Guy White on Nazis

As you can see, it is his favorite subject. This was so good that I felt compelled to share it with my favorite philo-Semitic blogger. A few days ago, Guy White had this to say about Arthur Kemp:

Whatever questions that may have existed about Kemp should now be erased. He’s most certainly not a Nazi.

I found this photo on the website of one of his Mediterranean antagonists. Oy gevalt!

Update: A commentator has claimed this photo is fake. I’m waiting for him or someone else to produce the original.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter Wallace, did you catch this quote from the Blog?

    “… read their own blogs and just cannot understand how someone who’s not a Jew (or married to one) could be opposed to them. ”

    Hmm… perhaps a freudian slip (chuckle) revealing that Guy White is married to a Jewess?

  2. He obsesses over the issue. Judging from his behavior, it is entirely reasonable to assume that he has some personal stake in the outcome of the debate. That’s why people accuse him of being Jewish, having a Jewish wife, working for a Jewish organization, etc.

    The average White Gentile doesn’t obsess over “anti-Semitism” on a daily basis. The average White racialist cares even less about the matter. The overwhelming majority of the people who invest that much time in writing about “anti-Semitism” are ethnocentric Jews.

  3. “Judging from his behavior, it is entirely reasonable to assume that he has some personal stake in the outcome of the debate. ”


    One thing I have observed as a generality is that hard-core anti-Racists (joiners of organizations and such) are usually involved in inter-racial relationships and this is what spurs them in their anti-racism! They don’t want sensible anti-miscegenation laws to return. The same thing is probably true for a type like Guy White but he is just involved with a Jewess.

  4. That picture is a fake and has been doing the rounds for a long time now. It has obviously been photoshopped onto a nutty picture of Kemp fooling around with a cowboy hat. Kemp has the original up somewhere on his blog. I will try and find it and send the URL.

  5. One thing I have observed as a generality is that hard-core anti-Racists (joiners of organizations and such) are usually involved in inter-racial relationships and this is what spurs them in their anti-racism!

    It is entirely self-centered, yes, and what’s worse is my observation that these scumbags often seem to be on some personal crusade to mix whites out of existence. It is a vile, mentally defective view of the world, I don’t care how “cool” it is. These are people whose self-loathing spills into a need to alter other people as well. It is disgusting, psychopathic and degenerate.

  6. Harsh Henry
    One thing I have observed as a generality is that hard-core anti-Racists (joiners of organizations and such) are usually involved in inter-racial relationships and this is what spurs them in their anti-racism!

    Or they’re stuck with the results of past interracial relationships, mixed race children.

    The possibility that their children might be excluded from citizenship gives them a lot of motivation.

  7. To: G.W.

    I’m not “obsessed” with you. I just thought you might be interested in that photo given your previous comment about Arthur Kemp. As for you having Jewish ancestry, a Jewish wife, or working for a Jewish organization, I remain agnostic on all the above. I don’t know you personally or enough about your background to make any substantial accusations; unlike your unfounded claim that I became an anti-Semite after being rejected from law school.

    People say these things about you because (in their minds) these theories explain (and predict) your behavior, not because they are crazy. The vast majority of people who are obsessed with “fighting anti-Semitism” are ethnocentric Jews. You write more about “anti-Semitism” than Half Sigma and Lawrence Auster. You’re far more philo-Semitic than David Kelsey. It is not unreasonable to suspect that you are Jewish yourself or have a Jewish spouse.

    If you would like to clear the air regarding these misunderstandings, I suggest you do a biographical post and explain to the gallery how you came to hold such extreme philo-Semitic views.

  8. People say these things about you because (in their minds) these theories explain (and predict) your behavior, not because they are crazy.

    They also say these things because they’re largely incapable of grasping how much racialism can rattle people. Racialism is troubling, it’s unsettling. It’s quite understandable that people would be wary of what they’re being asked to think. You scoff at that and defend doing so by saying you have far more important issues to attend to. But being a Nazi is no trivial distinction. Nazis are distinguished by their white-hot and unquenchable racial loathing; they have pinpointed the source of their travails (the Jews) and long to extirpate it, with all else playing second fiddle to that overriding objective, and in the process of concentrating their minds on that objective they become something, well, anti-human. So for one anonymous contributor to The Occidental Quarterly, some professor, had the Nazis bumped off the infamous six million it would have been no more than a little harmless house cleaning, certainly nothing to lose any sleep over. Being on one’s guard against allowing such thoughts and feelings to overwhelm one need have nothing to do with being a “philo-semite.”

    A “racial enemy” is an enemy unlike other enemies. He is an “enemy” only insofar as he exists “in the wrong part of the world” (or, perhaps for some extreme Nazis — the extreme of the extreme — insofar as he exists at all). But he needn’t doing anything more than exist; it’s not his criminality, not his IQ, not his cultural animosity. He’s just there, threatening with every breath he takes to breed you out of existence. And for that, the Nazi tells you, he should be treated just as any other wartime foe. It’s hardly surprising, then, that some (“moderate racialists”) should choose to take the time to distance themselves from such views and to ponder whether there is any natural check on racialism that would prevent it going so far.

  9. I’m not losing any sleep over Bill White, World Commander of National Socialism, or the NSM. Toons like that have always existed on the fringe of American politics.

    Their anarchist opponents tend to be more violent. An anarchist assassinated President William McKinley.

  10. To G.W.:

    I have a different recollection. In late June, I briefly mentioned you (Guy White, Moderate) in a mildly critical post about race realists. You responded the very next day – not two months later. Two weeks later (Jews and Politics), you showed up on Occidental Dissent and called me a “lying piece of garbage” and promised never to read this blog again.

  11. He’s now claiming that I am the reason he is an extreme philo-Semite. My first post about him (Guy White, Moderate) was a response to his “Is Pro-White activism harmed by radicalism?”

    In that post, Guy White:

    1.) Bashes Nazism.
    2.) Bitches about psychotic conspiracy theories.
    3.) Whines that anti-Semites are insane.
    4.) Claims he rejected “extremism” in April.
    5.) Compares Nazis and anti-Semites to Afrocentrists.
    6.) Says he was “forced into pro-Jewish arguments I really didn’t feel like making.”

    The Guy White we have all come to know is singing the same philo-Semitic tune he was before he had ever heard of this website.

  12. “They also say these things because they’re largely incapable of grasping how much racialism can rattle people. Racialism is troubling, it’s unsettling. It’s quite understandable that people would be wary of what they’re being asked to think.”

    Ask the folks if they want to go back to an older America, as envisioned by the Founders.

    Then inform them of the Naturalization Act of 1790. Clearly, this country was intended to be RACIALLY White:

    “. . .that any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such court, that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law, to support the Constitution of the United States…”

    America was founded on racialist grounds, not as a proposition country.
    Therefore real patriotism is racist!

  13. Let me respond here for once. I found this blog first when I googled “guy white” and found several attacks against myself, as well as Lawrence Auster and “a crypto-Semitic race trator like Jared Taylor.”

    I found two quotes against me (“Paleos and White Naitonalists” and “Smoking Out Auster”), and in fairness both of them were in your comments section. I think were were some other mentions of me in your posts too, but in any event, my first impression of this this place was that this was a GW-bashing blog. I left and forgot about it, but at one point you decided to include me in your daily assaults against those on the right who are just not right-wing enough for you.

    Your blog dedicates far more time bashing the right than the left, including every single right-wing ideology: conservatives, paleos, neocons, libertarians, Wall Street cons, Evangelicals, patriots, etc. I disagree with all of them to some degree too, and I’ve made that clear in many posts on my blog, but the left presents a bigger issue for me. Not for you, however.

    The key words you wrote is that I “responded”. That’s right. You and your readers sit here trashing every rightist – of every kind – who crosses you, including Jared Taylor.

    To the degree I responded to the AS, you and others, it was a response, often to the comments posted on my own blog or your posts written directly about me.

    I suggest you review my blog in 2008 before the AS showed up. I never wrote about the Jews, and yes, I did wrote often about South Africa and Zimbabwe.

    But for over a year, I kept getting almost daily emails urging me to speak about how the Jews control our government and the Holocaust is a lie invented to destroy the white race. I left the topic alone because it wasn’t (then) of any interest to me, but certain things did leave with me a feeling that I am not dealing with honest people.

    One wrote to me that “goy” means pig. I checked the word’s meaning, and it means nation or people. Criticize the Jews all you want, but lying is not a good idea, whether we are talking about the Jews or others.

    I want my blog to be more realist and therefore truthful. You are different in that your goal is merely to promote white nationalism by any means necessary. And that’s fine with me.

    I do believe that some non-Europeans – the Jews, the Orientals – are more intelligent on average, and therefore, will be more successful, and again therefore, will be more influential. This is no different than the tiny white minority in some African countries like Kenya being wealthier and more influential (per person) than the locals.

    But it’s radically different from suggesting that Jews control the world, and the poor German government – with a massive military – is forced to admit guilt for an invent that allegedly didn’t happen.

    Believe it or not, but my Jew Power series was not meant to address you, but the folks who believe what I just wrote above (a.k.a. most of your readers).

    You may not want to admit it to your audience, but you know that the Holocaust happened more or less as history says it did with 4-6 million people who were killed by various means that included gassing, shooting, starvation and insanitary conditions caused by the Germans.

    At the end of the day, I don’t believe that you are crazy enough to think that 3 million Polish Jews magically vanished, nor that the Polish government was lying about its demographics for 400 years, and building synagogues and Jewish cemeteries for 4 centuries just to screw the Germans. Over 90% of a community doesn’t just die, not even during war. (Only 10% of Polish Catholics died and Poland took a bigger civilian hit per capita than any other country.)

    While you are accusing me of lying to please someone, the honest truth is that the direct opposite is the case: you are picking fights with other conservatives and refusing to take sides on issues like the Holocaust precisely because your visitors really are crazy enough to believe that Poland was faking having millions of Jews for four centuries, and all those old synagogues and cemeteries are fake. You know that the Holocaust happened, and that’s why you refuse to take sides.

    I don’t know if you were honest about having a Master’s in Politics, but I can see you having a graduate degree. I still think that your sudden interest in Jews is most likely the product of this degree not being your first career choice (it almost never is), but that’s just a guess and for what it’s worth, you are decently intelligent and I don’t know what happened that caused you to get a Politics MA.

    Your readers, however, holy crap! Joe Biden is an Iraqi Jew?!

    Admittedly, every time I get a boost in traffic, I wind up with a few idiots. But I block them. Not because they disagree with me. If you look through my posts in the summer, there was a girl who sang my praises, but I just didn’t think she added anything intelligent with her posts, so I stopped her clutter.

    Read through my old posts. I blocked crazy Jews, nutty Christians, liberals, conservatives, anyone who added nothing intelligent with their comments.

    If you want to allow imbecilic comments here, good for you. This is your blog and if you feel that you benefit from being affiliated with people who think Tim Geithner is a Jew (no, he’s an Aryan) and that this proves a Jewish Conspiracy to ruin the American economy, that’s fine because it’s your blog.

    But you seem to be dragged by your visitors rather than running your own blog.

    Ultimately, even on the Jewish Question, you aren’t the radical most of your readers are, and in order to please them, you feel the need to attack others on the right to prove your credentials.

    However, your attacks have the exact opposite effect they are meant to. When you attack people, they will defend the position they believe is right.

    This is particularly true when you are attacking from a crazy position.

    Today I got an email saying that Oliver North warned the Senate in 1987 about Osama bin Ladin and Al Gore laughed at him. It’s false. It’s obviously false. It’s stupid and no person who knows anything about politics could believe it. So I responded back to the person warning him not to make himself look like an idiot with this kind of stuff in the future.

    The AS position is usually that crazy. If you want to discuss Jews having more power than their demographic numbers would suggest, that’s legitimate. If you start saying crazy things that nuclear China admits the Holocaust because Jews control the world, then you’ll be called out on it.

    Likewise, when you make things personal, people will not suddenly see the light and agree that their effigies should be burned.

    Our positions on the Jews – despite your AS brand and my PS brand – are not radically different, and if you stayed away from my blog, I’d stay away from yours. Or maybe I’d even read it sometimes, but there certainly wouldn’t be a back-and-forth dispute. I would skip the comments on your blog, but I certainly don’t have any reason to tell you whom you should and should not allow to comment on your own blog.

    I don’t know what you do for a living, but obsessing over an obscure blogger like me can’t be good for you. Go outside. Get some air. See a movie. You’ll understand just how unimportant Guy White and his wife are to you.

    But I suspect that you are afraid that if you stop bashing me and others on the right, someone might question your inadequate Holocaust and Conspiracy credentials.

    Or maybe you just feel the need to constantly fight with people.

  14. My response:

    1.) I have never attacked Jared Taylor anywhere on this blog. In fact, I have defended him from Alex Linder’s attacks over the years. In “Jared Taylor: Friend or Foe,” I explicitly said that he is not our enemy and explained his management style at Amren.

    2.) I’ve actually met Jared in real life. I know he reads this blog. It was the first thing he told me. I count him as a friend of mine.

    3.) I will be attending the next AR conference in February.

    4.) I reread both of the posts you cited. I never mentioned you in either of those threads (in the OP or the comments).

    5.) The first time I wrote anything about you was on June 29th in “Guy White, Moderate.”

    6.) You responded on June 29th in “Fighting for Respectability or Asking for the Truth,” not two months later, as you said on your blog.

    7.) You write far more about “anti-Semites” and “Nazis” than the Left. A search of your blog for “Jews” reveals multiple hits going all the way back to your very first blog entry.

    8.) I don’t trash “rightists” of every stripe. I’ve criticized a handful of people for various reasons in the pro-White movement, namely, the philo-Semites. Likewise, you have written harshly about Kevin MacDonald and David Duke.

    9.) I have good relations with most people in the WN movement. I know a lot of these people (including Jared Taylor) in real life. I write for TOQ Online.

    10.) You were crusading against Neo-Nazis and anti-Semites long before you ever met me.

    11.) You responded to me in multiple blog entries throughout the Summer and Fall.

    12.) I searched your blog for “Boers” and “Poles” the other day. I found a handful of entries. A search for “Jews” turns up far and away more hits.

    13.) I haven’t lied anywhere about the Jews.

    14.) A really smart and talented enemy is still an enemy.

    15.) I don’t have much interest in the Third Reich and zero interest in the Holocaust. I rarely write about European issues, period. That has always been my policy. The original subtitle of this blog was “Racial and Cultural Preservation in North America.”

    16.) I have zero interest in Polish history: ancient, medieval, modern. I don’t write about the Holocaust because – surprise, surprise – it doesn’t interest me.

    17.) The Holocaust is irrelevant to the Jewish problem we have in the United States.

    18.) I became interested in the Jewish Question as an undergraduate at Auburn University. I believe this was late 2001/early 2002. It had absolutely nothing to do with my career choice. There aren’t many Jews in East Alabama.

    19.) I have never censored anyone here (including you) for presenting an opposing view. The commentators often say kooky things, or things that I don’t agree with, but their views are not mine.

    20.) I have never attacked anyone here to please my readers.

    21.) I have never said that Jews control the world.

    22.) I don’t know where you got the idea that I said you should be burned in effigy. I’ve only criticized you for the philo-Semitic stance you have taken.

  15. Guy White
    At the end of the day, I don’t believe that you are crazy enough to think that 3 million Polish Jews magically vanished, nor that the Polish government was lying about its demographics for 400 years, and building synagogues and Jewish cemeteries for 4 centuries just to screw the Germans. Over 90% of a community doesn’t just die, not even during war. (Only 10% of Polish Catholics died and Poland took a bigger civilian hit per capita than any other country.)

    The most obvious explanation for the absence of jews from postwar Poland is that after being persecuted (no one denies that the jews were persecuted in occupied Poland) they decided to take advantage of the chaotic situation to emigrate to the United States where the largest jewish community in the world would welcome them, and where white people were very naive about typical jew behavior. Many others probably ended up in Palestine.

    This theory is more credible than the six million dead, which should have left some evidence in the form of mass graves, even if the mass graves were full of cremated remains. Cremation does not reduce the whole body to unidentifiable ash, it leaves large bone fragments as any funeral director can tell you.

    The hoax could be believed until the fall of the Iron Curtain opened up Eastern Europe to western historians and no mass graves were discovered.

  16. The sequence of this latest exchange:

    1.) I wrote a post about Arthur Kemp (Can America Be Saved? I).
    2.) Guy White responded to me (Arthur Kemp and White Nationalism).
    3.) I responded to Guy White (Can America Be Saved? II).
    4.) Guy White mentions me in a post about Alexa traffic (A quick Alexa explanation).
    5.) I post the Arthur Kemp photo for Guy White’s benefit (Guy White on Nazis).
    6.) Guy White reposts it on his blog (Arthur Kemp a Nazi?).
    7.) Guy White writes another post about deranged anti-Semites and mentions me (What the hell is wrong with you?).
    8.) Guy White blames me for becoming a philo-Semite (The Wrong Focus). He says that I attacked him for two months before he responded; false, as we have seen.

    But somehow I am the one who is “obsessed” with him.

  17. Guy, you should be thankful in a way, Hunter is giving you free publicity. I, and probably many others here, would have never heard of you and wouldn’t have visited your blog if not for Hunter discussing you.

    The interaction between you two is a curious one. Is it a love-hate thing? Because you two talk about each other quite often. I think Hunter has talked about you more than any other single person.

    Hunter, if you’re the sole reason for Guy’s dedication to philo-Semitism then you should take it as a compliment that you can motivate someone to spend so much of their life doing something.

  18. “It’s hardly surprising, then, that some (”moderate racialists”) should choose to take the time to distance themselves from such views and to ponder whether there is any natural check on racialism that would prevent it going so far.”

    I don’t see liberals agonizing that socialism might go too far or lack any natural check and give us the NKVD death squads, the Gulag system, Lubyanka, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolutions, etc. and 100 million dead like in the last century. No, Silver does a good job at internalizing the standard Jewish attack on any racial feelings of solidarity or concern for their interests on the part of Whites by throwing Auschwitz in their faces. “Discourse as war” as someone said recently.

  19. Hunter,

    1. Please understand. Sometimes I write because I hear something from someone. You wrote about Kemp. I thought I should weigh in on that. It’s not an attack against you. I just had my own thoughts.

    You did that to another blogger a couple months ago. Just because someone writes on the same topic, doesn’t mean that it’s directed at you. Notice that even here, I wrote about AS in general and you responded as if each claim is directed at you individually.

    2. Check my blog prior to March or April or so. There was very little discussion of Jews. There was a section on South Africa, but nothing on Jews until recent weeks. I did decide to open the topic prior to you, but it was dying off until you decided to obsess with every word I write.

    3. As for trashing right-wingers, it’s either you or your readers who do it daily. Like I said, you aren’t as extreme as most of them, which is why you have to take an agnostic position on certain issues. But my immediate impression of OD was that it’s a place where extremists bash the rest of the right.

    And to be honest, every time I popped up here, there was an attack against someone on the right.

    4. I did make my disdain for the Nazis clear even before you, but until the flood of anti-Semites who wanted to join in a discussion of the Holocaust, there was very little (though some) discussion of the Nazis, and far, far more of the leftists.

    Several people, like OneSTDV and others, commented in the spring that during the first year of my blog, they weren’t sure if I am a Nazi myself, but were relieved that I wasn’t.

    On the other side, I was invited to join all sorts of neo-Nazi organizations, including Stormfront and various Yahoo groups, again because the people assumed that being pro-White means being anti-Semitic.

    5. You really are obsessed with me. I write something and the next time I come to my PC, there’s almost always a response from you.

    You need to relax and breath. If you post a picture of Kemp and I repost it on my blog with a thank you note, then take it as a compliment, not another reason to get hysterical.

    I’ve reposted stuff from other blogs all the time without anyone reacting as you did.

    6. As far as your readers go, OldRight is a good example. He claims that 6 million Jews suddenly disappeared from Europe because they went to the US and Israel. To this day, Israel doesn’t have 6 million Jews. In fact, the number of Ashkenazi (European) Jews is 3 million TODAY. In 1945, there were fewer than half a million of them. Fewer than 100,000 of them arrived during the war. The same is true in the US: only about 100,000 arrived during the war. That’s 200,000 for Israel and the US, and no other country took a significant number (more than a few thousand) of Jews. What about the rest?

    The amount of evidence for the Holocaust is greater than for any criminal case I’ve ever seen when I worked in the DA’s office. If we couldn’t prove the Holocaust, we can’t prove a single crime out there. I am not going to go through it right now, but let’s just say that when 90% of the population disappears and fails to reappear elsewhere, only one explanation is possible. Unlike your readers, I think you know what that reason is.

    And yes, like I said, had it not been for you, I would have gone back to writing about the same thing I wrote about the first year of the blog.

    But you inspire me. 🙂

    I think I’ll go write about the pre-trial Huntley hearing as it connects to claims that poor Nazis were tortured by ZOG to admit to the Holocaust.

  20. By the way, I didn’t realize that I responded to your original post about me in June. You weren’t really all that prominent in my mind. But notice that for the following month, I totally ignored you as you “shadowed” everything I wrote. I couldn’t excuse myself to go to the bathroom without a lengthy response on your blog.

    It was only on July 26 that I wrote:

    There’s a blogger out there whose full-time job it seems is attacking me. Unfortunately, he insists on linking to this blog, so his readers (who have nothing but praise for Nazi Germany) are coming here.

    I would like to ask them to please leave…

    Attacks by that blogger and his Nazi-loving readers have all the sophistication of a Middle School girl.

    Anyone here who has/had a ~12-year-old daughter heard her call everything “gay”. If you have/had a 7-year-old in the house, you probably heard them confuse a pun for a joke. That is what passes for attacks on me. Yes, I will truly see the light on the Jewish Question if you call me “Gay White”. It really takes a lot of sophistication to turn “guy” into “gay”. I’m truly in awe of such intelligence.

    This blogger has been attacking me for probably month or two without a response. Eventually, I cited in one of my posts a paragraph I disagreed with (it didn’t deal with his attacks on me individually), and he just snapped. His blog degenerated into nothing more than the name calling (“you are a nobody” and “you are a loser”) one would see from a preteen girl. (They also found it necessary to discuss who would win a fistfight between Robert Lindsay and me.)

    This wasn’t a one-time event, the guy seems genuinely obsessed, blogging about me daily, sometimes more than once a day. No doubt this post will set him off for a few more posts before the weekend is over.”


    And it did.

  21. The amount of evidence for the Holocaust is greater than for any criminal case I’ve ever seen when I worked in the DA’s office. If we couldn’t prove the Holocaust, we can’t prove a single crime out there. I am not going to go through it right now, but let’s just say that when 90% of the population disappears and fails to reappear elsewhere, only one explanation is possible. Unlike your readers, I think you know what that reason is.

    Tendentious argument. I’m afraid Dr. Rudolf and others have had differing opinions on this matter. But were they allowed to air them? No, they were thrown in jail. That doesn’t speak very well to your ability to refute their findings, generally when the evidence is on your side you can debate the points without fear. The censorship suggests that you Holocaust-maniacs fear honest investigation.

  22. “Guy White:
    On the other side, I was invited to join all sorts of neo-Nazi organizations, including Stormfront and various Yahoo groups, again because the people assumed that being pro-White means being anti-Semitic.”

    They also probably assumed being pro-white means you don’t consider a quadroon white. Not so with GW! He’s full of surprises!

  23. I find it amusing that “Guy White” doesn’t even realize that the number “6” is a very important mystical number in the Jewish religion.

    What a naive and ignorant twit. 🙄

  24. Several people, like OneSTDV and others, commented in the spring that during the first year of my blog, they weren’t sure if I am a Nazi myself, but were relieved that I wasn’t.

    No they weren’t concerned whether you were “a Nazi.” They were concerned that you might have been pro-white instead of a philo-Semitic, pro-Asian, pro-black “race realist.” Many of the HBD/Race Realist types are hostile to white racialists.

  25. ZOG,

    Any proof that 6 has a special significance? Which part of the Old Testament says it? All holy books, including Jewish ones, are online. Care to point to a page that says 6 is special? And if it is, what does that mean for the Holocaust? That 6 million Jews disappeared in Europe and failed to re-appear elsewhere should be discounted because 6 may be a special number? (It’s not, but let’s go alone with it.)

    As for Dr. Rudolf, his investigation was utter bs. If you spray something on the wall, whether it’s gas or roach spray or paint, it won’t penetrate deep into the wall, which is where he conducted his study. The Polish government checked the very top layer of the wall and found proof that Rudolf failed to find.

    His study is an equivalent of looking for paint on your wall deep inside the stone, and then claiming that rumors of any house being painted are a hoax.

    Anyway, I addressed this before on my blog. I might cut and paste some parts of it and post a FAQ for you. I won’t address that here.

    But as Hunter can see, Holocaust is the most emotional issue for his flock, complete with crazy conspiracy theories.

    Yes, poor China with nuclear weapons and a billion people. It just can’t defend itself from the Jewish conspiracy and has to lie about the Holocaust. The whole world just can’t stand up to 13 million Jews and has to lie.

    And that’s the root of anti-Semitism. Insanity. Deranged insanity. 6 million people fall off the face of the Earth and the explanation for it is that a billion nuclear-armed Chinese in a country with no Jews are all afraid of the Jews. Yup, makes sense.

  26. 6 million Jews live in the United States alone. Another 5 1/2 million live in Israel. Another 3-4 million live in Europe, Canada, and Australia.

    I guess all these Jews just materialized out of thin air, huh, Guy Weiss? 🙄

  27. Not only does the number ‘6’ have special religious significance in Judaism, but the Jews tried to claim that ‘6 million’ of them died several times before WWII even occurred. 😉

  28. Yes, I explained that before.

    6 million Jews lived in Russia, which included Poland at the time, during WWI. The Russian Czar and his White Army initiated a genocide that resulted in 100,000 Jews getting killed, and would’ve had all of them killed had the White Army not lost. A true sign of a deranged conspiracist is looking for any conspiracy at any point in history and claiming it as proof.

    As for 6 million Jews in the US, almost all of them came prior to the immigration restrictions in the 1920s.

    Europe, Canada and Australia have 1 million Jews, not four.

    Israel’s population is mostly Arab/Sephardic Jews with only 2.5 to 3 million Ashkenazi.

    The point isn’t how many Jews are alive, but how many disappeared. By your logic, there was no murder of 50 million Chinese people by the Communists because hey, there are 1.3 billion of them still left.

    Poland lost 90% of its Jews. These 3 million Polish Jews failed to appear anywhere else. Immigration to the US and Palestine was closed except for a small trickle. There were no new Jewish communities established in either place. Your argument is so idiotic, I can’t believe I am even responding to you.

    I’ve addressed all these claims before because all of them are repeated by the neo-Nazis everywhere, and certainly on my blog by those who invaded in the spring.

  29. “A true sign of a deranged conspiracist is looking for any conspiracy at any point in history and claiming it as proof.”

    I meant “A true sign of a deranged conspiracist is looking for any COINCIDENCE at any point in history and claiming it as proof of a conspiracy.”

  30. Jews Squealed About a “holocaust” of “6 Million” Jews in Romania, Poland and Ukraine in 1919 at end of WWI

    The Jews have a documented history of fabricating alleged “genocides” of their people, and specifically a “holocaust of 6 million.” For example, an October 31, 1919 article in The American Hebrew journal entitled “The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!” warned of the impending mass murder and starvation of “six million” Jews in Eastern Europe, specifically using the term “holocaust” to describe the alleged situation.

  31. Yes, as I figured. Your citation is an anti-Semitic blog. But why use a secondary source when a first hand one should be freely available? Why not show me directly in Jewish books where it says that? Forgive me if I don’t bother reading crap. Show me something from the Old Testament that says that 6 million is a sacred number.

  32. Why not show me directly in Jewish books where it says that? Forgive me if I don’t bother reading crap. Show me something from the Old Testament that says that 6 million is a sacred number.

    The rabbis themselves say that ‘6’ is a sacred number in Judaism, dipshit. It’s kabala numerology. You did know that the rabbis are obsessed with numerology, didn’t you?

    Read that article, you lazy fuck.

  33. 1.) As I noted above, I posted my first response to you (Guy White, Moderate) on June 29th. You responded to me the very same day. It wasn’t two months later.

    2.) On June 30th, I responded to your response in “Guy White, Again.”

    3.) From June 30th to July 15th, I mentioned you in passing a few times, in the context of several other bloggers. I simply noted that you were a “race realist” like Ian Jobling and Robert Lindsay, but none of those posts were really critical.

    4.) On July 15th, I responded (Jews and Politics) to a post a yours about Jews being “particularly bad at politics.” You showed up here in the comments and called me a ” lying piece of garbage or a complete moron.”

    5.) On July 17th, I responded to your comments (Guy White, Reloaded) in the Jews and Politics thread.

    6.) On July 21st, I altered my WordPress theme, as we were both using Misty Look at the time.

    7.) On July 24th, you cited a blog entry of mine (The Negro) in “Why it is impossible to discuss Jews.” I responded (Guy Whine).

  34. Well, now that you called me names, I definitely have seen the light.

    Anyway, for anyone else who might be interested: “Six is part of the sexagesimal system but has little symbolic value.”

    Its only significance is that it’s the number of work days in a week. The real sacred number is 7. []

    You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t do my research on conspiracist blogs and prefer to get information directly from the horse’s mouth. Looks like ZOG is about to burst from all the reading he’s done there.

    In any event, the proof of the Holocaust is massive and every denialist claim has been responded to.

    The idea that Germans and the rest of the world are afraid of the Jews is the real derangement here.

    Beyond the fact that Jews don’t have such global power, even if they somehow did, you’d think one of the Chancellor’s of Germany who’s about to drop dead would write a note saying, “hey, we didn’t kill anyone. Them Jew bastards forced us to say so. We were very nice to them.”

    Likewise, you’d think that the people in Poland and other countries would say things like, “hey, I remember the Jews during WWII. Nobody bothered them. They got a visa and left. I went to the train station and saw them leave on a regular train. I never once saw them get rounded up, nor did I smell any burning flesh.”

    But instead, the people who lived through the Holocaust are the ones who never deny it. You’d think that old Poles and Ukrainians would be most likely to deny something that never happened. But I guess no 90-year-old Pole is brave enough to at least leave a dying note or something. Yes, the Jews will get him in the grave!

  35. Hunter,

    Exactly. So on my blog, from June 29 to July 24, I made no references to you. You kept writing about me repeatedly and obsessively. I don’t want to re-read old posts now, but my recollection of them was that they were highly negative. I wouldn’t expect you to say something positive about Auster or Jobling.

    I made one comment here because you – to this very day – insist on quoting me incorrectly. If you want to cite me, then why not copy and paste what I just wrote? It’s easier and faster. But no, you re-write what I wrote because you want to make it sound completely different from the way I meant it.

    It’s easy fighting strawmen, isn’t it?

    But in any event, over 4 weeks, there was no mention of you on my blog and one comment here. You’d think that you’d move on. But no, you obsessed over me, often several times daily until your readers rebelled. Then you took a short break and following that, went back to the All Guy White, All The Time format.

  36. Guy Weiss, nobody is buying your bullshit here. Go peddle it somewhere else. The Hollow Hoax has been exposed as a massive fraud, and thanks to the internet, millions of people are learning about this ever year.

    The jig is up, asshole. 😀

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