Cryptos (II): Moles and Overlapping Circles

Venn Diagram

This is the tenth installment in this series.

“Cryptos” are people who are essentially White Nationalists, but for some reason are unwilling to openly align themselves with us. Instead, they prefer to burrow within other political movements, usually conservatism or libertarianism, and work to advance our cause from within the mainstream right. This is more often than not a career choice. A few cryptos genuinely believe they can make more of a difference by gently pushing the mainstream in our direction.

I’ve had mixed feelings about cryptos over the years. The most obvious objection to crypsis is the moral one: it is dishonorable to live a lie, to censor yourself and pretend to be something you are not, to give lip service to a cause you don’t believe in. The second objection is strategic: we can’t defeat our enemies by taking potshots at them from the shadows; we must assemble an army and confront them on the ideological field of battle. These are very powerful arguments and I have found them persuasive enough to openly fly the flag of White Nationalism at Occidental Dissent. There is no hint of moderation here.

On the other hand, crypsis is not without its merits. First, powerful states and individuals have made abundant use of spies and saboteurs throughout history. Our enemies have never blushed at using crypsis to advance Jewish interests at our expense. The mainstream right was hijacked and perverted by a handful of neocons who cloaked their revolutionary agenda in patriotic rhetoric. Second, it is unrealistic to expect everyone to have the same level of commitment to our cause. The cryptos will always be with us and it is better to make productive use of them than to alienate them.

Personally, I find both sides of this argument compelling. I think the vast majority of us should focus on carving out a space in American political discourse for White Nationalism. This is essentially what we are trying to do here. A minority of cryptos though could prove very useful in advancing our efforts. The most obvious way to help out is through donating to worthy causes. It is much easier to make a living in the mainstream than out on the fringe. We could also use some publicity. Most explicit whites have never heard of White Nationalism because of the media blackout.

The Venn diagram posted above can be used to illustrate the areas in which White Nationalism (center), paleoconservatism (left), and libertarianism (right) intersect and overlap. The cryptos in these two movements can help us by emphasizing the points we have in common. For example, the WNs, paleos, and libertarians share a common hostility to the American federal government; WNs and libertarians are opposed to anti-discrimination laws; WNs and paleos are opposed to third world immigration and cultural degeneracy.

A libertarian crypto could write a useful article about the anti-state tendencies within White Nationalism. A paleo crypto could do a piece on the steadfast opposition of White Nationalists to culturally destructive third world immigration. Similarly, White Nationalists can write about the aspects of paleoconservatism and libertarianism that we admire, but list our objections. We need to create an “interlocking chain” of cryptos from the mainstream to the fringe. In my previous post, I likened it to the conductors of the Underground Railroad in Antebellum times who funneled fugitive slaves to Canada.

That about wraps up my commentary on our little meeting. I’ve said just about everything that was on my mind. Over the next week, I will get back to the mundane task of writing about current events and related issues.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter: “I seriously questioned why I invest so much of my time writing about the perils facing our race. After all, most of these people loathe White Nationalists, don’t want to be saved, and care nothing for my own fate. Realistically, our chances of turning the tide are slim to none.”

    Many, but not all. There are still large numbers of people out there that are decent and more or less on the same page with us. And yes, there are even many who care about your fate, Proz. Finally, I think you are way too pessimistic about our chances. I would rate them as bad to slim, but not slim to none. lol

    Seriously, I predict that we are going to get a helluva lot of breaks during the lifetime of most of the posters here. I suspect an awful lot of those breaks are going to come within the next decade. The only question is, will we capitalize on these opportunities? That part is up to us. While I realize the daunting nature of our task, I am more optimistic today than at any time in my life. We’re going to get our white nation, one way or another. Many a homeland will be recovered.

    In any event, whether my optimism is justified or not, we must continue, to the bitter end if necessary. However, I must stress that I am hopeful that things will turn out well in the end, for our people if not necessarily for us as individuals.

    “Why not be a good Epicurean and focus exclusively on my own peace of mind? All you really need in life are a few good books and friends. The simplest pleasures are usually free.”

    Because you aren’t built that way. Neither am I, nor are most people on this board. You have a more developed conscience, and are more sensitive to the atrocious things going on around you. I suspect that it is always a minority of people who are built our way, because society probably couldn’t function if everyone were like this.

    “Ultimately, I was never able to resign myself to “the horror” of contemporary America. It remained deeply morally and aesthetically repulsive to my sensibilities. I tried to block it out, focus on other things, but to no avail. The symptoms of our degeneration are everywhere and impossible to avoid. You have to confront them literally every day.”

    Precisely. I can’t block it out either. Again, we’re just not built that way. Such is our fate.

    I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  2. “I must have missed the “jockeying”. Our humble Admiral seems to be arguing for a seemly humility, and neither uh nor I sense any competition for elite status – we take it for granted.”

    LOL! Thanks for my first good laugh in what has been a long day.

    Look, either you are for the cause or you aren’t. What is the cause? Simple, the fourteen words: to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. That’s it. White Nationalism’s answer to this is the white ethnostate. Our odds may be long, but attempting to achieve a land of one’s own is hardly fantasy. It’s been done many, many times throughout history. In fact, history is on some level just the story of various peoples in the struggle for survival. Whites happen to be losing that struggle right now. From that it does not follow that we will always lose. That ain’t fantasy pal, that’s reality.

    That, ultimately is what this and similar boards are about. There are only two valid reasons to be on this board, and both have a common denominator. One damn good reason is to promote White Nationalism. The other is to oppose it. The common denominator is that both pro and con CARE about the subject, one is just fer it and the other agin it. Which one are you?

    For someone who actually was “elite” in any meaningful sense, and didn’t CARE about this subject, there would be ten million things better to do than post on this board. Chase tail, read great books, build a profession or a business, play a game of chess. There are only 24 hours in the day, guys. There just ain’t time enough for any “elite” to hang out on Occidental Dissent, or any similar site, if he doesn’t actually care about the subject at hand. If he truly doesn’t care about the subject, yet still hangs out here, he reveals himself as a loser who can’t manage to bang hot chicks or create great literature, or hell, play a game of Risk. Elite+Doesn’t Give A Shit About White Nationalism+ Hangs Out At White Nationalist Sites= Does Not Compute. Not enough time in the day, brah.

  3. NeoNietzsche/uh ~

    For a few days now I’ve been pestered by the notion that I’ve seen your schtick somewhere before. Which one of you is Statler, and which one is Waldorf?

  4. “Otherwise it was just The Admiral calling me and him elitists, which is the furthest thing from me…”

    Yours is a mere pose, a delusion that from some reason you’ve decided to share with all of us here. Don’t flatter yourself. 😉

  5. “Uh”, I’m curious as to whether you’ve read the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius or any of the RadTrad philosophers like Julius Evola or Rene Guenon.

    Honestly, I’ve only skimmed all three, because I’m wary of that kind of writing. I don’t want to mythologize my existence. White Nationalism wants us to, and Radical Traditionalism even more, I think. To me it’s all so much role-play. What exhilarates me are authors who cut away at that mythomaniacal ballast, not add to it. That’s why NeoNietzsche and I read more Jews than Gentiles. Jews are some hardheaded realists. No head-in-the-clouds shit for them.

    For me, resignation to fate and mortality has resulted in a clarity of focus and action. It appears to have had the opposite effect on you.

    But how is “fate” — that which is given, independent of our desires and ability to fulfill them — transmuted to moral imperative? That’s a sneaky romantic teleology I don’t like. “Fate” and “resignation” are fancy words for motivating yourself. They should be neutral and mean exactly what always meant before Evola got to them: you can do nothing about the state of the world and resign yourself to it! Do the chains chaff at your wrists? does it gall you to be underclass? That’s no argument, and no proof that there “is” a solution. Unlike puzzles and math problems, human affairs are very often insoluble and endlessly galling.

  6. “Fate” and “resignation” are fancy words for motivating yourself. They should be neutral and mean exactly what always meant before Evola got to them: you can do nothing about the state of the world and resign yourself to it!”

    Nah, you’re loading the term. Acceptance of the concept of fate does not require us to believe that we can do nothing about the state of the world. Rather, in normal usage, it’s just another way of saying that some things are beyond our control. This does not mean that all things are beyond our control. Why the sophistry?

  7. Do the chains chaff at your wrists? does it gall you to be underclass? That’s no argument, and no proof that there “is” a solution. Unlike puzzles and math problems, human affairs are very often insoluble and endlessly galling.

    I suppose we differ on what the natural state would be for a man who’s no longer embracing or seeking an abstract ideology or philosophy. It’s not natural or comfortable for me to disengage from my environment. What’s natural and comfortable for me is service to family, industriousness, and designing systems. Maybe I’m missing something or failing to comprehend something.

  8. That’s true — reality isn’t pretty, and I should learn to respect flight from it. But this thing’s played out.

    Well, go find a new sandbox then.

    Your presence betrays your true feelings.

    We need you here. Is that what you need to hear? That you’re special? Stick around and help out, truly help out, or go back to your normal life as a golf instructor, librarian, claims adjuster or bartender or whatever it is you do.

  9. I found this amusing:

    Why the sophistry?

    From the guy who said,

    Our odds may be long, but attempting to achieve a land of one’s own is hardly fantasy. It’s been done many, many times throughout history. In fact, history is on some level just the story of various peoples in the struggle for survival. Whites happen to be losing that struggle right now. From that it does not follow that we will always lose. That ain’t fantasy pal, that’s reality.

    Fans of careful reading will get the point.

    This does not mean that all things are beyond our control.

    Yea, well, whatever you believe is in your control, politically — isn’t. “Fate” is loaded when it is construed as impetus to act against what is quite obviously well out of your hands. I take it neutrally, or passively.


    It’s not natural or comfortable for me to disengage from my environment.

    Oh no, I applaud you taking a stance on family. I’ve said elsewhere this is something I can accept. Because it’s real. You flirt with abstracting your family by worrying about the habitat, but here you seem to retreat from it. Habitat’s wrecked for good. So here are my own fourteen words:

    Save your ass and your family’s because there’s no future in collective salvation.

  10. We need you here. Is that what you need to hear?

    My dear, NN has already stroked my ego. How sweet it was.

    G’night all.

  11. My dear, NN has already stroked my ego. How sweet it was.

    G’night all.

    Obviously somebody has. I’m sure it is a thrilling substitute for trolling the Castro. My point though, was what exactly are you saying? What is your advice? Besides your 13 words?

  12. “Fans of careful reading will get the point.”

    Perhaps you don’t understand what sophistry is. Please state clearly how what I said was an example of sophistry, rather than a simple statement of historical fact.

    Hint: it isn’t.

    “Yea, well, whatever you believe is in your control, politically — isn’t.”

    You should have told that to the anti-whites who effectively refounded the nation a few decades ago. Over the course of my life, I have seen this country change in dramatic fashion. It wasn’t changed by pixie dust, and it wasn’t changed by magic elves. It was changed by people who pushed and promoted that change.

    But from you we get the same old b.s. – namely, anti-whites get to have personal autonomy and are able to change societies. Only pro-whites are condemned (which is it, by fate or magic elves?) to be impotent. If White Nationalists seek to reverse or opt out of the changes made by others, well, suddenly change is ipso facto impossible.


    You remind me very much of an extremely politically correct liberal that I know. Whenever he is pushing for change, change is of course wonderful. But when someone complains about the results of a particular change, and starts talking about reversing a particular liberal policy, (“Hey, your policies have ruined our public schools!”) then suddenly he becomes downright Burkean. “These things have always been such, they cannot be changed, they are intractable.”

    It’s really amazing to watch him so shamelessly switch gears. Then he goes out and pushes for more “change.” Five minutes later he’s a Burkean again, so long as it suits the moment.

    Bottom Line: if you don’t support the cause, there are two most probable explanations as to why you are here: you are either an anti or a loser with absolutely nothing better to do. Have you ever kissed a girl? I mean, seriously. Surely kissing a girl would be more appealing (assuming you could do it) than hanging out on a White Nationalist board when you are not a White Nationalist? It sure as hell would be to me, but perhaps taste varies. Hell, maybe you could even get to second base one day! Keep hope alive, brah.

  13. It is not about “fantasy” or “illusion” as others here have asserted, but rather “myth” and “mythmaking,” about which there has been quite a bit of discussion in the pro-White blogosphere recently. Peoples, cultures, civilizations, and empires live and die by their myths; America was generally founded on the ‘myth’ of the mostly independent yeoman farmer or pastoralist (who was very often also a warrior/militiaman and sometimes even an independent scholar, too) carving a decent living for himself and his family in the harsh and wild wilderness of this here alien North American continent settled by various groups of extremely courageous Whites who, instead of submitting and being a feudal serf/slave in Europe to his/her increasingly decadent, greedy, and corrupt superiors, sought a more independent and free life here. That ‘myth’ was indeed the reality for many White Americans until the native White population was severely sullied by the massive waves of generally incompatible ‘faux White’ immigrants (Jewish, Southern/Eastern European, etc) beginning in about the late 1800s, after which mass-industrialism, repulsive urbanism, and Jewish-domination started to become the American norm, the American small/medium-sized towns and independent farmsteads and pastures being replaced by anonymous deracinated urbanism/industrialism, the Jewish lie of perpetual consumerism, infinite techno-industrial ‘progress,’ and the supposed ‘equality’ of all peoples.

    I resent the constant attack by the commenting ‘Lords of the Manor’ on some of the agrarianists and pastoralists found here, as many of us are traditionalist-oriented White Southerners who believe that rural, semi-rural, or small/medium-sized town living is far superior culturally, aesthetically, environmentally, and even spiritually to the unduly cramped and polluted conditions of anonymous urban centers ruled over by decadent White suicidalists, namely the international Jewish plutocrats and their ultra-greedy lackeys. With the dawn of modern communications technology and advanced modes of transportation, many cities/suburbs are actually becoming liabilities rather than assets, cesspits of unsustainable pollution, mass-consumerism, and cultural Jew-led degeneration. The goal of the urban-international Jew is one of ever-increasing centralization and globalism, and thus we seek to counter that with decentralization and localism. Being connected to the local people, land, flora and fauna, and culture around you is very important since so many modern White Americans have become so thoroughly deracinated with the rise of the ‘Jewnited States’ and the decline of the traditional United States — thus we seek to either ‘racinate’ them and/or reracinate them, not an easy task since most American Whites are actually themselves still mostly racially alien here in North America, having been here in this land only a few centuries at most. Too many White Americans have either lost touch and/or have yet to form firm roots in the soil of the White American Republic, and we hope to help and guide them to do just that.

    Of course many White Americans could care less about White America if it is just a series of ugly and anonymous cities/suburbs connected by endless treacherous highways and interspersed by a bunch of Jew-owned shopping plazas hawking mostly worthless Asiatic-made goods, a place devoid of any true culture aside from endless consumerism and blighted landscapes. We seek to undo all of that and give Americans a nation that is once again worth caring and fighting for, a place for the permanent continuity of the White race instead of the disposable and corrupt Jewnited States which has arisen since they became ascendant a few decades ago. Real cultures and strong peoples arise from the soil, the local community, the natural surroundings, and the hearth/home, not from some magazines or art museums or TV stations spewing their anti-cultural sewage across the entire nation from some urban Jew ghettos in NYC or LA.

    We offer a resurrection of the original American vision, an alternative to the anti-White racial swamp and Jewish-dominated international business-playground which modern America has become; we offer the common White American populace a USA wherein they are more in control of their personal destinies instead of the destructive whims of their international-urban Jewish overlords who seek to swamp their gene pools with the blood of non-White races in order to make for a more willing lot of ignorant perpetual slaves. First off all, we will protect the gene pool of North America by assuring that it remains White far in to the future (hopefully forever). Via repatriations, we will do all that we can to drain the stinking racial swamp found within many portions of the modern USA. This will of course be a time of major troubles, but we will do what it takes for the survival of the White race here on our North American continent, anything for the permanent continuity of our race and the racial security of our territory.

    Once the main racial troubles and challenges have been solved, some of us hope to resurrect many of the small/medium-sized local farms as well as local/regional pastures wherein people can raise their own livestock, as the ‘common peasants’ (to use the terminology of some people here) should always be as food-secure and independent as possible. That would be far preferable to the Jew-owned and operated mass-factory farms which predominate in much of modern America. We will also, over a period of years, cease to export food to those nations wherein our main racial competitors and antagonists reside, namely Asia and Africa — there is no reason why American Whites should subsidize their birthrates with our food just so they can immigrate in to our White nations and racially sully them. The long-term preservation and protection of the USA and Canada’s environment will be of prime importance, especially our precious water and soil resources will be ruthlessly protected from further degradation and despoliation by the greedy wastrels and profit-seekers currently found within much of American industry. Instead of continuing to become subservient to Asiatics and Jewish international-trading intermediary parasites, we will rebuild various factories and local workshops (large and small as needed) in every town, city, community, county, region, and state who wants them so that people can supply some of their own needed manufactured consumer goods. We will obliterate all that is unneeded and outworn; the main failures that are the current result of rampant Judeocommercialism, Jewish internationalism, and cultural deterioration/neglect will be ruthlessly eliminated — things of no use will be torn down, or razed to the ground, and more useful things put in their places, or even nothing at all (many parts of North America, in fact, need to be reforested in order to prevent increasing erosion and eventual desertification, both of which have been the downfall of many empires). Viable local public spaces will be revitalized, and we will utilize the best of public/land planning, as the near-anarchic development of the USA has so far not allowed in many cases. The mass-media will play a constructive role in the mental and cultural lives of our people instead of a highly destructive and degenerative role. Art and true forms of high culture will be restored to reflect our healthy racial/ethnic and regional/national ideals instead allowing Jewish and other degenerate filth to continue to pollute the cultural life of our race and nation.

    A new White racial aristocracy which is based partially on the ideals, lives, and visions of our Founding Fathers – part warrior, part intellectual, and part ‘common’ farmer/pastoralist or technical laborer – will be resurrected from the ashes of this mostly Jew-wrecked nation, and we will prevail. If we do not prevail, then a very bleak fate awaits our White ancestors in the slow-motion failure of the White colonization of North America which will ensue within the next century culminating in the semi-extinction and racial mongrelization of the Whites currently found herein.

  14. NN:”Take, for example, the worship of Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc, cardectomy and cannibalism included – now there’s some real religion for you. A warrior’s faith, through and through.”

    I thought you are a Nietzschean a la Zarathustra/Zoroaster? Zoroaster was quite likely an ancient Aryan/European-derived ‘prophet’ and founder of the religion of Zoroastrianism (which is pro-agrarianism and is the main forerunner of Greek/Roman and Ahramahic religions), and thus I always thought it strange how Nietzsche then chose him as his ‘will to power’ prophetic figurehead. Do you know anything about the Aryan religious ideas of Zoroaster and his pro-soil ideas? From a recent source I read (though you can find more sources by looking for them on the internet or elsewhere):

    Zoroaster raised the use of the soil to the first place in the three chief tenets of his religion. His first tenet was: ‘That agriculture and cattle-breeding are the noble callings.’ ‘He who sows the ground with care and diligence’, he announced, ‘acquires a greater stock of religious merit than he would gain by the repetition of ten thousand prayers.’

    As long as the Nomads failed to use settled agriculture and limit their cattle-breeding, life was sometimes generous to them, sometimes even-handed, sometimes, at seasons of drought, harsh. At times of harshness, mounted on their horses they organized wide-sweeping hunts of wild animals for their food. If further pressed, they were forced to move on and this sometimes entailed making raids into the lands of their neighbours, who, in their turn might raid or join with them in raiding. Then, with increasing numbers, they might successfully, make themselves masters of the land of settled farmers and the food and wealth, which they had not the wit to get by their own skill and toil. Hence they praised war, not as a means of defence in the way in which a sturdy peasantry has so often successfully defended itself and its soil, but as a means to mastery and wealth. To them life was not only a struggle for existence, but a will to power over their enemies, an assertion of the right of the better-armed and of the more savage nature over what they regarded as possible, and if possible legitimate, prey. They terrorized when they attacked, and, when they conquered, they were successful owing to the speed of their attack, the terror they aroused, and the human slaughter they effected. All these characters of theirs ultimately, therefore, arose from their attitude to the soil. The soil was something to be exploited and even plundered for their gain. This attitude was in the sharpest possible contrast to the tenet of the Babylonians, that the soil belonged to their god, or to the sanctity with which the soil was endowed by the followers of Zoroaster. These faiths of the holiness or wholeness of the soil were, as we shall see, faiths of the farmers; the very word cultivate is derived from the Latin verb “colere,” of the two-fold meaning of tilling and worship.

  15. Texan: I fully agree. I often feel reticent about cluttering up HW’s blog comments with oftentimes rambling screeds, but once I start getting a on a roll I can’t help myself.

    So I’ll try to remember to start cross posting some of my more notable long comments to my mostly inactive blog – – for further discussion and commenting there. I actually have a lot of old saved-up comments and essays I’ve been meaning to post there, but I often get so preoccupied in reading and commenting on other blogs/websites that I neglect my own.

  16. As NeoNietzsche admits the takeover of society by and alliance of the few white warrior elitists and his own caste of armchair philosophers who have accomplished nothing of note in the real world is almost impossible. The real military caste is perfectly content to fight wars for Israel in return for their sign up bonuses, pensions and free lifetime medical care. The intellectual elite, the one with power, would be glad if all of us, proles and supermen, vanished and were never heard from again.

    Then there’s Uh, with his ideology of helpless clinical depression.

    So dismissing these crackpots out of hand is the best strategy. NN promotes something he says probably won’t work and Uh says nothing will work.

    So having dismissed the almost worthless advice of NN and the defeatism of Uh we can get to the proletarian white trash business of fighting the jew.

    The jew has always feared the peasants. Maybe that points to the real agenda of Uh and NN’s attempts to demoralize the white working class.

    It is curious that NN promotes the jew promoted lie that the average jew IQ is 115, a lie propagated by the race mixer Charles Murray and the jew Richard Hernnstein.

  17. Uh:
    And really, what kind of animal goes about trying to poke holes in the herd’s life-affirming belief system?
    A jew.

  18. Look, either you are for the cause or you aren’t. What is the cause? Simple, the fourteen words: to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. That’s it. White Nationalism’s answer to this is the white ethnostate. (Trainspotter)

    Thanks for your formulation of the issue.

    Please don’t entertain any ambitions for contributing to an understanding of the context in which the foregoing appears imbecilic. To a more conscientious person I would recommend the concentrated study of “superhuman” – but either you have looked at it and have not paid attention – or you haven’t bothered.

    Thus, it is evidently *you* who does not care (enough to have grappled, life-long, with the complexities of our parlous circumstance such as to be embarrassed by your familiar – and I say again – imbecilic – formulation of objectives). Elite Jewry rests in peace in the assurance that you speak for many another such as yourself.

  19. NN:”Take, for example, the worship of Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc, cardectomy and cannibalism included – now there’s some real religion for you. A warrior’s faith, through and through.”

    I thought you are a Nietzschean a la Zarathustra/Zoroaster? Zoroaster was quite likely an ancient Aryan/European-derived ‘prophet’ and founder of the religion of Zoroastrianism (which is pro-agrarianism and is the main forerunner of Greek/Roman and Ahramahic religions), and thus I always thought it strange how Nietzsche then chose him as his ‘will to power’ prophetic figurehead. (White Preservationist)

    You have inverted Nietzsche. Read the current leading post at “superhuman” on the point.

  20. “Please don’t entertain any ambitions for contributing to an understanding of the context in which the foregoing appears imbecilic.”


    Is English even your first language?

  21. So having dismissed the almost worthless advice of NN and the defeatism of Uh we can get to the proletarian white trash business of fighting the jew.

    Evidently with the proletarian white trash having learned nothing of fundamentals since the days when Bryan and his peasants tried it.

    The jew has always feared the peasants. Maybe that points to the real agenda of Uh and NN’s attempts to demoralize the white working class.

    The “real agenda” here is to interdict yet another catastrophic f*uck-up of a mission contaminated by lower-class (agrarian/proletarian) misconceptions of reality.

    It is curious that NN promotes the jew[-]promoted lie that the average jew IQ is 115, a lie propagated by the race mixer Charles Murray and the jew Richard Hernnstein.

    Schopenhauer vindicated once again.

  22. “Please don’t entertain any ambitions for contributing to an understanding of the context in which the foregoing appears imbecilic.”


    Is English even your first language? (The Admiral)

    No. I reckon I started with “Gah-gah, goo-goo”.

    But, after I took up English, my English eventually got me a BA in History, Summa Cum with Honors, Head of Class, four years done in two with a 3.9/4.0, Fellowship at an elite U., studying for a doctorate in the History of Science. (My *professors* liked my English, and I haven’t gotten out of the habit.)

  23. As NeoNietzsche admits the takeover of society by and alliance of the few white warrior elitists and his own caste of armchair philosophers who have accomplished nothing of note in the real world is almost impossible. (Oldright)

    And I would have to admit that, in my days (early 70’s) as a “Stormtrooper” in Matt Koehl’s NSWPP, wearing a *uniform* uniform bearing the sacred symbol of the race on my left bicep, not much was accomplished by handing out “White Power” on the streets of a major metropolitan area. I *then* decided, amidst the evident futility of it, that some “armchair philosophy” was called for in explanation of our failure and in hopes of finding our way otherwise.

    (Did I ever have occasion to meet you under such circumstances, Oldright?)

    The real military caste is perfectly content to fight wars for Israel in return for their sign up bonuses, pensions and free lifetime medical care.

    Which suggests that “the real military caste” of the White race are not the prostitutes to whom you refer, but rather the formation for which I decided to leave stoogery in the Greater Judean forces behind. (BTW, besides my academic qualities, I distinguished myself physically in Basic at Ft. Jackson. I was one of only two men in a company of two hundred to score perfectly in Grenade throw. I shot Expert, got early promotion, and was a squad leader/brevit E-5. Then did MOS/ASA in the MDW, and visited the NSWPPHQ in Arlington. Got an ear-full of info about how the Army had stooged for Jewry for the past 3/4’s of a century, and how I should get out and join the White Man’s army. I did and I did.)

  24. OldRight:”The jew has always feared the peasants. Maybe that points to the real agenda of Uh and NN’s attempts to demoralize the white working class.”

    Excellent point OR — I fully agree with you. Jewry hates the landed White ‘peasantry’ of every White nation with near-rabidity because they are the ones who retain their healthy racial/warrior/anti-Jew instincts far longer than the degenerate, deracinated, cosmopolitan, and Judaized ‘Whites’ who pour in to the mostly Jew-run cities of many White nations (multiracial and decadent nearly all of them are) to be good little servants and lapdogs for their urban-international Jewish overlords.

    On most days, I almost always choose Spengler over Nietzsche:

    “Writing in the early twentieth century, Oswald Spengler described the character of world cities as follows: ‘Spirit is non-existent in these cities. They are land in petrified form.’ Cities play a particularly tragic role in Spengler’s Doomsday scenario entitled The Decline of the West. For Spengler, cities were places where life ossified because the bodies, souls, and spirits of their inhabitants grew barren there. For this philosopher of history, the rise of the city heralded the start of the decline, not only of the West, but of all civilisations.

    Spengler gave two reasons for his belief that the proliferation and growth of cities is an indication of the impending downfall of society. Firstly, he believed that by settling in cities, societies would enfeeble themselves both spiritually and culturally. He considered cities to be petrified, static structures in which social life could not flourish nor cultural renewal take place, let alone that they could be a source from which spiritual greatness could emanate. For Spengler, cities would cause humankind to ossify; the birth of a world city was the death knell of a culture.” … –

  25. “For this philosopher of history, the rise of the city heralded the start of the decline, not only of the West, but of all civilisations

    Nevertheless, the world is not going to allow you to peacefully rusticate yourself and survive attempts at your extermination amidst your idyllic retirement.

  26. There are only two valid reasons to be on this board, and both have a common denominator. One damn good reason is to promote White Nationalism. The other is to oppose it. The common denominator is that both pro and con CARE about the subject, one is just fer it and the other agin it. Which one are you? (Trainspotter)

    Well, I would judge, from the tone and substance of our respective presentations, that I am (figuratively speaking) the general staff officer here and you are the lowly non-com. Or, I am the head of the Board of Education – and you are a schoolmarm.

  27. NN:”Nevertheless, the world is not going to allow you to peacefully rusticate yourself and survive attempts at your extermination amidst your idyllic retirement.”

    Agreed. That is precisely why a managed return to the life of the American soil and the herds and the forests and the mountains and the plains and the waterways is needed; it is needed in order to grow up a new crop of the American warrior-scholar-landed aristocracy which can mount a sufficient resistance to the rootless cosmopolitan Jews. Right now, quite a few American Negroids here in The South are more rooted in the soil of this, our White continent, than very many American Whites who have wandered in to the cities/suburbs in the last few generations for more ‘opportunities’ and ‘excitement’ — what a pathetic spectacle it is to behold, landed Negroids vs. rootless Whites! Or what, do you expect such men and women to grow out of the parched slabs of endless pavement found within the Jew-infested cities? The Jews dream of such absurdities whilst forever waiting for their ‘Moshiach,’ as in their Messianic hoping for the “man of Sorrows” in Isaiah 53: “He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, like a root out of dry ground…,” but that scenario is an impossibility barring a true ‘miracle.’ Did you know some believe that much of Isaiah, amongst other books of the Jewish OT such as Job and possibly others, might’ve actually been written by ancient Aryans and then eventually co-opted by the Hebrews?

    There can be no truly effective resistance against urban-international Jewry from within their urban fortresses, that much is obvious. The world-cities of America and The West will slowly depopulate and wither during the current ‘Winter’ phase of our present civilization, just as Spengler predicted Chapter XIII – “Cities and People” – of his Decline (you oughta bust out your old dusty copy of that book and give that chapter a close re-reading):

    “At this level all Civilizations enter upon a stage, which lasts for centuries, of appalling depopulation. The whole pyramid of cultural man vanishes. It crumbles from the summit, first the world-cities, then the provincial forms and finally the land itself, whose best blood has incontinently poured in to the towns, merely to bolster them up awhile. At the last, only the primitive blood remains, alive, but robbed of its strongest and most promising elements. This residue is the Fellah type.”

    As such, the new American warrior-scholar-landed aristocracy must soon arise in preparation for future developments or else our race and our civilization will suffer their slow-motion deaths in the Jewed Cosmopolii, most of which are entirely under the inescapable sway of international anti-White Judeo-Mammonism.

    I recommend – – that in the coming pro-White ethnostate in the USA, no more than approx. 25-33% of the best White American population (verified through genetic testing) remain urbanized. For a long while after the victory we will continually urge or even force the more degenerate racial elements of White American society to urbanize (which they usually do anyhow), along with any remaining Jews, Negroids, Asiatics, Mestizos, etc who continue living in our White nations. The pure White element will, in contrast, take to decentralized countryside rural-retreats, towns, villages, farms, ranches, etc and then begin to revitalize and reawaken them. This needed economic, political, and geographic decentralization of our people prevents international-urban Jewry and their burgeoning multiracial anti-White shock-troops from wiping us out wholesale as they would much prefer to do (the same applies for the possible invading forces of an enemy military who might one day land on our shores).

    No worries, it will work itself out in due time. The inferiors and degenerates will naturally gravitate in to the cities, and if not we will forcibly herd them in there like the diseased cattle which they are. Once in their urban stock-pens, they will slowly mummify and rot and bring extinction unto themselves as they rapidly degenerate in their cosmopolitan zoos. The racial-urban problem thus solves itself; the emptying cities will subsequently be intelligently dismantled/recycled and/or razed in sections as they slowly depopulate, and many of them will hopefully be reforested in order to help restore the severely dry and damaged topsoil which has been contained beneath all that concrete for so long.

  28. I was a lowly non-com, and after picking up poodle poop on a wet soccer field I enjoy coming here to read the ‘dry wit.’ I would say more though I’m still under the influence of processed food, peroxide, and the myth of utopia.

  29. ME:”As such, the new American warrior-scholar-landed aristocracy must soon arise…”

    Hmmm, perhaps those ‘Whitopian’-seeking Coeur d’Aleners are on to something? –

    No remote Idaho cabins for me though. The Carolinas (the lands of my Pre-Colonial/Colonial Era White ancestors and where I was born and raised) is where I am and where I will forever remain. In particular, I’ve been finding, many of the rural central/western portions of depopulating SC particularly offer a great many excellent opportunities — the local Negroids and the White fellah are leaving the countryside and small-towns for lack of cash and enterprising abilities; lots of excellent farmland, forests, and hunting grounds are still left there; many navigable rivers are located in the state of SC; most SC Whites are still racially sane; and of course a we have a very long growing season compared to far northern states like Idaho and others … amongst many other advantages.

    “In Dixie Land I’ll take my stand / To live and die in Dixie / Away, away, / Away down south in Dixie!”

  30. Status competition is adaptive if status is attached to goals attitudes which are adaptive. Much of the problem currently is that the goals and attitudes assigned status are not adaptive.

  31. NN: “But, after I took up English, my English eventually got me a BA in History, Summa Cum with Honors, Head of Class, four years done in two with a 3.9/4.0, Fellowship at an elite U., studying for a doctorate in the History of Science. (My *professors* liked my English, and I haven’t gotten out of the habit.)”

    Ah, that explains it then. You attended an American university, right? Even worse! I’m not sure if your writing style (and that of uh) is (1) intentionally unintelligible, as if this is all a big joke to you, (2) a testament to your thoroughly middle class intellectual aspirations, or (3) simply a result of acquired poor habits at university. In the interests of comraderie, I’m inclined to the last view. 😉

  32. The task is to leverage status and moral legitimacy away from the anti-White dispensation towards a pro-White dispensation which as of yet, significantly, needs to be created. That is the only game in town.

  33. Admiral, I caught that right off as well. His structure looks non-native.

    He’s an extreme example of a narcissistic personality. Which I can overlook if the person makes interesting statements and contributions. I’m still waiting.

  34. Mark, it is apparently enough that a man writes with some semblance of eloquence and that his observations are even slightly removed from the pedestrian for you to brand him a grandstanding prick. Why is that?

  35. Your style is similar to his, so I see why you defend it.

    It’s not eloquence, it’s pretentiously and unnecessarily verbose in order to feed his narcissism. His need to claim superiority is likely compensating for other deficiencies. For a true overman does not need to brag or boast, everyone recognizes it without demand.

    I also notice you have a tendency to use hyperbole. I never said he was a “grandstanding prick.”

    It is not the wrapping I have a problem with, it’s the contents.

  36. “Your style is similar to his, so I see why you defend it.”

    I was defending no-one in particular, but making a general observation.

    “I also notice you have a tendency to use hyperbole.”

    Your squeezing of a particularized defense out of my general observation could itself be construed as hyperbole.

    “It is not the wrapping I have a problem with, it’s the contents.”

    Also the form, no doubt.

    “…unnecessarily verbose…”

    Dick and Jane saw Spot run. “Look,” Dick said to Jane, “see Spot run.”

  37. Mark: “Admiral, I caught that right off as well. His structure looks non-native…He’s an extreme example of a narcissistic personality. Which I can overlook if the person makes interesting statements and contributions. I’m still waiting.”

    Agreed. It didn’t hit me at first, but I gradually caught it. I think he’s been unduly influenced by some American academic. I’m willing to give the (foreign?) chap the benefit of the doubt, as I happen to agree with a lot of what he writes. As for uh…well, not so much. Sometimes being a defeatist prick is incurable.

  38. Re:Euro #91 — No Euro, I’m not in NC. I actually hail from the great state of Sorth Cackalacky, not the increasingly Yankeeized state of North Carolina — you do know that SC stretches culturally and economically quite a ways in to the southern portions of NC, didn’t you? And that Charlotte is as much a main big-city of SC as it is of NC?

    But for real though, yeah, I’m in NC; I currently live in the extreme south-central part of NC, only about 15 minutes from the border with SC.

    So you live in Wake, huh? That means I’ll go ahead and guess that you aren’t an NC native or even a native of The South at all? Probably a student at one of the big unis there and/or a recent transplant from some post-industrial Rust Belt or Northern state? Or perhaps a White refugee fleeing the ‘vibrancy’ of CA or FL?

    Damn, those suburbs around Raleigh have exploded in the last few years. I’ve ridden through some of them, and they seem to go forever…for a while I thought I was up in NJ or something. The overall population of Wake County has at least tripled since the last census in 2000, maybe even quadrupled…y’all got some crazy White flight and ‘Whitopian’ visions going on up there, lemme tell you. The Wake towns of Fuquay-Varina and Garner are nice though, as is neighboring Chatham County (Wake’s suburbs are spilling over in to even there).

    You don’t actually have to answer or respond to any of that if you don’t want to. Mostly just messin with ya. 🙂

  39. I lived in South Carolina for a couple years. It is amazing. I’d like to buy a condo on Daniel Island or out on Pleasanton or whatever that lil’ beach town across from Charelston is.

    I cut my teeth at the bars down there. They really hated us Navy types but I’m pretty good at blending in so I had a good time.

  40. NN:”I say this as a “spiritual Jew” (i.e., a master-class intellect)…”

    Do you really consider yourself a “spiritual Jew” NN? I’m sorry man, that’s some bad news. I’ve heard that some guy they call Jesus can help out people like you to lead more optimistic and fulfilling lives. 😉

    But wasn’t the correct phrase you were grasping at “intellectual Jew”? The intellectual and the spiritual (non-rational, intuitive, emotional, etc) faculties are often regarded as almost completely separate binary oppositions by many. The skeptical intellect is often used as a bludgeon to beat back the emotionalized irrationality of the spiritual impulse, and vice versa.

    Do you think that the intellect and the non-rational spirit are related? Oftentimes the most rational/intelligent people also tend to be the most nonreligious, spiritless, or spiritually void, as in high IQ oftentimes = atheism. I still really just don’t understand how you are equating a high intellect with the ‘spirit,’ unless you seem to believe that in high-IQ Jews their often sharp intellect and overworked brain becomes the main substitute for their general lack of of spiritual/transcendent qualities?

  41. OK this is funny. NN is playing the dominant, and uh is playing the submissive. You banned overt mention of S&M so they are doing the routine. NN is a self-proclaimed superhuman, and uh the resigned slave with no illusions.

    They also read more Jews than non-Jews, and look up to Jews and want to emulate them. I think that’s my first and last comment on their schtick.

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