Minarets and Locusts

Here’s a news item worth sharing with the local philo-Semites:

JERUSALEM (JTA) — A vote in Switzerland banning the construction of minarets on new mosques is drawing criticism from Jewish groups.

The national referendum on Nov. 29 passed with 57.5 percent of the vote. The measure was strongly promoted by the extreme right-wing Swiss People’s Party, the largest party in the Swiss Parliament.

“The referendum result amounts to an attack on the fundamental values of mutual respect,” American Jewish Committee Executive Director David Harris said Tuesday. “While there are certainly understandable concerns in Europe over Islamist extremism, these cannot be legitimately addressed through a blanket assault on Muslim communities and their religious symbols.”

The Anti-Defamation League on Tuesday in a statement urged the Swiss government to be vigilant in its commitment to ensuring freedom of religion.

“This is not the first time a Swiss popular vote has been used to promote religious intolerance,” Robert G. Sugarman, ADL National Chair, and Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director said in a released statement. “A century ago, a Swiss referendum banned Jewish ritual slaughter in an attempt to drive out its Jewish population.”

U.S. Sen. Benjamin Cardin, chairman of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission) and his co-chairman Cong. Alcee L. Hastings expressed concern over the minaret ban.

“The Swiss vote to ban minarets is worrying for a number of reasons, including the fact the Swiss people have seen fit to limit the religious practice of one particular group. I trust the Swiss government will work swiftly to be sure the Swiss are not viewed as an intolerant people,” Cardin said.

“I hope the Swiss courts will overturn this referendum and that the Swiss government will double its efforts to implement anti-discrimination laws and have an open and honest dialogue about religious and ethnic tolerance,” Hastings said.

The Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities opposed the measure.

Muslims make up about 5 percent of the Swiss population.


About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Today’s Moslem populations are generally strongly anti-Israel and more or less anti-Jewish (in most cases, more rather than less). One sees in this Jewish Telegraph Agency article the disproof of Friedrich Braun’s contention that anti-Israel or anti-Jewish feeling frightens Jews away from giving support. Were that so, Jews wouldn’t lend their support to the Moslem take-over of Europe which they’re so clearly doing in this article, or to the general Negro ascendancy, or to the Aztlan-type Mexican irredentists invading the U.S., or to the hard Left in general, all of whom are well-known to harbor significant anti-Jewish, anti-Israel feelings. So it can’t be WN’s reputation for harboring anti-Jewish or anti-Israel feelings that frightens Jews away from lending it their support. It must be they simply don’t like WN to begin with, on entirely other grounds. That is the correct interpretation, and those “other grounds” are they simply strongly loathe Eurochristians. Period. The WNs could switch over tomorrow to loving Jews and the Jews still wouldn’t halt their non-stop vicious demonization and attempts to destroy. In fact, I suspect Jewish hatred of Euros may be inborn, the way a dog hates a snake on an inborn basis — make a hissing sound around your dog, and see how he reacts instinctively. It’s inborn in dogs. Maybe in Jews too? Show a Jew a Euro and see how he reacts.

  2. You know Scrooby, this type of talking if taken to its logical conclusion encourages the total physical eradication of Jewry, but I don’t think that that thought scares you too much. We’re in Linderland now.

    To what extent the official stands of Jewish organizations reflect grass roots’ sentiments is another question.

    Check this scumbag out:

    “I hope the Swiss courts will overturn this referendum, and that the Swiss government will double its efforts to implement anti-discrimination laws and have an open and honest dialogue about religious and ethnic tolerance,” Hastings said.

    Multiculturalism is obviously of greater importance to Hastings et al. than liberal democracy. Yes, boys and girls, we’ve reached the stage where western politicians no longer pretend that the multicultural project is anything else but totalitarian.

    Modernity: Multiculturalism vs. Liberal Democracy.

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it. En-joy!

  3. Great comments Fred. The Jews obviously will tolerate a growing Muslim presence that is actively anti-Jewish, over showing any kind of support for Euro-nationalists. Jews in Europe would rather expose their wives and children to the anti-Jewish terrorism of Muslim immigrants than stand with nationalists. Jewish hatred and fear of Eurochristians trumps Jewish fear of Muslim terrorism.

    this type of talking if taken to its logical conclusion encourages the total physical eradication of Jewry

    And in what way would that be a problem? Jewry is an infection.

  4. Not only will the Jews subvert Euro-nationalists, which is a given, but the Swiss vote shows us that the Jews will strongly oppose the will of ordinary European citizens, not just nationalists.

  5. Notice how it is American Jews who are doing the armchair activism. I’ve never supported groups like the ADL. One can not consider themselves antisemitic and still oppose some Jewish organizations.

  6. Armchair activists piss me off.

    Let’s fucking complain about “ta ta ta ta tolerance” while we sit in America far away from the sharia freaks who are trying to conquer europe.

  7. …this type of talking if taken to its logical conclusion encourages the total physical eradication of Jewry…

    And? What other way is there to deal with a parasitic species that’s trying to destroy you and your civilization? 🙄

  8. Armchair activists have a tendency to blurt out ideologies without considering the political effects. These people get a theory and go with it, but don’t calculate the pragmatic reality. Liberals cannot connect theory with reality. I really think it has to do with intellectual snobbery.

    It is true that some Jews are guilty of this.

    Permanent revolution by Leon Trotsky didn’t consider the fact that materially most countries weren’t ready for revolution. Trotsky was a snob who preached vertically to the working class instead of horizontally. Neo-conservatism doesn’t consider the fact that Muslims aren’t ready for Democracy. Again, snobbery. The ADL’s campaign here for “Religious Tolerance” doesn’t consider the fact that it will destroy those countries in Europe, and its goal to “flood USA with third world immigrants” doesn’t consider the fact that the third world hates the elite and rich Jews even more than the average person.

    Yet I could list a thousand Gentiles who do the same thing. Abraham Lincoln, Adolf Hitler etc, Mao Tse-Tung’s great leap forward. They get an idea in their head, but don’t consider how crazy it is.

  9. “To what extent the official stands of Jewish organizations reflect grass roots’ sentiments is another question. ”

    I’ve lived in NYC for most of my life. I’m surrounded by huge numbers of Jews everyday. A large majority of Jews have the same views on these kinds of issues as the ADL, except when non-whites cause grief for them personally.

  10. “this type of talking if taken to its logical conclusion encourages the total physical eradication of Jewry” ( — FB)

    No it doesn’t. Why should it? You mean the Jews cannot be made to see what they’re doing wrong and stop? Talking, communicating, are futile where Jews are concerned? And what about talking and communicating with the whites who are doing this in active or passive collaboration with the Jews? Won’t they be woken up by talking about the problem and won’t their changing sides so deprive the Jews of an ally that the Jews will have to stop?

    I join all sane people in absolutely and unequivocally condemning any criminal harming of Jews, Moslems, Negroes, Mexicans, Hindus, Orientals, or anyone else in attempting to solve the Eurospherewide crisis of government-enforced race-replacement genocide of whites. There are civilized ways to solve this crisis.

    That said, I support the segregation of Jews and Euros in separate lands because, although I like Jews and enjoy living near them, when they and Euros live in the same country Jews always sooner or later try to genocide Euros. If the first generation of Jews doesn’t, later generations will, because of the process of absimilation. Genocide at their hands is always, sooner or later, the price whites must pay for living in proximity to them.

    They’ve got two countries, Israel and Biro; give them a third if necessary but whatever you do, get Jews and Euros apart. Separate them and keep them physically separate.

    Jews won’t like it? Tough — they should’ve thought of that back when they decided to start genociding us. Now it’s too late.

    As for Israel, I support Zionism in principle and out of personal preference but Euro opposition to Israel in retaliation for Jewish-backed genocide of Euros is legitimate, normal, and moral. If I were president I’d veto all funding and aid for Israel unless U.S. Jews agreed to stop getting in the way of sanity on immigration, repatriation, borders, and race.

  11. 6 Iceman
    Notice how it is American Jews who are doing the armchair activism.


    Jewish groups oppose push to ban minarets in Switzerland

    Switzerland’s biggest Jewish groups said Wednesday that a far-right push to ban the construction of minarets here was a “threat” to religious harmony and hindered the integration of Muslims.

    “The referendum infringes religious freedom, a concept enshrined in the constitution,” said the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities and the Platform of Liberal Jews in Switzerland in a statement.

  12. Jews support islamic immigration to Europe because Israel wants the jews to leave Europe for Israel. Israel has a demographic problem as many jews are deciding to leave, and they need fodder to man the cannons. Isreal also has the fantasy of nuking Europe at some point…as they regard it a existential threat. They have the same thing in mind for America at a future date.

  13. Friedrich Braun
    You know Scrooby, this type of talking if taken to its logical conclusion encourages the total physical eradication of Jewry, but I don’t think that that thought scares you too much. We’re in Linderland now.

    What other way is there to deal with a parasitic species that’s trying to destroy you and your civilization?

    Physical removal of jewry from all white homelands would be enough, provided the jews were rendered incapable of striking out from exile. That means the disarming of Israel and either relocation of jews or making Israel a protectorate of the white nationalist powers, denied any access to the financial system or media of the white nations. Then all jews within the white nations (including crypto-jews rounded up in the mandatory genetic census) can be deported to the jew ethnostate where they can evolve into productive human beings or perish.

    The land should be capable of supporting them. If there isn’t enough fertile land in Israel part of Africa can be carved out for them.

  14. Braun: “To what extent the official stands of Jewish organizations reflect grass roots’ sentiments is another question.”

    I think Jewish organizations are not usually disavowed by the Jews. But the question doesn’t matter much. What matters is that the leaders of anti-white activism tend to be Jewish. It is largely a Jewish thing, whether or not Jewish organizations are representative of Jewish people. It is like Basque separatism in Spain and France. Maybe the Basque separatists are not representative of their own people. Maybe most people in the Basque country do not support independence. Even so, you cannot argue that Basque separatism is not a Basque movement. And you cannot honestly argue that Jewish anti-white activism has little to do with the Jewish identity. The same thing can be said about immigrant crime and the legitimacy of ethnic profiling. I think that Jews who are engaged in politics rarely oppose the replacement of white people, but that doesn’t matter. The fact is that a main source of anti-white activism is Jewish and springs from the Jewish identity. It doesn’t matter what percentage of Jews are “guilty” of supporting our race-replacement, what matters is that a large percentage of the leaders of the race-replacing movement are Jewish. We have a Jewish problem. Observing that most Jews are not even involved in politics is completely irrelevant.

  15. ”Isreal also has the fantasy of nuking Europe at some point…as they regard it an existential threat. They have the same thing in mind for America at a future date.” ( — Grimoire)

    ”Physical removal of jewry from all white homelands would be enough, provided the jews were rendered incapable of striking out from exile. That means the disarming of Israel” ( — OldRight)

    Look what Martin van Creveld, the prominent Israeli military historian and strategist/theoretician, said in a Guardian interview in 2003:

    http://majorityrights.com/index.php/forums/viewthread/227/ .

  16. I just went back and checked if the links contained in that van Creveld interview (at the MR.com Forum) all worked. The one to the original JungeFreiheit interview in August doesn’t. Strangely, you also can’t get to it by typing Martin van Creveld into the JungeFreiheit site search box (you’d think all van Creveld stuff would come up, but none does).

    I found where it is:

    Go to http://www.jungefreiheit.de/ .

    Click on Archiv underneath the masthead at top of page.

    Scroll down a bit to Chronologisches Archiv and click on 2009.

    Scroll down to August and click on “34/09 vom 14. August 2009.”

    Scroll down to “S. 6 – 7 IM GESPRÄCH” and click on „Nur die Toten erleben das Ende des Krieges.“

    You’re at the interview. Apparently it doesn’t have its own URL address.

  17. I agree with Fred. Taken to its logical conclusion a failure to defend ourselves will result in our total physical eradication. Braun is more concerned that pointing this out might not be good for jews.

    Look at what our enemies are telling us, broadcast from their media, in black and white for all to see. In their estimation the existence of the Swiss people is not as important as keeping the egos of alien muslims and jews from being bruised. Hell, even jews in New York and muslims in Indonesia must be protected from this insult to their very sensitive sensibilities, and if that means Switzerland and the Swiss must disappear from the face of the Earth, then so be it. In fact, that’s pretty much the plan anyway, whether the Swiss insult them or not. After all, they’re just goyim infidels, and we must never forget that they served as Hitler’s bankers.

  18. Instead of physically removing Jews, how about just ignoring them and outvoting them, perhaps after arguing with them, in situations in which they seem to take the anti-white position? Treat them exactly like you would treat another white liberal.

  19. Crypto: “Instead of physically removing Jews”

    WNs are not in a position to physically remove Jews. In fact, what’s happened is that the Jews have physically removed WNs from the media and most institutions. Next, they will try to remove us from the internet.

    “how about just ignoring them” / Not a good idea.

    “and outvoting them,” / the way they vote is not the problem.

    “perhaps after arguing with them,” / they refuse to argue sensibly.

    “Treat them exactly like you would treat another white liberal.”

    What would be the equivalent of “naming the Jew” for non-Jewish liberals ?
    I think if WNs take power next week (don’t ask me how), anti-white liberalism will collapse at once, but Jewish ethnic antagonism will still be with us.

  20. Crypto-Aryan
    Instead of physically removing Jews, how about just ignoring them and outvoting them, perhaps after arguing with them, in situations in which they seem to take the anti-white position? Treat them exactly like you would treat another white liberal.

    I’m for physically removing white liberals too. Jews are my racial enemies, white liberals are race traitors.

  21. “I’m for physically removing white liberals” ( — OldRight)

    Physically remove them, after arrests and fair trials, into maximum security prisons where they will serve life sentences without any possibility of parole or of appeal. Make doubly sure to surround them in prison with the most terrifying, sadistic, sexually perverted, white-hating kind of criminally insane Negro or Hispanic killer/torturer lifer or death-row inmate. Even that won’t be nearly payback enough for the crimes white liberals have committed but it would be a start: a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

  22. It would be an understatement to say Jews are ultimate hypocrites and as Alex Linder says, one standard for Jews and another for the stupid goyim. I recall that Israel and European Jewish organizations expressed moral support for the Muslim KLA in their quest to steal the Kosovo province of Serbia through terror and ethnic cleansing of Serbs.

    Jewish Congressman Tom Lantos was instrumental in crafting our anti-Serbian policy. As usual there was a coterie of Jews to be found under every rock in the anti-Serbian campaign. We’re constantly reminded of all the supposed “good Jews” but curiously they’re always MIA when the bad ones start stirring the pot. Why don’t the good, sweet hearted Jews ever act as a counterweight to the bad ones? That’s the six million dollar question at hand before us.

  23. Good comment by Mr. Dithers #23. Jewish support for the creation of the Moslem state of Kosovo on Serbian land torn from Serbia by Wesley Clark acting under orders of Slick’s Jewish bosses was very simply a reflection of one of life’s eternal fundamental truths: Jews loathe Christianity far more than than they loathe Islam. Do Jews loathe Islam? Yes but they loathe Christianity more. How much more? Well … as much more as the center of the sun is hotter than absolute zero. As much more as an attractive Euro woman is pleasanter to look at than Whoopie Goldberg, if you can imagine magnitudes of difference that vast.

    Related to this is that the Jews loathe Eurochristians far more than any other race.

    This, and not Eurochristian “anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism” is why the Jews will never side with “WN” against Mexican, Negro, Moslem, or far-leftist “anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism”: they all harbor “anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism.” The Jews simply pick and choose which “anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism” they will overlook and ally with.

    Eurochristians can un-anti-Semitize and un-anti-Zionize all they want and show the Jews till the cows come home how un-anti-Semitic and un-anti-Zionist they are, the Jews will never side with them against Moslems/non-whites because we, the white Christians, are the ones Jews hate most. Negro, Mexican, and Oriental Christians don’t bother the Jews so much as we do. They bother them, but nowhere near as much as the Eurochristians bother them. It’s like comparing the diameter of an atom to the diameter of the universe — that’s the difference between how much mystery-meat Christians bother the Jews and how much white Christians do.

    So to the people who think Jewry is going to ally with WN under any circumstances whatsoever, think again.

    That’s not to say no Jews disagree with Jewry on this: without a doubt lots of Jews do disagree with Jewry on race-replacement. These Jews constitute a fringe of Jewry, that’s all.

  24. one of life’s eternal fundamental truths: Jews loathe Christianity far more than than they loathe Islam. ( — my comment)

    “But what about Lawrence Auster and Steven Steinlight?”

    Lawrence Auster and Steven Steinlight are exceptions to the rule.

    “Does that mean Jewry wants a Moslem Europe and a Moslem United States?”

    Jewry wants a Moslem Europe and would gladly take a Moslem United States too if the prospects for a Mexican United States weren’t already so good. They way things are, Jewry is pushing as strongly as it can for a Mexican United States and a Moslem Europe.

    “But Mexicans are Christians. I thought Jews hated Christianity more than Islam.”

    In the eye of Jewry non-white Christianity is on a par with Islam: equally disgusting but neither is a patch on the disgustingness of Eurochristianity. It’s white Christianity that Jewry reacts to the way Count Dracula reacts to the prospect of getting sprinkled with holy water.

  25. Thanks Fred for reminding me about general Wesley Clark who boasts a rabbinical lineage. General Clark was on record as saying America would use force to create multiethnic states in Serbia and elsewhere in Europe. Reading between the lines he was saying any white European who dared defend their race, culture and country would be murdered in cold blood.

    Wesley’s congenital hatred of non-Jews culminated in the deaths of several thousand non-combatant Serbs who were killed in U.S. bombing raids of Serbian infrastructure. But hey, not all Jews are bad.

  26. Mr. Dithers, I agree with your comment #27 but — and I don’t mean to quibble here, but just to be clear — I do not agree that Wesley Clark can be viewed as Jewish. He found out his father was Jewish when he was in his late teens or early 20s if memory serves — something like that. He was never told as a child that he was a Jew, was never raised as a Jew, and never identified as a Jew. But when Slick was president Wesley Clark was under the orders of Jews, Slick’s Jewish bosses who ordered Slick and Clark to level Belgrade and savagely teach Serbia a lesson it wouldn’t forget as punishment for its twin crimes of 1) being simultaneously Christian and Euro, and 2) being racially/ethnoculturally homogeneous (only Israel has the right to be that).

  27. Wesley Clark(Cohn) is ethnically Jewish. His genetics are not dependent on whether he “knows” about them or not. 🙄

  28. C’mon, seriously, isn’t the claim that “jews [are] genociding whites” completely hyperbolic? The white race may be sick and going into potential long-term decline, and jews may well be responsible for making things worse, but the white race is not at risk for genocide, for God’s sake. I think many Jews are afraid of their own high intermarriage rates and assimilation, which dwarf the rates of white miscegenation for instance, but I never hear a lot of handwringing about the imminent “genocide” of the Jewish race. The reason is that most of them are not as paranoid as your typical White Nationalist. By the way, given Jewish intermarriage rates, and the low birth rate among American Jews, ARE Jews at risk for “genocide” as well? How about Africans, any chance that AIDS is gonna wipe ’em out? Obviously not, it takes a lot to genocide a race and nothing any race is facing is remotely approaching what it would take.

    Go to Wall Street, go to a corporate boardroom, go to any Ivy League College, you’ll see rooms full of non-Jewish White people. They got problems — they’re not going to have as many kids as they used to, and they’re allowing Asians and Jews they’ve invited into America to outmaneuver them and outhustle them in certain vital important areas like law, media, and science. But seriously — the core majorities of all the key vital professions aside from mass media remains White and non-Jewish. At elite levels, you’re dealing with white decline, not imminent or even long-term destruction. All of this is reflected in economic-demographic statistics. Whites are doing well materially.

    You’re dealing with white decline in non-elite areas as well, but also not “genocide” by any stretch of a fevered imagination. White working class culture inspite of all its problems remains fundamentally healthier than non-white culture. Where would any sane person rather live: a white working class or rural white area, or a mixed- or non-white area?

    This is one of the biggest problems I think, that White Nationalist have in attracting more people to their cause: reasonable people see a lot of paranoia and a lot of people crying wolf.

  29. Crypto (jew) Aryan
    C’mon, seriously, isn’t the claim that “jews [are] genociding whites” completely hyperbolic? The white race may be sick and going into potential long-term decline, and jews may well be responsible for making things worse, but the white race is not at risk for genocide, for God’s sake.

    Whites will be a minority in the United States by 2042 at the latest.

    What’s happening to the white minority in South Africa?

  30. Fred,
    I understand you point and am not offended if someone disagrees with my comments. But, indeed, Wesley Clark discovered his Jewish roots in his 20’s and began to identify with them as time wore on.


    In the link from the Jewish Forward noted above we find the following:

    “Clark’s Jewish roots have influenced his thinking about domestic and world affairs, he told the Forward in an interview in January. However, he refuted late 1990s press reports suggesting that his family’s Jewish refugee background influenced his fight for the Kosovars. “I don’t know if it had any direct impact,” he said. “I was trying to do my duty at the time. Everybody has a responsibility to do his duty.”

  31. C’mon, seriously, isn’t the claim that “jews [are] genociding whites” completely hyperbolic?

    If it’s completely hyperbolic then why does Braun claim it will logically result in jews being genocided? Logic for me, hyperbole for thee? It’s like the police saying to John Wayne Gacy, “you’re under arrest”, and Gacy responding, “YOU WANT TO MURDER ME!!!!”

  32. OldRight,

    South Africa is 10% white, a huge difference from 70% non-Hispanic white in USA today and the 42% figure you mention. What’s happening there is not genocide but the typical bullshit that comes with living as a white minority in a black-majority society: white flight, gated communities, private security, private schools, discrimination in the public sector and so forth. And for Afrikaner working class, it is somewhat worse. Unpleasant, and occasionally tragic. But not genocidal.

    In the USA, the 2042 date can be put off, hopefully indefinately, by sensible policy changes to limit immigration, increase the white birth rate, and maintain the economic importance of non-metropolitan America. Even so, whites are going to remain in charge of the Senate forever, given the fact that the new immigration is into the key big metro areas, but nowhere else.

  33. Crypto (jew) Aryan
    South Africa is 10% white, a huge difference from 70% non-Hispanic white in USA today and the 42% figure you mention.

    We’re down to 66% non-hispanic white and falling, and I don’t count the 4% or so who are semites as white so we’re closer to 62% white already.

    It’s the year 2042 that whites become a minority, being just under 50% of the population, not 42%.

    What’s happening there is not genocide but the typical bullshit that comes with living as a white minority in a black-majority society: white flight, gated communities, private security, private schools, discrimination in the public sector and so forth. And for Afrikaner working class, it is somewhat worse. Unpleasant, and occasionally tragic. But not genocidal.

    How typical of a jew to minimize the horror of what’s happening to whites in South Africa. Not surprising, it was jews that brought black rule to that once healthy white country.

    In the USA, the 2042 date can be put off, hopefully indefinately, by sensible policy changes to limit immigration, increase the white birth rate, and maintain the economic importance of non-metropolitan America. Even so, whites are going to remain in charge of the Senate forever, given the fact that the new immigration is into the key big metro areas, but nowhere else.

    If whites controlled the senate immigration would have been cut off long ago. Jews control the senate and they keep the borders open because their goal is white genocide.

  34. From what I’m gathering, Hunter Wallace associates anti-semitism with rebelliousness and thinks those who reject anti-semitism are conceding to the Establishment.

    From what I’m gathering, Hunter Wallace thinks philosemites are former anti-semites who dropped their anti-semitism to make peace with the establishment.

    There is such a thing as a philosemitic extremist. Someone who radically support Jews in a form of right wing nationalism.

  35. “C’mon, seriously, isn’t the claim that ‘jews [are] genociding whites’ completely hyperbolic?”

    No. It’s a straightforward fact. Jews have prohibited the white race from exercising its immune system. Without an immune system, without the right to discriminate, without the right to use our resources for our survival, our extinction is certain.

    It’s genocide.

  36. There are a few other things you can add to your list:
    -Believing the Nazis made mistakes and not wanting to make them again
    -friendship with individual Jews and/or Jewish ancestry

    To be fair, you can also add trolling, being trolled.

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