About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Thanks for the link. I enjoyed her articles over the summer. I was wondering when we would hear from her again.

  2. Highly recommend Adorno article (haven’t read others yet but will). Lays out nicely the subversive nature (and bankruptcy) of the Frankfurt School, which is perhaps the dominant intellectual force in the West. If you wonder what happened to Western culture, or think its decline was just the natural course of events, read this piece.

  3. What really strikes me is how long the USG has been actively working against our people’s long-term interest.

    I think you’re right, Hunter. The Cold War conflict with the Soviet Union, coming off of the victory over National Socialsim, fundamentally transformed the USG from a national government to an international entity bent on wiping out inequality and discrimination wherever it exists. The result is that this required dismantling the U.S. as a White country and re-cast it as a universal nation.

    It’s liberalism on steroids, with all the deformities that come with it.

  4. Does she openly name the jew or not? That determines whether its worthy to listen to her. A woman hardly ever has anything worthwhile to say in these matters.

  5. She writes for Kevin MacDonald’s website. What does that tell you? Of course she “names the Jew.” Listen to the interview and read her articles at The Occidental Observer.

    Elizabeth is a rare type: attractive, smart, interesting, respectable, good personality, has a career. You hardly ever find all those qualities in a woman.

    We’ve had three threads here about the deplorable state of the female sex. I’ve never seen a woman around here like Elizabeth. She is unlike other girls. What’s more, she can articulate what’s wrong with them.

  6. “Rastas and the World Bank” was quite the eye-opener, and the info about the history and people behind popular music is an important but often overlooked issue.

    Her Woodstock article missed the fact that “Woodstock II” already happened in the 1990s, and it was quite the disaster – riots, rapes, arson, and the natives went crazy on vendors selling water for $5. It was the perfect tribute to what the Woodstock culture has led to.

    Hollywood, TV and popular music are the new religion of modern society, and considering how overtly hostile they are to us, we should be very concerned.

  7. Proz, my question arose as I listened to an early part where she is asked about the Frankfurt School and she completely ‘forgets’ to mention that the ‘Frankfurters’ were jewish right off. I listened to around 5 minutes in and cut it off, since I have to deal with intellectual types who are aware of such groups as the Frankfurters, but refuse to name the kikes. Maybe I’ll give it another go.

  8. I was disappointed that Elizabeth Whitcombe could only speculate that “the German professor” at Atlantic Records was Theodore Adorno. If her story is true, how hard would it be to find out if Ahmet Ertegun or Jerry Wexler knew Adorno? And then what’s an etoilated egghead like Adorno doing in an Atlantic Records mixing booth, anyway? It seems incongruous that he’d be involved in anyway with the fare that Atlantic produced because he was into atonal music, not anything with a melody. That he’s was a towering music and culture critic plus a Phil Spector-esque genius in the mixing booth seems implausible, especially if he’s in there trying to subvert the masses by inadvertently mixing one pop classic after another. Come on, Greil Marcus would have written a book all about “the German professor” at Atlantic by now if Miss Whitcombe’s conjecture were true. Remember, too, that the epithet “professor” is a hipster moniker. Was the seminal New Orleans honky tonk piano player “Professor Longhair” a real professor and a Frankfurt School change agent, too?

  9. I suspect that most of the Frankfurt School’s output is way over the heads of a lot of their critics. While they were inspired by various schools of Marxism- their critique of the culture industry and its potential for conditioning and brainwashing is unsurpassed. The fact many of Europe’s smartest were seduced by Marxism takes nothing away from their brilliance. Please refrain from lumping the FS with mass murderers like Lenin or Stalin.

  10. Yes, it would be interesting to find out who this woman really is. Has anyone actually met her? She appears to be interested in social credit, which is a fascinating economic theory. One that if implemented would attack the problem without explicitely attacking people who happen to be Jewish.

    Thinking that Adorno mixed the early Atlantic R&B singles is humorous but utterly ridiculous as a serious proposition. Adorno was a music critic and part-time composer, not a recording engineer. He hated jazz and pop music. He didn’t live in NYC where the records were made, instead he lived in LA from 1941 to 1948, and then moved back to Germany.

    The popular music including jazz that was made in the 1940s and 1950s, a lot of it by whites, was so gooddam good that if in fact it really did lead to the downfall of the white man (which of course it didn’t) one might be excused for thinking that it was almost worth it.

  11. “The popular music including jazz that was made in the 1940s and 1950s, a lot of it by whites, was so gooddam good that if in fact it really did lead to the downfall of the white man …one might be excused for thinking that it was almost worth it.”

    WTF?! Jazz is a sloppy, lazy, vulgar, ugly form of music, popularized by Jews and blacks. There is something very primitive and low about it that offends my European sensibilities. When today I encounter jazz enthusiasts, they invariably turn out to be American Jews whose fervor for this type of music is a function, I think, of their anti-European bigotry.

  12. I think he interrupted her too much, but kudos to him for having her on.

    I agree with Hunter that she is a remarkable lady.

    I find his description of VNN as true white nationalism disturbing. The inmates are running the asylum. A perfect example of why Kemp is right.

  13. Admiral — i will grant to you that jazz is nowhere in the same league as classical music. this is certainly true.
    but as someone who loves jazz especially jazz done by whites, i must tell you the idea that it is somehow an african invention is a malicious anti-white lie designed to minimize the white contribution to this unique American art form. The list of genius white non-Jewish performers is long and illustrious, from Bix Beiderbecke and the Original Dixieland Jazz Band in the twenties to Keith Jarrett (fully Hungarian) today. What would often happen is that blacks would blaze new areas of musical innovation, and the whites would follow and deepen that innovation through a more disciplined and sophisticated, less emotional exploration of the new form. Lennie Tristano and his (all white) followers deepened the language of Charlie Parker’s be-bop in this way, the same way that Bill Evans and others deepened the post-bop work of Miles Davis.

    But I admit, it is a mixed art form. And Jews in particular wrote lots of the songs, diabolical anti-Christian pieces such as “White Christmas” and “God Bless America.” So those who despise any and all intercultural and interracial communication and cooperation might be offended. I’m quite curious what Kevin MacDonald thinks of all this, since he says that he was trying to be a professional jazz pianist in the seventies.

  14. One that if implemented would attack the problem without explicitely attacking people who happen to be Jewish.

    Yeah, because that’s what really matters, right? Making sure Jews are safe and happy.

    And Jews in particular wrote lots of the songs, diabolical anti-Christian pieces such as “White Christmas” and “God Bless America.” So those who despise any and all intercultural and interracial communication and cooperation might be offended. I’m quite curious what Kevin MacDonald thinks of all this, since he says that he was trying to be a professional jazz pianist in the seventies.

    Every comment of yours seems to include some sort of shifty, sly, passive-aggressive attempt to portray Jews in a good light.

  15. sorry, bernard, I just can’t escape the gut feeling that I’m dealing with some really stupid forms of anti-Semitism here, and it brings out the snark in me.

    I’m not philosemitic at all, in fact I’ve been favorably interested in critiques of Jewish power and Holocaust revisionism for a long time. I never felt however that the people I read or discuss these topics with have any animus against ME personally, or animus against ANY Jew whatsoever that they happen to cross paths with. Whereas that IS the definate impression I get from many commentators here.

    My original argument when I first posted here was simply that Jews and mischlings who identify as white should be accepted as white Americans, that there may be good reasons for them to ally themselves with pro-white Americans, and that if they wish to do so they should be accepted in the pro-white movement. And instead of getting a “yes” or a “yes, provided that…” or a “no, here is why…” in large measure the reply I received was “you’re a Jew, aren’t you?”

    So I see that with some exceptions I’m dealing with people whose problem with me is not WHAT I SAY, but simply the fact that I am of 50% Jewish genetic heritage, even though I have never identified as Jewish and have very little ethnic/cultural connection with that side of my family. People who believe I should be treated differently than, say, Guy White, because even though Guy White is much more “pro-Jewish” than me, he also happens to be “white” and therefore “one of us” whereas I am fundamentally not irrespective of what I say.

    Of course that makes a certain brutal sense, in the same way that one is born into a caste in India or, ahem, is born a Jew. And that is obviously what some people want and think best, arbitrariness be damned. Thus, a dark-skinned Sicilian with a Jewish nose who carries all kinds of North African genetic material is White, whereas a German Jew is out, and that settles that. And there are other irrationalities as well. Whites apparently have a pure bred rule: miscegenation means death, and anything less than 100% purity makes one a non-white. While Jews instead are judged by the one-drop rule: 1% and you’re a kike. So stupid.

    As a mischling, I’m in position where I have to CHOOSE which side I belong to. And anyone who presumes to CHOOSE FOR ME is going to get a big Fuck You. Which is what several of you, especially “non-Conservative white” are getting from me right now. I realize of course I’m wasting my time and it would be better if I spent my web time reading more sophisticated and intelligent bloggers and commentators, Steve Sailor being the most obvious example. But it is helpful to get this off my chest and onto paper.

    Adios spuds!!!

  16. JewAdvocate certainly has a lot to say to us White people.

    JewAdvocate: “I just can’t escape the gut feeling that I’m dealing with some really stupid forms of anti-Semitism here … I’m not philosemitic at all”

    JewAdvocate: “attack the problem without explicitely attacking people who happen to be Jewish”

    And to think the “White Nationalist” movement has criticized Christian groups for being too philo-semitic.

    Still waiting for a practical way to be allowed to ignore Jews, exclude them from *any* institution in America, or even a blog. If we’re going to be multi-racial I know a lot of decent Asian people.

    Then again it would be nice to actually have anything that’s Whites only.

  17. Thus, a dark-skinned Sicilian with a Jewish nose who carries all kinds of North African genetic material is White, whereas a German Jew is out, and that settles that. And there are other irrationalities as well.

    There are some white nationalists who seem to think all whites are interchangeable. However, this view is mistaken; it is certainly true that there are differences among European groups. Danes are distinct from Sicilians, Finns distinct from Spaniards, Northern Europeans distinct from Southern Europeans, and so on.

    As a mischling, I’m in position where I have to CHOOSE which side I belong to. And anyone who presumes to CHOOSE FOR ME is going to get a big Fuck You.

    This reminds me of blacks, mestizos, Jews and other non-whites who essentially say the following: “We demand that you racist, anti-Semitic bigots let us into your countries, your schools, your neighborhoods, and your families. We’re always victims of your malevolence but want to be around you nonetheless. You’re evil if you want to stick to yourselves and not be around us.”

  18. MGLS,
    Well, those non-whites who want into white America do so for the economic opportunity and also because they know the truth regardless of what they say which is that white Americans to a fault are one of the most inviting and tolerant peoples on earth. So there is no comparison there! On the other hand, your analogy is partially apt in another sense: there is no point in insisting on joining a group that doesn’t want me. But there is a point in trying to understand why I’m not wanted, and in asserting that in fact there ain’t no good reason.

    On the other hand, I’m in a position where 99.9999% of whites in this country concur with me that I am white, so what do I care? This will be my last post as “white advocate.” After a period of time, I’ll start posting my opinions again — the same damn opinions I have now — but this time using a new, entirely non-Jewish character. I’m sure you’ll welcome your new Jew-free comrade with open arms.

  19. So here’s another half-kike whining about anti-semitism. Well buddy, good news for you: even mischlings have uses. NS Germany put them on the front line as cannon fodder.

  20. MGLS,

    There are some white nationalists who seem to think all whites are interchangeable. However, this view is mistaken; it is certainly true that there are differences among European groups. Danes are distinct from Sicilians, Finns distinct from Spaniards, Northern Europeans distinct from Southern Europeans, and so on.

    And yet propagating the notion that there is some undifferentiated White Race stretching from the Hebrides to the Cyclades has been one of WN’s more successful tactics: you now have not insignificant numbers of people beating the drum for a movement which seeks to exclude them.

    White Advocate,

    As a mischling, I’m in position where I have to CHOOSE which side I belong to.

    Then choose wisely, lest you be disappointed.

    In truth, large numbers of whites (and with ongoing mixing, large numbers of semi/quasi-whites) can just as easily fit into one classification (or if you prefer “belong to one group”) just as easily they could into another, without any readily apparent way to decide the issue, and this has been a matter of some consternation for WNs over the years.

    The problem is complicated by individuals tending to exist as parts of non-uniform “racial constellations” (immediate family, relatives, friends), and any method applied to determine the racial status of an individual will slice through his racial constellation, leaving both the individual and members of his constellation in a genuine quandary.

    In a state overwhelmingly composed of one kind this wouldn’t pose an insurmountable problem (though when numbers of other kinds are so small few can be moved to act for the ‘problem’ seems a trifle). But unbaking the modern American cake is a more delicate operation, at least in the early stages. The most promising solution would seem to be stress the benefits that flow from racial and cultural similarity. This would ease the way for ‘whites’ on the borderlands of whiteness to racially identify and to promote such identities to their compatriots while avoiding the anxieties that arise from am-I-white-enough? introspection. This of course could (and should, eventually) extend to people of any race, though any racial reordering of America is obviously going to be instigated by whites, meaning a model for settling intra-white divisions (and divisiveness) is the most urgent priority.

  21. “The result is that this required dismantling the U.S. as a White country and re-cast it as a universal nation.” – Matamoros

    This country never had any dignity. It was from the beginning an aracial Semitic construct whose primary goal was the safeguarding of the ruling elite’s economic interests. Marxism and Liberalism are degrees of the same thing, creating a Liberal government (abolish caste/”hold these truths to be self-evident”) planted the seeds for the extreme Marxism of the present day.

  22. After a period of time, I’ll start posting my opinions again — the same damn opinions I have now — but this time using a new, entirely non-Jewish character.

    Classic jewish behavior. As is projecting his own hostility onto “the anti-semites”.

  23. Nina Kouprianova, who writes at Takimag, is another intelligent young white woman who appears to “get it.”

  24. The Cold War conflict with the Soviet Union, coming off of the victory over National Socialism, fundamentally transformed the USG from a national government to an international entity bent on wiping out inequality and discrimination wherever it exists. The result is that this required dismantling the U.S. as a White country and re-cast it as a universal nation. (Matamoros)

    This country never had any dignity. It was from the beginning an aracial Semitic construct whose primary goal was the safeguarding of the ruling elite’s economic interests. Marxism and Liberalism are degrees of the same thing, creating a Liberal government (abolish caste/”hold these truths to be self-evident”) planted the seeds for the extreme Marxism of the present day.(Kasimir Petrenkov)

    I would say that the truth of the matter is somewhere in between these extremes.

    The transformation of “America” into Greater Judea began, not after WWII, but at the turn of the 19th into the 20th Century, principally upon empowerment of the Wilson-fronted Brandeis/House administration. The character of this transformation may have been generally obvious only following the Second Crusade and the “United Nations,” but this was simply a matter of appearances.

    And the founding of the federal government as a proto-Marxist enterprise is a depiction that fails to account for a good deal of naivete implicit in 18th century notions and context and thus forces the event into an uncomfortable ideological mold.

  25. The transformation of “America” into Greater Judea began, not after WWII, but at the turn of the 19th into the 20th Century, principally upon empowerment of the Wilson-fronted Brandeis/House administration.

    Wilson’s reign saw the creation of the Federal Reserve and the back-door entry into the First War To Kill White People, both events certainly instigated by Int’l Jewry. But Judeo-Britain’s influence was never far from home here, and the earliest signs of America’s Judaization crept in during the 19th century during Europe’s interminable unheavals (by the time of President Hayes, for instance, Jews were allowed to freely settle as refugees from “persecution” in Russia).

    The character of this transformation may have been generally obvious only following the Second Crusade and the “United Nations,” but this was simply a matter of appearances.

    White America knew about the Judaization before the SWATKWP, they realized what had transpired in the Wilson days, hence the Roaring Twenties when America was at it’s racialist height. Hence the America First Committee. There was populist resistance to the agenda. It wasn’t that White Americans didn’t know who they were up against. It was that they completely underestimated the power and influence of the international power elite.

    And the founding of the federal government as a proto-Marxist enterprise is a depiction that fails to account for a good deal of naivete implicit in 18th century notions and context and thus forces the event into an uncomfortable ideological mold.

    Oh, I agree that naivete was a large part of it. The Founders may not have understood that their premises were the same as those of the butchers of the “French” Revolution. But they were. The Founding Fathers could not look into the future to comprehend how their ideas might be twisted, but the important thing to note is that the underlying assumptions of Liberalism were such that Marxism was a logical evolution.

  26. This will be my last post as “white advocate.” After a period of time, I’ll start posting my opinions again — the same damn opinions I have now — but this time using a new, entirely non-Jewish character.

    Your opinions are jewish. They’ll give you away every time.

  27. if some of the posters on this blog spent as much time educating themselves and minding their own business (and learning from everyone, even their worst real or perceived enemies) – they probably wouldn’t have time to post here. that’s what the asians and the jews do- and look where that’s gotten them!

  28. baltasar
    if some of the posters on this blog spent as much time educating themselves and minding their own business (and learning from everyone, even their worst real or perceived enemies) – they probably wouldn’t have time to post here. that’s what the asians and the jews do- and look where that’s gotten them!

    White people have been minding their own business, and while they were minding their own business the jews took over and now white people face genocide in their homelands thanks to jew engineered mass immigration, integration and the non-white subsidizing welfare state.

  29. your rejection preceded my hostility, taanstaafl, btw.

    what a funny ass world: i work around bunch of jews for first time in my life and the experience drives me towards anti-Jew thinking; then i hang out with the anti-jews and they drive me right back towards the jew! I can’t imagine how it serves your movement to alienate me, but for me this was helpful nevertheless. Along with interview w/ micheal levin in august american renaissance, which struck a chord, this tit for tat provides further impetus for movement away from white nationalist and anti-Jew arena.

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