About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think the better question to ask is, why do racialist whites here prefer to tap away at their keyboards instead of engaging in practical activities aimed at building some kind of organization–ANY kind of organization–in the real world?

    I’ve got a few real life contacts. I’ll met up with anybody, anytime, anywhere. I make plenty of money for plane tickets or to host between 3-5 at my apartment.

    I’m in New England, but I’ll be in Southern California next Friday for a test/interview if anybody wants to “organize.”

  2. @ HW ~ The BNP have drop-kicked the issues of race, Islam, and immigration into national debate, have forced the power elites to show their authoritarian hand, and are enjoying growing popular support from the voting public (if polls are anything to go by). I would say that’s progress. Whether it turns into full-on revolution that effects fundamental change at the policy, political, and cultural levels–well, it’s probably too early to tell. But it’s a start.

    It is a fundamental difference in strategy: do we bend to public opinion on race, engage in “practical politics,” or do we try to change the culture?

    Great question. My answer would be: we do both. Engage in practical politics, if only through a EUPAC-type organization, run candidates, influence existing politicians, and show White voters that white advocacy is entirely legitimate (“raising white racial consciousness”). But also, continue to run influential websites (such as OD), blogs, webmags, journals, to shape the national discourse on race and immigration and therefore the culture; and form local and regional network of WN activists, which, as you and Greg know, is already being done as we speak.

    @ danielj ~ Where in SoCal?

  3. I’m flying into LAX brother. I’m only going to be around Friday and Saturday morning but I don’t mind staying up late or all night if the conversation is worth it.

    I’ve got friends in Santa Barbara, Chino, Ontario, Diamond Bar, Irivine and most of the O.C. Also, my mom lives San Juan so I’ve got people down thataway too.

  4. “Arthur Kemp may be conservative on the JQ, but some would call him an extremist for his Nordicism.”

    Do any of you all know if Richard McCulloch takes a similar, ‘CONservative’ approach in respect to the JQ?

    (I already know his absurd position on Nordicism, or, as he refers to it, ‘Nordishness’.)

  5. I haven’t heard much about Richard McCulloch. Does he have a blog or something current other than The Racial Compact site?

  6. SJC? I’m nearby. Let me know.


    You gotta Facebook? “Friend” me if you do. My cell number is on my page. If not, email me and I’ll give you my cell number.

  7. “I haven’t heard much about Richard McCulloch. Does he have a blog or something current other than The Racial Compact site?”

    No, I think the Racial Compact is all the deluded guy has at the moment, Mark.

    Anyone else know of McCulloch’s position on Jews?

  8. Nothing has changed in Britain. If anything is true, the situation has gotten worse. Non-White immigrants are still flooding in. Multiculturalism and PC are stronger than ever before. In the midst of this, the BNP has watered down its platform even further; first it was letting Jews become members, now it is surrendering the racial basis of membership.

  9. The BNP reminds me of the GOP.

    1.) They are committed to winning elections, not changing the culture.

    2.) In order to do this, they have watered down racialism to become politically palatable.

    3.) These concessions have allowed the British mainstream to move to the Left.

    4.) The only thing they have accomplished is purging the White Wing in the UK.

    5.) They make huge promises, but haven’t delivered any change.

    6.) They have allowed Jews and non-Whites to join the party.

  10. The biggest problem in the US is that it does not have a large minority group that Jews feel threatened by. It’s much easier to get started in Europe. In the US, you can’t get a foothold. Kemp’s advice is useless.

  11. The great thing about being an ideologue is that you can have it both ways. You can have your social respectability and your ideological purity. You can get all high-‘n-mighty at the “costume clowns” for lacking respectability and you can get all high-‘n-mighty at the BNP and samesuch “conservatives” for failing to maintain your rigorous standards of ideological excellence. Anonymous blognoscenti need the “costume clowns” more than the costume clowns need them.

    I’ll take an activist with a past over a blogger with a future any day.

    The problem with the WN movement isn’t that it lacks respectability. Our opponents have hijacked the institutions that grant respectability, which means that there will never be a respectable way to defend our interests. This sea of “respectables” aren’t the solution, they’re the problem. They’ll remain so until some future date after which we’ve already assumed the risks and assured the victories. At that point, they’ll find it expedient to rush forward to claim the prizes and credit. That’s what respectable people do.

  12. “5.) They make huge promises, but haven’t delivered any change.”

    I think it’s too early to make this criticism of them. The key to any of these parties in Europe is their stand on repatriation once elected. There’s reason to question whether the BNP, or any other party, will actually implement this. But I think it only really has a chance in Europe, where it has Jew cover. Without repatriation, many Western countries are finished. It’s a race against time. Some of Kemp’s suggestions were ok (e.g. White advocacy groups), but I’m not sure there’s enough time to gain sufficient traction in the US to prevent a disaster. Which isn’t necessarily all bad, if it leads to a White ethnostate somewhere on the continent.

  13. (1) Political parties win elections. People who want to change culture publish books, songs, movies, etc. Anyway, I would argue that the organization of a nationalist-nativist party is, in fact, an effort to change culture.

    (2) Realpolitik.

    (3) The British mainstream was moving left long before Griffin took over the BNP and made it politically viable.

    (4) What has the BNP purged exactly? The Nazis? The costume clowns? Holocaust deniers? Is that such a big loss?

    (5) The BNP has a handfull of MEP and councilor seats (AFAIK). They’re not in a position to deliver change. You made the same criticism of Wilders, who has essentially no power. You need to get off this. Judge them when they are in a position to make such changes.

    (6) The BNP allowing Jews into the party is one of the most over dramatized details. The vast majority of Jews are opposed to the BNP and will not join it if not outright campaign against it. The few that join are minor and irrelevant people. Why make such a fuss over it?

  14. Comparing a white psychopath to a successful black man is not demonstrating that whites are not superior to blacks.

    Of course. But you are suggesting, with the following statement and with your attitude reflected in your remarks to danielj that one’s race confers *personal*, *individual* superiority, in a fashion yet to be explained as other than imaginative projection by the bigoted mind (which projection may nevertheless have its virtues):

    Racially, being a blond Anglo-Saxon type [Giles], he’s probably superior to the majority of the people here.

    You still have not clarified your position on this point. [And, again, I have no personal agenda in addressing this matter – I probably have more good old noble barbarian blood than does Giles.]

  15. Does Arthur Kemp do the work of our enemies because they have him in their pay, or does he just have some sort of personality disorder?

    I think it’s fair to ask, are those who oppose Kemp’s suggestions– out of a fondness for or dedication to conspiracy theories, nazi costume fetishes, or personal fantasy role-playing–in the pay of the Jews? Is it their intention to render WNism totally repulsive and unelectable, forever? I think we need to examine the possibility.

  16. Nothing has changed in Britain. If anything is true, the situation has gotten worse. Non-White immigrants are still flooding in. Multiculturalism and PC are stronger than ever before. In the midst of this, the BNP has watered down its platform even further; first it was letting Jews become members, now it is surrendering the racial basis of membership.

    They only just got into power! They’ve only just acquired some seats! Be patient, give them time. The momentum is moving in our direction. They party has improved a great deal since I was active with them in the late 1990s-early 2000s. And, as you know, the BNP have been forced to modify their membership criteria and platform, by law.

    The BNP denies being White Nationalist. They don’t use the term “White” either. They are a nativist party for indigenous Britons.

    The BNP are nationalist. They claim to represent the interests of Britons, the indigenous population, which is White. So by default, by our standards they are “white nationalist.” In the US, as you know, the situation is different and the term “white nationalist” (though imperfect) is more apt.

  17. The great thing about being an ideologue is that you can have it both ways. You can have your social respectability and your ideological purity. You can get all high-’n-mighty at the “costume clowns” for lacking respectability and you can get all high-’n-mighty at the BNP and samesuch “conservatives” for failing to maintain your rigorous standards of ideological excellence. Anonymous blognoscenti need the “costume clowns” more than the costume clowns need them.

    Nicely stated.

    The “costume clowns,” amongst whom I was once numbered, graphically demonstrate, therewith, that they have a more profound grasp of the circumstance – questions of personal courage and commitment aside – than do les bourgeois gentilshomme. (Our Trainspotter comes to mind as the exemplar of the latter type.)

    As the youthful genius, Marshall Lentini, eloquently summarized the case:

    “I behold the progressive enslavement and self-oblivion of white races and see the intractable pitiless march of history, where you see a kind of leisurely stroll that can be directed anywhere with enough preaching.”

    And, as examined in the Post at “superhuman,” those without costume suffer from the following misconception of our context:

    “…there is an etiology and a point of infection, and that, for the moment, although the infection is far advanced, it can still be successfully treated: the pathogens — liberal utopians, corrupt careerists, ethnic radicals — are known and localized,…” (Alex Kurtagic)

    I [NN] wish that I could acquiesce in this cheerful assessment and prospect.

    Unfortunately for our remnant of relatively healthy cells in the global body politic, “liberalism,” in numerous variants of the ideology of the historic “middle class”/”bourgeoisie,” is shot through and across the entire political spectrum – Classical Liberalism/Libertarianism at the Radical Right extreme, and Marxist/Gramscian/Frankfurt “Enlightenment”- style modern Liberalism on the Left. All of it coming full circle and meeting in state-withering Anarchism, the slave and criminal’s delight. As Nietzsche pointed out: it’s all the same – it’s all Beatitudinal Christianity in various guises – it’s all slave morality. And the right-wing version spreads around the world like a cancerous tumor that the radical left-wing wants, ultimately, to irradiate with nuclear weapons.

    Thus, no cause for optimism here. Slaves are understandably incapable of anything but the urgent desire for “freedom,” “liberty,” and “equality” – the latter delusion variously formulated from end to end of the spectrum. From Libertarian quasi-anarchism to Marxist crypto-anarchism.

    Where this slavish premise is shared implicitly by the journalistic appeal to predominantly middle-class readers, who are regaled with accounts of enormities that threaten their self-concerned, individualistic lives (to which they merely wish to return after restoration to the (unrealizable) status quo ante of some prior, more or less remote, period), there is no hope for any but a future circumstance that is, or invites immediate repetition of, the present declension.

    So – how to make masters out of slaves? Masters with which one cannot dispense, in one variety or another – the Jew and/or the German, priest and/or noble – since liberalism, of whatever variety, leads (in the inescapable logic and history of political-economy) to a “restoration” of mastery – mastery presently held exclusively by the Master of the Lie, in the absence of the Master of Violence, for whom the Master of Money does not stand in without indispensable support from, and eventual displacement by, the alien international Liar.

    Perhaps one cannot achieve this miraculous transformation in this latter-day world, as is my own prognosis after many years of tolerantly investigating the various feces-flinging monkey houses on the so-called Right. In any case, until the mind-set of such representative occupants is abandoned amidst personal catastrophe and our cause offers an explicit remedy that nevertheless affronts the premises of the previous philosophy of the victims, the alternative constant journalistic discussion of newsworthy enormities merely retards the reader by reinforcing the bourgeois-liberal tsk-tsking mind-set of the “unfairness” or “hypocrisy” of the events and a mere desire to medicate the “localized” infection and thus to be allowed to return to business as usual.

    The suspicion is aroused, indeed, that this is the foolish intention of the purveyors of such journalism – they likewise of the middle class who have found the present dispensation one which they could more or less comfortably accommodate all life long – but for the presence of repellent minorities, whose absence they would not long enjoy, for failure to understand that their own politico-economic and cultural premises are complicit in the difficulty (as evidenced in the repeated rhetorical reference, even amongst ourselves in public, to none but the cultural (artistic/scientific) achievements of the race, as if we pathetically beg to be preserved by our masters as an endangered species and that we are otherwise defenseless for lack of political inspiration from the pertinent past).

    But, again, you will say, there are none but the middle class here, in quantity. It is we and they, you will say, to whom we must speak – on our and on their terms. I say, that on their and on your terms, one’s cause is self-defeating, as is evidenced by its evolution from supremacism to separatism to secessionism – running away to a self-imposed outdoor concentration camp that will greatly facilitate the extermination of what’s left of the “race” in its own pitiful Vilcabamban “Reich”.

    And of course, if one continues to confront the enemy in suit-and-tie, the enemy’s “framing” of the circumstance as essentially normal will remain undisturbed, as will his dominance of the political economy and the regnant culture.

  18. My mind travels back to a recent incident, one in which a beautiful young woman with long and flowing blond hair held off a mob of dozens of masked rioters with weapons. She protected the elderly historian despite being ridiculed and slandered in major newspapers, despite being chased down and sprayed with pepper spray, and despite being endangered by idiotic clowns within the movement.

    Then my mind travels to grown men who refrain from joining her because they fear for their reputations, their jobs, and their comfort. If I do suffer from this “Hate ™” that Mr. Foxman speaks of, it’s not for Jews, Mexicans, or Blacks. It’s for smirky, “respectable” White men who are aware of the situation yet bask in the warm glow of liquid crystals and exchange witticisms while our young women and our elderly intellectuals fend for themselves against the incited mobs.

  19. I think it’s fair to ask, are those who oppose Kemp’s suggestions– out of a fondness for or dedication to conspiracy theories, nazi costume fetishes, or personal fantasy role-playing–in the pay of the Jews? Is it their intention to render WNism totally repulsive and unelectable, forever? I think we need to examine the possibility.


    However, consider first, that whatever their intention, rendering WNism “unelectable” is of little consequence, since no cause can vote itself into power in displacement of the agenda of the regnant oligarchy.

    And it is evident that only national catastrophe will disrupt the present regime, and having distinguished oneself from that regime will be to the credit of those who have done so, in that event.

    The real question then will be as to the *quality* of the costume clowns, in terms of intellect and organizational ability, once the disaster is upon us, and their provident and public opposition to its authors leads others to join them.

    I would agree, however, with a negative assessment such as Trainspotter would generously provide. Which leaves us with resort to the established armed forces for any hope of survival.

  20. “But you are suggesting, with the following statement and with your attitude reflected in your remarks to danielj that one’s race confers *personal*, *individual* superiority, in a fashion yet to be explained as other than imaginative projection by the bigoted mind”

    It is no more bigoted or false than suggesting that whites are superior to blacks. Of course we’re talking about a lot of variables, statistics, etc. Purely on aesthetic grounds, I believe that the Nordic or Northern European is superior. You and others may protest, likewise non-whites may protest that whites are not more attractive than non-whites. Then we can go on to behavior, IQ, crime, civilization, etc.

    If you are suggesting that we do not discriminate based at least partly on race and ancestry then that’s sounds like the modern conservative movement.

  21. 65Hunter Wallace

    The BNP denies being White Nationalist. They don’t use the term “White” either. They are a nativist party for indigenous Britons.

    In their constitution they do:

    2) The political objectives of the party are set out in the following Statement of Principles:
    (b) The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples. It is therefore committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by legal changes, negotiation and consent, the overwhelmingly white makeup of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948.

  22. It is no more bigoted or false than suggesting that whites are superior to blacks.

    *All* whites as opposed to *all* blacks? And by what standard?

    Yes, one can speak correctly of comparative averages – but it is, indeed, “bigoted or false” – and “stupid” – to make blanket statements as to the relative character of every example of a population as opposed to another (which is what seemingly is being suggested about the putative individual racial superiority of Giles).

    Yes, Giles may well be a member of a racial sub-type that is above average in important respects, and, as part of a breeding community, would tend to reproduce above-average descendants.

    But the question then is what is being imputed to Giles when it is said of him that he, personally, is “racially superior”. I suspect that more than the foregoing is involved in that imputation.

    That’s why I’ve asked for a clarification.

  23. If you are suggesting that we do not discriminate based at least partly on race and ancestry then that sounds like the modern conservative movement.

    That is not my suggestion. I am not proposing a “movement” for which persons must be discriminately examined for membership. I propose the education of *everyone* as to their peril, with particular emphasis upon bringing the military up to speed .

  24. Purely on aesthetic grounds, I believe that the Nordic or Northern European is superior. – Mark

    Yes, I think we all do. However, what you call Nordics, I call Aryans. At one time in recorded history all of Europe resemble “Nordics.” The ancient Romans, Greeks, Hittites, Sarmatians and Indo-Aryans displayed the same blond or redhead traits as do modern “Nordics.” The swarthy skinned Southern Euros are so because of admixture from Jews and Moors (in Spain), Negroes (Portugal), Syrians & Berber-Hamites (southern Italy), Arabs & others (Greece), etc.

    There is no population of Euros which is wholly blond or redhead because those traits are relatively recent evolutionary traits which originated in Western Eurasia and spread with the expansions of Aryans thousands of years ago. Prior to their spreading ~6000 years ago, the white-skinned peoples were uniformly dark-haired and dark-eyed. These are ancestral traits in Aryan populations and are not indicators of “racial otherness.” Deal with it.

  25. I didn’t know you were such a Nordicist, Kasimir.

    I don’t go as far as you to claim that all Southern Euros are mixed, though some are, and certainly their level of non-European admixture is higher just from proximity to them.

    I also don’t claim that all civilization comes from Nordics, as Kemp does.

  26. “*All* whites as opposed to *all* blacks? And by what standard?”

    The ability to reproduce their respective kind. 🙂 In that case every single individual is superior.

    Part of my defense of Mr. Giles was because the mob was after him. Personally I dislike that mentality.

  27. This is an important interview because it opens up an important issue: do we want truth or results? They don’t seem to go too well together. Noone can deny that the BNP has done very well indeed but if the price to achieve this requires going so far as to swallow the official 9/11 yarn hook, line and sinker, then I have to ask myself if, at the end of the day, there won’t be a hefty price to pay. Pandering to the Jews as the BNP is currently doing is, in my opinion maybe good politics, but still tantamount to making (or trying to make) a pact with Lucifer himself. Are we really going to outwit them? My gut feeling is NO.
    Next time round I’d like to hear what Kemp has to say about the BNP’s standing on the central banking system – what I consider the very heart of the beast.

  28. Guy White admits that I don’t endorse any of these more absurd conspiracy theories floating around on the far right. I’m not a fan of Neo-Nazis either. See my posts on the NSM. If all these people and their material disappeared, I agree we would be better off, but not by much.

    I’m very skeptical of anything that smacks of conservatism or the GOP. That’s what Kemp is trying to push here: an electoral path to victory through “practical politics” (read: watering down racialism). The GOP also has a naive faith in winning elections. If we followed Kemp’s advice, we wouldn’t achieve a fraction of their success with an explicitly white political platform, and with all their success they failed to change the culture.

  29. Look at the way the path was cleared for Obama. The bastard of a failed interracial marriage could never have won Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, and Indiana fifty years ago. It was simply unthinkable. Now his election is the symbol of all the “progress” we have made.

  30. “*All* whites as opposed to *all* blacks? And by what standard?”

    The ability to reproduce their respective kind. 🙂 In that case every single individual is superior.

    As is true of all blacks, in their “ability to reproduce their respective kind”. So I would guess that you’re just pulling my leg now with a smile, but for my suspicion that you’re not.

  31. I think it’s instructive to look at the Swiss example, where the Swiss People’s Party, by popular referendum, has just halted the contruction of Islamic minarets in the country. And not a member of the lunatic fringe to be seen.

  32. “Surrender is essentially an operation by means of which we set out explaining instead of acting” ~ Charles Péguy

  33. “Banning minarets is treating symptoms, not the disease.”

    It might provoke an over-reaction. The fact that these European parties are often strongly aligned with Jews and Israel is an added insult. Give them enough time and some hot-head will do something very stupid.

  34. Hunter, you seem to be very pessimistic about the possibility of a political solution in the US, as am I. I don’t think there’s enough time and repatriation will be a tough sell. I agree with you that we should be pushing cultural and political discourse to the right, but that also takes time. Could you, very briefly and with as little detail as you like, tell me how you see things playing out in NA, or point me to a post or comment where you’ve discussed this? Thanks

  35. “Banning minarets is treating symptoms, not the disease.”

    What disease? If most people say it isn’t desirable and natural for Europe to be covered in minarets, it is excellent news. The next step will be to send the immigrants back to Africa.
    For the moment, I enjoy hearing French journalists absurdly explain that everyone in Switzerland is appalled at the result of the referendum.

  36. I’m getting the impression that for people such as HW, nothing less than total revolution, the complete and utter eradication of all our enemies, is acceptable at this time. I would love to see that happen, but I don’t think we’re there yet. In the meantime some progress of another kind is being made, e.g. BNP, SVP, etc.

  37. In Switzerland, the culture is being changed and the discourse transformed, thanks, in large part, to a political organization such as the SVP. This has progressed to the point where the Swiss people actually vote against Islamic minarets in defiance of domestic and international opinion.

  38. Banning minarets is treating symptoms, not the disease.

    I disagree. My most recent blog post, Switzerland Minus Minarets, is about this ban.

    The disease is the idea, which produced its most fateful results during the Enlightenment in the service of emancipating jews, that Whites, and only Whites, must not “discriminate” against “minorities”. Since this meme took root it has been fed and twisted to genocidal proportions. Whites everywhere now live under a regime which subsidizes, supports, and even directly imposes “discrimination” against Whites, defending the interests of interloping aliens over the interests of the native-born citizenry.

    The banning of minarets by popular vote strikes only obliquely at this idea, but it is a blow against the disease itself. Organized jewry roundly condemns it for exactly this reason. “Liberal” feminists played a prominent part in the minaret ban, putting the lie to the corollary meme, pimped constantly by faux-White pro-jews and others, that “suicidal” White “liberalism” is to blame for all that ills us. Even “liberals”, it turns out, resist when their “suicide” becomes too blatant. The genocide is inflicted in the name of “liberal” “non-discrimination” in name but not in fact, and it is inflicted by “the international community” – which means the plutocrats, their media, their jet-setting cosmopolitan courtiers, jewish groups, muslim groups, and the treaonous costume clowns who serve their interests in their governments.

    “Treating symptoms” is more fairly applied to much of what conservatives do here in the US – for example, to their focus on the transfer of wealth via taxes or healthcare, never identifying who the wealth is transferred from or to; or to the “culture war”, never identifying who’s at war with whom.

  39. I can understand calling it assimilationist, or ineffectual. or naive. Or too little, too late. But cowardice? A coward is afraid to make even the slightest peep against his supposed “suicide”. The voters who passed this had to throw off a lifetime of guilt-tripping and brain-washing. They hardly know the half of what the “international community” has already done to them, and further intends for them. Only as they, and we, find out can any of us assess who the cowards are.

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