There is a troll impersonating me at Majority Rights. He tried to post here earlier this morning. If you read something over there that doesn’t sound like me, it probably isn’t me.
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There is a troll impersonating me at Majority Rights. He tried to post here earlier this morning. If you read something over there that doesn’t sound like me, it probably isn’t me.
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Maybe Uh is trying to use you as a sock-puppet 🙂
We know the usual suspects, Fade.
What do you make of Lou Dobb’s recent turnabout? The man now supports amnesty!
“Former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs, pondering a future in politics, is trying to wipe away his image as an enemy of Latino immigrants by positioning himself as a champion of that fast-growing ethnic bloc.
Former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs reaches out to the Latino community, possibly ahead of a political run. WSJ reporter Peter Wallsten says Mr. Dobbs is even for legalizing the undocumented now.”
What can we say? Dobbs really puts the CON in conservative…Or could it be a strategic move, that he’s just posturing like this to get elected?
Yeah, one of typical nitwits over there believed it without hesitation. Guess who…
Lou Dobb’s anti-illegal immigrant schtick ran it’s course, now he needs a new one.
Was it you or the troll, making those awful comments about Soren?
I haven’t posted anything about Soren over there.
HW, having appreciated your considerable contributions to my WN education since the days of your Fade persona, I did not believe for one moment that it was you.
I can only laugh at the prospect that uh is considered some kind of genius because he once read a social psychology text book and is capable of mimicking other’s writing styles. Read: Neither is that hard.
Who called him a genius? NN?
A bit off topic:
Phil Rushton here,
Two nights in a row of watching back-to-back TV dramas celebrating Darwin’s great works and its sequelae, including one on the Scopes Trial in Tennessee. The anti-science brigade are always no-nothing Christians and Richard Dawkins can always be counted on for a few more good kicks at the almost-corpse. But where are the Dawkinses in the push back against the political left who have done the most damage to Darwinism over the last 100 years?
Great to see Ralph Holloway and Napoleon Chagnon still standing and wielding bloody cudgels against the Academic Left and the AAA. But “evolutionary psychology” and “anthropological ecology” are pale versions of the full bodied “human sociobiology” that might have been. Very little emphasis on behavior genetics and modern processes of evolutionary selection to be seen, perhaps in part because most evol psychs have very few children and thorioughly enjoy the bio-diversity brought about by mass immigration of people who do have lots of children. Even noticing this, of course, let alone mentioning it, is guaranteed to make one perceived as a racist.
But then there was the item in the evol-psych digest that just came my way that made me want to throw caution to the wind again as it intersected with some data I’m analyzing.
The item was on Making the Grade Isn’t About Race, its About parents and the story was that African immigrants to the US are supposedly doing better in school than African Americans because they have fathers who will kick their asses if they don’t succeed. Ah, so THAT’s the magic bullet? Not disagrreing with importance of ftahers or of selective migration, but, in general, what a hoot!
The data I’m reviewing is of reading and math scores going back every year to 1962, and tomorrow I hope to go back to the 1930s and maybe even to post civil war when schools began. The bottom line is that every year since record keeping began, Blacks in grade 12 score like Whites in grade 8 or 9, that is 3 or 4 years behind. Yet, every year or two there is another flurry of explanations and magic bullets proposed (remember segregation in the 1950s? school bussing in the 1960s, head start programs throughout the 70s?). Well, Africans on international tests score even worse than do African Americans (who are, after all, 20% White, and get the benefits of living in a White majority country with all the nutrition, technology, schools etc.).
Yet while all of this was acceptable to evolutionists for thirty and fory years after Darwin (who also knew and wrote about brain size differences) , it has all been made to disappear by the politically correct brigade who silence any alternative suggestion to “White racism” as the cause. Remember James D. Watson’s fall from grace?
I wonder if Ralph and Nap think things are going to get better soon? The AAA after all did start up an evolutionary section recently, which they never would have a few years ago. And, in the labyrinths of academe at any rate, race realism and IQ studies do proceed apace.
A backhanded defense from Kapn Kapusta!
I wouldn’t impersonate anyone. But that troll did a good job on Soren, if anyone caught it. “Neither is that hard … “
I can only laugh at the prospect that uh is considered some kind of genius because he once read a social psychology text book and is capable of mimicking other’s writing styles. Read: Neither is that hard.
If we assume, as has danielj, that the Captain is here alluding to my own assessment of “uh,” we infer that the Captain is showing himself somewhat short of the gifts with which one assesses genius, on multiple counts. To see in uh’s contributions the mere reading of a text book and another’s consideration of him in terms of the same imputation is both middling-minded misapprehension and small-mindedly motivated. No offense intended – just a clinical observation of the obvious by someone who is not short of the suitable gifts.
I’m satisfied with this interpretation: Hunter Wallace provides valuable contributions to the intellectual development of racialism, Punter Walleye comes to terms with his own (self perceived) inadequacies by throwing monkey wrenches in the gears of that process.
Inadvertently performing a service, thus, in disabling the racialist intellectual machinery, to the pathetic and unproductive operation of which racialists are obsessively dedicated.
Friedrich Braun,
Where did you get that piece by Phil Rushton?
From VNN front page archives.
Examine the style.
I haven’t posted any of these stupid messages on Majority Rights. Honestly, why the fuck would I post something there and come here and deny it?
It is not my fault that any troll has the ability to sign as anyone there. JW Holliday complained about the problem ages ago. It was never fixed.
Cap’n picked the wrong day to fuck with me. I was already in a bad mood. He’s finished at OD.
And to have not detected sarcasm in my critique – yes, intended to humble – is indicative of a tin ear.
Or significant of recognition that “sarcasm” derivative of a crayola creation strikes one as does playschool graffiti, sounding less like sarcasm and more like childish petulance. Hardly humbling of anyone but the author.
“Inadvertently performing a service, thus, in disabling the racialist intellectual machinery, to the pathetic and unproductive operation of which racialists are obsessively dedicated.”
You seem to be imply here that you yourself believe Brad The Dean of Grif is up to something akin to his old tricks, e.g., reading and posting private messages associated with his old forum onto the forum proper. If you honestly think that is productive, instead of making explicitly what criticisms he intends to make (assuming there truly is a criticism implied, and not just another wet-noodle getting his jollies), then you are too clever by far, and therefore not really clever at all.
Your premise, and by implication, your conclusion, are mistaken. The point was that an inadvertent disruption of racialist thinking might permit balancing considerations of class and culture to intrude. These considerations, however, seem to be emotionally impermissible, and uh then feels like throwing stones at the rock-headed, and I throw shit back at the monkeys.
And OldRight wants to send me and CV to the stake.
Why is there so much drama and intrigue here? Why do so many posters on WN blogs feel the need to have strange personae and pseudo-literary writings styles? Why can’t we discuss things like serious people? Lately, there has been more discussion of various trolls and weirdos than of substantive issues. If that isn’t “discourse poisoning,” what is?
Jesus, CC, what’s so hard about accepting that your conspiracy theory re: HW and Uh is not accurate? As I’ve shown, as others have corroborated, ML and Uh are one and the same and that person is not HW. HW = Scimitar, FtB, prozium, etc. ML = uh, GR, genosnipe, sudaka, anti-euro, etc. Good God, the difference between the two is like night and day in terms of style.
Too much time in racialist land I guess induces paranoid delusions.
Title of the thread.
ML and Uh are one and the same and that person is not HW…Good God, the difference between the two is like night and day in terms of style.
Style, shmyle – I yam poysonally acquainted wit da boat of dese two gentlemen – and I can say, witout feya of contradiction, dat day are not, in any way, shape, or foym, one and da same poyson.
Welcome to my world, Fade. Impersonation is extremely aggravating and can lead to people getting piled on when they don’t even deserve it.
Although not too much sympathy for that J W Holliday.
“If that isn’t “discourse poisoning,” what is?”
Anything to deflect the discussion from jewish culpability.
I must say this whole thing has turned into a soap opera. Let’s all acknowledge there is a troll impersonating HW and get back to discussing serious subjects of interest to serious minded white people.
I do think that “Uh”s VNN Forum piece on Constantin “Big Von” Hoffmeister was a work of genius: yes it was funny, but beyond that I thought it was genuinely insightful. I would love to hear his take on Alex Linder.
Why is there so much drama and intrigue here?…Why can’t we discuss things like serious people? Lately, there has been more discussion of various trolls and weirdos than of substantive issues. If that isn’t “discourse poisoning,” what is?
Anything to deflect the discussion from more practical matters: networking, organisation, politics, etc.
when you set up a blog on your own, you’ll learn what builds traffic and what doesn’t.
Professionalism doesn’t build traffic.
A skilled computer network engineer of my acquaintance used to sign all his emails with a GPG signature. Below the code block was the slogan, “If I didn’t sign it, I didn’t write it!”
I asked him about this and he explained that impersonation is very easy. Thus his signature gave him the ability to repudiate forged emails.
Perhaps GPG or PGP could somehow be adapted to present needs. Sadly I am not a teacher in this field.
I do think that “Uh”s VNN Forum piece on Constantin “Big Von” Hoffmeister was a work of genius: yes it was funny, but beyond that I thought it was genuinely insightful. I would love to hear his take on Alex Linder. (Greg Johnson)
Coincidentally, I was reading that piece just yesterday.
Yeah, Giles should definitely interview youthful genius, Marshall Lentini, on Linder, Renner, et al.
Link to that piece on CvH, please. I’ve had a few run-ins with that character online.
Message #136
god damn it, I wish they’d just purge all those kane123123 posts from VNN. Damn forum warfare always gets me to join places I shouldn’t in self-defense.