
In light of friedrich braun’s recent comments, I have finally decided to address this subject. Guy White has also accused me of ducking the issue in the past. This will be my definitive statement on the matter.

1.) Lack of interest. The Holocaust has never interested me. In the past, I have tried to research the topic, but found myself bored to tears. I don’t have much interest in the Third Reich or the Second World War. I’m much more interested in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Having never researched the matter in any detail, I plead ignorance and take no position on the truth or falsehood of revisionist claims.

2.) Not our fight. Holocaust revisionism isn’t our fight. The United States played an important role in the destruction of Nazi Germany. Americans aren’t to blame for the death of European Jews. This black cloud hangs over the Federal Republic of Germany. If anyone should address the issue, it should be German scholars, not Americans.

3.) Not irrelevant. Holocaust revisionism is not irrelevant to White Nationalism. Jews like Elie Wiesel and Jewish organizations like the ADL are attempting to use the issue as a battering ram to erode our First Amendment rights. They want to turn the U.S. into another European banana republic by writing the concept of “hate speech” into American law. For obvious reasons, White Nationalists should vigorously oppose their efforts before they thwart our ability to organize.

4.) Common cause. Holocaust revisionism is one of the few issues in which White Nationalists are supported by conservatives and libertarians. The broader rightwing recognizes the insidious threat to free speech that those who would criminalize Holocaust revisionism represent. Banning Holocaust revisionism in the name of fighting “hate speech” is a slippery slope that will eventually come back to burn the mainstream right.

5.) Holocaustianity. A pseudo-religion has grown up around the Holocaust. It has the whole grab bag of myths, martyrs, shrines, rituals, etc. The Holocaust is unique among other historical topics. Questioning its veracity is treated as a sacrilegious act. In several European countries, it is a crime that results in prison time. Holocaustianity should be relentlessly mocked and criticized.

6.) Importance. The Holocaust plays an important role in the White guilt complex. We simply can’t dismiss the issue. It is a tragedy that American children know more about the Holocaust than the American Revolution or the Civil War. It should be demphasized.

7.) Radicals. The only revisionist I know is Ingrid Zündel, whom I have met in person, the wife of the imprisoned revisionist Ernst Zündel. This harmless elderly woman was a victim of ethnic cleansing in Russia. She has devoted much of her life to caring for disabled children. This “radical” is anything but a threat to “national security.”

8.) Like any other subject. The Holocaust should be treated like any other subject. It should be open to free inquiry. Revisionists should not be demonized, persecuted, or imprisoned for exericising their right to write about the past. A plurality of views exist about the demise of the Roman Empire. Why should the Second World War be treated any different?

9.) American revisionists. I would much rather see American revisionists writing about the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Jim Crow South and the Civil Rights Movement than the Holocaust. Jews like Eric Foner have completely rewritten the history of Reconstruction. I have stressed the importance of “changing the culture” over engaging in fruitless political campaigns. American revisionism of this sort has an important role to play in that project.

10.) Politics. The Holocaust is completely irrelevant to engaging in “practical politics.” It can be nothing but a distraction to, say, a White racialist running for Congress in Alabama. Holocaust revisionism shouldn’t be a part of a pro-White political platform.

About Hunter Wallace 12392 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. 6.) Importance. The Holocaust plays an important role in the White guilt complex. We simply can’t dismiss the issue. It is a tragedy that American children know more about the Holocaust than the American Revolution or the Civil War. It should be demphasized.

    Or, for example, the REAL HOLOCAUST in the Ukraine and Russia.

    Particularly Holodomor, 1932-33, which was instigated by the jewish pig Lazar Kaganovitch, who REALLY was in charge of the Soviet (J)Union at that time. (Stalin was his bitch).

    7-8 million Ukrainian lives perished IN ONE YEAR thanks to this filthy kike.

  2. I’d like to know how much there is in common between the German Nazis in the 1930s, and people like Charles Lindbergh in the USA, or between the German Nazis and today’s normal white people who resist the policy of systematic race replacement.
    When the leftists call us nazis for opposing race replacement, it makes me think that the Nazis were probably not monsters who went about killing Jews and cripples all day long. I’m sure most of them were decent people, and I am obviously closer to their views than to the views of today’s TV journalists. But saying so is already considered as a kind of holocaust revisionism. Holocaust revisionism is not only about “the holocaust”. Simply saying that white people are not moral degenerates and have a right to exist is a kind of holocaust revisionism.

  3. “10.) [The Holocaust] can be nothing but a distraction to, say, a White racialist running for Congress in Alabama.”

    No white racialist is going to include a holocaust plank in his electoral platform. But if journalists know you have previously contested the Jewish version of European history, they are going to ask you questions about the holocaust. In that case, you must be prepared to give phony answers.

  4. One need not be a revisionist to critique the way the holocaust functions in contemporary politics. even if everything they say about the holocaust is true, it just does not follow logically or morally that because the Jews suffered a great deal during the Second World War they are now immune from criticism and have moral blank check to screw the rest of the human race until the sun burns out.

  5. First off, I don’t “blame the Jews” for holocaust denial laws like you do. States with very little Jewish influence have those laws. America has more Jewish influence than Europe. Holocaust Denial is legal in Jewish America and illegal in parts of non-Jewish Europe.

    I’m not “mainstream right” so I can’t act as a spokesmen. I’ve taken to an individual Jewish guy who lived in Israel and considered himself a national socialist over skype. I don’t consider myself a nazi but he did. He was FOR holocaust denial because he thought it was used as a liberal battering ram AGAINST JEWS! Too bad he blocked me later but that was over ideological disputes, not over Jewish people “turning on me.”

    The holocaust is taught in America as if it’s a completely Jew-Gentile matter. But the historical viewpoint help by most respected historians (respected in the field) is that the Germans also targeted Gypsies, Poles, Communists, dissidents etc. And the Croats targeted Serbs. I don’t support denying the holocaust but I don’t support outlawing it. With all due respect, I think you should be able to compare events. You should be able to compare the Ukrainian famine to the holocaust, you should be able to compare the murder of Armenians and Serbs and even Biblical events and to the holocaust.

  6. We need to start telling the truth about the lies. The FRAUD that is the Holohoax is the absolute source of Judaic power. That must be undone.

    There is no other choice.

    We must go beyond, as well, and ask Whites why they are so mindlessly invested in protectng an alien group, allowing that alien group to attack them in every way, and aiding and abetting their own destruction at the hand of this group,

  7. How can “The Federal Republic of Germany” have a “black cloud” over it over the Holohoax Issue?

    “The Federal Republic” is a great beneficiary of the Holocaust Myth.

    The black cloud you speak of is over Racial-Europeans all over the Earth, especially those who grow up speaking German.

    This post really misses the mark. I don’t think anyone proposes making anti-Holocaustianity the central tenet of any political platform. But as Greg Johnson posted above, the power of this Lie must be understood to make sense out European Mankind’s predicament today.

    To put our heads in the sand on this issue and refuse to address it intellectually, reminds me of those who argue that we should do the same about the Jewish Question generally. “Yes, Jews are bad — Yes, the Holocaust-Myth is a poisonously-destructive yet easily-refutable Lie — but it’s not worth making a fuss over, since it goes too deep.” That is logic I do not much care for. And it is logic that doesn’t follow from Hunter Wallace’s stated position on pursuing the Jewish Question generally despite their obvious deep power (power that terrifies the Jared Taylors).

  8. Iceman: I would argue that modern Europe (post-WWII) is essentially an American and thus heavily Jewish-influenced construct.

  9. There is only one only long-term prospect for the survival of European Man:
    The institutionalized-demonization of “Blood-and-Honor-ism” in the European Sociopolitical Mind must fall away. Barring that, no progress can be made.

    I doubt anyone disagrees with this.

    For this to happen, in particular the dominance of the Holocaust-Myth in modern social discourse must fall away. The fact that it is a Lie is tremendously-fertile territory. Unfortunately, it is now quasi-religious, with the Judenrampe long since having replaced Calvary.

  10. The narrative of the Holocaust-Myth says that any and all voelkisch sentiments among Europeans are inhuman. Morality for Europeans is *defined* now by how much a person is opposed to European-voelkischism.

    A bizarre psituation to be sure. And it actually has little or nothing to do with Nazism or even Germans as such anymore. This is why the stance of “Bah, it’s just a problem of ‘The Federal Republic of Germany’…” is wrongheaded.

    Tact is needed when engaging the public, but we should not self-censor when speaking amongst ourselves.

  11. “Iceman: I would argue that modern Europe (post-WWII) is essentially an American and thus heavily Jewish-influenced construct.” – Donald

    Uh, right on Don, my brother from another mother.

    Look what happened to the former Yugoslavia and then Serbia (or any other countries) that do not ‘play ball’ with the Pax Judaica.

    – Ostricism

    – Sanctions

    – Provoking ‘civil’ wars, usually by funding and supporting terrorist insurgencies

    – UN “resolutions” get passed

    – Then, last but not least, bombing of civilians and civilian infrastructure, followed by occupation disguised as ‘multinational peacekeepers’.


  12. If the Holocaust actually happened, this justifies or at least explains a lot of the Jewish behaviors that anti-Semites don’t like. It also lends a measure of credence to much of the anti-white rhetoric that the Left is fond of. The allegation being made is one of industrialized mass murder, carried out not by savages in New Guinea, but by the descendents of Kant, Beethoven and Goethe.

    Of course, the Holocaust probably doesn’t justify Jewish behavior or leftist rhetoric in the minds of anti-Semites, but it certainly does in the eyes of other whites whom anti-Semites are trying to convert.
    Conversely, if it didn’t occur, it justifies a lot of the hatred that anti-Semites have towards Jews. That’s one reason why it is important to find out the truth.

    I’d like to ask people one thing. IF you were presented with incontrovertable proof that there was a Nazi policy starting around 1942, after the war broke out, to “thin the herd” so to speak of eastern european Jews, by gassing a certain large percentage of them, would this change your present lack of sympathy for the Jewish people, and would it change your estimation of the Nazi regieme and what it was trying to accomplish?

    I would assume people like “Denise” and “ZOG” would be indifferent, and I would think the preacher from Missouri who posts here ought to be angry if the conventional Holocaust story turned out to be FALSE. But I wonder what Greg Johnson, Hunter and more moderate folks here think. Would it make any difference to you if a future unbiased examination, conducted by non-Jews after all Jews have been exiled to Israel or (preferably) Birobidzhan, determines that in fact there was some type of Nazi policy to thin the herd?

  13. Holocaust revisionism interests me. A book on the Frankfurt School at Nuremburg has yet to be written. Kevin MacDonald didn’t mention the behind-the-scenes role played there by Herbert Marcuse, Max Horkheimer and Theodore Adorno’s cultural denazification work in the DDR afterwards . I doubt many posters here have ever heard of the “The Ritchie Boys,” the thousands of German speaking Jewish refugees trained in psychological warfare at Camp Ritchie, Maryland and sent back into occupied Europe as psy ops soldiers, disinformation agents, interrogators, clerks, snoops and looters. Or the militant Zionist Irgun cell in Washington DC run by Hillel Kook (aka Peter Bergson) called “The Bergson Boys” who churned out precision placed German atrocity propaganda with the help of Hollywood screen writers like Ben Hecht. Holocaust revisionism isn’t just about skeletal Jews and Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS. It can also provide valuable lessons in understanding the advances in the science of social engineering of the last 60 years.
    Before David Irving lost his libel against Deborah Lipstadt in Old Bailey
    revisionists believed that if the holocaust was exposed to closer media scrutiny the public might wake up to the grip the holocaust industry has on the postmodern psyche. Instead, the reverse happened and
    the Irving trial proved to be a terrific victory for those pushing for more thought control and “hate” speech legislation. More anti-Semitism envoys and international watchdog bureaucracies.
    The total MSM blackout on the deportation case of British cyber heretics/US asylum seekers Steven Whittle and Simon Sheppard is further evidence that the battleship Auschwitz remains unsinkable and that we are dealing with a civil religion here, not just a set of historical events that if understood properly would serve to help liberate us from manufactured guilt.
    Despite the fact I retain hope for revisionist scholarship to continue setting the record straight I agree with the BNP leadership that the holocaust is a liability, a Third Rail to be avoided if WNs are to win enough ground in the public sphere to make any political headway. Americans believe World War II was all about trying to save Anne Frank. Telling them that the ball point pen wasn’t yet invented when she was writing in her diary with one isn’t going help get candidates elected.

  14. How can “The Federal Republic of Germany” have a “black cloud” over it over the Holohoax Issue?

    “The Federal Republic” is a great beneficiary of the Holocaust Myth.

    The black cloud you speak of is over Racial-Europeans all over the Earth, especially those who grow up speaking German.

    By the way gang, the “Federal Republic” of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) is neither ‘federal’ or really even a ‘republic’ …

    It IS, rather, a vassel state, and a caretaker government, of the Pax Judaica/Americana, which is codified in it’s “Basic Laws” of 1949, which was NEVER formally suspended, even though the BL was supposed to be temporary.

    Germany was supposed to legally return to its pre-1933 status as the ‘Deutsches Reich’, which would make it truly a sovereign realm once again.

    Luckily, their are German scholars and legal experts working toward this aim. Let’s wish them the best.

  15. Whoops! I made a mistake. Adorno worked in the American sector of occupied Germany, not the Soviet (DDR).

  16. whodareswings (12 Dec 2009 at 5:24 pm)
    Americans believe World War II was all about trying to save Anne Frank.

    Excellent post in general, and especially this point.

    The entirety of the 1939-1945 war has been cartoonified into “Hitler invaded various countries in order to kill their Jews; We courageously said ‘No!’ and went to war to stop him from killing Jews.” So laughably ahistorical, yet widely believed (basically).

    There is a deeper point here, though. 2010 will be upon us before we know it. With any luck, the child of a child born today will perhaps look back upon the 1940s as a distant historical memory, like we look upon the 1914-1918 War today. What that person-of-the-future will hopefully see is the entire scope of 20th Century history, not seeing “World War II” (a rather arbitrary and silly name) as some singular event. Seeing 20th-Century history rather as one long, connected series of events, “beginning” in mid-November of 1918 (Armistice Day), and ending in mid-November of 1989 (The symbolic end of communism with the fall of the Berlin Wall). The 1914-1918 war had caused the collapse of the Old Order in the European World. Thereafter, three insurgent political ideologies fought for sociopolitical supremacy in the European World:
    #1 – Capitalist-Liberal-Democracy,
    #2 – Communism,
    #3 – Blood-and-Honor-ism

    All countries had all three sides represented. As such, the 1920s and early 1930s were absolutely wild political times.
    But in the end, by 1989, #1 stood as the clear winner.

    The Holocaust fits into this puzzle easily. It was used by #1 and #2 to help demonize the defeated #3 from 1945 onward, in order to keep it dead.

  17. Re Z @ 12 Dec 2009 at 5:25 pm
    Many German ethnopatriots, of course, refer to the post-1949 German governments collectively as BRDDR.

    With Mahler in jail for Holocaust-related heresies, though, I don’t think any scholars are pursing the issue you speak of.

  18. ”modern Europe (post-WWII) is essentially an American and thus heavily Jewish-influenced construct.” ( — Donald, #9)

    This is correct. Read at the link herewith (below) how U.S. Jews control Europe’s countries (we have upwards of twelve million here and they’re extremely powerful and blend seamlessly into international Jewry in one continuous interconnected organism): their methods are illustrated, in this linked book review below, by using the example of how U.S. Jews in collusion with international Jewry brought Switzerland to heel in a gigantic shakedown operation netting Jewry many billions by pure blackmail, threats of boycotts, non-stop browbeating and ganging up, threats to sic the U.S. Congress on the targeted victim, etc.: .

    All of that treatment and worse is what would come crashing down like an avalanche on the head of any European politician, government, or nation that showed so much as a flicker of resistance to government-enforced race-replacement in his own country: anti-race-replacement sentiment has been placed on lockdown there in Europe as everywhere, largely by U.S Jews acting in concert with the Heebintern. Sure, Gates, Bush, Buffett, David Rockefeller, all the Kennedys, the Queen and Prince Charles, Sarkozy, and plenty of other Euros want race-replacement but the most fanatical, and the ones using the most strong-arm enforcement tactics, are the Jews without whom race-replacement would not have succeeded in becoming official Eurospherewide governmental policy.

    European comrades like A Finn, Constantin von H., Kai Murros, I believe to a large extent Guessedworker, and of course many others in Europe don’t realize how U.S. Jews operate behind the scenes to enforce race-replacement in the relatively Jew-sparse countries where these comrades live. “But in Finland we have like six Jews. How can the Jews be the ones responsible for the push to open Finland’s borders to Sub-Saharans?” Well, think of it as the extremely powerful U.S. Jews, with their international “reach,” acting in concert with your few home-grown ones in places like Finland, and read the article linked herewith, and you’ll get an idea: they do it — control your country from far-away Washington DC — the way they mounted their money-extorting hatchet-job on Switzerland, just part of the manner in which they will intimidate and punish any Eurosphere person, group, or country in order to get their way in the open-borders domain. The Jews have staked out two portfolios which they keep strictly for themselves and under their control at all times: open borders immigration policy and Israel’s well-being.

  19. “…open borders immigration policy and Israel’s well-being.”

    Oh, if Washington would only force Israel to have an open borders immigration policy!!!

  20. “If the Holocaust actually happened, this justifies or at least explains a lot of the Jewish behaviors that anti-Semites don’t like.”

    The problem with that idea is that all of these behaviors predate the Holocaust by hundred or thousands of years. Jews were agitating for open borders, racial equality and against white group consciousness as soon as large numbers of Ashkenazi Jews came to America in the late 18th Century.

  21. Even if it was proven that the Jews “made up” the holocaust, I would continue to support making links with individual people of Jewish ancestry.

    That said, I believe it happened.

  22. In fact if the Jews are clever the enough to invent such a lie, I’d only like them more. I’m not for moralistic bullshit. Smart people know how to lie.

  23. As I blogged elsewhere, we live in a world run by thugs and nobody really gives a shit about you or me. To see Jews dominate our hypocritical world doesn’t reflect as much on Jews as it does on the fact that morality is bullshit. Richard Kuklinski and the Italian mafia were not nice guys but they were rich. Nice guys really do finish last.

    The people who are most shocked by Jewish behavior are idealists who don’t realize the extent that we live in a world that is completely thuggish, Jews or no Jews. War on Iraq. It must be the Jews. Racial treason. It must be the Jews. Holocaust industry. It must be Judaism and not profit. Yeah Jews exploit the holocaust but that’s our cruel world. As long as their is libertarian capitalism, than that type of behavior will always be encouraged. The mafia, etc.

    I don’t think anything can fix this but a stronger state. Sorry but I don’t think “white nationalism” could fix the flaws of human nature, I really don’t.

  24. Holocaust Revision is simply interesting. I think one of the most interesting aspects is the comparison to the Russian Holocaust. Vast swathes of Euros, including most conservative and many racially aware Euros, have bought into aspects of the Jewish Holocaust mythos. In particular, I’m referring to the “guilt by association” meme whereby Euro ethnopatriotism (but not Afro or Mongo ethnopatriotism) is considered “discredited” by the fact that National Socialists were ethnopatriots. Fascinating! The “logic” goes: Soviet butchers, acting under the aegis of Communism, anti-racism, race-denial, blank-slatism and radical equalitarianism killed tens of millions; Third Reich butchers, acting under the aegis of National Socialism, racism, race-realism, hereditarianism, and elitism killed millions. The take home lesson? Nazi values bad, Commie values good.

    Parallels between Nazi Germany and modern Israel are obvious and plentiful. But this nowhere seems to make much difference. (The mythical “war of ideas” huge numbers of intellectuals seem to believe in has ignored the idea that if Jews are granted extraordinary privileges by their Holocaust, they’re also given extraordinary responsibilities; i.e., they don’t get to act like Nazis).

    The point I take from all of this is that it is obviously power, not some imagined victory in any war of ideas, that fuels Jewry’s ascendancy in the West.

    As for Jewish Holocaust revision per se, that’s fascinating too, if somewhat esoteric at bottom, as well as peripheral. I am not a National Socialist. I am not a Jewish Holocaust revisionist. I do not have a strong emotional attachment to any of my observations to follow. That said, there is much about the narrative that offends the nostrils. If you move past the Jews wailing at the wall, so to speak, you’re struck by how shabby the tale is. Deep thinking about how the process was carried out is not in evidence. The Kennedy Assassination seems to have gathered more scrutiny. Where are the remains? The only evidence that x million Jews died seems to come from censuses (!), eye-witness testimony (!!), confessions (!!!), etc.

    Why was I able to sketch out in half an hour a paper napkin style “final solution” far more efficient than that supposedly employed by the Third Reich? (The trains they’re rounded onto move to channels where the passenger cars are flooded. All passengers are dead within 15 minutes, and can be transported directly to disposal areas. No messy or expensive gas, no lodging expenses, no camps to build or explain, etc.).

    Why is so much of the Jewish Holocaust narrative itself considered “holocaust denial” by Orthodox believers? A fellow with the handle Yehuda Bauer has illustrated this brilliantly at Stormfront (I’ll post the link in a subsequent comment).

    My point is, if Orthodox historians of the Jewish Holocaust want to be taken seriously by people who simply do not take appeals to authority seriously (as anything other than an offending stench in their nostrils), they need to answer the revisionists. They have to treat the subject as history, something they are manifestly not doing, and have not done.

    The subject is a wonderful acid test for critical thinkers. If you can think critically about the Jewish Holocaust, you’re well on your way to being a fully critical thinker. If you can’t, then you can hardly call yourself a critical thinker.

    Since I am treading on many a man’s religion at this point, I feel compelled to re-emphasize that my primary motivation is not a strong interest in Jewish Holocaust revision or National Socialism. My motivation is a strong interest in heterodoxy and critical thinking; the story simply stinks, gentlemen. It should be cleaned up. If it cannot be cleaned up, it should be swept away. As it is, it offends the senses of any western man worth the name.

  25. First off, I don’t “blame the Jews” [for anything]

    That goes without saying.

    States with very little Jewish influence have those laws. America has more Jewish influence than Europe. Holocaust Denial is legal in Jewish America and illegal in parts of non-Jewish Europe.

    Is there such a thing as a state with very little Jewish influence? That’s like saying, “a state over which the USA has very little influence.” Which states would those be?

    But I suppose you’re right, it’s probably a bit hasty to presume guilt on the part of Jews. There’s smoke all over the place, but no one’s videotaped them doing the deed throughout western Europe.

    Okay, so I’m mocking you here, but I should point out that I agree, at least at the fundamental level that I think we should be cautious about transferring (in the psychological sense) Jewish power in America to Europe. We know for sure that in most of western Europe, questioning the Jewish Holocaust is a punishable offense. We don’t know exactly who has made this so. My guess is, a coalition of interests which would very much include American Jewry.

  26. To see Jews dominate our hypocritical world doesn’t reflect as much on Jews as it does on the fact that morality is bullshit.

    How does it not reflect on Jews? Its not as if each individual Jew did things independently of his ethnic considerations and miraculously arrived at the same destination as all these other Jews by mere coincidence.

    Nice guys really do finish last.

    I agree, but this has little to do with the analysis of ethnic interests.

    War on Iraq. It must be the Jews.

    It was the Jews.

    Racial treason. It must be the Jews.

    Jews did open the immigration floodgates.

    Holocaust industry. It must be Judaism and not profit. Yeah Jews exploit the holocaust but that’s our cruel world.

    Yes, those poor Jews! The world is so cruel that they have no other choice but to foist upon everyone a slave morality, to make everyone suffer along side them and to deny them their own heritage and identity.

    As long as their is libertarian capitalism, than that type of behavior will always be encouraged.

    To an extent, yes, capitalism does promote parasitism, but you’re missing the point. This is about ethnic group interests, not economic ideology. Jews behaved similarly under communism and a host of other ideologies. The issue is multiculturalism.

    I don’t think anything can fix this but a stronger state. Sorry but I don’t think “white nationalism” could fix the flaws of human nature, I really don’t.

    Nobody (that I know of, anyway) says that WN can fix every human vice. However, the vices you mention are the result of multiculturalism. A distinct ethnic group living in a parallel society (Jews) competing with another ethnic group (Whites) for power and resources will result in conflict. WN solves these problems by eliminating multiculturalism – diversity creates mutual distrust (Putnam), whereas ethnically homogenous communities have higher degrees of social solidarity and altruism.

    There have been essentially two responses to the Jewish Question over the centuries – either attempt to force them to assimilate into the majoritarian culture or attempt to expel them.

    While disagreeing with you on the genetic analysis of Jews (and concurring with Ted Sallis), I do think Jews are racially similar enough and so small in numbers that their complete assimilation into the population would have no perceptible effect on the whole. So in theory, I would support this solution.

    In practice, however, Jews have fervently resisted assimilation and practiced cryptology to hide their Jewishness. I do not believe there is any reasonable way to accommodate Jews into a future white ethnostate, other than a small number of individuals perhaps. I think the only way to deal with the problem is to expel the Jews from white lands (to Israel, presumably).

  27. And I should point out that unlike many WNs, ethnopatriots, what have you, I don’t go ’round calling the Jewish Holocaust narrative “lies” and such. I’m not an historian so I don’t feel remotely qualified to make that call. What I would rather do is reframe the issue. I consider myself on the jury, and I think there’s mountains of reasonable doubt about the Jewish Holocaust narrative. The evidence is simply not sufficient, in my mind, to convict the Euro population or Euro ethnopatriotism. This is not to say I categorically deny the narrative, only that I find it very fishy and far from good enough to be considered damning evidence against the defendant. And if I move myself to the role of Judge, I have to throw the evidence out on numerous grounds.

  28. I’d like to ask people one thing. IF you were presented with incontrovertable proof that there was a Nazi policy starting around 1942, after the war broke out, to “thin the herd” so to speak of eastern european Jews, by gassing a certain large percentage of them, would this change your present lack of sympathy for the Jewish people, and would it change your estimation of the Nazi regieme and what it was trying to accomplish?

    Yes and no. On one hand, Jewish belief would be justified, so yes. On the other no, because regardless of the truth of the matter, Jewish belief is what it is and I have sympathy for that. So in the final analysis, not much, because I’ve already included the fact that Jews really believe their narrative in my analysis.

  29. The people who are most shocked by Jewish behavior are idealists who don’t realize the extent that we live in a world that is completely thuggish, Jews or no Jews.

    Forgive me my ignorance, I don’t know all the personalities here. Are you an ethnopatriot? If so, why? It’s long been my observation and belief that ethnopatriots are the kind of people who care about their fellow man (even if he has a narrower definition of “fellow” than other “idealists”), and that nihilists, Machiavellians, radical individualists, etc., are stony ground for recruitment purposes. In short, ethnopatriotism is for people who care about something beyond themselves. You seem to violate these tendencies. Where have I gone wrong?

  30. Sorry but I don’t think “white nationalism” could fix the flaws of human nature.

    Again the incongruity. Are you an ethnopatriot? What is the intersection of your intellectual world, and that of most of the men here? You come across more as adversary than ally.

  31. Historical revision is a process that no one can ultimately stop. The so-called ‘Holocaust’, as defined and articulated by organized Jewry, is obviously one of the major tools that they use to control their ‘hosts’; to keep them morally anesthetized, ideologically emasculated and politically neutralized. It is perforce, their key weapon used to instill White “guilt” in any population that they can influence and toxify with it. As Robert Faurisson has articulated, and as others have noted here, it is now the religious altar that the ‘Goy’im’ are required to worship at. This shameless exploitation of whatever travails they may have experienced 60-70 years ago, in a terrible war that they helped to incite and aggravate, is now being used as a moral cudgel to manipulate, not only the hapless Germans, but the greater Anglo world as well. In other words, the Anglo world is now getting a taste of its own kosher medicine, and the Rx is gene altering. That’s how Jewry rewards its “friends”, and that’s why historical truth is so important, however it may be used or interpreted.

  32. Iceman: “First off, I don’t “blame the Jews” for holocaust denial laws like you do.”

    You could also argue that the fuss over “antisemitism” doesn’t come from the Jews. In France, you can be fined in court for remarking that accusations of nazism and antisemitism stem from the Jews. This is because that kind of generalization can be a encouragement to racial violence or religious hate towards the Jews.
    It is all right and perfectly natural for a predominantly Jewish public radio to support race replacement and to throw accusations of nazism at European nationalists. After all, immigration is an enrichment, and many nationalists do have a nazi streak. But it is unacceptable and judicially dangerous to say that support for race-replacement and accusations of nazism come from the Jews.

  33. Svigor, I’m a “racist” and a state-worshiping nationalist. Not a person who thinks we’d all be singing kum-by-yah if Jews didn’t exist.

    My view of the world is much more “harsh” than wns.

  34. If the Holocaust actually happened, this justifies or at least explains a lot of the Jewish behaviors that anti-Semites don’t like.

    Shaky premise.

    If the Holocaust happened as a response to past Jewish misdeeds, then it does not justify present Jewish malfeasance.

  35. Svigor, I’m a “racist” and a state-worshiping nationalist.

    What’s the upshot of all that?

    Not a person who thinks we’d all be singing kum-by-yah if Jews didn’t exist.

    If turnabout is fair play, at best you’re a person who thinks Jews have nothing to do with it.

  36. “In fact if the Jews are clever the enough to invent such a lie, I’d only like them more. I’m not for moralistic bullshit. Smart people know how to lie.”

    Ah yes, the Talmudic mindset at its “finest”.

    Gee, by this standard, Talmudists should absolutely adore the German National Socialists, Hussein and his Baath Party in Iraq, Ahmadinejad of Iran, Assad of Syria, and anyone else who is wise to/knows how to play their deceitful game.

  37. The three critical attributes of the Holocaust® are the demographics (how many died), the methodology (how they died), and the singularity (a unique genocide). The soft underbelly of Holocaust® theology is the singularity.

    Organized Jewry believes their Holocaust® is unique, unlike any other. The implication is that genocide against Jews is worse than genocide against others, which also implies that Jewish life is inherently more valuable than non-Jewish life. And this is the foundation of Jewish supremacism.

    Instead of arguing numbers and technology, we attack the singularity of the Holocaust by illustrating how it’s been weaponized to promote political orthodoxy. We show how perfectly law-abiding people have lost their jobs and their freedom for merely disputing facts about the Holocaust®. We invite people to ponder why, if the Holocaust® story is so inerrant, people are being oppressed for disputing it. We tell them that the truth requires no statutory protection; it can stand on its own merits. This approach can win constitutionalists and libertarians over to our Cause.

    Then to win the “values voters” over to our Cause, we ask another question. We ask, “Why do we have 25 museums in the United States to memorialize the alleged six million foreign Jewish victims of a 65-year-old Holocaust, but no museums to memorialize the 50 million American victims of America’s ongoing Holocaust Against The Unborn?”.

    This approach puts the Holocaust Industry on the defensive.

  38. Forgive me my ignorance, I don’t know all the personalities here. Are you an ethnopatriot?

    He’s 1/4 or 1/2 Jewish and clearly self-identifies as a Jew or part-Jew.

  39. Crypto-Aryan,

    Hitler’s policies toward the Jews was a response to the same sort of “culture distortion” that is going on today in the United States. In America, Jews were already involved in radical leftwing politics and attempts to undermine the scientific legitimacy of racial theory before the Holocaust.

  40. Wanderer,

    My time is limited. If you haven’t noticed, I focus almost exclusively on the Jewish Question as an American problem. Aside from the occasional post on the BNP, I rarely post about European issues.

  41. “This is an occult war.”

    Gee, someone FINALLY noticed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sometimes Kulaks do learn. Right on.

  42. I’d like to ask people one thing. IF you were presented with incontrovertable proof that there was a Nazi policy starting around 1942, after the war broke out, to “thin the herd” so to speak of eastern european Jews, by gassing a certain large percentage of them, would this change your present lack of sympathy for the Jewish people?

    Absolutely not. The Jewish community long ago decided that it had no moral obligations to non-Jews. Ipso facto, we have no moral obligations to the Jewish community. The Jewish community reaps what it sows, which are the seeds of destruction.

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