William Gheen on White Nationalists

I found this over at Immigration Clearinghouse. It is a new William Gheen rant against White Nationalists. The highlights:

– He threatens lawsuits against David Duke and Stormfront. 

– He proudly claims to have “spent eight years of my life working in civil rights campaigns and working to elect minorities to public office”.

– He threatens to use the police to “remove these racists from our midst.”

– He calls White Nationalists a domestic enemy.

– He threatens to show the public how Stormfront and “white nationalist outfits” are assisting the SPLC and ADL.

– He claims blacks and Hispanics are welcome at his events; White Nationalists are not.

I could only find two posts about the ALIPAC Tea Parties on DavidDuke.com and Stormfront. The Duke link appears to have been removed. It is only available in the Google cache. I can’t find Gheen’s rant on the ALIPAC site either.

It is another testament to the stupidity and worthlessness of conservatism. I’m willing to bet that +90% of ALIPAC supporters are over 35. The Tea Partiers are overwhelmingly aging Baby Boomers. Conservative rhetoric will fade with that generation. They won’t live to see the long term consequences of their actions.

These failures will lose the fight over comprehensive immigration reform. They have lost every other battle of the culture war. It is going to happen sooner or later. All the “illegal aliens” will get amnesty and become U.S. citizens. America’s immigration laws will be liberalized and the floodgates will be cast open. Millions of non-Whites from the Third World will swarm in. Illegal immigration will cease to be an issue because all future “illegals” will come here legally.

We will have a permanent racial underclass seething with hatred against the White man. Predictably, they will feel alienated from the White majority and will rebel against it in various ways. Predictably, the Jewish overclass will encourage them to do so. As their numbers grow, they will feel emboldened. They won’t assimilate. Instead, they will make ever more outrageous demands. The declining White majority will find itself under ever more pressure to appease them. Obamacare is but the first taste of that bitter cup.

Looking backward, when some future historian writes The Decline and Fall of White America, the conservative movement will be identified as one of its primary causes. These losers will be remembered for clinging to the fantasy of a postracial, multicultural nirvana until the tipping poing when White political power was broken by sheer numbers. Conservatism is nothing more than “implicit whiteness.” It has no other constituency.

In the future, Whites won’t be able to get the schools they want, the neighborhoods they want, the public services they want, the culture they want, the leaders they want. In some parts of the country, like where I live, this is already the norm. If you are a White male under the age of 35, you’re a moron if you support outfits like ALIPAC and the conservative movement.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “In the future, Whites won’t be able to get the schools the want, the neighborhoods they want, the public services they want, the culture they want, the leaders they want.”

    What are you talking about? That’s already the case today. We don’t need to look to some distant future. Actually, that was already the case when Wilmot Robertson wrote his classic on the Dispossessed Majority.

  2. “Illegal Immigration must be stopped and reversed! Join Americans for Legal Immigration Today!”

    “If we’re going to destroy our country and race, let’s at least do it legally!”

    This type of nonsense could be easily lampooned. Would be nice to see it on The Onion.

    Here’s a choice quote: “David Duke and Stormfront, you are acting in the best interests of the SPLC, ADL and millions of illegal aliens at this very moment. It would not surprise me if those outfits had you guys on the payroll.”

    The SPLC and ADL want a multi-ethnic, multi-racial society, as Gheen advocates as well.

    White nationalists don’t want non-white immigration, especially from the third world, whether it is legal or illegal. The legality of it is irrelevant to the outcome.

    Conservatives like Gheen are really politically schizophrenic. They are implicitly white, yet explicitly multi-racial and often anti-white. It’s amazing that seemingly intelligent people like him can’t figure it out for themselves. Third world people create a third world environment.

  3. Illegal immigration is moronip for conservatives. In a few years, all the “illegals” now here will be legal; all the future “illegals” will be able to immigrate legally. Conservatives reduced the immigration debate to mere paperwork. In doing so, they created the whole amnesty debate.

  4. Excellent post. I figured this out back in the mid-’90s when I was involved in the YGOP in Manhattan. However, I’m still trying to figure out the conservative mind, i.e., what the F*CK do these overwhelmingly white people think they’re doing pushing mass non-white Race Replacement and Multi-Cultism?! I attribute their appeasement to: (1) Judeo-Christian ideology, (2) fear of social ostracism and financial distress resulting from “racism” accusations, (3) fear of, and male penis envy of, the Black Man [which ties in to the conservative male’s obsession with televised negro sports], (4) fear of the Jew, and (5) conformism. Are there others? I have yet to meet a movement conservative who is not a thorough beta. I detest them.

  5. In highlighting the failure of immigration and multiculturalism and exposing the cult-like mentality of diversity enthusiasts, Muslim Jihaddists are doing us a favor.

    “Diversity” is one of those words designed to absolve you of the need to think. Likewise, a belief in “multiculturalism” doesn’t require you to know anything at all about other cultures, just to feel generally warm and fluffy about them. Heading out from my hotel room the other day, I caught a glimpse of that 7-Eleven video showing Major Hasan wearing “Muslim” garb to buy a coffee on the morning of his murderous rampage. And it wasn’t until I was in the taxi cab that something odd struck me: He is an American of Arab descent. But he was wearing Pakistani dress – that’s to say, a “Punjabi suit,” as they call it in Britain, or the “shalwar kameez,” to give it its South Asian name. For all the hundreds of talking heads droning on about “diversity” across the TV networks, it was only Tarek Fatah, writing in The Ottawa Citizen, who pointed out that no Arab males wear this get-up – with one exception: Those Arab men who got the jihad fever and went to Afghanistan to sign on with the Taliban and al-Qaida. In other words, Maj. Hasan’s outfit symbolized the embrace of an explicit political identity entirely unconnected with his ethnic heritage.

  6. All this hooplah made by conservatives about undocumented workers, if documents is all they’re missing, if it’s just a question of documents, let’s give them documents!

  7. “He is an American of Arab descent. But he was wearing Pakistani dress – that’s to say, a “Punjabi suit,” as they call it in Britain, or the “shalwar kameez,” to give it its South Asian name. For all the hundreds of talking heads droning on about “diversity” across the TV networks, it was only Tarek Fatah, writing in The Ottawa Citizen, who pointed out that no Arab males wear this get-up – with one exception: Those Arab men who got the jihad fever and went to Afghanistan to sign on with the Taliban and al-Qaida. In other words, Maj. Hasan’s outfit symbolized the embrace of an explicit political identity entirely unconnected with his ethnic heritage.”

    Excellent point, FB. Hasan, an Arab, adopted the dress of another race–a race that is often despised by Westernized Arabs, who tend to look down on non-Arabs not only for their dark skin and primitive ways but also for their fundamentalism.

    As I’ve written before, the Pakistanis tend to be the trouble-makers in the Muslim community. The Pakis are the real radicals. According to my observations, the local mosque nearest my house is chock-full of dark, bearded Pakis, while the more sophisticated Arabs don’t seem to be as devout.

    Here in my community, I know of (through hearsay) two Pakis who have expressed a desire to go to Afghanistan to fight the Americans. And a young European-looking Lebanese guy that I know (he’s a relative of a friend) was recently radicalised by a Paki imam in Los Angeles, and is now planning to go to Pakistan to find a Paki wife (much to the horror of his educated, well-off Lebanese family) and then travel to Afghanistan to fight the US/NATO forces, and to await the return of the Mahdi.

  8. Congrats to William Gheen for telling the racists to get out of the main stream movement to stop Amnesty for illegal aliens. All Americans against racism should herald his stance.


  9. Don’t worry, William Gheen. Pretty soon all those illegal immigrants you complain about so much will be given amnesty by Congress and the President, and they will no longer be illegal. Then you won’t have anything to worry about.

    Fucking dumbass. 🙄

  10. Looking backward, when some future historian writes The Decline and Fall of White America, the conservative movement will be identified as one of its primary causes.

    I think the The Decline and Fall of America is sufficient. The “White” part is redundant since an America that is not white is impossible.

  11. When and if the Jews and anti-White politicians in DC seek to legalize unknown millions (tens of millions?) of Hispanic, Asiatic, and African illegals, it will only add more fuel to the fire.

    When and if a pro-White government ever comes to power in the USA, all post-1965 immigrants and their descendants are going to be required to register with a New and Improved American Immigration & Naturalization Service to make sure they are acceptable enough to be allowed to remain in the USA or if they ought to make arrangements to head back from where they came. The 1965 Immigration Act was entirely illegitimate as well as racially treasonous, and as such (humane) steps must be taken to reverse it.

  12. The Admiral — you are right about the Pakis being some of the most radical of Islamists. I think this has a lot to do with the economic and demographic problems in Pakistan…Pakistan is very overcrowded and has a plutocratic over-class (including some Jews there who are leftovers from the British colonialism) which owns nearly all of the best land and all the other means of production which they control with an Iron Fist with the help of the UK, USA, and Israel. A lot of the smartest and more driven Pakis have left their home country simply because it was unbearably overcrowded and full of dire poverty — some of the Pakis I’ve met in person have been quite intelligent people.

    A lot of Pakis, if they are Pashtuns and maybe some others, actually have quite a bit of ancient European/Aryan blood, though they are still mongrels because of all the extensive race-mixing that has taken place there in the Indus Valley region.

    Pakistan is currently a very unstable nation due to a lot of the aforementioned reasons. If you keep up with the foreign policy news, the current elites of the USA, UK, and Israel fret endlessly about the instability found there. However, these moronic ‘do-gooders’ never stop to think that the terrible situation which reigns in Pakistan is happening now because of too much Western (especially British/Jewish) meddling in the past: if they just would’ve left the place alone the population levels there would’ve leveled off at a decent/sustainable level, but they just insisted on giving them near-endless amounts of advanced Western technologies, food aid, medical aid, education, and so on which skyrocketed their population far beyond what the still 3rd world mentality of the nation was prepared to handle. A similar situation exists in many other non-White nations worldwide which have been given all kinds of free and un-asked for Western ‘aid’ in the last few decades.

  13. W.P. that is a good observation, however I would quibble that leaving ‘Pakistan alone’ is a good idea… it is filled with murderous Muslims who would love nothing more than to have a war with polytheist Hindu-majority India! Letting these two go at it may have negative consequences is all I am saying.

    The entire Region is really just messed up.

    Also that is a good call on the stupidity of giving aid to Third World People. Oswald Spengler warned about this type of thing in ‘Man and Technics’ (good company to have!)

    ” In 1931, he published Man and Technics, which warned against the dangers of technology and industrialism to culture. He especially pointed to the tendency of Western technology to spread to hostile “Colored races” that would then use the weapons against the West. It was poorly received because of its anti-industrialism. ”


  14. An excellent article, Hunter. It’s precisely because of ignorant, up-tight, kosher conservative morons like Gheen that white America is self-destructing. These foolish nitwits are in a state of perpetual racial denial, espouse “proposition” nation nonsense, endorse state sponsored dysgenics, and claim to be surprised at the results! Many astute thinkers, past and present, have made mention of how Anglo America has been in a state of advanced decay for generations. The instilled death wish syndrome, that today possesses the clueless white mindset, is in suicidal overdrive.

    We are, indeed, witnessing the Decline and Fall of Anglo America, right before our own credulous, if not befuddled, eyes.

  15. HH:”Also that is a good call on the stupidity of giving aid to Third World People. Oswald Spengler warned about this type of thing in ‘Man and Technics’ (good company to have!) – “In 1931, he published Man and Technics, which warned against the dangers of technology and industrialism to culture. He especially pointed to the tendency of Western technology to spread to hostile “Colored races” that would then use the weapons against the West. It was poorly received because of its anti-industrialism. ”

    Yes HH, the uncalled-for spread of advanced White/Western technologies to billions of non-Whites during the 20th Century is possibly the worst mistake that The West has ever made, likely even more of a mistake than the moronic emancipation of Jewry from their ghettos in the 1700s/1800s.

    Regarding the above Spengler quote, I left some comments as ‘WHITE SURVIVAL’ on a post about this exact topic a while back on TOQO; see my comments at the bottom of the following page: http://www.toqonline.com/2009/06/spengler-an-introduction/

    The role which Western technology has played and still is playing in the modern ethnic/racial chaos that has now engulfed the world is too often ignored by modern White racialists; as the above quote says: “[Spengler] especially pointed to the tendency of Western technology to spread to hostile “Colored races” that would then use the weapons against the West”….and this is exactly what is happening. Asiatics are using disposable factory-serfs to subvert Western markets; non-Whites are over-breeding and swarming in to The West, and their over-breeding has only been made possible because of high-tech agricultural technologies and medical/sanitation advances which we Westerners just GAVE to them in the 20th Century, short-thinking Western ‘do-gooders’ financing and bringing on our own eventual race-displacement; many Asian nations now have major stockpiles of nuclear weapons, submarines, jet planes, etc, enough weaponry to seriously challenge us in any possible wars over resources or whatever else…even though only a few decades ago they were still using ancient strains of oxen to plow their fields and voodoo remedies to heal themselves, some non-White nations are now almost entirely on-par with us technologically whilst still expanding population-wise and thus seeking fresh territories in The West, i.e. the Asiatic colonization of western portions of North America. Asians now predominate in some Western universities in the study of science, engineering, medicine, etc — a FUCKING TRAVESTY likely encouraged by treasonous Jewish admissions staff at those unis. All around it is a very complex situation, just another layer of befuddlement on top of the already severe racial, economic, and ecological problems which plague us — it seems that yet another one of Spengler’s predictions has come true, unfortunately.

    Check out J. M. Greer’s recent book THE ECOTECHNIC FUTURE for a glimpse of how The West ought to move forward, that is by combining very clean forms of high-technology with much more sustainable living patterns (local/regional food, hyperefficient transportation, etc) that are ecologically sustainable in a radical way – http://www.newsociety.com/bookid/4051 – of course Greer misses the racial dimension in all this because he is a hippyish/pagan kind of guy, but he still makes many great points in this book and in his other writings. His blog is worth reading too, really great stuff: http://thearchdruidreport.blogspot.com/

  16. Yes, we have front row seats to the crashing and burning of America. Exciting, perhaps, because “worse is better,” IMO, but also painful.

    I never thought the day would come where the US is at the mercy of those two Middle Eastern tribes, Jews/Israelis and Muslims. Open the newspaper, turn on the tv news, scan the internet, and it’s apparent current events in the US are one way or another a result of the machinations of Jews and Muslims, sometimes fighting each other, sometimes fighting us. It’s all about Jews and Muslims 24/7.

    How did we get here?

    If a WN government ever comes to power (even if one doesn’t, come to think of it), these two groups must be cleansed from America and sent packing. They are nothing but trouble.

  17. Idiots like Gheen are the same loopy dopes who are always talking about preserving culture as though it were a separate occurrence than the PEOPLE who created it. They have already lost, because they refuse to address what should be obvious, that culture is directly tied to race and people, it does not exist in a vacuum. The ADL and SPLC will charge them as racists no matter what they do, and rightly so. Everyone with half a brain understands that race and culture go hand in hand, and it is exactly the white western culture, thus the white race that groups like the ADL are working hard to destroy. Idiotic groups like ALIPAC go into battle with no ammunition. If their struggle is not about preserving a peoples unique heritage, right for self determination and peaceful living space, then their entire argument is reduced to a mere piece of paper and mean spirited denial of others of a chance to escape a life of poverty.

    Me, I will fight for my people, and our right to our own uniqe heritage, way of life and governance free of invasion by foreigners.

  18. http://guywhite.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/feminism-and-racism/

    A black professor punched a white woman in the face and Guy White’s response is to blame whites and defend blacks. He excuses the black man by saying white professors incited him; he also says it is more common for whites to punch people in the face to demonstrate their commitment to anti-racism.

    Conservatives like to blame all racial conflict on “liberals.” They think blacks, Hispanics, and other non-whites are blameless, pure angels and that were it not for liberals we would have a multiracial utopia. The conservative says liberals “keep blacks on the Democrat plantation,” opposes affirmative action on the grounds that it makes people skeptical of the supposed “accomplishments” of blacks, decries that multiculturalism keeps immigrants from assimilating, and accuses liberals of being “the real racists.” He will likewise spout nonsense about how blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Jews are natural conservatives and will soon be solid Republican voters. On the issue of race conservatives have completely accepted the assumptions of their supposed opponents: whites are bad and always to be blamed, non-whites are good and can do no wrong. Conservatives must think they are so clever in turning the tables on liberals and calling them racist, when in reality they are scoring an own goal by doing so.

  19. The conservatives are utterly worthless and people like Gheen helped me understand why Alex Linder holds them in such contempt. Anti-racist conservatism will never attract non-whites in appreciable numbers. And yes, kosher cons are great at blaming liberals and liberal ideology for racial discord in America. They act as if the liberals disappeared tomorrow whites and non-whites would be dancing in the streets.

    Non-whites will never become aracial conservative Republicans and the ones that do retain their black (or mestizo) racial consciousness. RNP chairman Michael “Whad up?” Steele and congressman JC Watts are prime examples. Watts, if you recall, openly comtemplated voting for Obama out of racial solidarity.

  20. Because there are some deracinated “conservative” morons, conservatism is for morons? I haven’t performed a scientific survey, but it seems like this blog spends more time cutting down others within the movement than it spends contributing to the movement. While you all were on your forum using William Gheen to broadly insult all of conservatism, we morons were hosting an alternative rally which had more people and passion than his event.

  21. Yes. I had the honor of being individually bashed in private correspondence by the brave leader of the civil rights campaign of advocating for legal immigration.

  22. I’m trying to obey my policy of keeping private correspondence private. It wasn’t really that bad. He just abruptly scolded me for failing to disqualify myself from participating and notified me that my event was removed. Nothing as vitriolic as that masterpiece of laughable overcompensation he directed at Duke and Black.

  23. Perhaps next time, those of you that have decided to pursue the course of overt racism will think twice before trying to force people into association with you that chose not to be associated with you.

  24. Hey Gene, I’d never associate with you paleocon old fogies in the first place. You’ve been consistent sell outs and failures since the days of Oliver and Buckley.

  25. William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration is just another dead end “outlet” for those who are fed up with our country being invaded and yes, immigration is a race issue, becasue no one would care if the vast majority of illegals were whites coming from from predominently whites countries. White people have interests. Either you will assert your interests or you will be replaced, it’s that simple. Whites like Mr. Gheen can go the way of the dinasaur, I really don’t care

  26. Whether or not ‘amnesty’ for millions of Mestizos and other non-White illegal immigrant parasites actually passes doesn’t mean a damn thing at this point.

    There will be a pro-White racial reordering in the USA sometime in the not-too-distant future, amnesty or no amnesty.

  27. Gene,

    We didn’t attempt to force or manipulate anybody. We offered our support in private, were initially welcomed (probably by mistake), then were unwelcome. We politely went and did our own thing, explicitly stating that we’re not associated with any other group and explaining in respectful terms that there are actually two rallies one could attend.

    I’m a little confused about what lesson I’m supposed to have learned, being that our excluded rally outperformed the official rally in both attendance and impact.

  28. I never thought the day would come where the US is at the mercy of those two Middle Eastern tribes, Jews/Israelis and Muslims. Open the newspaper, turn on the tv news, scan the internet, and it’s apparent current events in the US are one way or another a result of the machinations of Jews and Muslims, sometimes fighting each other, sometimes fighting us. It’s all about Jews and Muslims 24/7.

    It is quite remarkable. James Bowery has advanced the idea of the “deep culture” which provides insight into this phenomenon. Jews and Arabs are both of “deep cultures” and excel at political action and dominance. Jews are small in number but great in wealth and intelligence, and Arabs are large in number but backward. But both have the combination of pushiness, aggression, political ability, hypocrisy, etc., that allows them to have such a large impact on the geopolitical landscape and frame world politics. It is hard to imagine, say, shy and passive Orientals, or taciturn Red Indians dominating the politics of the globe to such an extent and in the same manner. If they tried to pull the same stuff, they would be dismissed, ignored, or otherwise dealt with and promptly forgotten. And rightly so. But Jews and Arabs are much more politically sophisticated, and this allows them to get away with it.

    Recognizing this basic fact is the first step towards extricating oneself from them. One sees why their machinations are infused with sacred and cosmic meaning (Armageddon, the Second Coming, Jihad, World War IV, etc.). It is a political tool. It seduces others and outsiders. And it allows them to dominate discourse.

  29. It is true. Gheen is a stupid moron that even stupider people follow. I can’t understand what is so hard to understand about the reason for quotas, affirmative action, NOT OF BLACK PEOPLE WHICH CERTAINLY DESERVED IT, but of anyone that comes to the U.S. yesterday who isn’t white. What have these illegal aliens and other “immigrants done for the U.S. to deserve amnesty and affirmative action and quotas and preferential treatment over whites??? It’s outright hatred towards whites that motivates these policies. Gheen and his group are the political equivalent, strength wise, as far as any advocacy for white peoples rights goes, of a 19th century womens tea social.

  30. Thank you for this article.
    More people need to know about William Gheen and those like him. I have had personal interaction (the recipeient to a verbal berating via telephone and witnessing a speech directed to ‘our group’)with this man with regards to his attitude toward White Nationalists, racialists, or anyone that does not fit his template on who can be opposed to illegal immigration.

    Too many WNs jump onto the ALIPAC bandwagon because they ‘have a name’ in the Immigration Debate. They need to look at what they are supporting and use them for our ends, not help them achieve theirs.

  31. James Bowery has advanced the idea of the “deep culture” which provides insight into this phenomenon. Jews and Arabs are both of “deep cultures” and excel at political action and dominance.

    I think it’s less culture bound and more genetic. Semites are more psychologically intense, they like dominating others and making them conform. Secular Jews are often the worst.

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