who are otherwise repulsed by the fringe scene. How is this anything but a laudable goal?

  4. The WCOTC was ridiculous. Matt Hale was imprisoned for his own carelessness. I bet he wishes now he had been more selective in his choice of associates.

  5. Hale was imprisoned on false charges. I’m having a big laugh over here by the way, imagining your little circle-jerk party. It’s never going to go anywhere due to your insane disdain for the working-class man. He is who you should be engaging, not well-written patriotards who are, without exception, also sociopaths. Linder is a grand example. VNN was going well some 3-4 years ago, then Linder got dumped in real life which had a clear, disastrous effect on his writings and general persona.

    WN is a crib death precisely because you are too bourgeoisie.

  6. “I’m going to do my part in drawing this crowd together. A daily blog certainly isn’t much, but it is something: it is a signal to others that “people like you” are out there. In my next post, I will proffer a few thoughts about the future of Occidental Dissent and the role I intend to play in creating this vanguard.”

    Great news, Prozium.

    I wouldn’t undestimate the importance of your blog. It IS important. Very important. Like it or not, blogs can define a particular movement. Think of the influence Lew Rockwell has had on libertarianism just with

    I would far rather have Occidental Dissent define the emerging movement than most other sites. It’s a no brainer.

    “Let’s face it: the sort of people we need are never going to join the likes of the NSM, KKK, WCOTC, or Aryan Nations. That’s just a fact.”

    It is indeed a fact. Those organizations aren’t going to get us where we need to go. For those sincere men and women who are members of such organizations, I respect that you actually did something when so few were willing. That alone speaks well of you. But we need something fresh and new, something that in no way gives off the whiff of the fantasist or kook. Also, something that isn’t trapped in the ridiculous modern liberal/conservative paradigm. We can’t just be crotchety old right wingers. We must be something more than that. Much more.

    And yes, we will still be demonized no matter what we do, but nobody can seriously dispute that fantasists and costume clowns are going to make a very different impression on our target audience than that made by a MacDonald or, for that matter, a Pierce (you can be damn radical without clown shoes on). How we present ourselves does matter – a lot.

  7. “VNN was going well some 3-4 years ago, then Linder got dumped in real life which had a clear, disastrous effect on his writings and general persona.’

    Dumped by whom, Nordmacht?

  8. You know what? I wouldn’t mind joining the KKK. I live in the state of Washington. Can someone who visits this blog help me joint a klavern here? Herold C. Covington moved here and sent me the Northwest Homeland flag and a handbook for the NW migration. But I was born here so moving to the Northwest isn’t that exciting for me. I wasn’t much taken with the colors of his Northwest Homeland flag either; Blue, Green and White. Why, it’s so tasteful it looks like another yacht standard. I’d rather be in the Ku Klux Klan. When i was a kid the family had a book about American history and the most vivid gravure in that tome was a picture of two klansmen from the the post-Civil War era (IIRC) , one of whom had a crazy Groucho Marx mustache and eyebrows painted on the face part his sheet. I’ll go to my grave with that picture scorched on my brain. Yea, so I’m self employed and apparently done with wives now. I’ve got self-sustaining progeny so hook me up with the klan, Stan. I’ll hang my polyester hood next to my made in China chalk striped Brooks Brothers suits in the closet. I’ll wear it whenever the kleagle tells me to. Like I say, I’m looking for some excitement. One can only read so many screeds on white bashing before one starts itching to dawn that hood, hop into an electric shopping cart and ride around the mall letting everyone know what you represent, if not exactly who you are.

  9. You’re confusing self-important with important and you’re confusing potential with results. Any White racialist movement, no matter how serious, no matter how credible, will be depicted as a laughable gaggle of buffoons by our opponents. I can promise you that you’ll come off as amateurish and flaky as your alleged inferiors after the smear machine is through with you.

    Your goal of organizing and leading an exciting new coalition of fancy and serious folks certainly is laudable. You can be the William F. Buckley of the White Nationalist movement. But your habit of insulting and degrading parallel movements isn’t laudable. Aren’t you pseudonymous? Have you done anything other than merely fantasize? Retarded fantasist posting under a pseudonym is as a retarded fantasist posting under a pseudonym does.

    I really would rather do something other than knock the wind out of your sails, but you appear to think it’s necessary to tear down every other WN movement before you even bother to start your own. Can’t you see how incredibly unnecessary, counter-productive, and rude that is?

  10. The turning point for Alex Linder wasn’t anything personal, it was getting arrested and charged at the rally. That’s when he realized that this was serious, that the enemy plays for keeps. He knew that intellectually before, of course, but there’s nothing like being tackled to the ground by a couple of ZOG thugs to give you a gut understanding of the consequences.

    After that moment of clarity it took a while for him to figure out what he wanted to do, but eventually he began purging the keyboard warriors and dim bulbs to make VNN a more intelligent, serious board. He’s cleared out most of the costume Nazi types just by demanding that they improve their spelling.

    He’s also had some health issues which reduced his output, but the visible reduction in the number of VNN posters (which some people might see as a reduction in quality, though I don’t) is due to his “no fantasist” policy, as well as the more severe “no idiots” policy.

    Linder is our best analyst of conservatism, having seen it from the inside. He’s also an intelligent enemy of the jews. He takes the extreme position and defends it with history and logic. It’s up to his critics to explain why we shouldn’t carry out his final solution to our jewish problem.

  11. Harold Covington is another fantasist.

    I’ve read his book. Or rather, the first few chapters; I couldn’t go any further. It’s the most amazing piece of masturbatory wishful thinking I’ve ever seen in print.

    As for Prozium’s vanguard, I hope he succeeds, but I strongly suspect it won’t amount to anything. Not in this America. What he has in mind is far more likely to arise in the fires of open war, nothing less will serve to upset enough applecarts at once.

  12. I will say this. I have followed your blog for months and I know you to be a well written, thoughtful person who’s views come across as being reasonable to your average racially conscious white. I think most people past the age of 35 or so, can relate to your more moderate outlook, as well as the more thoughtful youngsters. I love the way these radical types go on and on about how anyone with any degree of social sophistication can’t possibly contribute to the goals of white advancement. I won’t argue AGAINST that point, as it should be evident to anyone with an IQ over 95.
    What always comes to my mind is the question of what have these radical groups done, especially considering their obvious bravado? Any of them? Anywhere? Besides go to meetings and burn crosses or stand in front of a pulpit with Confederate flags and rant about their version of the God of Israel? What has it benefited whites to stand out on the street screaming racial insults at Jews and blacks and mestizos? How has it helped having their leaders incarcerated for making threats, petty assaults and child pornography? These BIG,WORKING CLASS men have done nothing significant, nothing lasting, nothing to advance the cause beyond the small enclave of like minded misfits that they came from. They come across to the rest of society, as they come across to many of us…… impotent. They almost always end up destroying their own lives and setting back the movement in the public eye through their assinine and half baked measures.
    I do take exception when it comes to THE ORDER. If there were a small army of those warriors around, we would be living in a very different world. They may have ultimately failed yet they DID SOMETHING! Maybe not perfect but they had a plan. It was bold. They executed their plan and they are respected decades later. I won’t retell their story here. Anyone who doesn’t know it, is not serious anyway. I don’t see anything like The Order out there today. The rest of the white movement out there can shut their faces when it comes to how much they have or are doing for the white agenda vs anyone else. They have NO RIGHT!
    Everyone else, next to the likes of The Order, is talk or ego or running a scam and to be frank, if I’m going to read talk, I’d at least like to get it from someone who can take a rational thought and put it to paper.
    What this movement REALLY needs is MASSIVE influxes of money. It is a stone cold fact that no revolutionary movement EVER succeeded without serious backing from an outside source of funding and power. The Order knew this. Those of us who think past the next corner know this. Without money and the influence that comes with it, it’s all just bullshit and anyone who understands politics and power knows this. That is why the blacks and mestizo’s are kicking our ass in all areas now………they are getting all the money!
    As for the rest of the “working class” who want to continue to meet and greet and have demonstrations where they scream at blacks on the street, go ahead. The Jews will continue to love all that you do to advance their cause. Just don’t be so quick to criticize that which you do not understand.

  13. Any White racialist movement, no matter how serious, no matter how credible, will be depicted as a laughable gaggle of buffoons by our opponents. I can promise you that you’ll come off as amateurish and flaky as your alleged inferiors after the smear machine is through with you.-Wikitopian

    Fairly deep into the current PC-Multicult-Cultural Marxist era someone with all the baggage of David Duke was able to win a majority of the white vote in two statewide elections.

    OT: Jewish activist denies the existence of indigenous peoples:
    The Jewish Museum in Hohenems has objected to a Freedom Party (FPÖ) campaign poster for the 20 September provincial election.The poster bears the slogan “Money for the Parents of Native Families.”

    Museum Director Hanno Loewy and Vorarlberg FPÖ leader Dieter Egger had it out over the poster yesterday (Thurs) evening during a confrontation on ORF’s TV programme “Vorarlberg Heute” (Vorarlberg Today).

    Loewy claimed the FPÖ’s poster mixed two very-different things, money for needy families, which no one could object to, and race, since use of the word “native” implied families of people born in Austria should be given preference.

    He said the word native was a biological term that applied to flora and fauna rather than to human beings.
    Denying the rights and even the existence of indigenous peoples would probably be “hate speech” if the rabbi were referring to Amerindians or Australian aboriginals-but he was speaking of a white ethnic group.

  14. Many times it is better to do what you are thinking instead of advertising grand plans.

    Your enemies are now busy circumventing you.

    It is lonely at the top. If you cannot accept. that you are not prepared to lead or make the right decisions

    Sherwood Smith

  15. Robiginosus Caementarius sends greetings to the new intellectual van and would like make a motion that the first order of business be a few definitions and positions for the use of the plebes, e.g., politics, the state, area(s) of primary interest, hierarchy, political friends, foes, goals, spiritual/religious organization, et cetera.

    The more practically minded among us would also like to have a new secret handshake and see some especially hot babes model our new van logo on T-shirts.

    Valete, Sodales

  16. Wikitopian,

    There’s nothing to be gained in defending organizations like Aryan Nations, NSM, or WCOTC; not only have these groups accomplished nothing but they also serve to alienate our folk from the task of building a viable WN movement. Don’t confuse a weird subculture with an authentic underground political movement that can secretly capture the imaginations of our people.

  17. I love freedom of speech, but I would rather it be constructive.

    Prozium, have you considered forming a small council of trustworthy people who could read comments and classify their authors into a small list of categories such as constructive white nationalist, Judas goat, pessimist, etc? This kind of system would offer readers a means of judging the credibility of authors. Privately linking pseudonyms with IP addresses might also allow you to filter out chameleons. Then, instead of rank ordering the comment list by submission date & time, you could sort it by reputation. The bottom-dwellers would be cast to the bottom of the comment list.

    Such a system might encourage contributors to think more carefully about their posts, just as Ebay’s reputation system encourages honest sales transactions.

  18. We’ve found it possible to do meaningful work on the ground in a very multicultural city (1/3 Asian, 1/3 Hispanic, 1/3 Euro) since 1990 around a framework of resisting defamation. We’ve scored many serious victories, including providing a model for other of the diverse white American peoples who see us at work.

    Focusing on the ground in front of your feet is a good way to go. Avoiding disordered categories of discourse is another good way to go. Essayists could be invited to start any essay with 2-3 sentences explaining what he or she has done on the ground to attract Euro-Ams to white activism.

  19. “There’s nothing to be gained in defending organizations like Aryan Nations, NSM, or WCOTC; not only have these groups accomplished nothing but they also serve to alienate our folk from the task of building a viable WN movement.”

    These orgs may be competitors or antagonists but should not be enemies. Real leadership could get them onto the right track. The worthy from any recalcitrant old orders will defect to the new van.

  20. I have to say that I am surprised at a couple of the posters pissing on the parade. The existing costume organizations are demonstrably ineffective. How can this even be seriously debated? It is not a question of insulting them. As I said above, I respect the people who have been willing to stand up and do something, even if that “something” has turned out to be ineffective. The point is that it HAS BEEN ineffective. I truly do not mean to insult in saying that, but dammit, I’m interested in saving my people, not egos. If the Klan/Nazi costume type organizations were effective, I’d be all for them. BUT THEY AREN’T.

    We need something fresh and new. Prozium’s approach is precisely what we need more of. Much more of. And also as I noted above, sure, we’ll be demonized either way. But some people are a lot easier to demonize than others. Anyone who can’t understand that a MacDonald or a Pierce make a very different impression on our target market than a costume clown is living in a fantasy land. Is it not obvious that, even if a site like Occidental Dissent were “demonized,” the new visitors expecting a freak show would see something very different than swirling Nazi symbols, costume regalia, and a bunch of seig heils? Demonize away!

    Think of it as a free market in approaches. We need to discard that which doesn’t work, and replace it with something that we have reason to believe will be better. I am convinced that Prozium’s approach is far closer to what we need than the costume outfits that, to quote Pierce, appear like an invasion from Mars. There is no need to be weird and alien. There is every need not to be. We are neither weird nor alien, just normal whites opposing the destruction of our people.

  21. notuswind,

    You offered a metric there: accomplishment. I say we respect (or join) the movements that are accomplishing things, ignore the groups that aren’t, and maintain a singular focus on accomplishing things. I am neither a member nor a fan of the NSM, but they’re dropping flyers and putting themselves out there to the public as unabashed defenders of terrorized and abused White children.

    What’d be really great, and I think Prozium is moving in this direction, is the creation of a private invite-only forum of experts and activists that can exchange ideas, offer support, and coordinate initiatives. It’d be kind of like Steve’s HBd forum. Personally, I know that I would really benefit from having a panel of activists and experts to consult in my own efforts.

    The big problem, perhaps an insurmountable problem, is that the forum would be constantly threatened from both ends – both by leftists who are eager to infiltrate and expose the group, and by those who believe that it’s necessary to publicly expose and denounce everybody who isn’t as anti-Semitic as thou.

  22. Trainspotter said almost everything I was going to say. It was not my intention to bash the above mentioned groups so much as it was to point out that the people we need would never consider joining them for a second.

  23. “Focusing on the ground in front of your feet is a good way to go. Avoiding disordered categories of discourse is another good way to go. Essayists could be invited to start any essay with 2-3 sentences explaining what he or she has done on the ground to attract Euro-Ams to white activism” – Bo Sears.

    I agree that “disordered categories” is not the way to go, but it would be helpful to have some kind of simple system for encouraging the best commentary out of people. I sense a great deal of passion among the posters here. It is easy for troublemakers to exploit this energy and lead people in non-productive directions. I’d like to see their energy pointed in the right direction rather than simply censoring their comments.

    I like your idea regarding invited essays beginning with descriptions of practical work, especially considering the fetal state of the WN movement. But don’t reject theory too early. Blogs are very powerful media, but they tend to function as shared journals; they don’t build anything. We should consider creating a shared manifesto of sorts, in which each pillar of its platform is debated and finalized in blog fashion.

  24. 1.) It is true that White Nationalism will always be tarred with the “extremist” brush by the media.

    2.) It is also true that the charge sticks to some groups and individuals far better than it does to others.

    3.) I have no intention of being the William F. Buckley of White Nationalism. I’ve said openly that my goal is a Jew-free, White ethnostate. I will say more about this in my next post.

    4.) I’m certain though that we can present a better image to the public than the likes of the NSM or Aryan Nations. Hell, the Boy Scouts can do that much.

    5.) I’ve learned from experience not to be cavalier with my identity. I post under a pseudonym here, but I am no longer anonymous. Lots of people know who I am in real life.

    6.) Again, I didn’t start this thread to take a swipe at any of the above mentioned groups. They were an afterthought. I just take it for granted that a certain type of racialist would never consider joining them and that these people lack an outlet for their political views.

  25. I have nothing against working class people. My three best friends in real life are working class, but there is a huge difference: they are normal in every way. They don’t aspire to be the Pontifex Maximus of Creativity or the World Commander of National Socialism. Instead, they like to hunt, fish, drink, party, shoot guns, ride dirt roads, watch football, chase women, etc.

    Another thing: I’ve been an outspoken defender of the working class on this blog. I have criticized the libertarian economic policies that lead to massive income inequality. My sympathies are with labor, not capital. I have skewered capitalism on a number of occasions here.

  26. The holy grail that we’ve yet to achieve is the creation of a radical WN organization that is capable of attracting the segment of our population that can successfully organize for political power. Perhaps I am envisioning something like an underground WN-version of ACORN.

    Like most people I have no idea how to accomplish such a thing, but I am convinced that there are some of our people who do and have the talent needed to get an organization like this off the ground. Identifying and attracting that kind of person is vital to the success of any kind of political movement.

  27. As an example, I would describe myself as an almost pathologically introverted dissident intellectual. It’s not a mistake that online WN attracts this type of person. My kind of psychological profile makes it easier for me to reject mainstream discourse and give convincing reasons why, if I am good at this then I may attract more people; however, the same highly-introverted profile simultaneously disqualifies me from the nuts-and-bolts of organizing for political power.

    On the other hand, the fantasist groups attract a working-class type that has the courage for political groundwork but isn’t capable of successfully organizing for political power on its own. That’s why they tend to hole themselves up in a bunker and ineffectually put themselves on display every so often. Unfortunately, these people aren’t properly organized and that makes it easy for the Leftist media to exploit them for its purposes.

    We are still missing the right kind of person.

  28. These allegations that “The Vanguard” somehow chastises or derides working class people is a red herring. If we did not care about our people, we would not dedicate ourselves to racial collectivism.

    Too often, the “White Nationalist movement” attracts extremely marginal and deeply flawed people. They attach themselves to the accomplishments of “other Whites” because they possess no accomplishments of their own, and they lack the Geist to pursue any. They attack other races, not because of the deleterious impact upon our civilisation presented by these out-groups, but purely for the catharsis that it provides. It is Nietzschean slave morality par excellence. If you cannot do anything for yourself, you cannot do anything for your folk. I don’t enjoy the company of losers, no matter their economic class; such people can only tarnish our image and hamper our efforts through their puerile machinations.

    During his excellent speech at the last Amren conference, Michael Walker warned of such people, whom he dubbed “cranks,” and his litmus test for assessing them was quite simple: would you bring these people into your home and allow them to socialise with your family? Would you really want to bring them around your wife and children?

    Every WN group with an open admittance policy serves as flypaper for these cranks. They flood in, take it over, and drive off the good people: those who are both sincere in their convictions and capable of doing something about it. The decline of the National Alliance is a prime example of this.

    The vast majority of our people are only concerned with “the prospects of the next five minutes,” as Mosley aptly put it. People like this require guidance — they are, effectively, the background of history — and if we are not there to provide it to them, our enemy is more than willing to fill the vacuum.

    We serve our people best by coalescing, behind the scenes, into an entity that is capable of both influencing the wider political discourse at present as well as seizing the opportunities that shall present themselves as a result of the worsening economic catastrophe.

    Building a flesh and blood community of bright, dedicated, winners is absolutely essential to accomplish anything. We must assist each other in every field of life, just as the Jews have done. Networking such as this results in genuine comradeship, and thereby precludes the sort of friendly fire that Prozium referenced in his “Fog of War” entry.

    I have followed Prozium’s writing for years, and yet I had never met or corresponded with him until we sat down to lunch over the weekend. For the most part, I had my fill of racialist forums years ago (you can only hash out the same debates so many times before it becomes extremely tiresome), and I have never joined a WN organisation (for obvious reasons), but I am more committed to our goals than ever before. How many others like this are out there? More than I thought…

  29. notuswind,

    You are exactly the kind of person we are looking for. If we ever meet in real life, I suspect we would get along famously. I’m also a “pathologically introverted dissident intellectual.” As part of this series, I had planned to write a blog entry about just that topic, but I suppose I can deal with it in the comments.

    INTPs live in a world of “theoretical possibilities.” In real life, I can seem detached and distant when I meet new people. I prefer to stand back, listen, and observe (like a hawk or rattlesnake) – take in information, think about it, formulate an opinion, and strike. I’m “very self-confident” and “gregarious” around people I know very well. I am also notoriously “absentminded” when it comes to routine, maintenance based tasks – such as, unfortunately, taking database backups!

    Now that I have had the time to reflect upon this experience, I am brimming with ideas and suggestions. I’m back in my milieu where I feel comfortable. I will get around to this in subsequent posts.

  30. Like Robert, who has known me since the “FadeTheButcher” days, I am more energized than ever before. I’m ready to get crackin’. I see now that these meetups play an essential role in maintaining morale. I will have more to say about this in an upcoming post.

  31. Prozium,

    Yeah, everything you wrote about INTPs in that second paragraph applies to me perfectly. If our paths cross I’m sure we would get along famously.

  32. Prozium: I am a white civil servant in New York City. I yearn to be part of a serious organization with an unipeachable charter credentials. My employer, and the nature of current climate, and media would love to skewer anyone in my type of employment that had any affiliation with organizations such as the The National Alliance or National Vanguard. I could not belong to any such group openly. Those groups are the kiss of death to the people in my position. There are a variety of ways you will lose employment, and they are used to drive proffesionals out of jobs.
    I have a Master’s degree and am working class. I was a High school English teacher who was made very aware of the particulars of Race without much effort. Kevin MacDonald and Phillipe Rushton are my heroes. My point is we intellectuals are hear and in the know, and waiting – especially the professional “older” Americans who’ve witness the full arc of decline first hand. We are out here.
    I imagine a BNP of our own may take root here in the states, and that would be wonderful. But it must be pristine – and free of, though God love him, people like David Duke. There can be no association to those who have already been defined by the MSM. Conceed the ground that has been lost, realistically, and proceed from there. (The Jewish issue is essential, though a very difficult argument to make – let that be the problematic of the European-only platform – this cannot be comprimised)
    Prozium, you are right in your assesment of the other groups – there are peolple of great character there to be sure, but they can not appeal to the whites in early to moderate stages of awakening). This is your point. I’ve followed the National Alliance since shortly after Dr. Pierces death and it is not an organization I could openly be a part of and still keep a job. This must be understood.
    I am here and waiting and wanting. If our livelyhoods are not imperiled, we will come. An untainted, fresh organization is what is needed (no criminal records). The MSM will be swift in defining this and any possible negative association one may have. (remember a desperate MSM citing Ron Paul’s connection to Don Black before the primaries?)
    Does anyone know of a way to meet like minded people in your area of the country? I desperarely want to associate with others who are of the same mind.
    Thanks, Prozium, I am glad to have found this site-
    Andrew Sylvan

  33. Great comments above by notuswind and Campbell.

    I’ll also mention something else, the “tension” between real world organizing and cyberspace. A lot of people who advocate organizing in real life tend to be derisive about activists in cyberspace: keyboard commandos and VIPs (“valuable intellectual properties,” as I believe Miller derisively calls them).

    The truth is that we need both. We MUST have as strong a presence as possible online. If someone can only contribute in terms of online writing, that’s fine. He’s still making an important contribution. We need to win the comment boards AND the streets, so to speak. There is no either or, it must be both. We are in a contest that must be played at many different levels. Everyone can contribute on at least one of these levels, depending on their particular circumstances.

    Point is, wherever a particular person can contribute, well, he should feel good about contributing in that way. If it’s limited to online activism, that’s fine. We need people to keep our blogs alive with worthy comments that make them more attractive and appealing. We need people to promote our views on the comment boards of non-WN websites. This is all valuable, and should not be denigrated. I shouldn’t just say it is valuable – I believe it to be essential. We already have a strong presence online. It needs to be even stronger.

    But, at the end of the day, this thing has got to go real world too. Let us hope that this process has begun, at least a little bit. I am thrilled with the thought that it has.

  34. What exactly does “going real world” mean?

    Getting together IRL to talk? Talk about what? Same things you’d talk about online?

    The only concrete steps that will result in an improvement in the situation are inextricably linked to power: power to make the laws and power to enforce them – or to NOT enforce them, as the case may be. That in turn depends on the people who live in your geographic locality. People who staff your local government, who vote for your city council and judges, who elect the sheriff and tolerate the local cops – or even ARE the local cops.

    There may be a few places in the USA where a majority, or a decisive plurality, of whites are ready and willing to go along with the implementation of a pro-white strategy. Such places are, based on my observations, far and away in the minority. Most Americans are still telling themselves that the problem is that the government has somehow gotten too many crooks and that if that is fixed everyone can still get along. As long as that belief persists, any serious action amounts to war against the United States – specifically, the government in DC with its support infrastucture that is in turn supported by most ordinary people – and such opposition will be violently crushed.

  35. Robert Campbell’s post about “cranks” is something that everyone involved with pro-white activism needs to understand and accept. Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away.

    The leader of the BNP, Nick Griffin, wrote some very good essays on this and related topics just before the BNP started having electoral success. The BNP have spent the last ten years following a plan that Griffin layed out in the late 90’s on the internet and it’s working better than anyone thought it could have. One of the things he advocated was cleansing the party of cranks, even if it meant that many of the most experienced people had to go. I can’t find these writings on the web anymore unfortunately.

  36. Harold Covington is a con artist type and likely government agent with psychopathic personality traits. So is Glenn Miller. It’s ridiculous that people like those two are still able to entice new followers. Along with Bill White and Hal Turner, those two are the text book examples of this kind of people who you have to exclude if you want to build an effective movement.

  37. People who have nothing to lose seldom have much to give either. We need people who have both much to lose and much to give. The only way to attract such people is to adhere to some simple principles.

    (1) Everyone in this cause needs to determine his own level of involvement and explicitness and to respect the equal rights of others to do the same. People who have a lot to lose tend to be cautious, and we have to respect that if (a) they are to be mobilized to support more explicit and radical people, and (b) we are to have the chance to radicalize them further. Following this simple rule would go a long way toward eliminating destructive infighting and “friendly fire” casualties.

    (2) We have to respect people’s decision to use pen names and other forms of concealment.

    (3) We should shun everyone who violates the first two principles.

  38. Rollory, as to what “going real world” means, in the simplest sense it just means taking some sort of action offline. You know this. And yes, it could just mean networking and making real life contacts over a couple of beers. Getting to know people, developing relationships and trust. See Kievsky’s posts over at VNN for one possible approach. There are many others.

    Point is that, hopefully, real world organization will develop from the goodwill and trust that these contacts can foster.

    As to the rest of your post I’ll just say this: my sense is that the current system is losing legitimacy by the day. It’s a good thing that this is the case, because we have little or no hope of working successfully within the present system. In fact, the entire system is designed precisely for our exclusion. We must instead replace the present system with our own.

    Seem like too great of a task? Understood. Yes, right now the system is far too strong to be beaten. BUT, it isn’t as strong as it appeared to be even a couple of years ago. My guess is that it will be even weaker a few years from now. At some point, opportunity will knock, probably sooner than any of us ever imagined.

    Ultimately, the present system depends upon legitimacy. It is our job to undermine system legitimacy at every turn, as much as we can. Make fun of it, insult it, denigrate it. Treat it like the nasty whore that it is. Point it out as the evil, nutty purveyor of genocide and rape that it is. Anything to tear it down and deny it moral legitimacy.

    At the same time, we must build up a positive vision to offer as an alternative. Our world, a country of our own, and all that implies. We need an appealing and attractive vision that stands in stark contrast to The Great Whore. (idea: obviously my “Great Whore” phrase is a nod to the “Great Satan” line of the muslims. Point is, we need a good name for the system, something that serves the dual purpose of appropiate mockery/contempt on the one hand, while conveying the gravity of the situation on the other. Suggestions?)

    Why pay homage to a nasty whore when you can have a great nation for yourself and your children?

    And, of course, we need some credible level of organization. Sure, it couldn’t take power today. But what about tomorrow? There will be a crisis of legitimacy in the system at some point. Will we be ready?

  39. Robert Campbell –
    I cannot tell you how pleased I am, from the bottom of my heart, to read your post. That there are other people out there who understand the point you make here so well gladdens me and fills me with hope.

  40. We need to establish some sort of public identity that can serve as a template for political/electoral action.A social/cultural subject around which a voting bloc can be assembled.We can then parlay that presence into (hopefully) an ever increasing leverage within all levels of civic life.

  41. Small example.Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia started out as little more than soccer clubs with sections all accross the country.These clubs formed the basis of his subsequent electoral gambits.Forza Italia is now the largest party in Italy.

  42. Rollory,

    Cynicism is a major problem in the movement. Most people eventually tire of talking about race online and drop out. Others are disappointed by the type of people (ex. Erich Gliebe and Clifford Herrigton) who run the existing organizations. I’ve seen hundreds of people come and go over the years. An important determinant of involvement in any political movement is the success one has in finding “people like you” out there. I will deal with this in a separate post.

  43. Congrats to Prozium and the persons he met with. Even though it’s a small step (in the right direction) it’s much more than I’ve ever done. Naturally it will take a little time to develop a coherent and effective strategy for taking back what is rightfully ours, but I hope these get togethers with kindred minds evolves into more than just meet, eat and retreat sessions.

    Your goals sound very similar to what William Pierce of the old NA was attempting to accomplish which was to build a viable pro-white network and infrastructure. An infrastructure capable of filling the vacuum when the current rotten and irreparable system inevitably crumbles to dust. This can only be done with dedicated, intelligent and disciplined men and women.

    I would also caution not letting the group get too large or allowing anyone to attend. It’s not paranoia to say that people feigning to be WN’s but with ulterior motives and secret agendas may try to infiltrate these meetings to gather information on attendees. The SPLC comes to mind. Therefore, I assume you have some method of screening people to avoid this kind of trouble.

  44. The problem in the US revolves around the concept of “Americanism” and radical individualism. There is no hope for the white race in that country. Those white Americans with enough intelligence have already made alternative plans. The future of our race lies elsewhere.

  45. Well done Prozium. You’re definitely moving in the right direction.

    “Congrats to Prozium and the persons he met with. Even though it’s a small step (in the right direction) it’s much more than I’ve ever done.”

    Every one contributes in his own way. Not every one possesses the talents of, say, Prozium, CC, or Fred, but perhaps there are other nascent WNs out there who have organisational, financial, and military skills that could be put to use.

  46. “People who have nothing to lose seldom have much to give either. We need people who have both much to lose and much to give. The only way to attract such people is to adhere to some simple principles.”



    You are so right, we absolutely and fundamentally need all the good, intelligent and industrious of our People to join in this existential struggle that We all are currently facing.

    Did you or anyone else here by any chance seen the movie produced in the Third Reich titled KOLBERG?

    What was so salient about that movie is that it showed how the Prussian elites under Frederich Wilhelm III were ready to ‘throw in the towel’ to the invading Grande Armée of Napolean, when the mayor of the North Sea town of Kolberg, Joachim Nettlebeck, ralled the common volk to the collective defense of the city, which further inspired the elites and the aristocracy/nobility to the greater defense of Greater Prussia/Germany, which was the beginning of the end of the masonic, multi-kult, internationalist Napolean, culminating in his eventual defeat at Waterloo under the combined forces of Wellington and the great Prussian Feld Marschall Prince Gebhard von Blücher.

    […] As Prussia was defeated in 1807 and subjected to a harsh peace, in order to deliver a suitable propaganda message, the film begins in 1813 after the period of the Napoleonic Wars known in German as the War of Liberation. The opening scenes show Prussian Landwehr and volunteers marching down the streets of Breslau through enthusiastic crowds. This is followed by a dialogue between the weak King Frederick William III of Prussia and Count August von Gneisenau, where Gneisenau explains that the siege of Kolberg taught the importance of citizen armies (such as Goebbels’ Volkssturm). Ending with the admonition that kings who cannot lead must abdicate, the scene switches to Vienna in 1806 to show the abdication of the last Holy Roman Emperor, Francis II of Austria, whom the script has Gneisenau call “an Emperor who abandoned the German people in their hour of need”. […]

    Indeed, (White) leaders ‘who cannot lead must abdicate’!

    Thank you and MEN like Prozium who are willing to be there for their People, and not abandon them ‘in their hour of need’!

    And just like in Kolberg, when we assume our rightful roles and duties as White men again, it is going to indeed be the end of the Masonic, Marxist, multi-kult globalist internationalism, just like it was for Napolean.

    *If anyone wants to see the movie, it can be found here –

    For those who speak/understand German, here is the complete movie without English subtitles –

    YouTube – Kolberg (1945 full colour movie)

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