Cryptos (II): Moles and Overlapping Circles

Venn Diagram

This is the tenth installment in this series.

“Cryptos” are people who are essentially White Nationalists, but for some reason are unwilling to openly align themselves with us. Instead, they prefer to burrow within other political movements, usually conservatism or libertarianism, and work to advance our cause from within the mainstream right. This is more often than not a career choice. A few cryptos genuinely believe they can make more of a difference by gently pushing the mainstream in our direction.

I’ve had mixed feelings about cryptos over the years. The most obvious objection to crypsis is the moral one: it is dishonorable to live a lie, to censor yourself and pretend to be something you are not, to give lip service to a cause you don’t believe in. The second objection is strategic: we can’t defeat our enemies by taking potshots at them from the shadows; we must assemble an army and confront them on the ideological field of battle. These are very powerful arguments and I have found them persuasive enough to openly fly the flag of White Nationalism at Occidental Dissent. There is no hint of moderation here.

On the other hand, crypsis is not without its merits. First, powerful states and individuals have made abundant use of spies and saboteurs throughout history. Our enemies have never blushed at using crypsis to advance Jewish interests at our expense. The mainstream right was hijacked and perverted by a handful of neocons who cloaked their revolutionary agenda in patriotic rhetoric. Second, it is unrealistic to expect everyone to have the same level of commitment to our cause. The cryptos will always be with us and it is better to make productive use of them than to alienate them.

Personally, I find both sides of this argument compelling. I think the vast majority of us should focus on carving out a space in American political discourse for White Nationalism. This is essentially what we are trying to do here. A minority of cryptos though could prove very useful in advancing our efforts. The most obvious way to help out is through donating to worthy causes. It is much easier to make a living in the mainstream than out on the fringe. We could also use some publicity. Most explicit whites have never heard of White Nationalism because of the media blackout.

The Venn diagram posted above can be used to illustrate the areas in which White Nationalism (center), paleoconservatism (left), and libertarianism (right) intersect and overlap. The cryptos in these two movements can help us by emphasizing the points we have in common. For example, the WNs, paleos, and libertarians share a common hostility to the American federal government; WNs and libertarians are opposed to anti-discrimination laws; WNs and paleos are opposed to third world immigration and cultural degeneracy.

A libertarian crypto could write a useful article about the anti-state tendencies within White Nationalism. A paleo crypto could do a piece on the steadfast opposition of White Nationalists to culturally destructive third world immigration. Similarly, White Nationalists can write about the aspects of paleoconservatism and libertarianism that we admire, but list our objections. We need to create an “interlocking chain” of cryptos from the mainstream to the fringe. In my previous post, I likened it to the conductors of the Underground Railroad in Antebellum times who funneled fugitive slaves to Canada.

That about wraps up my commentary on our little meeting. I’ve said just about everything that was on my mind. Over the next week, I will get back to the mundane task of writing about current events and related issues.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Our crypsis will have to be somewhat more subtle than duh’s, which includes:

    1. Heaping scorn upon those ‘the cause’ is meant to advantage and pessimism on the prospect of achieving it.

    2. Questioning the desirability of achieving ‘the goal’ of ‘the cause’ even if it were possible.

    3. Responding with hysterical, moralistic indignation when confronted with behavior consistent with 1 and 2.

  2. Of course those techniques could be effective, assuming an attitude of ‘tolerance’ and ‘open-mindedness’ – which those that fancy themselves as displaying often also perceive themselves as being one’s of ‘status’ – obtain in the interlocutors; as observed here.

  3. ” it is dishonorable to live a lie, to censor yourself and pretend to be something you are not, to give lip service to a cause you don’t believe in. “

    People who can’t live with lies probably give up on politics. The pressure makes it impossible to be completely honest in public interviews. In fact, under pressure, normal people have to change their minds to a degree. I suppose if you are a politician, your opinions are often somewhat incoherent because of all the pressure.

    ” we must assemble an army and confront them on the ideological field of battle. “

    Our ideology is that we have a right to exist. Our enemies have no good arguments against that (except this: Diversity is strength! Race doesn’t exist! ). That is why they use intimidation and censorship. Our side needs courage and energy, more than ideological arguments.

    ” The mainstream right was hijacked and perverted by a handful of neocons who cloaked their revolutionary agenda in patriotic rhetoric. “

    The left has been hijacked too, much earlier. Practically everything has been hijacked !

  4. Just like to comment that I’ve enjoyed these installments, HW. You’ve drawn up a mature, practical blueprint for moving forward. Well overdue in the WN cause.

    I am working on assembling a group of like-minded individuals in my area, possibly meeting for coffee once a month. I too have grown tired of the ego-filled web forum format. Having attended a EURO conference in the past, I can concur that meeting fellow travelers in person does much for the mind and spirit.

  5. Captainchaos, do you really not see that uh is a sockpuppet, and (likely) whose? Go back and look at his tantrum and note where it began — and what set it off. Then ask yourself about this quote, in which he tells you that

    “See, your rhetoric is based on the threat. That’s your whole persona, as Renner’s persona is the guru, and Hoffmeister’s is the prophet or decadent poet, and Linder’s is the acerbic pedant, and OD’s is the “patient southern intellectual”, per ipse.”

    Who is “OD”? If “OD” means “Occidental Dissent”, thus Prozium/Fade/Hunter by some odd metonymy — why? Second person, three writers BY NAME, and then one referred to indirectly? Why the inhibition against naming — ?!

    I was at fault for provoking him at his own site. I am truly sorry to have triggered his narcissitic rage.

    Oh, and this is just to my acolytes: The “love offerings” are not arriving at the address I gave you. If you wish to make darshan you must give from your hearts.

  6. If I remember my history correctly, “uh” was a commentator at The Civic Platform and used to post on VNN Forum. Further back he used to appear on Vanguard News Network when Linder was still running the frontpage.

    I’ve forgotten his username. I do remember he had a blog or a website of his own, but he isn’t a sockpuppet. He has been around this scene for years.

  7. Another thought, as someone new to the movement (is it a movement?) the primary thing that brought me aboard was hard data of the HBD sort. While I was always somewhat of a race realist (Blue Collar guy, live in a big ‘diverse’ city) I still needed something to help me get over the hump racially and for me HBD was that. I think its easy to forget how it was when you first “opened your eyes” but its important to think about that in this context.

    While you more experienced folk now “know” tons more stuff you are still trying to outreach to people that will break out in a cold sweat if they think they might get call the “R” word. Try to remember how it was for you when you had your racial awakening. If its anything like mine it was a process with stops and starts and reversals.

    I think most White Americans when presented with scientific reality will respond to some degree. But the key is that it has to be dispassionate, Sailer does a good job of this as does Jobling.

    BTW, don’t agree with you guys on the Jew thing, other than that really like the site! And the lively comments!

    Oh, and we attended our first CofCC and Amren meeting here last weekend and it was terrific as you said to meet folks and talk face to face. Our hearts were light when we left that gathering!

  8. I was under the impression that Prozium, in one of his various guises, wrote the original ‘Big Von as narcissist’ essay, which Sudaka seems to recapitulate word for word. Hmmm. Still, I’ll give Scimitar the benefit of the doubt and assume he is not the unmanly, pseudo-sophisticated half-wit known as “uh,” or at least that if he is, he is not aware of it.

  9. No, I picked up “Big Von” from uh/Sudaka who made a few posts about Hoffmeister at The Civic Platform. I’m sure friedrich braun remembers this. He posted about it at VNN Forum.

  10. Alright dude, I’ll take your word for it. Personally I don’t give a shit if duh comments wherever he likes. Just having a bit of fun calling him on his transparent bullshit. No offence intended to any party.

  11. I behold the progressive enslavement and self-oblivion of white races and see the intractable pitiless march of history, where you see a kind of leisurely stroll that can be directed anywhere with enough preaching (“uh”)

    When you grasp this in its full dimension you will have graduated from the ideological sandbox in which elite Jewry presently sees you harmlessly at play.

    I say this as a “spiritual Jew” (i.e., a master-class intellect) who finds the shallowness of the colonialist agrarian Populism around here perfect confirmation of my point about the pointlessness of proceeding toward a circumstance of which the Jew will again take advantage. The ignorance and stupidity of even the Jew-alert goyim have been noted and nicely summarized by “uh” – and the predominance of his critics here will perpetuate the decapitation of the cause.

  12. Somewhat OT, but I want to point out that Alex Kurtagic has a post at Takimag today. It’s a fairly innocuous piece discussing Viking Metal music.

  13. “I say this as a “spiritual Jew” (i.e., a master-class intellect) who finds the shallowness of the colonialist agrarian Populism around here perfect confirmation of my point about the pointlessness of proceeding toward a circumstance of which the Jew will again take advantage.”

    I don’t think everyone here is a “colonial agrarian Populist.” In any case, what would you have the misanthropists and elitists do instead? I’m interested to hear from a master class intellect.

  14. A lot of people have had only good experiences with Jews and thus do not respond favorably to criticism of them. Even I, an “anti-Semite”, have known Jews whom I’ve liked and admired. Some are upright, civic-minded and hard-working. But their macro-effect, especially the liberal faction of Jewry, cannot be called anything other than destructive.

  15. I don’t think everyone here is a “colonial agrarian Populist.” In any case, what would you have the misanthropists and elitists do instead? I’m interested to hear from a master[-]class intellect.
    (Mark IJsseldijk)

    My encounters with Antonius Cincinnatus, Lena the Cleana, and Oldright the Oldwhite illustrate my point about the presence of rusticated intellects – but you are correct about not “everyone”. So far. Since I haven’t had time to provoke “everyone” to a revelation of their essential orientation, master or slave.

    For those who have assimilated the points about the inevitability, in our present context, of oligarchic mastery, it follows that the armed forces and the intelligentsia (archetypically, the nobility and the priesthood) must be aligned with any cause that would be sovereign.

    This alignment cannot be achieved through participation in the beauty pageant spectacles that simulate the process of popular sovereignty. Quantity no longer counts, as “uh” has pointed out. Only the quality of a case, built from rational first principles and not dismissible as the mere rationalization of bigotry, has any chance of being persuasive of the pillars of state, presently at the command of an unelected elite.

    But I will admit that, presently, there is little-to-no chance of that development, even according to my recommended tactic (subvert what is left, if anything, of an un-multi-culted military and what little there may be of an honest and independent Left). And we face the handicap of an average IQ in the “native” population of 100, where a people that can govern itself needs a 115 verbal/social IQ, as had the upper-class syntheses of the Classical culture and as do the Jewish Masters of the Lie today. We are to them as Negroes are to us and as Germanic barbarians and Christian fanatics were to what was left of the original Roman upper-class Etruscan/Italic cultural synthesis, long ago.

    So, unless the dim elements on the White-wing acknowledge their betters as such – for the sake of spreading an un-bigoted perspective of critical interest to all persons on the continent – and their betters are thus encouraged in the instruction of their subordinates to that end – castles in the sandbox will continue to be erected here and kicked over, endlessly, to the amusement and relief of mortal enemies.

  16. A few days ago, I put Takimag on the blogroll. Apparently, John Zmirak is no longer there and denounced his colleagues as “racists” for publishing Jared Taylor a few months ago. I believe I read something about this in one of his columns at Inside Catholic.

  17. Good, Zmirak was always a poisonous presence. I don’t know what they were thinking having him on board in the first place. Taki is better off without him.

    Anyway, back when they allowed comments it was clear that at least 50% of Takimag’s readers were multikultists, either blatantly or implicitly, anyway.

  18. Zmirak was embarrassing. It was never clear to me what he was doing there.

    Maybe Takimag is evolving? Or, being opportunistic, now that paleoconservatism is dying? The younger generations of whites will be more radical, in ways that will make the old guys uncomfortable. Let’s hope the editors realize it.

    I well remember the glory days at Takimag when CC would run rings around the befuddled paleos (or “Faileos”) in the comments section. 😉

  19. NN:

    One problem is that pro-whites do not wish to acknowledge caste. Many, not all, of them see it, as do liberals, as a construct or throwback rather than as a biological reality. I see it as self-evident that there is a caste of intellect and a caste of warriors, and equally self-evident that these castes are vastly outnumbered by the common caste. But this is not the case in the wider pro-white world, many have bought into the humanism which posits that any man is as good as the next. The pro-white cause itself thus poisoned by liberalism. Sometimes I think the bulk of pro-whites are not different from the “liberte, egalite, fraternite” crowd.

    Now, I don’t know where I fit in the caste scheme, necessarily. But I’m willing to accept a lesser station, even a peasant’s lot, if it can help to advance the survival of the Aryan/white race. Are others here so inclined? I don’t know.

  20. NN,

    It is hard not to take uh’s proclamations with a grain of salt, and hence without a measure seriousness, as it is not the crystal-clear felicitous reflection of a mirror image of our people he offers, but a fun-house distortion. Master or slave, ruler or ruled, yes, that is ultimately the choice, qualitatively and quantifiably (i.e., resource competition will not cease to be adaptive). Most Whites really do know that they are a people, and that is where their interests truly do lie. It is greatly that harshness of circumstance has not made it necessary for them to act on it. I seriously doubt most will resort to liberal babble when there is no place left to hide from it all. But will that be too late?

  21. All 3 castes – intellect, warriors, common – are busy rotting & dying of plain old biological degeneration. As they should; Nature always wins. Whoever is left will lead and succeed irrespective of IQ. Last I heard, the packs of Germanic tribes ultimately did pretty good for themselves.

  22. I take heart from the thoughtful responses of Mark and the Captain.

    The pro-white cause [is] itself thus poisoned by liberalism. Sometimes I think the bulk of pro-whites are not different from the “liberte, egalite, fraternite” crowd.

    Exactly as stately over at “superhuman”: liberalism everywhere.

    Thus the journalistic cultivation of reaction to the “unfairness” of it all to whites who have “rights” merely reinforces the (unrealistic) shared liberal premises of any such implicit controversy. Just as “denying” the Holocaust, in an attempt directed at denying victim status to international Jewry, implicitly concedes the victimological argument that “victims” have (nonsensical) transcendent moral claims on all others. The result: more proto-anarchistic liberal fatuity endorsed and the maintenance of the present general ideological regime.

    Now, I don’t know where I fit in the caste scheme, necessarily. But I’m willing to accept a lesser station, even a peasant’s lot, if it can help to advance the survival of the Aryan/white race. Are others here so inclined? I don’t know.

    An admirable sentiment – knowing and accepting where one fits into an organizational hierarchy. The Jews admire and cultivate intellect, whatever their personal capacity. The average goy despises it as effeminate and as an affront to his own self-respect. So, many a time in the future will I have to overcome my own sense of resonance with “uh’s” remark about “conceited morons”.

    Master or slave, ruler or ruled, yes, that is ultimately the choice, qualitatively and quantifiably (i.e., resource competition will not cease to be adaptive). (Captainchaos)

    Thank you for reinforcing that most important of points.

  23. Last I heard, the packs of Germanic tribes ultimately did pretty good for themselves. (Stronza)

    By getting in bed with the Whore of Babylon and catching an itch that had to be scratched by International Jewry when the Universal Church became a hag. Saxon-slaughtering, Canossa, Investiture Controversy, Crusading, Reformation, Regicide, Bolshevism, Holocaustomania etc., – all symptomatic of the cultural psycho-pathology of regimes that cannot sustain themselves with their own intellect and so have to suffer acquiescence in the agendas of transnational/supranational entities in order to make up the difference.

    Check out the History of the Faustian Pact over at “superhuman”.

    (Click on “NeoNietzsche,” above – then down the red column on the right.)

  24. It is hard not to take uh’s proclamations with a grain of salt,

    It’s harder not to take your English as the most tortured and moralistic attempt at profundity since old-time Christian preaching or Edwardian journalism.

    I guess it’s really to much to ask someone — giving up illusion. Nietzsche, the real one I mean, ultimately had to accept its value in the lives of men. Since then a hundred years of psychology have added little but the veneer of scientific classification to this dogged, incorporeal, and in a way most necessary of vices. Hope’s a funny thing, but what happens when one tries to dash hope is funnier. It makes CaptainChaos an enforcer of white nationalism’s own Big Lie. It gives Soren the willies. It plunges everyone but one or two percipient souls into something akin to delusional parasitosis, where they see “moles” and “cryptos” trying to “divide the camp” — instead of pretty ingenuous metacritique (may God forgive me; structural criticism, if you like) of white nationalist thought and behavior; an odd strategy to pursue for a true saboteur of any kind. But such is the hallmark of pathological denial in the individual and the group. Their egos are grounded in the illusion: to attack the illusion is to attack their reason for “being”.

    And really, what kind of animal goes about trying to poke holes in the herd’s life-affirming belief system? what kind the pathology which has made that a habit, thrives on it for amusement? The unnatural thing isn’t that men construct elaborate fantasies for themselves to ease the pain of our lowly estate; it’s that other men are incapable of doing this, and try to talk those others out of it. An animal against the will to illusion itself is, “in the last analysis”, the worst species of nihilist. So, guilty as charged. But do not lower yourselves to confusing this with “depression” in a cheap attempt at adhominem; for the finest “joy” comes with the total abandonment of illusion and embrace of the long aimless trudge called reality.

    All 3 castes – intellect, warriors, common –

    Three castes? Jews; useful goyim; and useless goyim. Guess which we are.

  25. Hey Stronza, aren’t you one of the ????????-turning breed? You and Mark should get together and masochistically long for a peasant’s life in Renner’s Inevitable Reich. LOL.

    Man, there’s a good comic fable in all this. If I only had the chisel to bring it out. Walden III: Wie ich auch ein Jude ward.

  26. I’ve been through the “to hell with them” individualist phase. I seriously questioned why I invest so much of my time writing about the perils facing our race. After all, most of these people loathe White Nationalists, don’t want to be saved, and care nothing for my own fate. Realistically, our chances of turning the tide are slim to none.

    Why not be a good Epicurean and focus exclusively on my own peace of mind? All you really need in life are a few good books and friends. The simplest pleasures are usually free.

    Ultimately, I was never able to resign myself to “the horror” of contemporary America. It remained deeply morally and aesthetically repulsive to my sensibilities. I tried to block it out, focus on other things, but to no avail. The symptoms of our degeneration are everywhere and impossible to avoid. You have to confront them literally every day.

    So I threw in the towel and committed to White Nationalism, this after years of standing outside the movement. The WNs are the only group of people out there who even consider moving towards the America in which I would like to live. I don’t know of any other alternative.

    If we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t, I choose the former.

  27. HW:”So I threw in the towel and committed to White Nationalism, this after years of standing outside the movement. The WNs are the only group of people out there who even consider moving towards the America in which I would like to live. I don’t know of any other alternative.”

    As the ol’ saying goes…”You have to stand for something or else you’ll fall for anything.”

  28. “uh:
    It’s harder not to take your English as the most tortured and moralistic attempt at profundity since old-time Christian preaching or Edwardian journalism.”

    Well said. Their pompous rhetoric is really tiresome.

    “Hunter Wallace:
    I’ve been through the “to hell with them” individualist phase. I seriously questioned why I invest so much of my time writing about the perils facing our race. After all, most of these people loathe White Nationalists, don’t want to be saved, and care nothing for my own fate. Realistically, our chances of turning the tide are slim to none.

    Why not be a good Epicurean and focus exclusively on my own peace of mind? All you really need in life are a few good books and friends. The simplest pleasures are usually free.

    Ultimately, I was never able to resign myself to “the horror” of contemporary America. It remained deeply morally and aesthetically repulsive to my sensibilities.”

    I’ve had very similar thoughts. I often think back to some decisions I made and wonder if I made the right choice.

    If my adherence to racialism were merely based on the experiences I’ve had with so-called white nationalists I would have left a long time ago.

    Ultimately you do what you think is right, you’re guided from within, not by others.

  29. NN — Agnitio pauca. Thanks.

    Delighted at your return, uh.

    (We few, we happy few, we band of brothers)

    Thought, sadly, that Scrooby’s performance had put you off OD for good.

  30. The unnatural thing isn’t that men construct elaborate fantasies for themselves to ease the pain of our lowly estate; it’s that other men are incapable of doing this, and try to talk those others out of it. An animal against the will to illusion itself is, “in the last analysis”, the worst species of nihilist. So, guilty as charged. But do not lower yourselves to confusing this with “depression” in a cheap attempt at adhominem; for the finest “joy” comes with the total abandonment of illusion and embrace of the long aimless trudge called reality.

    I come down on the side of illusion where such is noble. If you’ve got to have a belief system, for the gods’ sake why not make it a noble one! (At this point, I refrain from soiling myself with another Nietzschean characterization of “Christianity”.)

    Take, for example, the worship of Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc, cardectomy and cannibalism included – now there’s some real religion for you. A warrior’s faith, through and through.

    [Somebody shove a fainting couch under Lena before she hits the floor.]

  31. Nah. I lived with someone deep in denial for many years and am used to that ferocious psychopathology. I would suggest that it is characteristic of White Nationalism generally, but I don’t want to be too rude. “Believe in our fantasy — or else.”

  32. Mark says they’re not all sod-busters around here.

    But I haven’t been around here long enough to ID any Heydrich’s, such as myself. (My MOS in the Greater Judean Ground Forces was ASA) 🙂

    So who’s what, otherwise – ideologically speaking?

  33. “But this is not the case in the wider pro-white world, many have bought into the humanism which posits that any man is as good as the next. The pro-white cause itself thus poisoned by liberalism. Sometimes I think the bulk of pro-whites are not different from the “liberte, egalite, fraternite” crowd.”

    I agree with this. Auster had a related post on this phenomenon: Everyone wants to be superior. Equally distasteful, in the online WN world at least, is the spectacle of fantasists such as NN and uh, who bizarrely position themselves as some sort of cyber-elitists. A kingdom of one. Aristos in their own mind. Hence, their relentless put-downs and embarrassingly inept posturings.

  34. If you’ve got to have a belief system, for the gods’ sake why not make it a noble one!

    I just don’t see nobility in the reduction of the world and history in the White Nationalist’s belief that he will “inevitably” come to dominate both. I see fantasy and denial; I see solipsism and an illusion of control bias. I see nobility in frank disavowal of collective fantasy, and the will to act alone against the times for the sake of those in the future who can correctly interpret such signposts of the limits of being and action. “Alloplastic adaptation” is the WN mythos; “autoplastic adaptation” is precisely all we can really manage, and most of us not even that. The fault-line is always between those who believe they’re efficacious and those who know they’re not; above them stand the truly efficacious, who don’t have to theorize themselves into power because they are in power. The believers castigate the unbelievers; the unbelievers instigate the believers; the powerful go their way. Quote from R.D. Laing has long summed up my problem here —

    They are playing a game. They are playing at not
    playing a game. If I show them I see they are, I
    shall break the rules and they will punish me.
    I must play their game, of not seeing I see the game.

    I mean, I never thought agreement on certain broad matters would be enough to secure Kameradschaft, because beyond that WN sinks into prescriptions for “good society” and I’m just not interested in any of it, none of that playing at politics from a series of remotely linked lighted boxes. Pure fantasy.

    There are probably as many unbelievers as believers, guys who sneer at White Nationalist conceits yet have no answer to the times. What bothers the believers most of all is the idea that there is no answer, and that puts them squarely with the relentlessly “positive” types you meet everywhere. “So what do you propose?” Question is why you’re convinced in “final states”, etc. You know what I mean.

  35. So who’s what, otherwise – ideologically speaking?

    Not sure, but The Admiral reminds me of Emil Maurice, for some reason.

    Aristos in their own mind.

    I think that’d be aristoi. Of course, I’ve never implied that I’m the best at anything, or better than anyone; never would. And seeing that my posts were about the role-playing endemic to WN precisely, I can only charge you with cheap plagiarism for calling me a fantasist. You’d have to try very hard to come up with the exact fantasy you think I’ve promoted, either about myself or anything else under the sun. That’s the whole point — I don’t make shit up to feel better about being part of the perpetual underclass. Neither should you.

  36. I, for one, would like to correct my behavior, if, in fact, the work done at “superhuman” does not reflect a lifetime of conscientious scholarship that merits elite status for the intellect that stands behind it.

    I do recognize that, for the relatively humble intellect, the ostensible humility of one’s superiors warms one heart and disposes one towards he who has thus assigned himself, if only nominally, to the same status as one’s humble self. But I’m not here to warm hearts.

  37. I find all this jockeying over elite status a bit amusing. No one here is part of any elite to speak of, even a cyber one. Aren’t we putting the cart before the horse? We don’t have a dogcatcher in power.

  38. Well, NeoNietzsche’s a smart dude, and if there’s any use for the Captain’s grain of salt, it’s for taking with NN’s “Superhuman” shtick so we don’t lose sight of his whizdum. Otherwise it was just The Admiral calling me and him elitists, which is the furthest thing from me. Actually that’s why I wrote that monstrous post about Big Von you dug up.

    The only true elitists I’ve seen in this crowd were Von and Wintermute. I always just wanted to pop that guy, and everyone else for fawning at him.

  39. “uh,” our resident prophet of doom, isn’t retailing a very attractive product. I don’t see anything attractive about reality. It is utterly demoralizing. I can understand why people come online and embrace these Dungeons & Dragons pseudonyms. 99% of it is harmless fun. What’s the problem?

  40. Was this so in the latter’s capacity as chauffeur, assassin, and/or head of the Landeshandwerksmeister?

    Da zeigt man was man wisst! Er war H A L B J U U U U U D E

    : o

  41. That’s true — reality isn’t pretty, and I should learn to respect flight from it. But this thing’s played out.

  42. I find all this jockeying over elite status a bit amusing.

    I must have missed the “jockeying”. Our humble Admiral seems to be arguing for a seemly humility, and neither uh nor I sense any competition for elite status – we take it for granted.

    No one here is part of any elite to speak of, even a cyber one.

    I suggest that we acquire and acknowledge one. But Cuius Regio, Eius Religio, Boss.

    Aren’t we putting the cart before the horse? We don’t have a dogcatcher in power.

    We are, I thought, talking about the internal structure of WN.

  43. I think that “uh” is probably right on the general perspective. I gave up on being driven by abstract ideology a while back and simply invest my time and talents in doing what I feel that I ought to do – work for the welfare, safety, and security of my family.

    Naturally, that includes preserving the sociocultural habitat within which they exist. I do other stuff for them, too: benign stuff like buying groceries, teaching them stuff, and accounting for contingencies.

    I’ve been coming to terms with my limited capabilities, my mortality, and my role in it all. As things stand, it’s easy and uncontroversial to buy groceries but difficult and scandalous to try to assure their sociocultural habitat. I’ll probably make a fool of myself. I’ll probably fail. But I’m just playing my role the best I know how.

    “Uh”, I’m curious as to whether you’ve read the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius or any of the RadTrad philosophers like Julius Evola or Rene Guenon. For me, resignation to fate and mortality has resulted in a clarity of focus and action. It appears to have had the opposite effect on you.

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