Response to R.E.A.L.

R.E.A.L. has responded to my criticism of their protests of the H.L. Mencken Club. The trackback came through a few minutes ago. Here is my response:

1.) Give up this schtick of yours about “hate.” It takes an incredible amount of “hate” (extreme dislike) to harass your ideological opponents in real life, to try to disrupt their events, to travel all the way to Baltimore and stand outside in the rain with a cardboard sign just to make an ideological point. In your eyes, I am a “hater,” but I can’t muster up the motivation to do something like that.

You hate White Nationalists. That’s why you write about us seemingly every other day. Okay. Fine. Every human being on earth has things he or she dislikes. In reality, there is little difference between the two of us, aside from the fact that you feel your hate is licensed by our elites. You have a sanctimonious. holier-than-thou, highminded air about your organization which we don’t generally share. This is probably the legacy of your ideological descent from various Protestant cults.

2.) There is no such thing as “universal human rights.” It is a discourse backed by the authority of international law. These “rights” of yours aren’t derived from nature or divine authority. They were imposed on the world by fiat after WW2. They have no legitimate claim on our actions.

3.) We don’t share your liberal consensus that “liberty” and “equality” are the only or the highest goods. We certainly don’t believe in non-discrimination.

4.) The “brotherhood of humanity” is a Judeo-Christian religious ideal. I don’t believe in the “brotherhood of humanity” or other aspects of that tradition. The natural history of our species suggests otherwise.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Choose love, not hate.

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
    — July 4, 1776, American Declaration of Independence

  2. “He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”
    – July 4, 1776, American Declaration of Independence

    “Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such slow degree as that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be pari passu filled up by free white laborers. If on the contrary it is left to force itself on, human nature must shudder at the prospect held up. We should in vain look for an example in the Spanish deportation or deletion of the Moors. This precedent would fall far short of our case.”
    – Thomas Jefferson, Feb. 8, 1821

  3. Lawrence Auster linked to us in the earliest days of this blog when he was unaware of my “anti-Semitism.” He certainly doesn’t endorse anything I am writing here. I’ve criticized Auster on multiple occasions.

  4. >The “brotherhood of humanity” is a Judeo-Christian religious ideal.

    First of all, there is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian”, and that term was invented by Jews in modern times to purposefully blur the distinction between Christian culture and Jews/Judaism. No less an authority than Barnie Frank the Jewish Congressman from MA said “I’ve never met a Judeo-Christian.”

    It is a (common) misunderstanding that Christianity “comes from” Judaism, when in fact they developed in parallel and even in opposition roughly at the same time. This is a proposition I can defend academically without any resort to notions of “Christian Identity” “whites are the lost tribes of Israel” or “Jews are really Khazars.”

    In fact traditional Protestantism, especially of the Calvinist variety (Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Reformed Baptist, etc.) are pretty explicitly *anti* “brotherhood of all mankind” and Lutheranism was always pro-White. The liberalism in Protestantism was imposed from the outside and the top post WWII, just as was done to the Catholics with Vatican II.

    Please don’t do our enemies work for them.

  5. @R.E.A.L. Organization

    Since you’re making an appearance, would you state whether or not your group gets funding from Jewish organizations and/or funding from government sponsored or UN sponsored groups?

    I’m especially interested in Jeffrey Imm’s “anti-jihad” activities.

    To the forum, I’m being completely serious when I say that many “Christian” groups, especially those that are involved in international missionary work, anti-Christian persecution, and human rights activity are *often* a front group for US intelligence agencies (this has been very consistent in Latin America for instance).

  6. Just reading their site, how is it any way “Christian”? Their main focus seems to be the UN Declaration of Human Rights (currently only being promoted by the Jewish Noam Chomsky).

    Their topic page lists: Islamic Supremacism, Racial Supremacism, Aryan Nazi Supremacism and Reports on Iran and Democracy. Their top links: International Campaign Against Honour Killings, Simon Wiesenthal Center, ADL and $PLC.

    I think it’s pretty easy to figure our where that agenda comes from. Notice the absence of any concern for the rights of Palestinians, Jewish supremacism, or religious rights against approval of homosexuality. The only concern for Christians seem to be those in Muslim countries (for the obvious reasons…)

    Why not just call this Jewish group what is it – Jewish – regardless if they hired some non-Jews to be frontmen?

  7. R.E.A.L is a pro-Zionist “anti-racist” blog. Apparently the racist oppression, torture and murder of the Palestinians by Jews is of no concern to them as they are about the business of using “anti-racism” as a pretext to shame into submission opponents of Jewish supremacism.

  8. White Non-Con: “In fact traditional Protestantism (…) is pretty explicitly *anti* “brotherhood of all mankind”

    I think Christianity is pro-brotherhood of all mankind, whereas Judaism is pro-brotherhood of Jews.

    The Jewish “religion” is only intended for the Jews.
    It is said to be transmitted through the mother’s genes!
    By contrast, Christians have tried to convert every race in the world.

  9. Search the “R.E.A.L” site using the keywords “Zionism” and Palestinians” and see for yourselves.

    “Choose love, not hate.”

    It is an open secret that within Israel’s torture chambers anything goes, even unto genital mutilation. This, from the same gene-line that applied ruinous torture to hapless Slavic peasants, as the security forces of the Bolshevik regime. Our enemies are hypocritical, inhuman filth.

  10. Apparently the racist oppression, torture and murder of the Palestinians by Jews is of no concern to them as they are about the business of using “anti-racism” as a pretext to shame into submission opponents of Jewish supremacism.

    Per K-Mac, this sort of cognitive dissonance is merely a part of the Jewish Evolutionary Strategy – the lack of introspection leading to immense hypocrisy is inbred.

  11. MacDonald is overly generous, for there is a baseline of viciousness within the Jewish psyche that ought to arouse disgust in all decent men.

  12. I think it’s pretty easy to figure our where that agenda comes from. Notice the absence of any concern for the rights of Palestinians, Jewish supremacism, or religious rights against approval of homosexuality. The only concern for Christians seem to be those in Muslim countries (for the obvious reasons…)

    It’s pretty egregious.

    I just briefly perused the site and was struck by its expansive coverage. The most obscure and varied groups, peoples, and issues from around the world are covered – Coptic Christians in Egypt, “Renegade Mormon” groups in Texas, “Human Rights” in China, etc. It is literally as if every single corner of this planet has been critiqued and has been made the moral target of this group. All except for one place and people, of course.

    A search for “Palestine” on the site turns up 2 stories; one on German “Neo-Nazis” and “Islamists,” and another on Christians in Iraq. And a search for “Israel” turns up a bunch of stories on, you guessed it, those evil “Neo-Nazis,” “Islamists,” “Jihadists,” the “Westboro Baptist hate group,” and on and on.

    It’s just remarkable to see such a naked display of that potent brew of chutzpah and hypocrisy staring at you in the face.

  13. Robert Lindsay on “the rational element to White Nationalist discourse” –

    Also, see comments @

    Lots of misinfo and just plain ignorance about WNism over there in those posts; they’re saying things like it doesn’t matter if a nation becomes racially mongrelized, that race-mixing does not have severely negative effects on nations which eventually leads to their decay, degeneration, and downfall.

    Robert Lindsay just resigning California and the entire nation to the mongrel Mestizos hordes of morons and overbreeders: “The future is for the US to become just another Latin American country. I have already written about that. I’ll be dead by then, but I’m already living that reality anyway.”

    Utter absurdity.

  14. @R.E.A.L. Organization

    “Since you’re making an appearance, would you state whether or not your group gets funding from Jewish organizations and/or funding from government sponsored or UN sponsored groups?”

    I don’t think we are going to hear much more from these Marxists, since Hunter, in the second post just following their boilerplate propaganda, so eloquently ‘schooled’ their little red asses by reminding them that it is a semi-colon rather than a period after Jefferson’s “all ‘men’ are created ‘equal” Masonic drivel.


    >The “brotherhood of humanity” is a Judeo-Christian religious ideal.

    “First of all, there is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian”, and that term was invented by Jews in modern times to purposefully blur the distinction between Christian culture and Jews/Judaism. No less an authority than Barnie Frank the Jewish Congressman from MA said “I’ve never met a Judeo-Christian.””

    Right on ‘White Non-Conservative’!, this is a jew propaganga claim.

    Let’s also never forget that the “Brotherhood of Man” tripe, which is far more Communist than Christian, has its modern, practical origins in the Free Masons and other occult ‘religions’!

  15. The founders of the United States were White nationalists. White men all, their founding document created a government “to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” and explicitly excluded amerindians and blacks.

  16. When I recently read Michael O’Meara’s review (“The Jews as Planetary Cultists”) of Herve Ryssen’s book, “Planetary Expectations,” in the TOQ online, my impression was that while Ryssen’s book was probably interesting with some important ideas, its thesis was probably a little too ambitious and far fetched. But coming across a group like “R.E.A.L.,” I can’t help but think that there’s probably more to Ryssen’s thesis than I initially suspected.

  17. “It takes an incredible amount of “hate” (extreme dislike) to harass your ideological opponents in real life”

    That’s a good point, and one that’s never occurred to me. Use a practical, common-sensical definition of “hate” rather than a political one, and it becomes clear just how much there is going around.

  18. R.E.A.L. strikes me as more Christian than Jewish.

    It is possible, of course. Though Christian groups that link to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, ADL, SPLC, etc., and or support Israel/Jews strongly tend to be either liberal or Christian Zionists, and are thus greatly influenced by Jews indirectly.

    Also, Christian groups don’t tend to obsess about “Aryan Nazi Supremacism,” “Neo-Nazis,” etc.

  19. @HW the people who show up to protest may well be White, but it’s obvious the group is run by Jews and their agenda was written by Jews. Do you honestly believe otherwise? Isn’t it obvious they are funded by ADL/SPLC?

    If they were liberal Christians they would be pro-Palestinian, if they were conservative Christians they would be concerned about “hate speech” pro-gay laws, and if they were internationalist Christians they would have mentioned anti-Christian activity in non-Muslim countries as well.

    There’s not a hint of Christianity, liberal or conservative, on that site.

  20. All you have to do is find out the name of the leader of that group and a picture of him and you’ll be able to tell immediately whether he’s a Jew or not. 😉

  21. The Founding Fathers were more than just White Nationalists. They were White Supremacists.

    This is an historical fact that really gets under the skin of the Marxist egalitarian anti-racist types. 🙂

  22. Uh-oh, I just found out everything you could ever want to know about Jeffrey Imm.

    I got you, Jeff. You’re busted. 😉

  23. Okay, here’s the scoop on Jeffrey Imm.

    1.) He is a former FBI employee and currently a consultant for the Dept. of Homeland Security.
    2.) He is a member of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
    2.) His wife is Jewish.


  24. Jeffrey Imm, who lives in Baltimore, read the CJN article on a terrorist and hate crime watch Web site where it had been posted. Imm, a former FBI employee who does outsourcing work for Homeland Security, thought the incident was nothing less than reprehensible.

    Imm’s wife, Karen (nee Heiser), a former Clevelander who is Jewish, recalls asking her husband,…

    In reply, Imm, a member of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, sent both Shull and Eberts a complimentary copy of the Wiesenthal publication, Dismantling the Big Lie.


  25. So his wife is Jewish and he’s gone completely “native” as it were.


    It makes you think about James Bowery’s “Genetic Omni-Dominance Hypothesis” and how the more dominant type expresses its phenotype, and the recessive type ends up serving (and being part of) the dominant types’ extended phenotype.

  26. “The Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews”
    ~ Gilad Atzmon – Writings

    […] The book opens with a prohibition against killing non-Jews and justifies it, among other things, on the grounds of preventing hostility and any desecration of God’s name. But very quickly, the authors move from prohibition to permission, to the various dispensations for harming non-Jews, with the central reason being their obligation to uphold the seven Noahide laws, which every human being on earth must follow. Among these commandments are prohibitions on theft, bloodshed and idolatry. [The seven Noahide laws prohibit idolatry, murder, theft, illicit sexual relations, blasphemy and eating the flesh of a live animal, and require societies to institute just laws and law courts—INT]

    “When we approach a non-Jew who has violated the seven Noahide laws and kill him out of concern for upholding these seven laws, no prohibition has been violated,” states the book, which emphasizes that killing is forbidden unless it is done in obedience to a court ruling. But later on, the authors limit the prohibition, noting that it applies only to a “proper system that deals with non-Jews who violate the seven Noahide commandments.”

    The book includes another conclusion that explains when a non-Jew may be killed even if he is not an enemy of the Jews. “In any situation in which a non-Jew’s presence endangers Jewish lives, the non-Jew may be killed even if he is a righteous Gentile and not at all guilty for the situation that has been created,” the authors state. “When a non-Jew assists a murderer of Jews and causes the death of one, he may be killed, and in any case where a non-Jew’s presence causes danger to Jews, the non-Jew may be killed.” […]

    Ah yes, the jewdayo supremacist Talmudic worldview … where good is evil, and evil good.

    “R.E.A.L. Organization: Where genuine love is ‘hate’ … and R.E.A.L. hate ‘love’.

    All I further have to say is John 8:44 and Revelation 2:9, 3:9, New Testament. These passages in the Bible capture perfectly the deceitful double-dealing nature on who God’s people REALLY ARE.

  27. “Here is a picture of Jeffrey Imm with his fat ugly Jewish wife Karen Heiser:”

    Wow, they both really hit the proverbial jackpot with eachother there!

    Good golly Miss Molly!!!

  28. So this Imm fellow, your pure White brother, does he get to stay in your ethnostate, provided he leaves the kikess and maybe repents a little for this anti-White nonsense? And am I correct that your scientists have determined that his anti-White behavior is NOT a biological compulsion, as with the Jews, but something else. (witchcraft perhaps?)

    “Kulaks Never Learn” — Gilad Atzmon doesn’t seem to be biologically compelled to defend Jewish crime and attack Whites, now how is that possible?

  29. WA,

    I thought we already reached some common ground on this issue, but every new comment of yours just reeks of sophistry and sows doubts in mind.

    So I’ll ask again.

    Do you agree that Whites have the right to form jew-free White ethnostates?

    Remember, I have no problem with exclusively Jewish ethnostates, White ethnostates that include Jews, black ethnostates that include Jews, etc.

  30. Bernard, the guy who wrote and self-published that book did so in the early forties, a time when even Holocaust deniers acknowledge that Jews were being treated terribly. It was a product of its time. Are you suggesting that those are the TYPICAL views of Jews at all times towards Whites, including now? Any evidence for such a claim?

    To repeat, I agree that you are free to try to form a Jew-free ethnostate provided it is outside of my country, the United States of America. If you try to form your state within the United States, unless it is an extremely tiny enclave, I will do everything I can to stop you. Outside the U.S.A., you have my basic indifference mixed with some mild curiosity.

    I think its a stupid, unnecessary thing to do, and I keep trying to point out the irrationality that I think lies behind it, in hopes you’ll explain your reasoning better or have some doubts created in your own mind. All Jews are not your enemy, and most of your enemies are not Jews. Focusing on that takes away the emphasis from where it should be, that of White self-consciousness and self-assertion.

  31. There’s nothing more to say about the book. It speaks for itself.

    To repeat, I agree that you are free to try to form a Jew-free ethnostate provided it is outside of my country, the United States of America. If you try to form your state within the United States, unless it is an extremely tiny enclave, I will do everything I can to stop you. Outside the U.S.A., you have my basic indifference mixed with some mild curiosity.

    Let’s be perfectly clear. So you don’t believe in the principle of free association within the current political borders governed by US government? Only outside them? This is a simple yes or no question.

    I think its a stupid, unnecessary thing to do, and I keep trying to point out the irrationality that I think lies behind it, in hopes you’ll explain your reasoning better or have some doubts created in your own mind. All Jews are not your enemy, and most of your enemies are not Jews.

    There’s no “irrationality” behind it. Nor is it ultimately about “the Jews.” Ultimately it’s about the principle of free association. I thought we already established a basic understanding of this principle.

    Focusing on that takes away the emphasis from where it should be, that of White self-consciousness and self-assertion.

    Not mutually exclusive.

  32. It depends how you define free association. As an American citizen, you have and should have many choices about whether or not you must directly associate with Jews. You can refuse to patronize or support Jewish businesses or movies or schools were Jews enroll. You can live in parts of the country where there are few or no Jews. And you work to repeal laws that have limited greater freedom to disassociate — this is Jared Taylor’s long-term project, so that you could actually have Jew-free residential covenants and so forth if you really want them. I support all this. What I do not support is your right to disassociate your self from any other citizens by attempting to revoke THEIR CITIZENSHIP. If you seek to disassociate from Jews beyond the steps and possibilities I have just named, the only way I would support your doing this is if you revoke your own citizenship and leave the country. I believe Citizenship must inalienable, unless you pledge allegiance to another nation, renounce your citizenship, committ a treasonous crime, or the nation dissolves. Otherwise, no one can be secure that they are in their homeland.

  33. The point of a jew-free White ethnostate is not about having a clubhouse or a neighborhood or something.

    It’s about sovereignty.

    Secession, political devolution, and other means are possible as well.

  34. OK, I think that’s enough. In the extremely unlikely event that such an opportunity comes to pass in the future, if your dream can be accomodated without loss to any other party, I’ll support it.

  35. Hunter, I was at the meeting for the whole weekend. It was very informative and got to meet some very nice people.

    So far as the two protesters standing in the rain outside, they didn’t matter and for the most part they came off as nut cases.

    I hope the turnout next year increases and we can do this again.

    Best Regards to all who attended,
    Sherwood Smith

  36. What I do not support is your right to disassociate your self from any other citizens by attempting to revoke THEIR CITIZENSHIP.

    Interesting. Does this mean the hordes of Somalis, Hmong, Mexicans, Chinese, Mexicans, and assorted muds who have become “American” citizens in recent decades, are here permanently? Surely not.

  37. Jew Advocate
    So this Imm fellow, your pure White brother, does he get to stay in your ethnostate, provided he leaves the kikess and maybe repents a little for this anti-White nonsense?

    Anti-white leaders can go live with their jew masters in Israel.

  38. “We urge those who criticize us to end their hate and contempt for our white civil rights, accept our white civil rights of free association and liberty from multiracial tyranny, and respect the rights and preservation of all white nations. Choose love, not hate.

    Love Wins.”

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