Elie Wiesel, Hungary, Holocaust Revisionism

From Antisemitica, December 11, 2009

In Hungary, Elie Wiesel is urging the government to outlaw Holocaust revisionism:  “I ask you, why don’t you follow the example of France and Germany and declare Holocaust denial not only indecent but illegal? In those countries, Holocaust deniers go to jail.”

A popular philo-Semitic argument is that Jews and Gentiles alike are misguided carriers of liberalism. In this case, a Jew is attacking the foundations of a liberal society in the name of ethnic self interest, advocating authoritarian restrictions on free speech. The liberal principle of tolerance is derived from moral agnosticism; the state should take a neutral position on morality, allow individual citizens to determine their own conception of the good life, as this is consistent with individual liberty.

Wiesel is saying that the government should determine and enforce a moral code and outlaw the publication of wicked beliefs. He is insinuating that Holocaust denial is sacrilege. In his mind, crushing profane beliefs takes precedence over individual rights. This is closer to Islam or Medieval Catholicism than the modern liberal tradition.

The shoe doesn’t fit.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I read recently where the Jews in Israel have outlawed anyone claiming Israel isn’t “a Jewish state.” Imagine the uproar among fanatical U.S. Zionist Jewish Israel supporters if a law were passed here outlawing the claim that the U.S. is not “a Christian nation” or “a white nation.” All the Jews would have to go to jail, since both of those lies are precisely what they’re constantly proclaiming from the rooftops.

  2. Of course, essentially all U.S. Jews constantly proclaim those two lies, not just the fanatical Zionist Israel supporters, but I singled out that particular subset of Jews in order to be able to nail them on their hypocrisy.

  3. Jews take advantage of liberal principles to attack and undermine White Western society, but, once in power, revert to authoritarian methods to defend their interests. Muslims follow the same pattern.

    The other night I met an Israeli Jew who claimed, with a straight face, that the only people living in Israel are Jews.

  4. For a scholarly report on Eli Wiesel’s meddling (with the Catholic church in this case) go here: http://www.culturewars.com/2004/Weisel.htm The Bishop Williamson case is interesting, too, in that the pope has now declared holocaust skepticism a veritable sin. Bishop Williamson was relieved of his teaching post in an Argentine seminary and now faces prosecution in Germany for a video tape interview that was made in Sweden. There isn’t a human rights organization anywhere that will defend or assist holocasut “deniers.” I’ve been studying the territory for years watching countries like Hungary pressured into passing insane
    “incitement to racial hatred” and “defamation of the dead” legislation.
    These are now a pre-requisite for entry into the EU while ever more national and international commissions and commissars are organized and appointed to combat anti-Semitism. Absolutely no one is watching the store while patent old frauds like Elie Wiesel jet about laying the groundwork for Bolshevik-like new bureaucracies to enforce Judaic remembrance and rectitude. Henry Makow has discovered a survivor who claims Wiesel stole the identity of a man he knew in Auschwitz. When the man confronted Wiesel in an airport and asked to see his camp tattoo Wiesel refused to show it to him. http://www.henrymakow.com/translated_from_the_hungarian.html
    Eli Wiesel is a good reason not to overlook the JQ because his sorry ass is surely included in the ones to be kissed on the way to acceptability.

  5. When I read Weisel’s personal memoir of the death camps, Night, many years ago I had the distinct impression that much of it was fictional. At best I thought it was a composite of things he had heard or imagined. Some reviewers called his approach to the truth “novelistic.” Now he would have them arrested and sent to prison camps of his own choosing.

  6. The Admiral above (#3) discusses remarks by an Israeli Jew. This is a good lesson to us all…the Jew was telling his own truth because of the way he defined “people.” Obviously the Jew meant to exclude from the concept “people” anyone other than Jews. We must never forget this adjustment of definitions in discourse with Jews, and a fundamental distinction that creeps into their remarks from time to time that excludes most of us from personhood.

    Another example is the “the stranger” who must be helped. While we are brow-beaten with helping “the stranger” in the immigration context, when you drill down into the term as used by Jews in interpreting their own scriptures, you will find that “the stranger” who must be helped includes only other Jews, not the rest of us.

  7. This doesn’t mean that “no Jews are liberals” or that “no Europeans support outlawing holocaust denial.” Not too many Jews exist in Poland. I believe it’s outlawed there too. Does that mean that Polish liberals are not really liberals?

  8. “Wiesel is saying that the government should determine and enforce a moral code and outlaw the publication of wicked beliefs. He is insinuating that Holocaust denial is sacrilege. In his mind, crushing profane beliefs takes precedence over individual rights. This is closer to Islam or Medieval Catholicism than the modern liberal tradition.”

    You’ve got it exactly backwards,Hunter.Liberals have been and always will be dialecticians and sophists.Their “liberalism” is a self-serving body of doctrines that is always altered and trimmed to suit their momentary whims and caprice.In a word they are Talmudic.The Weasel is being very liberal.

    As for “being closer” to Catholicism have a look here:


    (I am not a Catholic by the way.)

  9. Just more proof of what we all know to be true, namely that Jews hate freedom of speech (especially when it comes to discussing Jewish topics, Jewish influence, Jewish power, etc).

    Also, I’m glad to see that you’ve started a ‘Jewish Studies’ blog Hunter. It can serve as a repository or archive of information on the Jewish problem that can constantly be referred back to in order to gather some information for intellectually combating them.

  10. I didn’t have a chance to respond to your Dec. 5th post “My Awakening” about the genesis of my personal ‘anti-Semitism’ — so here is a short answer:

    I became an ‘anti-Semite’ before I became a White Nationalist. Even when I was still your standard aracial White American moderate-progressive, I slowly but surely became a confirmed ‘anti-Semite’ through my research. I started my own critical ‘Jewish Studies’ blog back in mid-2008, which was a while before I became a White Nationalist, though I had been commenting on and reading various anti-Jewish or Jewish-critical websites (including many WNist websites) for at least a year before that, maybe even two years.

    I was appalled to gradually uncover the sickening extent of Jewish subversion and crimes against The West (as well as some non-Western nations), and the more I studied the Jewish problem the deeper and worse and more complex it seemed to get. In the last 2-3 years or so I have spent countless hours researching the Jewish problem, and I now consider myself to be somewhat of a mini-expert on these topics.

    I wish that I had more time to research the Jewish problem, as I am unable to consistently update ‘Zsidozas’ due to the time constraints plus lack of personal funds — more than anything that website is a public service of sorts, and I’m glad to do what I can when I can to expose the international Jewish menace.

    An idea I had recently was to start a critical ‘Jewish Studies’ wiki website (say ‘Jewpedia’ or something like that), similar to Wikipedia (using the same MediaWiki software/setup) but focused exclusively on Jewish crimes and subversion against The West (and non-West) throughout history; we here on OD and other similar websites really ought to look in to starting a wiki website like this in order to begin gathering the needed solid evidence to intellectually and socially oppose organized anti-White Jewry. We could invite dozens or possibly even hundreds of notable ‘anti-Semites’ from across the internet to contribute to the website whenever they have some free time, as wikis are obviously very easy to use and edit. In doing this we would thus get around the censorship that is increasingly evident on Wikipedia in regards to Jewish topics, and as stated we could begin to amass a huge ‘anti-Jewish’ archive which proves the disgusting extent of Jewish criminality and anti-Western/anti-White activities. Most of all though we need a centralized location where many critics of organized Jewry can work cooperatively together to gather reliable and solid info about the international Jewish problem. Here is my idea that I hope we can act on sometime in the future:

    + We need to start a Judeoskeptical wiki website in order to begin definitively cataloging the numerous anti-Western crimes and anti-White activities of Jews who have lived and are still living in The West. Using this wiki we could gradually amass huge lists and categories of, for instance, Jewish billionaires (exposing their huge disproportionality), Jewish bankers (ditto), Jewish mass-media owners (again, ditto), Jewish anti-White zealots, Jewish economists, dishonest Jewish anthropologists, anti-White Jewish academics, Jewish distorters of history, Jewish subversives/propagandists, sleazy Jewish lawyers, rip-off Jewish doctors, and so on to use as indisputable proof in our ongoing mental, social, economic, political, and cultural struggle against them. There is already a ton of information about Jews, Jewish history, and other Jewish topics cataloged over on Wikipedia (for instance, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Jews_by_country), but that website is becoming more and more censorious regarding Jews and Jewish topics — thus we should seek to transfer this vital information over to a new Judeoskeptical wiki website before much of it gets completely censored from Wikipedia by the free-speech-hating Jews who increasingly control that website. I for one would be willing to work full-time on a top-notch Judeoskeptical wiki website such as this if a pro-White individual of means and/or someone from a pro-White organization could provide the webspace and pay me a decent living-wage to do so. Similar to my previous idea, this would also work toward the creation of a comprehensive bibliography or master reference list of notable books, articles, websites, etc on the Jewish problem which are useful to the White Nationalist cause. – http://whitesurvival.wordpress.com/2009/12/09/im-still-around-plus-a-list-of-future-topics-i-will-hopefully-write-about-here/

  11. Holocaust-denial or its criminalization is complete irrelevant to White Nationalism or the ethnic genetic interests of Whites. The only thing it highlights is the extent of Jewish.

  12. How come? Isn’t Wiesel an American citizen? He represents a threat to the First Amendment.

    What would you have us do? Ignore these people? They want to turn the United States in the Federal Republic of Germany.

  13. It seems this discussion had proceeded here:

    I would note — and I don’t think that this counts as a personal attack — that the newly-minted philosemite Friedrich Braun has done as much of an about face in loyalties as old Benedict Arnold.

    For years, FriedrichBraun was pressing hard on the “Holohoax” question and spreading the word/proof that it was a myth. Spreading that word to all who would hear. Now it is the reverse: he supports Aggressive Holocaust-Propaganda, scolds and mocks any heretic who would dare question its Sanctity and Truth, and supports the professional-Holocaust-victim Wiesel and similar con-men. [Wiesel, a man who admits that he voluntarily fled westward with the retreating Germans in Jan.1945 when Auschwitz was taken, rather than accept Soviet liberation(!!)].

    BTW, I could have sworn that Wiesel died a couple of years ago… though I now that I think about it, that was Wiesenthal. Similar names, same M.O.s; an easy mistake to make.

  14. We have more interests than just white nationalism. We are people of good conscience, we seek the truth, and as Americans we value free speech.

    If you are running a political campaign, I agree it’s a nonstarter and should be avoided.

  15. For years, FriedrichBraun was pressing hard on the “Holohoax” question and spreading the word/proof that it was a myth. Spreading that word to all who would hear. Now it is the reverse: he supports Aggressive Holocaust-Propaganda, scolds and mocks any heretic who would dare question its Sanctity and Truth, and supports the professional-Holocaust-victim Wiesel and similar con-men. [Wiesel, a man who admits that he voluntarily fled westward with the retreating Germans in Jan.1945 when Auschwitz was taken, rather than accept Soviet liberation(!!)].

    BTW, I could have sworn that Wiesel died a couple of years ago… though I now that I think about it, that was Wiesenthal. Similar names, same M.O.s; an easy mistake to make.

    FB kinda reminds me of that scene in Platoon, the conversation between Charlie Sheen and Francesco Quinn. Sheen says, “I was wrong,” and Quinn replies, “wrong? You ain’t never been right!” He goes from the “heavy German model” (to use GW’s term) to the “ultralight Geert Wilders model.” One thing he’s held common the whole time is his uber-rightness.

    That probably seems a bit harsh Braun; I don’t mean to crap on you or anything, just poking a bit of fun.

  16. Thanks Wanderer, for pointing out that Wiesel fled with the Germans, rather than to the Soviet liberators. What a perfect commentary on Jews in general, and Wiesel in particular. One wonders if Wiesel would’ve survived to defame Germans in his novels-presented-as-non-fiction if he’d chosen differently in 1945.

  17. Also reminds me of an article I read years ago about how Jews are trickling back into Germany. Another perfect commentary on the tribe. How can they go back there? I suppose it’s “a Jewish thing, you’ll never understand.”

  18. “Similar names, same M.O.s; an easy mistake to make.” ( — Wanderer)

    Brazen liars and con men, both. (Not exactly an exception for the ethny.)

  19. It has come out that in order to serve in the U.S. government you have to be vetted by the Jews, who require documentary proof that you love, adore, and worship Israel more than anything else in the universe:

    http://www.toqonline.com/2009/12/our-masters-voice-2/ .

    If such proof cannot be furnished you are forbidden to serve in the U.S. government. Forbidden by the Jews.

    One can be absolutely certain that the Jews also must vet you for commitment to open borders and government-enforced race-replacement of non-Jewish whites (Jews are exempt from being forced to undergo race-replacement). Take that as a given. Furthermore, any foreign government the U.S. government heavily influences, or threatens to make trouble for if displeased, such as the government of Jewrmany for example, is without doubt also put through a vetting process by U.S. Jews for guaranteeing the commitment of all its officials to the twin Jewish policy requirements (only for white countries; Israel gets the opposite) of open borders with the Third World and government-enforced race-replacement of whites.

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