Cryptos (II): Moles and Overlapping Circles

Venn Diagram

This is the tenth installment in this series.

“Cryptos” are people who are essentially White Nationalists, but for some reason are unwilling to openly align themselves with us. Instead, they prefer to burrow within other political movements, usually conservatism or libertarianism, and work to advance our cause from within the mainstream right. This is more often than not a career choice. A few cryptos genuinely believe they can make more of a difference by gently pushing the mainstream in our direction.

I’ve had mixed feelings about cryptos over the years. The most obvious objection to crypsis is the moral one: it is dishonorable to live a lie, to censor yourself and pretend to be something you are not, to give lip service to a cause you don’t believe in. The second objection is strategic: we can’t defeat our enemies by taking potshots at them from the shadows; we must assemble an army and confront them on the ideological field of battle. These are very powerful arguments and I have found them persuasive enough to openly fly the flag of White Nationalism at Occidental Dissent. There is no hint of moderation here.

On the other hand, crypsis is not without its merits. First, powerful states and individuals have made abundant use of spies and saboteurs throughout history. Our enemies have never blushed at using crypsis to advance Jewish interests at our expense. The mainstream right was hijacked and perverted by a handful of neocons who cloaked their revolutionary agenda in patriotic rhetoric. Second, it is unrealistic to expect everyone to have the same level of commitment to our cause. The cryptos will always be with us and it is better to make productive use of them than to alienate them.

Personally, I find both sides of this argument compelling. I think the vast majority of us should focus on carving out a space in American political discourse for White Nationalism. This is essentially what we are trying to do here. A minority of cryptos though could prove very useful in advancing our efforts. The most obvious way to help out is through donating to worthy causes. It is much easier to make a living in the mainstream than out on the fringe. We could also use some publicity. Most explicit whites have never heard of White Nationalism because of the media blackout.

The Venn diagram posted above can be used to illustrate the areas in which White Nationalism (center), paleoconservatism (left), and libertarianism (right) intersect and overlap. The cryptos in these two movements can help us by emphasizing the points we have in common. For example, the WNs, paleos, and libertarians share a common hostility to the American federal government; WNs and libertarians are opposed to anti-discrimination laws; WNs and paleos are opposed to third world immigration and cultural degeneracy.

A libertarian crypto could write a useful article about the anti-state tendencies within White Nationalism. A paleo crypto could do a piece on the steadfast opposition of White Nationalists to culturally destructive third world immigration. Similarly, White Nationalists can write about the aspects of paleoconservatism and libertarianism that we admire, but list our objections. We need to create an “interlocking chain” of cryptos from the mainstream to the fringe. In my previous post, I likened it to the conductors of the Underground Railroad in Antebellum times who funneled fugitive slaves to Canada.

That about wraps up my commentary on our little meeting. I’ve said just about everything that was on my mind. Over the next week, I will get back to the mundane task of writing about current events and related issues.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “NN is a self-proclaimed superhuman, and uh the resigned slave with no illusions.”

    Maybe “they” are one in the same.

  2. NN: “Thus, it is evidently *you* who does not care (enough to have grappled, life-long, with the complexities of our parlous circumstance such as to be embarrassed by your familiar – and I say again – imbecilic – formulation of objectives). Elite Jewry rests in peace in the assurance that you speak for many another such as yourself.”

    LOL! You know, sometimes I find that a good old fashioned ad hominem attack fits the bill. If your post dealt with substance, I would be happy to deal with that. But since it doesn’t, I’ll take license to spell out exactly what you are. I think it’s about time to return the “favor.”

    Dude, I’d be willing to bet dollars to donuts that you are a third rater pretending to be a first rater. I wonder what rank of college you gained acceptance to? Not very good, huh? As someone with considerable experience sorting the academic wheat from the chaff, I’ve got your number. You are a wannabe, big time. I’ve seen plenty of your kind over the years. At first, you kind of feel sorry for them. Then, as their rudeness and dysfunction become more and more apparent, they inspire only contempt. One’s initial sympathy gives way to a complete appreciation of why such people are shunned by normal people. Spare me the proclamations of how popular you are. I will not believe you.

    An adult playing superman is a fucking creepy joke.

    Man, you are trying WAY TOO HARD. You are attempting, in a sophomoric way, to appear learned. Newsflash: I was reading Nietzsche back in the sixth and seventh grade. Why? Partly because I was genuinely interested in philosophy at an early age, and I found such reading inspirational. But, to be honest, partly because I was a friggin middle school student and, on some level, I thought that reading Nietzsche made me somehow more sophisticated or “cool” in an intellectual sense. Superior, if you will. Yeah, I showed off a little bit. I’m sure the world was duly impressed. LOL!

    The world was about as impressed with me then as it is with you now. Which is to say, not much. The difference is that I was still a child.

    You are still at that level. A place that most people leave behind somewhere around sophomore year of college. Hint: people that actually are intellligent and “superior” don’t have to constantly proclaim their superiority to others. It simply shows through. They also don’t have to disagree with EVERY statement that another person makes. That is a classic tell of the wannabe: he intentionally misinterprets the other person’s statements, he pretends that the person made a precise formulation (flawed of course) when the person did no such thing. Basically, always willfully misinterpreting and misrepresenting.

    You are not dumb in the conventional sense, but you have the mind of an immature child. Also, like a jackass from a third rate school who desperately seeks to be thought of as intelligent, you are the type of clown that if someone says the sky is blue, you are going to say it is green. If someone says 2+2=4, you’re going to claim it’s five. For example, above, I stated simply and plainly the ultimate objective of the white nationalist movement – a white nationalist state. This should be self-evident, and it was pretty much just a springboard for the actual point I was making. It was also obvious to any normal person (read: not a fantasy fag playing superman) that it was not meant to be exhaustive or precise. You then call my formulation “moronic.” LOL! I also breath oxygen. Is that moronic too? Yeah, I’m sure it is.

    Probably the only thing worse than a grown man playing Randroid is a grown man playing superman. At some point you’ve got to put the Spock ears and underoos away. Linder was right to purge the fantasy fags from VNN. You are just another variant thereof.

    I find it fascinating that jackasses like you and uh go into overdrive as soon as the site gets some momentum going. Oh, and monitor shows back up. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. I’ll stand by my earlier statements: you are either antis, or have never kissed a girl in your life.

  3. “And I would have to admit that, in my days (early 70’s) as a “Stormtrooper” in Matt Koehl’s NSWPP, wearing a *uniform* uniform bearing the sacred symbol of the race on my left bicep, not much was accomplished by handing out “White Power” on the streets of a major metropolitan area. I *then* decided, amidst the evident futility of it, that some “armchair philosophy” was called for in explanation of our failure and in hopes of finding our way otherwise.”

    This is rich. God this is rich. You run around in the streets dressed up as a Nazi, and then you are so flummoxed that such a tactic achieved absolutely nothing, that you conclude that what is required is a philosophy in “explanation of our failure.”

    Tell me this is a joke. Seriously. You need a “philosophy” to understand that running around in Nazi costumes doesn’t rally American white people? A philosophy?!? Unfriggin believable. And yet you feel free to call me and others morons. LOL!

    Fuck this, conversation over.

  4. OldRight:
    It is curious that NN promotes the jew[-]promoted lie that the average jew IQ is 115, a lie propagated by the race mixer Charles Murray and the jew Richard Hernnstein.
    Schopenhauer vindicated once again.
    For an educated person you’re not that well informed on issues relevant to white nationalism and the jewish question.

    Richard Lynn has downgraded the estimated Ashkenazi jewish IQ to 107. Israel itself has an even lower average IQ, though if you ask a jew about it he’ll blame it on the arabs.

    Any alleged white who spreads long discredited jewish talking points should be regarded with suspicion.

  5. NN, supreme commandant of World of Warcraft’s Flying Dragon Luftwaffe Squadron and Defender of the Virtual Realm:
    BTW, besides my academic qualities, I distinguished myself physically in Basic at Ft. Jackson. I was one of only two men in a company of two hundred to score perfectly in Grenade throw. I shot Expert, got early promotion, and was a squad leader/brevit E-5. Then did MOS/ASA in the MDW, and visited the NSWPPHQ in Arlington. Got an ear-full of info about how the Army had stooged for Jewry for the past 3/4’s of a century, and how I should get out and join the White Man’s army. I did and I did.

    No combat experience, huh? LOL at the great armchair general, commander of his desk.

  6. Ah, that explains it then. You attended an American university, right? Even worse! I’m not sure if your writing style (and that of uh) is (1) intentionally unintelligible, as if this is all a big joke to you, (2) a testament to your thoroughly middle class intellectual aspirations, or (3) simply a result of acquired poor habits at university. In the interests of comraderie, I’m inclined to the last view. (The Admiral)

    0) Emory University.
    1) Sorry, but the putative “unintelligibility” speaks to *your* incapacity.
    2) Rationalize the Special Theory of Relativity for us, Admiral. [Oh, you don’t know what I’m talking about? How bourgeois your intellect, not to have comprehended the problem discussed even in Right-wing literature!]
    3) So far, you have nothing to commend, in terms of style or substance, further attention to your own remarks.

  7. It’s not eloquence, it’s pretentiously and unnecessarily verbose in order to feed his narcissism. His need to claim superiority is likely compensating for other deficiencies. For a true overman does not need to brag or boast, everyone recognizes it without demand.

    True enough – which is why I initially resisted responding with specifics to the aspersions of “The Admiral” (the irony!).

    He evidently did not do as I suggested in that regard.

  8. NN:”I say this as a “spiritual Jew” (i.e., a master-class intellect)…”

    Do you really consider yourself a “spiritual Jew” NN? I’m sorry man, that’s some bad news. I’ve heard that some guy they call Jesus can help out people like you to lead more optimistic and fulfilling lives. 😉 (White Preservationist)

    That was an allusion to Antonius Cincinnatus’ use of the term to refer to the spirit of materialism and mastery of the Earth. I am in competition with the Jews for mastery and am thus a “Jew,” in that Schopenhauerian abuse of terminology.

  9. LOL! You know, sometimes I find that a good old fashioned ad hominem attack fits the bill. If your post dealt with substance, I would be happy to deal with that. But since it doesn’t, I’ll take license to spell out exactly what you are. I think it’s about time to return the “favor.”

    Dude, I’d be willing to bet dollars to donuts that you are a third rater pretending to be a first rater. I wonder what rank of college you gained acceptance to? Not very good, huh? (Trainspotter)

    Emory U., the “Harvard of the South”.

    As someone with considerable experience sorting the academic wheat from the chaff, I’ve got your number. You are a wannabe, big time. I’ve seen plenty of your kind over the years.

    Then you are an impostor. You have the intellect and posture of a drill-sergeant.

    At first, you kind of feel sorry for them. Then, as their rudeness and dysfunction become more and more apparent, they inspire only contempt. One’s initial sympathy gives way to a complete appreciation of why such people are shunned by normal people. Spare me the proclamations of how popular you are. I will not believe you.

    Of course not. You will as you will.

    An adult playing superman is a fucking creepy joke.

    Man, you are trying WAY TOO HARD. You are attempting, in a sophomoric way, to appear learned. Newsflash: I was reading Nietzsche back in the sixth and seventh grade.

    And he was obviously wasted on you, if you had not years (as you had not) of exposure to preliminary material that clarifies and vindicates otherwise obscure observations.

    Why? Partly because I was genuinely interested in philosophy at an early age, and I found such reading inspirational. But, to be honest, partly because I was a friggin middle school student and, on some level, I thought that reading Nietzsche made me somehow more sophisticated or “cool” in an intellectual sense. Superior, if you will. Yeah, I showed off a little bit. I’m sure the world was duly impressed. LOL!

    We have from your own “lips” such use as you made of N. – and now you stupidly project upon me your own motives.

    The world was about as impressed with me then as it is with you now. Which is to say, not much. The difference is that I was still a child.


    You are still at that level. A place that most people leave behind somewhere around sophomore year of college. Hint: people that actually are intellligent and “superior” don’t have to constantly proclaim their superiority to others.

    Good point. You seem to be bothered by my having merely responded to repeated aspersions. I think that says something about your confidence and your attention to detail in discussion.

    It simply shows through. They also don’t have to disagree with EVERY statement that another person makes. That is a classic tell of the wannabe: he intentionally misinterprets the other person’s statements, he pretends that the person made a precise formulation (flawed of course) when the person did no such thing. Basically, always willfully misinterpreting and misrepresenting.

    This summary is so detached from the reality of my behavior that it suggests a guilty confession of one’s own sins.

    You are not dumb in the conventional sense, but you have the mind of an immature child. Also, like a jackass from a third rate school who desperately seeks to be thought of as intelligent, you are the type of clown that if someone says the sky is blue, you are going to say it is green. If someone says 2+2=4, you’re going to claim it’s five.

    This is even more pathetic than Scrooby’s pop-psych analysis of “uh”. Please, for your own sake, try to assemble a semblance of a case. Remarks that are completely *off* the mark engage no one’s interest and consign you to the dunce’s corner of the venue.

    For example, above, I stated simply and plainly the ultimate objective of the white nationalist movement – a white nationalist state. This should be self-evident, and it was pretty much just a springboard for the actual point I was making. It was also obvious to any normal person (read: not a fantasy fag playing superman) that it was not meant to be exhaustive or precise. You then call my formulation “moronic.” LOL! I also breath oxygen. Is that moronic too? Yeah, I’m sure it is.

    “imbecilic” – and I would also say, “dogmatic” – thus not suggestive of qualifications to follow, as you now plead was your “obvious” intention. [You might go back and check, to your embarrassment, your characterization of your proclamation: “What is the cause? Simple, the fourteen words: to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. *That’s it*”. (Emphasis mine, NN)]

    Were you the “Admiral,” – T’ – I would have remarked, at this point, that you have sent your own battleship to the bottom – after those mighty salvos about “misrepresenting and misinterpreting”.

    Probably the only thing worse than a grown man playing Randroid is a grown man playing superman. At some point you’ve got to put the Spock ears and underoos away. Linder was right to purge the fantasy fags from VNN. You are just another variant thereof.

    And I find it telling that you persist in beating what ought to be, in your own mind, a dead horse – if you were confident that any of the foregoing denigration had any merit as applied to myself. But you are not finished with the corpse, it seems:

    I find it fascinating that jackasses like you and uh go into overdrive as soon as the site gets some momentum going. Oh, and monitor shows back up. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. I’ll stand by my earlier statements: you are either antis, or have never kissed a girl in your life.

    And again with the aspersions, which I am not inclined to pass over in silence, but the eventual response to which is then accounted as shameless and juvenile self-promotion by those who are inattentive to detail and whose intellectual history is self-admittedly and self-evidently mal-formed.

  10. This is rich. God this is rich. You run around in the streets dressed up as a Nazi, and then you are so flummoxed that such a tactic achieved absolutely nothing, that you conclude that what is required is a philosophy in “explanation of our failure.”.

    I would like to characterize the episode as one of having had the courage of my youthful convictions, and as having assessed the prospects in a timely fashion.

    Tell me this is a joke. Seriously. You need a “philosophy” to understand that running around in Nazi costumes doesn’t rally American white people? A philosophy?!? Unfriggin believable. And yet you feel free to call me and others morons. LOL!

    Again: “imbeciles”. “Morons” give a little more attention to detail. I like to think that the few “American white people” who did “rally” to the cause in that day, long ago, were the best of us. I take it that you did and do not participate in this very overt fashion.

    Fuck this, conversation over.

    That would be in the best interest of whatever of your prestige might have survived this encounter.

  11. No combat experience, huh? (The “Admiral”)

    None in the Greater Judean Armed Forces. A little in the White Man’s organization. How about you, “Admiral”?

    You an old guy who did FDR’s dirty work for Judeo-Communism in the “Back Door to War”?

    LOL at the great armchair general, commander of his desk.

    I think of myself as a physician – whose first duty is to do no harm.

  12. And it just came to mind again how typically Jewish it is to provoke a response and then to censor the response (“The Jew cries when he strikes you,” is from the same playbook):

    “A” speaks to a point of substance with which “B” disagrees and on which point “A” gains the upper hand with logic and evidence. “B” begins to defend his position with progressively more unadulterated aspersions as to “A’s” intellect and/or manhood.

    “A” eventually responds with specifics as to his credentials for intellect and manhood – and is then denounced as a preemptive braggart, pretender (you know, the usual Jewish pejoratives in low-brow pop-psych), etc.

    And “A” then has to silence the monkeys with their own shit. The “B” tactic is Jewish, of course – but it would be disappointing in a *Jew* to be so inept.

  13. So you live in Wake, huh? That means I’ll go ahead and guess that you aren’t an NC native or even a native of The South at all?

    No I am not.I’m a “Dago.”

    or a recent transplant from some post-industrial Rust Belt or Northern state?

    You’re good.I’ve “transed” yes, but I haven’t “planted” myself so well.

    …for a while I thought I was up in NJ or something.

    On it’s worst day Wake Co. beats NJ by a mile.Except for the food and the women.(Hard to get a decent pizza down here.)

    y’all got some crazy White flight and ‘Whitopian’ visions going on up there, lemme tell you. The Wake towns of Fuquay-Varina and Garner are nice though, as is neighboring Chatham County (Wake’s suburbs are spilling over in to even there).

    I think the mix of North and South has potential.Mostly racial consolidation.Every White transplant diminishes the high Black proportion of NC’s population.

    Never been to Garner,but it’s funny you mention it.A Southern Black girl I know lives there.With a White guy and their baby.I saw him once,he looks like a bum.Long hair and tattoos.

    I find NC to be a very beautiful state.Mountains,seaboard and mild weather.Easy to fall in love with the place.Though I’m sorrounded by transplants,the few natives I’ve met are exceedingly friendly and easy-going.The lasses are very flirtatious.They are very plain looking to my eyes,but their simplicity has a certain charm.

    “a lot of the women are bitchy, many of the men are unemployed, and all the Negroes are uppity.”

    That could describe almost anyplace in the US.But the women haven’t been bitchy with me.Not yet at any rate.I particularly like the fat matrons.Every time I ask one for directions (I’m lost half the time) they smile pleasantly.

    P.S. I was in a Wake Co. public library recently.In the foreign language section I espied a Koran written in Spanish.All but sums up today’s circumstances.

  14. “That would be in the best interest of whatever of your prestige might have survived this encounter.”

    Ah, to be defeated in intellectual combat by a Stormtooper Superman! LOL!

    Rational discussion with you is not on the table, because your responses don’t have a whit of substance to them. There is no point in arguing with someone like that, or responding line by line to such silliness. If you do make a substantive point, I’ll be happy to respond. But for now, I consider the “conversation” ended and will instead use you as a teachable moment. You know, the schoolmarm thing. You are a great object lesson in what to avoid.

    The two basic problems are that you are an intellectual wannabe and a fantasist. Both lead to bad decisions, lots of posturing and no substance. The movement is full of these people. Rather than employ reason, logic, knowledge and experience, you prefer to posture. You’ve always been that way, from your Stormtrooper days running around in the streets dressed as a Nazi, to now where you still have to play the superman, but instead try to dress up your posturing in philosophical, Nietzschen drag. It’s a bad joke. Not just for you, but unfortunately the joke is on us too.

    You are sort of like the Negro preacher or politician who drops five dollar words in order to impress his audience, or as Alex says, the Negro who thinks that by carrying a briefcase he is a “businessman.”

    Not content having damaged our cause by running around in the street with swastikas, you now must disrupt mature conversations of white nationalism. Willfully misinterpreting and misrepresenting, but offering no substance. Again, posturing with Nietzsche as the briefcase.

    I practically lost it when you stated that you needed a philosophy to “explain” the failure of Nazi regalia to win over white Americans. You required a “philosophy” to explain something that most anyone in possession of their senses would have already known. But to the fantasist/wannabe simply applying cold reason, logic, knowledge of history and context is not sufficient. That stuff is so boring! Hard to preen and posture with that dreck, eh? No, we need a philosophy to explain that costume clowns don’t advance our cause. We need to posture and rely upon Nietzsche to explain that 2+2=4 (which of course, you’ll dispute).

    Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I did my analysis of you before reading that post, and boy was I spot on. Almost disturbingly spot on. If you really were a Stormtrooper in the 70’s (god, it seems absurd to even type such a thing), that could have been written off as youthful zeal. But if you in fact did this, and if your intentions were in fact sincere, then credit where it is due. You at least stood up.

    Frankly, I’m not terribly inclined to believe you about some of this, especially concerning your intentions, and even less about attending an elite university. But as someone who attended an elite university myself, I know that the occasional third rater wannabe does get in, so it’s possible. Or maybe you got into a graduate program with less stringent admission standards. Who knows?

    What we do know, from you own posts, is that you have gone from Stormtrooper to…fully functional and reasonable human being. Oh wait! That’s not it at all! Oh right: you went from Stormtrooper to Nietzschen Superman! That’s better!

    In any event, dressing up as a Stormtrooper did nothing but hurt our cause. Had you grown up, matured, and taken responsibility for your bad judgment, that would be cool. But no, you just want to continue to play Stormtrooper Superman in another form, this time disrupting serious white nationalist discussions. Wannabes/fantasists are poison to this movement, and until they are run off, little if any progress will be made.

  15. NN: “1) Sorry, but the putative “unintelligibility” speaks to *your* incapacity.”

    I’m incapable of tolerating much pseudo-intellectual bullshit from the likes of you, if that’s what you mean. Whatever is motivating you (and uh)–a nagging inferiority complex, social insecurity, class envy–is your problem, not mine, so please keep it to yourself.

  16. You have a point here, but I’m the California slang quota is entirely filled by me!


    Line out that “I’m” and the sentence will read properly.

  17. Rational discussion with you is not on the table, because your responses don’t have a whit of substance to them. (Trainspotter)

    Your first falsehood, this message, right out of the gate.

    There is no point in arguing with someone like that, or responding line by line to such silliness.

    Which would be, again, to your disadvantage.

    If you do make a substantive point, I’ll be happy to respond. But for now, I consider the “conversation” ended and will instead use you as a teachable moment.

    The lack of substance is your doing. I am again having to respond to nothing but aspersions. Your unilateral “ending” of the conversation is telling of your exhaustion. As is your presumption as to “teaching,” with your mere repetition of claims already deflected.

    The two basic problems are that you are an intellectual wannabe and a fantasist.

    A second falsehood. I think of an “ignoramus” as someone who speaks whereof he does not (but thinks he does) know. Perhaps our schoolmarm can supply the proper term for such a person.

    Both lead to bad decisions, lots of posturing and no substance. The movement is full of these people. Rather than employ reason, logic, knowledge and experience, you prefer to posture.

    A third misjudgment and mischaracterization. Your grade on this essay is declining precipitously, T’.

    You’ve always been that way, from your Stormtrooper days running around in the streets dressed as a Nazi, to now where you still have to play the superman, but instead try to dress up your posturing in philosophical, Nietzsche[a]n drag. It’s a bad joke. Not just for you, but unfortunately the joke is on us too.

    More low-brow pop-psych in the mixture. With an embarrassing attempt at punctuating your point with awkward, inapplicable metaphor.

    You are sort of like the Negro preacher or politician who drops five dollar words in order to impress his audience, or as Alex says, the Negro who thinks that by carrying a briefcase he is a “businessman.”

    That would be a commendable simile if that were the case presently. So, a few points restored that I’m going to have to take back for the (fourth) falsehood.

    Not content having damaged our cause by running around in the street with swastikas, you now must disrupt mature conversations of white nationalism.

    My turn to laugh. Points added for humor.

    Willfully misinterpreting and misrepresenting, but offering no substance.

    I believe that we previously identified those elements as *your* sins. Five falsehoods to this point.

    Again, posturing with Nietzsche as the briefcase.

    I like to think of it as “standing on the shoulders of (a) giant(s)”.

    I practically lost it when you stated that you needed a philosophy to “explain” the failure of Nazi regalia to win over white Americans. You required a “philosophy” to explain something that most anyone in possession of their senses would have already known.

    I had yet to learn of the low quality, as compared to Germans, of “American” goyim such as yourself. Thus I did not and do not share your ready identification with the contemptible rejection of our symbols.

    But to the fantasist/wannabe simply applying cold reason, logic, knowledge of history and context is not sufficient. That stuff is so boring! Hard to preen and posture with that dreck, eh?

    How many points does one deduct for delusional representations?

    No, we need a philosophy to explain that costume clowns don’t advance our cause. We need to posture and rely upon Nietzsche to explain that 2+2=4 (which of course, you’ll dispute).

    A fifth, and repetitive, falsehood.

    Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I did my analysis of you before reading that post, and boy was I spot on. Almost disturbingly spot on. If you really were a Stormtrooper in the 70’s (god, it seems absurd to even type such a thing), that could have been written off as youthful zeal. But if you in fact did this, and if your intentions were in fact sincere, then credit where it is due. You at least stood up.

    Thank you. But I continue to smile at your habit of speaking where you do not know, in your unwarranted skepticism and denial of my
    statements as to fact.

    Frankly, I’m not terribly inclined to believe you about some of this, especially concerning your intentions, and even less about attending an elite university.

    Thus, demonstrating, again, your lack of judgment. I’m amused at your ineptitude when I recall that a fellow graduate assistant got into the “Harvard of the North” with lesser credentials that mine (1510 GRE/3.9 GPA/4 years in two). Not that I particularly care what you believe, but you might take this as a learning experience in correcting this severe tendency of yours to misapprehension of facts once relayed to you. To that end, you might practice deducing – from the fact I just relayed to you about my colleague – that I could have been admitted, on Fellowship, to any university in the country. The fact that I was busy kissing my wife, who was supporting us while I crammed 4 years into two, meant that I was financially and otherwise confined to a choice of local facilities for graduate work.

    But as someone who attended an elite university myself, I know that the occasional third rater wannabe does get in, so it’s possible. Or maybe you got into a graduate program with less stringent admission standards. Who knows?

    Frankly, T’, you are not a credit to your alma mater with the pathetic display you’ve put on here.

    What we do know, from you[r] own posts, is that you have gone from Stormtrooper to…fully functional and reasonable human being. Oh wait! That’s not it at all! Oh right: you went from Stormtrooper to Nietzsche[a]n Superman! That’s better!

    I hope that you studied something other than the social sciences, T’, because an institution that did not flunk you out for your sophomoric employment of the tools of the social disciplines no longer, if it ever did, deserves to be considered elite. I keep having the feeling that I am conversing with a tradesman or something.

    In any event, dressing up as a Stormtrooper did nothing but hurt our cause. Had you grown up, matured, and taken responsibility for your bad judgment, that would be cool. But no, you just want to continue to play Stormtrooper Superman in another form, this time disrupting serious white nationalist discussions. Wannabes/fantasists are poison to this movement, and until they are run off, little if any progress will be made..

    I grant that I find your personal example of WN demoralizing in the suspicion that there are too many others out there like you. But I’ve been through this before with the hopelessly ‘tarded and have persisted despite the prospects.

    So – final grade on your latest attempt: embarrassing – so I will prescribe some remedial education in…everything.

  18. NN: “1) Sorry, but the putative “unintelligibility” speaks to *your* incapacity.”

    I’m incapable of tolerating much pseudo-intellectual bullshit from the likes of you, if that’s what you mean. Whatever is motivating you (and uh)–a nagging inferiority complex, social insecurity, class envy–is your problem, not mine, so please keep it to yourself. (The Admiral)

    And your response to “2)” ?

  19. NN ~ You want my response? Here it is: Fuck you. I’m not going to let you control the discussion here. You’re a pseudo-intellectual poseur, and possibly some sort of crypto-Jew, and I’ve called you on it. Now fuck off.

  20. I keep having the feeling that I am conversing with a tradesman or something.

    Tradesmen make the world go around. You wouldn’t be able to do shit without me delivering you your electricity.

  21. Tradesmen make the world go around. You wouldn’t be able to do shit without me delivering you your electricity. (danielj)

    And you have my gratitude and esteem for delivering me my electricity rather than something else.

  22. NN ~ You want my response? Here it is: Fuck you. I’m not going to let you control the discussion here. You’re a pseudo-intellectual poseur, and possibly some sort of crypto-Jew, and I’ve called you on it. Now fuck off. (The Admiral)

    I always felt that one has made one’s point, for the gallery at least, when one’s interlocutor is reduced to silence or to blithering pure abuse.

    Another specimen for the ” ‘Tards on Parade” file, following the fine example of Antonius Cincinnatus. Danke.

  23. “So – final grade on your latest attempt: embarrassing – so I will prescribe some remedial education in…everything.”

    Thus spake Stormtrooper Superman, part time schoolmarm! LOL!

    A guy who ran around in the streets with swastikas, and now proclaims himself a superman, is going to teach us the error of our ways. Dude, you are exactly what turns off normal white people to white nationalism.

    Still, if you have a valid criticism, a substantive point to make, then by all means make it. Be clear, be explicit. Clarity is a virtue, brah. Obfuscation, dissembling, posing, and sophistry are not. As for your last post, again a whole lot of nothing. So what is left, rather than richly earned mockery? That, and the nice object lesson that you provide. Hey, we all have our uses!

    Even your aspersions are lame. Hint: questioning the intelligence of obviously intelligent posters is, well, lame. It isn’t even “funny” lame, which would at least be something. For an insult to sting there has to be some truth to it. Admittedly, you are at a disadvantage, as you have revealed more personal information than I have. And, well, you went from Stormtrooper to Superman, and I just never got around to that. LOL! Basically you are at a disadvantage for, pretty much, being you.

    But for the record, I stated that I didn’t consider you dumb in the conventional sense, though I suppose that “stupid is as stupid does” could come into play (you needed a friggin new philosophy to understand why costume clowns don’t advance our cause?!? Still reeling over that one). Instead, I’m saying that you are either an anti or just plain fucked up. Stormtrooper to Superman provides pretty significant evidence for my view. I’d say it is a clear case of facts sufficient.

    Here is another hint from the tradesman/schoolmarm/and all around great guy, yours truly: if you are going to be the kind of weird and ridiculous jackass that proclaims himself “superman,” you better make some damn quality posts. People are more willing to forgive ridiculous behavior if that person delivers high quality results. Needless to say, you ain’t delivering. At all.

    Finally, in the unlikely event that you are a sincere white nationalist, I’d prefer to stop trashing you like this. I get no pleasure from beating up on such a type, and would rather not. O.K., that’s not entirely true, but it’s close enough. What keeps me going is largely the suspicion that you are an anti, or just a raging asshole.

    In any event, shall we just consider the next round of insults and aspersions to be read into the record? Trainspotter is an imbecile/schoolmarm/tradesman, or whatever? LOL! In other words, for the love of god, maybe make a substantive point? Bueller…?

  24. “What keeps me going is largely the suspicion that you are an anti, or just a raging asshole.”

    It should be obvious that NN (and uh) is both.

  25. Transpotter:”Here is another hint from the tradesman/schoolmarm/and all around great guy, yours truly: if you are going to be the kind of weird and ridiculous jackass that proclaims himself “superman,” you better make some damn quality posts. People are more willing to forgive ridiculous behavior if that person delivers high quality results. Needless to say, you ain’t delivering. At all.”

    Agreed. The bulk of his posts revolve around castigating most of us as “slaves” and proclaiming himself as some kind of Messianic “superman.” Give it up dude, this is a website for rational discussion, not a sandbox for people to play with He-Man action figures. Come back down to Earth and have real non-condescending discussion with us poor and ignorant lil’ “sod busting slaves” sometime, will ya?

    I admire NN’s general intelligence though, and thus I sometimes enjoy reading his writing; I have nothing personally against him since he is still just words on a screen to me. On occasion, he often does at least write about some interesting ideas here and on his blog as well. However, he is sorely lacking in basic aesthetic-values and proper manners on many levels, both conversational and otherwise — for instance, the design of his blog is aesthetically repulsive with its two very narrow columns of near-unreadable and highly ‘ubercramped’ text. NN, a hint: if you want us to read the writing on your blog you ought to at least make it so that we can actually physically read it.

    And by the way, your florid prose often strikes me as very faux; you don’t actually have to attempt to act, talk, and write like Zarathustra all the time around here — there isn’t a need to try and strike a pseudo-heroic tone with your every comment or post. We are mostly just some dudes commenting on a blog at this point. You ought to save the heavy-duty rhetoric for heavy-duty situations; if you feel the itch, try sitting down and writing some inspirational Zarathustraesque public speeches (ones which the White masses can comprehend) and posting them on a blog or two for permanent reference. In future days they could come in handy as we use some of them to build up the pro-White mass-movement in public speaking forums.

  26. NN:”I like to think of it as “standing on the shoulders of (a) giant(s)”.”

    Let us be perfectly frank and clear: Nietzsche was surely a giant in the world of ideas, but not a giant in the actual world. The man was an insane mute/paralytic vegetable for the last decade or so of his life who was spoon fed mashed vegetables and had his ass wiped for him, his seeming “eternal return” back to Earth as Baby Nietzsche. I’d hardly consider that the behavior of a member of the ‘Master Caste.’ The man couldn’t personally handle the brilliance and intensity of his ideas nor force of his own rhetoric, and he went batshit insane as a result. Hardly a Superman to be emulated unless you too want to end up a raving stinking lunatic in some decaying city begging for quarters.

    Spengler, the next rung up the ladder of modernist German philosophy, surely trumps Nietzsche as his ideas are more applicable to the present Western civilizational situation. Nietzsche’s ideas represented the last gasp of the old ideals (as they were partially brought forth by the German National Socialists), whilst Spengler’s philosophy reflects the harsh reality reality of the new Western situation which is now rapidly unfolding before us.

    But now we must ask: who will come or who already came after Spengler? Who was or will be the next step up the German-Western socio-philosophical ladder? It probably wasn’t Herr Hitler, as he was just one in a long-line of the now emergent Western/Faustian Neo-Caesars along with Mussolini, Stalin, FDR, Churchill, etc…

  27. And you have my gratitude and esteem for delivering me my electricity rather than something else.

    My point was that I am and will be “more” than a tradesman and that you relegating an entire class of people to some “lower” social rung for no real reason.

    I like making a quarter million dollars a year and I sure as fuck can’t do it arguing in obscurity on internet blogs.

  28. My point was that I am and will be “more” than a tradesman and that you relegating an entire class of people to some “lower” social rung for no real reason. (danielj)

    I’m pleased to hear – and I believe – that you are
    “more than a tradesman” – based upon your call for “debt-free money,” if nothing else.

    But the reality is that tradesmen, in general, are of middling social status and typically of little education other than vocational, which is my impression of “Trainspotter”. If he attended a “university,” it was likely one of the Institutes of Technology (derisively referred to as “tradeschools” by those who have studied in other than the narrowly technical subjects). The sort of graceless nincompoopery that characterizes his examination of me would be much out of place in a student of the Humanities or the Social Sciences. And even at an “elite” facility, such as MIT or Caltech, the participants are typically able to handle themselves in a more presentable fashion.

  29. And by the way, your florid prose often strikes me as very faux; you don’t actually have to attempt to act, talk, and write like Zarathustra all the time around here — there isn’t a need to try and strike a pseudo-heroic tone with your every comment or post.

    Thanks for the thoughtful advice, WP. But it’s not an “attempt” – it’s a habit – I *talk* and *think* that way, as friends and family will tell you, and have told me.

    We are mostly just some dudes commenting on a blog at this point.

    Then somebody needs to elevate the conversation, if you would seriously represent your cause – you otherwise sound like juveniles of no interest to the sort of person who can influence affairs.

    You ought to save the heavy-duty rhetoric for heavy-duty situations; if you feel the itch, try sitting down and writing some inspirational Zarathustraesque public speeches (ones which the White masses can comprehend) and posting them on a blog or two for permanent reference.

    We disagree on tactics. I’m looking for and addressing quality individuals who can speak to others of the type. I have no use for the masses and the illusion that numbers count anymore.

    In future days they could come in handy as we use some of them to build up the pro-White mass-movement in public speaking forums..

    You evidently confuse the present “faux” democracy with the authentic Weimar arrangement installed by the Allies. That one had not had enough time for the plutocracy to completely configure it to their own ends, and it thus permitted an authentic expression of popular sentiment (note the multiplicity of parties) to come to power.

  30. NN, a hint: if you want us to read the writing on your blog you ought to at least make it so that we can actually physically read it.

    It’s well-spaced on my screen – but I’ll look into it.

  31. The bulk of his [NN’s] posts revolve around castigating most of us as “slaves” and proclaiming himself as some kind of Messianic “superman.” Give it up dude, this is a website for rational discussion, not a sandbox for people to play with He-Man action figures. Come back down to Earth and have real non-condescending discussion with us poor and ignorant lil’ “sod busting slaves” sometime, will ya?

    That is what I attempted, as you will see if you will take the trouble to examine my initial contributions – but then the monkeys started with the feces-flinging, as you have just done, and I just threw it back.

    And I would say that is *others* who should be castigated for “poor manners” – were their origins, as you characterize them, not their excuse for their vulgarity. [You seem to be hypocritically unimpressed, for example, by “The Admiral’s” contribution in post #129. I do not, as a matter of principle, protest as to its “unfairness,” but it is, rather, difficult to take you seriously when you do not apply your “standards” uniformly and in proportion.]

    And, when you and “us poor and ignorant lil’ ‘sod busting slaves’ ” can accurately characterize an argument, as was not done with your leading sentence here, then we can hope to conduct a temperate discussion of substance.

  32. NN:”I like to think of it as “standing on the shoulders of (a) giant(s)”.”

    Let us be perfectly frank and clear: Nietzsche was surely a giant in the world of ideas, but not a giant in the actual world. The man was an insane mute/paralytic vegetable for the last decade or so of his life who was spoon fed mashed vegetables and had his ass wiped for him, his seeming “eternal return” back to Earth as Baby Nietzsche. I’d hardly consider that the behavior of a member of the ‘Master Caste.’ The man couldn’t personally handle the brilliance and intensity of his ideas nor force of his own rhetoric, and he went batshit insane as a result. Hardly a Superman to be emulated unless you too want to end up a raving stinking lunatic in some decaying city begging for quarters.

    Even professional physicians cannot agree on the diagnosis of Nietzsche’s terminal decline – but we have the good fortune of *your* assurances as to its cause. I hope, in some redemption, that you are not so stupid as to persist in your insinuation that a man who was otherwise known for his impeccable manners and bearing was conscious of or in control of his own behavior in that unfortunate period.

    Spengler, the next rung up the ladder of modernist German philosophy, surely trumps Nietzsche as his ideas are more applicable to the present Western civilizational situation.

    Not really. Spengler is invaluable for an understanding of the broad sweep of history(s). But the analysis of *why* those histories are as they were is Nietzsche’s territory, and he is thus indispensable.

    Nietzsche’s ideas represented the last gasp of the old ideals (as they were partially brought forth by the German National Socialists), whilst Spengler’s philosophy reflects the harsh reality… of the new Western situation which is now rapidly unfolding before us.

    Nietzsche was saying that we have a political life to live, an empire to win, and how to achieve it, before we die. The message of Schopenhauer and Spengler was, flatly, that we are going to die of ennui and old age. Whom and what would you like to promote?

    But now we must ask: who will come or who already came after Spengler? Who was or will be the next step up the German-Western socio-philosophical ladder? It probably wasn’t Herr Hitler, as he was just one in a long-line of the now emergent Western/Faustian Neo-Caesars along with Mussolini, Stalin, FDR, Churchill, etc…

    Inquiring minds…

  33. Hint: questioning the intelligence of obviously intelligent posters is, well, lame. (Trainspotter)

    Thanks for the good advice, T’ – it’s been my good fortune, though, not to have been so imperiled in discussion with you. I am in your debt.

    Otherwise, I note the repetition of your previous remarks with your last post. Your protests as to lack of substance are appropriately directed backward. If you have made a statement of substance to which I have not replied, please reproduce it and I will make good my oversight. Otherwise, it is evident that my discussion with you is in response to merely derogatory remarks with which you first encountered me.

  34. Emory’s finest, evidently.

    At your service – awaiting your “substantive” response to my last two questions, Admiral, Sir! (The statements followed by question marks?)

  35. And a pertinent point about IQ, with which the White-wing is much concerned:

    My own family is full of brilliant professional engineers – high IQ people who are variously idiots, imbeciles, and morons when it comes to the comprehension of social phenomena of any scale.

    I suspect that “Trainspotter” flatters himself highly intelligent on the same basis. But he chooses not to be forthcoming on the point, leaving us to marvel at the (slight) possibility that an “elite” institution long tolerated his presence in other than a technical discipline.

    This is a very important aspect of our dilemma. We are technically brilliant as a people, but hopelessly childish in comprehension of how the world works in political-economy. I am trying to correct this consequential culture-long vulnerability to international agencies – which are first employed to compensate – and then turn out to dominate – in what I refer to as a “Faustian Pact”.

    Please see “superhuman” for the specifics, if you have not already done so.

  36. NN: “At your service – awaiting your “substantive” response to my last two questions, Admiral, Sir!”

    Hey, what word didn’t you understand? I’m not going to let you define the discussion here. You’re a pest. Buzz off. Don’t you have some Nazi tunics to brush off, or something?

  37. BTW, when I was in the NSWPP, Lincoln Rockwell was only briefly gone, in historical terms, and the prospects were not as T’ would have it in his neurotically joyful and anachronistic exploitation of my lack of youthful identification with present-day goyische attitudes. Rockwell had been well-received at college-campus speaking engagements and had been interviewed in “Playboy”. He was a published author and apparently becoming culturally influential. The Hoax was not then being exploited as it has been in the following decades.

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