Jewish Power: Organizations

A major aspect of Jewish power is the legendary political activism of the Jewish community. American Jews have created a cohesive hierarchy of secular ethnic organizations (defense orgs, advocacy orgs, disciplinary orgs) to advance their interests. They were the pioneers of identity politics:

– B’nai B’rith International was founded in 1843.

– The Zionist Organization of America was founded in 1897.

– The American Jewish Committee was founded in 1906.

– The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913.

– The American Jewish Congress was founded in 1918.

– AIPAC was founded in the 1950’s.

– The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations was founded in 1956.

– The Simon Wiesenthal Center was founded in 1977.

Currently, there are 52 Jewish organizations under the Conference of Presidents umbrella, but these are only a fraction of the Jewish orgs out there. These groups engage in a wide variety of activities: fighting “anti-Semitism,” anti-revisionism, lobbying Congress, defending Israel, assisting immigrants, religious services, promoting “civil rights” and “human rights,” Holocaust education, “diversity training,” coordinating Jewish student life on college campuses, etc.

In addition to the explicitly Jewish organizations, Jews have been prominently involved in the formation and financing of a number of other crypto groups. For our purposes, the three most important of these are the NAACP (1909), the ACLU (1917), and the SPLC (1971). The NAACP was instrumental in demolishing Jim Crow in the federal courts. The ACLU has fought to eliminate Christianity in the public sphere. The SPLC engages in ritual shaming and works to disrupt and bankrupt pro-White organizations.

What are the net assets and total income of these organizations? I’ve excluded all the religious groups.

Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations

The voice of organized American Jewry

Total Income: $1.9 million.
Net Assets: $3.1 million.

Anti-Defamation League

To stop the defamation of the Jewish people . . .

Total Income: $89.5 million.
Net Assets: $185.7 million.

American Jewish Committee

Global Jewish advocacy

Total Income: $56.8 million.
Net Assets: $117.7 million

Simon Wiesenthal Center

Dedicated to repairing the world one step at a time

Total Income: $33.8 million.
Net Assets: $66.2 million.

Jewish Women International

Safe homes. Healthy relationships. Strong women.
Public Benefit : Advocacy and Civil Rights

Total Income: $3.1 million
Net Assets: $7.4 million

American Jewish Congress

Defending Jewish interests at home and abroad through public policy advocacy

Total Income: $5.1 million.
Net Assets: $16.9 million.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society

Rescue, reunion and resettlement

Total Income: $25.3 million.
Net Assets: $65 million.

Zionist Organization of America

Fighting for the Jewish people and the Land of Israel

Total Income: $4.5 million.
Net Assets: $12.8 million.

American Israel Education Foundation

Furthering understanding of the United States/Israel relations

Total Income: $27 million
Net Assets: $38.4 million.

B’nai B’rith International

The global voice of the Jewish community

Total Income: $27.4 million.
Net Assets: $2.4 million.


Think Israel, think NA’AMAT

Total Income: $2.7 million.
Net Assets: $6.9 million

Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America

Devoted to Judaism, Zionism, and American ideals

Total Income: $59.2 million.
Net Assets: $566.6 million.

National Council of Jewish Women

A faith in the future. A belief in action.
Public Benefit : Advocacy and Civil Rights

Total Income: $5.6 million.
Net Assets: $15.4 million

Jewish National Fund

For Israel forever

Total Income: $44.5 million.
Net Assets: $44.3 million.

Southern Poverty Law Center

Advocating for justice and equality

Total Income: $33 million.
Net Assets: $170.2 million.

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

Touching lives, transforming communities

Total Income: $271.8 million
Net Assets: $379.7 million

Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor

Celebrate Jewish life

Total Income: $2.5 million.
Net Assets: $4 million.

Jewish Foundation for the Righteous

Searching out and recognizing goodness

Total Income: $3.6 million
Net Assets: $12.4 million

Center for Jewish History

Fostering the creation and dissemination of Jewish knowledge

Total Income: $6.7 million
Net Assets: $28.8 million

Americans for Peace Now

Secure the dream

Total Income: $2.3 million.
Net Assets: $790,000.


Building Israel. One Child at a Time

Total Income: $9.2 million.
Net Assets: $15.4 million.

Bnai Zion Foundation

One hundred years of making a difference

Total Income: $3.4 million.
Net Assets: $2.7 million.

Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America

Promoting accurate and balanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East

Total Income: $4.1 million.
Net Assets: $5.4 million.

Emunah of America

Caring for a Nation

Total Income: $9.7 million
Net Assets: $1.7 million

Friends of the Israel Defense Forces

Supporting the young men and women soldiers of Israel

Total Income: $61.1 million
Net Assets: $68.2 million

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

The largest Jewish campus organization in the world

Total Income: $36.8 million
Net Assets: $35 million

Hillel at Ohio State University

Bringing fresh ideas and new visions to Jewish campus life

Total Income: $1.3 million.
Net Assets: $2.1 million.

Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore

Total Income: 72.4 million.
Net Assets: $251.4 million.

Jewish Community Centers Association

Inspiring Jewish journeys

Total Income: $15.3 million
Net Assets: $21.7 million

Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York

Preparing the Jewish future

Total Income: $4.3 million
Net Assets: $7.2 million

National Conference on Soviet Jewry

Advocating on behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States and Eurasia

Total Income: $801,000
Net Assets: $353,000

ORT America

Organization for rehabilitation through training

Total Income: $23 million
Net Assets: $10 million

The following Jewish organizations were either excluded (religious organizations) or don’t have statistics available at Charity Navigator:

Ameinu, Jewish Labor Committee, American Friends of Likud, Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, American Israel Friendship League, AIPAC, American Sephardi Federation, American Zionist Movement, Central Conference of American Rabbis, Development Corporation for Israel, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, JINSA, Jewish Labor Committee, Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, Jewish War Veterans of the USA, MECAZ USA, National Council of Young Israel, Rabbinical Assembly, Rabbinical Council of America, Religious Zionists of America, Union for Reform Judaism, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, United Jewish Communities, WIZO, Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, Women of Reform Judaism, Workmen’s Circle, World ORT, World Zionist Executive.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m curious how often and closely anti-Semites read the Jewish press. Jewish Week, The Forward and so forth. I think this would be a very valuable activity. Don’t be afraid — I doubt it would make you less anti-Semitic. But it could deepen or broaden your understanding of Jewry and how it thinks of itself and the rest of the world.

    In case you care.

    I also think the new Coen Brothers film, A Serious Man, which has been getting some criticism for being “self-hating” might give you interesting perspectives on Jews in America. I just saw it last night.

    If you’re gonna hate a people, it is helpful to get to know them from their own perspective. I also think behooves me, personally, to get to know Judaism and my Jewish brethren better. After all, I may end up living with them in very close quarters if Alex Linder is elected President!

    It is interesting for me to observe the symbiotic relationship between Jews and anti-Semites. They need each other to survive, no? Would Jews mostly just whither away if there were no Jew haters?

  2. WA, not only do you have the gall to claim you are disconnected from your Jewish heritage WHILST ADVOCATING FOR JEWS, but further lay on the chutzpah by telling Northern Europeans descended people in America they ought not preserve themselves. How’s this? When we get in power, every Jewish woman will be forced at gun point to breed with a nigger. Which should be no biggie, because its about the religion, not the Jewish blood line, right?

  3. It is interesting for me to observe the symbiotic relationship between Jews and anti-Semites. They need each other to survive, no? Would Jews mostly just whither away if there were no Jew haters?

    You’ve seen The Believer one too many times.

    We counter-semties are arguing for your removal so no, we don’t need you. You need us.

  4. I laid awake last night wondering why a mischling would come to Occidental Dissent and attempt to convince the, as “White Advocate” terms them, “stupid, vulgar, dingbat, over-the-top Anti-Semites” who post here, to soften their stance about tossing Jews out a White Nationalist ethnostate.
    I wondered, why does he think he’ll be effective here? Why does he not go to his own “Jewish Brethren” and try, instead, to convince them to knock it off with the race-replacement, such that such “dingbat Anti-Semites” have no more reason to complain?
    Could it be, I wonder, that for all his bluster about White Nationalists’ stupidity and vulgarity, that “White Advocate” realizes the stupid, irrational, even incorrigible, anti-Whiteness of his Jewish Brethren means his chances, slim as they are, of convincing the White Nationalist “anti-Semites” to pity the Jews are better than persuading his “Jewish Brethen” to cease and desist with their treachery?

    If so – fascinating. Jews are noted for calculating opportunism. Instructive to find the trait continues to manifest in the half-Jewish hybrids.

  5. And no-one accuse me of advocating genocide against the Jewish people with my plan for forced breeding with niggers, after all, miscegenation is not genocide.

  6. Captainchaos –
    1) I suppose I am in a sense advocating for Jews. I don’t think they should be exterminated; I think they should be allowed to stay in North America; I think they’re capable of good and evil; I think whenever possibile pro-white peoples should try to get along with them (not necessarily on their own terms).
    2) I strongly advocate for the preservation of Northern Europeans as well. In Northen Europe. And perhaps Australia and Canada. As I said in a previous post no one responded to, most all of the Western Hemisphere already has and needs a broader, more liberal standard of whiteness, due to the immigration policies that brought large numbers of Southern Europeans, Slavs and Jews into the U.S. over the last 130 years or so. Mediteranneans and Slavs brought all sorts of admixtures of north African, Semitic, Caucasian, Negroid, Turkic and other Asiatic influence into the mix, and then mated with the purer Nordics and Alpines. And everyones got a fucking half-Indian great-grandfather there somewhere. I’m 50% “Northern European” and my kids are 75%. I bet they’re more Aryan than you, CC.
    3. No, of course, Jews are about blood and peoplehood. And I never had any access to the latter, which is why I don’t consider myself a Jew. Or at least not a full Jew. Religion is secondary.

  7. White Advocate:
    As I said in a previous post no one responded to, most all of the Western Hemisphere already has and needs a broader, more liberal standard of whiteness, due to the immigration policies that brought large numbers of Southern Europeans, Slavs and Jews into the U.S. over the last 130 years or so.

    One of these things is not like the others.

    Some Southern Europeans may have traces of non-white blood.

    Ashkenazi jews have traces of white blood.

    We also know from history that Southern Europeans and Slavs are able and willing to assimilate into white nations without plotting the overthrow and ultimate extermination of the white majority.

  8. barb — first, i don’t think all white nationalists are vulgar. In particular, William Pierce and I think Lincoln Rockwell too never came across as coarse, vulgar or maladjusted. They seemed like the kind of people who would make good neighbors, and also intellectually interesting. I’ve met a few others I really respect: Jared Taylor, Sam Dickson, Mark Weber. I guess you could say they are all gentlemen and scholars, of one sort of another. In contrast, many of the people who post on the various WN boards seem rather angry, ignorant, and mentally unstable. That’s just my opinion.

    second, let me explain my interest in being here. i’m very close to my mother who died a few years ago. she was from a northern European country occupied by Nazi Germany in WWII. After she passed, I found her diary that she kept as a college student and got it translated. First entry was late April 1945, the day it was announced that Hitler had died. She wrote extremely passionately and at length about what a great leader Hitler had been and how terrible it was that the war had turned out the way that it did. And also about her deep love for the German people and German history. When I read this, rather than feel a anger or revulsion, I was thrilled, ecstatic! I had already been exploring a variety of heterodox right-wing writers that I mentioned above, as well as lots of paleocon writing. And years before this, I had always had this embarrased “soft spot” for Germany and Nazi Germany myself which I never could explain. As a young kid, I was always drawing swastikas, fascinated like a moth before a flame with its mysterious power. When I was in college myself I was deeply moved by the Leni Reifenstahl films, and the purity of human spirit that they attempted to convey. But hearing this diary entries somehow crystalized everything for me. Yes I think I somehow I inherited some of her spirit. Later, of course, my mother had the opportunity to come to America, and ended up of course marrying my father a Jewish man, one in the process of leaving whatever roots he had behind.

    I wonder why I tell this story to you people who by all accounts appear to be not so very nice. Well…I think its an interesting, crystalizing experience. And maybe you’ll find it interesting too. I am interested in bringing the Jewish and Aryan side of myself into balance. No, i WILL do this. And to those who insist this is impossible, I’m sorry, but I simply do not believe you can know enough to pass that judgement. I think that the German National Socialism WAS an amazing experiment in organizing Aryans for the purpose of building a more glorious world and more glorious people. I also think it went horribly and disasterously askew, much of this caused by enemy action, but also there was something mad, something horribly wrong with it internally. And a lot of the madness had to do with Jew hatred taken to an obsessive degree out of all bounds of proportionality to the problems caused by certain Jewish dominated forces.

    In conclusion, you could say my goal in life, as a thinker, is to try to come to some sort of new synthesis — perhaps a kind of lion-lies-down-with-the-lamb Aryanism that doesn’t fall into the the trap of Jew Hatred. .

  9. JewAdvocate says:

    “I suppose I am in a sense advocating for Jews. I don’t think they should be exterminated”

    As if anybody was talking about “exterminating” anybody. But of course anytime someone dares to consider the idea of having their own culture and country, apart from Jews, it’s another “holocaust” for the JewAdvocate type.

    I wish Jews would just shut up, I’m tired of hearing from them. I want to hear White people for a change.

  10. danielj — I had never even heard of the Believer, but thanks to your comment and whichever Jews invented wikipedia and youtube (LOL), I am now familiar with the sad story of Dan Burros. Who appears to have been brought down by malevolent Jewish forces in the media trying to destroy a sensitive young man with a unique calling. I can’t bear to watch the movie, as Jewish screenwriters never paint a realistic portrait of Nazis. But its very interesting to read that it was my buddy George Lincoln Rockwell who praised Burros after his death and who had no problem working with him even though he was Jewish.

    Anyway, I believe it was Pound, who always knew there was more to life than race, who figured out the entire Jewish question at the end of his life, when he said something like “the problem is not the Jew, the problem is avarice.”

  11. “But it could deepen or broaden your understanding of Jewry and how it thinks of itself and the rest of the world.”

    No need: reading the seamier parts of the Talmud provides all the insights into the mind-set of Organized Jewry that ones needs!

    “2) I strongly advocate for the preservation of Northern Europeans as well. In Northen Europe. ”

    The Founding Fathers advocated that the USA was to be handed down to “Their posterity”. Clearly this means North European peoples who built this nation and we are not just going to turn around and had it over to mestizos and negroes just because some Jew says too.

    That would be a betrayal of the Founders.

    ” And a lot of the madness had to do with Jew hatred taken to an obsessive degree out of all bounds of proportionality to the problems caused by certain Jewish dominated forces.”

    If anything National Socialism was too tame.

    One could look at the Inquisition (read some of Kevin Macdonalds writings on it) as a more robust Social Program for what will be needed to defend ourselves from Organized Jewry.

    ” Jews who had nominally converted to Christianity but maintained their ethnic ties in marriage and commerce were the focus of the 250-year Inquisition in Spain, Portugal, and the Spanish colonies in the New World. Fundamentally, the Inquisition should be seen as a defensive reaction to the economic and political domination of these “New Christians.”2″ — Kevin Macdonald

  12. JewAdvocate says:

    [Pound] said something like “the problem is not the Jew, the problem is avarice.”

    JewAdvocate tells us Jews are not the problem. Is anyone surprised? It’s the Jewish Question inverted (again), it’s not Jews, it’s some “universal” “humanistic” problem – avarice.

    And if Jews just happen to exhibit extreme avarice, well that can’t be blamed on the Jews who exhibit that behavior, it’s some “universal” problem that we should all work on. In fact, it’s probably that Jews only show avarice because of some past persecution.

    JewAdvocate is consistent if anything – it’s never the fault of the Jews, and to whatever degree the Jews may have some bad trait, so does everyone else. And if you say otherwise you want to murder all Jews, obviously.

    Jews hate niggers too, so ignore us and focus on Sambo!

  13. I’m just quoting Pound, I don’t know if I agree with him. I never say that Jews are blameless, and I find MacDonald and just about every other non-syphillitic critic worth my serious consideration. This entire dispute started when I said that criticism of Jewry was acceptable, but that there needed to be a willingness to discriminate between good and bad Jews, and give good ones the same rights in your proposed white ethnostate as you would give, say, Italians. A good Jew or mischling should not have to pay for the crimes of the bad Jews than a good Italian should have to pay for the crimes of the Mafiosi.

  14. Let me just for the record convey my idea of “America” and my idea of “Europe.” AS a musician I think in terms of favorite albums.

    America is “Sinatra at the Sands,” recorded and released in 1966. A blue-eyed northern Italian singing his heart out on songs written mainly by the descendents of Jewish cantors (see Ralph Bakshi’s American Pop), backed by the greatest black swing band (Count Basie), performing for a room full of Anglo-Saxons, away from their wives and kids on this business junket, and enjoying the music and sun and gambling and the luscious broads of the Vegas Strip. That’s my America and I want it back.

    Europe is the great German Composers from Bach to Wagner, followed by the great Bohemian chanteuse Nico (formerly w/ The Velvet Underground) singing every verse of “Deutschland Uber Alles,” on her great 1974 album “The End.”

    And with that, I’m think I’m out of here. When the Revolution comes, I hope what I have written here will stand me in good stead!

  15. JewAdvocate, I’ve read Pound, he suggests we dump Jew parasites like you off our back. You can quote a line or two of Pound, but he was clear we are not you, Jew.

    I don’t give a damn about your “idea of America” piss off “good” Jew.

    “Same rights in your proposed white ethnostate”

    I want Jews to have the same rights as other non-Whites to a White enthno-state – excluded. Go to Israel.

  16. Sorry, White Non-Conservative, you just have to get used to the idea that I am an American White, too. Ashkhenazi Jews are as white as Mediterranean whites, and that, plus my additional Nordic background, and my lack of experience being raised amid the alien cultural trappings of Judaism, means I’m an official card-carrying member of YOUR clubhouse. And your rules are my rules.
    barb — I forgot to add that I do do my little part to engage Jews and liberals as well. At liberal websites, I’m constantly taking race realist or pro-white positions. And at neocon websites, I press paleocon ideas.
    desmond — that clip made me wince. he was way to liberal for me on race questions. the thing is, he is also right in an important way: the majority shouldn’t bully little minority kids. White could afford to hold this decent and caring attitude, and we still can, as long as we live in a country with an overwhelming (80-90%) white majority. Which of course is what we’re losing and need to get back.

  17. In case it wasn’t clear, the bullying, that too was propaganda staged, produced, written and probably financed by Jews to demonize free association.

    Let me in your country, you racist, anti-semitic bastard. Too funny.

  18. White Advocate:”I’m just quoting Pound…”

    Pound knew who the problem was, and he named it many times — the problem is the anti-White warmongering international Jewish plutocracy, aka BIG JEW, aka JEW AVARICE.

    March 15, 1942 – The enemy is Das Leihkapital. Your Enemy is Das Leihkapital, intemational, wandering Loan Capital. Your enemy is not Germany, your enemy is money on loan. And it would be better for you to be infected with typhus, and dysentery, and Bright’s disease, than to be infected with this blindness which prevents you from understanding HOW you are undermined, how you are ruined.

    The big Jew is so bound up with this Leihkapital that no one is able to unscramble that omelet. It would be better for you to retire to Darbyshire and defy New Jerusalem, better for you to retire to Gloucester and find one spot that is England than to go on fighting for Jewry and ignoring the process.

    It is an outrage that any clean lad from the country – I suppose there are STILL a few ENGLISH lads from the country – it is an outrage that any nice young man from the suburbs should be expected to die for [JEW] Victor Sassoon, it is an outrage that any drunken footman’s byblow should be asked to die for Sassoon.

    As to your Empire, it was not all of it won by clean fighting. But however you got it, you did for a time more or less justify keeping it, on the ground that you exported good government or better government than the natives would have had without England.

    You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire, and you yourselves out-jewed the Jew. Your allies in your victimized holdings are the bunyah, you stand for NOTHING but usury.

    And above metal usury; you have built up bank usury, 60% against 30 and 40%, and by that you WILL NOT be saved. Corrupting the whole earth, you have lost yourselves to yourselves.

    And the big Jew has rotted EVERY nation he has wormed into. A millstone. Well, an exceptionally good swimmer MIGHT conceivably be cast into the sea with a stone tied round his neck. He might perhaps untie it. If he were a Scotchman, he would remember his jackknife, before being thrown overboard.

    You seem to remember NOTHING. It were better you were infected with typhus. As to federal union, or JEW/nion. There is NO question of race in Streit’s proposition. It is as proposed a union of slaves, under jewry. Offered by liars and abettors of thieves.

    And it will not save you. NOR will Judaized Russia. Nor will the Kahal, the Jew’s central committee of bleeders. WHAT is their system? Unvarying, cheap goods, sweated out of cheap labor, dung dust hurled on the world, the WORLD conceived as sweat shop, to hell with the 8-hour day, down with abundance. DUMPING sweated goods, dumped against any and every nation that pays a just price for labor. That is your ALLY.

    And in your past a trail of blood and of infamy. You bought Hessians to kill your own blood in America. You bought ’em from a stinking feudal overlord, who was in the hands of the ROTHSCHILD; that is HISTORY. You stirred up the American savages against your own kin IN America. But now Eden and Cripps have called in the Muscovite, to bum and destroy all Eastern Europe, and kill Finland, for the sake of the stinking Jews nickel mines.

    Your infamy is bound up with Judaea. You can not touch a sore or a shame in your empire but you find a Mond, a Sassoon, or a Goldsmid. YOU HAVE NO RACE left in your government.

    God knows if it can be found still scattered in England.

    IT must be found scattered in England. The white remnants of England, the white remnant of the races of England must be FOUND and find means to cohere; otherwise, you might as well lie down in your grave yards.

    You have for years had cheap goods DUMPED in from Russia. Your alliance with Moscow will bring no relief to that wound. Your Jews have ruined your home manufactures. Loans from the city of London, loans to the Orient, interest paid in cheap cotton goods, loans to the South American countries, interest paid in beef from the Argentine, and ruin of English grazing. The laws of durable government have been known from the days of King Wen. When empires go to ROT, they go to rot for known reasons.

    The Times, Telegraph, Manchester Guardian, are there to conceal these reasons. Your press is an infamy, has been throughout our time.

    The laws of durable government have been known from the days of King Wen, and when the Roman Empire perished it perished from the same follies that your kikes, your Rothschilds, Beits, Sieffs, Schiffs, and Goldsmids have squirted into your veins.

    Cheap grain dumped from Egypt, ruin of the Italian farming, usury, and more usury, THAT is the answer.

    For two centuries, ever since the brute Cromwell brought ’em back into England, the kikes have sucked out your vitals. A mild penetration, for a hundred years they have bootlicked your nobility and now where is your nobility? You had at least the semblance of control; you had, let us say, some influence with the Lords of Judaea as long as they WANTED your titles, as long as Levy Levinstein Lawson WANTED to be addressed as Lord Burnham. You could turn the worst edge of their avarice, or rather you could turn it OFF, the upper or huppar clawses; and turn it ONTO the peer. As you did without mercy.

    But when the same scroungers have moved over to New York City, how will you manage ’em? The same bloody minded extortioners, or their descendents. The same FINANCIAL HOUSES. The same Rothschilds who plotted with Sherman, and Vandergould to KILL the American nation, who betrayed the United States in the “sixties”. Head office in London, agents in the U.S. of America.

    Is there a RACE left in England? Has it ANY will left to survive? You can carry slaughter to Ireland. Will that save you? I doubt it. Nothing can save you, save a purge. Nothing can save you, save an affirmation that you are English.

    Whore Belisha is NOT. Isaccs is not. No Sassoon is an Englishman, racially. No Rothschild is English, no Strakosch is English, no Roosevelt is English, no Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Khan, Baruch, Schiff, Sieff, or Solomon was ever yet bom Anglo-Saxon.

    And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you have murdered your empire, and it is this filth that elects your politicians.

    You have lost your tradition. You have not even learned what Lord Byron told you. You are, as even that foul rag the Times tells you, a little late in making a start.

    In the year 1942 Anno Domini, there is only one start you can make. And that is a start toward being England. A refusal to be a province of Israel, or an outpost of Yankee-Judaea.

    Quando tutti saremo forti.

  19. “barb — I forgot to add that I do do my little part to engage Jews and liberals as well. At liberal websites, I’m constantly taking race realist or pro-white positions. And at neocon websites, I press paleocon ideas”

    Some links, please, to your posts on liberal / paleocon websites, so I can see what you say?

  20. >Sorry, White Non-Conservative, you just have to get used to the idea that I am an American White, too.

    No, I do not have to “get used to” your idea.

    >Ashkhenazi Jews are as white as Mediterranean whites, and that, plus my additional Nordic background, and my lack of experience being raised amid the alien cultural trappings of Judaism, means I’m an official card-carrying member of YOUR clubhouse. And your rules are my rules.

    You are not welcome in my clubhouse and I don’t accept your rules. Obama is Black, and you’re a Jew.

  21. I can’t bear to watch the movie, as Jewish screenwriters never paint a realistic portrait of Nazis.

    They certainly don’t. It isn’t any different in this movie.

    Can you source the Ezra Pound quote?

  22. danielj —
    “Re USURY:
    I was out of focus, taking a symptom for a cause.
    The cause is AVARICE.”
    Written by Pound in 1972, the year he died in the Forward to this book:
    Going back to check it out, I see that it is not as explicit as I remembered, I thought he used the word “Jew” instead of “USURY” Still, there are numerous other places where he it is explicit that he associated USURY with Jews.

    And here is another account that I found from 1967, in which he is quoted saying that his worst mistake was anti-semitism, which he calls a “stupid suburban prejudice”:

    I posted at the neocon site under my first name, and don’t feel comfortable revealing it here. If I post in the future, maybe I can think up a different handle and link to it. Perhaps I’ll use “barb”!

  23. And here is another account that I found from 1967, in which he is quoted saying that his worst mistake was anti-semitism, which he calls a “stupid suburban prejudice”

    A winter in a cage at Saint Elizabeths would drive any man to say stupid shit.

  24. Jewish charity is ONLY for the Jews; the ironic thing is that ethnic Jews in the USA have perhaps the least need for charity because they are, on the whole, one of America’s wealthiest ethnic groups:

    The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation released its annual reports Nov. 4, disclosing more than $100 million in grants to organizations that serve several categories – elder adults, health and disabilities among them.

    While the Baltimore-based foundation gives tens of millions of dollars to general causes each year, the majority of its grants go to Jewish organizations in the U.S. and abroad.

    The full list of grants given to Jewish causes, listed below, is staggering. Reinforcing why the Weinberg foundation is perhaps our most important private Jewish foundation… –

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